Simple cognac from moonshine. What is done from the beginning. Homemade cognac without long brewing.

The technology of its preparation is much simpler than that of the famous French cognac, and its taste and aroma are no worse. Even despite the fact that it consists of simple and affordable components, its rich fragrant bouquet can compete with expensive and famous alcoholic beverages.

homemade cognac oak bark- delicious and flavored drink which is not difficult at all to prepare.

For work you need to take: glass jars, enamelware, lids and necessary ingredients.

Pour vodka or diluted alcohol into a jar or pan.

Pour sugar on a spoon and heat it over the fire. When the sugar turns yellow and begins to melt, add it to the alcohol base and mix well. It is burnt sugar and oak bark that serve natural dye for a drink.

After that, add all the necessary ingredients. The number and set of components may be different - you can add only those that you prefer.

When all the ingredients are added, the drink should be mixed, closed with a lid and put in a dark, cool place and insisted for at least a month. An indicator that a homemade alcoholic drink can be considered ready is color. Homemade cognac on oak bark has a pleasant caramel color, which will be even more intense if the drink is left to insist longer.

It remains only to strain the drink through several layers of gauze or a fine strainer and pour into more convenient dishes - jars or bottles. You can put the bottle on the festive table and start tasting, and leave the rest of the drink in a cool place for infusion.

Where to get oak bark for cognac

The only ingredient that is needed is bark or wood chips. The most acceptable option where to get oak bark for cognac is to buy it at the nearest pharmacy or prepare it yourself. If you are lovers of homemade alcohol, then you can easily make this blank.

Since oak barrels are used in the manufacture of cognacs, in which the drink matures and is saturated with all the necessary aromas and tastes, at home it is replaced by bark or wood chips.

Unlike collection cognacs from well-known manufacturers homemade drink will have a slightly different taste and aroma. However, there is also an advantage to home version. You can independently compose an aromatic bouquet of your favorite spices and spices that will make your homemade cognac truly exclusive.

Cognac on oak bark is a wonderful alcoholic drink that is ideal for family gatherings and for treating guests at the festive table.

Homemade cognac is the most common topic of discussion in every cooking-related forum. alcoholic beverages. Recipes homemade cognac perfected over the centuries. Now many moonshiners make almost complete analogues of real cognac, really high-quality replicas. With proper aging, such drinks become an excellent product, beautiful, fragrant and tasty in their own way.

How to make cognac from moonshine - how realistic is it?

The price tag, located on a bottle of good cognac, can stun everyone, because often 4 and even 5-digit amounts flaunt there. An expensive elite drink has a tart taste and a refined aroma, but good cognac you can even do it yourself. Such a drink will not be much inferior to the store version, well, or just a little. Cognac can be made and vodka and alcohol. Today we will tell you how to make good cognac from moonshine.

You can find the most various recipes such preparation. We will consider only proven recipes, the most delicious, which can be prepared quickly enough. Be sure that even 1 bottle of such a drink can take its rightful place on any holiday table and wow your guests. Please note that only true cognac connoisseurs will be able to distinguish a homemade drink from shop.

How to make cognac from moonshine - cooking secrets

Let's say right away that it is impossible to make a full-fledged cognac from moonshine, but you can make an original, high-quality and similar drink. This will require 3 things:

  • Correct proportion of ingredients.
  • High quality alcohol.
  • Long exposure.

Please note that the quality of moonshine must be the highest! To make really good cognac, you need to use grape alcohol (chacha) or its analogues. The second essential ingredient is oak. You can make cognac only if you have a specially prepared tree.

Oak will give your drink:

  • aromatic acids. Biosynthesis lungina, which is contained in wood, contributes to the release of natural flavors. The main ones are pronounced vanillin and syringaldehyde(smell of lilac).
  • Tannins. They give cognac a bitter aroma and strength. The aroma softens with aging.
  • Phenolic compounds and lactones. These are very important elements of the bouquet of drinks aged on wood chips or in barrels. It is they who give cognac the famous caramel flavor.

How to make cognac from moonshine - a classic recipe

Moonshine is used as the main ingredient. The proportions are painted for 3 liters of moonshine. You will need:

  • a handful of partitions walnut;
  • a pair of potassium permanganate crystals;
  • clove buds - 6 pieces;
  • a tablespoon of black tea;
  • a teaspoon of cumin;
  • lemon acid;
  • a teaspoon of vanilla sugar.

The sequence of the cooking procedure

  • Pour the moonshine into a transparent container. Add potassium permanganate there.
  • In the future cognac, add walnut partitions, cloves and tea leaves.
  • Stir the contents and pour cumin and sugar into alcohol.
  • Mix everything again. Add citric acid.
  • According to the recipe, cognac must be carefully corked and left in a dark place for 5 days. There should be no temperature fluctuations and drafts.
  • Pour homemade cognac into bottles. Don't forget the filter.

How to make cognac from moonshine - oak recipe

True cognac must be infused in oak barrels. It is oak that gives the drink the taste, smell and color of a noble drink.

  • For 3 liters of chacha or moonshine, you need to take 3 tablespoons of sugar, 3 tablespoons of black leaf tea, 2 tablespoons of oak bark, 2 tablespoons of St. John's wort and 2 tablespoons of crushed rose hips.
  • Add 6 black peppercorns, 1/3 teaspoon cinnamon and vanilla to the mixture.
  • Close the resulting alcohol tightly with a lid. Put the drink in a dark place where it should be infused for 3 days. Bottle the alcohol. You can drink homemade cognac only after 3 weeks.

As you may have noticed, making cognac from moonshine with your own hands is very simple. The created drink will turn out much cheaper than the purchased one. Your cognac will turn out to be safe, because you can be sure of the quality of the ingredients used, which cannot be said about cheap store-bought cognac.

All luxury spirits good manufacturer have a mandatory aging period, it affects the quality finished product and, of course, its taste. We will find out how to make moonshine on our own, if there is no special barrel nearby, and we will learn the secrets of experienced moonshiners.

What is the difference

Experienced masters of the alcohol business know the answer to this question, there are several pluses here at once:

- oak bark, due to the absorbent properties of wood, contributes to the absorption of all harmful substances and aldehydes remaining after the distillation process that adversely affect the body;

- in addition to the fact that oak bark binds all compounds hazardous to health, it also has an excellent aroma, which means that the drink turns out to be soft in taste and pleasant to the nose;

- contributes to the treatment of a large number various diseases and of course their home prevention quality moonshine on oak bark. Its recipe requires some knowledge about the quality and composition of the required raw materials.

What should be the oak bark

Moonshine is a difficult process in itself and requires some skills. Professionals in this business know how to insist moonshine on oak bark correctly, and share their secrets with beginners:

  1. You need to insist on moonshine for a certain amount of time, otherwise the taste will become bitter and the color will darken.
  2. It is better to prepare oak bark for making a drink on your own, but you can also purchase it at a special shop for distillers or at a pharmacy. Additionally, boiled or burned bark will give moonshine a beautiful amber color, and notes of prunes, smoking or vanilla will be clearly felt in the aroma.
  3. Aged in a real oak barrel, the drink will differ significantly in its chemical composition, and every year it gets better and better, this cannot be said about cognac from moonshine. At home, the recipe does not involve such a long exposure and such conditions, but it significantly ennobles the taste and color of the drink, makes it cleaner and healthier.

We prepare raw materials ourselves

If you can’t buy high-quality oak bark, you can visit the nearest forest, this raw material will be even better and more proven than purchased.

  1. It is important to know that young oak bark, saturated with large quantity useful substances. And you can find it on old trees, more precisely, on their young branches and shoots. Optimal time to collect the raw materials we need is spring, when all plants wake up, renew themselves and fill with fresh juice.
  2. Removing the bark is simple: you need to make transverse cuts on the branch in the right places and one along it, and then, picking up the edge of the cut with a knife, remove the bark completely in a circle.
  3. Outwardly, such pieces of raw materials obtained from young branches resemble long thin tubes. It is in this state that we leave them to dry in a dry, well-lit place. Direct sunlight and moisture reduce the beneficial properties of the product. To get a truly high-quality moonshine on oak bark, the recipe and its entire sequence must be strictly followed.

oak tincture

Infusion of moonshine on oak bark in its taste is very similar to good cognac. Having already mastered the implementation of this recipe, it will be possible to add various herbs and spices to it, improving the taste of the drink and giving it originality. Experienced moonshiners show their imagination to the fullest, experimenting with coriander, St. John's wort, cloves, pepper, oregano and other aromatic ingredients. For now, we will consider basic recipe tincture, the main components for which are:

- harvested or purchased oak bark - two tablespoons;

- moonshine (determine with a degree yourself) - two liters;

- homemade honey, preferably fresh - half a glass.

Classic recipe

Connoisseurs of high-quality alcoholic beverages have long been arguing about whether it is possible to insist moonshine on oak bark, they do not like the taste of such a tincture too much, considering it a little harsh, but it is certainly better than that of ordinary moonshine, and some of the harmful substances are absorbed bark, which is a definite plus. And the tincture is prepared simply:

- at the bottom of a clean container (you can use an ordinary three-liter bottle for this purpose), oak bark is poured;

- she fills up the right amount moonshine;

- now you can close it with a lid and put it in a cool place for settling, or you can experiment and add some of the above herbs there.

- how much moonshine to insist on oak bark, you can decide on your own, periodically checking its color and taste. But experienced masters of this business recommend keeping the mixture for no more than two weeks, and then straining it and pouring it into pre-prepared bottles.

Mandatory preparation of moonshine

A homemade drink on oak bark can significantly spoil a large content fusel oils located in unrefined moonshine. Therefore, before starting the preparation of tincture or brandy from it, it is recommended to filter it. You can do this in several ways:

  1. With the help of potassium permanganate.
  2. Milk.
  3. activated carbon
  4. Freezing method.

Experienced moonshiners consider the latter method to be the simplest and most affordable. Before insisting moonshine on oak bark, place the container with it in the freezer. Water will freeze to the walls of the vessel, and with it most of the fusel oils, the remaining liquid can be drained and made on its basis at home.

homemade cognac recipe

Here important condition there will be a special container for making a drink. It is best if it is wooden, and it is very good if it is oak, but if there is no such one at hand, you can take enameled or glassware. Most often, in the home preparation of a drink, the usual five- or three-liter jars, and for corking them - polyethylene caps.

- in a clean enamelware sugar is heated, it is important to achieve its darkening to a golden color, but not overburning, which will spoil the taste of the future cognac;

- the resulting mass must be carefully poured into moonshine and stirred until it is completely dissolved;

- to improve the taste of the drink, cloves, vanilla, walnut partitions, cumin and oak bark are added to it;

- knowledgeable moonshiners put a little citric acid in it to make the drink more similar to cognac, after which the container is tightly sealed and sent to a cool place for settling;

- the drink can be tasted after five days, but it is better to withstand a period of three to four weeks, we note that the richness of taste and aroma of such homemade cognac depends entirely on how moonshine is infused on oak bark, and over time its beneficial properties will only get better.

The bark is the most important aspect

Ready cognac is passed through a filter, cleaned of small particles in it and poured into beautiful bottles, which can be stored for many more years. His recipe is based on oak bark, so its preparation and selection should be taken with the utmost care. It is thanks to her that the drink gets its rich aroma, taste and mass. useful properties for which we are so deeply loved by true connoisseurs of this product. All other spices are added to its composition to taste.

Recipes of "homemade" cognacs are constantly being improved. Many craftsmen succeed in drinks that practically do not differ from real cognac. The best recipes for cognac from moonshine at home, which we have collected in this collection, will help you create a really worthy replica. elite drink, which, with proper exposure, will acquire a unique aroma and taste. Of course, this will not be real cognac, but in terms of flavor and aroma properties, the resulting drink, subject to the manufacturing recipe, can surpass many low-grade alcohol sold in stores.

To create cognac from moonshine at home, the following things are needed:

  • high-quality raw materials (in our case, moonshine);
  • oak bark (wood chips or chips);
  • compliance correct proportions ingredients;
  • drink extract.

Everything is clear with high-quality moonshine, but why do we need oak bark? This is the simplest and most affordable replacement for oak barrels in which grape spirit is aged for further cognac production. Oak will give the drink a special bitter aroma and astringency characteristic of real cognac.

- one of the most common recipes for cognac from moonshine at home. The recipe for a tincture that tastes like noble drink, was invented in Latvia. Today there are many variations of the preparation of the drink. To create homemade cognac you will need: high quality moonshine, at least double distillation, oak bark or oak chips, cloves, nutmeg, coriander, sugar.

We put all the ingredients in a container, add moonshine, sugar syrup and shake well. The container is placed in a dark place until it acquires a brown color and a bright aroma. It is recommended to insist the drink for at least two weeks, but not more than a month. Then the tincture is filtered, bottled and kept in a dark place for at least six months.

The best recipes for homemade cognac from moonshine include tincture of prunes. The drink is obtained with excellent palatability. To prepare it, you need: high-quality moonshine, prunes with a stone, sugar, allspice, vanillin, cloves.

All ingredients are placed in a container for infusion and poured with moonshine. During the infusion period, the liquid must be shaken. After two weeks, the mood is filtered, bottled and poisoned to infuse for another 4-5 days.

homemade cognac

One of the proven recipes for cognac from moonshine at home is. It is similar to Latgalian cognac, but it uses many more ingredients. To make a drink you need the following ingredients: high quality moonshine, oak chips, sugar, rose hips, black pepper, black tea, St. John's wort, vanilla.

We send the ingredients to a jar, pour moonshine and add caramel syrup made from sugar. Leave the drink to infuse in a dark place for at least two weeks. After a week, remove vanillin from the container with tincture. After homemade cognac acquires a rich dark color and bright aroma, strain it and bottle it. We leave to infuse for at least three more months. If a precipitate appears during settling, the cognac must be filtered again.

Quick Recipe

There is a preparation of cognac from moonshine at home. You will need the following ingredients: high quality moonshine, black tea, internal partitions walnuts, vanillin, cumin, potassium permanganate, cloves, citric acid.

To clean moonshine from fusel oils, pour potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) into it and filter the future cognac the next day. We place the above ingredients in a container and fill them with purified moonshine. AT last turn add citric acid. The tincture should stand in a dark place for three days.

Cognac from pine nuts

Connoisseurs of strong alcoholic drinks home cooking will be to your liking. The recipe for its preparation includes the following ingredients: high-quality moonshine, pine nuts, sugar, blackcurrant leaves, orange peel and vanillin.

Nuts must be rid of resin. To do this, put them in a container, pour boiling water over them, mix thoroughly and drain the water. It is advisable to repeat this procedure 2-3 more times to completely remove the resinous taste.

Nuts and other ingredients must be transferred to a container and poured with moonshine. We leave the drink for 20 days in a dark place. After settling, homemade cognac must be filtered.

There is also a faster cognac recipe. from pine nuts on moonshine. It practically does not differ from the previous recipe, but it has fewer ingredients, and the drink is prepared faster in time. We will need: the highest quality moonshine, pine nuts and sugar.

Pour boiling water over the nuts and let stand for 5-10 minutes. Then we drain the water. You need to repeat the procedure 2-3 times. This will rid the nuts of the resin. Place sugar with nuts in a container and pour moonshine. Put the future cognac in a dark place and let it brew for at least two weeks. After settling, filter the liquid. If desired, you can add aromatic herbs to homemade cognac. In this case, he needs to stand for another ten days.

Tincture of oak chips

One of best recipes cognac from moonshine at home -. For its preparation you will need: moonshine, sugar, young oak bark.

The bark needs to be cut into small sticks and dried thoroughly. Then we crush it into chips and fill the container with them by 3/4. Fill the chips with moonshine and add sugar. We clean the infusion in a dark place for three months. After the infusion period, we filter the resulting fragrant cognac.

- quick tincture recipe homemade. A large number of herbs gives homemade cognac a delicious aroma and excellent taste. To prepare the drink you will need: moonshine best quality, sugar, black allspice, vanilla, cinnamon, black tea, oak bark, Bay leaf, St. John's wort, wild rose.

We put the ingredients listed above in a container, fill it with moonshine and put it in a dark place for three days. After settling, the tincture must be filtered.

- another interesting recipe fragrant homemade tincture. To make cognac at home, you will need: high quality moonshine, coffee, sugar, cinnamon, cloves and vanilla.

Mix coffee and sugar and add spices to them. Mix ingredients well and pour a small amount alcohol. When the sugar dissolves, add the remaining moonshine. Remove the container with tincture for 2-3 weeks in a dark place. After the end of the settling period homemade moonshine needs to be filtered.

Cognac "Siberian"- one of the best home-made strong alcoholic drinks.

The tuning recipe has interesting feature- first moonshine is cleaned with milk. Then an infusion of oak bark is poured into it and shells of pine nuts are added. Cognac is aged in a dark place for at least a month, and then filtered and bottled.

It is aged for at least a month, then filtered and bottled.

A good cognac is made for a long time and is difficult, as its cost clearly hints at. At the same time, products of an affordable price segment have nothing to do with real cognac. This is not a reason to deprive yourself of the opportunity to enjoy a thick velvety taste with a forty-degree strength of the drink. Let's talk about how to make homemade cognac from moonshine, the recipes of which do not require significant financial costs.

photo from the website

Homemade cognac from moonshine: recipes on oak raw materials

The right cognac is obtained only as a result of keeping the grape distillate in specially prepared oak barrels, the wood of which colors and flavors the liquid with the substances it contains. In everyday life, it is easier and more convenient to make cognac from moonshine on oak bark or wood chips according to one of the recipes below.

Cognac recipe on oak chips

In order to get as close as possible to original drink wood chips must be properly prepared. Fresh wood contains too many tannins, and will give moonshine an unpleasant aftertaste, aptly nicknamed "skirting" among the people.

  1. Cut the oak log along the fibers into pegs of arbitrary length, 0.5-2 cm thick.
  2. Soak wood chips in cold water for 24 hours, changing the water three times during this time.
  3. Prepare a solution of 1 tbsp. soda in 5 liters of water and soak the wood in it for 6 hours, then rinse it thoroughly.
  4. Fill the pegs with clean water and boil them for 45 minutes.
  5. Dry the pegs completely outdoors.
  6. Roast the chips in hot oven until lightly browned.

The stronger the pegs are fried, the richer the drink will turn out. By turning off the fire immediately after the appearance of smoke, you will get cognac with light fruity vanilla notes. Well-roasted chips will give a thick chocolate-smoked aftertaste.

It is easier and faster to buy ready-made oak chips in specialized stores for distillers, but in terms of fragrantness they will lose to self-made wood chips. Prepare a container for infusion and put the following ingredients into it:

  • 40 g of fried wood chips;
  • 5-6 cloves;
  • 4 black peppercorns;
  • 6 coriander seeds;
  • a pinch of cumin and vanilla;
  • 2 liters of moonshine.

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  1. Close the container with a lid, shake well and send to a dark place for infusion.
  2. Shake the mixing container a couple of times a week.
  3. Cognac is infused from moonshine at home with room temperature from 3 weeks to several months.
  4. So that the taste does not turn out to be too tart, try the tincture once a week, and when the organoleptic suits you, filter the cognac through several layers of gauze.

To give the cognac a hint of caramel and darken the color, add burnt sugar and leave it for a week to stabilize the taste.

Homemade cognac from moonshine on oak bark "Latgalsky"

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You can buy oak bark at a pharmacy, distillery, or make your own. The latter option is preferable both from the point of view of economy and for the organoleptic properties of cognac.

  1. Cover the bark with boiling water and leave covered for 15 minutes.
  2. Drain the resulting broth, and rinse the bark and dry naturally.
  3. Roast it in the oven until the first smoke appears.

Preparing the bark will take you less time than oak chips. Let down preparatory stage not worth it, as a high concentration of tannins will make the drink undrinkable. The recipe for cognac from moonshine in Latgale involves the use of the following ingredients:

  • 2 liters of moonshine;
  • 2 tbsp oak bark;
  • ½ tsp cinnamon;
  • ½ tsp coriander;
  • 5 cloves;
  • pinch nutmeg;
  • 2 tbsp Sahara.

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If you prepare oak bark for future use, then making cognac at home from moonshine will not take much time:

  1. Pour oak bark, spices into glassware and fill with moonshine.
  2. Put the moonshine in a place protected from light for 2-4 weeks, until it turns brown.
  3. Melt sugar on hot pan and caramelize it until it turns amber brown.
  4. Filter the tincture through a cloth and add caramel to it.
  5. Let the cognac stand for a week.

How to paint moonshine under cognac

Caramelized sugar for coloring and flavoring is included in the recipes of the best cognac houses, so feel free to use it in all recipes. Optimal quantity choose according to your taste. Add some caramel, dissolve and evaluate the color and taste of the drink. Adjust dose if necessary.

Homemade cognac without long brewing

The aging period of cognac becomes a real test of willpower for those who are not particularly patient. In this case, it is worth simultaneously preparing cognac according to quick recipe which can be tasted the very next day.

  • 2 liters of moonshine;
  • 1 tsp ground coffee;
  • 2 tsp loose black tea;
  • 5 pieces. prunes;
  • 6 highlights;
  • 1 tbsp oak bark;
  • 5-6 grains of coriander;
  • 2 peas of allspice;
  • 5 cloves;
  • a pinch of cinnamon and vanilla;
  • 1 tbsp Sahara.

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Prepare the oak bark as described in the previous recipe. An excellent substitute for the bark will be oak chips or small chips.

  1. Prepare sugar caramel by melting the sugar in a pan and boiling it, stirring constantly, until brown.
  2. Pour all ingredients into a stainless steel bowl. Add moonshine and cover with a lid. It is very convenient if the lid is glass - this will allow you to monitor the process without releasing a pair of alcohol.
  3. Place the saucepan over medium heat. Remember that you are heating strong alcohol and don't take your eyes off him.
  4. Warm up the contents to 75⁰С, in no case allowing boiling.
  5. Add caramel to the pan, turn off the heat and let the contents cool to room temperature.

Pour into glass bottles, and you can immediately start tasting, but it's better to wait at least a day. Such a tincture will brighten up the expectation necessary for the maturation of cognac on oak bark, prepared in a cold way.

How to make cognac from moonshine without oak raw materials

Folk ingenuity has invented more than one recipe that allows you to do without oak chips or bark. All the ingredients for cooking can be found on the shelves of your kitchen or the nearest supermarket. Of course, calling such a drink cognac is somewhat incorrect, but the result is quite worthy.

Citrus homemade cognac from moonshine

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Orange shades are given to this cognac by aromatic substances from wood. The combination of spices in this recipe is chosen in such a way that home-made cognac from moonshine is as similar as possible to the original.

  • 2 liters of moonshine;
  • 2 tsp large-leaf black tea;
  • zest of ½ orange;
  • 1 tbsp Sahara;
  • 4 things. allspice;
  • 6 cloves;
  • 1 cinnamon stick;
  • a pinch of vanillin;
  • 1 bay leaf.

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If you don't have an orange on hand, use tangerine or grapefruit zest. With lemon zest You have to be careful and add just a little.

  1. Remove the zest from the orange, leaving the white part of the peel intact.
  2. Put zest, tea, spices in a glass container, and fill them with moonshine.
  3. Close with a tight lid and leave for 2 weeks to infuse.
  4. Melt a tablespoon of sugar in a frying pan and heat until golden brown.
  5. Filter the infused moonshine through a cloth and add sugar caramel to it.
  6. Leave the cognac for 3-4 days to stabilize the taste.

Pour the resulting tincture into beautiful bottles, and invite your guests to guess what kind of drink is in front of them. Most often it is taken as various options brandy.

Cognac from moonshine at home: a nutty recipe

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Walnut tincture - great way disease prevention thyroid gland, since the partitions contain a large number of iodine. So this recipe will not only be cheap, but also useful alternative cognac.

  • 2 liters of moonshine;
  • septum shells 10 walnuts;
  • 1 tbsp pine nuts;
  • 2 peas of black pepper;
  • a piece of orange peel;
  • 2 tsp black leaf tea;
  • 6 cloves;
  • a pinch of lemon balm and St. John's wort;
  • 2 tbsp honey.

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In cognac houses, he uses distillate from dry wine, so cognac from moonshine made from grape raw materials is very similar to the real one. Grain and sugar distillate perform worse from this point of view.

  1. Pour pine nuts and partitions from the shell with moonshine, insist them for 2-3 days.
  2. Add spices and herbs to the tincture, mix well and send to a dark place at room temperature for 1 month.
  3. Shake the container 2-3 times a week for better extraction of aromatics.
  4. Filter the resulting tincture through several layers of gauze and add honey.
  5. Leave cognac for 5-7 days to reveal aromas.

Such cognac will be very useful during the period of active mental activity. Drink 40-50 ml at night if you have a serious brainstorming in the near future.

Coffee cognac from moonshine at home

photo from the site

A drink according to this recipe perfectly invigorates and tones, so it should be prepared for noisy fun gatherings. Just ask your guests if any of them suffer from insomnia, as people who find it difficult to fall asleep should not drink caffeinated drinks in the evening.

  • 1 liter of moonshine;
  • 3 tsp ground coffee;
  • 3 cloves;
  • 2 tsp Sahara;
  • cinnamon stick;
  • a pinch of nutmeg and vanilla.

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Be careful with the addition of vanillin, its excess will be very noticeable in the drink. If you are afraid to make a mistake, use ¼ tsp. vanilla sugar.

  1. Put spices and coffee in a suitable container and fill them with moonshine.
  2. Mix the contents well and close the lid.
  3. Infuse in a place protected from light for 2-3 weeks.
  4. Prepare caramel from 2 tsp. Sahara.
  5. Filter the tincture through a cotton-gauze filter, add caramel and stir.
  6. Let the drink stand at room temperature for a week.

The taste of cognac obtained according to this recipe largely depends on the quality of the coffee. Take the product whose bouquet you like. It is desirable that the selected variety does not have sour shades.

Making cognac at home from moonshine and prunes

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Dried fruits are often used in the formulation of alcoholic beverages, as their aroma is rich and deep. Remember that prune tincture has a laxative effect, so if it is not desired, choose another recipe for yourself.

  • 3 liters of moonshine;
  • 15 pcs. prunes;
  • 3 tbsp oak bark;
  • 8 cloves;
  • a pinch of coriander and nutmeg;
  • vanillin on the tip of a knife;
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice;
  • 3 tbsp Sahara.

photo site

Vintage cognacs are characterized by light smoky notes, to obtain which cognac barrels are subjected to preliminary roasting. This recipe will have a smoky flavor if you use dried prunes rather than dried ones.

  1. Pour boiling water over oak bark and let stand for 15-20 minutes to remove excess tannins.
  2. Dry the bark natural way and put it in the infusion bottle.
  3. Add prunes, spices, lemon juice and moonshine.
  4. Place the container in a place protected from light for 3 weeks, then filter the tincture through a fabric filter.
  5. Melt sugar in a dry frying pan, and cook it, stirring with a wooden spatula, until brown.
  6. Enter the caramel in cognac infusion and leave it for a week to stabilize the bouquet.

The aroma of this homemade cognac combines fruity, spicy and smoky notes. The resulting taste is so refined and interesting that it is definitely worth cooking.

Now you know exactly what to insist on moonshine to get cognac. Let yourself be a little creative by adding your favorite herbs and spices little by little. It is possible that in the course of such experiments it will appear unique drink, the recipe of which will be passed down from generation to generation.