How is grain curd produced. Grained cottage cheese - the benefits and harms.

HOW to cook granular cottage cheese at home:: preparation of granular cottage cheese:: Food:: how easy it is to do everything

Cottage cheese in general is not a newfangled product. The peculiarity of this product is that it has a very low fat content. Today it is not difficult to find it in any supermarket, but you should carefully read what is written on the package and pay attention to the very name of the product.

Consider several recipes for obtaining cottage cheese from goat milk. Curd trying to make different ways, with different starter cultures, so there are several recipes for making a healthy fermented milk product.

Note that in addition to cottage cheese from goat's milk, you can make wonderful cheese at home, and we wrote about this in the article "Recipes for cheese from goat's milk of the peoples of the world"

Then it must be removed from the oven or removed from the stove and left to cool. At this point, fold the piece of gauze into several layers and place it in a colander with the edges of the gauze hanging off of it. Put the cooled mass in a colander, lift the edges of the gauze up, tie it up and bring it over a container where the whey can drain. Just don't squeeze the curd with your hands as it will come out dry. You need to wait until the serum drains itself. This will take 5 to 6 hours. As soon as it stops dripping from the gauze, you can remove the cottage cheese. This preparation is complete. Whey can be used in the preparation of dough. And cottage cheese should be stored for about a week in the refrigerator.

Cottage cheese at home without heating

cook granular cottage cheese at home is no big deal. As ingredients should be used:

All the components of the dish are easy to get and they are not something expensive, for this reason, cook cottage cheese not only easy, but affordable.

Of course, ricotta is made from the whey left over from cooking mozzarella, and no "actually". And you actually P.S. did you read the end of the recipe? It was written especially for you.

This question is answered by Elena Semyonovna Chedia, nutritionist at the clinic of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, candidate of medical sciences.

Cottage cheese is, first of all, cottage cheese, which has all the useful qualities of cottage cheese. First of all, this is a good ratio of calcium to phosphorus, which we need for bones, teeth, etc. There is a fairly well-digestible protein. Contraindications can be only if something is wrong with health. It can be kidney stones, phosphates, allergic reactions. For a healthy person, cottage cheese is a wonderful product.

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Category Product of the day

With jam: curd mass sweet 100, jam
(pitted) or jam 20, nuts or almonds (kernel) 5, cream 30,
powdered sugar 5 y.

With honey: cottage cheese 100, honey 10, eggs (yolks) 1 pc.,
butter 15, sour cream or cream 30 g.

and it turns out cottage cheese - in layers ............. chic!

and I make cottage cheese with vinegar, goat's milk, so I try to make 50g of vinegar 9% from daily milk, for 5.5 liters of milk, 50g of vinegar 9%, as soon as the milk starts to boil, I remove it from the stove and pour in the vinegar while stirring, it folds quickly, I cool it and put it on gauze, it turns out 950 -1100 grams, weight probably varies from lost moisture and from milk. So far, I haven’t found it better for myself, I like it with kefir, but not always.
Now I bought a starter for cottage cheese and grained cottage cheese, but I haven’t figured out how to do it yet.

Cottage cheese is a tasty and healthy low-calorie treat.

It is indispensable in the morning, because it improves mood, thanks to the tyramine it contains.

Tyramine is a substance that increases the level of endorphins, is responsible for our feelings and emotions.

And how much delicious meals from granular cottage cheese you can cook, do not even count.

Homemade cottage cheese is both tastier and healthier. By the way, you can read more about the benefits of grained cottage cheese.

Preparing corned cottage cheese at home is not difficult.

Technology for the preparation of granular cottage cheese

All the components of the dish are easy to get and they are not something expensive, for this reason, making homemade cottage cheese is not only easy, but also affordable.

Only in Russia there is such a concept as "grain cottage cheese", in other states it is called cottage cheese or village cheese. For this reason, some of our producers began to call such products homemade cheese.

The composition and technology are usually the same: skimmed milk, sourdough, calcium chloride, enzymes, cream, salt are included.

Sometimes there may be a preservative - potassium sorbate, which is approved for use, is safe for health.

The grain product has all the good and desired properties cottage cheese, in it good proportions calcium with phosphorus, and this is good for the skeletal system.

Cottage cheese protein is highly digestible.

The product contains fat in small quantities, but much more calcium than in the milk from which it is fermented. Where does it come from then?

The technology implies: milk is fermented, sour-lactic bacteria, rennet, calcium chloride are added (you can buy it at a pharmacy).

The last two components form the curd grain in the form of a downed lump.

The lump itself displaces the whey, becomes dense, tender, indestructible.

There are almost no contraindications to the use of grained cottage cheese, except for people with kidney stones in the form of phosphates, there may also be allergies, intolerance to dairy products.

Cottage cheese recipe


  • skimmed milk - 1 l
  • calcium chloride - 1.5 tbsp. spoons
  • cream - 6 tbsp. spoons

How to make grainy cottage cheese at home:

1. First, pour the milk into a container and heat it up to fifty degrees, the main thing is to follow the process and not let the milk boil.

2. After heating, add calcium chloride and begin to mix the mixture thoroughly.

After this, the composition needs to stand for a while until the reaction is over, and the grains are separated from the whey.

3. The next step will be filtering through gauze and a sieve of the resulting milk curd from whey, and when the product dries it must be salted to taste.

4. The secret to turning regular cottage cheese into grained cottage cheese lies in the cream, which is added to the product as the next step.

5. Now all that needs to be done is to mix the resulting composition, and the granular cottage cheese is ready.

Grainy cottage cheese consists of rather tender curd grain, which is in salted cream. This product is an intermediate option between cheese and regular cheese (see photo). It differs in calorie content, which is lower than that of ordinary cottage cheese. The amount of fat in granular cottage cheese can vary from 0 to 9%.

The benefits of granular cottage cheese

The benefits of granular cottage cheese are due to the rich composition of vitamins and minerals. This product is a source of complete protein and calcium, which are necessary for the formation of new cells in the body, and for strengthening bone tissue. In addition, calcium helps to get rid of toxins and toxins.

Grainy cottage cheese is rich in amino acids, for example, it contains methionine, which helps to remove "bad" cholesterol from the body, and also contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system. There is also lysine in this product, which improves the tone of the body and has a positive effect on the activity of the heart.

Due to its low fat content and protein, granular cottage cheese is often used in the diet menu and in sports nutrition.

Cottage cheese is an incredibly healthy product that contains a lot of vitamins and minerals in seme. It is used not only as delicious breakfast, but also a source of calcium, and some people even get rid of acne and wrinkles with it.

Cottage cheese is a universal product

Cottage cheese is not a separate product, but a variety of ordinary cottage cheese. It differs in the method of preparation, the main difference is that lightly salted cream is added to its composition. It also differs in taste and number of calories. Like normal, grained has a mass useful qualities, but its advantage is that it is less caloric. Therefore, it is this product that bodybuilders and people who want to gain a slender body use.

Dishes made from such a product are incredibly tasty. But, in addition to eating it as a delicious breakfast, it is often advised by doctors as a source of calcium and phosphorus for children and pregnant women. Also, granular has found its place in cosmetology. All this is described in detail in this article.

What do the doctor's say

Thanks to the great content useful substances, doctors often advise children and pregnant women to use it. A growing body needs a lot of calcium and phosphorus for the normal growth of bones and teeth, and there are a lot of these elements in cottage cheese. It contains milk protein, which favorably affects the strengthening of body cells. It also contributes to the normalization of metabolism, which will also be very useful for children.

It is useful not only for children and pregnant women, but also for older people, especially for a number of diseases, such as:

  • gastritis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • hypertension;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • diseases of the gastric tract;
  • with problems with the liver and gallbladder;
  • disease associated with the nervous system.

If a person has at least one disease from the above, then grained curd must be present in his diet. As part of its beneficial substances, there are antibacterial substances, which significantly improves the microflora. And due to the presence of lactic acid bacteria, phosphorus and calcium are easily absorbed in a weakened body. Cottage cheese is unconditionally a very useful product for people of all ages.

Cottage cheese is the key to clean and healthy skin

It is described above that grained cottage cheese has been widely used in medicine. But in addition to benefits for the body, it also has a beneficial effect on the skin. Moisturizing masks based on cottage cheese have been used for several centuries. Even ancient women understood that it is very useful for facial skin. Cottage cheese is an environmentally friendly substitute for expensive cosmetics, based on chemicals. To clarify, below are all the beneficial properties of cottage cheese as a cosmetic product:

  • Cleans the skin and gives it a natural white color.
  • Due to the presence of a high calcium content, after use curd masks skin will become smooth and silky.
  • It will be useful for eliminating small wrinkles.
  • May have a beneficial effect on inflamed areas on the skin.
  • Due to the content of magnesium, the production of collagen is significantly increased.
  • Vitamin A, which it contains, helps to rejuvenate the skin.
  • It also contains vitamin PP, which protects the skin from many natural phenomena (wind, frost, etc.).

With useful properties, everything is clear, now you need to figure out the rules for using curd masks:

  • Use only fresh product.
  • After applying the mask, keep it on your face for about 20 minutes.
  • For those who do not know if they are allergic to dairy products, before using it is better to apply it on your hand.

Important! By itself, cottage cheese does not cause any harm, but if you have an allergy, there will be little good!

  • The mask is used once a week for a month and a half, after which you should take a short break (2-3 weeks).
  • Wash off with warm water.

And finally, for completeness, below are a couple of effective recipes face masks:

The best recipes for masks based on cottage cheese

Rejuvenating mask

Exists a large number of cottage cheese masks, which are used to rejuvenate the skin. But this recipe, according to many reviews, is the best.


  • grained cottage cheese - three tablespoons;
  • a pinch of parsley;
  • one teaspoon of dried nettle;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • two tablespoons of milk.

Cooking method:

  1. Steam dried nettles with hot milk and let it brew (about 30 minutes).
  2. Grind the parsley to a pulp.
  3. Place all ingredients in one container.
  4. Mix.

It should be applied with light massage movements. It is also important that the particles of the mask do not get into the eyes, so you need to be careful.

Curd mask for acne

Such a mask will be useful not only for girls, but also for all teenagers aged 13 to 18 years. After 10 days of use, acne should completely disappear.


  • three tablespoons of grained cottage cheese;
  • a pinch of dandelion leaves;
  • 3 spoons of apple juice;
  • parsley;
  • 2 spoons of milk.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind the parsley to a pulp.
  2. Dandelion leaves and parsley porridge pour milk and let it brew.
  3. Add all other ingredients.

For a positive effect, the mask must be applied daily for 10 days. You also need to keep it for 20 minutes.

Does grained cottage cheese do any harm?

Cottage cheese is an absolutely harmless product, it can be used by both very young children and the elderly. It contains only fresh ecologically clean products. It has a balance between all the nutrients and useful minerals, so it cannot harm the body.

Important! Despite all the benefits of grained cottage cheese, it should not be abused, like any other product!

The only thing you should pay attention to is the expiration date of the product. The product must be fresh, otherwise the development of E. coli will be inevitable. It is also worth looking at the packaging, the label should contain the abbreviations GOST or TU. If GOST is written on the package, then the product is made according to the state standard, and if it is TU, then the factory uses its own technology in the manufacture of the product.

Calorie content of homemade and store types of cottage cheese

As already mentioned at the beginning of this article - grained cottage cheese is considered less high-calorie than regular. On average, the calorie content of this product is 100 - 150 kilocalories. But depending on the brand, its calorie content also changes. Therefore, below is a calorie table of the most popular brands, as well as a home-made counterpart.

And this is just a small list of brands that produce this species a lot of cottage cheese. Many people believe that homemade products are considered the most useful and high-quality, and this is partly true. But when choosing grained cottage cheese, it is better to stop at shop product. Firstly, everything is precisely balanced there, and the body will receive as many useful elements as it needs. Secondly, in home product more calories(this can be seen in the table above), and for people involved in sports, it is important to just burn these calories. Well, in general, everyone should choose for himself, in any case, cottage cheese is a healthy product.

Kamu should not eat grained cottage cheese

In this article, it has been said more than once that cottage cheese is a healthy product. However, in some cases, it would be better to refuse it. People who suffer from allergies, namely, do not tolerate milk protein, can not eat cottage cheese, like any dairy products. It is also recommended to exclude or limit grained cottage cheese while following a salt-free diet, since cottage cheese contains salt.

The use of moderate portions of grained cottage cheese, while observing a salt-free diet, will even benefit.

It is also worth remembering the shelf life. After the package is opened, three days remain for the use of cottage cheese. On the fourth day - the cottage cheese begins to disappear, if you eat it you can get a serious food poisoning. There are no other restrictions, cottage cheese can be eaten even by very young children.

Before giving cottage cheese to a child who is less than one year old, it is better to consult a pediatrician.

Curd is a treasure trove of nutrients

Curd like any other milk product, has many nutrients that are beneficial to the body. Namely, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, these substances are balanced in cottage cheese, which is why people involved in sports use it. But just like calorie content, the amount of nutrients depends on the brand under which cottage cheese is produced. Therefore, below is a table similar to the one with calories, but with nutrients.

As can be seen from this table, proteins predominate in the nutrient composition of cottage cheese. And they can be called the most useful nutrient. Thanks to elevated content casein (protein), bodybuilders who eat curd food build muscle very quickly. And because of low content carbohydrates and fats, people whose diet is dominated by cottage cheese begin to lose subcutaneous fat. Cottage cheese is an indispensable product for both athletes and ordinary consumers.

Vitamins and minerals in cottage cheese

Everything is clear with calories and nutrients, now you need to figure out what vitamins and minerals are in cottage cheese. This time there will be no table with brands, since all manufacturers contain the same vitamins and minerals. Instead, below is a list of these substances, as well as their beneficial properties for the body.


  • C (ascorbic acid) - this vitamin will help to cope with various types infections. It will also contribute to the rapid healing of wounds and the strengthening of cartilage, teeth and bones. It is also an essential vitamin for maintaining muscle mass.
  • B2 (riboflavin) – This vitamin helps the body maintain normal digestion and healthy skin. It is also able to produce red blood cells (cells with hemoglobin).
  • B1 (thiamine) - this vitamin is essential for better metabolism. It also helps the nervous, cardiovascular and muscular systems.
  • A (retinol) - the main benefit, this vitamin brings to the retina. It also helps fight infections and has a positive effect on the respiratory system. This vitamin is also useful in that it helps in the formation of bones and muscle tissue.
  • PP (niacin) - also called B3 or nicotinic acid. Niacin is useful in that it forms the nervous and digestive system. It also ensures normal metabolism (metabolism).


  • Iron is an essential element for maintaining skin, hair, and nails. Another useful property of this mineral is that it helps deliver oxygen to the organs.
  • Phosphorus is useful mineral for the most important organ - the brain. It contributes to the implementation biochemical processes. Also, phosphorus is useful for the nervous system, and promotes the formation of vitamins.
  • Potassium - helps maintain normal musculature. It is also responsible for the functioning of the nervous system and regulates the amount of water in the body.
  • Sodium - its main activity is to monitor the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It also helps the nervous system and dilates blood vessels.
  • Calcium - This is the main element in the formation of bone tissue. He also provides positive influence on the nervous system and helps blood clotting.

As you can see, the list of useful substances is very large, so we can say with confidence that this product is an integral part of the human diet.

How to lose weight with cottage cheese

Of course, cottage cheese will help with weight loss, and hundreds of people who have tried it on themselves can prove this. curd diets. If the purpose of this product is to reduce fat, then it is better to buy skim cheese. But, as practice shows, grained cottage cheese with 9% fat content is more useful, since phosphorus is absorbed much faster in this case.

Weight loss is carried out due to the predominant amount of protein. Casein builds up fast muscle mass, and the more it is, the faster fat is burned, moreover, in cottage cheese a small amount of carbohydrates that are difficult to digest. Below are two options for a diet with a curd diet:

Curd and vegetable menu:

  • Breakfast - cottage cheese green onion and dill and green tea.
  • Snack - carrot salad.
  • Lunch - soup with vegetables and fruit juice.
  • Snack - green hour with honey.
  • Dinner - salad with vegetables.
  • Before going to bed, drink a glass of yogurt.

Rich Diet:

  • Breakfast - cottage cheese with green onions and dill and green tea. You can also have porridge with fruit.
  • Snack - fruit salad.
  • Lunch - fish, chicken, vegetable soup and morse.
  • Snack - cottage cheese.
  • Dinner - fruits and yogurt.

These diets will help fast weight loss, also do not eat bread and potatoes. And the most important thing is to keep exercising. A cottage cheese and vegetable diet should be observed for no more than five days, and a saturated one for no more than 10. If you use these diets for longer, they will do more harm than good.

How to make grained cottage cheese at home

There is a large number various recipes for the manufacture of this product. This article presents the easiest and fastest way.

On vinegar

You will need:

  • 3.7 liters of milk with zero fat content.
  • 3/4 cup vinegar.
  • Half a teaspoon of salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour milk into a saucepan and heat to 50 degrees.
  2. Pour in the vinegar and stir for two minutes.
  3. Cover with a rag.
  4. Strain.
  5. Rinse and dry.

Tasty and healthy

There is an opinion that healthy food must be tasteless. May be. But grained cottage cheese can prove that healthy foods can be very tasty. Below are two simple recipes.



  • 350 grams of cottage cheese;
  • two eggs;
  • two tablespoons of sugar;
  • six tablespoons of flour;
  • 100 grams of sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix all ingredients.
  2. Make meatballs.
  3. Fry on both sides until orange.

Curd omelette


  • one hundred milliliters of milk;
  • thirty grams of cottage cheese;
  • one tablespoon of starch;
  • one pod of hot pepper;
  • a pinch of curry;
  • four sprigs of fresh cilantro;
  • a tablespoon of sunflower oil;
  • a pinch of sweet paprika;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • two eggs.

Cooking method:

  1. Whisk the eggs.
  2. Add spices and salt.
  3. Add greens and continue beating.
  4. Pour in milk and stir.
  5. Add a small piece of pepper.
  6. Sprinkle starch.
  7. Add curd cheese and mix it all up.
  8. Crack the butter in a frying pan and pour the resulting mass. The omelet takes about 3-4 minutes to cook. At the last minute, you need to darken it a little by covering the pan with a lid.

The pan must be chosen with a thick bottom, otherwise the omelet will burn, and all the work was in vain.

You will find a step-by-step recipe for making grained cottage cheese in the following video:

Cottage cheese is a product that is both healthy and tasty. It can be used both for severe diseases and for skin rejuvenation. In addition, few people refuse a cottage cheese omelet for breakfast.

In contact with

It is quite possible to cook grained cottage cheese at home if you have a proven recipe for this fermented milk product on hand.

Cottage cheese is loved by many for its creamy and slightly salty flavor.

And this product has a very low fat content - up to 0.9%, and is suitable for diets.

Of course, you can buy it in any supermarket, the choice is huge, but in the purchased cottage cheese there are extra components, which cannot be said about the homemade one.

Therefore, let's try to make grained cottage cheese at home from natural products and save a little on packaging and advertising.


  • 10 liters skimmed milk
  • 1.5 ml
  • 60 ml boiled water
  • 0.05 g
  • cream 15% fat
  • salt - 1% of the total mass or to taste

Homemade Cottage Cheese Recipe:

1. Heat milk to 32-35 degrees.

2. Add the starter to it, wait 30-40 minutes, mix, then pour each liquid enzyme and calcium chloride diluted in 30 ml of water. Stir and soak for another 40 minutes.

3. Cut the clot into cubes of about 1.5-2 cm.

4. Gently knead for 35-40 minutes.

5. Raise the temperature very slowly to 50-55 degrees. At 10 liters it will take approximately 30 minutes.

6. Continue kneading. In this case, the cheese grain is compacted and floats.

It is necessary to interfere until the grain, when pressed, restores its shape. Or taste it. The third option is when the average grain of 1.5 cm shrinks to 0.5 cm.

7. Throw the grain on a sieve, rinse cold water and transfer to clean 0.5 jars, where you need to pour up to 1/4 of the volume of cream and salt in advance - about 5 g per jar.

At the same time, the grain is stacked so that about 1/4 of the volume remains on top. Top it up with cream too.

8. Refrigerate for 12 hours or overnight. During this time, the cream will be absorbed into the grain, which will swell and become very tender. In the morning, be sure to stir so that the cottage cheese is not compressed into a dense mass.

As a result, you will get low-calorie grained cottage cheese, surprisingly healthy, because it contains calcium, phosphorus, which are necessary for bone growth, cell division and skin and hair improvement.

Cottage cheese is useful to include in your diet for pregnant women, people with weakened immune systems, the elderly and children.

Cottage cheese with rennet


  • 1 liter whole milk
  • 4 drops liquid
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

How to cook rennet cottage cheese:

1. Pour milk into a small saucepan and place over medium heat.

Heat the milk slowly to 30 degrees Celsius. Turn off the heat when the milk is hot enough.

2. Drop the rennet into the milk. Stir the mixture with a spoon for 2 minutes.

3. Cover the pot with a clean towel and leave the mixture for about 4 hours. Rennet extract will begin to interact with milk and turn it into cottage cheese.

4. Remove the towel and chop the cottage cheese with a knife.

Make several cuts in one direction and then several cuts in the opposite direction.

5. Add salt to the pot. Turn on medium-low fire. Stir while heating to separate the curd from the whey.

Stop as soon as the curd separates and the whey looks yellow-greenish. Don't overcook or the grainy curd will be tough.

6. Strain the cottage cheese through a sieve lined with gauze. Loosely cover the gauze plastic wrap and together with the bowl, refrigerate for several hours so that the whey continues to drain.

Stir the curd from time to time to speed up the process.

7. Put the cottage cheese in a clean bowl and add the cream. Salt to taste.

Cottage cheese with vinegar


  • 3.7 liters of pasteurized skimmed milk*
  • 3/4 cup white vinegar
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream

Preparation of grained cottage cheese with vinegar:

1. Pour the milk into a small saucepan, place on the stove and heat to 50°C.

3. After the milk has warmed up, add vinegar to it and stir for 2 minutes.

4. Then cover the pan with a towel and leave for 30 minutes.

5. Separate the curd from the whey with gauze, let it drain for 5 minutes.

6. Rinse the cottage cheese under cold water.

7. Transfer the cottage cheese to a bowl and add salt and cream to taste.

Cottage cheese with lemon juice


  • 1 liter whole milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon citric acid or lemon juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 6 tablespoons heavy cream

Recipe for Cottage Cheese with Lemon Juice:

1. Pour milk into a saucepan and heat on the stove without boiling.

2. Add to milk lemon juice (citric acid) and stir for a few minutes.

Indian is done in a similar way at home.

3. Cover the pot kitchen towel and let the curd separate from the whey for about an hour.

4. Strain the cottage cheese through cheesecloth and drain the whey.

5. Rinse the curd under cold water and squeeze to dry.

Add salt and cream to the curd according to your taste. Enjoy your meal!