Simple melon jam with lemon, cinnamon, watermelons, apples. Simple recipes for melon jam for the winter

Cooking homemade jam

Have you ever tried melon jam? This is a surprisingly tasty and honeyed treat that is easy to prepare. For you, a few recipes for jam for the winter!

21 h

200 kcal

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I love sweets, but not like my husband is a true sweet tooth. Mom from childhood fed him with sweets, cookies and, of course, jam own cooking. He especially liked melon jam. For many years of his married life, he remembered this jam, and only occasionally, when we visited his parents, did he manage to feast on it. But such a schedule did not suit him, and he tearfully begged me to learn how to cook the same. And one day I gave up.

How to choose ingredients

In order for the jam to turn out delicious, you need to choose slightly unripe melons. They should not have dents or rotten spots. The pulp of the fruit should be dense and fragrant.

Since the melon itself is very sweet, and with the addition of sugar it becomes generally sugary-sweet, then it needs to be diluted with something as part of the jam. My mother in law adds lemon.

As for dishes, an aluminum basin, like our grandmothers, is best suited. But if this is not in your arsenal, then take a pan with a thick bottom - so the jam will definitely not burn and will not stick to the bottom.

How to cook melon jam with lemon


melons1 kg
Sugar700 g
Lemon1 PC.

How to cook:

  1. First you need to prepare a melon. wash her cut in half throw out the seeds. Then peel it off and chop small cubes.
  2. In the container in which it is planned to prepare the jam, a melon is placed and covered with sugar. Cover it with a lid and shake well. After that we leave her alone. at 5 o'clock, we need the melon to let the juice out. You can even leave it overnight, nothing bad will happen to it.
  3. Squeeze juice from one lemon. After the melon is infused, add lemon juice to it.
  4. We put the container on the fire and bring to a boil. After that, we make the fire quieter and cook for about 5 minutes. In this case, you need to constantly stir it.
  5. Remove from heat, cover with a lid and leave to rest for 10 hours or overnight.
  6. After this time, put it on fire again and after boiling, cook 10 minutes. We clean, cover, leave to rest for 10 hours.
  7. After rest, put the jam on the stove again, add vanillin. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer 15 minutes.
  8. At this time, we should have prepared sterilized jars with lids. After the jam has boiled for 15 minutes, we pour it into jars and roll it up. The jam is ready!

You ask, why do we need all these "dances with tambourines"? The fact is that the more such cycles of rest-boiling jam, the thicker it will turn out. You can regulate their number yourself. I think three is enough.

This was family recipe. But I am an inventive woman, I always want something new. I read on the Internet that you can make jam from melon with rum. I tried it and was surprised how delicious it is. I share with you the recipe, everything is the same as in the previous one - easy and simple.

Recipe for melon jam with rum


  • 1 kg melon
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 1 glass of water
  • 1 tablespoon of rum.

How to cook:

  1. We prepare the melon as in the previous recipe: wash, clean, cut off the skin, cut into pieces.
  2. Transfer the pieces to a mixing bowl. Sprinkle with rum and sprinkle with a little sugar. We leave three hours.
  3. The remaining sugar is boiled in a saucepan with water. We have should be syrup, it will take 10 minutes.
  4. Pour the melon with the resulting syrup and leave to rest for a day.
  5. After a day, pour the syrup back into the pan, bring to a boil and again fill it with pieces of melon. Let's leave it for one more day.
  6. After that, put the container with syrup and melon on the fire, bring to a boil, cook for 15 minutes.
  7. Pour hot jam into sterilized jars, roll up.

How to store jam

I cool the rolled up jars and then put them in the pantry. If you have a basement or cellar, even better. But even in a pantry warm at any time of the year, I never had problems storing this jam.

With such a jam, even the most severe colds in winter are not terrible. Prepare it from autumn and enjoy the amazing taste! Enjoy your meal!

In contact with

Step 1: prepare inventory.

AT winter time this jam will bring you pleasant memories of the summer, but first let's start preparing the inventory. We check the dishes for rust, cracks, any dirt and damage. Then we wash everything with a soft kitchen sponge, baking soda or detergent with a minimum content of chemicals. Further we pour spoons, kitchen spatulas, the necessary bowls and saucepans hot water. We boil metal screw or ordinary lids in a saucepan and leave it there until use, and sterilize half-liter or liter jars in the most convenient way, in the microwave, oven or on the stove. We distribute it all on the countertop and with a clear conscience we move on.

Step 2: prepare and infuse the melon.

We take a juicy ripe melon, wash it and dry it with paper kitchen towels. Then, using a sharp kitchen knife, cut the fruit into 2 equal halves, remove the seeds with veins from them and get rid of the skin.

We spread the pulp on a cutting board, chop it with medium cubes ranging in size from 1 to 2 centimeters and send it to a deep dish in which we will cook the workpiece, for example, a non-stick pan with a thick bottom or a copper basin.

Then we put them to sleep the right amount granulated sugar, cover with a lid and for 3–4 hours we infuse at room temperature, shaking occasionally, and sometimes very gently stirring with a wooden kitchen spoon so that the melon releases juice.

Step 3: prepare the lemon.

In the meantime, we wash the lemon, dry it, divide it into 4-8 parts with a clean knife and pull out the seeds from them.

Further, without removing the zest from the pieces of citrus, we pass them through a meat grinder or, using a stationary blender, chop at high speed until a mushy state. Transfer the resulting mixture to a clean bowl and proceed to the next step.

Step 4: Prepare Lemon Melon Jam.

After the melon has infused, add chopped lemon to it, shake everything until uniform consistency, put on medium heat and reduce it to a small level, as soon as the rather liquid mixture boils. Preparing jam for 30 minutes, periodically removing light foam from its surface with a slotted spoon, and after this time, with the power of a kitchen towel, remove it from the stove and set it aside to cool completely.

After about a couple of hours, return the jam to the stove, again bring to a boil and cook in the same way as the first time, that is, another 30 minutes on a small fire.

Step 5: Preserve the lemon melon jam.

Next, alternately install on each half liter jar a watering can with a wide neck and, using a ladle, pour the lemon-melon mixture over them, filling them almost to the very top level of the necks. Then we cover glass container clean, metal, you can use warm lids and seal tightly, if they are screw-type - with a kitchen towel, if they are ordinary with an elastic band - using a special preservation key.

Turn the jars upside down and check for leaks. If air comes out, we seal the preservation more tightly. Do bubbles come out from under the caps? Fabulous! We send the blank to the floor upside down, wrap it in a woolen blanket so that there are no gaps, and keep it in this form until completely cooled, this is about 2–3 days. After that, the jam can be moved to a more suitable, cool, well-ventilated place, such as a pantry, cellar or basement, where it can be stored for a very long time, from 6 to 8 months, or even more.

Step 6: serve lemon melon jam.

Melon jam with lemon, like any other, is served room temperature. It is served in special dessert dishes: bowls, deep bowls or small rosettes, along with small spoons and saucers. It is pleasant to savor such yummy with bread, butter, buns, crackers and only brewed fresh tea, coffee or cocoa. Also very often this jam is used for impregnation of pies, cakes, pastries, in the form of filling for puffs, as additions to mousses, ice cream or cottage cheese casseroles and other goodies. It tastes sweet with a slight sourness and a delicate double lemon-melon aroma. Enjoy!
Enjoy your meal!

If the melon is not very juicy and has let out little juice, add a little purified water, 150 milliliters per kilogram of chopped fruit will be enough, excess moisture will evaporate within two 30-minute boils;

The recipe indicates the amount of sugar per 1 kilogram of very sweet melon, therefore, if desired, it can be reduced, for example, instead of 700, put 500 grams;

Very often, 5 minutes before the end of the last cooking, a bag is added to the jam. vanilla sugar, this spice gives the workpiece a rather pleasant, peculiar aroma.

A healthy and very fragrant melon is not only a wonderful dessert. You can make wonderful jam from it. And not only delicious pulp will go into business. From hard crusts can also be welded original jam.

simple recipes melon jam for the winter makes it very popular. Moreover, the delicate, delicate taste of melon pulp can be saturated with aromas of citrus fruits, ginger, and spices. They combine very well, which allows you to experiment, delighting the family with a new delicacy.

Simple Melon Jam - General Cooking Principles

To prepare a simple melon jam, you will need one or two ripe fruits, sugar and a little citric acid or lemon juice. The melon should be thoroughly washed with a brush or a rough sponge. Then cut, remove the bones and fibrous core, cut off the skin.

Peeled slices will remain cut into small cubes. Some recipes use melon puree.

To saturate simple pumpkin jam with additional aromas and flavors, you can use the zest and juice of lemons, oranges, grapefruits, apple slices, ginger root cut into thin slices.

Ready dessert laid out in sterilized jars. The container is pre-washed with soda, and then kept over boiling water or calcined in an oven preheated to 150 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

You need to cool the sealed jars with hot jam down with the lids and be sure to cover them with a warm old blanket. Dessert is well stored in the pantry, cellar, insulated balcony.

Simple melon jam for the winter

The simplest recipe for melon jam for the winter includes a minimum of ingredients. It turns out delicate dessert with a delicate melon-vanilla aroma and wonderful delicate taste.


Two kilograms of peeled melon pulp;

Three glasses of clean drinking water;

Two kilograms of white sugar (you can take a little more if the melon is not very sweet);

Medium lemon;

Vanillin sachet.

Cooking method:

Cut prepared melon pieces into small cubes.

Boil water and blanch the melon pieces in it for five minutes.

Scoop the melon into a colander with a slotted spoon to drain all the water.

Squeeze juice from lemon.

Add sugar, lemon juice and vanilla to the water, boil the syrup. It will be ready when all the sugar grains are completely dissolved.

Put the melon in a cooking pot and pour over the syrup. Leave for 6-8 hours to infuse.

Then send the pan to slow fire, bring the syrup to a boil and cook for fifteen minutes.

Remove from heat and leave to cool completely.

Arrange cold jam in sterilized jars, cork and store in a cool dark place.

Melon jam for the winter in a slow cooker

Convenient and fast cooking winter preparations in a multicooker. Melon jam for the winter according to a simple recipe turns out to be tender, light, translucent.


A kilogram of prepared melon;

Half a kilo of granulated sugar;

One third of a teaspoon of citric acid;

A pinch of vanilla.

Cooking method:

Put the melon pieces into the multicooker bowl.

Cover the melon with sugar and leave for four hours.

Add citric acid, mix everything well.

Turn on the steamer mode and wait for the melon juice to boil.

When bubbles of boiling appear, switch the appliance to the baking mode and cook for forty minutes without closing the jam with a lid. Stir occasionally with a spoon.

Ready jam Arrange in sterile jars and seal.

Melon jam for the winter "Lemon"

Lemon pieces in this simple jam from melons give the delicacy a surprisingly festive look. Instead of lemon, you can take any other citrus fruit, such as lime or orange.


Two kilograms of melon pulp;

One and a half kilograms of sugar;

Four lemons.

Cooking method:

Cut the melon into cubes, put in a cooking pot and cover with sugar.

Leave for 4-5 hours for melon juice to stand out.

Bring to a boil and cook over low heat for ten minutes.

Leave for ten hours to insist.

Cut the lemon into thin slices-quarters along with the fragrant peel.

Throw the lemon slices into the jam and cook after boiling for another fifteen minutes.

Leave the jam to cool.

Bring to a boil again and simmer for ten minutes.

Pour hot into jars and seal.

Simple melon and watermelon jam

Melon and watermelon crusts are a wonderful base for jam. Original in taste, interesting in appearance, such a delicacy will especially please the zealous hostess.


Half a kilo melon peels;

half a kilo of watermelon peels;

Four hundred grams of granulated sugar;

Six hundred milliliters of water.

Cooking method:

Cut off the rough outer skin from the rinds. Cut the resulting white crusts into small pieces of arbitrary shape.

Pour the crusts with salt water for half an hour, then immerse them in boiling water for ten minutes.

Cook sugar syrup as described above.

Put the soaked peels in a saucepan, pour over the syrup.

Cook in three approaches as follows: bring to a boil, turn off for three hours. Repeat twice more.

After the last boil, pour the jam into clean jars and roll up.

Melon and banana jam with cognac

Unusual recipe melon-banana delicacy allows you to cook a wonderful dessert. Cognac note gives it piquancy. Instead of cognac, you can take a different kind strong alcohol.


One and a half kilograms of peeled melon;

A kilogram of peeled bananas;

Four lemons;

One and a half kilograms of granulated sugar;

A glass of cognac.

Cooking method:

Pour melon cubes with sugar in a saucepan and leave overnight, covered with a woven napkin.

Squeeze the juice from one lemon, pour into the melon base, mix.

Boil melon for half an hour over low heat.

Cut the remaining three lemons, along with the peel, into thin slices.

Peel the bananas and cut them crosswise into circles.

Put the lemons and bananas in the melon, cook until the components soften. The jam should become thicker.

Arrange hot in jars.

Cut out circles from clean paper according to the diameter of the lids, soak with cognac and put on top of the jam.

Cork jars and send to the pantry.

Melon jam for the winter "Ginger-cinnamon"

To prepare the original melon jam for the winter, a simple recipe for a treat can be complicated. For example, cook a dessert with ginger and cinnamon. Get delicious treat with a distinct oriental touch.


Two kilograms of melon pieces;

Two lemons;

A kilogram of sugar;

Fifty grams of fresh ginger root;

Half teaspoon of cinnamon.

Cooking method:

Cut the melon and place in enamel pan.

Peel the ginger root, grate on the fine side of the grater and send to the pan.

Squeeze juice from lemons and pour into melon.

Add three tablespoons of sugar, mix and set aside for two hours.

From a liter of water and the remaining sugar, boil the syrup.

Pour hot syrup over infused melon and place over medium heat.

After boiling, cook the mass over low heat until thickened.

When a drop of syrup stops spreading on a plate, add cinnamon, mix, arrange in jars.

Seal with metal lids, let cool and store.

Melon and apple jam for the winter

The combination of melon and apples turns out to be very successful, especially if you take fragrant sweet and sour apples. Pleasant simple melon jam has a wonderful taste and a beautiful amber color.


One and a half kilograms of melon pulp;

Half a kilo of apples;

Half a kilo of sugar;

One small lemon.

Cooking method:

sterilize glass jars.

Wash the lemon thoroughly, wipe with a towel and use a fine grater or special device remove the zest.

Cut the melon pulp into pieces, then chop in a blender.

Pour the melon puree into an enameled pan, add the sugar rate, mix and send to the fire. Stir occasionally.

As soon as the melon base boils, reduce the fire and cook the mass until it thickens. When it begins to resemble honey in consistency, you can add apples.

While the melon base is dripping and boiling, wash the apples, peel off the peel, remove the core.

Cut apples into neat pieces.

Immediately, so as not to darken, put them in a melon mass, mix.

Add a teaspoon lemon peel, mix again.

Bring the jam to a boil, boil for five minutes and turn off.

Arrange in jars, close with metal lids, sue.

Store in a cool room out of direct sunlight.

Melon jam for the winter - tricks and tips

    A ripe but fairly firm melon is suitable for making melon jam. This will keep the neat shape of the slices during cooking, will not soften to a puree state. soft varieties or overripe specimens are not suitable: they are better processed into jam.

    Melon and watermelon rinds soaked before cooking in salt and hot water so that the pieces do not boil, they retain their original shape.

    Melon jam turns out very beautiful. Depending on the type of melon and the ingredients added, it can be almost transparent or amber yellow. To make the delicacy even more attractive, you can cut the melon slices with a knife with a textured cutting surface.

    Jam may vary in density. Both liquid and thick consistency is normal.

    You can serve melon jam with pancakes, pancakes, cheese plate, ice cream, cheesecakes. It behaves well as a component home baking. In addition, fruit drinks and cocktails can be made from such jam.

Melon has an unusual and aromatic taste. It is not only tasty, but also healthy, as it contains a lot of minerals, fiber, iron, and vitamins. Melon jam is a delicacy, it preserves all beneficial features.

Melon jam

This recipe is easy to prepare. For getting delicious jam a ripe melon is chosen, but if you take a juicy one, then the jam will turn out to be watery, and more rigid, then the product will be thick. But in any case, tasty and fragrant. The main thing is that the fruit is strong, you can add more sugar for boiling, but the taste will not change.


  • two kilograms of ripe melon;
  • 1.4 kilograms of granulated sugar;
  • 30 grams of citric acid or freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Jam making process:

  1. Prepare everything necessary products: sugar, lemon and melon.
  2. Remove the skin from the melon and cut into cubes.
  3. Sprinkle with sugar, let soak for thirty minutes, so that the juice appears.
  4. Put on a lit stove. As the mixture boils, hold on low heat for ten minutes. Then let the jam stand for four hours.
  5. Then cook for another ten minutes.

The resulting jam is removed from the heat and laid out in jars prepared in advance. Cover with lids and let cool before storing in a cold place.

Lemon melon jam recipe

Many people admire honey taste melon jam. sweet product use with pancakes, pancakes, you can even spread it on a bun. The whole process of cooking jam will not be long, so it will not create any difficulties. But in winter you can treat yourself to a delicious product.

Ingredients for making jam:

  • one kilogram of melon;
  • seven hundred grams of granulated sugar;
  • one fresh lemon;
  • three grams of vanillin.

  1. Wash melon thoroughly and wipe dry. Then cut into two halves. All the insides, along with the seeds, must be removed.
  2. Cut off the peel from the pulp, which must be cut into small pieces.
  3. Chopped melon should be poured into a saucepan or container for cooking jam. Sprinkle with sugar and cover. Then you need to shake well so that everything is mixed.
  4. Then it is necessary to leave for five hours, for soaking the pieces with sugar, as well as for the appearance of juice. Can be left overnight.
  5. Pour in squeezed lemon juice before cooking.
  6. Put on fire, bring to a boil over high heat. And cook for five minutes on a weak one, stirring the mixture constantly so that the jam does not burn.
  7. Then set aside the container with the contents for ten hours. As the jam stands, it is necessary to boil again for ten minutes over low heat.
  8. Hold the resulting mixture for another eight hours. Then add vanillin, even lemon zest can be grated. After that, you need to cook for fifteen minutes, not forgetting to stir.

Remember that the consistency of the resulting jam will depend on the correctly performed cooking steps. Do not forget to sterilize jars and lids first. Pour the hot jam into jars and roll up the lids.

Recipe for melon jam "Assorted"

To give more exquisite taste With melon jam, many housewives add other fruits to it. Bananas and oranges grow in warmer climates but pair very well with melons. Therefore, all together they give not only a tasty, but also a product rich in vitamins. Which is loved not only by adults, but also by children.


  • one kilogram of peeled melon pulp;
  • 800 grams of granulated sugar;
  • Two bananas;
  • One orange.

Stages of preparation and cooking:

  1. Cut the melon, remove all the veins and seeds, peel and cut into small pieces.
  2. Wash the orange well under the tap, wipe dry with a towel. Cut the peel into strips. With a knife, cut off the white surface of the fruit, and then cut it into pieces. If there are bones, then they must be removed.
  3. Pour all prepared products into one container, cover with sugar. Then mix thoroughly with your hands. Four hours everything should be infused.
  4. Put the container on the stove and bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat for ten minutes, stirring regularly.
  5. The brew should stand overnight, then bring to a boil again and cook for 25 minutes over low heat.
  6. 15 minutes before the end of cooking, peel the bananas, cut into small pieces and add to the container with jam.
  7. Mix everything thoroughly and cook for the remaining fifteen minutes. The emerging foam must be removed.
  8. The final step will be pouring the jam into jars, which are hermetically sealed with lids.

Another recipe unusual blanks for the winter, is. Due to its beneficial properties, it will not only become a delicacy for your household, but also have a beneficial effect on the body.

Melon jam with apples

In August, many fruits ripen, including apples and melons. Therefore, they can be prepared delicious preparation for the winter. The jam will turn out beautifully appearance: amber-colored jam-like with pieces of fruit. It is very tasty and has a unique flavor. It is better to choose apples with dense pulp so that the pieces retain their shape during cooking.


  • one and a half kilograms of melon pulp;
  • half a kilogram of apples;
  • half a kilo of sugar;
  • one medium sized lemon.

Jam making process:

  1. Grind the peeled melon pulp with a blender until a homogeneous consistency.
  2. Pour sugar and melon mixture into a container. Cook over low heat until it becomes thick like honey. At the end of cooking, add squeezed lemon juice.
  3. During the cooking of melons, you can prepare apples. With them it is necessary to remove the peel with a knife, remove the seed boxes completely. Then cut into thin slices.
  4. Pour the prepared slices into the boiling melon puree, cook for three minutes. Then let the jam cool down. Let it sit for six hours.
  5. Then bring to a boil again and cook for 2-3 minutes.

In jars, jam must be laid out hot. To store in a warm place, it must be sterilized for twenty minutes if the jars are half a liter. And then close the lids.

If after making the jam you still have extra apples, then you can cook from them, which many of us have known since childhood.

Spicy melon jam recipe

Melon is considered delicious fruit, so it is more commonly used in fresh leaving nothing for the jam. But if you cook it according to this recipe, you will be surprised what an original and fragrant dish you got. And the melon retains the beneficial properties of the jam. Sweet tooths will love this hello from a sunny summer.

Ingredients per serving:

  • 800 grams of melon pulp;
  • four bananas;
  • two medium-sized lemons;
  • two glasses of granulated sugar.

Jam making process:

  1. In the evening, take care of the melon: peel it from the skin, seeds and veins. Cut into cubes and pour into a wide basin and add sugar.
  2. Leave overnight in a cool place, but do not refrigerate.
  3. In the morning you can start cooking. Pour a glass of water into a container, mix the contents, and bring to a boil, cook for five minutes.
  4. Peel bananas and cut into thin slices.
  5. For lemons, also cut off the rind and white skin. Then cut them into thin slices.
  6. Send all the prepared ingredients to a bowl of jam, mix and simmer for twenty minutes over low heat.

If you get a thick consistency, pieces of added fruit look transparent, then the jam is ready. Now it must be decomposed into sterilized prepared jars and tightly tightened with lids.

Recipe for original melon jam

For this recipe, it is necessary to choose a melon that is not ripe, but has an aroma and tastes sweet. At proper preparation you get a tender dish of warm honey color. The jam has a subtle aroma. You can use this dish not only with tea, but also add it to pies and buns.


  • 700 grams of melon pulp;
  • 400 grams of banana pulp;
  • two lemons;
  • granulated sugar 800 grams;
  • 200 milliliters of vodka.

Step-by-step preparation of jam:

  1. Take a melon and rinse it well with water. Then wipe with a towel and cut into four parts.
  2. Remove the core and skin from the pulp and finely cut into pieces.
  3. It is better to take a container with a wide bottom, it is necessary to fill it with prepared melon and sugar. cover the basin kitchen towel and leave it like this all night.
  4. In the morning, add squeezed lemon juice to the mixture and mix well.
  5. Put on fire, bring to a boil and cook for thirty minutes over low heat. It is necessary to try to interfere with the prepared mixture so that it does not burn. It is better to use a wooden spoon or spatula.
  6. Rinse the second lemon with running water, wipe with a towel. Cut together with the peel into thin plates, which still need to be divided into four parts. And pour them into a container with jam.
  7. Peel the bananas, cut into slices and add to the mixture.
  8. Put the container back on the fire and cook over low heat until the mixture thickens.
  9. The foam that periodically appears on the jam must be removed with a spoon, constantly stirring the contents of the basin. The resulting jam must immediately be decomposed into jars and rolled up. Banks must be sterilized.

One more original blank, which housewives should take note of, is the recipes for which we have described for you on our website.


All these simple recipes can be prepared by any housewife, if she has at hand detailed instructions. During the cooking process, you can add your own interesting ideas. From which taste qualities jams will change.

But in order for the jam to be tasty, you need to choose the right melons. It must be smelled, the smell should be sweet and pleasant. If the fruit smells of greens, then it is not suitable for cooking. The peel of the melon should not have cracks and dents. Do not take fruits sold along the roads, as melons absorb harmful substances from the air. Microbes can settle in cracks in the peel. Therefore, approach carefully the choice of melon for jam.

If you tried melon jam and liked it, it means that additives and spices were correctly selected for it, because in pure form melon jam resembles grass boiled in sugar. I will show you how to cook amazingly delicious lemon melon jam, which contains only one spicy additive - star anise (otherwise it is also called star anise). The jam is fragrant, sunny, thick, and melon pieces taste like candied fruits soaked in amber syrup.


  • Melon - 1 kilogram (weight without peel and seeds),
  • Jelly sugar - 750 grams,
  • Lemon - 1 large or 2 medium
  • Badyan - 3 stars

How to make lemon melon jam

Not very suitable for this jam. sweet melon, from a series of unsuccessful blind buys. I have exactly this. It is very fragrant, juicy, but unsweetened.

I washed it thoroughly, cut it in half, scraped out all the seeds, cut it into slices and already cut the pulp from them in this way - very convenient.

I put it in a saucepan, covered it with sugar, which already included pectin. You can use the purchased "Jelfix 2: 1", or you can not add anything at all. But then the jam will be quite liquid.

I put anise in a saucepan, squeezed the juice from two lemons. It is important that the lemon seeds do not get into the jam!

Mixed everything. Beautiful, is not it?

I put it on the stove, turned on the slow heat and watched, stirring slightly, as the sugar dissolved, and the melon gave juice.

When the jam boiled, waited one minute and turned it off. Closed the lid and left to soak. You can leave for 12 hours, and for a day.

The second cooking - also bring to a boil, 1 minute - turn off. As you can see, the melon pieces have already been soaked in syrup and become transparent. Again we leave for a day.

The third cooking is already longer - three to five minutes. Why? To make the color so bright, golden.

And that is all. We extract the star anise (the jam will not stand with it). Pour into sterile jars and screw on sterile lids.

I hope you enjoy this jam as much as I did. Well, it's very pretty and delicious.

Enjoy your meal!