Rosstat named regions with high "alcohol" mortality. Causes and statistics of deaths from alcoholism

Alcohol abuse is known to contribute to the development of somatic and mental diseases and is directly or indirectly one of the most important causes of death in the population. Alcoholism and related diseases are second only to cardiovascular diseases and malignant neoplasms as the cause of death. Only directly from alcoholism in the USA about 100 thousand die annually, in England - more than 40 thousand [Gukasyan A. G., 1968], in France - 18 thousand people [Dobrovolsky Yu. A., 1968]. According to O. Geneke (1968), the mortality rate from alcoholism per 100,000 population in 1965 was 11.9 in France; in the SFRY - 2; US-1.4; Sweden - 0.9; Canada-1; HRR -0.7; Poland -0.3; Czechoslovakia -0.2.

Many scientists [Strelchuk IV, 1973; Baryot A., 1957; Lederman M.S., 1958; Steudler F., 1974, etc.] note a direct relationship between the death rate from alcoholic diseases and per capita alcohol consumption. In particular, the French researcher F. Steudler (1974) traces a direct relationship between mortality from liver cirrhosis (Table 11) and per capita alcohol consumption in certain countries of the world.

The number of deaths from cirrhosis of the liver in France increased from 2763 cases in 1946 to 17463 in 19.67. The number of patients admitted to psychiatric hospitals for alcoholism increased from 6704 in 1952 to 25937 in 1966.

Statistical data are given on the increase in mortality from alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver in Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark. Mortality from alcoholic cirrhosis in these countries last years increased by 3-6 times. J. Chevallier (1968) notes that the mortality among patients with complications of alcoholism treated in a therapeutic hospital was 11.6%. Most often, death occurred from hepatic coma. The average age of deceased women is 56 years, men - 60 years.

From cirrhosis of the liver caused by excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, 3140 people died in 1976, which is 14.8 per 100,000 population.

A statistical survey organized by US insurance companies showed that the average death rate of systematic drinkers is almost 2 times higher than non-drinkers. Alcohol abuse, according to American authors, reduces average duration life for about 20 years. It is no coincidence that in the capitalist countries some insurance companies refuse to insure the life of alcoholics or set large insurance premiums for them.

Alcohol abuse is associated with suicide, which is in a number of Western countries one of the major causes of death. Suicide among people with alcoholism is 10 times more common than among the general population. So, according to the Australian researcher J. Santamaria (1972), on the basis of alcoholism occurs from 17 to 22.4% of all suicidal attempts. According to J. Moser (1974), up to 32.8% of people suffering from alcoholism in various countries make suicide attempts. In the United States, 15,000 people commit suicide every year, and 25,000 people die from diseases that are directly caused by alcohol.

The American magazine "US News and World Report" in the article "The Growth of Alcoholism in the USA and New Measures to Combat It" (1973, No. 10) cites data that alcohol abuse is the cause of half of all fatal transport accidents, half of all homicides, a quarter of suicides; 80 thousand deaths per year are directly or indirectly related to alcoholism.

According to the Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination of the city of Kuibyshev, death from ethyl alcohol poisoning accounts for 7.6% of all cases of violent death and sudden deaths.

According to R. Costello, S. Schneider (1974), the main causes of death in patients with alcoholism are cardiovascular diseases, accidents, acute alcohol intoxication and cirrhosis of the liver. The authors found that the largest proportion of mortality occurs at the onset of alcoholism, by the first 5-6 years of its development. Violent death and death from acute alcohol intoxication is more often the lot of young people, and death from cardiovascular diseases and cirrhosis of the liver is more common for older people.

The works of G. Lowe, Hodges, A. Johnson (1974) show that in the state of Georgia, in 12.9 cases per 100,000 of the population, death is associated with alcohol consumption. In 67.8% of the dead, death was directly related to alcoholism, alcoholic psychosis and liver cirrhosis. All the deceased had a high concentration of alcohol in the blood.

W. Schmidt, J. Sint (1972) on the basis of epidemiological studies of the causes of death in patients with alcoholism come to the conclusion that the main causes leading to death are respiratory and digestive systems, pneumonia, liver cirrhosis, suicidal tendencies. These causes account for 2/3 of all deaths. In the remaining third, cardiac pathology ranks first. Mortality from sclerotic and degenerative changes in the heart muscle in patients with alcoholism was 2 times higher than among the general population (the authors explain this by alcohol intoxication, a special emotional state, years of smoking, lack of adequate nutrition in patients with alcoholism). In the etiology of cancer, according to the authors, it is not so much alcohol intoxication that plays a role, but smoking abuse. Mortality from alcoholism is highest among young people. The authors distinguish between acute and chronic effects of alcohol leading to death. In acute alcohol intoxication, death occurs as a result of an accident, suicide, alcoholic psychosis, pneumonia; with chronic alcohol intoxication - from cancer of the larynx, pharynx, esophagus, alcoholic psychosis, heart disease, pneumonia, cirrhosis of the liver.

In Russia. The depopulation of the population of the Russian Federation observed since 1992 is not only the result of a drop in the birth rate, but also a consequence of a significant number of deaths. It is unusual high level premature mortality of the Russian population continues to be the most acute and topical problem, making a significant contribution to the demographic crisis in our country and to life expectancy.

Therefore, the mortality rate in Russia, which is 2-3 times higher than similar indicators in economically developed countries, is interpreted as supermortality. At the same time, a significant number of cases of early death are directly or indirectly related to alcohol consumption.

Alcohol and mortality in Russia

Alcohol with mortality in Russia. What do the statistics say? According to A.V. Nemtsov, about a third of all deaths in our country are more or less related to alcohol. In different regions, alcohol mortality ranges from 30 to 46%, and the national average is 37% of all deaths.

In Siberia and the Far East, alcohol mortality exceeds 40% of total mortality. Meanwhile, mortality from violent causes is the main and probably the most obvious source of death of people, in which alcohol is sold. They are responsible for 72% of murders, 42% of suicides, 68% of deaths in cirrhosis of the liver. Naturally, deaths from alcohol poisoning are 100% related to it. This estimate of alcohol mortality is 10 times higher than the official data of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation, which do not exceed 3% of the total mortality of the population.

According to other researchers Kharchenko V.I. and others), currently alcohol mortality, together with the victims of heavy drinkers and alcoholics, in total does not exceed 25% of adult mortality. At the same time, the total alcohol losses in Russia in the period after 2002 amounted to an average of 16.3% of all deaths per year. Among people of working age, alcohol mortality in 2001 ranged from 33.7 to 42.1%, which 3.5 times higher than in the United States and other economically developed countries.

It should be noted that the demographic consequences of alcohol abuse are simply catastrophic. First of all, this is the premature mortality of about 400 thousand Russians annually, this is the reason for a serious decrease in life expectancy, especially among men. The alcohol problems of modern society make a significant contribution not only to the decline in the birth rate, but also to the deterioration of children's health, especially mental health.

Alcohol-related mortality is the most severe consequence of alcohol abuse. It is safe to say that our country occupies the sad first place in the world in terms of mortality from alcohol-related causes, far exceeding those of other countries.

Regional analysis of alcohol mortality statistics showed that it increases from south to north and from west to east. This pattern is typical for the entire European space - more northern countries and territories have more severe alcohol problems in the context of the state's restrictive policy.

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drinking pattern

In addition to the level of alcohol consumption, one should not forget about changing drinking patterns when strong alcoholic drinks begin to prevail over low-alcohol drinks in the structure of consumption, which contributes to the emergence of acute problems associated with alcohol.

SENSATION! Doctors are dumbfounded! ALCOHOLISM is gone FOREVER! All you need is every day after meals...

Consumption strong alcohol(40 degrees and above) in Russia amounted to 70-82% in different periods. It is consumption a large number strong alcohol, or the so-called northern type of consumption, which is most characteristic of the population of our country, leads to the creation of a high concentration of alcohol in the blood and damage internal organs. In this connection, there are also high mortality rates from accidental alcohol poisoning.

In the second half of the 1990s, the illegal turnover of such alcohol reached 60%. As a result, in 1992-1996 there was an explosive increase in the number of alcohol poisoning. Therefore, the rate of deaths from alcohol poisoning in Russia was 65 times higher European averages.

Alcohol and murder

According to various statistics 50-80% of homicides in the world are caused by drinking alcohol. In the US, this figure is 50-55%. In European countries, approximately 55% of violent crimes, including murders, were committed while intoxicated: Belgium - 40%, Estonia - 60%, Hungary - 35.4%, Norway - 80%, Poland - 56%, Sweden – 86%. Close figures (55%) are given for Scotland and France.

According to the latest data of domestic psychiatrists, In Russia, more than 80% of murders are committed in drunkenness . The proportion of drunken crimes among registered homicides increased from 46.5% to 67.8% between 2002 and 2006.

Alcohol and suicide

Years of study links between suicide and alcohol consumption at the level of small groups in different countries allowed the researchers to formulate some general conclusions:

1) a significant proportion of alcoholics and drunkards commit suicide,

2) for young men - heavy drinkers, the risk of suicide is 5 times higher, and for alcoholics - 9 times higher than for the rest of the population;

3) there are significantly more alcoholics and heavy drunkards among suicides than people with other diagnoses;

4) alcohol is found in the blood of a large part of suicides.

At the same time, Russia is one of the countries with a high dependence of the level of suicides on the level of alcohol consumption. It has been proven that an increase in per capita alcohol consumption in the Russian Federation by 1 liter adds 8 male suicides for every 100,000 men and 1 female suicide for every 100,000 women.

Meanwhile, researchers in works carried out in various regions of Russia claim that at least 30% of suicides (and a maximum of three-quarters of men and two-thirds of women) have alcohol in their blood.

In other countries, there has also been a significant incidence of alcohol consumption in suicides. In Sweden, alcohol was detected in the blood of 35% of suicides, in Finland - in 30.5%, in Brazil - in 32.2%, in New York it was detected in the blood in 33% of such cases.

Studies have confirmed the equal importance of alcohol in the implementation of suicidal intentions for representatives of different ethnic groups living in the same territory. At the same time, alcohol was found not only in those who had some kind of alcohol problems (was registered, drank heavily, etc.), but also in those about whom relatives and friends said: “I drank like everyone else”, and then "Almost did not drink."

It is known that depression and subdepression often occur after massive drinking, not only in alcoholics, but also in drunkards, not always heavy ones. This means that not only alcohol abuse affects the prevalence of suicide, suicide can also be provoked by "simple" drinking.

Mortality and diseases of the circulatory system

It is known that in modern Russia supermortality is largely due to diseases of the circulatory system. Mortality in our country from diseases of the circulatory system 3 times higher the level of mortality in economically developed countries, and such an excess of mortality is "artificial" in nature and is associated with the peculiarities of accounting and diagnostics, namely with the so-called default policy on alcoholism and alcohol abuse.

People who die from the somatic consequences of alcoholism, especially if they maintain a good social status during their lifetime and have a family, are almost never diagnosed with alcohol dependence, they are exposed to " mask diagnoses, diseases are diagnosed first of cardio-vascular system. Therefore, these figures in the Russian Federation are underestimated by approximately 15-20 times..

The results of a special correlation analysis convincingly demonstrate that mortality from diseases of the circulatory system is directly dependent on the level of alcohol consumption per capita and its quality. High consumption of counterfeit alcohol turns risk factors for circulatory system diseases into risk factors for death, and also leads to an enormous increase in other somatic pathologies, including pancreatitis, hepatitis and liver cirrhosis.

The problem of defining alcohol-related mortality

Determining the impact of alcohol on mortality remains problematic. IN International Classification of Diseases 10th Revision (ICD-10) there are nosological units in which death is associated with the use of alcohol. For example, there is no doubt that a person will die as a result of the following causes of death: mental and behavioral disorders caused by alcohol use; degeneration nervous system caused by alcohol; alcoholic polyneuropathy; alcoholic myopathy; alcoholic cardiomyopathy; alcoholic liver disease; pancreatitis of alcoholic etiology; fetal alcohol syndrome; accidental (deliberate or with indeterminate intentions) poisoning (exposure) with alcohol.

At the same time, for a long period, statistical bodies took into account only three nosologies - mortality due to alcoholism, alcoholic liver disease, poisoning by alcohol or its surrogates. Only since 2005 have additional data been collected on deaths due to alcoholic cardiomyopathy, alcoholic pancreatitis, and alcoholic degeneration of the nervous system. The importance of alcohol in cerebrovascular accidents is still not taken into account.

As a result, after the start of accounting, it was found that mortality from alcoholic cardiomyopathy in Russia is more than 100 times higher than in the USA or France, and even in Finland (a country with a northern type of alcohol consumption), where the mortality rate is about 10 times lower than in the Russian Federation. The death rate from alcohol poisoning in our country generally seems incomparable with the indicators of these states.

Given the above, it can be summarized that the existing level and structure of alcohol consumption in the Russian Federation, low quality alcoholic products cause colossal damage to people's health, contributing to their degradation and causing a further increase in the so-called alcohol-related mortality in the country.

Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages causes significant damage to health, leads to disability, mental disorders. Addiction negatively affects the social, economic environment and society as a whole. But much more horrific death from alcoholism. According to statistics, more than 3 million people die from this disease in the world every year. This is about 6% of all deaths.

Death occurs as a result of cardiac arrest, failure of damaged organs, injuries, accidents, suicides. Alcoholics rarely live past 50, dying painfully and slowly. Before death, a complete degradation of the personality is observed, the patient cannot eat, he often feels sick, vomits, his heart, head, stomach, all muscles and body hurt.

Some statistics

  • 16% of alcoholics die from cirrhosis of the liver;
  • 25% of cases are accidental poisonings;
  • 18% of addicts die from cardiovascular pathologies (alcoholic cardiomyopathy);
  • 13% of deaths are associated with an exacerbation chronic diseases, organ failure;
  • 28% are accidents.

In different countries, the percentage of causes of death due to alcoholism is different. In Russia, men aged 20–69 are more likely to die from accidental alcohol poisoning and cardiomyopathy. The third place is occupied by cirrhosis of the liver. In total, about half a million people die every year. According to Rospotrebnadzor, alcoholism is the cause of death for about 30% of men and 15% of women.

Causes of death

Alcohol, even in small doses, has a negative impact on human health. Ethyl alcohol damages all organs and systems, causes metabolic disorders, and increases the risk of cancer. Already 10 years after being introduced to alcohol, 69% of people become addicted. Almost all of them are not aware of their illness and do not want to get rid of addiction.

Mental and physical dependence progresses quickly enough. A person finally becomes an inveterate drunkard in at least 2 years, a maximum of 17 years. At the last stage of alcoholism, there is a serious degradation of the personality, the patient has an untidy appearance, red swollen face, thin emaciated body. With cirrhosis of the liver, the skin becomes yellow, if ascites joins, then the stomach swells.

Painful condition, frequent vomiting, hallucinations, withdrawal symptoms do not stop the alcoholic, and he continues to drink. At the last stage, a glass of vodka is enough for intoxication. But alcoholics do not know the measure and drink to unconsciousness. As a result, alcohol intoxication or an exacerbation of one of the chronic diseases one day ends in death. Every alcoholic has a different cause of death. It is impossible to predict why it will come.


Cause of death, which is the most common in Russia. The state of severe intoxication and withdrawal syndrome lead to various behavioral disorders, loss of self-control, and a decrease in self-preservation instincts. As a result, the risk of death increases. Death comes:

  • as a result of drowning, fire, freezing;
  • from an injury incompatible with life (fall, household or others);
  • in a drunken fight, an accident;
  • alcoholic commits suicide.

Alcohol causes inhibition of the cells of the cerebral cortex, has a false-warming and analgesic effect. An alcoholic has no control over his emotions. He can fall and break his head, fall asleep on the street in cold weather, cross the road in the wrong place, or even worse, drive while intoxicated. Considering that drunkenness is not encouraged by society, and many treat alcoholics with disdain, it is not necessary to count on outside help in such cases.


Official statistics call alcohol poisoning the cause of 3% of all deaths in Russia. But the true state of affairs is even worse, because doctors often indicate a cardiovascular diagnosis in the death certificate. Severe alcohol intoxication causes heart failure. Irregular contractions lead to insufficient blood supply to internal organs and sudden coronary death. With large doses of alcohol, death occurs within a few minutes.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the poisoning with low-quality booze, surrogates. In the last stages of alcoholism, patients due to lack of funds are forced to buy cheap booze, which is often made from the most harmful, toxic ingredients. Alcohol poisoning develops instantly even at small doses.

The lethal amount of alcohol for each person is different. Here it is important to take into account age, weight, state of health, tolerance to drinking. It matters whether a person has a bite or not and what, for what time period he drinks alcohol. For a healthy non-drinking man weighing 70 kg, a dose of 300 ml of pure ethanol (750 ml of spirits or 6 liters of beer) drunk in 5 hours is considered fatal. To the drinking man for a lethal outcome, 600 ml of ethanol will be required, that is, 2 times more.

Sometimes death occurs as a result of mixing drugs and alcohol. Especially often this happens with the joint use of sedatives, hypnotics and alcohol. A person falls into a drunken sleep, during which vomiting begins due to intoxication. The masses fall into Airways, and the patient dies of suffocation, never waking up.

Accompanying illnesses

As statistics show, alcoholics mostly die from pathologies of internal organs. Alcohol abuse leads to the development of more than 200 diseases. Often the damage grows slowly. Month after month, year after year, organs get worse and worse at their function, until they stop working altogether. Less commonly, death occurs as a result of acute deficiency, for example, when drinking alcohol during an exacerbation or when an infection is added.

List of diseases that lead to death in alcoholism:

  • cardiomyopathy (myocardial dystrophy);
  • sudden heart attack;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • acute and chronic pancreatitis;
  • gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and 12 duodenal ulcer;
  • oncological diseases;
  • neurological disorders (polyneuropathy, polyneuritis);
  • alcoholic delirium (acute Gaye-Wernicke encephalopathy);
  • epilepsy;
  • severe pneumonia, tuberculosis.

The most vulnerable organs for alcohol are the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, brain cells, liver, blood vessels and heart, kidneys. Moreover, a failure in the operation of one link in the chain leads to a disruption in the operation of the entire system. If left untreated, diseases accumulate like a snowball. At the moment when the most affected organ begins to fail, all the others are also not very viable. That is why addicts do not undergo transplantation.

Alcoholism is a global problem today. More people die from the disease than from wars or AIDS. The highest percentage of deaths is observed in the category 20-59 years (55%). Drinking at a young age leads to disorientation in society. Alcoholics harm not only themselves, but also society. With unwillingness to be treated, many die in poverty, loneliness, deeply ill people.

Death due to alcohol consumption remains common. How many die from alcohol? What are the causes of death? What happens to organs drinking alcohol?

How many people die from alcohol in Russia

The number of official alcoholics in the country is 6 million, drinking fellow citizens are even more. How many die from alcohol? According to unofficial statistics, this is 1/3 of male deaths and 1/6 of female deaths. Official data is not so sad - in the conclusions about death in 3% of cases, alcohol was named as the root cause. Many crimes happen thanks to alcohol, among them suicides and murders. During the year, only 50,000 fatal poisonings with low-quality alcohol occur in the country - approximately the same number of people live in some regional centers.

Direct and indirect causes

  • Drunk citizens become the culprits on the roads, not only drunk drivers die, but also innocent motorists and bystanders.
  • In addition to instant deaths provoked by alcohol, drinking people die from serious diseases arising from the use of alcohol.
  • How many die from alcohol? 25% of deaths from cardiovascular pathologies, most of those who died from cirrhosis of the liver and pancreatitis are "hardened" alcoholics.
  • Alcohol can also lead to instant death - if you drink a liter of vodka quickly, it can cause alcohol poisoning.
  • In drunken companies, quarrels often occur, ending in stabbing and brutal murders.
  • If a sober person is simply offended, then alcohol releases base instincts, brutal murders occur, where the closest relatives and friends become victims.
  • Drunk citizens are more likely to become victims of accidents, they have impaired coordination and speed of perception. For this reason, being under a degree, you can die from electricity or fire, drown in a pond, freeze.
  • Drunk people tend to get into fights, but the "fighters" of them are bad.
  • Drunk people are many times more likely than sober people to die under the wheels of cars, trains and trams, fall on the rails in the subway.

Mortality from alcohol is high, people who drink voluntarily poison their own bodies and refuse to be treated for addiction. In such a situation, even the best medicine is powerless.

Video about the problem of "Alcoholism" from Oleg Boldyrev

Treatment of alcoholism. Candidate of Medical Sciences, psychiatrist-narcologist, psychotherapist - Oleg Boldyrev, about whether it is possible to cure forever drug addicts and people suffering from alcoholism or not.

Don't let alcohol kill you! Contact the experts now!

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What happens to organs

A lethal dose for a young healthy man of average build is a quickly drunk bottle of vodka. If a person is distinguished by good health, then for some time such “experiments” may end in banal poisoning. But the mechanism of destruction of internal organs is launched, and another “fortress experiment” leads to the fact that the ambulance is forced to declare death.

With a sharp increase ethyl alcohol in the blood, the heart rhythm goes astray, the heart stops pumping blood, the organs die from oxygen starvation - this is called sudden coronary death. About 20% of these deaths occur in citizens who have never suffered from heart disease. If the drunkard suffers from diseases of the cardiovascular system, then death comes like a bolt from the blue - from a relatively modest dose of alcohol.

Often death occurs on the second day after drinking alcohol.

Deficiencies in the cardiovascular system often affect young people who do not know about it. For this reason, many young men die - for them, the expansion of peripheral vessels caused by alcohol, which leads to a decrease in perfusion pressure, is fatal. For such people, the sauna is deadly, or simply hot water in a state of intoxication - the heart stops.

Pathologists are often at a loss what to write in the conclusion: alcohol intoxication or heart disease. Under the influence of relatives, sudden death from a heart attack or stroke under the influence of alcohol is often qualified as a consequence of a disease or heart disease, although alcohol became the trigger for death. In such cases health care late, not only alcoholics, but also quite respectable people who note strong drinks holiday.

Ethyl alcohol is officially named the cause of the development of sixty serious diseases with an acute onset. Under the influence of alcohol, not only heart diseases develop, but also oncology, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the psyche. Of particular danger is delirium - delirium tremens, accompanied by hallucinations.

Under the influence of delirium, alcoholics jump from rooftops, throw themselves out of windows - such patients do not want to kill themselves, they flee from frightening hallucinations.

Often the cause of death is acute pancreatitis, causing abscesses, bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract and phlegmon. Death occurs as a result of poisoning own products pancreas. Severe pain characteristic of this disease causes pain shock, adrenal necrosis and vascular collapse. The situation with the pancreas is aggravated by the fact that alcohol is eaten on holidays with fatty, fried, spicy dishes.

Alcoholics tend to get sick with all kinds of infections, this also increases their mortality rate. It is safe to say that without alcohol the patient would have lived much longer. People with poor health with alcohol abuse die young, among centenarians in the history of mankind, not a single alcoholic has been noted. It is impossible to say exactly how long an alcoholic lives, it depends on how strong the body is, how much it can withstand constant alcohol poisoning.

The unexpected departure from the lives of young and seemingly healthy men - in most cases, alcohol is behind this. All hidden pathologies and chronic diseases under the influence of alcohol become aggravated and intensified, leading to the rapid development of the disease or sudden death.

According to statistics, the death rate from alcohol in Russia is more than 4%. This figure is much more than the death of people from military conflicts, AIDS, viruses combined. The total number of deaths from alcohol in the world is 2.6 million lives annually. Russia accounts for approximately 600 thousand people, it turns out that every year all the people of a small town die. A scary figure that tends to develop: the number of deaths from alcohol is growing year by year and this figure is not going to stop.

Causes of death from alcohol

The death rate from alcoholism is largely related to the economic component. If in the countries of Africa and Asia, people, starting to live better, are drawn into addiction, the inhabitants of Europe and Russia are increasingly indulging in drunken drunkenness due to a decrease in social status. In addition, alcohol in our country has always been a way to "cure emotional distress." They yelled at work - drink, scandals at home - get drunk, a celebration with friends - raise a couple of glasses.

Fact! The number of patients with alcoholism is growing, the growth rate is 1.5-2% annually. These figures include not only adults, but also teenagers from 14 years old. Due to one reason or another, every fifth citizen of Russia dies every year from alcohol dependence, toxication and pathologies.

According to official data, our country ranks fifth in the ranking of countries in terms of the amount of alcohol consumed per capita. But these are only indicators of statistics, which are frankly not complete enough. No one takes into account degraded patients who do not work, therefore they do not have any documents, and are not included in the population census list. They don't exist, but they die every day and every year. And how many people really died, drinking to death, no one will tell.

Experts believe that due to the complex social and economic component, in Russia over the past and this year, there has been an excess of mortality. The reason is the "rejuvenation" of alcoholics. Beer, cocktails, various alcohol-containing tonics attract great amount teenagers. Among the respondents aged 13-15, 65% already know the taste of alcohol very well, and 28% were ill from poisoning with low-quality alcohol.

Current position

The sharp increase in prices led to the fact that people began to buy low-quality alcohol more often, and mortality statistics also quickly went up. For six months of this year, 68% of patients got alcohol poisoning. On the day of death, approximately 1,400 lives are taken, and this number of deaths is precisely from alcohol.

Fact! Every year, up to 300,000 people suffer in road accidents caused by drunk drivers. More than half of them die, many remain crippled for life. 15% of the indicated number of people are children under the age of 10 years.

The numbers are really scary. Considering that drunk drivers are mostly young people aged 18-35, the situation is that in a couple of years there will not be a single sober citizen left in the country. Besides that craze alcoholic drinks leads to degradation and increased mortality, this is the cause of the birth of handicapped children, miscarriages in early and late pregnancy, casual sexual relationships and, as a result, abortions. And what abortions lead to in youth does not need to be explained - infertility.

The consequences of abuse are expressed not only in high mortality from alcohol:

  1. Increased suicide rates among normally healthy fit people (62.1%);
  2. In a state of intoxication, a huge number of murders are committed (72.2%);
  3. From cirrhosis of the liver, pancreatitis, 68% of all patients die;
  4. Pathologies of the cardiovascular system, which appeared as a result of alcohol abuse, lead to death in 23.3%.

It should be remembered that anyone who has drunk low-quality alcohol can die. In terms of the number of poisonings, Russia also ranks first - last year about half a million such cases were registered, and 10% of patients died before the ambulance arrived. And these are people who have asked for help, have a family, relatives and are not malicious alcoholics. They just wanted to drink a glass of vodka or cognac, from which death occurred, and how many people die unidentified - this data is not provided by any statistical center.

To drink or not to drink?

If a person dies not from old age and a long illness, confirmed by medication, he is sent for an autopsy. Pathologists detect the presence of alcohol in the blood in 70% of the dead. Often, at the request of relatives or officials, this fact is not mentioned in the documents so that the death statistics of this particular region are not violated. Therefore, we do not know exactly how many people die because of alcohol.

Fact! On average, a Russian begins to taste alcohol at the age of 13. At the same time, only a third of the number are boys, the rest are girls. Every fifth person under the age of 14 drinks alcohol (vodka, beer, cocktails) every day. Sociologists will look for the reasons for the surge in alcoholism in this age group, we can only state the data: by the age of 20, such people are completely dependent on alcohol, they are distinguished by deviant behavior, a labile psyche and a complete lack of goals. That is, a person still lives, but as a person he dies .

Doctors are sounding the alarm: according to statistics, a young body gets used to alcohol much faster and is more difficult to cure. And in 79% of cases, binge alcoholism leads to the death of adolescents. This happens under the influence of alcoholic beverages, against the background of the consumption of which depression occurs.

Today, Russia is in a serious position: for every thousand deaths, a third occurs due to alcohol. In such numbers, people died only in the "violent 90s", when there was rampant crime and gunshot wounds. Age gradations are the same: of the total number of deaths, 55% died before reaching 35 years. From alcohol, a person does not die immediately, of course, not when poisoned by counterfeit products. First you want to be cheerful, then attachment sets in, and only then does alcohol become a necessary component in solving any problems.

Unfortunately, in our country there are no effective tendencies to motivate a person not to drink at all, as happens, for example, in Muslim countries. IN different quantities and with varying frequency, but we all drink. And the worst thing is that today those who die at the age of 35-45 exceed the death rate of older people in number. In fact, humanity is dying out, and all because the very culture of drinking has died, alcohol has become more accessible. And now a person with any income, regardless of age, can buy a drink.