How to pickle for hot smoking. Marinades for hot smoked meat

How to do marinade for smoking meat and fish and what is needed for this? Approximately such a thought flickers in the head of many passing rows with smoked meats in the market or shop counters with smoked products. After all, the aroma of such goodies attracts us to itself, like a magnet, and causes salivation in both hungry and well-fed people.

Essential steps for home smoking - salting and marinating . The salting of both fish and meat not only prolongs the shelf life of the mentioned products, but also helps to destroy the bacteria and helminths present in them, and block putrefactive processes. This procedure is especially relevant for raw materials that are subsequently cold smoked.

The concentration of the salt solution is selected depending on whether you intend to eat your own smoked products immediately or prepare delicacies for the future. For the first case, it is quite enough to hold the fish (meat) for a couple of hours in a mild solution.

In the second, there should be enough salt in the solution so that a raw egg or potatoes, and the exposure time increases (for fish - up to several hours, for meat - up to a day or more). Moreover, the heavier the piece of meat or fish, the longer they need to be in the salt solution.

Marinades, used in cooking for processing meat, poultry and fish before smoking, are liquid or semi-liquid mixtures that enrich the taste and make hard pieces much softer, saturating them with moisture, which does not allow them to dry out later.

Basically, various marinades for smoking are made according to general principle: all their ingredients are mixed before soaking prepared foods in them.

For cooking marinades for smoked meats salt, water, sugar, olive or sunflower oil, wine vinegar, pepper (black and allspice), garlic, lemon juice, all kinds of fresh and dry herbs (for example, mint, cilantro, parsley, basil, dill), cloves, mustard and other spices.

Smoking masters recommend using food saltpeter if you need to smoke very a large number of meat, planning to store this batch of home-smoked product long time. In this case, it is customary to add saltpeter at the rate of two to three percent in relation to the proportion of salt indicated in the recipe.

The acidic liquids that make up marinades balance their savory or sweetish taste. The addition of sugar favors the formation of a crispy crust. The minimum marinating time is at least two hours.

Homemade recipe for a universal marinade for smoking meat, fish and chicken

Would need:

  • olive oil - 150 grams
  • lemon juice - 100 grams
  • honey - 1/2 cup
  • dry spice mix - 1/2 cup
  • fresh chopped parsley - 1/2 cup
  • crushed garlic -3 cloves
  • salt - 1 teaspoon
  • ground black pepper - to taste

Cooking process:

The above components must be mixed in a large container and only after that marinate chicken, fish or meat intended for smoking for ten hours in the resulting mixture. Then it is necessary to smoke the product in a hot way.

Marinade for smoking meat at home is used to make the meat soften and become more tender. Also, due to pickling, the required heat treatment time is significantly reduced. Pre-marination affects the final taste qualities smoked meat. By selecting different components for the marinade, you can create different flavors of meat. We will look at several options simple recipes, which will help to prepare wonderful smoked meats. The principle of preparing them all is extremely simple - just mix all the ingredients, pre-chopping them if necessary.

Red wine marinade

  • 300 ml red wine. You should not take expensive drinks, the average price range is quite suitable.
  • 200 ml olive or refined sunflower oil.
  • 100 g mustard.
  • A bunch of parsley.
  • Salt.
  • Pepper.

Marinade on kefir

  • 200 ml of kefir.
  • 1.5 tsp Sahara.
  • 3 tbsp vegetable oil.
  • 3 cloves of minced garlic.
  • Salt.
  • Pepper.

Marinade with ketchup

  • 200 g ketchup (or diluted tomato paste).
  • 2 tbsp honey. If it is solid, you need to melt it in a water bath and cool to room temperature.
  • 50 ml vegetable oil.
  • A bunch of chopped dill.
  • Salt.
  • Pepper.

Marinade on beer

  • 500 ml of dark beer (light beer has a less pronounced taste).
  • 2 lemon cloves.
  • Juice of half a lemon.
  • 2 tsp paprika.
  • 1 tbsp mustard.
  • Salt.
  • Marinate the meat for 2-5 hours. How larger pieces meat, the longer it takes for it to soak well.
  • Aluminum utensils for pickling should not be used - it quickly oxidizes. Use enamelware. A regular package is also quite suitable if there is no pan or basin at hand. Wooden dishes are not suitable, because they actively absorb moisture. It will be very difficult to wash it afterwards.
  • Instead of vinegar, it is recommended to add lemon juice to the marinade. Vinegar has a pungent taste and smell that can overpower other ingredients.
  • Experiment with different dry herbs and spices to create new and original marinades.
Any marinade for smoking meat at home can make even an ordinary harsh piece of beef, pork or other type of meat tender and tasty.

Smoked meat is no longer a delicacy, but an almost everyday delicacy. Even the girls who adhere proper nutrition don't mind eating a bite smoked chicken or beef. Men, on the other hand, prefer fatter and more satisfying pieces, choosing smoked pork.

However, so that the meat does not turn into a dry piece lying around in the refrigerator, you need to choose the right pork, right kind and a salting recipe and properly prepare for smoking. Marinade for smoked pork, whether sweet or spicy, will turn any product into a homemade masterpiece.

For home smoked Any kind of meat will do, but smoked pork is a classic. For a classic to be admired, the pork must be perfect.

Good meat is elastic. When pressed, the place under the finger should easily and quickly return to its previous state.

Quality pork pink. Very bright colors indicate the presence of artificial dyes. Faded, cloudy or red - about the illness or old age of the animal.

The same applies to the fat layer, which must be present in the selected piece. fat fresh meat white. Yellow only for stale product.

Also, the carcass should not have plaque, mucus and foreign smell.

Pieces can be chosen from any part of the carcass, based on their personal preferences. Any will do for smoking.

Types of smoking

There are several types of smoking, depending on the temperature. They differ in the duration of preparation and storage. The taste for all types depends on salting and marinating meat for smoking at home.

Hot smoking

With this type, the product is cooked at relatively high temperatures, so it takes only a few hours. However, at the exit, the meat may turn out to be dryish, for this, with a hot method, it is preferable fatty varieties. Suitable this way even for smoking an apartment.

Cold smoking

Takes from 2 days to a week low temperatures. The time depends on the desired degree of smoke impregnation, the type of meat and the size of the pieces. Any kind of meat will do, but it is preferable to cook in a private house.

Pieces of meat for smoking should be of medium size. Small ones will burn out or get very dry. Very large ones are difficult to smoke to the desired state and take too long.

If they are preparing for a wedding in Zamshany, then they sign up in advance for the well-known hostess Maria BIRUK. It's better than Masha meat snacks no one will cook. The hostess is very responsible in her work: she starts working from the moment when the carcass of a pig or a calf is dismantled.

Masha immediately directs how to cut meat or bacon, how to chop ribs.

“I am a livestock specialist by profession, but I work as a commandant of recreation centers on Pesochny Lake,” says Maria. - I learned to cook myself. I first took up this business when my niece was getting married. Managed, and so for 15 years cooking meat snacks. According to the hostess, it is better to have both pork and veal for a big opportunity. Then the dishes will be tastier. Maria advises baking ham not whole, but cut into pieces. For baking, he selects good pulp, and he selects the one with lard for minced meat. As Masha said, she cooks simple meals, without any "hiccups".

Pate in jars

2 kg of meat, 7.5 kg of liver, 5 kg of cheeks, 15 onions - grind everything raw in a meat grinder. Add 15 eggs, salt and pepper to taste. Arrange in clean steamed jars and put in the oven. Pour some water into the plaques. Oven 1.5-2 hours, depending on the oven.


Take two pieces of veal and one piece of pork. Cut into cubes, add salt, pepper, ground coriander, a lot of crushed garlic. Stir by adding a little water. Stuff the intestines, prick with a needle and bake for 45 minutes.

meat roll

Cut the meat from the inguinal region into rectangular pieces, beat off. Salt, pepper, grease with crushed garlic and rub with onions, sprinkle with a little instant gelatin. You can start stuffing to your taste: strips of bacon, mushrooms, carrots, prunes. Roll up the roll, tie with twine. Wrap in baking paper. When the roll is baked, cool and put under oppression.


Boil the meat from the head, skin, lungs and kidneys. Cut everything into strips. Meanwhile, rub the stomach with salt for an hour. Then rinse very hot water and clean, sprinkling with salt. Finally rinse with vinegar water and stuff. Maria adds pepper, salt, ground Bay leaf, mustard, coriander. In a well-heated oven, the brawn is baked for 3 hours. When it cools down - under oppression.

Marinade for smoking meat

For 10 liters of water - 2.5 liters of salt.
Separately, we take 2 liters of water, 2 packs of black and allspice peas, 1 pack of cloves and coriander (peas), 200 g of sugar. Boil and boil over low heat for half an hour. Pour into salt water. Soak lard and meat or ribs in a cold marinade for 2-3 days. Then smoke.

Herring in tomato

For 1.5 kg of fish: 200 ml of water and oil, 150 g of vinegar, 3 tbsp. spoons tomato sauce, 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 2 tbsp. spoons of salt. Season to taste with black pepper, coriander, allspice, bay leaf. Boil everything together and cool. Meanwhile, peel the fish from the ridges (do not remove the peel), rinse and pour the marinade, layering with onion rings. In a day, the fish is ready to eat.

homemade mackerel

Boil two handfuls in 1 liter of water onion peel, strain. In a hot broth, pour 4 tbsp. spoons of salt, 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, pour 100 ml liquid smoke. AT cold marinade put mackerel for two days, periodically turn over. Remove the fish and hang overnight by the tails to glass the liquid. Then rub with oil and refrigerate.

Marinating is an important step in the preparation of smoked meat, which affects the taste of the finished delicacy no less than smoking itself. During pickling, the product is saturated with moisture, becomes juicy, acquires the necessary flavor accents and is prepared for processing with smoke and high temperature in a smokehouse.

We offer you to familiarize yourself with several popular recipes for marinade and brine, which will allow you to independently prepare meat for smoking and cook wonderful smoked meats.

Commonly used marinade ingredients

Meat marinade is a type of brine in which spices are added. Most often, the following components are used to prepare marinades:

  • dill
  • garlic
  • celery
  • carrot
  • basil
  • ginger
  • marjoram
  • star anise
  • white or red wine
  • saffron
  • ground mustard
  • cinnamon
  • cloves

Also use dried berries, dark beer, special seasonings and spices for meat, which are chosen to your taste. There are no strict requirements regarding the compatibility of ingredients and seasonings, so feel free to use the ingredients that you are used to using for cooking meat.

Let's look at some of popular recipes marinade.

Recipe 1. Wine marinade for pork


The listed dry seasonings are added to taste. Before cooking, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the meat under running water, then put it in a colander or hang it by hooks so that excess moisture is removed from the glass.


  • Pour wine and vegetable oil into a deep saucepan or other suitable container.
  • Add dry spices, pepper and salt.
  • Stir the liquid until a homogeneous composition is formed from wine and oil.
  • Immerse the meat in the marinade so that the pieces are completely hidden in the liquid (use an additional weight if necessary).
  • Keep the pork in the marinade for 10-12 hours.
  • After the specified time, remove the meat from the pan, put it in a colander, on a tray or hang it by hooks to remove excess liquid.
  • When the surface of the pieces is a little weathered, you can start smoking.

Recipe 2. Fruit marinade for pork


  • salt - to taste
  • tangerine - 1 pc.
  • chili pepper - 1 pc.
  • cardamom - to taste
  • kiwi - 2 pcs.

This marinade can be supplemented with any fruits and seasonings of your choice.


  • Squeeze out the tangerine juice.
  • Cook with kiwi fruit puree(You can use a blender, food processor or a regular meat grinder for this).
  • Mix all the ingredients, gradually adding ground chili, cumin and other seasonings to your taste.
  • Stir the liquid until a homogeneous composition is obtained.
  • Pour the marinade over the meat and soak in it for at least 3 hours.

After the specified time, remove the product from the liquid. Start smoking when the pieces are a little dry. Excess moisture can be removed with a paper towel or napkin.

The finished meat will have light fruity notes, become soft and juicy (but not sweet).

Recipe 3. Marinade for poultry

The marinade prepared according to this recipe is used for pre-treatment chicken and other poultry. The list of ingredients indicates the amount of products sufficient for one carcass.


  • mineral water - 1 glass
  • citric acid - 1 tablespoon
  • 2-3 bulbs
  • paprika - 30-35 g
  • half a tablespoon of salt

Product preparation and pickling

  • Before use chicken carcass should be thoroughly rinsed under running water.
  • Then cut it into two halves and dry it gently with a paper towel.
  • Brush the meat inside and out with salt and leave in a cool place for 40-60 minutes.
  • Delete after the specified time. extra salt with a napkin and immerse the carcass in the marinade for several hours (you can leave it in the marinade overnight). In order for the bird to be completely in the liquid, you can press it down with oppression from above.
  • After the specified time, remove the carcass from the marinade, rinse and dry with a paper towel. Now you can copy.

In addition to poultry, the marinade prepared according to this recipe can be used to prepare any type of white meat for smoking.

Recipe 4. Universal marinade with ketchup

A simple marinade that is suitable for preparing all types of meat for smoking. It does not require special skills and specific products or spices for cooking.


  • White wine
  • classic ketchup without additives or tomato paste
  • refined vegetable oil

All components are added in a ratio of 1 to 1. Their amount depends on the amount of meat that is going to be smoked.

Meat preparation

  • Rinse the pieces thoroughly cold water.
  • Put the meat in a colander or leave on a tray to dry the pieces (excess moisture can be removed with a paper towel or napkins).
  • Rub the product with a mixture of black pepper, mustard powder and salt. You can also add crushed garlic.
  • Pour the marinade over the meat and leave in a cool place for 6-8 hours.
  • After 3-4 hours, i.e. when the marinade drains, pour the liquid from the bottom of the container again.

Recipe 5. Kefir marinade

Simple preparation solution meat products for hot smoking. Makes the product tender, juicy and fragrant.


  • kefir - 0.5 cups
  • olive oil- 60 g
  • liquid honey - 2 teaspoons
  • mint - 1-2 pinches
  • onion - 1.5-2 onions, chopped in a blender or twisted in a meat grinder
  • salt - to taste
  • black pepper - to taste


  • Mix kefir, honey and olive oil until a homogeneous mixture is formed, gradually adding pepper, mint and salt.
  • Then pour the pieces of meat with marinade, add the chopped onion and mix thoroughly.
  • We leave the container with food in a cool place for 9-11 hours.
  • After the specified time, we remove the meat and proceed to cooking by hot smoking.

Recipe 6. Marinade for fish

Easy recipe for fast food marinade, which is suitable for preparing any fish and white meat for smoking.


  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • liquid honey - 0.5 cups
  • greens
  • onion - 2 onions
  • salt, cumin, black pepper and other spices - to taste


  • We mix the oil, honey and lemon juice into a homogeneous liquid, gradually adding spices, salt and herbs.
  • Pour the marinade over the pieces of fish or meat and mix, adding the chopped onion.
  • After that, put the container with the product in a cool place for 12 hours.
  • After the specified time, we start smoking.

Recipe 7. Marinade for preparing various products for hot smoking

It is used for fish and meat, gives the products a spicy flavor and makes them more juicy.


  • refined vegetable oil - 0.5 cups
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • seasoning mix for meat - 50 g
  • basil - 70 g
  • liquid honey - 0.5 cups
  • salt - 1 teaspoon
  • boiled cold water


  • Thoroughly mix vegetable oil with lemon juice and honey, adding a little cold boiled water.
  • While stirring, add seasonings and salt.
  • Pour the meat pre-washed under cold water with the marinade and remove the container with the product in a cool place for 10-12 hours.
  • After the specified time, the product can be cooked by hot smoking.

Please note: there are no strict rules for the preparation of marinades, and the recipes given are advisory in nature. Feel free to experiment and tweak recipes to suit your own tastes.