What is a healthy diet? How should you eat to feel fitter, more energetic and more joyful? How to look and feel good every day: the simple secrets of healthy people.

In dreams of a slim body, people try different diets: low-carb, protein, and many others. They give a result, but temporary: the weight quickly returns. And sometimes the effect is the opposite of what was expected, and instead of losing weight, health problems begin.

The truth is that food should be balanced. To feel good, you need to provide the body with a full range of nutrients: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, macro- and microelements.

The optimal, according to the American nutritionist Robert Haas, is the ratio of 50 - 25 - 25. This means that the daily diet should consist of 50% carbohydrates, 25% proteins and 25% fats.

Watch your diet

Fats participate in the construction of new cells, the production of hormones, water metabolism and the transport of vitamins. Fatty acids are divided into two groups: rich and unsaturated. The former are harmful to health, as they settle on the walls of blood vessels and increase the level of "bad" cholesterol.

Unsaturated fatty acid perform the useful functions discussed above. At the same time, some fatty acids, such as omega-3, are not synthesized by the body and can only be ingested with food. Therefore, you need to try to include exactly healthy fats. These are found in avocados, olives, olive oil, nuts, sea ​​fish and other products.

Protein- the main building material of the body, and not only for cells, but also for enzymes and hormones. Protein helps build muscle, have strong bones, beautiful hair and nails.

Proteins are animals and vegetable. It is believed that two-thirds of the daily protein intake should be ingested with animal food (lean meat, fish, eggs, dairy products), the rest - with plant foods (beans, beans, nuts, seeds, vegetables).

Carbohydrates - main energy supplier. Carbohydrate-containing food should form the basis of the diet - 50%. Do not be confused by this figure - this also includes fiber, vitamins and minerals; they are often concentrated in carbohydrate-rich foods.

You can restore strength after active physical activity, for example, using a glass fruit juice or soda cans. Both drinks contain sugar - fast carbohydrate, a source of glucose. Thanks to him, these drinks are sources of fast energy. But don't forget about daily rate sugar consumption - no more than 65 g. Watch the amount of sugar contained in foods and drinks and added to them. For reference: mango nectar - 14.5 g of sugar per 100 ml, Coca-Cola - 10.6 g per 100 ml, Orange juice- about 13 g per 100 ml.

Drink enough


The body is 55-65% water. Hydration is very important for health. As Yuri Tyrsin notes in his book "Secrets proper nutrition. Minerals, vitamins, water", dehydration of only 2% significantly reduces performance, and 4% dehydration leads to lethargy and apathy. The individual norm is calculated by the formula: 40 ml per kilogram of weight.

It is necessary to increase fluid intake in hot weather and during physical activity.

You can maintain water balance with any drinks: juice, fruit drink, sweet soda such as cola, tea - all of them are 85–99% water, perfectly quench thirst and saturate body cells with vital moisture.

Snack right

The time for a full meal has not yet come, and the feeling of hunger is already approaching. How to be? Have a bite! But no buns or sandwiches. To snack was not harmful, it must be correct. Keep apples, bananas, nuts, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, or hard-boiled eggs handy. It's helpful and incredible nutritious foods to help fight hunger.

Also, don't store junk food at home. Chips, twinks, popcorn - it's all delicious, sometimes you can afford them. Even if you have willpower of steel, there will come a moment when it will crack. Better not keep temptations at home.

Don't expect instant change

“I will eat well and immediately become slim and healthy” is a mental trap that almost everyone who tries to make their diet more balanced falls into.

However, the development and consolidation of a healthy nutrition system requires methodical and rather lengthy work on oneself. Don't expect instant results!

Lightness and harmony will come gradually. But you will certainly notice these positive changes.

The material was prepared with the information support of TCCC.

Astrology studies not only the influence of stars on the course of a person's life, this science does not ignore nutrition. The choice of recommended dishes and products is based on the correspondence of the four elements (Earth, Air, Water and Fire) to the 12 signs of the Zodiac.

There are many astrological schools, while there are quite large discrepancies in the forecasts. The following recommendations are based on the provisions of R. Birkmeyer's book Astrological Cooking.

Aries food

The element of those born under the sign of Aries is Fire, the planet is Mars. Aries should eat light food. They love spicy dishes, so do not neglect onions and garlic, as well as capsicum. At the same time, Aries should limit themselves to spices. The main fruit is grapefruit, the most healthy vegetables- carrots, radishes, peppers (including sweet). Of the gourds, a watermelon should be present on the table. If Aries is not a vegetarian, then he should pay attention to the meat of lambs, lamb and goat meat. Hops are one of its plants, so you can occasionally treat yourself to a beer.

Nutrition for Taurus

The element of this sign is Earth, the planet is Venus. Taurus, who love to eat, are predisposed to fullness. To keep themselves in shape, they need to moderate their appetite, visit feasts as little as possible and minimize the intake of wine. Aerobics, dancing and a morning jog are ideal views physical activity for Taurus. If Taurus is not a vegetarian, then his main food is beef. However, for good health, it is necessary to include fruits and berries in the diet of Taurus. Apples, pears, cherries, raspberries, strawberries, peaches, plums, persimmons, blackberries, blueberries and bananas are recommended. The menu should often include vegetables, in particular dishes from tomatoes, spinach, green peas, parsley, dill. Of the cereals, wheat, oats, barley, rye, and corn are the most useful.

Gemini Nutrition

Element - Air, planet - Mercury. As a rule, Geminis do not have any special health problems. Their main drawback is the inability to properly expend energy. The basis of the diet of Gemini should be light food. The 11th lunar day is most convenient for starting a short diet or fasting. To maintain physical fitness, Gemini is recommended to engage in team sports, as well as tennis and running. For non-vegetarian Gemini, the primary foods are different types birds: domestic (chickens, hens, ducks, etc.) and wild (quails, partridges, etc.). From fruits, apricots and pomegranates are recommended, and from vegetables - cauliflower, pods, celery. Gemini can eat any food, but for normal nutrition they need nuts: walnuts, almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts.

Cancer nutrition

Element - Water, planet - Moon. For non-vegetarian Cancers, all varieties of crabs are paramount foods (but not " crab sticks"made from fish). From fruits and berries, lemons, grapes, coconuts, papaya are preferred. Vegetable dishes should be included in the menu, including potatoes, various types of cabbage, cucumbers, turnips, pumpkins, lettuce, garlic, dill and parsley.

Meals Lviv

Element - Fire, planet - Sun. Lions, often suffering from disorders of cardio-vascular system You should always keep yourself in shape. If the figure begins to get heavier, overweight appears, you need to give up fatty foods. It is not recommended to engage in heavy sports. If a person born under the sign of Leo does not adhere to vegetarianism, then the basis of his diet should be game dishes: the meat of forest, field animals and waterfowl. Leo is a fire sign, so food is best cooked over an open fire. From fruits, citrus fruits are especially useful, as well as pineapples. As for vegetables, Leo should prefer zucchini and garlic. Of the cereals on the table, rice must be present. Women born under the sign of Leo should often include in the menu walnuts, sunflower seeds and olives. Most healthy drink for both "lions" and "lionesses" - green tea.

Nutrition Dev

Element - Earth, planet - Mercury. Virgos are prone to intestinal diseases, so they are recommended foods high in fiber, and often vegetarian foods, especially potatoes and carrots. Walking on fresh air and cycling will help to consolidate the success of such a diet. If Virgo is indifferent to vegetarianism, then the main meat product for her, veal should be. Most healthy fruits- apricots and pomegranates. Recommended vegetables include celery, cauliflower, green pea and other pods. Significantly complement the menu of the Virgin almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts, walnuts.

Nutrition Libra

Element - Air, planet - Venus. Libra occupies a special position among the signs of the Zodiac, because. vegetarian food is most suitable for them. It is especially necessary for those who suffer from high or low blood pressure and headaches. Of course, those born under the sign of Libra can eat meat and fish, but for them, according to astrology, this food is not as essential as game for Leo or fish for Pisces. In addition, they should refrain from eating sweets. In the daily diet of Libra, the presence of apples and grapes is desirable. In principle, any vegetables, berries, fruits and cereals are suitable for them. However, those that most clearly reflect the specifics of this zodiac sign are especially useful. Among berries and fruits, these are pears, raspberries, peaches, plums, persimmons, bananas, cherries, blackberries, blueberries and strawberries. From vegetables - tomatoes, spinach, green peas, rhubarb, dill, parsley. Among the cereals - wheat, rye, oats, barley, corn. Bodybuilding is contraindicated for Libra. Recommended regular gymnastics in the morning.

Scorpio Nutrition

Element - Water, planet - Mars. Of paramount importance for this sign of the Zodiac are seafood (squid, mussels, scallops and others), from which various dishes. From fruits and gourds, grapefruits, watermelons and pumpkins most favorably affect the body of Scorpio. From vegetables, carrots, onions, green and green beans should be included in the menu more often. Bell pepper, radish, garlic. Scorpios are suitable for sports associated with heavy loads. You should also not avoid visiting the pool.

Nutrition Sagittarius

Element - Fire, planet - Jupiter. AT winter time years, it is desirable that cinnamon is present in the diet, which is a good way to relieve stress. If Sagittarius is not a supporter of vegetarian food, then the main products for him should be pork, ham, various types of sausages and sausages. Sagittarius belongs to the fire signs, and food cooked over an open fire is suitable for him. From fruits, it is useful for representatives of this zodiac sign to eat dates, figs and mangoes more often. Different types of cabbage, garlic, dill, parsley - these vegetables and dishes from them should be constantly present on the Sagittarius table. Very helpful edible chestnuts. Daily use dried apricots will protect you from many diseases (especially diseases of the gastrointestinal tract) and save slim figure. Sagittarius is contraindicated in lifting weights. They benefit from light exercise and jogging.

Nutrition Capricorns

Element - Earth, planet - Saturn. Capricorns are characterized by a lack of calcium in the body. That is why many of them suffer from diseases of the joints, bones, skin and teeth. They are invited to eat pine nuts daily and take outdoor walks. From meat to maintain strength and health, attention should be paid to lamb. From fruits and gourds, quince and melon are especially recommended, and from vegetables - beets, eggplants, garlic and parsley. According to astrological recommendations, the list of primary products for Capricorn is very narrow, but this does not mean that the nutrition of those born under this sign is limited to the products listed above.

Food Aquarius

Element - Air, planet - Saturn. Aquarians should include as many citrus fruits as possible in their diet. The primary food for Aquarius is associated with water - these are all the gifts of the sea, river and lake environment. You should eat as much fish, crabs and other crustaceans, mollusks as possible. Them cooking may be the most varied. Recommended fruits and gourds for those born under the sign of Aquarius are quince and melon. It is desirable that eggplants, beets, dill, parsley are always present in the diet - these vegetables are especially useful for Aquarius. And one more note that must be taken into account: in regions with a cold climate, Aquarians feel much better than in natural areas. Winter sports are ideal for them: skating, skiing. Daily cold rubdowns or cold showers are helpful.

Pisces food

Element - Water, planet - Jupiter. Fish are more exposed to the weather than others. They often complain of headaches and stomach problems. The basis of their nutrition should be seafood, salads with lemon and mint. Swimming is beneficial for people born under this sign. All types of fish are staples of this zodiac sign, except for vegetarians. From fruits for Pisces, figs, dates, mangoes are preferred, and from vegetables - different types of cabbage, garlic.

A balanced diet is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle. Together with physical activity, it helps to normalize weight, become fit and achieve harmony. Following simple recommendations With this article, you can easily adjust your diet and look and feel better than ever before!

Strive for balance

In dreams of a slim body, people try different diets: low-carb, protein, and many others. They give a result, but temporary: the weight quickly returns. And sometimes the effect is the opposite of what was expected, and instead of losing weight, health problems begin.

The truth is that food should be balanced. To feel good, you need to provide the body with a full range of nutrients: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, macro- and microelements.

The optimal, according to the American nutritionist Robert Haas, is the ratio of 50 - 25 - 25. This means that the daily diet should consist of 50% carbohydrates, 25% proteins and 25% fats.

Watch your diet

Fats participate in the construction of new cells, the production of hormones, water metabolism and the transport of vitamins. Fatty acids are divided into two groups: rich and unsaturated. The former are harmful to health, as they settle on the walls of blood vessels and increase the level of "bad" cholesterol.

Unsaturated fatty acids perform the beneficial functions discussed above. At the same time, some fatty acids, such as omega-3, are not synthesized by the body and can only be ingested with food. Therefore, you need to try to ensure that healthy fats are included in your daily diet. These are found in avocados, olives, olive oil, nuts, sea fish and other products.

Protein- the main building material of the body, and not only for cells, but also for enzymes and hormones. Protein helps build muscle, have strong bones, beautiful hair and nails.

Proteins are animals and vegetable. It is believed that two-thirds of the daily protein intake should be ingested with animal food (lean meat, fish, eggs, dairy products), the rest - with plant foods (beans, beans, nuts, seeds, vegetables).

Carbohydrates - main energy supplier. Carbohydrate-containing foods should form the basis of the diet - 50%. Don't be confused by this figure - this also includes fiber, vitamins and minerals; they are often concentrated in carbohydrate-rich foods.

Carbohydrates are divided into simple(or fast) and complex(slow). The latter split for a long time and give a long-term boost of energy. Therefore, it is recommended to eat oatmeal or muesli for breakfast to stay full and full of energy until lunch.

Simple carbohydrates are quickly absorbed and provide an instant energy boost. They are indispensable when you need to cheer up and restore strength. For example, if after a workout you drink a glass of sweet soda such as cola or eat a few slices of chocolate, fatigue will be removed like a hand. The fact is that sugar in the digestive tract is broken down to glucose, and this is the same simple carbohydrate - a source of fast energy.

Eat at the same time

One of the reasons excess weight- energy imbalance. This is when a person spends less energy than he consumes.

To provide work internal organs, maintain a constant body temperature and muscle tone, need energy. It is measured in kilocalories. For normal life, an adult healthy person must consume about 2500 kilocalories per day. These are averaged data - the individual value is calculated based on age and anthropometric parameters.

Now imagine: all day you were spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, ignoring hunger. In the evening, we finally got to the food - we ate everything and a lot. An exhausted body is not up to counting calories. Shortly after dinner, you went to bed. Such eating behavior leads to energy imbalance and, as a result, to excess weight.

To avoid this, try to eat several times at the same time every day. Never skip breakfast - it's the most important meal of the day. Kathleen M. Zelman, Master of Public Health, has pointed this out many times.

A nutritious breakfast not only gives strength, but also catalyzes the launch of a “sleeping” metabolism, increases efficiency and improves mood.

Lunch should be between 13:00 and 16:00. In this case, you should eat not only the second, but also soups. It has a beneficial effect on digestion and helps maintain the body's water balance. After all, we get part of the fluid that the body needs with food. If you can’t manage to have a normal lunch, and your strength is already running out, you can replenish your energy reserves with a protein bar or sweet soda. They will help you get through dinner.

The last meal should be no later than two to three hours before bedtime. Going to bed with a full stomach means disrupting energy balance, tossing and turning in your sleep, and perhaps even facing digestive problems.

Be active

So, 2,500 kilocalories are needed to maintain basic metabolic processes. But the higher the degree of physical activity, the more energy the body needs.

For example, for an hour of cleaning, an adult will spend an additional 160 kcal. If you spend the same time on a bike ride, then you will need 370 kcal, and for a running workout - at least 700 kcal. See our infographic to learn more about calorie burn versus exercise.

You can restore strength after vigorous physical activity, for example, with a glass of fruit juice or a can of soda. Both drinks contain sugar - a fast carbohydrate, a source of glucose. Thanks to him, these drinks are sources of fast energy. But do not forget about the daily intake of sugar - no more than 65 g. Watch the amount of sugar contained in foods and drinks and added to them. For reference: mango nectar - 14.5 g of sugar per 100 ml, Coca-Cola - 10.6 g per 100 ml, orange juice - about 13 g per 100 ml.

Drink enough

The body is 55-65% water. Hydration is very important for health. As Yuri Tyrsin notes in his book “Secrets of Proper Nutrition. Minerals, vitamins, water", dehydration of only 2% significantly reduces performance, and 4% dehydration leads to lethargy and apathy. The individual norm is calculated by the formula: 40 ml per kilogram of weight.

It is necessary to increase fluid intake in hot weather and during physical activity.

You can maintain water balance with any drinks: juice, fruit drink, sweet soda such as cola, tea - all of them are 85-99% water, perfectly quench thirst and saturate body cells with vital moisture.

Snack right

The time for a full meal has not yet come, and the feeling of hunger is already approaching. How to be? Have a bite! But no buns or sandwiches. To snack was not harmful, it must be correct. Keep apples, bananas, nuts, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, or hard-boiled eggs handy. These are healthy and incredibly nutritious foods that will help to cope with hunger.

Also, don't store junk food at home. Chips, twinks, popcorn - all this is delicious, sometimes you can afford them. Even if you have willpower of steel, there will come a moment when it will crack. Better not keep temptations at home.

Don't expect instant change

“I will eat well and immediately become slim and healthy” is a mental trap that almost everyone who tries to make their diet more balanced falls into.

However, the development and consolidation of a healthy nutrition system requires methodical and rather lengthy work on oneself. Don't expect instant results!

Lightness and harmony will come gradually. But you will certainly notice these positive changes.

Unraveling the secret of a healthy lifestyle for many seems to be a task more difficult than blowing up the Death Star. We asked the experts how they manage to feel 100% and got brilliant tips that you can follow without spending money, working with a personal trainer or eating foods with unpronounceable names five times a day.

move more

News: exercise has positive influence on the general physical condition and increase the emotional tone. Wait, this is not news for a long time. But we forget that we also need to be active during the day: research by scientists from the University of Boston shows that ten minutes of physical activity a day brings as many benefits as regular exercise in the gym.

“Keeping a healthy lifestyle does not mean sweating profusely in the gym. I tell you this, the person who owns a chain of fitness centers, ”Pip Black, co-founder of Frame, shares the secret.


Take a fresh look at daily activities: “I ride my bike to business meetings, and my son Kindergarten I take you on a scooter - so I feel much more cheerful during the day, ”says Black.

When you walk from point A to point B, change your speed: studies show that walking at different speeds burns 20% more calories than a measured step.

add spices to food

Spices are used not only to enhance the taste of dishes, but also to stimulate certain body functions. A super-ingredient that can affect the condition of the whole body is turmeric.

"I add turmeric to rice milk in the morning,” says nutrition expert Madeleine Shaw.

SPICE MILK: 140 ml milk, 1/4 tsp. turmeric, 1/2 tsp. cinnamon, 1 tsp fresh grated ginger

cooking method

  • Pour the spiced milk into a small saucepan and heat over medium heat for three minutes.
  • If you want to speed up your metabolism, add finely chopped chili peppers, and to strengthen the immune system - cumin (it also regulates cholesterol levels).
  • To lower your blood sugar, add fenugreek to your drink.

turn off electronic devices at night

“Blue light from mobile phone screens, televisions and computers inhibits the production of melatonin (sleep hormone), which makes us unable to sleep and leaves us feeling overwhelmed in the morning,” says sleep scientist Dr. Charlotte Kemp. 95% of people who text or watch TV in bed suffer from poor quality sleep, risking obesity, heart disease and diabetes.


“I remove all gadgets from the bedroom so that there is no need to check email or Facebook again,” says Dr. Kemp. If you are one of those 54% of women who wake up at night, start keeping a diary where you can write down all your experiences before going to bed. This way you will calm down and be able to deal with problems in the morning.


Cardio overtakes any other in popularity, but strength exercises - squats and weight lifting - are also very important. “Strength and muscle mass are the two main biological markers of health,” says Jocelyn Thompson Rule, Nike trainer. Power training help prevent diabetes and arthritis, as well as maintain muscle mass and speed up metabolism.


For squats, place your feet slightly wider than your hips. Evenly distribute the weight between the legs, sit down as if sitting on a chair, and straighten up, tensing the muscles of the buttocks. If you're good at squats, add jumping jacks (burpee exercise) - they strengthen the heart, increase endurance, improve coordination and actively burn calories.


From CEOs to celebrities like Lena Dunham and Emma Watson, more and more people are turning to meditation. It is a universal tool for achieving harmony, according to meditation master Jody Shield. "You can meditate at any time - completely free of charge, and it will help you get rid of fatigue and unpleasant emotions."


We are all very busy, but 10 minutes a day is enough. During lunch, turn off your laptop, close your eyes, and take a deep breath. Imagine that you are looking directly at the point between your eyes (third eye). It sounds strange, but it helps to reset the brain and relieve stress.

watch your posture

As children, we were always annoyed when our parents said, “Sit up straight!” But it turns out that poor posture can cause headaches and even affect our mood. “Posture is the foundation of health,” says Senior Physical Therapist Janani Wijetung. “I meet many people, especially office workers, who suffer from chronic back pain, and the reason is bad posture.”

How to start?

"You can't spend more than 20 to 30 minutes in one position, so take breaks and exercise," says Widgetung. - Walk or stand for a couple of minutes, stretch your neck, shoulder blades, rotate your body. Repeat each exercise two or three times, holding the stretch for 20 seconds."

make time for yourself

The study, which involved 3,000 people, showed a link between self-restraint and four key health indicators: appetite, performance, stress tolerance and good sleep. "It has to do with emotional flexibility," says Dr Catherine Green, a clinical psychologist at the British National Committee Health Foundation in South London. “It’s about accepting difficulties and difficult situations, not avoiding them.”


If you're feeling sad or insecure, Dr. Greene suggests using the following technique: “Talk to yourself like you would a best friend. What would you ask him? How cheered up?

combine food

Research by scientists from the University of Texas has shown that high sugar intake can lead to breast cancer. Time to limit yourself in the sweet. But how? Add more healthy ingredients so as not to feel the need for it. "I have a sweet tooth, so I eat dates and pecans so I don't crave chocolate," says Irene Arango, co-founder and chef at London-based raw food restaurant Nama.


Arango suggests using date paste, vanilla powder, raw cocoa, coconut sugar, cinnamon and bananas to sweeten coffee, smoothies and pies. “Plus, I'm stocking up on energy bars with dates, almonds, and protein so I can indulge in some healthy sweetness. Another tip is to replace the main meal with a salad of cucumbers, sun-dried tomatoes and sunflower seeds, and then eat a normal lunch, but a smaller portion.”

take vitamin B3

More than 50% of adult women suffer from rashes. Skin care should be complex, but only one vitamin, B3, can specifically deal with this problem. It controls sebum production and reduces inflammation. Add 750 mg of vitamin B3 to your daily diet.


“Good skin means a healthy life,” says dermatologist Anjali Mahto. - I wash my face with micellar water and use a cream with SPF, but I break down if I don’t sleep or get a lot of nervousness, so I actively practice yoga and meditation. Retinoid cream at night can also help. It removes pigmentation and evens out the skin. I don't think there is a female dermatologist in the world who wouldn't use it."

do yoga

Everyone knows the benefits of yoga, but new research has shown that just 12 minutes of yoga a day can improve bone quality, reducing the risk of osteoporosis.


How to become a good yogi? “Stretch everywhere and on everything (walls, tables) throughout the day. It's one way to stay flexible,” says international yoga instructor Irene Pappas, known for her Instagram account @fitqueenirene with 500,000 followers.

Try this stretch: Stand facing a wall at your feet's length, feet parallel and hip-width apart. Place your hands on the wall just below the line of your shoulders and lower your chest through your hands, forming a right angle. Relax your neck, keep your shoulders tense. You can bend your knees slightly or keep them straight. Stay in this position for 10-15 breaths and repeat whenever you feel like you need a release.