Recipe for making salt dough for modeling. Create simple crafts based on pressing objects into the dough

For those parents who are afraid to give plasticine to a too small child, but want the baby to learn to sculpt from childhood, salt dough has been created. Previously, only a mother could cook this for her child, but today its factory version has taken a full-fledged place next to other goods in children's toy stores. Although this mass was not invented yesterday, for many it still remains a kind of mystery.


The positive role of modeling in the development of a child has long been beyond the slightest doubt - it has a good effect on both the physical and mental components. At the same time, it is quite obvious that the earlier you start, the more impressive results could be achieved. At the same time, plasticine is the main material for children's creativity today, it is not recommended for use by children under 3 years old, and in the future its use is desirable in the presence of adults.

In this context, dough can be an excellent alternative for young children. Made at home, it differs little in composition from what is used for home baking, except that it is prepared a little differently, and almost always with the addition huge amount salt, because this is the only way to ensure that the child does not pull the clay into the mouth.

However, even if it pulls, it's okay, because the product is made exclusively from edible ingredients that do not require much chewing and are easy to swallow.

Industrial production somewhat expands the range of ingredients - the composition may include additional plasticizers, dyes, and even sparkles. Usually, manufacturers are guided by the same theoretical suitability for food, although sparkles are unlikely to be useful. children's body. At the same time, not all companies follow this moment so carefully, selling under the guise of modeling dough more soft types plasticine.

Since we are talking about consistency, it should be noted that modeling dough has another important indicator for kids - it is very soft. Such a mass does not need to be pre-kneaded, it is immediately ready to create masterpieces. At the same time, this feature does not allow the material to keep an overly complex shape with small details. The mixture is very afraid of open air - it dries out on it, losing elasticity and becoming brittle. Finished products from it, if desired, can be preserved by special drying or baking.

What is needed?

First of all, modeling dough helps the child develop fine motor skills of the hands and train the muscles of the fingers, and also greatly contributes to the development of imagination and creative inclinations. However, only adults see the purpose of the mass in this way, while the kids themselves perceive children's dough as another toy from which you can create various crafts that you can then be proud of if the end result is successful.

For sculpting large volumetric figures with small details, this material is not very suitable, since it holds its own weight rather poorly. For this reason, it is much more often used for sculpting small figures, creating various compositions from them, and also as a raw material for creating three-dimensional paintings.

If, when focusing on achieving the first two goals, you still have to think about whether your plan will work out or not, then you can look for inspiration for paintings almost anywhere. Plots are most often taken from nature - children sculpt simple landscapes, animals, flowers, the same sun. However, you can not stop there - if you have talent, at later stages you can move on to making serious images, or even heroes of your favorite cartoons. Fairy-tale castles, fairies - yes, even Shrek and Fixies!

It must also be understood that different types of crafts are regarded differently by children themselves. Toddlers usually want toys, so they are more interested in voluminous figures. Compositions and paintings are already real creativity, it is not intended for play, but it will help to gain recognition, respect and praise from others; therefore, such modeling results will be more interesting for older children.

How to knead with your own hands?

Many housewives, realizing that the recipe for the mixture is actually very simple, prefer not to buy the mass, but to knead it on their own. It is very easy to do this, given that the ingredients that make up the composition are usually found in any apartment, and if not, they can be bought literally everywhere. Making the mass yourself will be much cheaper than buying, and in terms of properties, it will not be inferior to many varieties of store products - you just need to know the correct proportions.

If you are far from a master yet, but still want to try making homemade plasticine yourself, pay attention to the best recipe in terms of simplicity. The materials used for cooking will surprise you with their simplicity - the mass is made from flour and salt, the composition also includes ordinary water. The exact proportions differ due to the fact that the final mass can be of different density, but usually they are indicated as a glass of flour and half a glass of salt per half a glass of water, and then experiment.

For a more elastic state, a tablespoon of vegetable oil is also added, and an extremely improved version is prepared with citric acid (two teaspoons).

However, not used for modeling plain dough, but custard. The described ingredients are not just mixed, but placed in a saucepan over medium heat. Exact time is never indicated because pots and stoves vary greatly, but if the modeling mass has thickened and become homogeneous, it's time to pull it out.

In the process of heating, the mixture must be stirred in order to achieve a uniform mass, but even after removing it from the pan, it is again diligently kneaded on a flat surface sprinkled with a small amount of flour. Ready dough keeps its shape well, does not stick to hands and does not contain lumps.

Of course, home-made types of plasticine do not end with this recipe alone. In fact, you can get a thick notebook and write it all over with different plasticine recipes, but another recipe that involves alternative ingredients and made with starch. To do this, two cups of ordinary baking soda are mixed with a cup of corn starch and half a glass of water, after which the procedure is similar to that already described above. Salt is not included in this recipe, so young children can simply eat this type of mass.

For greater durability, crafts also use a recipe with PVA glue - products from it are somewhat reminiscent of papier-mâché. A glass of finely ground salt is mixed with the same amount of flour, where a mixture of about half (or a little more) a glass of water and a tablespoon of glue is gradually poured. You should stop adding water at the moment when the future "paper" dough stops absorbing it. After that, the mass is thoroughly mixed, since the salt grains do not have time to dissolve in it, and the recipe does not require heat treatment.

How to make colored dough at home?

Making salt dough at home does not require much effort, but you want the result to be like Play-Doh (play-do) - bright and beautiful. To do this, dyes are added to the dough - this is possible both at the stage of preparation, and in the presence of a ready-made colorless mass.

To achieve the desired effect, you can use special food colorings, which are sold in many culinary stores. They are liquids that are mixed into water during cooking (if it is in the recipe), and after cooking, such a dye can be mixed into a colorless dough. Experts point out that in this way you can color the dough easily and quickly, but the result may not be very impressive - the mass will acquire a shade rather than a color, and for the normal brightness of the purchased dye, you need a lot.

Dye, by the way, you can not buy, using all the same natural ingredients. Most often, juices of vegetables and fruits are used in this role: beets give a red color, carrots give orange, and so on.

Such juice can be squeezed out yourself or bought, as an alternative, any drinks of the corresponding color will fit. To give the dough a yellow tint, various mild seasonings are often used, brown - coffee or tea. However, it is worth considering that such a substance is not at all a specially selected dye, so the result may turn out to be even more faded.

You can color the dough not with food coloring, but ordinary gouache- the diagram looks exactly the same. At the same time, it is not at all difficult to get such paint, because it is used for creative education in children's educational institutions, and it is inexpensive, but the color gives a very bright one, which is what we need. True, it is noted that such an ingredient very much liquefies the mass, therefore, when using this method, adding a certain amount of flour is mandatory.

How can you paint the finished product?

Dyeing dough as a raw material is suitable for creating simple crafts, but complex compositions with a large number of multi-colored details are easier to make from a solid mass, which then, after drying or baking, will be painted on top. At the same time, the specificity of the material dictates its own characteristics of the coloring procedure.

People with extensive experience with modeling dough indicate that it is best to paint finished crafts with acrylic paint, because only so you can ensure that the product will not get dirty, and the colors on it will not be smeared. Watercolor is acceptable, but since dry dough she is very afraid of water, the paint should be mixed extremely thickly - this will help it not to spread.

When painting with watercolors, the risk of smearing the contours is still high, so the figure must be be sure to varnish after staining. Gouache is also used for coloring finished products, but in order for it to adhere normally to the surface of the figurine, it must first be mixed with a small amount of PVA glue.

Varnishing, by the way, is recommended for all types of dyes, because it can protect the surface from accidental water ingress, and bright colors from fading. Liquid varnish is absorbed into the craft, which requires repeated varnishing and is a procedure for many days, but the result is bright, and not just shiny.

Thick varnish is also used, but is still less common.

How to dry?

In dried form, dough crafts last much longer, but in order for them not to fall apart over time, it is necessary to endure the procedure. It should be noted that there is no exact description of it anywhere - it all depends on the specifics of the source material and the exact drying parameters.

Modeling dough hardens even just outdoors- beginners usually rely on this method. The main disadvantage of such drying is the drying time: the dough dries on average one millimeter deep per day, so even a small voluminous figure can dry for weeks.

You can speed up the process by organizing drying on radiators, but there is also a risk here - due to the heterogeneity of the consistency (inside soft dough, outside - hard) deformation of the product is likely.

For this reason masterpieces are best baked, and the microwave is not suitable for such purposes at all - you only need to use the oven. There are many detailed descriptions of the process indicating the exact duration and temperature, but in fact, no one knows exactly how long the dough craft dries in the oven - it depends on the shape of the craft and the shape of the oven.

It is even noted that the baking sheet can also influence the procedure - black provides more efficient drying, and therefore it is necessary either to lower the temperature by twenty degrees, or to reduce the baking time.

In general, baking lasts several hours at a temperature that gradually increases from 50 to 150 degrees. If the dough was pre-colored, the upper temperature limit is 125 degrees, since the dye will collapse with more intense heating. The baking process is not forbidden to stretch for several days. You can check the conditional readiness of the product with the help of the sound that it makes when gently tapping on the surface - the solid filling responds with a sonorous, peppy sound.

How to store?

Even though baby salt dough can be kneaded at any time, mothers still prefer to find a way to keep the mass for a certain long time, rather than re-preparing it every time the child has a corresponding need. It should be noted here that such a mixture will definitely dry out and lose elasticity, but there is a difference - in a month, or in a couple of days.

The most obvious way to store the mass, used by industrial manufacturers, is the storage tightness. store product it is sold in special jars with a tight lid, and if there are any left in the house after the last purchase, it is best to use them. As an alternative, you can Lotno wrap the pieces of dough in cellophane or polyethylene, however, this method is already less reliable.

Refrigeration can also help prevent drying out, as cold generally slows down most chemical processes.

If you need to save the finished product, then, first of all, you need to carefully protect it from water ingress, since even a small drop will leave a very noticeable mark. To give strength to the figurine, it is best to bake it - then it will become quite hard, and not very susceptible to external mechanical stress. Additional varnishing of the baked product will protect it even from accidental ingress of moisture, so you can be proud of the creation for a long time.

Edible pastry for pie decorations

If a child makes really interesting figures, and does it from potentially edible material, you can use this in home cooking. If the baby is already old enough to understand that it still won’t work to play with dough products for a long time, he will most likely be glad to have the opportunity to pleasantly surprise everyone by taking a direct part in creating the pie. It means, of course, not puff, and not even ordinary pizza dough, but the mass that you can make with your own hands is perfectly molded, and most importantly, it amazes with its taste!

The first recipe is very simple - half a cup of Nutella is kneaded with the same amount of flour, adding a tablespoon powdered sugar. Ready mix becomes much thicker than regular Nutella, which allows it to hold its shape, but still tastes very much like the original ingredient.

Many needlewomen who are fond of modeling, or mothers whose young children prefer this hobby, have tried many materials. Interesting figurines, decorations, paintings are created using clay, plasticine, plastics ( polymer clay). Another original and environmentally friendly material that every woman can create with her own hands is salt dough. With its help, amazingly beautiful products are obtained. But few people know how to make salt dough correctly. Below you will find some good, proven recipes.

Salt dough for modeling at home

Salt dough is a material that has gained wide popularity among needlewomen. It is often used for modeling with young children, because, unlike plasticine, which contains substances that are not very useful for the skin of a child, such a dough is safe. And in the absence of glue in the composition, nothing terrible will happen if the baby swallows a piece in the process of making crafts. Several advantages of salt dough over other materials:

  • It does not require significant financial investments. As a rule, the necessary components for cooking are always at hand.
  • Rinses off hands quickly and leaves no residue on clothes or surfaces.
  • It has good density indicators, keeps its shape, does not stick to hands during modeling (if it is well and correctly mixed).
  • Subsequent drying of finished products can be carried out both in the oven and in the air.
  • Many substances are suitable for coloring the resulting crafts, including natural dyes.
  • If you cover the finished products with varnish, they will last for a long time.

Modeling is a great activity that will bring a lot of fun to both adults and young children. In kids, this hobby will help develop fine motor skills, contribute to the development of the ability to concentrate, which is especially important in the preschool period. Finished products can be given to close friends and relatives as gifts for the holidays, salt dough paintings will decorate the house, and toys will be a great reminder of a child's tender age. In addition, joint modeling will bring parents and children together, which is also an indisputable plus of this activity.

Required Ingredients

Preparing salt dough is a process that requires attention, especially for those who make such a mixture for the first time. However, the number of ingredients is small and many of them can be found in every housewife in the kitchen. The basis of any dough option is salt and wheat flour, which are kneaded with water. Some prepare a mixture of wheat and rye flour so that the material can be processed better. To make the dough more elastic, thicker, needlewomen can use the following additional ingredients:

  • Dry wallpaper paste. This component will help make future products more durable.
  • Vegetable oil or regular hand cream will give plasticity to the salt dough, it will be easier to sculpt with it.
  • Kissel from potato starch. This ingredient can be used in place of water to make the dough pliable. How to cook: Dissolve a teaspoon of potato starch in half a glass of water. Mix with a glass of freshly boiled water. Put the liquid on the fire, hold until the mass becomes thick - the water substitute is ready.
  • Food and other dyes to create colored dough.

DIY dough tools

To make salt dough, you will need a wide mixing bowl, an oven (in the cold season, a battery is suitable, in the summer, if there is no oven, the material can be dried in the sun). For the convenience of modeling, it is better to take a baking sheet or a board: besides, on the latter you can then immediately bake ready-made crafts. Still desirable to have at home plastic bag where the dough will be stored for some time so that it does not dry out. An excellent replacement for him will be a container with a lid. What else might be needed:

  • Spoons, glasses to measure the amount of ingredients.
  • Special blades for sculpting.
  • Brushes, if staining will be done.
  • Gouache, acrylic, other paints.

Test options and features of working with it

Every needlewoman who has been sculpting for a long time puff pastry, has its own secrets to create this material. Some have learned by experience to verify the ideal ratio of all components, and someone complements the classic recipe interesting ingredients that increase the plasticity of the base for modeling. Below you can learn several ways to create salt dough, see step-by-step photos of its preparation, learn important secrets that help make the material perfect.

Classic recipe for beginners

The classic recipe will help beginners create salty dough with a minimum of ingredients. All that is needed to make the mass is fine salt (extra), wheat flour and water. The material prepared according to this recipe retains its properties for up to two weeks when stored in the refrigerator. Over time, you will learn to identify required amount ingredients by eye.

How to do:

  1. Pour salt (half a glass) into a wide bowl. Then pour in water at room temperature - it should be a little less than half a glass. Stir the liquid thoroughly for five minutes, then let the solution brew for a quarter of an hour. Some grains will remain at the bottom, but this is normal, then they will disperse in the dough.
  2. Gently pour in half a glass of wheat flour, kneading it well with a fork or spoon. Try to “break” the resulting lumps so that kneading is easier. You should get a homogeneous mass.
  3. If after cooking the dough sticks to your hands or looks watery, you need to add more flour. Check the readiness of the material by leaving a trace in the mass with your fingers. If he does not “float”, keeps his shape, everything is ready.
  4. You can start sculpting immediately after cooking.

Chouxed salt dough

More delicate in texture - custard salted dough, it differs from classic version that is less dense. Unlike the result of the previous recipe, such material will be more viscous. Children are delighted with him, because choux pastry does not stick to hands. You can use plasticine molds as modeling tools. What ingredients will be needed:

  • Two glasses of water.
  • A tablespoon of vegetable oil.
  • Two glasses of flour.
  • One glass of salt.
  • Tablespoon citric acid.

How to cook:

  1. Heat water in a saucepan, do not bring to a boil. Add vegetable oil.
  2. Pour the rest of the ingredients into a bowl. Mix well. Then pour hot water into it. You can start kneading the mass with a fork or with a mixer.
  3. At first the mixture will be liquid, continue kneading without stopping. In hot water, the flour will boil, become denser.
  4. Knead until the material becomes thick, viscous. You can add dyes, sparkles until the mixture has cooled. Ready!

How to knead the dough correctly

All the ingredients of the classic recipe (flour, salt, water) should be kneaded with a fork, spoon, mixer or hands. You need to do this for a long time until the lumps are completely broken. If the salt dough is too runny, add wheat flour to the mixture. Please note that when kneading, the mass should not crumble, fall apart. To prevent this from happening, knead the mixture thoroughly until you get a stiff dough.

How to make colored dough for crafts

Children involved in the manufacture of crafts will be happy with the colored material. You can paint the products after they dry, or add colorants to the ingredients so that the finished mass for modeling immediately turns out to be a certain shade. As dyes suitable food - powder, liquid, in tablets. Tablets must be crushed before preparation. Required Ingredients:

  • Three hundred grams of white flour and fine salt.
  • Two hundred milliliters of water.
  • Two tablespoons of vegetable oil.

How to do:

  • Mix flour, salt, water, knead a cool thick dough that will not stick to your hands.
  • Divide the mass into parts: there should be as many as you want to get flowers.
  • Take a piece of the finished material, make an indentation with your fingertip. Pour water on the tip of a teaspoon. Put powder or liquid dye on top - it should dissolve, absorb.
  • Start kneading the dough again until the mass is completely colored. If it dries a little, add a little vegetable oil.
  • Repeat the same procedure with the rest of the pieces.
  • Fold in a bag, leave in the refrigerator until the next day. Ready!

How to color dough for kids

Coloring finished products is another pleasant moment that adults and children like. If we talk about paints, then ordinary gouache or acrylic is best suited. You can also use gold, silver paint. To make the thing durable, cover the painted craft with varnish. You can also decorate the product with beads, sequins, rhinestones, beads, taking into account the preferences of the kids.

How and how much to dry the dough in the oven

After sculpting, the next important stage in creating crafts comes - they need to be dried. You can use the oven for this. At room temperature one millimeter of material dries per day. Do not dry molded things in the microwave - they can crack and lose their pleasant appearance. Drying in the oven is better than other methods. A few rules for drying finished products:

  • The approximate time spent by crafts in an electric oven at a temperature of 75 and 100 degrees is one hour, at 120 - half an hour, at 150 - half an hour. In a gas oven, drying will take about twice as long.
  • Pay attention to the size: if the thing has overall dimensions, the longer it will take. Control the temperature by opening the door.
  • Turn the product over periodically.
  • If you decorated a thing with decorative materials, such as rhinestones, beads, you cannot set the temperature above one hundred and twenty degrees.
  • Lay food foil on a baking sheet: then the crafts will not stick.

What can be done with salt dough

Many interesting things can be made from salt dough. It can be jewelry - intricate earrings, beautiful pendants, beads for bracelets. The material is perfect for creating children's toys - animal figurines, fairy-tale characters, various items. Experienced needlewomen are able to make real works of art using such a dough: they are very popular beautiful pictures, panel. See below for more crafting ideas.

Imprints and casts of arms and legs

In the first months and years of life, a small child grows rapidly. At this time, young couples want to capture the baby in order to remember him forever at this age. Almost every family now has a camera, so needlewomen come up with others original ways how to do it. For example, parents can leave prints of the baby's hand or foot on salt dough. When the child grows up, he will be interested to see this.

Paintings and panels

Three-dimensional paintings made with salt dough look amazingly beautiful. Such things will become a wonderful decoration of the interior and will amaze the guests who see them. In addition, a hand-made panel can serve as a wonderful gift for any celebration - birthday, wedding. Unusual paintings will delight the recipient of the gift for a long time.

Figurines and flowers

Creating figurines, sculpting plants soothes and brings real pleasure. A needlewoman can make things using salt dough on her own or with her children. Having once tried to make such figures, the kids will be carried away by this activity with pleasure. It will be even more interesting then to paint the resulting products from an unusual material.

Modeling - great way Develop children's fine motor skills, very fun and enthusiastic. Using salt dough for this activity is one of the the best options. Parents themselves can make inexpensive, safe modeling material with excellent plastic properties.

The benefits of modeling for children

Creating figures from plastic materials is a kind of useful leisure not only for children, but also for the whole family. You can engage with kids, starting from the age of one and a half years. Modeling - and cheerful, and useful way activities with children. At the same time, adults will spend time with benefit and pleasure.

Making crafts from plastic material develops in children:

  • spatial thinking;
  • creativity;
  • the ability to perceive and distinguish colors and shades;
  • perseverance;
  • Attention;
  • memory;
  • coordination of movements;
  • fine motor skills and, as a result, speech function.

Modeling helps children to realize what shapes, shades, size ratio are. This occupation provides beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state of the child.

When making crafts, children use both hands, that is, both hemispheres of the brain are involved in the process, which develops both logical and creative thinking at the same time.

Modeling children acquire useful skills that will be useful to them in their further education and life. Classes teach kids to be neat, purposeful, focus on the goal. Children begin to fantasize, think independently, analyze the process.

Advantages of salt dough for modeling

It is recommended to use dough for making crafts for many reasons. The dough, unlike other materials, is non-toxic and safe. If a child eats a piece, it will not affect his body negatively. In addition, the play dough has a rich salty taste that will discourage the child from pulling it into his mouth. Due to the fact that the dough is environmentally friendly pure product, you can make crafts from this material with very young children.

Dough is a much more plastic material than plasticine. It does not have to be kneaded for a long time before use. The dough does not stick to hands and dries quickly. The advantages of using the dough include the fact that, by making the material with your own hands, you can give it any color you wish.

Easy DIY Salt Dough Recipes

There are a lot of recipes for salt dough for creating crafts. Making such a dough does not require almost any culinary skills, so even a child can make it. Of course, parental control will be required, but the child will be interested not only in sculpting, but also in taking part in the process of making the material.

To begin with, it is better to choose a simpler recipe - a classic one. Not necessarily the first time you get a material with the necessary parameters for sculpting. Failure can occur due to the inadequate quality of one or another ingredient, inappropriate water temperature. Some people like to measure the mixed components by eye, which also affects the quality of the final product.

Classic recipe

For the first time, it is best to choose a simple salt dough recipe. Need flour, salt and water:

  1. Add 200 grams of extra grinding salt to 200 grams of premium white flour, mix thoroughly.
  2. After that, water is poured in a thin stream (total 125 grams). You should not add all the water at once, but gradually, stirring the mixture after each serving and observing the consistency.
  3. The resulting dough may crumble a little due to the high salt content. This problem can be solved by adding a tablespoon of vegetable oil to the mixture. In this case, the dough will be elastic.
  4. After the dough is kneaded, it must be briefly removed in the refrigerator. Half an hour is enough, and your modeling material will be ready.

With PVA glue

To prepare the dough according to this recipe, you need to take a standard glass of flour and salt and mix thoroughly. Dissolve a tablespoon of PVA glue or other wallpaper paste in 150 ml of water. The resulting whitish liquid is slowly added to the mixture.

In this case, you need to pay attention to the consistency. Different flour takes water in different ways, so you need to navigate by feeling. Grains of salt can be felt in the resulting mass, so kneading the dough with glue will take a little longer than usual.

The dough with glue is more durable, does not crack when dried. The finished mass needs to be kept in the refrigerator for a while. If the dough turned out to be more than necessary, it can be stored there. It keeps its properties for two weeks.

With added starch

You can prepare material for modeling without the use of flour. In this recipe, it is replaced with potato starch. For cooking, you need a glass of starch and two glasses of baking soda:

  1. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed, then half a glass of water is added. You can add food coloring to the mixture if you like.
  2. The container with the mixed components is placed on a small fire and, with constant stirring, is brought to the desired density.
  3. When the mass becomes sticky and very thick, it is removed from the heat and cooled, and then kneaded.
  4. If the cooled dough sticks to your hands, you can add a spoonful and a half of vegetable oil and knead again.

With food coloring

Children will love the colorful modeling material. It is easy to make: prepare the dough according to any of the above recipes, divide into parts and add food colors of the required colors to each of them. It is preferable to use liquid dyes. They give the mass an intense color and improve elasticity. You can color the dough like this: place each part of the dough in a plastic bag, add a few drops of dye and knead well for even coloring.

glowing dough

Children will be delighted if the dough is made glowing! In order to make it, you need to take two glasses of wheat flour and water, an incomplete glass of fine salt, two tablespoons of vegetable oil. You will also need cream of tartar and two vitamin B tablets:

  1. Tablets must be crushed thoroughly. Mix all dry ingredients, add water in a thin stream, then oil.
  2. Put the resulting mixture on slow fire, stirring, bring to the desired consistency.
  3. After that, the mixture is removed from the stove and cooled.

Glowing dough is ready! You can see it "at work" in a dark room using an ultraviolet lamp.

Analogue of Play-Doh plasticine

Many children love the colorful Play-Doh. You can try to prepare its analogue. A do-it-yourself mass for modeling is completely safe for a child:

  1. Mix half a glass of salt with a glass of wheat flour, add a couple of teaspoons of citric acid, a little glycerin and vegetable oil.
  2. Put the resulting mixture on a small fire and pour in about half a glass of water in small portions. Keep the mass on the stove until it becomes transparent and homogeneous.
  3. Cool slightly and place on a floured surface.
  4. Divide the mass into parts if you need to get a dough of a different color.
  5. Add dye to each part and knead thoroughly. The mixture prepared according to this recipe is very plastic and beautiful.

DIY ideas with photos

For the little ones

For the first classes, you need to choose the most simple options. To a small child you can offer to cut out figures from the dough with special confectionery molds, having previously rolled out the mass with a rolling pin. You can make a flat blank in the shape of some animal, and then make and attach small details to it: eyes, ears, teeth, tail, bows, ruffles and everything else that is enough for imagination.

From such flat figures, you can then make a picture by sticking them on thick paper or cardboard. An example of such work in the photo:

For kids 2-4 years old, you can come up with a game in the store. To do this, you will need to independently produce products and other goods for the game. The easiest way for the baby will be to make a loaf or bagels. In the first case, the child just needs to form a small sausage and make cuts with the help of a stack, as on a “City” loaf.

Bagels are not more difficult to make: small pieces of dough need to be rolled into thin sausages and fasten the ends of each of them to each other. After the "bakery products" are ready, they need to be properly dried and then painted with acrylic paints.

holiday decorations

With a child of 4-6 years old, you can make Christmas decorations and other decorative elements. It's very simple:

  • you need to mix 1 glass of salt and water with 2 glasses of flour;
  • then knead the total mass for 10 minutes until the desired consistency;
  • separate a small part of the dough, make them into a ball;

  • flatten and use your index finger to make a hole in the center;
  • place the blanks in a donut baking dish;
  • with a toothpick, make holes-grooves along the edges of the future product;

  • bake at 200 degrees for 6 hours, then completely dry the product;
  • with a knitting needle, make holes for attaching a decorative tape.

Modern mothers periodically try to think of something interesting to do and captivate the child. How to make educational toys from improvised materials, for example, salt dough for modeling. Mixing a kind of "plasticine" at home is not difficult. Consider the basic recipes and the main aspects.

Salt dough recipes for sculpting crafts

How do you make sure your child has a good time? Salt dough for modeling is your real savior. At home, there are many options for its preparation. Let's take them in order.

Recipe number 1. Salt and flour

In a deep bowl, mix the flour sifted several times (200 gr.) With crushed extra-class salt in the same volume. In the resulting dry mixture, add 100 ml in a thin stream. ice water and knead.

The dough will be homogeneous. It is very important that the mass is not liquid. Wrap the finished composition cling film and refrigerate for a couple of hours.

Recipe number 2. Soda with flour and salt

Mix in a saucepan 30 gr. flour, 18-20 gr. soda and a third cup of salt. Add 15 ml. sunflower (or any other) oil, enter 220-250 ml. water.

Put on a quiet fire and stir without ceasing. As soon as the mass begins to stick to the spoon, remove the saucepan from the heat. After cooling, the product must be mixed and applied as directed.

Recipe number 3. Flour and tartar

Pour 140 gr. into a saucepan. salt, 145 gr. white flour and 25 gr. wine stone. Add 25-30 ml to the dry mass. olive oil, a couple of drops of dye.

After active stirring, put on a quiet fire. When the dough reaches a homogeneous thick state, it will need to be removed from the burner. Then you should cool and squeeze out the mass.

This salt dough recipe is perfect for all kinds of crafts. The child will find something to do with his hands at home. In addition, the composition perfectly develops finger motor skills.

Recipe number 4. VitaminBand flour (glowing dough)

Grind a vitamin B tablet into powder, combine with 240 gr. flour, 75 gr. salt and 16 gr. wine stone. Pour in 25 ml. sunflower oil and 240 ml. hot water(but not boiling water). Mix mass.

It is necessary to cook, on the slowest mode, stirring constantly. Once the mixture starts to stick to the spoon, the dough is ready. It glows in the presence of a UV lamp.

Recipe number 5. Glycerin with oil

Combine into a homogeneous mass of 235 gr. flour, 70 gr. salt, 25 ml. any vegetable oil, 15-20 gr. wine stone. Boil 235-250 ml. water and pour into it the resulting dry mixture.

Pour 5 ml there. liquid glycerin and dye in the amount of a couple of drops. Stir until smooth. Cool and start kneading by adding a small amount of flour.

Recipe number 6. Salt and PVA

There are many options on how to make salt dough using PVA glue for modeling. Since you decided to master the technology at home, take a look at the recipe below.

In 60 ml. warm water, add a glass of flour and half a glass of salt. Mix thoroughly with a spoon. Pour in 30 ml. PVA glue and knead the dough with your hands. Wrap the resulting mass in a bag and put it in the cold for 2.5-3 hours.

Recipe number 7. starch and water

In 250 ml. water to dissolve a couple of glasses of potato starch. Stir the resulting mixture well until smooth.

In a bowl, mix 480 gr. salt with 470 gr. white flour and add the resulting liquid to the mixture. The composition must be kneaded and used for its intended purpose.

Recipe number 8. Baby cream with flour

Connect 250 gr. flour with 240 gr. salt and 20 gr. baby cream. Slowly stir in 70 ml. water and carefully prepare the dough. Remove the mass for modeling in the refrigerator for 2.5 hours. After the specified period, proceed to developmental activities.

Recipe number 9. Glycerin with wallpaper glue

The recipe for making this salty dough is not particularly difficult. For sculpting crafts, a mixture of wallpaper glue is suitable. You can carry out all manipulations at home.

So, let's begin. In a deep container, combine 245 gr. flour, 120 gr. salt and 40 ml. glycerin. Mix well. Add 45 ml. diluted wallpaper glue (not a dry composition from a pack).

Mix thoroughly by hand or with a mixer. Enter a little cold water if the dough is too hard.

Recipe number 10. Milk and flour

In a container, combine flour and salt to a homogeneous structure, taking 135 g of each product. Pour 35 ml into the dry mixture. olive oil and 75 ml. warm milk. Mix thoroughly and leave in the cold under cling film for 3 hours.

Recipe number 11. Salt dough in microwave oven

Mix two glasses of white flour with 240 gr. salt, 27 ml. olive oil, 15 gr. cream of tartar and dye (a few drops). Pour 480 ml into the resulting mixture. water.

Install on microwave oven high power and send the mass into it for 3-4 minutes. Ready! Once the dough has cooled down a bit, you need to knead it.

Recipe number 12. Colored dough without dye

Many mothers want to please the baby in every possible way, but how to do it? There is a so-called colored salt dough, it is ideal for modeling and quite doable at home. Moreover, this method does not use artificial dyes.

Mix in a deep saucepan 245 gr. salt, 260 gr. flour and 80-90 ml. olive oil. Add 50 ml. carrot or beetroot juice. Start stirring and pour in the same amount of water. Mix well until an elastic structure is obtained.

Recipe number 13. Salty dough "play doh»

In a saucepan, mix 240 gr. salt, 35 gr. citric acid, 480 gr. flour. Enter 35 ml. liquid glycerin and 30 ml. sunflower oil.

Put on a small fire. Stirring constantly, add 230 ml. water. It takes 4-6 minutes to boil the composition.

When the mixture is homogeneous, smooth and light, you need to add food coloring (a couple of drops). After that, remove the mass from the pan and knead.

The benefits of sculpting dough

  • strengthening the functions of fine motor skills;
  • improving imagination and creative thinking;
  • increased perseverance and accuracy;
  • development of aesthetic education.

Currently, there are a large number of salt dough recipes, all of which are great for sculpting crafts. You can choose the option you like and make it a reality at home.

1. If there is a lot of modeling dough, it can be stored in the refrigerator, after wrapping it in cling film.

2. Keep the dough tightly closed, otherwise it will dry out.

3. For children under the age of 1.5, do not add dyes to the mass, even food ones. For kids, it is better to cook standard salty dough (recipe 1).

4. To dry the figures, you need to dry them in the open air or in the oven.

5. If there are no dyes at hand, colored dough can be made using greens, cocoa and juice (beetroot or carrot).

As you understood from the above, everyone can make salt dough. Choose your favorite recipe for modeling and prepare the mixture at home with the kids. Engage in interesting and educational activities. Have fun!

Salt dough is one of the most accessible materials for creativity. But even the simplest material will fully reveal its capabilities only if you feel the ero beauty, recognize its properties and learn how to work with it.

Flour is natural product, and its quality may vary depending on the degree of grain grinding, and even on the weather conditions under which the grain ripened. Therefore, in practice universal recipe salt dough has to be slightly adjusted, but this will not cause you any difficulties in working.

For salt dough, inexpensive flours that are not specially processed and without additives, emulsifiers and baking powder are best suited. Indeed, for modeling, the presence of vitamins and trace elements in flour is not important.

Wheat flour is best for making salt dough. And in rye flour dough, more pores form, it is more difficult to dry, and it is more solid in modeling.

Different types of flour can be mixed, such as wheat and rye flour.

Classic recipe salt dough from wheat flour: flour - 2 cups, salt - 1 cup, water - 200 gr (200 ml).

Flour: It is best to buy white wheat flour the highest grade, it has enough gluten, and the color of the baked products will please the eye. But if you have conceived some special product, as an experiment, you can try any other.

Salt: Due to the salt content, the dough keeps its shape well when molding, and the finished product will be reliably protected from mold and rodents. In order for your products to have a flat, smooth surface, it is better to use the finest “extra” salt. Try not to use a coffee grinder to grind salt.

Salt is added to the dough solely to protect against mice and harmful insects. Therefore, a large amount of it, in essence, is not required. Too much salt can make the dough brittle and brittle after drying, which leads to the formation of cracks in the product. Salt can be used any, even the cheapest. Coarse salt is easy to grind in a coffee grinder.

Water: You will need water to make salt dough. She must be clean. tap water better to filter. Knead the dough for ice water, it will be more elastic.


The quality of the material can be improved:

By adding 1 tablespoon of potato starch to the classic recipe, be sure to sift it so that there are no lumps, we will increase the plasticity of the material,

By adding 1-2 teaspoons of wallpaper glue, we will increase the strength of the products.

The modeling dough should be quite steep, so it is more convenient to finally knead it on the table, kneading it thoroughly, achieving uniformity and elasticity.

When kneading, the density of the dough can be adjusted: if the dough begins to crumble, water is added to it, and if it turns out to be too soft, salt and flour are added, keeping their basic proportions. Knead the dough until it becomes elastic and pliable. The finished salt dough should be put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours (you can leave it overnight). When cooled, it will become more plastic and homogeneous.

advice! Kneading the dough on the table. Don't forget to dust your countertop with flour. to keep the dough from sticking

advice! It is better to knead the dough in a deep bowl, gradually pouring the sifted flour into the water with the salt dissolved in it. When kneading dough with additives, you need to mix salt with starch or glue (or with both components together) in a bowl, pour the mixture with water, mix and add flour in small portions.

Modeling dough recipes.

There are many recipes for making salt dough. There is probably no one that suits everyone. You need to experiment on your own and choose one that is pleasant to work with.

Recipe #1

300 grams of extra salt (one glass)
300 grams of flour (two cups)
200 milligrams of water (almost a full glass)
1 st. spoon subs. oils

Recipe number 2

4 cups flour
2 cups fine salt
2 glasses of warm water;
for color dough, you need to add paint to the water, you can use gouache or ink of different colors.

Recipe number 3

2 cups flour
1 cup salt
2/3 cup boiling temperature water
Note: First, add all the salt to the water, dissolve it as far as possible, and then put all the flour and start stirring. You will get a very thick and hard dough.

Recipe number 4

2 cups of flour
1 cup fine salt
1 glass of water.
Note: Some people add a little wallpaper paste to this recipe, it provides more strength. finished product. For crafts with children, it is better not to use glue!

Recipe number 5

100 g wheat flour
100 g rye flour
400 g salt
1 glass of water
2 tablespoons of wallpaper paste.
Note: Rye flour gives the finished (dried) product a warm brown tint, but if the dough is kneaded only for rye flour, it will turn out hard and not elastic.

Recipe number 6

Salt - 200 g;
Flour - 500 g;
Water - about 250 ml (the amount of water depends on the type of flour, the need to add glue or oil);
PVA glue (or wallpaper) - 2 tablespoons.

Advice. Salt dough left open in the air dries very quickly, so keep the container covered. Put the rest of the unused dough in the refrigerator, where it can be stored for a day or two.

Advice. You can give an unusual color and pleasant smell to your dough (which will make the work much more pleasant) if you add some spices (or any of them) to it: nutmeg, cumin, paprika, gray and black pepper, cinnamon, curry.

If you decide to create colored crafts from salt dough, then the recipe for ordinary salt dough will not work for you, try making colored, colored dough.

Coloring can be done at the stage of kneading, as well as when kneading the dough.

At the stage of kneading the dough, coloring is done when the composition is based on a combination of two colors.

First color - white(natural dough according to classic recipe), second brown.

To obtain it, ordinary cocoa powder is added during kneading (do not forget to sift it through a sieve before use). Can you add cocoa instead? instant coffee(after dissolving 2-3 teaspoons in minimum quantity boiling water). The amount of cocoa or coffee depends on the intensity of the brown tone you want to get. The more shades your product has, the more interesting it will look.

Also note that additional shades of brown will appear during the baking process. Since brown is not the main color in the composition, you should not knead it in in large numbers. Note that cocoa and coffee produce different shades of brown. Choose the one you like best or use both.

Red and orange dyes are the most intense, therefore, to obtain a dough of these colors, you can use not a whole, but only half a bag for one prepared bun weighing 100-150 g. Any food coloring can be used to color salt dough, but dyes for Easter eggs not all fit.

In order to get the dough of various colors and shades, you need to start with the primary colors: yellow, red, blue. To do this, you will need food coloring, which is sold in powder form.

Prepare the dough according to the classic recipe.

Attention! It is better to make two servings at once. Use one portion to make dough for primary colors. After kneading, put the second one in the refrigerator: it will come in handy later when you need to prepare tint tones.

For the main colors, dilute the powder of each color separately in 1 teaspoon of water, stirring well.
. Prepare a cup of flour, a cup of salt, a cup of water, and a teaspoon.

Attention! When working with colored dough, keep in mind that when it dries, it brightens a little. Divide the first portion of the dough into koloboks weighing 100-150 g. Take one kolobok, make a recess in it, pour in the diluted dye and knead the dough thoroughly. So that it does not become liquid, add a little salt and flour, keeping the basic proportions.

Do all the primary colors one by one.

Try to achieve bright, saturated and not very light tones as a result. Additional colors can be obtained by mixing primary. Warm red gives very nice pure colors when mixed with yellow, and adding pink to blue produces various shades of purple. To get a dark brown color, you can add cocoa powder and some orange dough to the dark purple dough. Beautiful combinations are obtained by mixing green dough with blue or yellow.

If, when starting work, you know in advance what colors you will need, prepare them immediately in the right amount; but most often additional shades are created in the process of work - in small portions.

Secrets of modeling from salt dough. Color effects and glazing.

Even without paint, your crafts can look very impressive. You just need to learn a few simple secrets product processing.

Salt glazing. With the help of this technique, the product will sparkle with iridescent shades in beige and brown tones. During the last hour of firing, keep the product in the oven at a temperature of 150 degrees and grease it repeatedly with a brush dipped in salt water. If you want the product to be more browned, increase the temperature to 200 degrees and glaze with salt when the product has acquired the desired shade of brown. Note. Since the "salt glaze" is formed by salt crystals, products treated in this way can not be varnished.

White color. The product will remain white after air drying or after drying in the oven if the firing temperature did not exceed 125 degrees.

Baking effect. Products will look like buns from yeast dough, if in the last hour of firing in an oven at a temperature of 150 degrees, first apply “salt glaze” on them, and then brush them with a mixture of milk and water or a mixture of egg yolk and water with a brush. If the temperature is raised to 200 degrees, the brown color will be darker.

Brown color. Lubricate the products in the last hour of drying at a temperature of 150 degrees with a brush with beetroot syrup diluted with water