Can children cook rice for sushi. Eleventh method: In the microwave. Recipe. Wine dressing for rice.

Step 1

Pour the rice into a large bowl and rinse thoroughly, changing the water several times. The last water should be absolutely transparent.

Step 3

Transfer rice to large saucepan, pour 500 ml of water. Close the lid and bring to a boil over high heat. Boil 5 min. Reduce heat and simmer covered until all water has been absorbed. Remove from heat and leave covered for 15 minutes.

The Japanese add kombu (dried brown seaweed) to the rice during cooking, which gives the rice a peculiar flavor. But this is not a prerequisite for preparing rice for sushi.

Step 4

Dissolve sugar and salt in rice vinegar in a small bowl. Transfer the rice to a large shallow bowl. Drizzle with vinegar dressing.

Step 5

Using a wooden spatula, fold the dressing into the rice, breaking up any lumps at the same time.

Step 6

Once the rice has cooled to body temperature, it can be used to make sushi. First of all, you need to make an vinegar solution for your hands. For this you need 4 tbsp. l. Japanese vinegar dissolved in 250 ml of water. Then dip your hand into the solution and take a handful of boiled rice in your palm. Squeeze lightly to form a rice cake.

Sushi rice in its finished form should be slightly firmer than for regular meals. At the same time, it should be more crumbly. To achieve a similar result, it is worth using a special rice cooking technique, as well as purchasing a product specially designed for this purpose.

Important! Rice must be round, small, preferably specially designed for sushi. A distinctive feature of this rice is its increased stickiness, which makes it easier to mold sushi balls.

Besides right choice rice for sushi, you should follow certain important rules for its preparation. The Japanese advise washing rice seven times before cooking, at least. According to them, this makes it tastier. It is not recommended to remove the lid during the cooking process, as the release of steam can adversely affect the unique taste characteristics of the rice. Another secret is to quickly cool the rice. It gives the product an attractive sheen. You can cool the rice quickly with a hair dryer or a fan. So what are the options for making sushi rice.

Method number 1

Rice needs to be washed in enough in large numbers water. This procedure must be carried out until the water is completely transparent. For cooking, you need to take a pan with a thick bottom, preferably not enameled. Next, the following sequence of actions is carried out:

  1. Rice is poured with water in a ratio of 1: 1.
  2. The container is closed with a lid and placed on a strong fire.
  3. As soon as the water boils without opening the lid, you need to reduce the temperature of the oven to the minimum possible and leave the rice in this position for another 12 minutes approximately.
  4. At the end of this time, the pan is removed from the heat and left for 15 minutes with the lid completely closed.
  5. Rice is mixed in such a way that the top layer, which is usually slightly dried, is thoroughly mixed with the inner layers.
  6. After that, the rice is again covered with a lid for about 5 minutes.

After carrying out these activities, the rice is completely ready. It must be transferred to a separate bowl and poured with avazesu solution in a ratio of 3: 1, that is, about a third of a glass of filling should be taken per glass of rice. Thanks to this sauce, rice becomes spicy sweet and sour taste.

Method number 2

Rice is also washed very thoroughly until the water is completely clear. After that, it must be lowered into a saucepan and poured with water, while the amount of water should be one-fifth more than rice. In other words, for 200 grams of rice, you will need to take 240 ml of water. The container must be more than one third full.

In the process of cooking rice, you can make the rice more pleasant taste qualities. To do this, you can add kombu seaweed, the size of which is 5 cm, to the pan. In order not to spoil the future dish, you should remove the seaweed before the water boils. Rice should be simmered after it boils. Realize this process it is necessary until the water is absorbed, that is, after about 10-12 minutes. After that, the rice is removed from the heat, and the lid does not need to be lifted for at least 15 minutes. V this case rice should be mixed with vinegar solution. For this purpose, you need to mix one tablespoon wine vinegar with 7.5 tablespoons of sugar and two tablespoons of sea salt.

Ready rice should be transferred to a wooden basin moistened with water, which is designed specifically for sushi, pour over it with the resulting solution and mix thoroughly with a wooden spatula. Once the rice has completely cooled down, the product can be used to make sushi.

Method number 3

The rice is washed until the water is completely clear. In the pan you will need to put 200 grams of rice and 240 ml of water. The product needs to be cooked for only 2 minutes. After that, the container is removed from the burner and left to swell under the lid for another 10 minutes.

For rice marinade, you need to take a teaspoon of salt and the same amount of sugar, and then stir them in two tablespoons of rice vinegar. Ready rice is poured into a bowl, where the marinade is added and everything is mixed very well with ordinary chopsticks.

Method number 4

This is a relatively simple and popular method of making sushi rice. To prepare it, you will need to take 1 kg of rice, two tablespoons of sugar and a spoonful of salt. Rice is boiled using one of the methods listed above and then let it stand for about 15 minutes. Vinegar, sugar and salt are thoroughly mixed and after complete dissolution of all components, the solution is sprayed all over the rice. After mixing the rice and vinegar, the rice is ready to make delicious homemade rolls.

Recipe for rolls and sushi at home

Once the rice is cooked, you can start cooking the most delicious sushi in standard home conditions. To prepare a popular type of rolls with fish and cucumber, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Fish and cucumber are cut into slices.
  2. Dried leaf seaweed nori is unrolled along its entire length.
  3. Cooked rice is laid out over the entire surface.
  4. From one edge the filling is laid - cucumber and fish.
  5. Nori is wrapped with rice and the main filling.
  6. After that, the roll is cut into several parts. From one sheet, an average of 4-5 small rolls is obtained.

Important! The wrapping process must be carried out as carefully as possible, supporting everything from both sides. It is advisable to use a special sushi mat for this purpose, which greatly facilitates the process.

After such events, the rolls are ready for use. They can be served to the table after a short cooling in the refrigerator. Rolls can be eaten soy sauce and spicy seasoning wasabi, which is prepared simply from pre-purchased dry powder. Following the instructions presented to your attention will help you quickly prepare the most real delicious rolls that you can please yourself, your loved ones and guests!

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Exotic Japanese cuisine is gaining more and more adherents. An exquisite combination of sweetish sauces, nori seaweed, fish and vegetables creates an indescribable taste experience. Having mastered the secrets of how to cook rice for sushi in a slow cooker or on an open fire, prepare marinade, you can create real masterpieces of Japanese cuisine at home.

What kind of rice do you need for sushi

According to the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun, food should not only saturate the body, but also bring aesthetic pleasure. The correct choice of the main ingredient depends appearance sushi, taste features. In the cooking process, special varieties of glutinous, sticky rice are used, which can be purchased at most supermarkets or specialty stores.

Long-grained, crumbly or steamed is best left for risotto and pilaf. The ideal option there will be an oval-shaped croup, small in size (2-3 mm):

  • dragon rice. Perfectly sized, has a soft, delicate texture when cooked. Color - white matte. There are no cracks or roughness on the surface.
  • Short grain Rice. Small grains of 3 mm in size are rich in starch, which, during the cooking process, gives the necessary stickiness. They differ in a pearly-pearl shade, without husks and irregularities.

If you purchase a special japanese rice for sushi there is no possibility, pay attention to the usual round-grained. So that the taste parameters do not differ much from traditional Japanese varieties, sort through the cereal before cooking the main ingredient. For sushi, leave only whole, not split grains of the same size and regular rounded shape.

Sushi rice recipes with photos

To boil rice, you will need:

  • glass bowl;
  • wooden spoon;
  • Ingredients:
    • Japanese rice;
    • water good quality for cooking;
    • kombu seaweed (nori).

Rice must be washed thoroughly before cooking. The Japanese believe that the taste directly depends on the purity and quality of the cereal. Pour the required amount into a glass salad bowl and fill with water. After 1-2 minutes, gently remove the surfaced husks and impurities with your hand. Drain cloudy water. Fill the bowl again with cold liquid in a 1:2 ratio.

To remove “bad”, low-quality rice, carefully sort it through your fingers. It is necessary to rinse the cereal until the flowing water becomes clear, like spring water - at least 7 times. Then pour filtered water into a salad bowl and leave for half an hour. After some time, start cooking.

Cooking sushi rice in a pot

To prevent sushi rice from burning, use a heavy metal saucepan with a thick bottom. You will need:

  • Japanese rice - 200 g;
  • cold filtered water - 250 ml.

Pour the thoroughly washed cereal into a saucepan. Pour cold (add a couple of ice cubes) water using a ratio of 1:1.25. Add a small piece of kombu, 5x5 cm, to give refined taste. Close the lid tightly and place over medium heat. When the cereal boils, take out the seaweed, close the lid tightly. How long to cook rice for sushi? The cooking time in a closed container until it is connected to the marinade will take about 30 minutes:

  • Cook for 12 minutes on the lowest heat. The liquid must be completely absorbed so that the rice becomes sticky, grainy and airy.
  • 15 minutes - the finished ingredient is infused, absorbing the remaining water.

How to cook rice for sushi in a slow cooker

Pour the thoroughly washed rice into the multicooker bowl. Japanese varieties for sushi are preferably poured for half an hour cold water. You will see the degree of readiness for cooking by the whitened cereal, which will change transparency to white. Soaking an ordinary round is not recommended. Cooking rice for sushi with a slow cooker is not difficult:

Option 1 (when there is a “Steamers” function)

  1. Pour rice with cold filtered water, keeping the ratio 1:1.25.
  2. Close the lid. Press the "Rice" or "Buckwheat" button. Set the timer for 10-12 minutes.
  3. After automatic shutdown, do not open the lid of the multicooker, allow the contents to completely absorb the liquid.
  4. Take out the cooked unleavened rice, pour with a wooden spatula into a glass or wooden bowl and mix with the classic marinade.

Option 2

If the “Steamer” function is not available, it is possible to cook rice for sushi in a slow cooker using the “Baking” and “Stew” modes. Distribute the time it takes to cook as follows:

  • 10 minutes - the "Baking" function.
  • 15-20 minutes - "Extinguishing" mode.

How to make dressing for rice

To prepare the marinade you will need:

  1. rice vinegar- 60 ml;
  2. sugar - 20 g;
  3. a teaspoon of sea salt.

While you are cooking rice for sushi, put a container on the stove into which pour rice vinegar (in the absence of the latter, replace with natural apple cider vinegar), add sugar and salt. Bring to a boil. Leave off the fire. Put the ready-made rice with a spatula into a glass container, pour over the dressing and mix gently.

Video: how to make the perfect sushi rice

Want to learn how to cook right rice to make sushi? Stock up on patience and the desire to master all the intricacies of Japanese cuisine. Indeed, in the Land of the Rising Sun, sushi masters have years of training in the subtleties of preparing this dish. What are the secrets to master in order to learn how to cook perfectly rice groats? By watching our video step by step instructions, you will be able to find, and the result will exceed expectations.

Secret delicious rolls and sushi is properly cooked rice. In this article you will learn how to cook rice for rolls at home. And according to this recipe, it will turn out to be very tasty, crumbly but sticky - just what you need! Even the most ordinary round-grain rice will do, no need to buy a special expensive one.


1 cup rice

1.5 cups of water

1 teaspoon topless sugar

0.5 teaspoon salt

1 tablespoon rice vinegar

2 tablespoons ginger water

My cup is 180 ml. We take one and a half times more water than rice. A ginger water This is some water in which ginger is marinated. If you buy pickled ginger for rolls, then do not pour out the water, but use it to cook rice.

This amount of ingredients will make exactly 2 rolls of rice.

How to cook rice for sushi recipe at home:

1. First of all, you need to rinse the rice with cold water, once is enough. Then fill it with cold water, add salt and sugar.

2. Put on a strong fire and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat to the weakest and cook for 13-15 minutes. Then the rice should be infused for another 15 minutes. During all these manipulations, do not open the lid in any case !!! If you did everything right, then you don’t have to wash the saucepan, the rice will perfectly move away from the walls.

3. When the rice cools slightly, add rice vinegar and ginger water to it, mix.

This the right recipe rice for rolls and sushi, this is how they cook in Chinese and Korean restaurants.

It only at first glance may seem that cooking rice for rolls is a simple procedure. However, experts say that this is not at all the case! Here you will see a photo recipe, as well as detailed video at the end of the article.

At home

Firstly, it is immediately necessary to warn the culinary specialist who for the first time took up " Japanese cuisine". You will need: wooden spatula for stirring rice and wooden bowl to dry. Also preferably instead of the usual table salt use the sea, and take sugar, it is useful. We also need rice vinegar, however, it can be replaced with wine for lack of it. And here is the question of what kind of rice to buy for rolls need to be given special attention.

Precisely from that will you choose the right type of rice depends on the result of your work. The best option will use rice "Sushi - mesh" for this dish. This is the same rice from which real Japanese people make real rolls. You can also purchase "Koshi-Hakari" or "Sushiki" for these purposes. These varieties are definitely suitable for any dishes, both Japanese and Chinese food. At worst, you can take any other round-grain rice varieties. The shape of the grains of cereals should be round and about 5 millimeters long. Of course, this should be done not at all from an aesthetic point of view, but for the simple reason that round rice is more prone to sticking grains during cooking, which is exactly what we need.

The first step in preparing rice for rolls is a long rinse with cold water. Here it is necessary to achieve the result of transparency of the water drained from the rice. It should not only clean the cereal from impurities, but also wash off all excess starch from it. So, do not be afraid to rinse the rice once again - this will only make the dish better! So, wash rice, changing water at least 10 times.

Directly for cooking rice can be used as regular pans, and a steamer. Moreover, the model of the double boiler does not have any effect on the quality of the prepared dish. If you are going to cook rice traditional way using a saucepan, then choose an enameled or stainless steel saucepan. Another important aspect when cooking is the moment that the lid of the saucepan should fit snugly against it.

After washing the rice, it is left to lie down for forty to forty-five minutes without water, so to speak, to “rest”. During this time, the moisture that remains on the grains after washing will be absorbed into the rice, and the rice itself will swell slightly. According to some cooking methods, it is recommended to completely pour rice for 10 minutes with water. Later you can try using different ways preparations in order to choose the best.

Pour 1 portion of washed rice into the pan and pour ¼ of this portion of water. A unique aroma is given by a sheet of seaweed "nori", put briefly in water with boiled rice. But after boiling water, the algae must be removed. After boiling, cook rice on medium heat for exactly ten minutes, after which we remove the fire and wrap the pan with a towel for another ten minutes.

At this time, we are preparing a solution that we will need to add to the cooked rice. It consists of rice vinegar, sugar and salt. We repeat, rice vinegar can be replaced with wine vinegar, but it is better to take sea salt, just like sugar should not be ordinary, but cane. Dissolve salt and sugar in a bowl, adding vinegar to them. Payment required amount something like this: for 180 grams of dry rice you need a tablespoon of vinegar, a teaspoon of sugar and half a teaspoon of salt. This solution should be poured over cooked rice.

And now we need a wooden spatula and a wooden bowl. Putting the rice on a bowl, we should mix it well with a wooden spatula and leave to dry. He needs to be given time to absorb the vinegar brine.

To answer the question in more detail: will help video located below:

Well, if you carefully read the recipe for making rice for rolls and clearly followed all the instructions, then you should succeed no worse than in the most luxurious sushi bars!