The most delicious muffins. Muffin - what is it? Classic muffins in molds: recipe. Easy cupcake recipes.

In the kitchen of a modern hostess, you can find an incredible number of helpers, thanks to which cooking turns into a real pleasure. Today, for example, we will talk about silicone molds. Thanks to the material from which they are made, pastries cooked in them do not burn, are easily removed and are even tastier. How easy is it to cook muffins in silicone molds. Even a novice cook can cope with such a task. So go ahead! Rather, read the recipe, stock up on everything you need and start cooking! And after half an hour you will be ready delicate pastries for tea.

The muffin tin is perfect for making parts for everyone! Plus, it's a playful way of presenting your preparations on the plate as a chef. Instead of making a traditional omelet in a pan, come up with mini rolls. Toss in oil, add vegetable, ham, chicken or salmon pieces as desired, then pour in egg mixture. Bake for 20 minutes and let cool before serving with a little green salad.

Know how to divert your muffin to make different pastries than muffins for sure! Why not try the tonic pie recipes? To do this, place a teaspoon of sugar, butter in each serving, bake until the mixture melts. Then put fruit and cover puff pastry or broken. You can enjoy various fruits such as apples or pears. You just need to bake and spread! All you have to do is enjoy a glass of vanilla ice cream and cream cheese frosting.

Silicone Muffin Ingredients:

  1. Milk 200 grams
  2. Butter 100 grams
  3. Egg 1 piece
  4. Sugar 100 grams
  5. Wheat flour 360 grams
  6. dough baking powder 1 package
  7. Salt 1/2 teaspoon

Products not suitable? Choose a similar recipe from others!

Unusual muffin and cupcake recipes

You can even laugh at savory tatin recipes like onion pie with a little green salad. You can't do without a saucepan! To prepare delicious original recipes, which are stored in separate portions, use your form! Majority traditional dishes can be divided into separate parts, very practical when you are working and you do not necessarily have time to cook. Prepare meatloaf, marinated dauphinoise, lasagna, tuna or mackerel mini-shake ahead of time.

In short, feel free to experiment with various ideas to vary your dishes and prepare friendly and friendly entries to present at the mini Dinner Buffet. The shape of the bun is suitable for making stuffed pepper. Instead of cooking them in a vulture dish, draw them in a pan. To do this, simply remove the pepper cap and seeds, fill them with rice, semolina, meat or tuna, decorate them with herbs of Provence and bake them in the holes of the Form. Be sure to buy peppers that are too big to fill your mold.


Silicone molds, heat-resistant baking sheet, oven mitts, deep plate, saucepan, ladle, whisk, toothpick.

Making muffins in silicone molds:

Step 1: prepare the butter.

Melt first required amount butter. This can be done using a water bath or in an ordinary saucepan, putting it on the smallest fire. As soon as the oil becomes liquid, immediately remove it from the stove.

Step 2: prepare the dough.

Making dough for muffins is a very simple and simple task, even someone who has never done anything like this before can handle it. First, pour the flour into a deep plate, you can sift it through a fine sieve. Add sugar, baking powder and salt to it. Mix all dry ingredients well together.

Then break the chicken egg into a bowl with flour and pour in the milk. Mix thoroughly with a whisk, breaking up any flour lumps that form.

And the last ingredient, pour in the melted butter. With the same whisk, mix everything again, turning the dough into homogeneous mass, the consistency of thick sour cream. Happened? No, then just keep mixing until you get the desired result.

Step 3: Bake muffins in silicone molds.

Be sure to preheat your oven. It is important. V this case we need the temperature in 200 degrees Celsius. As I have said, Silicone forms lubrication is not necessary, unless you are using them for the first time, but this is always indicated in the attached instructions. Place the molds on a heat-resistant baking sheet and pour ladle into each dough. But not to the top, as the muffins will rise during the baking process.
The oven is preheated, the silicone molds are filled, it's time to put them to bake. Cook muffins for 20 minutes. And if you can take them out or not, check with a toothpick, just pierce one of the cupcakes with it and see if there are any pieces left on the device raw dough if yes, then extend the cooking for a little while longer. Once you are sure the muffins are done, take them out of the oven and let them cool until room temperature. And only when the cake has cooled down, remove it from silicone molds and serve.

Step 4: serve muffins.

Serve ready-made muffins with tea as a dessert. They are very tasty on their own, but you can supplement them. powdered sugar or coke shavings, or simply cut in half and brush with butter.
Bon appetit and tea drinking!

You can sprinkle each muffin before baking. a small amount granulated sugar.

Bake 20 minutes and enjoy! You can serve them with potatoes. In summer, do you want to enjoy ice cream or frozen meals to quench your thirst? Instead of buying mini mars or mini juicers glazed, invent your own delicacies in your cupcake pan. And show off your culinary ingenuity by tasting frozen chocolate cocktails. For this you need coffee, cocoa, which you mix with milk! Then fill the mold and prepare it in the freezer while the frosting is smoothing.

All you have to do is spread it out and let it melt in your mouth. But you can vary the flavors and treats by using fruits, including red fruits. Hard eggs, nothing easier to prepare. They are great for your health and are full of protein. Yes, but here you have a lot of eggs to cook. In general, you can only place three to four eggs in a pan. If you are planning to dine for many guests and you have 2 dozen eggs to cook, you will obviously have to push the pans around.

The presented muffin recipe is basic, which means that you can supplement it to your liking using chopped nuts, soaked raisins, other dried fruits, as well as, for example, chocolate.

Silicone molds are both separate, shown in the recipe, and whole, the baking technology in this case does not differ at all.

Instead of breaking your head, use two 12 mussel buns. Place one egg in the cavity and boil for 30 minutes. Wanna make a pizza night? But without going through pizza or having to invest in high-tech equipment! To do this, think about your form of muffin! Just buy pizza dough or prepare it, cut rounds with a glass to line the bottom of your pre-greased pans, and let everyone decorate their mini pizza with the ingredients of their choice.

What to change flavors by diversifying food and getting pizzas, all pretty for an aperitif! It's very interesting to customize your pizza. Kids will love this technique. Of course, you don't necessarily need cookie muffins! However, the latter is very useful for structuring your cookies and giving them a nice shape, perfectly round in the same size. Just place a large spoonful of batter in each well and boil. You can decorate your cookies with chocolate chips or dried fruit! Let your artistic fiber unfold.

You can also bake one large cupcake from the dough indicated in the recipe, but use an oval mold with a hole in the center for this.

Muffins are categorized simple desserts who like to cook not only confectioners, but also housewives. Many people like them because if you make any mistakes during cooking, then in the end you still get delicious pastries. Muffins are often compared to cupcakes, and perhaps they are doing it right, because they have a dense texture, somewhat similar to bread.

You can then keep the cookies in the boxes. Do you still have soup or meat and fish broth and don't know what to do with it? First of all, don't throw them away, that would be wasteful! Be aware that broths and other sauces can be frozen and reused to enhance your dishes. This is a trick to save your leftovers. Fill the cavities of a baking dish with buns and place in the freezer to form blocks or cubes. When your blocks are frozen, place them in freezer bags.

Cupcakes without sugar

So you can use them to prepare your fish stock or stew next time. English or English Cupcakes home recipe sweet and light rolls with a texture similar to breakfast or eggs on Sunday, which are sprinkled with honey or maple syrup are really amazing. They can be eaten savory, sweet, or cooked, which is quick and easy.

How to make muffin dough on kefir?

This simple recipe allows you to cook delicious pastries quick and easy. We suggest considering the option without fillings, but if desired, already ready dough you can put candied fruits, condensed milk, chocolate pieces and other fillers.

For cooking, you need the following ingredients: about 300 g of flour, 1 tbsp. granulated sugar, 0.5 l of kefir, a couple chicken eggs, 4 tbsp. tablespoons of butter, a bag of baking powder and vanillin.

My daughters like to taste them after they pass them to the toaster, they have a choice between jam or butter and honey. English cupcakes - English cupcakes. Preparation of English cupcakes. Dissolve the yeast in warm water. Pour the yeast into 3 cups of flour and add the milk-sugar salt mixture. Beat for 3 minutes. Add enough flour to get soft dough and return it to the flour surface.

Knead for 3-5 minutes, or until smooth and elastic. Place in a bowl, cover with a damp cloth and let rise for 1 hour. Degas the dough and divide it into two parts. Let the dough rest for 10 minutes to relax.

We propose to divide the process of preparing baking on kefir into several stages:

  • Separately, you need to combine all the dry ingredients, that is, flour, sugar, baking powder, and a pinch of vanilla. Mix everything well so that the ingredients are evenly distributed;
  • In another container, you need to combine wet foods, that is, kefir, eggs and oil, which should be odorless. To mix up uniform consistency, use mixer;
  • Now pour the wet mixture into the dry mixture and mix to achieve the perfect muffin dough consistency without lumps;
  • Take the molds in which you will bake and grease them with oil. Fill each of them by 2/3 with the prepared mass and send it to the oven preheated to 180 degrees. It takes 40 minutes to prepare. Ready baking or not, you can check with a wooden stick, which you need to pierce it and see if it is dry or wet.

You can eat them just like that or use icing or other sweets.

Cut out circles using a 3-inch bun circle. Resume Paste Drops allows you to rest for a few minutes and cut other circles. Heat a skillet and carefully place the cupcakes over medium heat and cook for 10 minutes per side. Let it cool on the counter.

To serve or lightly butter and golden toaster or for breakfast: skip them to the toaster, place a slice of cheese, top with scrambled eggs and sprinkle with honey if desired. Add enough flour to make a soft dough and turn it over onto a floured surface. Degas the dough and divide it into two. Let the dough stand for 10 minutes to relax. Spread the dough out onto a generously covered surface. cornmeal up to ½" thick. Cut out circles using a 3" bun circle. Return the pasta to sit for a few minutes and cut other circles. Place the circles on the unprepared cookie sheet. To serve or lightly butter and gild on a toaster, add some honey.

  • Mix for 3-5 minutes or until smooth and elastic.
  • Place in a bowl, cover with a damp towel and leave to stand for 1 hour.
Cooking time: 10 minutes.

How to make milk muffin dough?

This recipe will help out when you need to prepare treats in a short period of time, for example, if guests suddenly come unexpectedly. It can be used even by beginner confectioners.

Baking will turn out tender and airy with a slight milky taste. To prepare it, you need the following ingredients: a couple of glasses of flour, 1 tbsp. sugar and milk, 2 eggs, a bag of vanillin, 1 teaspoon slaked soda and 3 st. spoons vegetable oil without smell.

I have a chance to experience a wonderful story with a man who has been sharing his life for over 10 years. And every day we celebrate this chance to experience the pleasure of being together, learning, sharing, allowing ourselves space, experimenting, supporting ourselves, bumping into ourselves sometimes, respecting each other, encouraging ourselves to be who we are and grow.

We must see ourselves with eyes that shine before the good little one vegetarian dish, with that smile in the corner, and those who are watching drop themselves without saying a word, sharing this precious moment. For us, food is love. In a bowl, mix flour and sugar baking soda. Then pour in the vegetable milk, stir, then add the melted chocolate. finish lemon juice, stir and mix only what is needed. Divide into well-filled muffin cups. Let cool before unwinding.

Using a mixer, you need to beat the eggs, and then add milk to them and continue cooking so that the consistency is airy and homogeneous. After that, pour oil into it, and stir for 30 seconds. Add quenched soda and continue mixing.

It remains to add flour in portions and knead the dough, which should look like not very thick sour cream. Molds need to be greased with oil so that the pastries do not stick and pour the finished mass into them by 3/4 of the volume.

Prepare the frosting by simply pouring melted chocolate on top of the cupcakes. Finish by garnishing the chopped nuts and chocolate chips. Serve preferably still warm and accompany with a glass or any other. Enjoy your cupcakes immediately, or keep them for 1 or 2 days in an airtight box. To keep them longer, freeze them and then defrost them according to your desires. Watch your cooking, your knife should be clean but slightly damp from the oven. Don't cook your cupcakes more than you need or they will tend to dry out. Always wait a little before spreading them, you need to leave the chocolate contained in the paste to harden a little to prevent the cupcakes from crossing. Feel like a gluten free version? Send a little. To change joys, replace chocolate icing almonds, hazelnuts or peanut puree a little maple syrup or rice. This is my favorite version 😉 You can turn your cupcakes into cupcakes by adding thick frosting. Others will be able to skip the pieces of fruit. In any case, feel free to adjust the amount of sugar to your taste. You can also choose dehydrated coconut or even pieces of fresh or dried fruit for garnish. It is believed that the flavors go well together and that you want to eat your cupcakes! You probably don't make cupcakes that often.

By the way, thanks to the dough dispenser and muffin fillers, the process of laying out in molds is greatly simplified. You need to cook in the oven at 180 degrees. When the muffins turn golden, you can take them out. You can check the readiness with a wooden skewer.

How to make muffin dough with sour cream?

So your muffin cups are probably not the kitchen accessory you use the most. Here are some ideas to inspire you. Photo: Photo credit: Gina's recipes. Everyone loves meatloaf, but since it often needs to be baked for about an hour, this is not very realistic for night tours.

Ice cubes for jug ​​or punch bowl

you can make yours regular recipe and divide the meat into a muffin shape. Then it is cooked for about 20 minutes. Photo credit: diligence. They are too big for glass but perfect for a larger container! You can even put slices of citrus, blueberries, cranberries or raspberries, fresh leaves mint and so on.

Baking on sour cream is delicious and very tender. This recipe can be used by people who are watching their figure.

To prepare 12 muffins, you need the following ingredients: approximately 150 g of sugar, 2 eggs and yolk, 1 teaspoon of baking powder, 1 tbsp. flour and 150 ml of fat sour cream or homemade cream;

To prepare pastries on sour cream, you need to combine eggs, yolk and sugar, and then, using a mixer, beat everything into a fluffy mass. Then add sour cream and mix well. Add the sifted flour to the mass, loosen and then knead the dough. They fill the molds, but not completely, but 3/4.

These dough products can be prepared with different fillings:

  • Cherry with chocolate. For 4 pitted berries, you need about 2 squares of chocolate. At the bottom of the mold you need to put a cherry and in the place where the bone was, insert a small piece of chocolate. Then pour a little dough, put another berry, and you can sprinkle everything with grated chocolate on top;
  • You can use white raisins, which must first be soaked in cognac. After that, you need to drain the excess liquid, crush the raisins with flour so that it is evenly distributed over the dough. After everything is laid out in molds, you can sprinkle coconut flakes on top.

How to make muffins from cottage cheese dough?

Such pastries are tasty, healthy and very satisfying. For cooking, you need to take the following ingredients: a pack of butter, 2 tbsp. flour, 250 g cottage cheese, a couple of eggs, 1 tbsp. sugar, 100 g raisins, salt and baking powder.

First you need to thoroughly rinse the raisins, remove the twigs and dry it on a paper towel. For curd dough you need to soften the butter. After that, beat it with sugar, eggs and cottage cheese. Use a blender to make the mass homogeneous and without lumps.

There we add salt, loosen, raisins and flour. In the end it should be homogeneous dough, no lumps. Grease the molds with oil and fill them with dough, but not to the brim. Cook in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for half an hour.

How to make muffins from yeast dough?

Thanks to the use of yeast, baking is more fluffy and airy, but it will take longer to cook than usual. For this option, the following ingredients are needed: 250 g flour, 120 ml milk, 2 g yeast, about 60 g butter, 50 g pre-chopped almonds, 2 tbsp. spoons of raisins, 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar and salt. For the filling, use thick jam.

For cooking yeast dough It is necessary to slightly warm the milk and carefully dilute the yeast in it. In another container, put the previously cut into small pieces of butter and mix it with sugar. Raisins should be washed and dried.

After that, add all the ingredients to the butter and only then milk with yeast. Mix everything well and leave in a warm place for 45 minutes. After that, the dough must be beaten, mixed and divided into 12 equal parts and made into balls.

Roll out each of them and put 1 teaspoon of jam in the center. After that, carefully pinch the edges and place in pre-oiled molds.

Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Cooking time - 25 min. Hot dishes are especially appetizing if sprinkled with powdered sugar or grated chocolate on top. It is best to eat such pastries during the day, as it will become tasteless and hard.

Recipe for muffins with condensed milk

This pastry is very tasty and will appeal to both adults and children. It can be served as a dessert not only on family dinner, but also on festive table. For cooking, you need the following ingredients: 350 g of condensed milk, 1 tbsp. flour, 50 g nuts, 100 g sour cream, a couple of eggs and 1 teaspoon baking powder.

According to this recipe, the dough for muffins is obtained, like sour cream of medium density. To prepare it, you need to beat the eggs with a whisk for 5 minutes. We put sour cream and condensed milk to them, and then beat everything well with a whisk so that the mass is homogeneous.

Separately, mix the flour with the baking powder, and then transfer everything to the liquid ingredients and mix thoroughly. Take the molds, grease them with oil and lay out the finished mass, but not to the brim, as the pastry will rise. Sprinkle muffins with nuts. You need to cook in a preheated oven to 200 degrees for 25 minutes.

Muffins - hearty breakfast and perfect option for dessert. You can take them with you to work or give your child to school. You can cook them with different fillings: condensed milk, fruits, berries, nuts, etc. Unsweetened muffins are very popular, for example, with vegetables, herbs and cheese.