A master class on making a sweet cake and polymer clay cakes. Earrings cakes made of polymer clay from the cycle "culinary miniature"

I dream of starting to work with polymer clay, but it seems that it has not yet matured for it, I can’t understand yet whether I need it. Although I really like it!

Polymer clay is a plastic mass, most of all appearance and tactile sensation reminiscent of plasticine. It contains a special plasticizer, which is completely absorbed into the particles of the material when heated from 100 to 130 ° C in conventional oven. After this process, called polymerization or gelatinization, the material becomes strong - and this is the main difference from plasticine.
From this material you can make dolls, jewelry, souvenirs, and whatever your heart desires! The main thing is to show imagination. And I'll show you how I make cakes out of plastic.

Lemon cake.

For work we need:
Smooth work surface. I use glass from a large photo frame. I used to use a plastic modeling board made of plasticine, but the plastic stuck to it, and the board absorbed different colors, I had to wipe and wash it very often. For rolling without sticking, you can use a sheet of paper or tracing paper. Cooking tracing paper, which can be purchased at a hardware store, works well.
Polymer clay. Plastic comes from different manufacturers, on which its quality depends. Russian plastic "Tsvetik", "Sonnet" or "Artifact" hardens quite quickly during storage. If you buy fresh, you can safely sculpt them, but you can never be sure how they were stored in the store. Plastic "Cernit" is very soft and not very sticky. It feels more like soft wax than plasticine. "Fimo" is probably the most popular. It is soft, not very sticky, it is very easy to work with it, it looks like plasticine.
Stationery knife or blade. It is very important that the blade is very sharp, then your products (especially the "sausages for decorations") will not be deformed when cutting.
Metal fittings. You will need it if you want to make jewelry out of your products. You can buy it in sewing shops, ateliers. Now in many cities there are shops for needlework, where you can buy anything your heart desires. You can also use the services of online stores.
Rolling pin. This is what large flat surfaces are rolled out with. There are many options here: all kinds of culinary rolling pins (it’s better to first carefully sand a wooden one with sandpaper), bottles, lacquer cans, handles, plumbing pipes, that is, all objects of an elongated cylindrical shape.


Since the cake will be lemon, I first stock up on lemon slices.

1. Take three pieces of plastic.
The first is for the peel.
The second is for the inside of the fetus. I got this color by mixing a translucent "Cernit" and a lemon colored pastel. I just crumbled the pastel finely (right into the dust) on the plastic and mixed it thoroughly. This is a convenient way to get some missing color.
The third is a dense white for veins.

2. We take a piece for the inner part of the fetus and divide it into as many parts as we want to see the slices as a result. I divided it into six parts. We roll these parts into even sausages of the same length.

3. Now you need to wrap the "lemon sausages" with white plastic. These are future veins. We knead a thin layer with our hands. Now it does not matter whether the layer is perfectly smooth or not. You can also use a rolling pin. Next, we cut out the “skin” for the slice from this layer and carefully wrap it. The layer must be of the same thickness and not overlap.
Thus, we wrap all the slices.

4. We give each slice the shape of a droplet in a section. I did this by pressing down one side with a ruler.

5. Now we collect the slices into a flower. We make a thin long white plastic sausage, which will be the core, and place the slices like petals.

7. Next, we wrap the entire structure with a thin layer of white plastic. And on top with a thin layer of plastic intended for the peel. Further, this sausage is leveled, rolled out to the desired diameter. And when cut, it will be very even and similar to a real lemon!


1. Take three pieces of plastic. The larger the piece of plastic, the thicker your layer will be in the cake itself.
The first is brown, for the bottom cake.
The second is lemon, for the filling.
The third is the largest, for the top air cake.

2. Now you need to flatten all three layers of the cake so that they have the same diameters.

3. And we connect all three layers in the right order. You need to smooth and flatten them a little so that it is even and beautiful. Here is the finished base.

4. Prepare shavings for the side of the cake. Here we simply cut off thin small pieces of plastic with a sharp blade. If the plastic is too soft, then place it in the freezer for 15-20 minutes. It will become firmer and less sticky.

5. Now you need to carefully place the chips on the cake. I do this with tweezers from a manicure set. And then lightly crush with my fingers.

6. Roll out a thin white plastic sausage and cut into short sticks. Then each of them is slightly flattened and twisted. Once again, twist each of them into a pyramid shape and place on the cake. It will be cream! We place such "pyramids" around the entire perimeter of the surface of the cake.

7. We make "chocolate" chips and place it on the surface of the cake. And at the end of everything, we cut the lemon we have already made into slices and place it in a circle on the surface of the cake.

8. If you immediately begin to cut finished cake, then it is deformed and the slices will turn out to be crooked. To avoid this, you need to either let it lie down for a day, or put it in the freezer for half an hour. The plastic will harden and the cut will be smooth. Do the same with lemon.

9. An invoice must be applied to the sidewall of the cake pieces. But first, I insert the pins, so that later the resulting texture is not smeared. I put the cake on its side on a sheet of paper and carefully poke and pick with a toothpick. At first, this process may seem long, but the hand quickly adapts to it. Once one side is done, flip the cake over and repeat the process. Do not press hard, as you can damage either the other side or the piece itself.
From the remaining lemon sausage, you can cut beads for a bracelet.

We bake the beads in a conventional oven at a temperature of 130 degrees for 15-30 minutes. Read the instructions on the package.
I would like to add that you need to bake in a well-ventilated area, during baking, drive pets out of the kitchen, and then ventilate the oven.

Finished products can be coated with a special varnish. Here I covered them only with lemons, so that the cakes themselves looked more natural.

And here is the result:

I wish you inspiration and great work!

Runet is full of master classes How to make polymer clay cakes". Only lazy people don't make them. In that MK I suggest a slightly different technique in sculpting cakes. Everything is done as usual, except for one thing. Giving porosity to the cake is quite laborious work and takes a lot of time. Over time comes the skill of quality study. And how to do it quickly and efficiently, you will now find out. With the help of this lesson, any novice master can make “cool” cakes.


  • Polymer clay
  • Sugar
  • Round cutter or cream lid
  • foil, knife
  • Fruits (sliced ​​fimo sticks)
  • Pins
  • Super glue

Step 1.
We take light brown plastic, knead it a little, add sugar and continue kneading until the mass becomes homogeneous.

Step 2
On the foil, thinly roll out the plastic with a glass or any other perfectly smooth object. We take a cap from under the cream in a tube and cut out a circle with it - this is the first cake layer of our cake. Remove excess plastic.

Step 3
We take light pink polymer clay (you can mix white with bright pink) and roll it out in the same way and cut out the second layer of the cake. We hook it with a thin wide knife and put it on the first shortbread.

Step 4
Roll out the light brown plastic again and cut out the next circle. It is desirable that the cakes of the same color be the same and thick. We hook it with a knife and continue to fold the cake. We make sure that the edges match and do not stick out from under each other.

Step 5
Alternate the cakes again and roll out the second pink layer. The cake will turn out with two layers, but you can do it with one - this will simplify the task and reduce the manufacturing time of the product.

Step 6
We roll out the last light brown cake, put it on the cake. The next task is to cover the whole thing with glaze. The cake will eventually be cut into 8 pieces, it makes no sense to make them the same. Therefore, we will make two types of cakes: with white icing and chocolate. So, to begin with, with a knife, lightly press down the top cake, thus outlining the middle of the cake.

Step 7
We roll out a thin layer of white plastic, cut off a piece to get an even cut. We lay a layer on the top cake so that a smooth edge clearly runs along the middle of the cake. Gently smooth the white plastic with your index finger so that it covers the side of the product. We cut off the excess.

Step 8
Similarly, cover the second half of the cake with chocolate using brown plastic.

Step 9
We cut the cake in half. Then separately cut each of the halves into even parts. So the pieces are more even.

Step 10
We insert the pins (you can pins with an eye) and decorate the pieces with fruit. Fruits in the sausage technique can be pre-made by yourself, but it is much easier to purchase them in goods for the nail service. We put the fruits, roll miniature cherries and press them down with a needle.

The sides of the pieces can be slightly picked with a toothpick, then the cut is very realistic, similar to the real one.

Step 11
We bake products in the oven, strictly adhering to the instructions for using polymer clay (indicated on the package). After baking, it is necessary to ventilate the kitchen well.

Step 12
We take out the hardened sweets from the oven, let them cool and clean the sides with a hard toothbrush dipped in hot water. The sugar dissolves and forms a porous surface that mimics a real cake.

Step 13
Next, cut off the excess length of the pins, grease with superglue and insert back into the products. Collecting polymer clay cake earrings. Depending on your imagination, polymer clay earrings may look different. Add beads, beads or rhinestones of your choice.

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Recently, polymer clay jewelry has become especially popular. They are different in degree of complexity, form, but always attract attention. I propose to make a small chocolate cake made of polymer clay, which I will demonstrate with my own hands. step by step description and photo. This is not just a miniature, pieces of an appetizing dessert can become an original accessory for bright girls.

Materials for making jewelry:

- polymer clay (several desired shades);
- fastening;
- toothpick.

Stages of work:

1. "Cake" will consist of three cakes. We take cream and yellow clay, mix and make a ball. Form two brown balls. We roll out all the balls up to 2-3 mm thick. Cut out the circles. We roll out the white plastic very thinly.

2. Fold the "cakes" in the following sequence: brown, white, yellow, white, brown.

3. We give a neat shape on the side, running around the "cake".

4. Now you need to close the sides with brown polymer clay. We roll out a thin plate, apply and smooth the seams.

5. We form a thin long sausage from white clay, fold it in half and twist it into a tourniquet. We spread along the edge of the cake in two rows.

6. Fill the middle of the product with “grated chocolate”. To do this, scrape the plastic with a knife and lay the chips on top of the “cake”, press down slightly. You can also add white chocolate if you like.

8. We cut the resulting workpiece and attach it to.

9. Now we make cherries. We make small balls of plastic and prick them with a toothpick.

10. Now you can cut the cake into pieces. If desired, we fix the shvenza into a piece of dessert if we plan to use it as a decoration.

11. We process the edges of the inner cut with a toothpick.

12. Bake the "cake" according to the instructions. Decoration "Chocolate Fruit Cake" is ready!

This is how you can easily and simply make absolutely exclusive jewelry from polymer clay - a bracelet or. Or just to please the child with a toy for.

August 20th, 2012 03:56 pm

The well-known author of microscopic objects made of polymer clay, that is, plastic, to decorate us, loved ones, Miss Mouse, in the happiest time of her female life, gave an individual master class for KULTURMULTUR.

So let's get started!

Part one. Edible

The cake is called "How to hide cherries, or for lazy people"

We will need:
- ready-made biscuit cakes
- Cherry jam

- eggs 3 pcs.
- sugar 100-150 g
- cocoa 3 tbsp. spoons

- flour 3 tbsp. spoons
- milk 300 ml
- butter 100 g

Cooking chocolate cream.
To do this, mix 50 g of sugar, cocoa and flour, add to them butter, rub the resulting mixture.

We put milk on the stove. When it starts to boil, add our mass, cook, stirring all the time, until thickened.

Cooking "white" cream.
Carefully separate the proteins from the yolks, beat, adding sugar a little bit.

We take our cakes, coat them, alternating the cream for beauty ...

...and jam.

After the cakes were missed ...

... we coat the cake from the sides ...

...and decorate as you wish.

Bon appetit!

Part two. toy

Decorations made of polymer clay in the form of pieces of cake with chocolate and cherries.

To sculpt small pieces of cakes you will need:
- White list papers for cleanliness in the workplace
- Wet wipes to keep hands clean throughout the sculpting process
- Blade for plastic (or clerical knife)
- Plastic rolling pin (or any cylindrical object - hairspray / deodorant bottle, thick marker, bottle, etc.)
- Round cookie cutter
- Toothpick or needle for texture
- Pieces of baked polymer clay (aka plastic) of different colors and sizes depending on the amount of work
- Special gel for polymer clay
- Hooks for earrings (earrings), pins with an eye, fasteners for brooches, key chains or pendants, depending on what decoration you want to make from the cake
- Oven
- A piece of cardboard or thick paper to put our cakes on it in the oven
- Glossy varnish for polymer clay
- Super glue

The process has started!
We take pieces of plastic of the desired color (beige, white, brown, red and a very small piece of light green and dark green). Knead the pieces in your hands until soft. We roll the plastic into balls like this:

We cut off a piece from the brown ball, form it in the form of a droplet and press it against the table, that is, against the paper on which we sculpt, then roll it out with a rolling pin to a thickness of about 3 mm. This will be the bottom layer. chocolate cake. Cut off the extra edges from the resulting cake to make a triangle with a rounded edge. We cut off the sides with a blade, and the “back” with a cookie cutter so that it is rounded.

We do the same with the next layers: beige, white, red and another white and beige. First, in a droplet, then flatten, roll out and cut to size brown:

We add the layers in order: the bottom chocolate, then the biscuit, cream, jam, cream, biscuit.

We trim the edges with the help of all the same blades and molds. We take a toothpick and with light circular movements (or a simple “poking”) we create a porosity effect on the sides:

Now we make cookies to decorate the "back" of a piece of cake. We make, for example, 5 small sausages (the number of cookies depends on the size of your cake) and flatten them slightly, leaving them a little “chubby”:

We connect them into a "fence", slightly pressing against each other. Having tried on the height of the cake (you still need to leave a place for “chocolate watering” on top), we trim the lower edge of the fence with a blade or a clerical knife. And just like the layers of the cake, we make the cookies quite a bit porous:

With light movements stick the cookies to the cake and trim the bottom edge. Here's what happens:

Now we take a special liquid gel and mix it with brown plastic to the desired liquid pulling consistency:

And we apply " chocolate sauce» onto the top biscuit layer of the cake. Gently, close to the cookie. For naturalness, we create smudges on the sides of the piece.

Now we take small pieces of red, dark green and light green. We simply roll small balls from red - these will be cherries. From dark green we make a thin thread - twigs for cherries, and from light green we make a small drop and press it a little to get the basis for the leaf:

With a needle we make veins on the leaf.
Now very carefully, slightly picking up a toothpick, put on liquid chocolate on top of cherries, a twig and a leaf.

Here's what happened:

Before baking, carefully insert the pin into the cakes (if you are making a brooch cake, then you do not need to insert the pin), transfer them to cardboard or thick paper and bake for 20-30 minutes at a temperature of 130 degrees (look at the baking temperature of your clay on the package).

Let the cakes cool down. We take out the pin with the eyelet from the cake, coat it with superglue and insert it back. Next, we attach, if desired, hooks for earrings or a rope for a keychain (if you are making a brooch, then simply glue the mount).

Cover with glossy polymer clay varnish.
And here, for example, such a keychain turns out:

To create a culinary miniature, we need:

1. Polymer clay in white, pink, brown, red, light green and purple shades;
2. Blade or clerical knife;
3. Liquid plastic (gel) "Fimo" or other equivalent;
4. Rolling pin or paste machine;
5. Needle or toothpick;
6. Round cutter with a diameter of 4 cm;
7. Metal carnations with a loop;
8. Earrings;
9. Small liquid container;
10. Varnish for polymer clay.

How to make polymer clay earrings:

1. On the maximum setting of the pasta machine, roll out the plastic of the following shades: white, brown, pink and red. With a round cutter, cut out one circle from the layers - one from each shade.

2. Lay the cut out circles in the following sequence (from bottom to top): brown - white - pink - red.

3. The resulting cake from different layers must be cut with a blade into eight equal pieces.

4. From the back side of the piece of cake, you need to stick a toothpick, exactly half the depth of the layer. The sides (incision places) must be made loose so that they look porous and air test. To do this, you will need a toothpick or a needle, which you need to loosen the top layer of plastic.

5. Cream for a culinary miniature is prepared using liquid plastic and a mashed piece of clay of the desired color. We need a white cream, so knead the white plastic and add a few drops of liquid gel to it.

6. Mix liquid gel with hard polymer clay in your hands until a viscous homogeneous mass is obtained.

7. Transfer the viscous plastic to any container and add a few more drops of liquid gel. Mix again until uniform consistency, which should resemble thick sour cream in viscosity. If you made more cream than required for decor, cover the container with a lid and put it in a long box, such a mixture can be stored up to 6 months when closed.

8. Remove the toothpicks from the sides of the cake slices and insert the metal studs into the hole with a loop.

9. The back side (where the metal carnation is placed) and the top of the cake must be covered with liquid cream. Apply it thickly and don't be sorry!

10. Decorate the first pair of earrings with strawberries: form small droplets from red polymer clay, flatten them slightly to the working surface and use a toothpick to make indentations in random order over the entire surface of the future strawberry.

11. Add some color to the berries and decorate them with tiny leaves.

12. Lay the strawberries on top of the cream and lightly drown them in it.

13. In the same way, make a red liquid cream and add a few drops to the surface white cream. Make zigzags with a toothpick.

14. Decorate the second pair of earrings: form very small balls of red polymer clay and make a raspberry out of them (lay the balls on top of each other in the shape of a cone). Lay the raspberries on top of the white cream.

15. Add paint in the form of small lettuce leaves and place them next to the raspberries.

16. Make strokes and stains with red cream on a white surface.

17. Similar to raspberries, you can make a third pair of earrings, but with blackberries. To do this, use purple polymer clay.

18. The fourth pair of earrings will be made from cherries and blueberries: form small balls of purple and red polymer clay and randomly place them on the surface of the white cream.

19. Add lettuce leaves randomly between blueberries and cherries.

20. It is necessary to bake products strictly following the recommendations of the plastic manufacturer. After baking, cover the surface smeared with cream varnish.
Using the round-nosed pliers, make a loop from the protruding metal rods and thread the fasteners into it. Four pairs of earrings are ready!