The largest shrimp in the world. King, tiger and Atlantic shrimps

It is not known exactly how many species of shrimp exist, because, firstly, many varieties live in the seas, oceans and fresh water bodies, and it cannot be said that all of them have already been discovered. And, secondly, work is constantly underway on crossing and selection of aquarium shrimp, as a result of which new species appear.

Shrimps belong to the phylum Arthropods, class Crustaceans, that is, they are the closest relatives of crayfish. In some species of shrimp this is reflected in their appearance. How exactly?

Aquarium shrimp: types and contents

Shrimp serve several functions in an aquarium. The first is cleaning the bottom of the aquarium from organic residues. For the most part, shrimp are peaceful creatures, so if you see a shrimp eating, for example, a dead fish, you don’t need to blame it - the shrimp simply cleans the aquarium of decaying remains, which contributes to its cleanliness and balance.

The second function is aesthetic. Many species have beautiful colors, so the aquarium with them acquires a “zest”.

What types of shrimp are there for an aquarium? Let's look at the most interesting of them.

Freshwater individuals

It should be noted that these types of shrimp are not suitable for eating. Therefore, shrimp can be bred in an aquarium only for beauty and sanitary purposes. There is a wide variety of freshwater species of aquarium shrimp that naturally live in rivers, lakes, and estuaries.


Popular and unpretentious. They live on average 1-2 years. There are several types of neocardine shrimp. It is recommended to keep them separately, since all neocardines can interbreed with each other, which will lead to color degeneration in the offspring.

All the others originated from neocardina vulgaris, as a result of random mutations and selection work. The usual neocardina is transparent and, due to its extreme unpretentiousness and low cost, is ideal for those who have never kept shrimp before.

Cherry shrimp

Otherwise known as “red cherry”, “cherry shrimp”, “red fire” or simply “cherry”. It appeared in Russia in 2004.

The most suitable conditions for neocardinfish are a water temperature of 22-25 degrees Celsius and thickets of plants at the bottom, such as Java moss. You should avoid the proximity of cherries and predators, as well as other crustaceans - crabs, crayfish.

Cherry shrimp are, as the name suggests, red in color. Thanks to the work of breeders? There are many variations of its saturation and shades. By the way, it can change depending on the conditions in the aquarium - food, lighting, neighbors, water temperature, soil color (the color intensifies on a dark bottom) and so on. From stress, caused, for example, by a threat from predator fish, shrimp become discolored.

Cherries are easy to distinguish by gender - males are smaller and fussier, their coloring is weaker. In contrast, females are slower and calmer and are brighter in color.

Yellow shrimp

The yellow shrimp was bred in Japan from the wild Neocardine species in the mid-2000s. By the way, the cherry shrimp was bred from the same wild species.

The yellow shrimp got its name due to its color, which is rare for shrimp. In size, like its relative cherry, it is small - 2.5-3 cm. The range of temperatures acceptable for keeping is slightly larger than that of that one - 22-28 degrees Celsius.

Female yellow shrimp are larger than males, their color is rather dark yellow and their underbelly is curved, so they are easy to distinguish from males. Females may also have a stripe along the back, which males do not have.

One of the variations of yellow shrimp, neon yellow, is distinguished by a bright yellow stripe on its back.

Riley shrimp

A mutation of the cherry shrimp, released in 1996. There are different color variations; The classic Riley shrimp has a bright red tail, head and chest and a transparent body. Grown-up females have a yellow spot on the neck. The size of these shrimp is 2-2.5 cm, females are slightly larger than males.

Chocolate, white, blue neocardines

The females of this species are a rich brown color, while the males are much paler. The size ranges from 2.5 (males) to 3 (females) cm. The temperature suits them from 23 to 26 degrees Celsius.

Neocardina Shanjagensis white is sold under the name Snowball or White Pearl, obtained thanks to caviar similar to snowballs. Unpretentious shrimps, transparent whitish, look best on dark soil. Females are more decorative than males. The temperature suits them is from 20 to 28 degrees Celsius.

An interesting feature of these shrimp, which sets them apart from all other neocardines, is the absence of a larval stage.

Neocardina Shanjagensis blue. You can also find other names - Blue Ice, Blue Pearl. This is the second color variation of Neocardina Shanjarentis. It has a bluish color with a pearl seemingly hidden in the front of the body. They are also unpretentious to living conditions.

Other shrimp

In addition to the so common neocardifish, there are other interesting types of shrimp.

Amano shrimp. These shrimp reach a length of 4-5 cm. Their coloring is unusual; on a transparent or light green body there are small red-brown spots or broken lines, as well as a light stripe on the back. Amano are masters of camouflage, their ability to mimicry is so great that sometimes it is impossible to notice them at all at the bottom.

The females of Amano shrimp are much larger than the males and, at sexual maturity, wider than them.

A distinctive feature that makes these shrimp desirable inhabitants of the aquarium is that they eat filamentous algae, which is not easy to overcome. The optimal water temperature ranges from 20 to 28 degrees Celsius.

Green shrimp. Sometimes it is also called dark green shrimp. She became famous among aquarists in 2007. It is distinguished by a rich, dark green color and size of 3-3.5 cm. It is easy to confuse it with Babaulti, a similar-colored shrimp.

Dark green prefers water with a temperature of 20 to 28 degrees Celsius. Females are larger, thicker and darker in color than males. Their caviar is a rich lemon green color.

Babaulti Shrimp. Also called green algae shrimp, this is fair, since most often it is green shrimp this species can be seen in the aquarium. What colors do this type of shrimp come in? They can be blue, red, brown and orange. When stressed, they can instantly change the color of their translucent body.

The size of these shrimp does not exceed 4 cm; females are larger than males and in adulthood have a yellow-green spot on their neck.


She is also a black bee or a crystal black shrimp. It is black and white in color and reaches 2.5-3 cm. Sensitive to water parameters and its contamination, it needs water with pH 6.5-7.5, GH 4-6, KH 1-2, temperature 18-26 degrees Celcius. It is important to create just such conditions for the black bee, so it cannot be called easy to keep.

Blue bee shrimp. Its size and optimal conditions contents are similar to cherry shrimp.

The shrimp was first introduced in 2008. Despite the name, the color can be not only blue, but also purple or brown. Because of this, it can be difficult to determine the exact type of shrimp, because most of the bees are caught in the wild, and its farming is not yet widespread.

The sex of bee shrimp can only be determined in adulthood. The main difference between females and males is that their lower abdomen is curved, and the female itself is larger.

Red crystal and Indian glass

Red crystal. Sometimes it is called the red bee. Originally appeared as a mutation of the black bee. This is a beautiful shrimp with white and red stripes, size - 2.5-3 cm. It is not easy to keep, like its ancestor, it loves soft acidic water with a temperature of 18-26 degrees Celsius, and is demanding on the purity and quality of the water.

Indian glass shrimp. Another name - ghost shrimp - it received for its transparent color. However, they may have a yellowish or orange tint. There are small spots on the tail. Females reach 5 cm, males - 3-4 cm. The water temperature for normal life should be 20-29 degrees Celsius.

Rosenberg shrimp

Huge shrimp, an adult is 13 cm in size. They can hunt small fish, eat aquarium plants. The desired water temperature is 26-30 degrees Celsius; high water hardness is required for good shell development.

These shrimp are transparent when young, but over time the color may change, the transparency decreases, and blue stripes may appear on the body.

Rosenberg shrimp are interesting because their behavior is quite complex, and there are mating games.


Other names include bamboo shrimp, Asian filter shrimp, and tree shrimp. It was called a filterer due to its legs with cilia-fans, with which the shrimp filters water flows and thus catches food.

The color comes in different colors and shades - brown, red, red. The dimensions of an adult are 7-10 cm, the optimal temperature is 22-27 degrees Celsius.

Shrimp Cardinal

Very beautiful small (2-2.5 cm) shrimp of deep red tones with white front legs and dots on the body. They are found infrequently and are not suitable for beginners, as they are demanding in terms of living conditions. The recommended water temperature is 26 degrees Celsius; cardinals do not live long in cold water. Also important for them is high water hardness and pH 7-9.

You can see the beauty of this type of shrimp in the photo.

Harlequin and the Ringed Hand

Like the Cardinals, the Harlequins are very beautiful. Their rich, contrasting colors combine red, white and black. These shrimp are very small - only 0.6-1.2 cm. They are quite shy and whimsical, so it is better for experienced aquarists to keep them. The preferred temperature is 26 degrees Celsius.

Shrimp Ringed Hand. These are large (6-8 cm) marbled beige-brown shrimp with long claws in red and rusty shades. Thanks to their claws, they got their name. These shrimp are not as peaceful as many others - they often fight and can cause wounds small fish. Males are larger than females and reach 8 cm. Keeping temperature is 20-30 degrees Celsius; they love oxygenated water. They can eat plants.


They are usually named after the appearance of the shrimp, and their names are often very whimsical and unusual. One more thing - Ninja. This shrimp was named so because of its ability to quickly change color and mimicry, allowing it to literally go invisible. It is difficult to name the color of a shrimp, because it can change it to almost any other.

It is also called Christmas shrimp, honey shrimp.

Ninja's size is normal for shrimp - 2.5-3.5 cm, the optimal temperature is 22-27 degrees Celsius.

Khanka shrimp

It was named after Khanka Island in the Far East. In terms of structural features and behavior, they are similar to freshwater crayfish. The size of this shrimp is 3-4.15 cm, males are 10-15 mm larger than females, which is generally rare for shrimp.

Khanka shrimp are not a particularly attractive species, with a grayish-brownish translucent color. They have mustaches and claws. They are kept not for their beauty, but for the benefits they bring to the aquarium. It is advisable to maintain the temperature of the water in which they live from 21 to 24 degrees Celsius and organize a “change of seasons” - in winter, cool it to 18-20 degrees Celsius.

Chameleon and Pearl Shrimp

Chameleon. Otherwise - shrimp of the year. Brown color, light stripes and dark brown spots on the body. These shrimp have powerful claws. They are aggressive, it is better not to keep fish with them and to create shelters in the aquarium if there are several shrimp. Active in the evening. The temperature preferred is 18-24 degrees Celsius.

Males of Chameleons are much larger than females, 9-12 cm versus 7 cm.

Pearl shrimp. Relatively small shrimp up to 5 cm in length. There are other names - Sand shrimp, Marble shrimp. A peaceful appearance with small claws and a pleasant coloration, their body is light greenish or brownish-white in color, covered with white and black dots. They are whimsical, love clean water 15-28 degrees Celsius and pH above 7, very sensitive to changes in its parameters.

Japanese river shrimp and black tiger shrimp

These shrimp are 7-8 cm in size, have large orange or brick claws, white “stockings” on their legs and a transverse stripe on their back. The body itself is translucent brownish, the color intensity increases with age.

In general, they are not aggressive, but they can fight for territory and also eat sedentary fish and snails. A very unpretentious species, but it is still advisable to maintain the temperature in the range of 26-30 degrees Celsius and saturate the water with oxygen.

Black tiger shrimp. Very beautiful black shrimp with orange or black eyes. Females are slightly larger than males and grow up to 3 cm. They are very difficult to keep and cannot tolerate changes in water parameters, which are limited by clear boundaries. The required water temperature for maintenance is 21.5-23.5 degrees Celsius, pH - 7.2-7.4.

Sea shrimps. Type: Doctor

In cooking, it is the saltwater species of shrimp that are used for food. However, let's look at the most famous inedible species suitable for a marine aquarium.

Adult Doctors are 5-6 cm in size. They have an attractive color - a white longitudinal stripe on the back combined with crimson stripes on the sides. There are also white antennae.

This shrimp needs a marine aquarium with a temperature of 22-26 degrees Celsius, salt water and high hardness; an imitation of a coral reef is desirable. During molting, it is desirable to contain iodine in the water.

An interesting feature of Pacific cleaner shrimp is that they do not have females, all shrimp are born males and only with age they acquire bisexuality, that is, the shrimp is both male and female.

Fire cleaner shrimp

These shrimp are very shy and secretive; in daylight they hide in shelters. But over time, they can begin to recognize the owner and take food from his hands.

In matters of maintenance, you should focus on the needs of the desired type of shrimp, take into account the temperature suitable for it, the frequency of water changes and other parameters.

Many people need hard water with increased content calcium (carbonate hardness in the range of 5-10), because shrimp, like all crustaceans, molt periodically, and in soft water their new shell may not harden sufficiently. Immediately after molting, shrimp have a soft body that is easily damaged, and at first they hide. The old shrimp shell is usually eaten.

All shrimp are very sensitive to copper, even small doses can be lethal. In this regard, the shrimp should be moved to another container if other inhabitants of the aquarium require treatment with copper-containing preparations or, conversely, treatment should be carried out in a special quarantine aquarium. Anti-snail tablets can also be harmful to shrimp.

For all small shrimp, a small (from 10 liters) aquarium is suitable - a shrimp tank with a thick layer of soil in which aquarium plants will take root well. You should choose unpretentious species, since in shrimp tanks there is no need to supply CO 2, which is so beloved by plants. Java moss, hornwort, vallisneria, Thai fern and others are suitable. In a large aquarium, shrimp will simply “get lost” due to their miniature size. The average stocking density of these crustaceans is 2 shrimp per liter (this is only true for small species).

Most shrimp require a high oxygen content in the water, so it is advisable to have an aerator and turn it on at least at night, when the plants stop releasing O2. You also need to remember that as the temperature rises, the oxygen level decreases, and accordingly, additional aeration is also needed. And at temperatures above 32 degrees Celsius, shrimp die very easily even with aeration, because protein coagulation occurs in their bodies.

Thus, there are a huge number of species of shrimp, the description of which is impossible to fully describe. Among these funny and useful animals, both beginners and experienced aquarists will find suitable ones. The main thing to remember when purchasing shrimp is the simple rules for keeping them, and then these tireless cleaners will serve as orderlies and decoration of the aquarium.

Seafood is loved and appreciated all over the world not only for its excellent taste, but also for its benefits for our body.

Rich in protein, iodine and other microelements, for many they have become an integral part of both everyday and diet menu. Fish, mussels, squid, oysters, crabs and, of course, exotic shrimp - today we will talk about them!

Tender and juicy shrimp meat is a very healthy and valuable seafood product, which, although available in mass sale, is, for the most part, a delicacy. Of course, because shrimp are not only very tasty a separate dish, which does not require much effort during the preparation process, but is also a very valuable ingredient for preparing complex dishes haute cuisine, which decorate the tables of the most sophisticated gourmets!

The most important value of such seafood is not its amazing taste, but its rich composition of microelements, vitamins and valuable minerals, which are very beneficial for the human body.

It turns out that shrimp meat, like most seafood, is full of valuable iodine, which is so necessary for the functioning of thyroid gland.

Great amount calcium, phosphorus, cobalt, iron and important amino acids contribute to the stable operation and functioning of most vital systems human body. At the same time, shrimp are considered dietary and low calorie dish, which is very effective in the fight against obesity, and can also be part of the menu of many diets and rules healthy eating.

Light and at the same time satisfying shrimps leave few people indifferent. And if their few opponents are most often scared off by the pungent smell when cooking, then admirers value them as a delicacy, an exquisite snack, a component for many salads and other dishes, and also as an important element dietary nutrition.

The cholesterol contained in shrimp does not accumulate in the body, but is quickly broken down and eliminated. That's why regular use Eating shrimp has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole: metabolism accelerates, the structure of skin, hair and nails improves, and the functioning of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems is normalized.

It is not for nothing that this delicacy is recognized as a dietary one - the calorie content of 100 grams of boiled shrimp is approximately equal to the calorie content of the same volume of boiled shrimp chicken breast. Another question: which of these products tastes better?

100 grams of boiled shrimp contains on average:

  • Proteins - 18 g
  • Fat - 2 g
  • Carbohydrates - 0 g
  • Calorie content - 97 kcal

In addition, 100 grams of shrimp contains daily norm Yoda.

However, as it turned out, if you don’t learn how to choose and cook shrimp correctly, then not only will they not bring much benefit, but they can even have a negative effect on our body!
To avoid such very unpleasant moments, I decided to tell you how to choose and cook shrimp correctly at home.

How to choose shrimp

Shrimp are caught in coastal or deep-sea zones of the ocean, or they are grown in special “shrimp” farms. There are a huge variety of shrimp species in the world; off the Far Eastern coast of Russia alone, their number exceeds a hundred—no other country in the world has such a rich selection of these crustaceans. Considering that they are all found in the northern seas, this means that, by definition, they are the most delicious! In general, northern shrimp have the richest range of useful substances and in composition they are the most balanced.

In total there are about 2 thousand species of shrimp. However, on store shelves you most often find 4 types of this product: classic, royal, tiger and “cocktail” shrimp, which are divided into cold-blooded and warm-blooded.

The first of them reach our supermarkets from the shores of Canada, Denmark, Norway, Lithuania and Estonia. During the year, Russian fishermen catch about 10 thousand tons of shrimp, only all of it is exported to Japan and the USA and, alas, it actually does not reach the Russians. Moreover, they are in great demand. Because they are tasty and healthy.
Cold-blooded shrimp are never too big; in regular packages they reach no more than 7 cm in length

Warm-blooded animals appeared on the shelves of our stores relatively recently; they came to us from the distant shores of China, South Asia, Vietnam and Thailand. These are usually large shrimp that can reach 20-30 cm in length, so they are also called tiger (the smaller ones) or king (the largest individuals).

When looking through packages of shrimp in the supermarket, be sure to pay attention to the country of origin, because, as it turns out, European shrimp undergo much more stringent product quality control than Asian shrimp, and, therefore, there are far fewer problems with them.

Classic shrimp- found most often, their size is from 3 to 10 cm. Used in salads and other dishes, the most popular type of product for use at home.

Tiger chrimp- very large shrimp with a striped tail (hence the name, although the stripes disappear when frozen). They usually reach 20 cm in length (but some individuals grow up to 35 cm in length, and their weight can be more than 600 grams). Most often they are grown under artificial conditions. This species is “fattier” than its other counterparts, and therefore cannot be considered a dietary product.

King prawns- in fact, this species does not exist in nature. The largest individuals with a more durable shell, suitable in size and color, are simply selected. They are more affordable in price than tiger ones, and are most often presented on the table in the form of piece snacks. They have a blander taste compared to regular shrimp and a large amount of meat.

Cocktail shrimp- also an “artificially” invented species name. Here sellers include shrimp meat, peeled from the shell, head and legs. Such shrimp are more convenient to use for cooking, and if you consider that 1 kg of cocktail shrimp corresponds to 3 kg of unpeeled shrimp, then such shrimp are much more economical for cooking.

Adopted two years ago Sanitary rules and standards according to which the amount of glaze (ice) on fish should not exceed five percent of its weight. On shrimp - no more than seven percent. If with fish these standards are at least observed, then with shrimp it is clearly noticeable even with the naked eye. large quantity ice.

However, when we go to the store, we often pay attention not to the amount of ice. Let's rather appreciate the view.
For example, if you ask the average consumer, what kind of shrimp do you choose? - Royal ones, of course, they have more meat and are more satisfying - the most common answer.
But gray tiger shrimp and red king shrimp are actually the same thing! But these giant shrimp have very little taste and nutrients. As a rule, they are grown artificially, fed with animal feed and treated with antibiotics so that they grow faster and do not get sick. That is, they gain weight rapidly, but there is very little benefit from this.
Small shrimp are the healthiest; they contain more microelements, vitamins and healthy protein. And all because they grow in natural conditions eating normal food.

Most of the shrimp that come to us for sale are frozen (as indicated by “V/M” marking on the packaging), since in fresh They don't last long at all. The most popular storage method and the possibility of their further transportation is fresh shrimp boiled and immediately frozen, it is in this form that we most often purchase this product.

Sometimes you can find peeled, boiled and frozen shrimp on sale: they are usually pure meat, without a head, shell or legs. In fact, you don’t even need to cook them in this form, since they are already completely ready for use (like, for example, crab sticks), you just need to defrost them and wash them boiled water and eat.
True, this seafood in this form is not to everyone’s taste; some lovers believe that, in this way, the special notes of the taste of this delicacy are lost.
Here, needless to say, to each his own, it’s just that often, when buying whole shrimp, we overpay quite a bit for the heads (quite large and weighty) and shells, which we subsequently throw away.

Shrimp packages are marked with number pairs, which many take to be their sizes (for example, 90-12 or 50-70). In fact, they indicate the number of pieces in 1 kg finished product, and it turns out that the smaller these numbers, the larger each shrimp.
Thus, the numbers on the bags, for example, 90x120 or 70x90, indicate the size of the shrimp - that is, in the first case, they are very small - there are from 90 to 120 pieces per kilogram. In the second case, the shrimp are larger, that is, there will be from 70 to 90 pieces per kilogram.

When choosing shrimp, you should pay attention to their appearance. They must be twisted, because the straighter the shrimp, the longer it sat without freezing.

What to look for

Whatever the size of the loose shrimp (you can inspect it before purchasing, which is not always possible with packaged shrimp), the most important thing is that it is glossy. That is, not weathered in appearance.

There shouldn't be any white or yellow spots on the shell. Such spots may mean that the shrimp defrosted along the way and black smudges appeared on it. To clean them, special cleaning solutions are sometimes used. After which white or yellow spots appear. So any stains are a bad sign. At a minimum, they mean that the shrimp have been thawed and frozen more than once.

The packaging should not contain any frost. This is a sign that the rules of storage or transportation were not followed - which means that the carcasses were also slightly defrosted. Covering shell the ice crust should be thin but solid.

Regular boiled shrimp soft pink, even rather pale pink, not a very beautiful color. Therefore, in order to give them a supposedly marketable appearance, shrimp are tinted during cooking.
There is no information about this on the packaging. But this is easy to understand - painted shrimp are juicy pink, almost red. Some are orange. The brighter the arthropods, the worse.

- The head of the shrimp should not be black(this is an indicator of improper storage of the product).
But, oddly enough, there is no need to be afraid of shrimp with a green head - this color is given to them by plankton, which they feed on in their natural environment.
Better pay attention to the color of the meat - it should not be yellowish- this is a sign of old age.

Shrimp shelf life freezershould not exceed 6 months.

How to properly cook shrimp?

Fresh shrimp
If you bought frozen fresh shrimp (they will have a gray-brown color), then, first, you need to defrost them, and the slower the better.

The ideal option is to pour the frozen mixture into a wide, large bowl and place it in the bottom of the refrigerator overnight. By morning, your shrimp will be completely defrosted, while retaining most of the useful and valuable substances. The recipe for properly cooking fresh shrimp is simple: you will need hot water, salt and spices that you like best.

In principle, there are no difficulties in how to properly cook shrimp. Everything is done very simply. The main thing in cooking is to original product was high quality :o).
Place the shrimp in boiling, salted and seasoned water; the cooking time should vary depending on their size. Usually 5-10 minutes are enough, during which time they begin to float and turn red. When everything has floated to the surface and changed color, the shrimp are ready, turn it off and leave in the broth for 10-15 minutes, this will make them juicier.

It is very important not to overcook the shrimp, since with prolonged heat treatment they turn into a rubbery and not particularly tasty mass, which, among other things, loses most of its beneficial substances.

When “crustaceans” are cooked, their color changes and redness appears. This occurs due to the presence of the antioxidant astaxanthin in “crustaceans”, in particular in shrimp. It was first isolated in 1938 from lobster meat.
Antioxidants can prevent the destructive effect of free radicals on the cells of living organisms, and thereby slow down the aging process. It has long been established that people whose diet regularly includes fish and seafood not only have excellent health, but also have a significantly higher life expectancy.

Others can cook shrimp correctly in an original way, especially if there are a lot of people at the table and the shrimp have to be cooked in several batches.

IN large saucepan volume is five liters, fill two-thirds with water. As soon as the water begins to boil, throw in cloves (12-15 pieces), bay leaves (4-6 leaves), a dozen black peppercorns, half a dozen allspice peas, half a lemon, a medium head of garlic (needs to be cut) and another half a dozen tablespoons good tomato paste(you can replace 1-2 incomplete tablespoons of paprika powder) and, of course, lightly salt.

As soon as the brine boils, add shrimp to it. Let them boil and cook for a couple more minutes.

Since shrimp meat is extremely tender, it does not require long cooking. General rule: cook smaller shrimp (Atlantic) for 3-5 minutes; and those that are larger (royal and tiger) no more than 10 minutes. If you cook a shrimp correctly, its meat will literally “melt” in your mouth.

If the shrimp are boiled for salad, then they can be thrown into a sieve and poured with cold boiled water in order to clean better. However, some people prefer to boil already peeled shrimp for these purposes, so as not to waste a lot of time.

What to do with boiled frozen shrimp?
Here everything is even simpler, because your shrimp are, in fact, already ready. It is enough to defrost them and pour boiling water over them to make them edible, however, in order to avoid various intestinal bacteria, which are destroyed only by exposure to high temperatures for several minutes, it is better to boil them. I already wrote about how to do this correctly in a post. How to cook frozen shrimp.

Many people are interested in the question: how long should shrimp be cooked in this case? 2-3 minutes is enough, after which it is better to leave them in the broth for another 10 minutes. Tiger shrimps are cooked a little longer - 4-5 minutes.

Basic Rules which are recommended to be observed when preparing delicious dishes from shrimp.

  • Thaw shrimp only when room temperature(in no case - in hot water)
  • While defrosting shrimp, rinse them in cold water.
  • You can cook, fry, bake shrimp with or without the shell.
  • Boil tiger prawns in salted water.
  • Place shrimp only in boiling water.
  • The cooking time should not exceed 5-7 minutes from the moment of boiling. Otherwise, the meat may turn from tender and melting in the mouth into rubber.
  • Cook small shrimp for no more than 2-3 minutes from the moment of boiling.
  • Readiness is determined by the change in color of the shrimp meat - it turns orange - and the shell becomes translucent.
  • You can fry shrimp in a frying pan for no more than two minutes.
  • It is better to bake the shrimp for about 20 minutes.
  • Shrimp shells can be used as a base for cooking fish soup.
  • Sometimes, just throwing shrimp into boiling salt water and waiting for them to float is enough. Place the finished shrimp in a colander and that’s it! You can start eating.
  • There should be twice as much water in the pan as there are tiger shrimps themselves.
  • Most people recommend that as soon as tiger prawns are cooked, immediately remove them from the water. But there is another tip: leave the shrimp in the water to “rest” for 10-15 minutes; This will only make the taste more tender.
  • Another way to cook shrimp is 50 minutes (small ones 25 minutes). During this period of cooking, the meat seems to bypass the “rubber” stage and also turns out to be very juicy and tender.
  • Shrimp can also be used in various salads, make kebabs or canapés from them, fry them on the grill, use them in salads, pizza and sea ​​cocktails, marinate

Hot, ready-made shrimp are usually placed on the table along with the broth.
Or served on a platter decorated with dill and salad, the result is not only aromatic and tasty, but also very aesthetically pleasing!
Based on materials from,,

Bon appetit!

Facts on the topic

Lyrical digression: while you are inspiredly picking among the bags of frozen animals, learn something interesting:

  • And yet they are “shrimp”! Shrimp are hermaphrodites. That is, after spawning, they change from female to male, having time to be both mom and dad. That is, in life they are still “it” - that is, a shrimp!
  • The most big shrimp- more than 30 cm long! True, along with the tail and antennae.
  • In the Far East, shrimp are called “chilim”.

You may not know, but...

  • On the equatorial floor of the Atlantic Ocean, scientists discovered “extreme” shrimp, which by some miracle did not turn into a dish Sous Vide: the water temperature at the thermal crater reaches 60-70 degrees Celsius, or even more.
  • Shrimp often molt, shedding their narrow old shell and growing a larger shell.
  • The shrimp's heart is located in its... head!
  • In Judaism, shrimp are prohibited as food, like other crustaceans.
  • The annual shrimp catch is more than 3.5 million tons, and their total value exceeds $10 billion.
  • The noise created by a school of shrimp is deafening - 246 decibels (for comparison, the noise when a jet plane takes off is 140 dB). The “shrimp” noise can be recreated if all the inhabitants of the planet gather in one place and simultaneously start frying bacon in frying pans.
  • If in Russia they say “When the crayfish whistles on the mountain,” then in England the saying goes like this: “When shrimps learn to whistle.”
  • The artificial lake Beloe, near the city of Beloozersk, Berezovsky district, is the only reservoir in Belarus where the eastern river shrimp is found. Scientists brought it here more than 30 years ago.
    It was no coincidence that it was decided to try to breed shrimp on White Lake. The fact is that due to the Berezovskaya State District Power Plant, the temperature in the canal is higher than in other reservoirs in the country. White Lake is a cooling pond for the station. According to locals, the water here does not freeze even in winter, and in summer it warms up to +30 °C degrees.
    In 1982, about 1.5 thousand adult specimens were released into the lake. Since then, it has successfully acclimatized and entered the diet of predatory fish.
    There is no commercial shrimp fishing.

One of the most popular seafood is shrimp, not just regular shrimp, but king shrimp. Many people know them and often buy them, but not many know, for example, that king prawns are called king shrimp only because of their size. There is no such species as “royal”; several species of large shrimp fall under this name.

Shrimp are either warm-blooded or cold-blooded, and the cold-blooded shrimp are much larger in size and are called king shrimp. Almost all types king prawns have a large head and a much smaller tail. Therefore, they have less valuable meat than, for example, tiger shrimp, but it is much tastier. King prawns can reach a length of 35 cm and weigh up to 250g!

Dietary properties of king prawns

Shrimp meat is not very high in calories and is considered dietary. 100 grams of uncooked shrimp contains up to 107 kcal. This is the same as, for example, in potatoes, bananas, and lean fish. Interestingly, king prawns have fewer calories than small varieties. The low calorie content is due to the fact that shrimp meat contains practically no fat, but is rich in unsaturated components. fatty acids, which are necessary for normal heart function.

In general, shrimp meat contains almost half of the periodic table of chemical elements. If you eat 100 g of king prawn meat per day, then the need for daily norm Yoda will be satisfied. Although meat contains quite a lot of cholesterol, due to the lack of saturated fat, it does not pose a threat to blood vessels.

King prawn shell

If the shrimp were collected immediately after molting, their shell will be soft and thin, although taste qualities it is not reflected. When buying boiled-frozen shrimp, you need to look at the tail. A bent tail is a sign that after catching the shrimp, it was immediately boiled alive and did not lie there. If her head is blackened, then it is better not to buy such a product at all: blackness indicates that the product has already been frozen and has spoiled. When cooked, the red color of shrimp is given by a substance called astaxanthin, which is 10 times stronger than any antioxidant.

Shrimp is so popular in the world that English language there is even a saying similar in meaning to our expression “When the cancer whistles on the mountain.” were a favorite dish of ancient cooks, but not boiled, but baked or fried.

How to cook king prawns

Usually stores sell already boiled shrimp, which are simply then frozen. Just defrost them in the microwave, and the shrimp are ready to eat. If you have fresh frozen seafood on hand, you can easily cook it yourself.

To do this, you need to take 1 kg of king prawns, defrost them and rinse them. Pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, add a little salt, a few black peppercorns, you can throw a sprig of parsley or a leaf into the water bay leaf. Pour shrimp into boiling water, bring to a boil again and cook for 5 minutes.

It is important not to overcook here, because then the shrimp meat will look like rubber. While the shrimp are cooking, you can prepare several sauces for them. The simplest ones are a mixture of mayonnaise and ketchup and a mixture olive oil with lemon juice, you can add some spices if you wish.

How king prawns are cooked in different countries

Interestingly, shrimp are not only boiled in water. In some countries, such as Italy, seafood is cooked raw in milk or cream. In Japan and China it is prepared with the addition of green tea. In Russia, some manage to cook them in beer and even vodka!

This amazing creature has many names, the most famous of which are Macrobrachium Rosenberg, giant river shrimp and long-armed shrimp. Experts say that her meat is very tasty. And we tend to believe them. It is not for nothing that many farms have been built in southeast Asia, in other countries and even in the south of Russia, where these arthropods are bred for sale. In addition, Macrobrachium rosenbergii can become a very interesting object for display in an aquarium. They have a rather unusual appearance and habits. Read our article about how to properly keep giant freshwater shrimp in your home pond.

The areas of its distribution in nature are India, Vietnam, Malaysia, Northern Australia, the Philippines and New Guinea. Adult shrimp can be found there most often in fresh, quiet, heavily overgrown reservoirs, the bottom of which is lined with sand and stones, and littered with snags. The temperature in them, depending on the season, ranges from 24 to 32 degrees. When it's time to spawn, they migrate to lower rivers or estuaries, where the water is saltier.

What does a Rosenberg shrimp look like?

The sizes of these creatures are quite large, females are approximately 28 cm, and males are 32 cm. The weight of the latter can reach 250 g, and they also have large, long, coal-colored claws. Sometimes the right and left are different sizes.

Equipment: filter, dim lighting. The current should not be strong. Daylight hours are 12 hours.

Priming. You can put dark-colored river sand with a fraction of 2-4 mm on the bottom. The surface should not be flat. Terraces and depressions are welcome.

Shelters and decor. The giant Vietnamese shrimp grows very quickly and therefore sheds often. During this period, she is extremely defenseless and can easily be eaten by her relatives. To protect it, you need to arrange a sufficient number of shelters. These can be snags, thickets, stone piles, grottoes, ceramic pipes.

Flora. It is better not to use live aquarium plants. They will be eaten. You can try planting “tasteless” cryptocoryne or ophiopogon, while feeding the shrimp with pre-scalded lettuce, dandelion, burdock, and nettle. If this does not help, then there is only one way out - to decorate the aquarium with artificial plants. It is better to place them in dense groups.

Our pets adapt quite quickly and can adapt to life under other conditions. However, if these recommendations are followed, the living conditions will be as close as possible to natural ones, and the shrimp will live longer (4-5 years).

What to feed giant freshwater shrimp

Suitable for both animal and plant food. From live food, you can give tubifex, bloodworms, coretra, cyclops and large daphnia. From time to time it is advisable to treat amphibian larvae, mollusks, and live fish. Seafood (squid, mussels, haddock, pollock, cod fillet and others) will also be used. Of course, everything must be pre-chopped. From the vegetation it will be useful to feed scalded nettles, spinach and burdock. Sometimes you can give artificial fish food like Tetra and the like.

Feed is supplied as needed when the previous one is completely destroyed. If you leave it to sit for a long time, the water may deteriorate.

Is it possible to obtain offspring in captivity?

Overall this is not a difficult task. But! Water for breeding should be brackish.

Sexual maturity occurs at 4-5 months of age. Producers must be in good physical condition, active, without injury or disease.

Preparation period. Females are placed in a container with a temperature of 22 degrees. They are kept there for three weeks. Next, the temperature is increased to 28-29 days for three. All shrimp are given food in abundance. It is better to use live food, as well as artificial food, which contains at least 30 percent protein (for sturgeon and salmon fish).

For reproduction, a male and three to four females are placed in one container. After mating and spawning, the females take care of the eggs: ventilate them and remove dead ones.

Larval stage– the most difficult in the development of shrimp. It is very characteristic of her high mortality rate. It is extremely important to control all water parameters:

  • temperature 27-29,
  • salinity 12,
  • oxygen 5,
  • acidity 8-8.2,
  • nitrites 0.1,
  • other nitrogen compounds 0.001,
  • illumination 4000 lux,
  • daylight hours 12 hours.

Larval development consists of 12 stages. Each lasts approximately three days and ends with a molt.

Feeding begins on the second day, preferably fresh nauplii of arrhythmia. From the fifth day you can add the yolk of a boiled egg and minced fish.

Next comes the transformation into postlarvae. Also with rapid growth and frequent molts, the number of which decreases as they grow. Postlarvae are transplanted into a container with reduced salinity (6o/oo). They begin to lead a bottom-dwelling lifestyle. The diet can be supplemented with boiled vegetables and cereals.

Juveniles can be kept in community aquariums with fish and other small shrimp. But when their size reaches 5 cm, it is better to plant them, as they will become dangerous to others. It is also better to immediately separate parents from young people to avoid cannibalism.

This is interesting

The giant oriental Rosenberg shrimp is considered one of the most delicious, which is why in many countries and even in Russia they are bred for gastronomic purposes. In Thailand, this matter is completely on stream. Treating yourself to such a shrimp is not a cheap pleasure: one piece costs about 15-20 euros. They are transported live (in special cars or boxes with wet moss) or frozen.

In conclusion, we note that keeping, and even more so breeding, giant freshwater shrimp is not an entirely simple matter, but it is very interesting. That’s why if you have some experience in aquarium keeping, and most importantly, a desire, then go for it. You will definitely succeed!

Video: organizing a sectional shrimp tank:

Tiger prawns are considered an excellent delicacy among seafood lovers. They grow very quickly, reaching quite decent sizes. These decapods got their name due to the transverse stripes on the body and tail. As for the color of these same stripes, and of the shrimp in general, it depends on its variety.

There are many species of tiger shrimp in the world. The most popular of them are ordinary, black and green. All of them are distinguished by their juiciness, meatiness and excellent taste. Interestingly, two-thirds of tiger shrimp are grown on farms, where sometimes it is possible to obtain individuals weighing 1 kg. It is not surprising that these giants are in demand all over the world.

Common tiger shrimp(lat. Penaeus kerathurus) live in the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. The largest colonies are found in the Adriatic. Their head is much smaller than that of freshwater king prawns, but the tail, on the contrary, is much larger. Its weight occupies half of the mass of the entire body.

The tail of common tiger shrimp has transverse stripes. It is curious that in females they are green, but in males they are pink, not at all boyish, in color. True, if you buy these shrimp frozen in a supermarket, you will not find any stripes on their body - when the shrimp dies, its decoration disappears.

They settle at a depth of 40 to 60 meters. During daylight hours they hide, burying themselves in the sand, and at night they go in search of food. Females reach a length of 9-20 cm. When breeding, they do not need to carry eggs along their abdomen, since they have adapted to lay them on the seabed. The largest producing countries of common tiger shrimp are Vietnam and Thailand.

Black tiger shrimp(lat. Penaeus Monodon) live in the western Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic coasts of the United States. They are artificially bred in countries such as China, Vietnam, Taiwan and Malaysia. This business is quite profitable, since on farms some individuals reach a length of 36 cm and weigh a whole kilogram.

This variety is distinguished by a black shell and light transverse stripes. Interestingly, black tiger shrimp reproduce exclusively in their natural environment. To do this, their wild relatives come to spawn in warm coastal lagoons. Naturally, resourceful farmers have long studied all their favorite spawning places.

When it’s time for reproduction, special bamboo poles with algae tied to them are placed in the water. It is around them that young larvae gather. People can only collect them with nets and transfer them to special reservoirs.

Green tiger prawns found in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. In addition, through the Suez Canal they penetrated into the Mediterranean, where they successfully multiplied and took root. Their body color is light brown with dark transverse stripes. Scattered throughout the shell are small green patches of the different shapes. Females of this species grow up to 23 cm, they are juicier and fleshier than males.

Of course, the list of varieties is not limited to just the three named. Warm sea and ocean waters have also become a haven for brown (lat. Panaeus Esculentus), Japanese (lat. Panaeus Japonicus) and blue (lat. Penaeus stylirostris) tiger shrimp.