How to make homemade frog bagels. Bagels from yeast dough with jam. Step by step recipe with photos.

Always loved and desired. Only now there would be more free time and mom would bake sweets at least every day.

Summer is in full swing and homemade preparations too. Just yesterday I collected a bucket of cherries and today I will twist. As always, time is short, and there is a lot to do. But despite this, I will bake homemade bagels for my children. And I have them sweet pastries wow love, and bagels including!

Today's bagels recipe is simple, quick and without any problems: kneaded, rolled out, and baked. Nothing complicated, right? And what a beauty it turns out, feast for the eyes!

Well, why torment, let me show and tell you how to bake such ruddy and beautiful bagels.

For the bagel recipe you will need:

  • drain. margarine - 200 gr.,
  • sour cream - 100 ml.,
  • yeast - 25 gr.,
  • one egg,
  • flour - 2.5 cups,
  • vanillin - 1 sachet,
  • a pinch of salt,
  • if desired, you can add cinnamon - 1 teaspoon.
  • Step by step recipe for bagels

    Recipe ov bagels today, as you already know, apparently invisible. But for some reason, not everyone likes this or that bagel recipe. And this is understandable.

    For example, I also love trying new recipes, but they don't always come out the way I would like. Therefore, in most cases, I use my proven recipes or come up with something of my own in the course of cooking. I publish only successful recipes!

    Bagels from yeast dough also mine good recipe. So, friends, if you are going to bake these bagels for the first time, feel free to get down to business. These bagels always turn out. But my two important rules that should be present in the kitchen when preparing any dish are fresh ingredients and your good mood! Do you agree?

    Shall we start? The dough for bagels turned out soft and tender. It was slightly different in texture from the dough from which I baked. After the dough has rested in the freezer, I transfer it to the shelf in the refrigerator. Well, my bagels are ready to bake. I send them to a preheated oven to 200 ºС. They are baked at my set temperature for exactly 15 minutes. From the above products, I got 48 bagels with filling. Friends, is this portion enough for you? My family did not have enough, so the next day I made bagels, but from a double portion. Happy tea drinking to all and all the best to you!

    You can make bagels with jam using any test. Today we will look at two options, one of which requires the use of a yeast base, and the other requires a sand base.

    Delicious shortbread bagels with jam: photo, dessert recipe

    This dessert is quite easy to make. But to make it really tasty, you must strictly adhere to the rules of the recipe.

    So, sand bagels with jam require the use of:

    • medium-fat sour cream (preferably store-bought) - 240 g;
    • chicken eggs - 1 pc.;
    • high-quality butter (you can buy "Kremlin") - 250 g;
    • baking powder - a small spoon;
    • white sugar - 1/4 cup;
    • wheat flour of the highest grade - about 1 kg (add at your discretion);
    • apricot or apple jam - 1/2 cup;
    • powdered sugar - 2 large spoons.

    Making a sand base

    Before baking bagels with jam, you need to knead the sand base. To do this, you need to remove the butter from the refrigerator and slowly melt it over low heat. Next to cooking oil add white sugar and mix well sweet product completely dissolved. Subsequently, to the resulting mass, it is necessary to lay out sour cream of medium fat content and a beaten egg. As a result, you should get a sweet homogeneous mixture, which should be used immediately for its intended purpose.

    Having prepared the liquid part of the dough, you should do the loose part. To do this, sift the flour together with the baking powder. In the resulting slide, you need to make a small depression, and then pour the previously prepared oily mass into it. By mixing the ingredients with your hands, you should get a tight and homogeneous dough. In order for it to reach, it is recommended to wrap it with a film and leave it in the refrigerator for 18-20 minutes.

    Choice of toppings

    Bagels with jam turn out to be the most delicious if you use apricot or apple sweet mass for their filling. Although some housewives prefer to use pear or plum jam, as well as boiled condensed milk.

    If you decide to use jam, then you need to make sure that it is as thick as possible. Otherwise, it is recommended to mix it with starch or flour.

    We form products

    The presented recipe for bagels with jam is very popular with those housewives who do not like to stand at the stove for a long time. After all, they are easy and simple to do.

    After the filling and dough are ready, you should immediately begin to form the products. First you need to roll out the dough into a not very thin round layer, and then cut it into segments. You should end up with about 16 long triangles. On the base of each of them, place ½ of a small spoonful of jam, and then gently roll into a bagel.

    Heat treatment

    After the bagels with jam are formed, they must be carefully laid out on baking paper (on a baking sheet), and then sent to the oven. It is advisable to cook sweet products at a temperature of 200 degrees for no more than 24 minutes. During this time, the dessert should brown and become delicious.

    Properly served with tea

    After baking sand bagels, they must be laid out in a shallow plate, and then cool slightly. Before serving, sweet products are recommended to be sprinkled with powder. It is advisable to present them to friends or household together with a cup of black tea.

    A step-by-step recipe for bagels with jam from yeast dough

    If you don't like shortbread dessert, then we recommend making bagels using yeast dough. With it, the products will turn out very soft, lush and satisfying.

    We will need the following products:

    • yeast in granules (we recommend using Pakmai) - 2/3 of a small spoon;
    • fresh milk - a full glass;
    • white sugar - a large spoon;
    • drinking water - a full glass;
    • high-quality margarine - 150 g;
    • wheat flour - from 4 glasses;
    • any thick jam - a glass;
    • vanillin - a pinch;
    • powdered sugar - for sprinkling.

    Making yeast dough

    Bagels with jam on yeast are made much longer than sand products. After all, to prepare them, you first need to knead butter dough, and then wait until it rises.

    So, for the test we need fresh milk and warm drinking water. These ingredients should be combined, and then sugar and yeast in granules should be dissolved in them. After ¼ hour, melted but already cooled margarine, as well as vanillin and white flour, must be added to the sweet liquid mass. As a result, you should get a homogeneous yeast dough, which sticks a little to the hands. It must be tightly covered with a rag and a lid, and then left near the heating radiator for 1.5 hours. Every 20 minutes, the base should be shaken well so that it settles and rises again.

    The process of forming semi-finished products

    Yeast bagels with jam, the photo of which is presented in this article, are prepared no more complicated than sand products. To begin with, the approached base should be divided into two parts, and then rolled out into round layers. In the future, they must be cut into 32 segments and put in a wide part of ½ tablespoon of jam. After that, all products need to be wrapped in neat and beautiful bagels.

    Baking products

    Having formed bagels, they must be laid out on a greased sheet. At the same time, leave a distance of 3-4 centimeters between them. If desired, all products can be greased with a beaten egg. This will contribute to their uniform browning, as well as the appearance of an appetizing gloss.

    It is recommended to bake yeast products in the oven for 50 minutes. During this time, the dough will be completely cooked, it will become lush, soft and rosy.

    We bring homemade bagels to the table

    After all the products are baked, they must be removed from the sheet and placed on a large plate. In the future, bagels should be sprinkled powdered sugar and bring to the table.

    Use ready-made pastries preferably hot with a cup of coffee or hot chocolate.

    Summing up

    As you can see, making bagels at home is pretty easy. It should be noted that for the preparation of such pastries, some housewives do not use yeast or shortbread dough, but puff base. There is no need to knead it yourself. After all, such a product can be easily purchased at any supermarket.

    It is also worth mentioning that for the preparation of delicious homemade bagels, you can use not only jam, but also other ingredients. Someone stuffs products with jam, someone with berries or fruits, and someone even uses boiled condensed milk or some kind of fudge. In any case, such pastries are very fragrant, satisfying and tasty.

    Bagels are a type of pastry with different stuffing. They have the shape of a crescent or animal horns, for which, in fact, they got their name. Delicious bagels are very popular all over the world, they can be prepared from any dough and add any filling - both sweet and salty. Homemade bagels are a great breakfast for the whole family, and everyone will agree on this. Today we offer you to cook bagels at home.

    How to make bagels

    Bagels can be baked in several ways. The dough for them is prepared puff, yeast, shortbread, cottage cheese, and there are also rich bagels. There is no standard size for these cakes, they can be both large and very small. To prepare the dough, sour cream, kefir, cottage cheese or spoiled milk. If you need to cook cottage cheese bagels, then cottage cheese is added directly to the dough. By the way, cottage cheese bagels are very tender. Marmalade, fruits, berries, jam, condensed milk, nuts, poppy seeds, cinnamon are used as fillings for homemade bagels. What are the tastiest bagels? It's up to you to decide. But for this you need to prepare several recipes to understand which one is best for you and your loved ones.

    Some do not see the difference between croissants and bagels. In fact, of course, there is a difference, but the cooking technology is somewhat similar. For example, to give a bagel the desired shape, like a croissant, you need to cut a triangle out of the dough, which then remains to be twisted, starting from the wide edge and moving towards the narrow one. The filling should be placed precisely on the wide edge of the triangle. There are no special requirements for the filling, as well as for the type of dough, but it should be borne in mind that under the influence of high temperature in the oven, the jam can become more liquid and flow out. How long it takes to bake bagels depends on their size and the type of dough.

    Recipes for bagels with photos

    In this selection of recipes, you will learn how to bake bagels. What could be more appetizing than delicious homemade bagels for tea? This is absolutely not expensive and not laborious dish, even for those who consider baking something super heavy. Making bagels is a fun and easy process that always has room for improvisation. We offer bagel recipes with photos. How to make a bagel is much easier to understand from a photo, so in our step-by-step bagel recipes, we attach a photo to each step. Now you know how to cook bagels and today you can please your family with delicious fresh pastries. Only the most best recipes bagels - in front of you.

    Yeast dough rolls with jam- a favorite pastry for many children and adults. The first acquaintance with bagels for many occurs precisely in childhood, only the type of this pastry differs. So, they can be made from shortbread, puff or yeast dough, and also differ among themselves and the type of filling. Since bagels look like small rolls, so that the filling does not flow out of them, they try to use it as thick as possible. Most often used as a filling thick jam or jam, or finely chopped fresh fruits. In addition, dried fruits and poppy seeds can become filling for bagels.

    I think that it is completely pointless to argue about which of the bagels are tastier. For example, shortbread bagels are delicious. crumbly dough, in its turn yeast bagels conquer with lightness of the dough and incomparable vanilla aroma.

    Now let's see how to cook yeast dough bagels - step by step recipe with photo.


    • Milk - 1 glass,
    • Sugar - 1 cup
    • Yeast - 40 gr.,
    • Wheat flour - 2.5 cups,
    • Vanillin - 1 sachet,
    • Eggs - 1 pc.,
    • Margarine or butter - 150 gr.,
    • Jam - 200 gr.

    Yeast dough bagels with jam - recipe

    Pour milk into a bowl. If it is cold, heat it in the microwave to 35-40 C.

    Crumble wet yeast into it.

    Mix milk with yeast with a whisk.

    Pour in sugar. Instead of sugar, you can use powdered sugar, although this is not essential. Stir again.

    Melt margarine or butter cut into small pieces in a water bath. Add to the rest of the ingredients.

    At this stage of the preparation of the dough, add a bag of vanillin to it. I accidentally forgot to take a picture of this step, so sorry. Mix all the dough ingredients for the bagels.

    Be sure to sift flour before adding. So it will be saturated with oxygen, and baking with it will rise better. Introduce flour into liquid components gradually, in small portions. When adding the last portions of flour, knead the dough with your hands. As you can see, the yeast dough for bagels is thick and can be rolled into a bun. By the way, you can cook from this test.

    Cover the finished yeast dough for bagels with a towel and leave in a warm place for 1 hour. After this time, it will be possible to work with him. During this time, the dough will double in volume. Punch it down with your hands. Sprinkle the table with flour. Tear off the dough, about 200 gr. Roll out with a rolling pin into a thin layer. Using the lid of a pot or frying pan with a diameter of 20 cm or more, cut out a circle.

    Cut the resulting circle sharp knife into sectors. The result is the following triangles.

    On the wide edge of each of the triangles, put a drop of jam (jam or jam). In this recipe for bagels from yeast dough with jam, I used pear jam home cooking. You can use any jam that is in the house or thick jam, confiture.

    Roll up a triangle of dough with jam, starting from the wide side to the narrow one. Ready bagel from yeast dough, bend with an arc. Sprinkle the baking sheet with flour. Put on it in rows of bagels from yeast dough with jam.

    To make them fried, brush them with a beaten egg.

    Be sure to put the form with bagels in the oven, heated to 180-190C. Bake the rolls at this temperature for 20 minutes. I advise you to pay attention to the fact that the baking time for bagels is conditional, since each stove works differently. In one oven, yeast dough bagels will be ready in 20 minutes, covered golden crust, while in the other during this time they will not even have time to brown. While baking such bagels, the apartment will be filled with simply breathtaking aromas.

    Ready put on a plate. Sprinkle with powdered sugar. Serve them chilled with tea and coffee. Happy tea drinking. I would be glad if you liked this yeast dough bagels recipe.

    Bagels from yeast dough with jam. A photo

    Fragrant, melt-in-your-mouth pastries are always a great start to the day or a warm and pleasant end to it. Unfortunately, in our time, most housewives are very skeptical about home baking, believing that this undertaking is incredibly troublesome, requiring a lot of time and attention.

    Of course, there are quite difficult recipes that will require considerable effort from the hostess, but at the same time, there are hundreds of simple and very available recipes baking that does not require you to have special culinary knowledge and practical abilities.

    Moreover, you will get great pleasure from the result you get, because, whatever one may say, but homemade baking many times different from the store.

    Firstly, you are not limited by the choice of ingredients, secondly, you always know how high-quality products were used in cooking, well, and thirdly, pastries cooked with love smell differently!

    One of these culinary masterpieces- This is a recipe for making homemade bagels, simple, but at the same time very delicious dessert, which, depending on your desire, can turn into a second dish.

    Such culinary product not in vain got its name, because a properly twisted bagel, indeed, resembles horns. This dish is often found in national cuisines a wide variety of peoples: in European, Moldavian, Macedonian, Hungarian, Bulgarian and many others.

    You are probably wondering how to cook delicious bagels with filling, because there are many recipes, but choosing the most relevant is quite difficult. So that you do not have to search for a long time and try to your own taste various options, we decided to offer you the best and simple recipes making homemade bagels.

    Remember that, as in any baking, in the process of making bagels, the most important thing is to knead the dough correctly, for this it is important to approach the baking process with a good mood and high spirits, then your bagels will literally “breathe” your positive and turn out incredibly light and crumbly in the mouth.

    Recipe for homemade bagels

    For cooking you will need:

    • flour - 3.5 cups;
    • eggs - 2 pcs.;
    • yeast - 25 g;
    • sugar - 30 g;
    • milk - 3/4 cup;
    • - 4 tbsp. spoons;

    To brush dough and filling:

    • softened butter - 6.5 tablespoons.

    Sift the flour first, and then in a large bowl mix it with a pinch of salt and sugar. Then in a separate container warm water it is necessary to dissolve the prepared yeast, it is important that they are very fresh.

    When dissolved, add them to the flour mixture. Now beat the eggs with a mixer and gradually add milk to them, without stopping beating. When the mixture turns into homogeneous mass, then add it to the common bowl with flour.

    After that, add warm softened butter there and actively stir the dough until it becomes soft and smooth. Now the dough must be allowed to brew and rise, this is one of the secrets of making bagels.

    To do this, cover with a clean towel and put in a warm place for about 1 hour, during which time the dough should almost double in size.

    Now, when the dough has “approached”, it must be kneaded, kneaded, and then divided into 2 equal parts, forming balls from them. Now let's do modeling, for this we will prepare the surface: wipe it dry and sprinkle it with a fly.

    We roll out one ball of formation of a layer with a thickness of about 0.5 cm, even thinner is better. Now lubricate its entire surface butter, previously melted on steam bath, and then from it we begin to cut out small triangles with a sharp knife. In total, you should get about 35 pieces from both balls of dough.

    Each triangle must be twisted, starting from the wide side into a roll, then bend the ends slightly to form a crescent. When all the bagels are formed, line a baking sheet parchment paper, lay them out and cover with a towel for 30 minutes. At this time, we heat the oven to 190 °.

    After the time has elapsed, the prepared bagels should rise again, grease each with butter, previously melted, and put in the oven for 20-25 minutes.

    It turns out that the dough for bagels can be the most diverse, for example, yeast, puff or shortbread, and what a variety of fillings awaits us! With jam, or vice versa, add cheese or pieces of meat, and then you get salty bagels, it's all in your hands!

    By the way, puff bagels, we are well aware, this is nothing but a favorite, such popular buns in France! By the way, my unusual name they just made money thanks to their shape, because croissant, from French, means a crescent.

    Recipe for puff pastry

    For cooking we need:

    • flour - 3 cups;
    • eggs - 4 pcs.;
    • Apple vinegar- 1.5 teaspoon;
    • margarine - 375 g;
    • sour cream - 1.5 cup;
    • sugar - 2.5 cups;

    Sift the flour, and then carefully mix it with margarine. In a separate container, we grind the egg yolks, a pinch of salt and apple cider vinegar, after which we add sour cream there, again mix the weight thoroughly.

    Then pour the prepared mass into flour with margarine, mix everything again. Ready, kneaded, we send it to the refrigerator for 2 hours, where it should be infused. At this time, we will create a cream for bagels. For this egg whites beat with sugar, get a fluffy cream.

    Then we take out our dough, divide it into two balls, and begin to roll them out until a layer 0.5 cm thick is formed. Cut each circle into small segments (the size depends on what size you want to get bagels).

    Each triangle is thickly greased with cream, then we turn them into a tube. Then put them on a prepared baking sheet and bake in a preheated oven at a temperature of 180 °.

    The rolls will be ready when a crispy crust appears on their surface. By the way, the recipe for bagels can remain the same, but the filling can be easily changed, for example, add jam, condensed milk or even cottage cheese!

    Recipe for bagels with jam

    We will need:

    • 400 g sour cream;
    • 5 cups flour;
    • 400 g margarine;
    • a pinch of soda;
    • 400 g jam (any).

    Sift the flour, soften the margarine and mix it with sour cream, then add soda there. After that, gradually add flour, while constantly kneading the dough. When the mass turns out to be homogeneous, then the dough is ready - we send it for 30 minutes in the refrigerator. We divide the dough into two equal parts, roll it into layers 0.5 cm thick and cut it into segments.

    Lubricate each triangle with a thin layer, and then twist it into a tube. We heat the oven to 200 ° and bake the bagels until cooked. Ready-made buns can be sprinkled with powdered sugar on top, so they will look even more appetizing.