Fresh strawberries with sugar. Strawberries mashed with sugar (prepared for the winter)

Perhaps the most delicious useful gift summer - strawberries, grated with sugar. For the winter, I always prepare several liters of such vitamins. This is much more useful than regular jam, especially since it is quite quick to make such a preparation without cooking. The only downside is that it should be kept refrigerated. But some simply increase the amount of sugar to prolong storage.

Strawberries grated with sugar - recipes

I will give a few of my signature recipes, and I will also tell you a little about freezing strawberries, with and without sugar. If you have a good modern freezer, then you can enjoy fresh vitamins on the table all winter, it’s a sin not to take advantage of this opportunity.

Raw or “live” jam is much tastier than usual, vitamins are completely preserved in it, although due to the lack of heat treatment it cannot be stored for more than six months. But these are small things, right?

How to prepare berries

It's great if the strawberries are homemade, freshly picked. You know how it does not keep its presentation for long and quickly deteriorates. Therefore, if you buy a berry on the market, then you need to disassemble it as soon as possible and pack it in jars.

We need berries that are ripe, dense, without damage, and even more so, spoiled. First, we cut off the sepals, then rinse the berry and sprinkle it in one layer on a towel to dry. A wet berry will quickly deteriorate, even if a lot of sugar is poured into it.

Yes, proportions. There is a lot of arguing on this topic, each housewife considers her own recipe to be the right one, but it all depends on individual preferences. For example, I don’t really like sugar, so I pour one to one, some generally add only half a kilo of sugar per kilo of berries. The taste and color, as they say.

In general, the more sugar, the longer it lasts. finished product.

I really like to add blackcurrants to strawberries or wild strawberries. Sometimes I sprinkle powder instead of sugar, then the dessert seems more tender. In general, here you can also act as you wish.

Grated strawberries with sugar for the winter step by step recipe with photo

In this recipe, in detail, step by step and with the provision of a photo, I will describe the entire procedure for preparing grated strawberries. So, even very young hostesses can do this.

We take the following products:

  • A kilo of ripe clean berries
  • One and a half kilos of sugar

How to cook crushed strawberries with sugar:

We do not forget to dry the washed berry and fall asleep in a wide bowl. We wipe it with a blender or scroll through a meat grinder, while without sugar.

Pour sugar into the berry mass in parts.

We mix everything together.

Pouring ready raw jam in small sterile jars.

We roll under the lids and immediately remove.

Strawberries with sugar for the winter without cooking

What a miracle - berries in jam without cooking, whole, fragrant, with the smell of the sun. This jam never lingers in the refrigerator, but still, I recommend putting it in the smallest jars to eat at a time.

We use:

  • Kilo prepared strawberries
  • Kilo of sugar

How to make strawberries without boiling:

We free each berry from the sepals and rinse with running water, do not leave it in a colander, but sprinkle it on a towel so that they dry quickly. Now you can sprinkle with sugar. The first time we mix immediately and leave to stand for a couple of hours, stirring occasionally.

After we put it on the smallest fire and heat it up quite a bit so that the sugar melts. In a warm form, lay out the jam in jars and twist.

Strawberries with sugar for the winter in the freezer

Recipe Ingredients:

  • Kilo of fresh berries
  • Half a kilo of sugar

How to prepare strawberries in the freezer:

You noticed that there is very little sugar here, but we will store the product frozen, so do not worry about safety.

We need berries sorted clean and dry. Grind them with a blender, gradually adding sugar. This way it will dissolve faster. We let the mass brew for about a couple of hours so that sugar is not felt at all. After we take plastic containers, disposable cups, which will be convenient for you, pour the mass and freeze. In this form, you can store until next summer.

Frozen strawberries with sugar for the winter, option number 1

Do you want to eat whole berries? Then use this recipe. Frozen whole strawberries with sugar are very popular with children, they can be added to pastries, I even make dumplings with fresh strawberries in winter.

We will prepare:

  • Kilo of freshly picked strawberries
  • Kilo of sugar

Cooking process:

This preparation is very fast. The main thing is to have a good camera with a quick freeze. A clean and dried berry is sprinkled with sugar, mixed and immediately laid out in bags. We give them a flat shape, so that later we can defrost faster and put them on a shelf in the freezer.

Frozen strawberries with sugar for the winter, option number 2

By this method, the berry is obtained whole, as if only from the garden. To cook such a miracle in winter, decorating a cake or ice cream with it, just eat it alive.

For the recipe, we use ripe, strong berries and powdered sugar or fine sugar.

Properly prepared berries are laid out on a baking sheet covered with parchment and sprinkled evenly with sugar through a sieve. Put in the freezer until completely frozen. Then we take out the berries and carefully put them in a bag and again put them in the freezer.

Strawberries with sugar in their own juice

In this version, we do not heat the berry. All vitamins are preserved, and sugar is completely dissolved in the juice that the berry gives.

We use the following products:

  • A kilo of ripe berries
  • One and a half kilos of sugar

Cooking process:

Pour a clean berry into a wide bowl and cover with sugar, mix and leave overnight, just cover with something on top. In the morning, mix again and put in jars, pre-sterilized. Close with lids and keep refrigerated.

Strawberries grated with sugar and currants for the winter

You can get a wonderful "live" jam if you grow remontant strawberries that ripen along with blackcurrant. In our family, this jam always goes with a bang.

We use products:

  • Half a kilo of ripe strawberries
  • Half a kilo of blackcurrants
  • Two kilos of sugar

Cooking process:

We prepare the berries, currants, like strawberries, we also need dry, without water. We fall asleep mixed in any convenient dish and grind with a blender, gradually pour sugar into the mass. We let stand for several hours, not forgetting to approach and mix. When the sugar is completely dissolved, we pack it in small sterile jars. For cold storage.

Strawberries grated with sugar and wild strawberries

My daughter calls this jam “summer in a jar”. The aroma is wonderful, the taste is delicate. If you have the opportunity to cook such a delicacy, do it, you will not regret it.

We will need:

  • Half a kilo of strawberries and wild strawberries
  • Kilo of sugar

Cooking process:

At the berries we cut off the sepals, remove the garbage, unripe or spoiled. Rinse and dry them. In a wide bowl, mix with sugar. Let stand for about two hours, then rub the berries with a crush, you can also use a blender. We pack the mass in sterile jars and immediately hide it in the cold.

I think that you will definitely choose at least one of my recipes for grated strawberries with sugar, because all of them have been tried more than once and tested on my household.

The classic recipe for strawberries mashed with sugar involves the use of only two ingredients, but despite this, the result exceeds all expectations. Berries are not exposed heat treatment, so pureed strawberries with regular jam do not compare! With the "cold" method of preservation, the maximum amount of vitamins, natural taste and aroma are preserved. The blank is of a very beautiful bright color, it is fragrant, it smells insanely delicious of fresh strawberries, as if it had just come from the garden.

You don't need to cook. The berries should be sorted out, washed, covered with sugar, and then punched in a blender, mashed with a pestle or passed through a meat grinder. And that's all, it remains only to pour into sterilized jars, seal tightly and send to the refrigerator. "Cold jam" will stand perfectly for 4 months, and if you resort to freezing, then the shelf life can be increased to 1 year.

Strawberries mashed with sugar for the winter will be well stored if harvested correctly:

  • berries are best picked on sunny days, because after rain they become watery, can rot and ferment;
  • strawberries must be carefully sorted out so that the "marriage" does not spoil the workpiece;
  • the ratio of products is 1: 1, that is, 1 kg of sand should be taken for 1 kg of berries;
  • you can extend the shelf life if you increase the ratio to 1: 2 or put a sugar “cork” under the lid;
  • puree should be poured exclusively into a sterilized container, preferably a small volume;
  • do not store the workpiece in heat or at room temperature, you can use a refrigerator or freezer.


  • strawberries 500 g
  • granulated sugar 500 g

How to cook strawberries pureed with sugar

  1. First of all, the berries should be processed, especially carefully, since the workpiece will not be cooked. I sort out the strawberries, discard the crushed and spoiled ones. Rinse under running water, remove all leaves and let dry.

  2. I add the entire norm of sugar - 1 kilogram. I mix and leave for 3 hours in a cool place. Time will directly depend on the juiciness and ripeness of the berries.

  3. After the specified time, the strawberries will release juice and the sugar crystals will dissolve.

  4. It remains to grind the mass until smooth. It is most convenient to use an immersion blender, which copes with the task in just 1-2 minutes. A meat grinder or a regular potato masher is also suitable.

  5. You should get a homogeneous fruit mass of a beautiful color. If you used a potato crusher for chopping, then, of course, you will come across small pieces berries.

  6. I pour the resulting blank into jars of small volume, close tin lids- twists. The container must be sterilized and dry! I send it to the refrigerator for storage, where the jars will stand for 4 months. If you want to extend the shelf life, then pour 3-4 tablespoons of sugar under the lid, which forms a kind of “cork” that prevents oxygen from entering the jar. Also part fruit puree can be frozen, pour over silicone molds- at low temperatures the mixture will not even completely harden, it will resemble something between marmalade and popsicles.

"Live vitamin" can be served with tea or pancakes, added to porridge or pour over ice cream. If you have frozen mashed potatoes, then before using it, it is enough to hold it for 30-40 minutes at room temperature, after which you can safely use it for its intended purpose, like fresh. Have a delicious tea party!

    Before cooking, be sure to separate all the leaves and tails from the berries.

    Strawberries with sugar

    Everyone loves strawberries with sugar, including adults, children, women, men, grandmothers, and even grandfathers. And the recipe for this adored dessert is simple. The main thing in the recipe is a sufficient amount of sugar and compliance with storage rules.

  • Strawberries - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.


Wash the strawberries first standing water(leave for 10 minutes, all the excess should come up), then in a running water with a colander. Dry on a paper towel and sprinkle with sugar right with a slide. Leave for 10 minutes, then crush or twist with a blender. Pour into jars, sprinkle sugar on top, twist.

Strawberries with sugar, cinnamon and mint

This amazing delicacy is also very useful product enriched with vitamins. It is perfect both as a favorite dessert and as an energy, health drink.

To prepare strawberries with sugar, you will need

  • Strawberries - 1kg.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.
  • Mint leaves - 3-6 / 1l.


Rinse jars and lids, "neutralize" them over steam for 10 minutes. Cover the berry with sugar, leave for 5-10 minutes. Blend the strawberries with a blender until more or less smooth. Rinse the mint leaves and quickly pour boiling water over them. Pour the strawberry mass into the jar in three passes, laying mint leaves between them. Approximately 3-5 per can. Pour sugar on top of each leaf as a preservative. Leave a place under the neck and fill it with sugar. This jam has an incredibly and very pleasant fresh taste. But for this it must be infused for several days. When you serve strawberries to the table, sprinkle them with a little cinnamon - this will add some piquancy to its taste. Of course, if no one in the family has allergies.

Strawberries with sugar in plastic bottles

Also sweet strawberry for the winter, grated with sugar must be stored in a cold place. She is warm, best case ferment, at worst, poor storage is fraught with bad consequences. The berry is perfectly kept, ground with sugar in plastic bottles placed in the freezer. Of course, it can be kept in the refrigerator, but not for long, and even less when opened. But in the freezer, it can lie even all winter and be incredibly tasty by spring. Surprisingly, not only the aroma of the berry is preserved, but also vitamins. At least not to a lesser extent than with heat treatment. A couple of spoons morning tea and a clear awakening is assured to you.

To prepare strawberries with sugar, you will need

  • Strawberries - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.
  • Plastic bottles


Carefully prepare the berry: rinse it and separate the green part (leg and leaves). Then place in a blender, cover with sugar and leave for 10 minutes, no more. After the time has elapsed, grind everything very carefully. This must be done in several approaches. Shake once, let stand, then shake again. This is necessary in order for the sugar to dissolve as best as possible.

Plastic bottles cannot be processed with something hot, so the question of their choice must be approached carefully. You can not take containers from fragrant lemonade drinks, juice, yogurt. Well, if it is a container of clean drinking water. Of course, each bottle must have signs confirming the possibility of its use for storage. food products. Rinsing the bottles boiled water they need to dry well. Pour jam into dry containers using a (again clean and dry) funnel.

A berry according to this recipe can be made as close as possible in taste to natural, because sugar for it as a preservative will not be needed in huge quantities. So, it can taste like real, with a pleasant sourness.

Strawberries steamed with sugar

For those who are still afraid to use the queen of berry crops without processing, excellent fit recipe with a steamer.

To prepare strawberries with sugar, you will need

  • Sugar 1 kg.
  • Strawberries 1 kg.


To do this, you should also rinse and peel the berry, place in a deep cup. Pour water into the steamer, install the steaming grate and place a cup with berries on it. Mode select "boiling" or "steamed porridge". The berry will not be as juicy as when raw, but it will not lose the usefulness of its properties in the same amount as when fully cooked. It should be processed within 10-15 minutes. Then, twist with sugar using a blender. In this case, there will also be a lot of juice.

Prepare jars: rinse, dry and pasteurize over steam. Pour the berry mass leaving a place under the neck, add granulated sugar on top. Roll up with lids. It is better to store such a delicacy in a cool place, in a refrigerator, in storage or in a cellar.

If a lot of juice is obtained during grinding, it can be drained, or it can be left, it will turn into ice in the freezer and will also be perfectly preserved. The best option would be to organize a separate container for the juice, and leave it to freeze.

By the same principle of preparation, you can save any berry: cherries, currants, cranberries and even assorted berries.

Only a large, ripe berry, of course, whole from all sides, should be chosen for this delicacy.

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Before cooking, the berry can be soaked in water, and then rinsed under running water, especially if it is bought on the market. Water will remove a lot of harmful substances. After drying on a napkin and narrower, then twist.

The berry is well used in cooking: as a filling for fresh rolls or pancakes, for pouring open pies(in closed berry follows).

All vitamins are killed in a blender, so you should try to work manually: for example, with a mashed potatoes or even a simple fork.

Products by weight are set conditionally, you can take 3 and 5 kilograms, the main thing is equal proportions, how many strawberries, so much sugar should be.

At the end of cooking, granulated sugar is poured as a preservative as follows: leave a free space under the neck and pour pure sugar, a layer of at least 1 cm in thickness.

Sugar for twisted berries is best to buy large, kilogram, in transparent packages. In large packages, there may be garbage, and even take it, freshly squeezed jam can play. And this is very dangerous for health, especially for children.

Even more delicious recipes for you will also find on our website.

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Strawberries are considered one of the sweetest and most delicious garden berries. But it is not only tasty, but also useful. It contains many vitamins that strengthen the immune system, and also contains substances that affect the production of “happiness hormones” in the body. Strawberries mashed with sugar for the winter will allow you to enjoy this tasty and healthy delicacy on cold days, improving your mood.

Cooking features

In order for strawberries, mashed for the winter, to keep useful material and did not deteriorate until the summer, it must be harvested correctly.

  • The most delicious strawberries- collected in the morning, before dew, on sunny days. If you collect it after rain, the berries will be watery or loose, which will negatively affect the organoleptic qualities of the "cold jam" and its safety.
  • Berries before cooking should be sorted out well so that rotten strawberries do not spoil the workpiece.
  • You need to close strawberries mashed with sugar not just in clean, but in sterilized jars. In this case, it is better to give preference to small containers - from 0.2 to 0.5 liters.
  • The lids that will close the jars should be boiled for 5 minutes, regardless of what material they are made of.
  • When storing strawberries in the freezer, defrost them gradually without heating. This will keep the vitamins.

Recipes for making strawberries mashed with sugar often depend on how they plan to store them in the winter. So, for storage in the freezer, less sugar is required.

In any case, it is impossible to keep "cold jam" warm, even at room temperature. Subject to storage conditions, the shelf life of strawberries mashed with sugar is 6 months.

Classic recipe for strawberries mashed with sugar

  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1.25 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Sort, carefully wash the strawberries. Pour the berries with a kilogram of sugar. Leave for 3 hours in a cool place.
  • Mash the berries with a wooden pusher or puree with an immersion blender.
  • Arrange in sterilized jars, leaving about 1 cm to the edge.
  • Sprinkle with the remaining sugar.
  • Roll up with tin lids and refrigerate.

The so-called " sugar cork", which will increase its safety. However, you can keep strawberries cooked according to the classic recipe with sugar only in the refrigerator.

Strawberries mashed with sugar, with vodka

  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • vodka - 40-60 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Pass the sorted and washed strawberries through a sieve or chop with a blender. You can also use a meat grinder.
  • Pour sugar into the strawberry puree, mix the resulting mass well.
  • Fill prepared jars with strawberries mashed with sugar. Pour a tablespoon of vodka into each top.
  • Roll up jars of strawberries with metal lids, put them away for the winter.

This preparation should be stored in the refrigerator. Vodka will not let strawberries turn sour for a long time. Thanks to this, sugar for the preparation of this dessert requires a little less than when using classic recipe. However, children can no longer be given such a delicacy.

Strawberries mashed with sugar: a recipe for storage under nylon lids

  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 2 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Sort the strawberries, wash, let dry and wipe in any way. You can just carefully knead the berries with a wooden pestle.
  • Mix berry puree with sugar, using about 1.5 kg of granulated sugar, leave to infuse for an hour.
  • Sterilize the jars and spread the strawberries rubbed with sugar on them so that about 2 cm remains to the edge of the jar.
  • Fill strawberry jars to the top with sugar.
  • Boil plastic lids and close the jars with "cold jam" with them. Store them in the refrigerator.

According to this recipe, strawberries turn out to be the sweetest, since storage conditions in this case require the use of a large number sugar, which acts as a preservative.

Strawberries mashed with sugar and frozen

  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Rinse, dry the selected strawberries, mash them until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • Mix with sugar and divide into clean containers.
  • After closing, put it in the freezer for the winter.

For such a preparation, it is best to use containers or jars of small volume, since strawberries cannot be re-frozen.

Strawberries pureed with sugar like jam

  • strawberries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • lemon - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  • After sorting, washing and drying the strawberries, turn them into a smooth puree. This can be done by rubbing it through a sieve with a wooden pusher or beating it with a blender.
  • Mix the berry mass with sugar and let it brew for an hour.
  • Wash, cut the lemon and squeeze the juice out of it. If there are bones in it, remove it.
  • Pour the juice into the strawberry puree, stir.
  • Put on low heat and cook for 40-60 minutes until the mass thickens.
  • Arrange the jam in sterilized jars, seal them and turn over.
  • Wrap jars of strawberries with something warm until they cool completely.

Due to the heat treatment, strawberries mashed with sugar according to this recipe will not be as healthy as “no-boil jam”, but it can be stored at room temperature in winter. Moreover, it will not deteriorate when stored in a cool pantry or basement.

even tastier and healthier strawberries, mashed with sugar, will be if part of it (no more than half) is replaced with honeysuckle. The amount of sugar in this case should be left the same as in the selected recipe.

Do you know how they eat summer? Usually - with a spoon from a can! You say it's fiction? Not at all if it is strawberries grated with sugar. Recipes the simplest workpiece take a minimum of time from the busiest hostesses, give the opportunity to enjoy strawberry flavor and fragrance even in the middle of winter. Believe me, such a strawberry is ten times cheaper than a store-bought one, hundreds of times more useful, a thousand times tastier!

Strawberries grated with sugar: recipes

How are we accustomed to processing berries in order to preserve them for the winter? Of course, boiling Strawberry jam or spinning compote. Delicious? Naturally! Healthy? Partly ... The fact is that during the heat treatment all the vitamins are destroyed, what remains in the dessert? Boiled pulp and sweet syrup. Meanwhile, there are many recipes that preserve all the benefits, almost like “from the bush”, if you cook “raw” jam.

What is useful in strawberries?

  • Sahara;
  • pectin;
  • phytoncides;
  • vitamin C;
  • carotene;
  • salts of manganese, potassium and chromium;
  • acids: folic, malic, salicylic, citric, quinic.

Berries have a moderate antiseptic effect, they can be used as a diaphoretic and mild laxative. But, of course, the most valuable thing about strawberries is their taste. In my opinion, it is simply worthy to avoid thermal exposure, to keep its benefits unchanged. Therefore, strawberries mashed with sugar without boiling - perfect option product blanks.

But such recipes have a significant drawback: they can be stored for no more than a few months in the refrigerator, but we can solve this issue if, for example, we freeze strawberries or simply increase the amount of sugar.

Cooking tips for preparing berries, sugar proportions

Ideal for rubbing strawberries - from your own garden plot, but also bought from the market, you can also cook for future use. When buying berries from private traders, you should be careful: strawberry berries, especially very ripe ones, cannot lie plucked for a long time - they crumple, give juice. In the heat, the juice ferments quickly. Therefore, it is better to ask for the berries to be poured into your container, along the way to see how fresh they are.

Before cooking live jam, we sort out all the strawberries from the litter, tear off the “tails”, select spoiled berries - they are useless.

Then the berry should be washed. It is convenient to do this by pouring it in small portions into a colander under a slight pressure of water. When the water drains, dry the strawberries on a linen napkin, laying them out in one layer.

And now to the main question regarding the second ingredient of our unboiled jam - sugar.

How much sugar is put in 1 kg. strawberries, depends on your taste preferences, the conditions for subsequent storage of the workpiece. Ideally, sugar and berries are taken 1: 1. Don't like very sweet things? You can cook by taking granulated sugar half as much fruit, but keep in mind that you won’t be able to store such strawberries for a long time: it will turn sour. Need to save as long as possible? Add sugar, for example, 1.2 -1.5 kg per 1 kg of berries.

Strawberries grated with sugar: a recipe for the winter

In order for the strawberries to stand as long as possible, they could be treated to it until the new harvest, we do not save on sugar. Cooking strawberries, taking:

  • berries - 1.5 kilograms;
  • granulated sugar - 2 kilograms.
  1. Rinse thoroughly in advance, sterilize glass jars. It is better to take small ones, no more than half a liter in volume, so that the uncorked jar quickly “ends”: from contact with air during repeated opening and closing, the contents quickly deteriorate.
  2. We also need a chopper - a blender or a meat grinder. At worst, if neither one nor the other is at hand, a pusher will do for mashed potatoes. We thoroughly pour over the grinder with boiling water - the fewer microbes get into the finished product, the better!
  3. Grind the strawberries first without adding sugar, then gently adding sugar in small portions, introducing it all into the strawberry puree. Thoroughly mix the mass. And that's it, pour the grated into jars, close the lid. We allow the capacity of the refrigerator - we store it in it, no - so in the cellar, pantry, strawberries will also be preserved.

Strawberries with sugar for the winter without cooking

Strawberries grated with sugar for the winter are delicious. But the consistency of mashed potatoes is only suitable for spreading on a sandwich. Is it possible to prepare in such a way as to keep the berries whole, while not reducing their usefulness? Yes! We will prepare the berry not grated, not crushed, not subjected to cooking.

Put the washed berries in a saucepan and cover with sugar 1: 1. Place the pan on the burner, turned on at the lowest power, wait for the sugar to dissolve. Then spread the still warm berry in a kind of syrup into jars. It is not recommended to store for a long time, but it will stay in the refrigerator for up to 3 months. Of course, if it doesn't end sooner.

Frozen strawberries with sugar for the winter - 2 ways

How to freeze strawberries with sugar correctly - so that they are stored for a long time, when defrosted they are neither sour nor watery? This is not difficult. I offer two recipes:

  1. Deep frozen strawberry puree. We prepare according to this recipe strawberries, chopped with a blender, grated with granulated sugar. It is not necessary to put a lot of sugar, we take it half as much as berries. After stirring, let the puree brew a little so that the sugar dissolves completely. But keep more than 3 hours is not worth it! We lay out the whole mixture in dishes that fit well in your freezer - these are plastic containers, yogurt cups (large!) Or simple plastic bottle- it is better not more than a liter in volume: this one will fit compactly in the freezer, will not allow the berry to deteriorate for the banal reason “did not have time to eat it”. Containers or cups should be tightly closed - this will prevent the strawberries from absorbing odors, which is very important if the blanks have to share the chamber with fish and meat.
  2. Another of the recipes that will tell you how to freeze strawberries with sugar for the winter if you cut the berries into pieces. This version of the blank will allow you to use it not only directly for food, but as a component of cakes, pastries, for decorating cocktails or ice cream, etc. Berries are better to choose large, dense. They need to be washed, sepals removed. Then cut each berry into 4 parts. We do everything quickly so that the cutting does not come out with juice. Then roll each slice in granulated sugar, put it on a baking sheet covered with cling film or parchment, set in the "shock freezing" mode. When the slices are frozen - pour them into a bag, store in the freezer.

Whole strawberries with sugar for the winter in the freezer

Would you like to cook, for example, a pie with fresh strawberries in the dead of winter? It's easy if you have strawberries with sugar for the winter in the freezer, carefully prepared since the summer. It’s very good if you have a powerful freezer - the sooner the frost “grabs” the strawberries, the better!

  • And we do it like this: we mix washed, sorted dry berries with sugar - per kilogram strawberry berries 2 cups of granulated sugar is enough, freeze. But we do this not anyhow, but after spreading the berries evenly on a baking sheet in one layer. When they harden, they can be poured into a bag. They are stored in a deep freeze until the next harvest!

Strawberries with sugar in their own juice

Not only strawberries mashed with sugar are very tasty. Recipe for the winter own juice- a real find for the sweet tooth! It's easy to prepare.

  • We take ripe juicy berries, fall asleep with powdered sugar. Powder should be 1/3 more than berries. That is, for a kilogram of strawberries, we take 1.5 kilograms. We pour fragrant gifts summer with powder, leave in a dark place for 10-12 hours, covering the dishes with a future delicacy with a towel. Over this time Strawberry juice dissolves powdered sugar. It remains only to decompose into banks, send to the refrigerator.

Strawberries grated with sugar and raspberries for the winter

Strawberries and raspberries give a very successful combination of taste and benefits. Such raw jam is an excellent "doctor" for a cold, accompanied by a sore throat, fever. Sugaring the workpiece is not too worth it - the berries are already very sweet, so we take the berries for the recipe in equal proportions, and sugar at the rate of: a glass for every kilogram of raspberry-strawberry mixture.

We wash the berries, previously cleaned of litter and leaves, dry them on a towel. Then grind with a submersible blender, mix with sugar. Store preferably in the freezer before use medicinal purposes take it out early!

Strawberries grated with sugar and kiwi

Strawberries and kiwi in the recipe give an unearthly taste! And thanks to the fact that this exotic jam is not boiled, it is simply loaded with vitamin C - right up to the neck of the jar!

For such simple recipe do it like this:

  • we take strawberries and kiwi in proportions 5: 3;
  • kiwi peel;
  • grind in a blender a pre-prepared berry, peeled kiwi;
  • Add 1:1 sugar to the mixture and mix well.

You need to lay out vitamin deliciousness only in sterile jars!

Do not miss the opportunity to stock up on vitamins for the future if the summer turns out to be generous for the harvest. Sadovaya strawberries grated with sugar recipes which are simple and very diverse, perfectly stored, retains its amazing aroma, pleases with a magical taste all year round.