How to fry chestnuts in a frying pan. The benefits and harms of roasted chestnuts

Roasting chestnuts in a frying pan - classic way preparing this dish. Later, cooks invented other cooking methods.


  1. Place the fruits in a bowl with cold water and leave for half an hour, then dry the chestnuts with paper towels and make a cross in the skin.
  2. Place the fruits in a deep, thick-walled frying pan and add oil, place over medium heat and fry covered for about half an hour, shaking the frying pan from time to time.
  3. Place the finished chestnuts on paper towels and cool slightly.
  4. Peel the fruit by lightly pressing on the skin.

Peeled chestnuts should be eaten while still warm.

How to roast chestnuts in the microwave

This method is suitable for those who want to save time.


  • chestnuts – 300 g;
  • corn oil – 50 g.


  1. Soak the fruits in water room temperature for 15 minutes, dry with a towel and leave until the moisture has completely evaporated.
  2. Then pierce them with an awl in 3-4 places and place them in one layer in a deep microwave-safe container. Cover the top with a damp cloth.
  3. Turn on the microwave at maximum power and set the cooking time to 5 minutes. Every 1.5 minutes, pause and stir the chestnuts.
  4. Pour oil into the bowl and set the time for another 10 minutes. Every 2 minutes, remove the container and stir the fruits.

After roasting, transfer the chestnuts to a paper towel.

Cooking chestnuts in the oven


  • chestnuts – 1 kg;
  • vegetable oil - for greasing the baking sheet.


  1. Soak the chestnuts for 10–15 minutes, and then dry with napkins.
  2. Preheat the oven to 200° and make sure that the temperature stays at this level.
  3. Lightly cut the flat part of the fruit.
  4. Grease a clean baking tray with oil and place the chestnuts on it, cut side up, in one row, leaving a little free space, sprinkle with cold water.
  5. Bake for about 20 minutes, moving the fruit from place to place every 1.5 minutes.
  6. When the peel is soft, turn off the heat in the oven.
  7. Cool the chestnuts slightly and peel them.

You need to peel the fruits within the first 10 minutes after turning off the oven.

Whatever cooking method you use, try not to overcook the chestnuts. Otherwise they will become very hard and tasteless.

In most European countries roasted chestnuts are a street delicacy. Trees with these miracle fruits grow simply on city streets, and therefore any tourist can try the dish at a reasonable price. affordable price. In our country, you can taste the taste of this delicate nut only in a restaurant, or try to cook it yourself at home. But how to roast chestnuts?

The taste of roasted chestnuts is quite unusual and not everyone will like it, like any other product. But it’s worth a try, especially since it’s not only tasty, but also very healthy. The main point is to learn how to cook them correctly.

So, let's master the art of cooking roasted chestnuts.

Chestnut contains a large number of vegetable protein, and eating this product is very healthy. It is especially indispensable for adherents of a vegetarian diet, since it is able to completely provide the body with protein, which they exclude by refusing meat.

But, despite all the benefits of the chestnut nut, there are a number of contraindications to its use. Therefore, before eating it, you need to pay attention to your own health and evaluate the pros and cons.

Positive qualities of chestnuts

So to beneficial properties nuts include the following features.

  1. High energy value. You can eat two or three chestnuts and not think about feeling hungry for half a day. The product is also good for those who like to eat at night or before bed. You can eat a chestnut before bed and sleep peacefully until the morning, full and without worrying about your figure. For people whose constant companions are fatigue and weakness, chestnuts are the best helper.
  2. A great option to diversify the menu. This versatile nut can be roasted, boiled, baked and used in salads. If you are simply tired of traditional cereals, pasta and potatoes as a side dish, then you can cook chestnuts as an addition to meat or fish.
  3. Saturates the body with vitamins and microelements without compromising thin waist. As noted above, chestnuts contain a lot of protein, in addition, they are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. In reasonable quantities, the product will not only be beneficial, but will also help saturate the body with everything it needs during a diet. Athletes can use the product as a source of protein after training.
  4. Universal medicine. Chestnut nut is useful for diseases of the respiratory organs, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins. A decoction of fruits, bark or leaves will help relieve acute symptoms of hemorrhoids and eliminate skin problems.
  5. Is the source women's health. For representatives of the fair sex, the product is recommended for mastitis and mastopathy.


In any case, if you have the slightest health problems, you should consult your doctor before introducing chestnuts into your diet.

  • allergies;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • acute gastritis and gastric ulcer;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • pregnant women;
  • low blood pressure;
  • problems with stool;
  • completeness.

Before you understand how to properly roast chestnuts, you should learn how to choose a nut. There are fruits of edible and inedible plants. It must be remembered that you cannot eat just any chestnut, since some nuts can even be poisonous.

Traditionally used in cooking:

  • seed chestnut;
  • American;
  • crenate, or Japanese;
  • the softest, or Chinese;
  • chinkapin.

The following varieties of chestnuts with spiky shells, the color of which must certainly be green, are suitable for eating. The fruits should be elongated, outwardly similar to an ordinary onion with a small tail.

But it’s better not to even try to eat the lumpy, round horse chestnut fruits, because at the very least it’s food poisoning.

How to roast chestnuts at home - basic methods

Once the chestnuts have been selected, you can begin cooking them. Surely no one will be indifferent to the taste of roasted chestnuts. Let's find out how to roast chestnuts at home. There are several methods, but any of them must begin with sorting the fruits.

First of all, you need to throw away all damaged, dented, cracked or spoiled copies. Good nuts should be thoroughly washed with a sponge and placed in a container with water.

You can only cook nuts that have sunk in the water; those fruits that have floated up are thrown into the trash without pity.

Selected, good fruits It is necessary to leave in water for at least 15 minutes, then dry with a towel and pierce with a fork so that the shell does not break during the frying process.

In a frying pan

Roasting chestnuts is not difficult at all. This results in a tasty and healthy dish.

  1. A thin and small frying pan is not suitable for frying chestnuts. You need to take a frying pan with thick sides and bottom and roomy enough.
  2. There should be enough oil to completely cover the beans, and it is better to put moistened napkins on top so that the chestnuts do not dry out.
  3. Chestnuts begin to explode when heated, and to keep these delicious nuts The lid will prevent it from popping out of the pan.
  4. They should be fried for about half an hour over medium heat.
  5. In order not to overcook the chestnuts, it is necessary to shake them from time to time during the frying process, but with the lid closed. You can stir occasionally with a spatula.
  6. You can determine if a chestnut is ready by simply pressing on it. The finished chestnut will be soft.
  7. Post finished product Place on paper towels to remove excess fat.

In the oven

If you don't know how to roast chestnuts at home, choose the oven method. Fried in this way, they will retain all their beneficial substances and will not absorb excess oil.

To do this, you need to perform a number of actions.

  1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  2. Cut or chop the sorted, washed and dried fruits.
  3. Place the prepared product on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil, cut side up.
  4. Sprinkle the fruits with water and bake for no more than 20 minutes.
  5. To prevent the chestnuts from burning, you need to move them periodically.
  6. When the fruit becomes soft and the shell itself begins to crack easily, you can take out the chestnuts, cool and peel.

The chestnuts are ready! You can serve them as a side dish, or independent dish.

In the microwave

Another way to cook chestnuts quickly at home is to fry them in microwave oven. The process of preparing these delicate fruits is the same as in the previous two cases, but they will have to be prepared in two stages.

  1. Place the prepared chestnuts in a deep dish, cover with damp cloths, and microwave for 5 minutes at maximum power. Don’t be lazy and stir the nuts every minute and a half.
  2. At the second stage you should add to the dish vegetable oil and bake for another 15 minutes, stirring at the same frequency.

In a convection oven

The recipe for cooking chestnuts in an air fryer is similar to baking in the oven.

  1. Sort the fruits, soak, dry and cut.
  2. Place good nuts on an air fryer baking sheet.
  3. Bake chestnuts for about half an hour at 180 degrees.
  4. There is one secret to roasting chestnuts in this glass pan - the lower and upper racks must be covered with foil. Then a double boiler effect is formed and the nuts will not dry out and become hard.

How to clean roasted chestnuts?

You can peel a chestnut by simply pressing on it. The shell will begin to fall off on its own and you just need to remove it.

It is necessary to begin peeling immediately after cooking the beans, within ten minutes, since it is much easier to remove the shells from warm nuts. After the chestnut cools, the shell becomes harder and more difficult to remove.

It is necessary to peel the nut not only from the outer peel, but also from the inner films and membranes.

To make the peel easier to remove, before frying the chestnuts, you can put them on the stove for a short time. steam bath. They also wrap the finished product in a damp towel to make it easier to clean.

The Italians and French use a special secret for cleaning ready-made chestnuts - placing them in a bag. This makes chestnuts not only easier to peel, but also stay warm longer.

In order to prepare a dish at home that will not be inferior to that of a restaurant, you should pay attention to some useful recommendations.

  1. Before frying, boil the chestnuts for a few minutes.
  2. Be sure to prick or cut each nut. This way they will not shoot out of the pan and will be easier to clean.
  3. You can place the beans in the cooking container only in one layer.
  4. You don't need to roast the nuts for long to prevent them from becoming hard.
  5. You can store raw chestnuts for a short time, just a couple of days, in a cool place.
  6. Extend shelf life ready-made dish You can by putting it in the freezer.


Chestnut is a wonderful delicacy, very beneficial for the body and has great nutritional value. As it turns out, cooking these tender beans is not that difficult. At the same time, you can eat it as an independent dish, a side dish, add it to a salad or soup, and even serve it as a dessert.

Such an unusual product will diversify the everyday menu and become an exotic highlight. festive table. It will not only bring joy to your taste buds, but will also quickly and permanently satisfy the feeling of hunger.

The British, Greeks and French have long eaten roasted chestnuts and considered them not an exquisite delicacy, but rather necessary product. Every poor person knew how to cook chestnuts. Now the chestnut is considered a symbol of France, in whose honor holidays are held and songs are written. On holiday squares they are eaten hot straight from the packages, washed down with wine.

In botany, there are noble and horse chestnuts, differing not only in fruits, but also in leaves. The noble one is eaten, calling it a real chestnut. In Russia, they grow horsetail, which is unsuitable for food and poisonous to humans, but serves as an excellent decoration for city parks and alleys. But in the market and in the store you can buy the fruits of noble chestnut, grown in countries with a subtropical climate.


You can find edible chestnuts in the nut section of the supermarket. They should be brown in color with an elongated tail. The fruits of the noble plant were called Euboean nuts in honor of the island of Euboea, where chestnut trees were intensively bred. By the end of summer, spherical fruits appear on the branches of the plant, resembling in size small apple. The fruits are strewn with spines, which crack when ripe and fall to the ground. The chestnut itself is shiny and dark brown, smooth to the touch.

Chestnuts were considered bread for the population of many countries. The tree does not require special care, but it produces a rich, tasty and nutritious harvest, which helped people out in times of famine. Chestnut flour is similar to wheat flour, but yellower and sweeter. If you mix both varieties, the bread will turn out much tastier, since noble flour contains much more sugar, protein and fat.

Fruits that are still wet are collected from the trees, and they are artificially dried to obtain flour. Dry under the changeable autumn sun great amount nuts are impossible. During drying, the kernels become smaller, the skin becomes brittle and can be easily separated from the pulp. In the old days they were cleaned different ways- threshed in wooden boxes, poured into bags and beaten against logs, trampled under heavy shoes with metal soles.

The green, inedible prickly plush protects the nuts from forest animals and provides the starchy seed with a sufficient amount of carbohydrates for full ripening. Humanity has come up with many ways to prepare chestnuts. They are boiled, dried, fried, baked. The tradition of roasting chestnuts over an open fire is still preserved and is considered the best way their preparations, both in France and in England. But chestnut is valuable not only delicious nuts, and also wood with amazing unique patterns. It is highly polishable and rot resistant.

The benefits of chestnuts

The kernels are considered a source of starch, fiber and sugar. They contain vitamins, tannins, pectins, and minerals. Parts of the tree (bark, leaves, branches) are used for medicinal purposes:

  • bronchitis is treated with a decoction of dried leaves;
  • fresh leaves are used to cure whooping cough;
  • alcohol tincture gets rid of eating disorders and dysentery;
  • fruits and bark relieve swelling caused by kidney disease;
  • nut decoction helps cure boils and abscesses;
  • kernels reduce blood pressure, help get rid of heart disorders, treat thrombosis, phlebitis, varicose veins;
  • There are known cases when, using fresh fruits managed to recover from malaria;
  • fried pulp is used for uterine and hemorrhoidal bleeding.

The benefit of chestnuts lies in their low fat content compared to walnuts, or.


At chronic diseases intestines, kidneys, liver, you should consult a doctor before using chestnuts for treatment. To those who suffer diabetes mellitus and those with poor blood clotting should not use them. They can also cause allergies. Sometimes people confuse noble nuts with horse nuts, which causes serious poisoning. Although it is quite difficult to confuse the fruits - they differ in their elongated shape.

How to prepare chestnuts

Recipes for preparing healthy roasted and roasted chestnuts have been preserved from ancient times almost unchanged. The reddish fruits are eaten with salt and sugar, and are also added to other dishes to add a different taste. There are several ways to prepare chestnuts. Since roasting chestnuts is not difficult, they are easy to prepare at home. If you ask a European how best to prepare chestnut fruits at home, he will advise frying them. They are fried in a frying pan, on the grill, on a grill, in the oven and in the microwave.

On a frying pan

The easiest and most affordable way is to fry in a frying pan. It would be better if it was a special frying pan with holes. Since chestnuts are often a rarity in the homes of residents of Russia and Ukraine, you can fry them in a frying pan with thick walls. Teflon is not suitable for these purposes. To fry this European delicacy, you don’t need much: a knife, napkins or paper towels and a frying pan.

Before cooking, several cuts are made on the fruits so that they cannot explode due to the overflowing moisture. Place in even layers in a dry, heated frying pan and cover with damp cloths. Simmer for 20 minutes in a sealed container. During this time, they are stirred and the napkins are moistened. When the shells begin to crack and come off easily, it’s time to check the chestnuts. If they have darkened, the shell has cracked and the flesh is visible in places, it means they are cooked. Clean them immediately, without waiting for them to cool. Eat hot with the addition of salt and vegetable oil.

In the oven

Chestnuts are fried both in a frying pan and in the oven. To do this, cross-shaped shallow cuts are made on the fruits along the edges. It is better to place them not on a baking sheet, but on a wire rack with the cuts facing up. The processed fruits are placed in an oven heated to 220 C and after 15-20 minutes. check their condition. If the cuts have turned into an open flower, the product is ready. It is important to remove the peel while it is still warm, so it is better to wear oven mitts on your hands. Place the prepared pulp on a towel for 5 minutes. then serve.

In the microwave

Roasting chestnuts without cuts at home is dangerous (they can explode); it is better to cut or pierce each of them with a knife, as when cooking in a frying pan or in the oven, so that steam can escape. Place in a shallow microwave-safe container, add salt and add a little water. You won't be able to fry them in the microwave. You can only steam and peel them, and then fry them in oil. The dishes are covered cling film and set at full power for 8 minutes. then they try. If the nuts are not ready, add time.

In a convection oven

As in previous cases, chestnuts are fried with cross cuts. Place on a baking sheet and set the temperature on the timer to 180 C. Bake for about half an hour. Main secret Baking noble chestnuts in an air fryer means placing the fruits on foil. It is also recommended to cover them with foil on top.

Boiled chestnuts

You know how to fry chestnuts, but how to properly boil them at home? To do this, you will need to wash the fruits and cut them on the side. Then the prepared chestnuts are poured with water and boiled for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and remove from boiling water one at a time, removing shells and peels. To make puree, you can use unpeeled fruits, boil them for 20 minutes, and only then peel them.

Cooking secrets

How to prepare delicious and nutritious chestnuts at home? There are several secrets that will provide unusual product excellent taste and aroma.

  • When buying edible chestnuts, you need to pay attention to the kernels - they should be wrinkled with a brown shiny skin.
  • Purchased fruits should be thoroughly washed and dried. They are poured with boiling water. Those that float to the surface are unusable, and those that settle to the bottom are selected and shelled.
  • They should be fried, observing exact time. If you overdo it a little, the kernels will become dry and hard.
  • The peel is most easily removed from hot fruits.
  • It is necessary to remove all films, membranes and membranes from the fried kernels.
  • There is no need to cook more than you can eat at one time. Stale nuts will become tasteless and dry out quickly.
  • Chestnut flour, although very tasty and aromatic, has a short shelf life. It must be used immediately and not stored for longer than 1 month. It is advisable to mix it with wheat flour.
  • It is recommended to store raw chestnuts in a cool, dark place.


Frying chestnuts is not at all difficult; they can be included in many recipes, and you can diversify your diet from familiar products, both vegetable and meat. Since it is not always pleasant to roast chestnuts at home (they emit a lot of smoke), you can simply pour boiling water over them. They are very tasty raw, if you add sauce, meat and herbs to them. Some housewives grind the roasted kernels in a blender and pour milk over them. This puree is a semi-finished product for making soufflés, sauces and bread dough. You can add the mixture to muffins, pies and cakes. Crushed chestnuts will amazingly complement the taste of ice cream. Pounded chestnuts go well with vegetables – cabbage, carrots, mushrooms.

Chestnut dessert

You can please children or guests by preparing chestnuts as a dessert. To do this you will need:

  • 60 g butter;
  • 500 g fresh fruits;
  • 100 g sugar (you can use honey).

The washed fruits are cut and placed in the oven. After half an hour, when the chestnuts are cooked, they are taken out and peeled. The peeled kernels are boiled in a saucepan. After 5 min. transfer to a mold and mix with butter, honey or sugar. Bake in the oven for 2 minutes. When served to adults, chestnuts are poured with cognac, and for children - with yogurt.

Chestnuts with cauliflower

  • cauliflower 450 g;
  • chestnut fruits -250 g;
  • butter;
  • one egg.

Boil cauliflower in a covered pan for 15 minutes. Remove, separate the inflorescences and chop finely. Cut the chestnuts and place them in the frying pan. As soon as they start to bounce, stir and drain on paper towels. Cut the peeled fruits. Place cabbage on greased butter frying pan, add chestnuts and beaten egg. Season with salt and cover with a lid. Simmer over low heat for 3 minutes. Then stir and leave for 5 minutes. Serve with milk sauce added.

Chestnut puree

  • 1 kg of fruits;
  • 1 glass of whole milk;
  • butter;
  • salt.

Pour boiling water over clean chestnuts, strain and remove the skins. Cut the fruits small pieces, place in a saucepan. Pour in milk and simmer over low heat until completely softened. Crush the resulting mass like potatoes, add butter and salt. The puree goes very well with poultry and bread.

Prepare healthy dishes It’s not difficult to make edible chestnuts, the main thing is to include high-quality peeled, washed fruits in the recipe, both without damage and without mold

Not everyone knows how to cook roasted chestnuts. However, for many, the combination of these words provokes an attack of longing for Paris. Without roasted chestnuts, the French capital would lose a whole host of aesthetic tourists who would go to Austria, Abkhazia or China for the coveted fruit. The secret of preparing this dish has long been revealed, but this has not affected the popularity of the delicacy.

Nutritional value

Chestnuts are botanically classified as nuts. Accordingly, they are rich in proteins, but contain less fat (unlike peanuts or hazelnuts). It should be remembered that chestnuts contain a large amount of carbohydrates, which makes dishes made from them nutritious and high in calories. These fruits contain a lot of starch, vitamins and minerals. By eating chestnuts, a person gets not only a whole cocktail useful substances, but also gastronomic pleasure. People on a diet should also not be afraid of fruits - their calorie content is only 180 kcal (per 100 g), which is several times lower nutritional value the same nuts. Traditional morning porridge You can safely replace it with a portion of roasted chestnuts.

Roasted chestnuts recipe

Before you start creating culinary masterpiece, you should arm yourself with the knowledge of experienced craftsmen. The recipe for roasted chestnuts is quite simple, but some skill is required in this matter. First of all, you need to remember that not all fruits are suitable for food. Horse chestnut, which is widespread in our climate, is inedible. Only fruits of the noble variety are used for cooking. They are much smaller than their counterparts, have a heart-shaped, partly fleecy surface. “Noble” chestnuts should be washed and dried. Each fruit must be pierced with a fork or a cross-shaped cut made. Otherwise, the chestnuts will explode in the pan (in the oven), and exquisite delicacy There will be “scraps” that will have to be scraped off the walls of the oven or kitchen. The cut fruits are placed on a hot baking sheet and fried for 25 minutes (faster in a frying pan). As soon as intense crackling sounds are heard and the room is filled with a sweetish smell, the chestnuts are ready. They are sprinkled with salt or sugar and served. The fruits can also be peeled, but in their peel they look much piquant and retain their taste longer.

How else are chestnuts prepared?

The recipe for roasted chestnuts is the basics of the art of preparing delicious fruits. However, there are many other ways to “prepare” these nuts. In Italy, pies are baked from chestnuts, in Corsica - the famous polenta, in Belgium, the fruits are candied and given as a gift on the holiday of beloved ones. In France, chestnuts have become a real symbol. They are not only fried, but also boiled in milk, stewed with mint and
butter, prepare soups, purees and the famous Mont Blanc dessert. By the way, candied chestnuts were first introduced into fashion in France back in the 17th century. If you visit Paris in the fall, the sweet delicacy will be sold on every street. However, we should not forget that chestnut dishes can also be tasted in other European or Eastern cities.

The taste of roasted chestnuts, according to the lucky ones who managed to enjoy the dish, is reminiscent of sweet potatoes with a nutty note. Some, however, note that there is nothing supernatural in this dish - on the contrary, the pleasure is dubious. There is certainly no arguing about tastes. The recipe for roasted chestnuts is so simple that it will allow everyone to touch this gastronomic legend. Minor difficulties are caused only by the problem of finding the main ingredient. And an unsuccessful search can be a good reason to buy a ticket and go to Paris with serious intentions (and not just for fun).

Each of us loves to eat tasty and satisfying food. Housewives often face the question: what to cook to please loved ones without spending a lot of effort and time on it? If you really want to surprise your family, try roasted chestnuts!

Many people probably don’t even know that chestnuts are edible, but they really are. And if you cook them correctly, the dish will turn out to be unusual, tasty and original. Chestnuts have been a favorite delicacy since ancient times. The most ancient Romans and Greeks loved to eat them for dessert and as a snack with wine. Chestnuts are widespread in European cuisine. They are on the menu of many restaurants in France, Italy and other places, knowledgeable in food. For example, in Paris, chestnuts are prepared right on the street in special large frying pans and immediately treat passers-by to them. Moreover, in France they are baked over fires, in frying pans with special holes, soups are made from them, served with seafood, and even bread and sweets are made from chestnut flour.

How to roast chestnuts correctly?

Chestnuts taste like a cross between a nut and a potato. If you eat them raw, they will be crispy, but if you boil them, they will become soft. Chestnut is used as the base of the dish. They can be bought in regular stores by weight, frozen and in jars as ready-made purees. But it’s even easier to find chestnuts right on the street, because they actively grow on trees in the fall. But be careful! If you decide to pick chestnuts yourself, you need to know which fruits you can take and which ones you should refuse. They all look the same and are covered with a brown shell. But not everything can be eaten! Edible chestnuts slightly elongated and bulbous. The trees on which they grow have carved, jagged leaves that are attached to the branches with the help of a cutting. If the leaves resemble maple leaves, it is better not to pick chestnuts from them, because. you can easily get poisoned. When you crack such a fruit, you will see that the nuts are round and slightly embossed.

Chestnuts are extremely beneficial for health; like all other nuts, they contain natural plant proteins and carbohydrates that are easily absorbed by the body. They contain such important substances as ascorbic and folic acids, potassium, copper, iron and zinc.

How to fry chestnuts in a frying pan?

First, they must be cut. This can be done using scissors or a regular knife. Make a cut from the side to lightly touch the nut itself. This is done so that steam can escape freely from the chestnuts when roasting.

If the chestnuts are not young and the flesh is wrinkled, you can add a little water to them or cover them with a damp towel. This will allow them to steam thoroughly.
So, now that we have learned how to select and process chestnuts, it’s time to learn how to cook them!

Chestnuts need to be peeled and any bitter streaks removed. Next, they should be rubbed with a brush and washed plain water. After this, as we have already said, you need to make cuts in the chestnuts or simply pierce them deeply with a fork.

Take any large frying pan with thick walls; special grill dishes are best. Next, heat it well and lay out the chestnuts. No need to add any oil! Do not forget that chestnuts must be covered with a lid and fried over moderate heat. If they start to crack and burst, just shake the pan. Don't rush to cool the dish right away. They are good hot!

You should carefully approach the choice of dishes. There are special frying pans for frying chestnuts. Their distinctive feature is small holes at the bottom.

Important rules for frying:

  • Don't roast chestnuts for too long. If you overcook the fruits, you will not be able to chew them!
  • Eat nuts hot, otherwise they will lose flavor and nutrients.
  • Remove not only the shell, but also the partitions.
  • Raw chestnuts are best stored in dark, cool rooms. For example, in storage rooms.

How to roast chestnuts in the oven?

Another interesting way Cooking chestnuts involves baking them in the oven. To begin with, you also need to wash and cut them.

Next, place the fruits on a baking sheet and place in the oven, preheated to 220 degrees. Wait until your chestnuts begin to crack and open. This means that the dish is ready and you can safely try it. You can add salt or sugar to give it a piquant taste.

And here's another one interesting recipe cooking chestnuts in the oven.


  1. Chestnuts - 500 gr.
  2. Eggs - 2 pcs.
  3. Cheese - 200 gr.
  4. Breadcrumbs, nutmeg, salt and pepper to taste


  • Grate nuts and cheese onto a plate, add breadcrumbs and pepper.
  • Break the eggs into a separate bowl and place the chestnuts in it.
  • Next, combine the resulting mixture with the cheese mixture and place everything in a greased baking dish. Bake until done.