How much to cook young corn on the cob. How to cook corn in the microwave

The end of summer is simply a paradise for corn lovers. If desired, it can be baked in foil in the oven, dried on the grill or boiled. The last way to cook corn is the easiest. Agree, there is nothing difficult in peeling the cobs, putting them in a saucepan, pouring water and putting them to boil. However, after one of my friends asked how to cook corn on the cob in a saucepan, how much to cook it, I wondered: did everyone master this simple culinary science.

It is important to buy sweet corn because it will be sweet and tasty, and feed, intended for animal feed, no matter how boiled, it will still not be tasty.

How can you tell fodder corn from sugar corn? The sizes of both can be the same, the fodder can be both large and small in size, however, as well as sugar. In the bazaar, when choosing, you can easily distinguish them by the color of their hair. Feed corn has brown to dark brown hair, whether young or old. In young sweet corn, the hair color is light green, almost white, perhaps even transparent. In old sweet corn, the color of the hair darkens only at the tips, that is, only at the tips the color can be brown.

So, you bought the right corn, now you can boil it. Do not store it for a long time without a refrigerator. But if you bought it in excess, then you can freeze it in the freezer. To defrost, just take it out and leave it at room temperature, excellent, it also defrosts in cold water. After defrosting, its taste will not change. By the way, they sell it frozen in stores.

So, for boiled corn you will need:

  • freshly harvested corn on the cob - how much will the pan hold.

How to Boil Delicious Boiled Corn on the Cob in a Pot

We get a large capacity container. We clean the cobs from the leaves and put them in a wide pan.

It is desirable, of course, that they fit entirely in it. If you do not have such a vessel, break the cobs in half. We do not add salt to the pan, you can put 1 tbsp for 10 kachans. Sahara. You can add nothing at all and boil in ordinary water.

By the way, in Mexico they cook corn in sweet syrups and milk.

We send the pan to the stove with a strong fire. Make sure that the water covers all the cobs, this is one of the nuances proper cooking corn in a bowl. By the way, in a village or in a village, you can cook corn in large cauldrons, it will turn out even tastier, especially if the cobs have just been plucked.

How many minutes does it take to cook corn?

After boiling, cook, slightly reducing the power of fire, for 15-20 minutes. We turn it off after the water begins to foam and become cloudy, at this moment sugar comes out of the cobs and corn without it will become less tasty.

You have probably heard that corn is boiled for at least 40 minutes, we also cooked it this way before, but then we tried to cook less and it turned out that the corn is tastier and it is completely ready.

How to check the readiness of corn?

It’s easy to check, take out the head, hold the corn on a plate with a fork and cut off a few grains and try. But do not hesitate, in 15-20 minutes it will be ready.

And finally, salt. Ready corn, if desired, sprinkle with a little salt. I do this almost always. Salt combined with sweet young grains gives a simply amazing taste.

Some lubricate the boiled cobs with butter, this is a matter of taste.

We even saw Americans smearing boiled corn on the cob with mayonnaise, that was a surprise.

And the Mexicans peppered it or, on the contrary, served it with a sweet sauce.

Boiled corn is stored in the refrigerator for 1 day, after two days corn kernels become floury and tasteless. Chilled corn, if desired, can be heated in the microwave, it is also good and just cold.

Boiled corn is loved by all people, regardless of gender and age. Despite the obvious simplicity of preparation, boiling cobs requires certain knowledge and skill. Corn contains a lot beneficial vitamins, thanks to the high energy value saturation is maintained for a long time. In terms of popularity, corn on the cob is equated to watermelons and ice cream. To enjoy all the delights, you need to responsibly approach the cooking process.

Useful properties of corn

  1. Nutritionists recommend eating at least 1 ear of boiled corn per day. In this way, you will provide the body with a daily norm of useful vitamins and amino acids.
  2. Corn is rich in vitamins of all groups, including PP, E, C, B. Cobs include ascorbic acid, magnesium, tryptophan, amino acids, iron, potassium, lysine, calcium.
  3. Due to such an impressive list, the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, the heart muscle is normalized, vascular system. Poisons and toxins are removed from the body.
  4. Doctors strongly prescribe boiled corn in the amount of 50 grams to their diabetic patients. per day. This amount normalizes the level of glucose in the blood, preventing an increase in sugar.
  5. In addition to all of the above, boiled corn on the cob fights metabolic disorders, allergies, pathologies digestive system, overweight.
  6. corn on the cob accelerate brain activity, develop memory, prevent the occurrence of heart attacks and strokes. Also, the product puts in order the psycho-emotional background, forms muscle and bone tissue.

Varieties of corn and their differences

  1. The final result depends on the degree of maturity and variety of cobs. To date, there are 2 main types of corn. The first is the usual, fodder (for raising animals). The second is sweet, edible, ideal for cooking.
  2. You can eat both varieties, but the taste will be different. The feed type is more rigid, insipid, while the food cobs are juicy, milky, and sweet.
  3. Feed-type corn is cooked longer (about 4 hours) due to hard starchy grains. Young sweet cobs are cooked for 20-50 minutes and literally melt in your mouth.

Choice of corn for cooking

  1. Fruits harvested relatively recently (1-5 hours ago) are considered ideal for heat treatment. Young cobs are better boiled and contain a maximum useful substances.
  2. Choose corn with leaves (unpeeled). The shell does not allow weathering of the grains and indicates the freshness of the fruit. To determine quality corn, give preference to instances with light green leaves.
  3. Feel the fibers that wrap around the corn. Antennae should be wet. If you notice yellowing on the leaves, the corn was harvested a long time ago. It is better to refuse such products, since the juiciness will be minimal.
  4. You can evaluate the quality and suitability of corn directly at the point of sale. Press your fingernail on one of the grains at the base of the cob. If you notice the juice, the corn is "dairy", which means it's perfect for cooking.
  5. Old age is easily defined. Late corn has hard and dryish seeds. The older the fruit, the less granulated sugar is contained in the cobs (after time, the sweetener turns into starch).

How to cook corn on the cob: a classic

  1. Container for cooking. Prefer a pot with a very wide bottom and high sides. Such a move will allow you to dip the ears in one piece without breaking them into pieces. Make sure the pot has a thick bottom. The best option is a cauldron with a tight-fitting lid. A pressure cooker will help speed up the process. To preserve the beneficial properties of corn, cook the cobs at 190-230 degrees at low power.
  2. Preparing cobs for cooking. To start the heat treatment, prepare the corn. Some remove fibers and leaves. Others leave the "natural shell" in place, cutting off only dirty and spoiled specimens. The leaves will retain the juiciness and sweetness of the corn, but after heat treatment, they are more difficult to remove. Therefore, completely remove the leaves and fibers, then put them in a pan, alternating with the peeled cobs.
  3. Putting cobs in a pot. Place the corn leaves on the bottom, lay the corn on top of them. Then make another sheet layer, cover it with cobs. Continue until the container is 2/3 full. Leaves should also be placed on the sides to seal the fruit. Sorting is ready, cobs can be poured. In no case should you salt the fruits. The loose composition will wash the liquid out of the grains, ready meal will be dry.
  4. Filling dishes with corn water. Cobs can be poured with boiling water or cold water, proceed according to personal preference. Add liquid in such a way that it covers the product completely. Heat treatment lasts 45 minutes on average, however, depending on the variety, the procedure can last from 30 minutes to 4 hours. Throughout the process, it is necessary to monitor readiness, top up hot water as it evaporates. Do not increase the power, cooking takes place at medium intensity.
  5. Definition of readiness. Throughout the heat treatment, evaluate the corn for readiness. Pinch off one grain at a time, try. The grains should become soft. When the product is easy to chew, you can remove the composition from the fire. It is at this point that serve the cobs, rubbing them with salt and spices (the latter are added as desired). It is easiest to eat the dish in a state cut into pieces. In this case, each section is impaled on a culinary sword to avoid burns. You can rub butter or vegetable oil over the surface of the cobs.
  6. Storage of prepared food. If you are not going to eat the corn now, leave it in the pot with hot water, which has not evaporated after cooking. If you remove the product earlier, it will become weathered, the grains will wrinkle and lose their appetizing appearance. The product can be kept in water for at least 3 hours, keeping the temperature at 60 degrees. If we talk about aging in the refrigerator, the shelf life is 2 days.

How to cook corn in milk

  1. Wash the cobs, remove the fibers, cut off the leaves. Rinse the corn, chop each ear into 2-3 equal sections.
  2. Pour so much into the pot fat milk so that it covers the contents completely. Bring to a boil, send the cobs inside.
  3. Boil the delicacy for at least 40 minutes, constantly evaluating readiness with a fork. The grains must disintegrate.
  4. When you reach the desired texture, drop a slice of butter into the milk. Turn off the heat, keep the cobs in the liquid for another 30 minutes.
  5. Melt after this time butter mix it with salt. Rub the mixture into each piece of corn. Prick the cobs on skewers, use.

  1. The multicooker is good because, thanks to its use, all useful elements are completely preserved in corn cobs. And this means that the use of such a product will bring maximum benefit.
  2. Before sending the product for cooking, remove all leaves and remove hairs. Do not salt the ears, put them in the bowl of the device, adhering to several layers.
  3. You can fill the contents with pure water or milk, it all depends on personal preference. However, a couple of slices of butter must be added to the liquid to emphasize the taste.
  4. When all preparations are completed, close the lid. Set the function "Steaming" or "Cooking" for 35-40 minutes.
  5. After turning off the timer, do not rush to open the multicooker. Let the corn rest for another half an hour. After this period, remove the cobs, rub them with salt and butter.

How to cook corn in a pressure cooker

  1. A pressure cooker is a thick-bottomed wide pan with a lid that is fixed with clips. The container has a hole for steam to escape, which speeds up the process.
  2. For cooking corn, give preference to young cobs with the most juicy grains and green leaves. If the latter are partially dry, discard such a product.
  3. Boil the water needed to fill the dishes 2/3 in advance. Fill the pan with de-fibred corn cobs, save the leaves.
  4. Add water, close the lid. Bring the liquid to a boil, then cook for another third of an hour. Next, extract finished product, rub with salt and butter.

How to cook corn in a steamer

  1. Cooking cobs in a double boiler is somewhat reminiscent of a slow cooker, beneficial features are fully preserved. Clean the cobs in advance, get rid of the fibers and leaves.
  2. Put the ingredients in the mesh compartment of the double boiler, pour 600-800 ml into the common bowl. water depending on the amount of corn. Set the timer for a quarter of an hour, after this period proceed to the tasting.

How to cook corn in the oven

  1. Prepare everything in advance necessary products. You will need salt, butter, corn, olive oil. Do not remove leaves or remove hairs.
  2. Grease a baking sheet olive oil, place corncobs on it. Pour in water so that it reaches the middle of the fruit. Cover the contents with foil, leaving a small opening.
  3. Preheat the oven to 210 degrees, after 10 minutes, send a baking sheet with cobs inside. Boil the corn for 25 minutes, then lower the power oven up to 180 degrees. Cook for 1 more hour.

  1. In order for the grains to retain all the useful properties in their structure, pour the cobs with boiling water or milk.
  2. In no case do not salt the water during the heat treatment. Otherwise, the bulk composition will draw out the liquid and sugar, the corn will turn out to be tough.
  3. If you do not like to rub salt on the cobs during use, add the loose component 3-5 minutes before the end of cooking.
  4. To give the grains delicate taste pour granulated sugar into water or milk in combination with butter.
  5. If you boiled corn and did not consume it immediately, do not repeat heat treatment again. Otherwise, the grains will become hard.

Traditionally, corn is boiled in a saucepan, but you can use a slow cooker, pressure cooker, oven. Pour the cobs with warm milk or water, do not add salt. Rub the cobs with butter or vegetable oil immediately before use.

Video: how to cook delicious corn

Appetizing yellow corncobs are loved by many, but not everyone knows how to cook them correctly. But everyone has their favorite way to use the boiled queen of the fields. Someone prefers to grease with oil and eat hot, while others season the already cooled vegetable with salt. The main thing is to know how to cook corn correctly in order to cook a young cob quickly and tasty.

How to cook corn properly

Before you send the vegetable to the pan, you need to clean the cobs. For reasons of hygiene and cooking aesthetics, it is best not to boil unpeeled corn. It is not necessary to completely clean it - when cooking, it will even add richness to the taste. Before cooking, you need to hold the corn in cold water for about an hour. There are several ways to prepare a dish. What may be needed:

  • thick-walled cast-iron pan;
  • double boiler;
  • oven and earthenware;
  • microwave oven and baking sleeve.

The best choice of cooking utensils is a thick-walled cast-iron pan with a lid. It is a must to cover. Then even mature corn will not lose its appetizing flavor and will cook much faster. But in practice, most people cook in a stainless steel pot. The capacity is selected based on how many ears are planned to be cooked.

How long to cook corn

It won't take long to cook medium-sized cobs. Young corn will cook in 10 minutes, and ripe vegetables you have to cook twice as long. Try to choose roughly the same cobs. If they are large, it is better to cut them into two parts so that they cook evenly. Thick heads of cabbage can be divided into several parts.

on the cob

Let's conditionally divide the corn into three degrees of ripeness and find out approximately how much time will be spent on cooking. Cobs can be slightly underripe, mature and overripe. Learn to determine how long to cook old corn and how to cook young corn. Cooking fodder vegetables is not worth it. Inside the grains of overripe corn, sugar is converted to starch. Because of this, it loses its aroma and sweetness. Even boiling the product with milk will not change the taste for the better.


Ripe sprouts have a rich color and require longer processing. Cooking takes up to half an hour. You can cook in whatever is more convenient for you to use. If you do everything right, in the end you should get delicious corn. It is not necessary to wait until the water with corn on the cob boils. Often they are already placed in boiling unsalted water. This shortens the cooking time a bit.


For cooking, it is preferable to take fresh young cobs intended for human consumption. It is better to choose unpeeled food-grade milk cobs. By appearance corn stigmas and leaves make it easy to determine the freshness of a cereal crop, and they also protect it from drying out. How to identify a fresh product:

  • bright green leaves;
  • pale and slightly moist "antennae";
  • pale yellow cob;
  • soft juicy grains.

Unripe cobs are soft and juicy. Ready to eat 10-15 minutes after boiling in boiling water. More tastier corn it turns out if, before putting it in a saucepan, put a few washed leaves on the bottom. Part of the leaves should be laid out on top of the cobs, then cover the pan with a lid. In this way, you can cook a tasty and frozen product.

How long to cook corn

Cooking time for corn depends on the cooking method and degree of maturity. Dairy varieties are boiled for 10-15 minutes, and if the cobs are placed in boiling water, they will be ready even earlier. How long does it take to cook microwave oven And if you use a slow cooker. But for a couple, the cooking process will last 10 minutes longer than in boiling water.

in a saucepan

In a container of a suitable volume, draw water, with the expectation that the cobs are completely covered with water. Cover the pot with a lid and wait for the boiling process to begin. When it boils, reduce the heat to low. How long to cook corn, determine by readiness. It's easy to check it out. Remove one piece from boiling water and use a knife to remove the grain. After tasting it, it will become clear whether to continue cooking corn or it’s already enough.

If the heads are ripe, it is important not to overcook, otherwise the grains will turn out tough. They harden from long cooking. Cobs of milk maturity are also harmful for a long time. cooking. They will be too watery. The ripeness of the product is determined by color. Dairy ones look pale yellow, while overripe ones look bright yellow. Based on the degree of ripeness, determine how much to cook the corn. When you think the cobs are done, drain the water. How to serve and how to season the dish is a master's business. sweet corn good on its own. And you already know how to cook!

In a double boiler

How to steam young corn depends on the variety and maturity. You can put the cobs in the steamer bowl right in the leaves. Unlike traditional cooking in a pot of water, steaming will take longer. But some 30 minutes of waiting and on your table the most delicate dish for a side dish or snack. If you want to diversify the taste - prepare a sauce from 15 g of melted butter, 50 g of crushed walnuts and ground cardamom. Season the sauce to your preference.

An article on how to choose and cook corn correctly, as well as prepare a special sauce for it.

First you need to find out what quality corn you bought. It is best to purchase corn in supermarkets or stores. Because in the market you will most likely be sold a fodder variety instead of a food variety. Feed is originally intended for animal feed. A person, of course, will not be poisoned by her, but she will not get much pleasure either.

If this is early ripening corn intended for human nutrition, then it is cooked from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours maximum. And if you buy fodder or late varieties, then you will have to cook it from 2 to 5-6 hours.

In the following, we will talk about the preparation of food corn.

Corn can be cooked in a pot, microwave, or double boiler. We strongly recommend that you cook the corn in a double boiler whenever possible. There it acquires the most intense taste and at the same time does not lose its beneficial substances.

How to cook corn in a pot: young food (it is white or pale yellow in color) put corn in a saucepan with cold water, bring to a boil and cook for 30-25 minutes. Cook old (bright yellow) corn cobs for 50-60 minutes.

How to cook corn in a double boiler: peeled cobs, it is possible in 2 layers, they are placed in a steamer on a grate, an allowable maximum of water is set in the steam generation tank, the steamer is closed with a lid and cooked until it is turned off. If the corn is mature, topping up may be necessary; for young corn, an incomplete capacity of water may be required. Boil for 30-40 minutes depending on the maturity of the cob.

How to cook corn in the microwave: wrap the corn in cling film and put it in the microwave. It takes 3 minutes to cook corn in the microwave.

Grease boiled corn with butter, grate with salt and spices to taste and can be served.

Several important tips, which it is desirable to observe when cooking corn:

1. Before cooking, corn cobs must be washed and cleaned of dirty sheets, clean sheets should not be removed.
2. Cook corn without salt so that it does not become tough.
3. Corn stalk is not eaten.
4. It is better to cook corn in a deep thick-walled pan under a closed lid.
5. Boiled corn is served immediately after cooking on a hot plate.

We also bring to your attention a special sauce for boiled corn. Ingredients: sour cream, a spoonful of sugar, salt, pepper (preferably mill), garlic and plus herbs (parsley, basil). Recipe: Whisk all ingredients together and pour sauce over hot cobs before serving.

Bon Appetit!

How to cook corn depends on many factors. To be able to enjoy the juicy and fragrant pulp of the product at home, it must be properly selected, processed and prepared. Depending on the variety and freshness of the product, this can take from 15 minutes to 2 hours (sometimes even more). The process itself is not complicated, you just need to take into account its specifics and adhere to a number of rules.

You can boil a component not only in a saucepan, everything that can be found on home kitchen: a double boiler, an oven, a slow cooker, a pressure cooker and even a microwave. And for those who are wondering how to cook soft corn, it is recommended to study the methods of boiling the product in milk or cream.

How to choose the right corn?

Even old corn or fodder cereals can be cooked deliciously if handled responsibly. True, it will take a lot of time and effort. In order not to create unnecessary trouble for yourself, when choosing a product, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. We choose cobs that are not too long with perfectly even rows of grains of light yellow or cream color.
  2. To check the quality of the product, you need to separate one grain from the cob, break it or cut it. The appearance of milky white juice is an indicator of the youth and freshness of the component.
  3. Particular attention should be paid to the bonduelle product. It retains freshness longer than other analogues, so even after several days or even weeks of storage it can be boiled in the same way as dairy products.
  4. There is another way to make sure that a fresh product has got into your hands, for this the head of cabbage should be broken in half. It is good if its cut is whitish, light and wet.
  5. To distinguish sweet food corn from feed corn, you need to examine its antennae. They should be tender and light, not thick and brownish.

Initially, it is difficult to bring a product that is not of the highest quality to an optimal state, even if you strictly follow the recommendations on how to properly cook corn. But there are chances, you just need to choose the best option for influencing the workpiece and clearly withstand right amount time.

The traditional way of boiling cobs

At home, corn lovers most often use classic version boiling cobs. It is simple and affordable, it allows you to process young and old products so that they are juicy.

  • Processing should be carried out immediately after the purchase or collection of cobs. Wash them, clean them from dry and dirty leaves. We remove the clean green leaves, just like the antennae, but do not throw them away.

Tip: Do not immediately pour out the broth in which the product was prepared. If at one time it is not possible to eat all the cobs, then this liquid can be used to store them. True, in any case, after a couple of hours, the taste characteristics of the dish will begin to deteriorate.

  • In a saucepan with thick walls, spread the bottom with leaves, then put the cobs, fill them with cold water. From above we again lay out the leaves and antennae. We wait for the mass to boil, then reduce the heat and tightly close the container with a lid.
  • Particular attention should be paid to how much to cook corn, depending on its initial characteristics. Fresh food products and slightly stale cobs of the Bonduelle variety will be ready after 15 minutes of being in boiled water. Feed variety and 2 hours may not be enough.
  • After a set time, we check the component for readiness and act according to the circumstances. Sometimes you have to add water several times until the corn is cooked. In this case, you need to use boiling water.

You should not immediately pull out the finished product, if you let it brew for another 10 minutes in a saucepan, it will turn out really tasty and juicy. Only after that we take out the components, rub them with salt, spices, grease with butter and serve.

How to cook a product in a double boiler, oven, pressure cooker, microwave?

What only fixtures can not be found in modern kitchens. And all of them facilitate the process of boiling corn at home. To prepare the desired dish and not control it every minute, you should use the following approaches:

  • Double boiler. We put the washed cobs in the bowl of the double boiler along with the leaves and tendrils. Do not sprinkle the blanks with salt, as many do. Due to this error boiled corn is often dry. The product does not need to be processed for a long time. Fresh products and cobs of the Bonduelle variety will be ready in 10-15 minutes. It will take about 40-45 minutes to boil old or feed products.

  • Oven. Lubricate the baking dish with butter, spread the cobs, pour boiling water over them. We place in the oven preheated to medium temperature for 40 minutes, evaluate the result and, if necessary, keep the dish.

  • Pressure cooker. Dairy corn or Bonduelle products should not be boiled like this, you can overexpose the quality component. But this is the best option when frozen or feed products need to be softened as much as possible. Soak it in water and cook for at least 40 minutes.

  • Microwave - option with water. The main thing is that the products are fresh and young. We put it in a container with water, cover with a lid and cook for 45 minutes at medium power. If necessary, add boiling water to the bowl.

  • Microwave - dry approach. A real lifesaver for those who want to know how to boil corn quickly. Divide the cob into 2-3 parts, lay out the leaves and cook in own juice for 5-7 minutes at medium power.

Subsequent processing is no different from that provided for traditional cooking. Ready product rub with salt, oil and spices, serve.

How to properly process dried corn?

To deliciously cook dried cereal, you should perform the following manipulations:

  • In a saucepan, combine dried corn kernels (50 g is about 1 cob) and water. The liquid should cover the mass by 1-2 cm. Immediately add some salt and spices.

Tip: Frozen products must first be thawed, otherwise it will not allow the liquid to boil for a long time, which will negatively affect end result. Moreover, the defrosting conditions should be natural (without hot or cold water, microwave).

  • Bring the mixture to a boil, keeping the lid open. Then close the lid, reduce the heat and wait just a minute. We insist the mass for 10 minutes, after which it must again be put on the stove.
  • So we continue for 2 hours, gradually adding boiling water so that all the moisture does not evaporate.

Pre-dried corn can be soaked in cold water for 5-6 hours before boiling. Then, during cooking, it will not have to be insisted, it will only be necessary to hold it on fire for an hour.

Features of boiling the product in milk and cream

To make a very tasty familiar product, you can do the following:

  • For 4 cobs of boiled corn we take half a glass of milk, heavy cream, dry white wine and two tablespoons of butter.
  • We remove the grains from the already boiled cobs, pour milk and cream, cook for 10 minutes after the appearance of steam.
  • Melt butter, add to corn. After 10 minutes we introduce wine. After another period of time, add salt, spices and seasonings to taste.
  • We insist the mass under the lid over very low heat for another 10 minutes and serve as an independent dish.

Even boiled corn is a source of many nutrients and nutrients. It is perfectly absorbed by the body, rarely causes allergies and goes well with other foods. It can be served both as a side dish and dessert. In the latter case, the finished product should not be salted, but rubbed with sugar.