Which cheese is less salty. List of low-fat cheeses - calorie content of cheeses.


About the benefits, taste and nutritional properties cheese is known all over the world. By the way, many nutritionists strongly advise eating it for people who want to lose weight, without limiting themselves too much in food. For such purposes, there are certain, most suitable varieties, which differ from the rest in the smallest percentage of fat content. The so-called "fat-free" cheese contains no more than twenty percent fat, light - up to thirty. There is a product with its normal content (forty to fifty percent), double fat (from sixty to seventy) and triple (very fatty cheeses, the percentage of fat in which is more than seventy-five). low fat cheese, as well as light, is prepared, as a rule, on the basis of lightened milk. For the preparation of more high-calorie varieties are used heavy cream, as well as their mixture with whole cow's milk.

diet food

Those who wish to lose a few kilograms of weight with the help of diets are recommended to include low-fat cheese in their diet. This will help not only improve the figure, but also diversify the diet, which is extremely important in order to protect yourself from the so-called "food breakdown", which affects the vast majority of dieters. In addition, there are many types of light cheeses. You can choose any that you like more, or alternate between them. Due to the boom in popularity Japanese cuisine in our country, more and more Russians eat soy cheese. He contains great amount proteins, therefore, by its properties it is an excellent substitute meat products. There are few calories in it, respectively, it is the best suited for a diet menu.

Varieties of low-calorie cheeses

No less popular in Russia is granular cottage cheese, which can also be attributed to cheese to some extent. Its calorie content is extremely low, and the fat content, as a rule, does not exceed five percent. Another well-known fat-free cheese called "ricotta" is made from low-fat milk. It contains only one hundred and forty calories. Diversify your diet and pamper your taste buds you can use delicious smoked cheese. It tastes significantly different from other types, but it does not become less useful from this. The percentage of fat in this product is quite low, and the calories in it are the same as in ricotta. Slightly more high-calorie are the types of mozzarella and "Fitness". Very tasty white fat-free cheese, which is made in the form of fibers, subsequently woven into a pigtail. Fat in it is not more than ten percent, and the number of calories does not exceed one hundred and fifty. To taste, it is somewhat reminiscent of a brine product from Georgia called "suluguni". Feta - tender cheese, fat-free, with a slightly salty aftertaste. Many housewives know it very well, since the product is especially good for preparing all kinds of light snacks and salads. Its calorie content does not exceed one hundred and fifty calories per hundred grams. Cheese has the same fat content.

If you are using any diet for weight loss or just trying to eat right, you should not eat only low-fat foods, because.

The only thing you need to choose products with a low percentage of fat, they are less high in calories. The list below will help you with this - a list low-fat varieties cheese.

As you know, cheese is the most useful, easily digestible product, it has a lot of protein for building muscle tissue (more than in fish or meat), calcium, zinc, phosphorus, vitamins E, C, A, D, PP, group B.

However, it is necessary to distinguish between low-fat and fatty varieties of cheese. Most cheeses that we are used to have a fat content of 50-70% (50-70 grams of fat per 100 grams of product). The task of a person who takes care of his appearance and figure is to use cheeses up to a maximum of 30% fat.

Low-fat cheeses and their calorie content

First on our list is soy cheese Tofu. This cheese has a fat content of 1.5 to 4%. It contains in large quantities and is an alternative to meat protein. The calorie content of this cheese is 80 kcal per 100 grams. Ideal as a sandwich for a snack, as well as a valuable ingredient in salads.

Ricotta cheese not made from skimmed milk, as many believe, but from whey, which remains during the preparation of other types of cheese. Its fat content is 8-13%, and the calorie content is 174 kcal. In addition to calcium, vitamins A and group B, it contains the essential amino acid methionine, an essential amino acid for the liver. This cheese is often used in the form of salads, desserts and as an independent snack.

Mozzarella also made from skimmed milk. Sold usually in the form of balls in saline solution. Fat contains 22.5%, calories 149-240, depending on the variety of mozzarella.

(grain cheese) looks like grains of cottage cheese, cooked in salty fresh cream, its fat content is not more than 5%, calorie content is up to 125 kcal. They are seasoned with salads, and also used as an independent dish. It is also often referred to as homemade or country cheese (in the West, cottage cheese).

Chechil cheese also applies to low-fat varieties of cheese (only 5-10%). The consistency of this cheese resembles Suluguni. It is produced in the form of fibrous dense threads, which are twisted in the form of a pigtail. It contains salt in large quantities, as it ripens in brine, it is often sold smoked. Contains 313kcal.

Low fat cheeses Valio Polar, Fitness, Grünlander contain approximately 148 kcal with a fat content of only 5-10%. You just have to look for them in expensive supermarkets or hypermarkets. And read the packaging, some of them may not contain 5% fat, but 5% yogurt.

Feta or light cheese. Many consider cheese to be a dietary product, they love it in salads, especially in Greek, but the calorie content of ordinary cheese is 250 kcal with a high percentage of fat content. An alternative appeared in stores: feta-light (light cheese), its fat content is from 5 to 17%, an average calorie content is 160 kcal.

Low-fat cheeses Arla, Natura and Valio, Oltermanni . Reminiscent of taste fresh milk, an excellent product for all those who are trying to eat right and maintain a figure. The calorie content of such cheeses is 210-270kcal and 16-17% fat.

Suluguni is a Georgian pickled cheese. Its fat content is 24%, calorie content is 285kcal.

I think in this list of low-fat cheeses, you can choose for yourself "your" cheese that will satisfy you and palatability m, and for the usefulness that it will have on your body.

Enjoy your meal!

In order to stay slim and fit, we recommend that you replace regular hard cheese with less fat and high-calorie varieties of cheese. How much fat is in different varieties cheese, we'll talk in this article.

Types of low-fat cheeses

It is worth noting that low-fat cheese does not exist. Fat is present in any variety, the difference is only in its quantity. For example, in ordinary durum varieties approximately 50-60% fat, which means 50-60g of fat per 100g of product. But for women seeking to build weight, such cheese is a very expensive pleasure for their figure, so we will tell you about less fatty varieties cheese.

1. Low-fat tofu cheese (soy cheese, 1.5-4% fat)

In terms of its density and color, this cheese is very similar to unsalted cheese. Because tofu is made from soy milk, it is rich in proteins and calcium, which is so necessary for children and the elderly.
Tofu is a dietary product, since its calorie content per 100g is only 90 kcal. In addition, tofu helps reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, which prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases.

2. Low-fat cheese Grained cottage cheese (granular cottage cheese, fat content 5%)

In fact grained cottage cheese It is a low fat cheese. By its appearance and quality, it is grains from cottage cheese in fresh salted cream. This cheese is used either as independent dish or as a dressing for fresh vegetable salads.
The well-known diet of Kim Protasov recommends including granular cottage cheese in your diet, since there are only 85 kcal and 17g of high-quality proteins per 100g of this product.

3. Low-fat Gaudette cheese (7% fat)

Goudette is a semi-hard cheese from Scherdinger very suitable for lovers of Gouda cheese. Since it contains only 7% fat (15% dry matter) and a large amount of calcium, we recommend using it during any diet.

4. Low-fat cheese Chechil (fat content 5-10%)

Chechil is a "pigtail" that beer lovers liked so much, because 100g of the product contains 4-8% salt and up to 10% fat. In appearance, it resembles fibrous threads tied in the form of a braid. Chechil ripens in brine, in the store you can often see it smoked.

5. Low-fat cheese Valio Polar, Grulander, Fitness (fat content 5-10%)

These cheeses are simply indispensable for women who want to quickly lose weight and keep the result. The composition of such cheeses must be studied on the packaging. It should be noted that some of them contain 5% yogurt, not fat.

6. Low-fat Ricotta cheese (13% fat)

In fact, ricotta is not made from milk, like most other cheeses, but from whey, which is left over from other types of cheese. Ricotta is indispensable in nutrition, because it contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals, and most importantly - methionine, which is useful for the liver.

7. Low-fat Feta cheese (light cheese, fat content 5-17%)

Many people like cheese as an independent dish or in a salad, for example, in Greek. But not many people know that cheese is very fat and high in calories (260 kcal per 100g).
Now there is good news for lovers of this product: in stores you can see light cheese, feta-light, which in terms of its taste is not inferior to a full-fledged 60% cheese. For example, Fetaki Aktiv, 17% fat.

8. Low-fat cheese Arla, Oltermani (fat content 16-17%)

These cheeses are very suitable for people who follow a healthy lifestyle and strive for an ideal figure. Such cheeses are dense in texture with small uniform holes, they taste like fresh milk.

Among the huge variety of dietary products, low-fat cheeses occupy a special place.

Do not assume that they do not contain fat at all.

They are present, but only in small quantities.

List of fat-free cheeses with calories

Almost all varieties of cheese can be divided into three groups depending on their fat content:

  1. Group 1 - fat-free, which have up to 20% fat.
  2. Group 2 - lungs - from 20 to 30%.
  3. Group 3 - from 30% fat - ordinary cheeses.

Among fat-free ones, so-called “white” cheeses are also distinguished - mozzarella, brynza, Adyghe.

If you list the varieties in ascending order of fat percentage, then Tofu is the least fat. In addition to the fact that it contains a record minimum of fats (from 1.5 to 4 percent and only 80-90 calories per 100 g), this variety is also valued for its beneficial qualities.

Scientists have found that it contains substances that positively affect the purification of blood from cholesterol. In addition, as in many cheeses, it contains a large amount of calcium, which is responsible for the condition of bone tissue.

Cottage cheese also boasts a low amount of fat - only 5% and 85 calories per 0.1 kg of product. It is used for cooking various dishes(salads, etc.), and are consumed in their pure form.

In my own way appearance he is very similar to fresh cottage cheese. However, unlike the latter, it is mixed with fresh salted cream.

Other low-fat representatives of the varieties are Valio Polar, Fitness and Grunlander. They contain about 150 calories, and the fat content ranges from 5 to 10 percent.

Some of them may also contain yogurt instead of 5% fat.

Gaudette is more light cheese for fans of the Gouda variety. It contains a large amount of calcium and at the same time only 7% fat and 199 kcal per 100 g.

Chechil - in appearance it is very similar to suluguni, but it has a more fibrous structure. It can be easily seen among the rest on the counter, as it is sold in the form of threads tied into a bundle.

This product contains up to 10% fat and 313 kcal per 0.1 kg.

Ricotta, unlike many varieties, is not made from skimmed milk, but from whey, which appears after the preparation of two other types of cheese. This variety also has a low fat content (from 8 to 13 percent and 174 kcal per 100 g) and is suitable for those who love cheese and at the same time try to lose extra pounds.

About the same amount of fat is contained in Oltermani cheese - 17% and 210-270 calories. When you try it, the first taste association arises with milk.

Also, similar varieties are Arla, Natura and Valio.

Feta (fats - from 5 to 15%, about 160 kcal) is also called light cheese. It is also considered a dietary product and is often found in various vegetable salads and as snacks.

Mozzarella, although distinguished by a fat content of more than 20% (or rather 22.5), also applies to diet varieties cheeses. It is usually sold in the form of small balls, no larger than quail egg, which are immersed in a special saline solution.

There are 150 to 250 calories per 100 g, depending on the variety.

How to choose the right low-fat cheese in the store

Low-fat cheese can be purchased in supermarkets and cheese shops, or you can cook it yourself.

If you decide to follow the first option, it is important to remember the main points that will help you choose a quality and fresh product:

  • contact trusted stores where the rules for storing products are observed;
  • look at the coloring: low-fat cheeses have a light or white color, due to the fact that it is created from skimmed milk;
  • when choosing, also pay attention to the edges and cuts: they should not be cracked or crumbled (the only variety to which this applies is Indiazabal);
  • if possible, be sure to try the product you want to purchase;
  • pay attention to the cost: low-fat cheeses cannot be cheap, but if you see a low price, then in its production some ingredients were replaced with cheaper vegetable fats.

Recipe for low fat cheese at home

Many people, after going to the store or a couple of unsuccessful purchases, think about how to make such a useful and low-calorie product at home, where you can control all the ingredients and be calm about the quality and freshness.

In fact, it is quite simple to make cheese from fat-free cottage cheese. It will take no more than an hour to create it.

In addition, it will come out much cheaper than buying other low-calorie cheese in the store.

To create you will need:

  • fat-free cottage cheese - 1 kg;
  • a glass of milk (you can have an average fat content of 2.5%);
  • one egg;
  • salt - a teaspoon without a slide;
  • soda - half a teaspoon;
  • butter - a small piece (about 10-15 g);
  • olive oil - a teaspoon.

Also, in addition to the main components, you need to prepare kitchen utensils: you will need a saucepan with a thick bottom, a colander and a form for future cheese (a deep and not too wide bowl will do).

Now you can roll up your sleeves and get to work. Pour the cottage cheese into a saucepan, where then add the milk.

Turn on the stove and put the saucepan on a small fire (power). Stir occasionally.

It is necessary to ensure that the cottage cheese is completely dissolved in milk. After the liquid boils, cook for another 7-10 minutes and remove from heat.

We throw everything into a prepared colander, and put oil, salt, soda, egg and cottage cheese into the empty saucepan after it is stacked. Return it to the fire and mix the ingredients thoroughly.

Gradually, the mass will become viscous - this is a sign that the cheese is ready.

Lubricate the prepared form olive oil, after which we spread the mass obtained in the saucepan there. Now you just need to wait until it hardens and cools, although it is also delicious when warm.

simple recipe homemade cheese learn from cottage cheese with herbs from the video.

Homemade skim milk cheese

You can also use skimmed milk for cooking.

In this case, the main ingredients for making fat-free cheese will be:

  • cottage cheese (fat-free) - about 0.5-0.6 kg;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • milk with a fat content of 0.5% - half a liter;
  • salt teaspoon without top;
  • soda - 2 g.

The process begins, as in the previous case, by mixing cottage cheese with milk. To do this, you can use both forks, a whisk, and a blender.

As a result, you should get a relatively homogeneous liquid mixture, which we put on a small fire and stir occasionally with a spatula.

The heating process is necessary in order to separate the cheese base from the whey. This usually takes about 10-15 minutes.

After that, we recline everything in a colander so that the liquid is completely glass.

Then we return the base for the cheese back to the saucepan, put the egg, salt, and soda there as well and mix well (you can use a blender at low speed).

We put the saucepan on the fire (you can also use water bath if the sides of the pan are thin enough). We stir and when we begin to notice that the mixture thickens and lags behind the walls, we can stop.

We spread the mass in molds and put it in the refrigerator to cool and solidify.

Be that as it may, homemade cheeses are in many ways healthier than store-bought ones. Especially if you do not know what components were used to create it and how long it has been stored.

But when preparing this diet treat for home cooking some tips to keep in mind:

  1. Keep in mind that the main covenant in the preparation of homemade fat-free cheese is the choice of quality and fresh ingredients.
  2. If you cook cheese yourself, you can diversify the recipe by adding herbs, spices, garlic, and so on.
  3. When you cook cheese, in addition to it, you also get whey, which can later be used to make pies, cold soups, pancakes.
  4. The mold may not be lubricated with oil.
    In this case, in order to easily separate the finished cheese from the surface, you can use cling film: it needs to cover the entire surface of the form.
  5. Don't be afraid if the cheese base turns a little yellow during the last steps, when you add the eggs, salt and soda.
    This is due to interaction with soda.

Even if you are on a diet and trying to get rid of extra pounds, cheeses cannot be completely abandoned, since they contain a lot useful substances that contribute to the normal functioning of the body.

In this case, fat-free cheeses with a minimum of fat and a maximum of useful components will be assistants.

An easy-to-make, but very similar to a real store-bought hard cheese recipe: homemade fat-free hard cheese that can be eaten on the Dukan Diet on Attack, Alternate and Fasten, find out from the video.

In contact with

Cheese is milk product With high content squirrel. It would seem that it can be included in your diet without problems and any restrictions. But no, unfortunately, it has one significant drawback - high fat content, due to which the calorie content of the product is also quite high.

However, there are special varieties of low-fat cheese, moderate consumption of which, along with unconditional benefits for the body, will not harm your figure at all. What are these cheeses called? What cheese is considered low-calorie?

As you already understood, the leading factor that affects energy value of this product is an indicator of its fat content. A unit mass of fat provides almost three times more energy than the same amount of carbohydrates, which is why the fat content is so important. The debate about what kind of cheese can be considered low-calorie has not subsided for a long time. It should be noted that the standard fat content of cheese is 50-60g or 50-60% in dry matter. Therefore, an indicator of 30 is considered to be a certain line between “ordinary” and “dietary” types. We want to offer you a list of low-fat cheeses.

Tofu - soy cheese (fat content 1.5-4%)

Although it is made on the basis of soy milk, tofu is classified as a curd cheese, as it resembles low-fat and unsalted cheese in color and texture. According to its content, tofu is rich in high-quality proteins, so it can be successfully replaced with meat. Calcium, present in excess in this product, has an excellent effect on the bone skeleton, which makes tofu an ideal product for consumption by the elderly in order to prevent diseases such as osteoporosis.

In addition, 100 gm of tofu cheese contains only 90 calories, so it is recommended to include it in diet menu. Many celebrities have replaced dairy products and cheeses in their diets with soy products, so many diets have now been developed that involve reduced consumption. classic cheeses, while tofu is recommended for daily consumption along with plant-based foods.

A number of nutritionists also claim it healing properties, because it has already been proven that it helps to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol (LDL) in the blood, which serves to prevent many cardiovascular diseases.

Cottage cheese (fat content 5%)

Cottage cheese is a type of low-fat cottage cheese. It is a curd grain mixed with fresh, slightly salted cream. It can be used as an independent dish, as well as for cooking various salads(for example, vegetable salad with cottage cheese).

Since ancient times, grained cottage cheese has been dietary products, is part of a large number diets. The casein protein contained in it is an optimal replacement for animal proteins, can be used in sports nutrition(the product is in great demand among bodybuilders). As part of granular cottage cheese there are no purines, easily digestible proteins do not irritate the joints, unlike meat proteins.

Cottage cheese is indicated for use by young people (as a bone tissue growth stimulant) and older people (due to the lack of purines). The product is rich in calcium, its use helps to strengthen nervous system which is very important for modern people who face numerous stresses every day. Its presence in the daily diet contributes to the prevention of atherosclerosis, has a strengthening effect on bone tissue.

Gaudette (7% fat)

Gaudette is an easy delight for those who strive for a healthy lifestyle.

Semi-hard Gaudette cheese contains only 7% fat (15% in dry matter). This cheese with soft-thin, somewhat piquant taste, ideal for lovers of the famous Gouda cheese. In addition, cheese is easily digestible and has a high calcium content. Therefore, this cheese must be present in the diet of every cheese lover.

Chechil (fat content 5-10%)

This fibrous pickled cheese the consistency resembles suluguni. It is produced in the form of dense fibrous strands, twisted into tight bundles in the form of a pigtail, often in a smoked form.

In appearance, this cheese has nothing to do with any other. It is produced in the form of strands of fibrous structure, tied into a bundle. Chechil ripens in brine, but often it is mixed with cottage cheese or other cheese and stuffed into unglazed jugs or wineskins.

The taste and smell of this cheese are sour-milk, sharp, the fibrous dough is dense, the surface of the product is rough. It contains up to 10% fat.

Ricotta (fat content 13%)

Often ricotta is called cheese, but this is not entirely true: after all, it is not prepared from milk, as we used to think, but from the whey remaining after the preparation of other cheeses.

A slice of ricotta contains, on average, 49 calories and 4 grams of fat, half of which is saturated. This product has the lowest sodium content of any other product. cheese products. Due to its high nutritional value and impressive composition of vitamins and trace elements, ricotta gives a quick feeling of satiety. In addition, this variety curd cheese recognized as a protector of our liver, because it contains methionine, a sulfur-containing amino acid.

Feta (fat content 5-15%)

This cheese, or rather, even feta cheese, is a traditional product Greek cuisine. But it is eaten with pleasure in many other countries, including ours. Feta is considered a high-fat, high-cholesterol food with a calorie content of approximately 260 kcal/100 gm. But not everyone knows that the feta cheese they love is produced in the light version, although, to be honest, it is this variety that is hard to find on supermarket shelves.

Feta Light is usually made from goat milk and contains only 30% fat, while sheep's milk is used for the production of traditional feta, and then its fat content is 60%.

Arla, Oltermani (fat content 16-17%)

Such low-fat cheeses have a tender pleasant taste natural milk, the texture is dense, homogeneous, with small, evenly distributed eyes. Great for people who care about their health.

Adyghe cheese (fat content 18-20%)

Adyghe cheese, as well as feta, cheese, mascarpone and ricotta, belongs to soft cheeses. But there is also distinguishing feature Adyghe cheese. In appearance, the cheese looks more like cottage cheese, and it tastes like the well-known yogurt drink. During the preparation process, such cheese is pasteurized at very high temperatures. milk for Adyghe cheese gradually heated to a temperature of 95 degrees Celsius. For example, hard cheeses are produced at temperatures not exceeding 70 degrees.

After the milk is heated to the required temperature, it is combined with whey. As a result, the milk curdles and forms clots on the surface of the whey. Milk clots are collected with a special basket and formed into heads of Adyghe cheese, then the cheese is salted. It is believed that this The best way cheese production, which simultaneously preserves beneficial features product and the degreasing process takes place. low calorie Adyghe cheese is a consequence of the skill of cheese makers, which has been honed for hundreds of years.

Adyghe cheese contains milk fats and proteins, which are 98% digestible. Therefore, in the diet of athletes there is always this cheese. 80 grams of Adyghe cheese contains daily allowance protein for the human body. The low calorie content of Adyghe cheese makes it possible to recommend it to people suffering from hypertension or gastrointestinal diseases.

Calorie content of Adyghe cheese 264 kcal.

Cheese Grazia 20%

Trademark "Slavia" is a member of the group of companies "Milk Alliance", has established itself as a proven manufacturer high quality products. According to the manufacturer, the cheeses are made from natural milk, without the addition of vegetable fats.

Cheese Grazia 20% belongs to the section of semi-hard low-fat cheeses, its taste is characterized by a slight sourness, but in general - a delicate, real "cheesy" taste. The consistency of cheese Grazia 20% is elastic and moderately hard, the cheese is perfectly cut without leaving “plasticine” marks (calorizator) on the knife. The color of the cheese is allowed from almost white to light yellow. Inside there are characteristic eyes of a small size, oval or irregular in shape.

Calorie cheese Grazia 20% is 209 kcal per 100 grams of product.

The presence of proteins low maintenance fats and the absence of carbohydrates make this product indispensable for dietary and sports nutrition.