Red currant preparations for the winter. Pancakes stuffed with currants and apples

Every gardener grows red currants in their summer cottage. This is one of the most useful and tasty berries, which is tasty in fresh, and after preservation, and in such dishes as jellies, jams, compotes. How good it is that nature can delight us with such fruits! If they are in abundance on the site, then you will probably be wondering how to cook currants for future use. We offer readers of the Popular Health website several useful and simple recipes.

cooking recipes

There are several ways to prepare winter stocks. But the maximum amount of vitamins and useful properties is preserved with a cold method of preparation, without heat treatment. One of these dishes is currant jelly which can be cooked both hot and cold.

Cold preparation of redcurrant jelly

For 1 kg of ripe berries you will need 1 kg of sugar. Currants need to be cleaned of green twigs, debris, rinsed and dried on a paper towel. Pass the berries through a meat grinder or chop with a blender. Grind the resulting mass through a sieve or use gauze. Add sugar to the finished puree, mix well so that it dissolves completely.

Put the resulting jelly-like mass into sterilized jars, cover with soft lids and put in the refrigerator. Such yummy can be safely stored until the next season. Jelly will be an excellent addition to tea, desserts, pastries, fruit salads.

Hot preparation of red currant jam

For this recipe you need to take 1 kg fresh berries and 800 grams of sugar. To improve the flavor, you can add a pinch of vanillin.

Pour washed berries into a saucepan, add 1 cup cold water put on low heat and bring to a boil. After that, remove from heat, fold in a colander or on a two-layer gauze. Pour the resulting currant mass back into the pan, add sugar and pour in vanillin. Bring to a boil again and cook for 1-2 minutes.

Pour the puree composition into pre-sterilized jars and seal with lids. Turn over and leave to cool, after a day remove to a cool dark place. Unlike a cold-processed product, this one can be stored for up to 3 years.

Harvesting red currants own juice

This dish will keep everything useful material and vitamins. The berries must be carefully separated from the twigs, put in an enameled container and left to let the juice flow. At this time, you can sterilize the jars.

As soon as there is enough juice, the berries will be completely covered, they need to be transferred to jars and pour the juice evenly. Roll up the lids, pasteurize for 20 minutes, then cool and store. Such a preparation in winter can be used for cocktails and drinks, for soaking cakes and pies, and the berries themselves will be an exquisite decoration for desserts, ice cream. This recipe is also useful in the absence of sugar, so it can be eaten by people with diabetes or losing weight on a diet.

How to cook soaked red currants for the winter?

To prepare delicious pickled berries, you will need to collect 1 kg of red currant and a few leaves. For syrup: 700 ml of water, 200 grams of sugar, a few cloves, cinnamon.

Rinse fresh whole berries, put on a towel and dry. Rinse the leaves with water, pour over with boiling water and lay on the bottom of the container for soaking. Sprinkle currants on the leaves. Now let's make the syrup. Put water on fire, add cinnamon, cloves to it, bring to a boil. Pour sugar, cook for another 2-3 minutes, and then let cool until room temperature. Pour the syrup over the berries and place a load on top. Keep at room conditions for two days, and then rearrange in a cellar or refrigerator.

Eat ready soaked currants possible in 2 weeks.

fragrant jam from red currant

If juicy berries ripen in abundance on your site, you can cook a lot of delicious things from them to save for the winter. For example, jam. You need to collect berries together with twigs, this will preserve their integrity. Then they are cleaned, quickly washed and dried.

Pour 1 kg of fruit with 100 ml of cold water and send to the stove over high heat. With a rapid boil, cook for 5 minutes, then crush the berries or chop with a blender. Pour 1.5 kg of granulated sugar into the resulting mass, but in small portions, stirring constantly.

Now the jam needs to be boiled until it acquires the consistency we need. Depending on the condition of the berries, this process can take from 25 to 45 minutes. You need to look at the mass: if a spoonful of jam does not spread over the plate, then it is ready (thickening will be stronger after cooling).

To speed up cooking, the berries can be initially chopped with a blender. To get pitted jam, berries need to be blanched for 2-3 minutes over high heat, and then rubbed on a sieve. Stir the pulp together with the juice with sugar, boil for 10 minutes, then cool. Repeat boiling three times, and then pour the jam into sterilized jars.

In combination with currants, you can use other berries: raspberries, gooseberries, cherries. As part of the jam, an amazing rich taste is obtained. This preparation can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 years. This delicacy can be eaten with tea, added to desserts and pastries. It is useful for both children and adults in the cold season with a lack of vitamins.

The most popular currant preparation for the winter is jelly, it can be prepared in a cold and hot way, without adding gelatin. In both cases, the jelly is jelly-like and tasty.

Recipe for cold cooking redcurrant jelly
1kg redcurrant berries

1kg of granulated sugar

We wash the berries, scroll in a meat grinder or juicer, you can use a blender. We wipe the finished mass through a sieve or squeeze through several layers of gauze. Add granulated sugar and mix. You need to stir until the sand is completely dissolved. The result is a jelly-like, beautiful mass, we lay it out in clean jars and close it with plastic lids. It turns out delicious and vitamin redcurrant jelly.

You need to store in a cool place, stored until spring.

Hot redcurrant jelly recipe

1kg red currant

750g granulated sugar

1 sachet of vanillin

Pour the washed berries into enamel pan, pour one glass of water and bring to a boil.

We wipe the finished mass through a colander or squeeze through cheesecloth.

Pour the resulting juice into a saucepan, add the remaining sugar and vanilla. Bring to a boil and boil for one minute.

Immediately remove from heat and pour into sterilized jars, seal iron lids and set to cool.

Such jelly can be stored for several years, I cook it every three years. It turns out very tasty, you will lick your fingers.

redcurrant juice recipe
3 kg red currants

1.5 liters of water

500g granulated sugar

We wash the berries, fill them with water (the berries can not be separated from the branches) and cook for 10 minutes. Strain through a sieve or multi-layer gauze. Add sugar to the resulting juice, bring to a boil, boil for 2 minutes and pour hot into jars, roll up and put away for storage. Such juice is stored for a very long time.

It can be used for compotes, jelly and various desserts.

Red currant jam
1kg redcurrant berries
1kg of granulated sugar
1 sachet of vanillin
Pour the washed berries with sugar, mix and let stand so that the berries give juice. The berries are very tender, easily crushed, I recommend stirring very carefully when cooking.
We put on fire, bring to a boil and cook for 1-2 minutes, the currant itself is a good preservative and does not require long-term heat treatment.
Cool and pour into jars, close with plastic lids, you can close parchment paper.
Freezing red currants

There are several ways to freeze red currant berries.

We wash and dry the berries, laying them on a towel. Spread the berries on a baking sheet and freeze. We prepare containers or bags, lay out frozen berries and tightly close or tie. Put in the freezer for storage. From frozen berries, you can cook various desserts and bake pies in the winter.
Pour the washed berries with sugar and mix using a blender. We lay out the finished mass in containers, close it tightly and send it to the freezer for freezing and storage.

redcurrant marmalade recipe
Red currant berries are rich in pectin and are ideal for making such delicacies as marmalade.
1kg redcurrant berries
1kg of granulated sugar
1 sachet of vanillin
We put the washed berries in a basin, add a little water, half a glass, steam over low heat, wipe the finished mass through a sieve or squeeze it through multilayer gauze.
Mix with sugar and put on slow fire, boil until the volume decreases by 1.5 times, before the end of cooking add vanillin.

You can pour the finished mass hot into jars and close it with parchment paper for storage, you will bake pies with marmalade in winter.
Hot marmalade mass can be poured onto a baking sheet moistened with water and when it hardens, cut into cubes or other figures, roll in sugar and serve homemade marmalade with tea.

You need to store such marmalade in a candy box, shifting each layer with parchment paper.

And now I want to offer you some delicious desserts and sauce, these recipes have been tested and really liked by me and my family. Try to cook, delicious and healthy.

For cooking, you can take fresh and frozen berries.

Vitamin cocktail from red and black currants

1 cup redcurrant
1 cup blackcurrant
1 glass of water, can be carbonated mineral
6 teaspoons of sugar
We wash the berries, add sugar, chop and beat, add water and mix with a mixer again, pour into glasses, add pieces of ice. If you are making a cocktail of frozen berries, do not add ice.

Red currant juice mousse

1.5 cups redcurrant juice
50g semolina
2 tablespoons of granulated sugar (I get by with 2 teaspoons)
We put the juice on the fire (if you take ready-made juice with sugar, then do not add more sugar), add sugar, heat, add semolina, bring to a boil and cook for 5-7 minutes. Cool the mass to warm, and beat with a mixer. Pour into molds and let cool. delicious dessert ready.

Red currant curd dessert
500g red currants
500g sugar
1 can of sour cream, 200g
1 pack of cottage cheese, 200g

Red currant - recipes for winter preparations and delicious desserts
Washed berries are combined with sugar and crushed with a blender. Add sour cream and cottage cheese, beat everything together, lay out in bowls and cool. The dessert is very tasty!
Sauce for redcurrant meat

1kg redcurrant berries
0.5 heads of garlic
1/2 teaspoon ground pepper mixture
1/2 tbsp salt
1 tbsp sugar, no slide
We pass the berries through a meat grinder and separate the pulp from the juice through a sieve, the juice can be obtained in any way.
Squeeze the garlic into the juice, add pepper, salt, sugar, mix everything. Delicious meat sauce is ready!
This sauce can also be prepared from frozen berries.

Red currant is a very useful and versatile berry, you can cook a lot of different things from it. delicious meals Desserts are especially good!

I suggest watching a video about cooking delicious redcurrant compote.

There are many in the world variety of dishes from such a healthy and tasty berry. It should be noted that red currant preparations for the winter, as well as developed recipes, are still popular to this day. After all, from this plant is obtained amazing jam, jellies, jams, juices, as well as compotes.
It is easy to make jelly from the berry or thick jam, because the composition of this plant naturally has jelly-like properties and you can not resort, for example, to the help of gelatin. Good currant and when added to confectionery production. Moreover, the grated berry goes well with other fruits to taste.

The best recipes are mostly cooked without cooking, and the best because they are healthier. After all, it is known that during heat treatments, currants lose their beneficial features. The berry grated with sugar will be remarkably preserved in the freezer for a long period of time, and will not lose its healing composition, and, as you know, currants for the winter are a storehouse of vitamins.

You can harvest berries different ways using many other ingredients and it is not necessary to cook them at the same time. For example, cold jam or jelly does not take long, but palatability will exceed all expectations.

It is worth noting that you can not cook a berry in an aluminum dish. It is better to give your preference to stainless steel or an enameled basin. After all, such sweet treats are easy to cook in a wide dish. Moreover, according to many chefs, wide dishes help preserve the integrity of the berries, if necessary. That is, their weight does not put pressure on each other.

Before cooking berries without heat treatment, that is, without cooking, it is necessary to treat the container with boiling water. This approach will help reduce the risk of fermentation, as well as remove unnecessary trace elements that can further spoil, as well as appearance food and its taste.

Children can prepare a sweet puree that looks appetizing. Add it to milk porridge or ice cream. So the baby will get a mass essential vitamins for your body, and if you don’t like the bones, then when harvesting currant puree, they are ground through fine sieves.

The berries can be pureed for harvesting for the winter as a jelly that does not need to be boiled. Just after the end of the process, you need to prepare one-time containers, transfer the jelly there and send it to freezer.

You can also prepare mini-desserts, which in the cold period of time will delight the hosts on festive table. To do this, grated berries are laid in single-use containers in layers. For example, first blackcurrant, and then red.

Thus, in the final cooked form, the dessert will resemble a bright “zebra”, which will appeal to both kids and adults. You can also make jelly.

Just to begin with, grind everything in a separate container, and after that carefully fold the layers and freeze each one separately. That is, so that the berry does not mix its colors, first lay one layer, freeze, remove the container and lay the next one. The grated berries should have homogeneous consistency. This is done quickly so that the previous layer does not defrost and does not lose its valuable composition.

The berry frozen with sugar for the winter will retain its vitamin, natural composition as much as possible. Unlike other blanks that will go through all sorts of heat treatments even if it takes a couple of minutes. Therefore, before you cook, you should think about how to make winter dishes not only tasty, but also healthy.


Redcurrant compote for the winter

Ingredients: water, sugar, red currant

From red currants for the winter, you can prepare a very tasty sweet and sour compote from red currants. The recipe is very simple.


- 3 liters of water,
- 2 cups of sugar
- 400 grams of red currant.


Raspberry and redcurrant compote

Ingredients: raspberries, currants, sugar

From red currants and raspberries for the winter, you can prepare a very tasty sour compote. The recipe is quite simple and fast enough.


- 100 grams of raspberries,
- 100 grams of red currant,
- 50 grams of sugar,
- one and a half tsp jams.


Red currant tkemali

Ingredients: currant, pepper, spice mix, garlic, sugar, salt, paprika, water

Tkemali sauce can be prepared not only from plums. Very interesting, it is obtained from red currants. Take advantage of our detailed and step by step recipe to close such delicious sauce for the winter.
- 800 gr of red currant;
- 3-4 chili peppers;
- 10 g of a mixture of spices;
- 1 head of garlic;
- 1300 grams of sugar;
- 15 grams of salt;
- 10 grams of red paprika;
- water.


Red currant marmalade for the winter

Ingredients: currant, sugar

You can close a lot of delicious things from red currant for the winter - jam, compote, and jam ... Today's our recipe is a detailed step by step instructions for the preparation of red currant marmalade. It turns out so delicious that it is impossible to tear yourself away!
- 1 kg of red currant;
- 1.5 kg of sugar.


Pickled cucumbers for the winter with red currants

Ingredients: cucumber, red currant, currant leaf, laurel, water, sugar, salt, vinegar, cloves, pepper, cloves

Pickled cucumbers for the winter are often closed in company with some vegetables - tomatoes, zucchini ... But they are also very tasty and crispy with red currants. Try this recipe, you won't be disappointed!
- 1 kg of cucumbers;
- 100 gr of red currant;
- 3 currant leaves;
- 2 dill umbrellas;
- 2 bay leaves.

For marinade:
- 800 ml of water;
- 100 grams of sugar;
- 45 grams of salt;
- 35 ml of vinegar;
- carnation;
- black pepper.


Redcurrant compote with mint for the winter

Ingredients:, mint

Redcurrant makes a very tasty and beautiful compote, and if you cook it with mint, then more fragrant than a drink you won't find it, trust me! Our simple recipe will help you close such a compote for the winter without much hassle.
- 450 gr of red currant;
- 200 grams of sugar;
- 1.5 liters of water;
- 2 sprigs of mint.


Red currant ketchup

Ingredients: currant, sugar, vinegar, starch, oil, pepper, salt

Recently I found a recipe for ketchup, which is made not from tomatoes, but from red currants. Do not be surprised, the sauce is very tasty. Be sure to try it.


- 1 kg. red currant;
- 250 grams of sugar;
- 10 ml. apple cider vinegar;
- 10 grams of corn starch;
- 20 ml. vegetable oil;
- 3 grams of ground chili pepper;
- salt.


Redcurrant, grated with sugar for the winter

Ingredients: redcurrant, sugar

In the red currant, grated with sugar for the winter, all the vitamins that are in the fresh berry are preserved. In addition, cooked in this way, it turns out tasty and beautiful. Another plus of this recipe is that it is simple and easy to prepare. Try it, you won't regret it!

- 1 kg of red currant;
- 2 kg of sugar.


Red currant adjika for the winter

Ingredients: red currant, pepper, garlic, basil, sugar, salt, chili

Red currant is an extraordinary berry! It makes not only great desserts and jams. Can also be made from redcurrant delicious adjika for the winter. Yes, yes, exactly adjika. Don't believe? And you try to cook it according to our recipe, see for yourself!
- 250 gr of red currant;
- 150 gr of red bell pepper;
- 1 piece of chili pepper;
- 4 cloves of garlic;
- 40 gr basil;
- 30 grams of sugar;
- 8 grams of salt;
- 5 grams of ground red chili.


Red currant jelly

Ingredients: currant, sugar

If you do not know what to cook for the winter from red currants, then we have for you wonderful recipe: jelly without cooking. Your preservation will be ready in just a few minutes and it will turn out tasty and appetizing.
- 600 gr currants;
- 900 grams of sugar.


Red currant jam

Ingredients: raspberries, sugar

If you have red currants growing at home or you just love them very much, then prepare a very delicious jam for the winter from it. We only need berries and sugar. The recipe is very simple and fast.


- currant 1 glass,
- sugar - 1 glass.


Red currant jam for the winter

Ingredients: redcurrant, sugar

Red currant - useful delicious berry with some acidity. For the winter, you can cook anything from it. In addition to the fact that jams, compotes and jams are cooked from red currants, it is also added when preserving cucumbers. Today we will show you how to make amazing jam.

Products for the recipe:
- 300 g of berries,
- 300 g of sugar.


Redcurrant jelly for the winter without gelatin

Ingredients: redcurrant, sugar, water

Very bright, very beautiful and tasty is redcurrant jelly for the winter. If you have enough of these berries, be sure to prepare such currant jelly: you will surely like both the simple recipe and the excellent taste of the finished preservation.
- 1 kg of red currant;
- 400 grams of sugar;
- 50 ml of water.


Red currant jelly for the winter

Ingredients: redcurrant, sugar

We offer to cook delicious treat from fresh red currants for the winter. Jelly turns out surprisingly beautiful, fragrant, useful. In the proposed recipe you will find detailed instructions cooking, we advise you to definitely use it.

- 2 kg of red currant,
- 2 kg of granulated sugar.


Red currant jelly

Ingredients: redcurrant, sugar, water

Very tasty and beautiful jelly from red currants we prepare for the winter according to a recipe with a photo and simple instructions. A wonderful dessert for the menu at any time of the year is prepared from fresh berries and granulated sugar.

- 1 kg of red currant,
- 400 g of granulated sugar,
- 100 ml of water.

Harvesting currants for the winter is done not only by gardeners who have harvested this berry in order to preserve it, but also by all those who understand that you cannot buy such currants that you choose and prepare for your family yourself in a store. In this case, the experience of many generations of berry growers in harvesting currants comes to the rescue. For the winter, the recipes for these "twists" are very diverse, taking into account both the variety of the berry and the tastes of the gardener's family members.

Ripening and harvesting of currants occurs in July-August. At this time, both red and black currant. Each bush bears fruit profusely. And since you can’t eat a lot of fresh berries because of their characteristic sourness, therefore, the question of harvesting currants for the winter comes to the fore. You can simply grind the fruits with sugar, getting the so-called "vitamin" option. You can also just freeze the berry, or you can make jam or cook compote. There are enough options.

Harvesting black currants for the winter and red currants for the winter are not fundamentally different, but the output is somewhat different dishes. Currant jelly for the winter, currant compote for the winter are excellent. Our website has different variants, try and choose your favorite recipes. For example, red currant recipes for the winter are colorful and excellent in taste. In its own way, blackcurrant is good and healthy for the winter, its recipes are suitable for lovers of sweet and sour dishes.

Be sure to note that any currant is very useful. Vitamin C, which is found in abundance in it, will be very useful in the winter. Simple tea with currant jam- excellent prevention of colds and a pleasant procedure for strengthening immunity. This product should definitely be given to children. By the way, they love currant jelly most of all. Recipes for the winter of this children's yummy are easy to perform, they need to be urgently adopted.

Any variety of currant is a concentrate of vitamins. The easiest way to prepare for the winter is blackcurrant, mashed with sugar. This is what we mentioned vitamin jam. It is prepared like this: currant berries are cleaned of twigs, sepals, then crushed or rubbed until the sugar is completely dissolved (the proportions are in the recipes). The finished mass is laid out in clean glass jars, cork and store in a cool place.

A few tips for those who first decided to take up this berry:

Currants must be thoroughly washed before harvesting. cold water and be sure to dry, otherwise it may ferment;

For jam traditional proportion: one volume of a berry and one and a half volumes of sugar, but in reality it is necessary to take into account the quality of the berry, its variety, sugar content, as well as the quality of the sugar itself;

The following rules will ensure the quality of jam: cleanliness and dryness of ripe berries, sterility of jars, storage of jam in a cold place;

In the cold season, jars can also be stored on the balcony, they will not freeze even in the cold - sugar will not give.

Red currant is not as popular as its black "relative", but it is absolutely undeserved. It has a pleasant refreshing taste, and the content of vitamin C in it is slightly less than in blackcurrant. But summer doesn't last forever. Therefore, recipes for harvesting red currants for the winter will be more than relevant.

Berry freezing rules

If you don't feel like messing around with cooking or jamming, you might be interested in tips on how to freeze redcurrants for the winter. To do this, you need to wash and dry the berries well, and then carefully separate them from the bunches. Then spread the red currants in a single layer on a dish and put in a quick freeze. When it hardens, pour it into a dense plastic bag or a plastic container and place in the freezer.

Red currant jelly for the winter

It's a great alternative classic jam. It can be used not only for tea, but also spread on bread, added to desserts, soufflés, cereals. This method of preparing red currants for the winter is very fast and will not cause much trouble to the hostess.


  • red currant - 1 kg;
  • water - 50 g;
  • sugar - 850 g.


Wash and dry the berries, remove them from the branches. Put the currants in a deep saucepan and cover with water. Turn on medium heat and remember to stir constantly. When the berries begin to gradually burst from heating, push them with a pusher so that they release the juice faster.

After boiling the puree, it should be cooked for another 5-7 minutes, without stopping stirring. Then quickly strain the hot puree through a fine sieve. To make the jelly uniform and transparent, do not apply excessive force, squeezing out all the pulp from the berries: just lightly press them with a spoon, helping the juice drain. Pour sugar into the resulting juice and boil until a path becomes noticeable when running a spoon or spatula along the bottom of the pan. Pour the finished jelly into sterilized jars, roll up or close with plastic lids. You need to store it in a cellar or refrigerator.

Redcurrant compote recipe for the winter

If you want the taste of summer to please you with long cold winter evenings, you can preserve this slightly tart, but very fortified redcurrant cooling drink. Such preparations from red currants for the winter are recommended to be used as often as possible when


  • water - 9 l;
  • red currant - 500 g;
  • sugar - 900 g.


We set the water to warm up, and at the same time we wash it clean three-liter jars and put them in the oven at a temperature of about 120 degrees for 20 minutes. Then let the container cool down. We wash the currant and clean it from the tails, after which we distribute it evenly (150-200 g each) among the banks.

Slowly add the sugar to the boiled water, stirring constantly, until it is completely dissolved. The syrup should boil for about 5 minutes. First, pour a little syrup into the jar so that it does not crack, and then add it to the very top. We roll up the jars, turn them over and place them in this form under the covers (in a warm and dark place). In a day, compote can be obtained, but it is better to use it only after a couple of months.

Redcurrant jam for the winter

Recipe classic dish, familiar to all of us since childhood, will allow us to maintain health and not get sick even in winter, when it is difficult for the body to get vitamins from food. An additional bonus will be an amazing sweet taste with hints of sourness.
