The most delicious nuts with condensed milk. Cookie step by step

Glad to meet you on the blog pages))

Look at what yummy I am today - with a recipe for nuts with condensed milk in a hazelnut. And in the hazel of the times of the USSR))

Whoever has these left or has similar ones, but more modern, get it - we will bake 🙂

At home, everyone loves such nuts very much, from the youngest daughter to the mother, and now they love them just the same as many years ago, despite the fact that there are ten times more goodies in stores. Although, in principle, homemade cakes are preferred purchased)

The recipe for nuts with condensed milk, according to which I cook them, I would classify as classic, if only because it is very many, many years old, I don’t even remember where it came from, and since we weren’t spoiled with products then, it’s prepared from a very simple classic set products, but the result is always delicious.

The only thing I will warn you about is that the dough for nuts is shortbread and the nuts turn out to be crispy, so if you prefer soft ones, then either look for another recipe, or do not press the hazelnut strongly during baking to get thick-walled nuts, or just put it in a bag, tie it up and let them soften 😉

In general, there are several options for “soft” baking on the blog, though not piece-by-piece, but in the form of cakes, I can recommend, for example, try.

Nuts with condensed milk classic recipe

We'll need

A very simple set of products.

For test:

For cream:


Melt margarine, cool, stirring in turn add the rest of the products.

Roll the dough into small balls, put them in a hazelnut heated on gas, pressing well to bake on both sides.

Cut off the excess dough from the baked halves with a knife, fill them with condensed milk and glue them together.

Nuts with condensed milk, a classic recipe in hazelnuts cooked on gas, step by step

As usual, in more detail in the pictures and with comments.

First, we make dough for nuts with condensed milk for hazelnuts on gas, I show you step by step.

Melt the margarine in the microwave or on gas, as you prefer.

Please note that the weight of margarine in a pack may be different, before all packs were only 250 grams, but this time I had 230 grams. The amount of flour that goes into the dough also depends on the amount of margarine.

Add the rest of the ingredients one by one.

I add sugar to the still warm margarine so that it dissolves easily.

A spoonful of sour cream.

Eggs. Just stir without stirring.

flour. Its quantity depends, as I already wrote, on the weight of margarine, the size of the eggs and the quality of the flour itself. I got about 800 grams this time. But in general, look at the consistency of the dough, it should be soft, plastic and not stick to your hands, do not be afraid, it is difficult to spoil it.

Vinegar-slaked soda.

Knead first with a spoon, then with your hands, knead the dough easily.

Let's get straight to baking. Look what a rarity I have))

Hazel has gone through fire and water, and I'm not going to change it yet, although I must admit that the "internal filling" is not the most successful. Delicacies in the form of squirrels and mushrooms are very difficult to bake, they break all the time, require some kind of sophisticated dough layout ... therefore, due to the “idle” half of the form, baking takes more than it should.

We turn on the gas, make the light a little less than average.

We heat the hazelnut, do not lubricate anything! the dough contains enough fat not to stick.

We make small balls and put them into shapes. If you manage to involve family members in cooking, it’s great, things will go much faster, since they can be instructed to make kolobok blanks.

We close the form, press well.

The force of pressure depends on how thin the halves of the nuts will be. I like thin and crispy, so I press quite hard, when they are baked a little, you can no longer press, but simply leave it on the gas. But when I turn the hazelnut tree over, I put something heavy on it, for example, a pot of water.

Pour out of the mold into a wide bowl.

I can’t guess exactly how much dough to put in order for the production to be waste-free, so there is often too much on the edges. I try to cut it as soon as the halves have cooled.

That's how many there are. Lots and beautiful))

Now the stuffing. This time I cooked condensed milk myself, the child said that this way it turns out tastier than ready-made boiled))

In my recipe it says - 1 can of condensed milk, and earlier I somehow managed to stretch it for all the nuts, but now even two are not enough)

Of course, you can cook a delicious regular cream of condensed milk + butter, but I don’t like this option for a very significant reason, it turns out a lot of nuts, and storing them just on the table with the filling of such a cream will not work, due to the presence of oil it will quickly deteriorate, you will have to put in the refrigerator, from which the nuts will lose their taste. But only with boiled condensed milk can they be stored at room temperature pretty long. So the option of cream with butter for a large family who has pastries for more than one evening does not linger 😉

So that the crumb from the cut edges does not disappear in vain, I usually crushed it and added it to condensed milk, then the filling turned out to be much more, but this does not affect the taste. Now I made some of the nuts only with condensed milk, and some with crumbs.

Calories: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not specified

How much joy there was in our house when my mother baked delicious Nuts cookies with condensed milk for the holidays! And now it always becomes brighter and happier in the house if I bake a wonderful treat for my family. I have been baking nuts with condensed milk for a long time according to the old recipe that I got from my mother, and I never change it. The cookies turn out to be simply delicious and time does not spoil it, but on the contrary, nuts become more and more desirable every year, because you can’t buy such delicious ones on sale, but homemade baking so rare that my family always thank me for the "Nuts" cookies with condensed milk. old recipe worth a new ten! Try to do it too, let there be a lot of sweet desserts on your table both on weekdays and on holidays.

Required products:

- 2 pieces of chicken eggs;
- 1 glass of granulated sugar;
- ½ tsp. l. baking soda slaked vinegar;
- 250 grams of margarine or butter;
- 3-4 cups of flour;
- 1 can of boiled condensed milk.

Recipe with photo step by step:

I stir sugar with soft, melting margarine (or butter). Sometimes I just leave margarine on the table for the night, and in the morning I start preparing nuts.

I beat two chicken eggs (whites and yolks) into the dough. Eggs can be taken out of the refrigerator a couple of hours before cooking. All components for the recipe are desirable to be at the same temperature. Then the dough will be obedient.

I pour in a little flour, literally one spoon at a time, and stir the dough. First I add two cups of flour, and then carefully mix in the rest. Three glasses definitely go away, but look at the fourth by consistency. The dough should not be runny or too tight. It should be elastic and such that balls are easily molded from it.

I add soda quenched with vinegar. Do not be alarmed if the process is active, it should be so.

I knead a tight dough and roll small balls out of it, a little less than Walnut. If the dough is cooked correctly, then it will not even stick to your hands.

I put the dough in a special Soviet hazelnut maker and bake the nuts. The form should already be warmed up by this time. I hold this form over the burner and bake nuts. Baking nuts takes no longer than 2 minutes on each side. The hazel form has become scarce in modern times, but still there are grandmothers who sell them in the markets. Please buy this form.

Take out the ruddy halves of the nuts carefully so as not to burn your hands. I just pry with the tip of a knife and the nuts themselves fall into the plate.

I put all the nuts on a large plate to cool.

When the nuts are completely cool, I fill them with boiled condensed milk. Condensed milk should be only natural. If you buy an unnatural product, then you simply cannot cook such condensed milk. Condensed milk from vegetable fats is not boiled and remains liquid even after 5 hours of cooking. Natural condensed milk is cooked literally in 40 minutes, maximum 1 hour and becomes thick. You can make according to our recipe if you have the desire and time.

I glue two halves of nuts with condensed milk to make a nut.

Nuts with condensed milk should soak and stand for at least 5-6 hours.
If you have the patience, then wait for this time, and then brew fresh tea and call everyone to the table! My kids eat them within 20 minutes of cooking.

A delicacy familiar from childhood - nuts with condensed milk, is prepared very simply and quickly, but only if there is a special metal form - hazelnuts. This is probably why it's time to visit your grandparents, mothers or other relatives and try to find this wonderful device from the Soviet past in their bins. So, the recipe for a nut in a Soviet nut with boiled condensed milk. We will cook on a gas stove, I have not tried to bake them on an electric one, try it, most likely it will work out too.


  • For test:
  • creamy margarine - 200 grams,
  • fresh chicken eggs - 2 pcs.,
  • granulated sugar - 1 cup,
  • baking soda - 0.5 teaspoon,
  • apple cider vinegar - 1 teaspoon,
  • wheat flour - about 3 cups.
  • For filling:
  • boiled condensed milk - 350 grams,
  • butter- 150 grams,
  • nuclei walnuts- 100g.

1 - condensed milk is simmered for 2 hours. The jar of milk must be completely covered with water throughout the entire cooking time. By the way, condensed milk should be boiled in advance, so that by the time the filling is prepared, it has time to cool completely;
2 - walnuts before laying in the filling must be fried in a pan, freed from the skin and chopped in a blender or finely chopped with a sharp knife;

3 - margarine for making dough and butter for filling must be removed from the refrigerator in advance so that they warm up to room temperature.

Let's prepare the dough for nuts in a hazelnut maker on gas. Soft margarine grind thoroughly with sugar.

drive in raw eggs, add 2 tablespoons of flour (from its total amount) and mix.

Pour in most of the flour, add soda slaked with vinegar and carefully knead the dough with a spoon.

Sprinkle flour on a wooden surface, lay out the dough and knead it a little more with your hands so that it becomes soft and plastic. Wrap the ball of dough with cling film and place in a cold place for 30-40 minutes.

While the dough is cooling, prepare the cream filling, for which combine and carefully mix soft butter, boiled condensed milk and chopped walnuts.

Divide the chilled dough into small lumps and roll neat balls with a diameter of about 1.5 cm from each of them. The size of the flour balls should correspond to the holes in the form for making nuts.

Carefully grease the entire surface of the hazelnut (top and bottom parts) with margarine or butter. Heat the mold on the stove and put the required number of flour balls (9 pieces) into its recesses. Close the hazel tightly and put the gas on medium heat, first lay the hazel with one side down, and after 1-1.5 minutes turn the form over to the other side.

Important! Soviet hazel is a heavy thing, be careful when cooking, do not burn yourself.
Open the hazelnut rack and, if the nuts are already roasted enough, carefully pick them up with a knife and put them on a plate to cool.

In the cooled shells of nuts, break off the extra edges of the baked dough, then fill each of them with cream.

Lightly squeezing, connect the halves and set aside for a while so that they stick together well. Everything, the treat is ready - you can eat nuts right away, but it’s better to let them brew for a couple more hours at room temperature and soak in the cream.

Cookies nuts with condensed milk, step by step recipe with the photos that I want to offer you, many cause nostalgia, since the dough is associated with childhood memories. In the Soviet Union, almost every housewife in the house could find a baking dish for cookies, nuts, or, as it was also called, a hazelnut. Nuts, just like waffles or rolls with filling, were one of the most favorite treats for kids and adults. The dough recipe for nuts was always included with the form, but even if it was lost, you could definitely ask your grandmother, girlfriend, mother or sister for it.

Today, nuts in the form of gas are rarely baked, and there are explanations for this. Having rejoiced and used the uniform to their heart's content, many of them were taken out of the house, thrown away, thrown away or presented as a gift. And now, after a certain number of years, when such a form catches your eye, it is hard to resist the temptation to remember childhood again and return to the past.

To cook the same delicious as once nuts with condensed milk, you will need the same old recipe. In fact, the recipe for dough for cookies with condensed milk is a recipe for the usual shortcrust pastry. Classical the right recipe cookie nuts prepared on the basis chicken eggs, sugar, butter, salt, soda, vinegar and flour. But do not be surprised when you meet liver nuts on sour cream or mayonnaise, there are such recipes too.

Today we will cook classic nuts with condensed milk in hazelnut. Although nuts with condensed milk at home can be prepared with a modern electric waffle iron or metal molds imitating halves of nuts.


  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.,
  • Sugar - 1 cup
  • Butter - 1 pack (250 gr.),
  • Vanillin - 1 sachet,
  • Salt - 1/3 teaspoon,
  • Soda - 1 teaspoon without a slide,
  • Vinegar - 1 teaspoon,
  • Wheat flour - 2.5 cups.

Cookies nuts with condensed milk - an old recipe

Butter cut into cubes. Put it in a bowl. Melt in a water bath with constant stirring. Let the oil cool down. Whisk eggs into a bowl.

Cover them with sugar.

Pour in the cooled melted butter.

The old recipe for cookies with condensed milk, which came with the instructions for the form, did not contain vanillin in the ingredient lists. I recommend adding it. Nuts with it are even more fragrant.

Add to dough required amount salt.

Sprinkle soda with a teaspoon. Pour vinegar over it. Pour into dough.

After adding these ingredients, mix the shortcrust pastry base again with a whisk.

It remains to add the last ingredient of shortcrust pastry - wheat flour.

Add flour gradually, with constant stirring.

After adding the last portion of flour, knead the dough with your hands. Knead the dough until you see that it has become a homogeneous structure. Finished shortbread dough should now go to the cold. Shortbread dough, standing in the cold, will become more plastic, and finished goods it will come out crumbly. The finished shortbread dough is transferred to a bag and placed in the refrigerator for 1 hour. In the event that there is no time to wait so long, just put the dough in the freezer for 15 minutes.

Now you need to roll balls from the dough. Here it is important to make balls of such a diameter that during baking they completely fill the volume of the nut mold (otherwise it will turn out to be a marriage) and at the same time do not give a lot of waste - dough that has gone beyond the mold.

For the first time, I rolled balls the size of a walnut into one serving of nuts. After closing the form, I realized that it was too large a diameter. The dough even went out of shape. For the next batch, I rolled up balls the size of a cherry. For Soviet hazel - just the perfect size. So, roll the balls out of shortcrust pastry.

Lubricate the form a small amount sunflower oil. Warm it up on the stove. Place the balls of dough into the cells.

Press hard enough top forms. Put on fire. Hold on the stove for 2 minutes. Do not leave the mold on the stove itself. In order for the nuts to turn out even, in the process of baking them, the form should be constantly held by the handles.

After two minutes, turn the form over to the other side. Hold on this side for another 1-2 minutes. Be sure to fry the nuts on low heat. After the second batch, it’s already easier by eye to figure out how many cookies the nuts need to be kept on the stove.

After 1-2 minutes, the nuts can be removed. Place the form on the kitchen board. Open it carefully. Hot nuts break easily, so you need to remove them very carefully.

By this principle, make the rest of the cookie nuts.

Now the nuts need to be stuffed. The old recipe calls for boiled condensed milk as a filling. You can cook a can of raw condensed milk at home or use store-bought condensed milk.

How to cook condensed milk at home? Line the bottom of the pot with a towel. Put a jar of condensed milk. Fill with water so that the jar is completely immersed in water. Cook over low heat for 4 hours. Fill the walnut slices with boiled condensed milk.

So that the halves of the nuts can be easily connected, and they do not fall apart, also apply condensed milk to the side walls. Additionally, you can put nuts in cups. It can be either hazelnuts or peanuts or walnuts.

Connect halves of nuts. That's it, nut cookies are ready. You can put tea or coffee and enjoy delicious homemade cakes.

Well, and finally, I think many will also be interested to know what else you can fill the liver with nuts. As a filling, in addition to boiled condensed milk, you can also use chocolate paste , oil cream, pasta from cottage cheese and sour cream, jam or any thick jam, custard or protein cream, milk fudge. You can also cook a delicious butter cream with boiled condensed milk. To prepare it, beat the butter with a mixer in equal proportion with boiled condensed milk.

Cookies nuts with condensed milk, recipe with photo which we have reviewed, store in plastic bag, special cookie tins or glass jars. Enjoy your meal. I would be glad if you liked this cookie nuts recipe.

Cookies nuts with condensed milk. A photo

Many people remember pastries that have been loved since childhood for their sweet and delicate taste, interesting shape and a crispy crust with an unearthly flavor. It is, of course, about delicious cookies nuts with condensed milk, the old and new recipes are slightly different from each other, but the love for the dish is invariably great. You can easily cook your favorite stuffed nuts at home and not only with the help of modern technology, but about all the secrets later in the article.

To make delicious sweet nuts, you first need to properly prepare the dough, as well as the condensed milk filling. Try to choose condensed milk according to GOST, from which the filling for nuts is the best.

preserved from Soviet times great recipe, which is ideal for those who have modern hazelnuts, and for those who have preserved its old counterpart - a cast-iron hazelnut.

It will take about an hour to cook baking, and given that you can use modern technologies, - the baking process will speed up at times.

Nuts with condensed milk in molds: a classic butter recipe


For the test

  • -3 pcs. + -
  • - 1/4 tsp + -
  • - 250 g + -
  • - 100 g + -
  • - 1 tsp (or 1/4 tsp. soda and 2-3 drops of lemon juice) + -
  • - 400 g + -

Filling Ingredients

  • - 1 bank + -

How to cook and bake homemade nuts

  • Separate the yolks from the whites. We shift the yolks into a deep bowl, and put the whites in the refrigerator so that they cool slightly.
  • Beat the egg yolks with a mixer, gradually pouring sugar into them. If desired, you can pour a bag of vanilla sugar into the beaten egg mass until smooth.
  • We melt the butter.
  • Pour the flour into a separate dry bowl, pour it with melted butter.
  • We knead the dough with our hands.
  • Add beaten yolks to the mixture, knead the dough again until smooth.
  • Mix cold proteins in a separate bowl with salt and baking powder (it can be replaced with slaked in lemon juice(or vinegar) soda).
  • Beat the whites with a mixer until a light foam appears.
  • Add the beaten egg whites to the batter.
  • Knead the dough again thoroughly.

The ideal consistency of the dough is a dense, thick mass, but in no case crumbly or viscous.

  • We divide all the dough into equal pieces, from which we roll blanks-balls for future nuts (about 1 cm in diameter).
  • We heat the hazelnut to operating temperature.

If you have an electric oreshnitsa, heat it according to the instructions. If the hazel is simple (intended for heating on the stove), then before frying, we calcine each side for 1-2 minutes.

  • After heating, grease the mold with oil (we coat both the recesses and the spaces between them).
  • We put the prepared blanks in a hot and greased form.

Peanuts baking time

You need to bake the dough for as long as it is indicated in the instructions for using the electric haymaker. Each hazel has its own working capabilities, so different housewives will have different cooking times.

In a simple hazelnut, bake the first side for 1 minute and turn over to the second side. Bake again for 1-1.5 minutes. After that, open the hazelnut and look at the goldenness of the cookies. If you want more fry, repeat frying each side for another half a minute.

When the halves are baked, remove them from the mold into a wide bowl prepared in advance and give time to cool.

Then we put boiled condensed milk on one half and cover the nut with the second half.

Leave the finished nuts with condensed milk for a short time in a cool place so that the filling has time to thicken. That's all - baking based on a simple old recipe is ready, serve an appetizing "childhood memory" with tea, coffee, cocoa or hot chocolate.

Recipe for nuts with condensed milk without soda "Gentle"

Nuts according to this recipe are obtained with a thinner “shell” and tender-crispy, like waffles.


  • 200 g butter (can be replaced with cream margarine);
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 5 eggs;
  • 1 glass wheat flour top grade.

Cooking cookies nuts with boiled condensed milk

  • Softened ( !not melted) mix butter with sugar. We beat.
  • Add flour, mix well again.
  • In a separate bowl, beat the eggs with a mixer, pour the egg mass into the main composition and beat until smooth.

The consistency of the dough should be like thick sour cream (like pancakes). It should “lazily” slide out of the spoon.

  • Let the dough stand for 20-25 minutes and start baking.
  • We prepare the hazelnut: grease the recesses with vegetable (or butter) oil. It is only necessary to lubricate the form for the first time, before laying the dough.

So that the nuts do not burn, you need to grease the hazelnut on both sides with a small amount of oil. It is important to take just a little oil, because the dough itself is already fatty, and if you take too much oil, then during the baking process it will start to flow out and burn, and with it the halves of the nuts.

  1. Pour half a teaspoon of dough into one recess of the hazelnut.
  2. Close it and put it on a moderate fire.
  3. We bake the nuts for 1 minute, during which time the halves will have time to cook. After browning them on one side, turn the hazelnut over to the other side.
  4. Lubricate the finished baked halves boiled condensed milk and connect them together.

Our homemade shortbread nuts, made in Soviet hazelnuts, can be served at the table.

Video recipe for making nuts with condensed milk

How to bake nuts without a form, a recipe in the oven

You can cook delicious nuts with condensed milk without a mold. If you don’t have either a conventional or an electric hazelnut, bake them in the oven. The cooking technology is the same as in the recipes above, only the baking process itself is different.

When the dough is kneaded, form balls out of it and put them on a baking sheet.

We bake the nuts in the oven at a temperature of 180-200 ° C until the halves are browned. After that, we cool the dough and form nuts from the cooled halves.

Sometimes, the housewives clean out all the dough from the halves and completely fill them with sweet contents. This cake is even tastier than usual.

Fillings for nuts: old cooking recipes

For many years of the existence of such a dish as baked nuts, the housewives have not tried to cook any kind of filling. They made jam, jam to “blind” the crisp halves of nuts, but not a single filling, except for boiled condensed milk, deserved more honor and respect.

It is customary to cook nuts with boiled condensed milk, and it would be better if you cook it yourself at home.

How to cook condensed milk for nuts

  1. We put a metal can with condensed milk in a saucepan, pour boiling water over them, cook for 2.5-3 hours. During this time, the condensed milk will acquire a darker color and taste like caramel.
  2. When the milk is cooked, we take the jars out of the pan and give the sweets time to cool. Only after that, condensed milk can be used to glue nuts.

So that the preparation of the filling does not take you a lot of time on the day when you will directly bake the nuts, cook the day before. Boil the condensed milk in the evening and cool it, and the next day use the already prepared thickened mass.

How to cook condensed milk in a slow cooker

You can cook condensed milk in a slow cooker. To do this, dip cans of milk into the multicooker bowl, pour boiling water over them and cook the sweet in the “Stew” mode for 3-4 hours.

After that, according to tradition, we cool the milk. This completes the preparation of the filling for condensed milk nuts - you can start baking the dough.

Custard for nuts

Preparation of cream filling is a more time-consuming process than boiling condensed milk.

For the cream you will need the following ingredients:

  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Flour - 20 g;
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet;
  • Milk - 250 g;
  • Vanillin - 1 pinch;
  • Sugar - 100 g;
  • Butter - 50 g.

Preparation of stuffing for nuts

  1. Mix sugar and eggs in a bowl.
  2. Add to egg mixture vanilla sugar and sifted flour.
  3. Dilute the contents with cold milk, mix the ingredients until smooth.
  4. We put the pan on the stove, turn on the medium heat and bring the cream to a boil (while not forgetting to stir it occasionally).
  5. Cool the cream, add butter to it, mix everything again.
  6. That's all - the cream for nuts with condensed milk is ready. We stuff them with baked halves of nuts and serve pastries to the table.

Secrets of successful homemade nuts with condensed milk

To homemade cookies always turned out delicious - you need to familiarize yourself in advance simple secrets baking that will help every housewife make delicious homemade sweet nuts.

Try to use butter for kneading the dough. Do not put margarine, it significantly spoils the taste of homemade cookies.

Melt the butter over low heat, or in a water bath. To do this, pre-cut it into medium pieces, so it will melt faster.

It is quite possible to make sweet nuts using vegetarian technology.

The baking recipe is the same as in conventional classic recipes, only the dough is kneaded without adding eggs.

Traditionally used as a filling for baked nuts boiled condensed milk. Condensed milk is either bought already boiled, or it is cooked at home on its own. However, no one can forbid experimenting with the composition of the filling.

Often, housewives add sour cream or mayonnaise to the filling for nuts. It turns out quite a spicy aftertaste in a dish already familiar to many.

Now you know what you need for a nut with condensed milk. Their preparation is not so difficult process, it is rather a pleasant pastime, from which you get a lot of pleasure, even standing at the stove.

Nuts with condensed milk (the recipe of which we examined in detail in the old and new culinary interpretations) can be baked by a novice hostess. Enough to use simple advice and interesting recipes- and cooking sweet nuts will be as easy as shelling pears.

Enjoy your meal!