A simple and quick biscuit roll with jam. Biscuit roll with jam

Simple, quick, tasty and inexpensive pastries - biscuit roll with jam. Dessert will bring more benefits than store-bought sweets. Step by step recipe with photos. Video recipe.

On the shelves of confectionery shops, cakes, muffins, rolls look very tempting ... Shop products are very tasty, however, home-made products prepared by yourself are much better. If you have jam, jam or other preservation, then bake a biscuit roll with jam. This dessert comes from childhood, so for many it remains a favorite. It is quick and easy to prepare, which makes it a favorite for all housewives. Baking light, tender and fragrant, because biscuit dough soft and thin. In addition, it is useful, because. has a natural filling. Biscuit roll with jam is suitable for any situation. It is prepared on a weekday for a family afternoon snack, and for a festive tea party. And if the roll is beautifully decorated, then it can be presented as a gift. After all, homemade cakes, cooked with love, always turn out delicious, cute and neat.

To make the biscuit juicier and more tender, take the filling moderately liquid. If the jam is dense, then pre-soak the cakes with sweet syrup. For flavor, you can add cinnamon, vanilla or citrus peel. Before serving, the roll can be sprinkled on top. powdered sugar or coconut flakes. It is also often sprinkled with icing or fondant, decorated with berries, fruits and chocolate chips. Instead of jam for the filling, you can use custard or sour cream custard, whipped cream, chocolate paste etc. Taking note of the simple technology of forming and baking a biscuit roll, you can experiment every time and create a dessert in a new way!

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 245 kcal.
  • Number of servings - 1 roll
  • Cooking time - 1 hour 45 minutes


  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Baking soda - 0.5 tsp
  • Cinnamon powder - 1 tsp
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Apple jam - 200 ml
  • Sugar - 50 g
  • Flour - 100 g

Step-by-step preparation of biscuit roll with jam, recipe with photo:

1. Separate the yolks from the proteins. Make sure that not a single drop of yolk gets on the proteins, otherwise they will not whip to the desired consistency.

2. Add sugar to the yolks and beat with a mixer until the lemon-colored airy white mass.

3. Add a pinch of salt to the whites and beat with clean, dry beaters until fluffy, airy peaks and a white tender mass.

4. Enter the whites to the yolks and mix slowly so that they do not settle, but a homogeneous mass is obtained.

5. Add flour, which sift through a fine sieve. It will be enriched with oxygen and acquire airiness, from which the pastries will become more tender.

6. Add baking soda and knead the dough with a mixer until smooth. Run it at a slow speed so as not to disturb the structure of the whipped proteins.

7. Cover the baking sheet with parchment, which is greased with butter or vegetable oil m and pour the dough. Spread it in an even rectangular layer no more than 1 cm thick.

8. Send the cake to a preheated oven to 180 degrees for 10-15 minutes. Check readiness with a wooden stick. It should easily enter, while not sticking the dough.

9. Remove the hot cake from parchment and roll up. Wrap it with parchment, top with a towel and leave to cool completely.

10. Then unroll the cold cake.

11. Apply immediately apple jam and sprinkle with cinnamon powder.

12. Roll it back into a roll and secure with cling film. Send in the refrigerator for 1-1.5 hours to soak. After this time, remove the package from the biscuit roll with jam, sprinkle it with cocoa powder or other sprinkles and serve for tea drinking.

See also the video recipe on how to make a biscuit roll with jam.

Delicate biscuit cakes, for sure, any housewife can cook. Can you form a beautiful roll with jam filling from them? In my recipe, I suggest correct proportions biscuit dough For delicious roll and tell in detail how to start it and roll it correctly. Step by step photos will help you better understand the description of the recipe.


Sugar sand - 150 gr;

Eggs - 5 pcs.;

Flour - 130 gr;

Vanillin - 1 package;

Vegetable oil - 15 gr;

Powdered sugar - 20 gr;

Jam (I have apricot, but you can take any other) - 150 gr.

Before you start cooking, I want to say that it is better to take homemade eggs for making biscuit roll, with beautiful yellow yolks. If you have such eggs, you will also get a nice yellow roll like in my photo. From store-bought eggs, pastries will also be tasty, but not so beautiful.

How to cook biscuit roll with jam at home

Before preparing the dough, I cover the baking sheet in advance parchment paper and with the help of a brush I lubricate it with vegetable oil.

Beat on high speed until the sugar dissolves. In terms of time, this is approximately five to seven minutes. Ideally, you should get a homogeneous egg-sugar mass with bubbles.

Then, add vanillin, flour to the dough and continue to beat, but at a lower speed, for another ten minutes.

Pour the finished dough onto a baking sheet and use a brush (or the back of a spoon soaked in water) to distribute it over the entire surface of the parchment in an even layer.

Bake biscuit cake for the roll, we will be in a preheated oven over medium heat for fifteen minutes. The main thing is not to overdry the dough and remove it from oven as soon as the edges start to brown. It will be difficult to roll a roll from a cake that is too dry.

Remove the baking sheet from the oven, sprinkle the cake with sugar and cover it with cling film.

Sugar will prevent the dough from sticking to the film, and cling film will allow the biscuit cake to remain plastic. In this form, we leave the base for the roll for half an hour. During this time, the cake will cool down enough so that you can take it with your hands and form a roll.

Then, carefully roll the cake into a roll.

In order for the roll to become denser and not crumble when cut, it must be wrapped in food foil and put in the refrigerator for four to six hours.

After that, remove the foil and sprinkle with powdered sugar on top.

Before serving, cut the tender, appetizing and fragrant biscuit roll with jam into even slices.

In addition to sweet pastries it would be appropriate to serve a cup of unsweetened tea or compote.

Homemade cakes are especially tasty and cannot be compared with flour products presented on the shelves of supermarkets. But, despite this, not every housewife decides to cook something for tea on her own, because the process of making homemade delicacies will take a lot of time. Although, in fact, everything is much simpler, you can use quick and, most importantly, available recipes home baking. We recommend that you bake an incredibly delicious biscuit roll with jam.

Biscuit dough is prepared quite quickly from improvised products, besides, the pastries are lush and unusually tender. The finished biscuit cake, smeared with filling, is easy to roll into a roll and that's it - the dessert is ready. You can decorate such a delicacy at your own request, powdered sugar, chocolate, custard or condensed milk. Try it and you will cook something similar, it will turn out delicious!

Taste Info Rolls and donuts


  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 160 g;
  • premium flour - 120 g;
  • jam (thick) - 200 g;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.

How to cook biscuit roll with jam

First you need to prepare a biscuit dough for the roll. Crack the eggs into a deep bowl. Add granulated sugar. Now you need to mix these ingredients. Take a mixer, bring the egg-sugar mixture until smooth. Start at a low speed, then continue beating, slowly increasing the speed. You should get a thicker egg-sugar mass of a light color.

Add the sifted eggs to the beaten eggs. wheat flour. Take a silicone spatula and mix the ingredients, grabbing the dough from the bottom up. At this step, you can add flavoring components: vanilla, cinnamon, zest.

Cover a metal baking sheet with parchment paper. It is best to use parchment with special impregnation. Oil it up a small amount vegetable oil. Pour the biscuit dough onto a baking sheet and spread evenly over the entire form. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Submit your test form there. Bake the biscuit cake for about 15-25 minutes, exact time baking depends on the power of your oven. The main sign of dough readiness is its elasticity and the formation of a golden crust.

Remove the finished cake from the oven and quickly wrap it in a roll along with parchment paper, then wrap it in a clean, damp towel. Let the biscuit cool down a bit.

Carefully remove the towel, unroll the roll, remove the parchment. Lubricate the cake with your favorite jam and wrap it again in a roll. Cool dessert completely to room temperature.

Sprinkle with powdered sugar or decorate with icing.

A delicious roll with biscuit dough jam is ready. Happy tea!

Cooking Tips

  • If the jam is thin enough, you can easily thicken it by adding some cookie crumbs.
  • To make the biscuit more juicy, you can additionally soak it before twisting fruit syrup or juice.
  • Before you beat the eggs, add a pinch of salt, the whipped mass will turn out more magnificent.

Jam must be made in a day, as it takes time to gel.

Yeast fresh or dry (dry yeast does not require proofing, but for this recipe dilute it in water) stir in 20 ml warm water with a teaspoon of sugar and let them stand for 10-15 minutes until the foam cap rises - photo 1.

In a separate bowl, beat the eggs with a whisk until fluffy foam, adding sugar to them, vanilla sugar, a pinch of salt, sour cream and softened margarine (do not drown) and stir all the ingredients with a whisk.

Sift flour into a large bowl where you will knead the dough, make a well in it and pour in the egg-margarine mixture - photo 2.

And start kneading the dough with a fork or with your hands, I kneaded in the kitchen machine photo 3. As the dough starts to gather, I added the risen cap yeast - photo 4.

And after kneading in the car for about 8 minutes. If you knead with your hands, as the dough will be watery in consistency and stick to your hands, but in no case do you add more flour, as it should be
And in order to knead the sticky dough well with your hands, you need to knead it in such a way as in this video for about 5-8 minutes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmRt5O4rd8o (At first he shows his recipe, only after about three minutes how I didn’t find an extra video on kneading the dough, so I’ll have to twist it a little) to develop gluten and elasticity to the dough. Put the kneaded dough into a lightly greased bowl with vegetable oil - photo1. Covering cling film about 1.5-2 hours to get up. This test takes a long time to rise. The dough should double in size, as in photo 2.

Put the risen dough on the desktop sprinkled with flour and knead it again for 5 minutes according to the above technology link. I tried to film the process myself, but I can’t shoot and do it with one hand. Briefly in words: take the dough in your hands and recline slightly on the table, after taking the ends of the edge on both sides of yourself or towards yourself, it does not play a role and lifting the edges, fold the dough in half, then again the dough is taken from the left and right sides with your hands and smooth with the side you throw lightly on the table and fold five and so for 5 minutes, the dough begins to change in your hands, becomes less sticky and more elastic. You can scrape the dough, if you pick something up, if it sticks on the table. Well, a couple of photos for such kneading, but it's better to watch the video, it will be much clearer

After the well-kneaded dough, put it back into the bowl, cover it with a lid and put it in the refrigerator and in the refrigerator!!! to double its volume - as in the second photo collage - photo 4. Why in the refrigerator, I assume that the dough rises for a long time, most likely so that it does not ferment.

Now you can form rolls or pies from the risen dough. The author of the recipe made buns stuffing them with jam. I decided to make rolls.

Once I lived in the Kaliningrad region, a little over a year and worked before leaving for several months in a pastry shop, where we baked such rolls, although the dough was different. I brought a notebook here with recipes, but I just lost it with moving. So here they are I remembered and I decided to make from this dough, as then in the pastry shop.We made a roll with jam, which was then cut into small rolls and sprinkled with streusel before baking... Well, I've deviated a little from the recipe, I'll show you two ways below.

So if you will make them buns, then the dough must be divided into equal amount pieces to roll into balls. I will show you little secret, as we did smooth even balls. I hope it will be clear, since I need to work with two people, and I have a camera in one hand, my husband is at work, and the eldest son is at school, there is no one to help photograph, well, I’ll try to explain

So take the dough on your left hand with a smooth surface up, if there is a lot of dough, then the dough lies with a smooth surface on the table. With your right hand, with two fingers, index and middle, you slip your fingers under the bottom of the dough and pull it up a little - as in photo 2. And with your left hand, at the same time, you squeeze it under the bottom of your fingers, forming a shrinking ring - as in photo 3. Squeezing the ring, pull the top about the ball is separated from the dough and so on in a circle of dough until the last one. These are the balls then obtained, as in photo 4, which you just need to roll a little on the bottom.

Cover the balls with cling film or a clean towel to keep them from curling up. Now, taking each ball, roll it into a cake, in the middle of which put a spoonful of apple jam and closing the edge, like a dumpling, for reliability, you can pinch the edges, as in the photographs.

I only made two buns to show you, I made rolls from the rest of the dough, as I like them more than just pies.

So, if you are making rolls, then roll out the dough on a table dusted with flour into a rectangular layer and spread apple jam on it, as in photo -1,2,3.
I had a little jam, as half of it was eaten while I was about to bake. And then roll with the length of the side into a roll - as in photo 4.

After the roll, cut into small rolls, as in photo 1.
Cover with cling film, without pulling the edges of the film, so that the dough rises freely photo2. Let the dough rise for about 30-40 minutes.

Don't forget to turn on the oven, preheating it to 180°C.

5 minutes before baking, beat the egg with a fork and grease the risen rolls with the egg, sprinkle with streusel if desired, let stand for another 5 minutes - photo 3,4.

biscuit roll with jam - a dessert suitable for any situation. It can be prepared both on a simple weekday for a family afternoon snack, and for a festive tea party or even as a gift, because this pastry looks very nice and neat.

In addition to jam, you can use custard, sour cream or any other sweet cream, jam, jam, whipped cream, etc. as a filling. Thus, taking into account the simplest technology baking and forming a biscuit roll, you can experiment and create this dessert in a new way every time!


For test:

  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • flour - 120 g;
  • sugar - 100 g.

For filling:

  • jam - about 300 g.

For decor:

  • powdered sugar - 2-3 tbsp. spoons.

Biscuit roll with jam step by step recipe with photo

How to make biscuit roll dough

  1. Raw eggs are divided into proteins and yolks, placed in different containers. Pour all the sugar to the yolk mass, and then beat the mixture with a mixer until light and increase in volume by 3-4 times.
  2. In another bowl, carefully beat the whites until compacted and a lush white mass is obtained.
  3. Transfer the egg whites to a bowl with the yolks. Stir with a spoon, movements from the bottom up.
  4. Sift the flour through a fine sieve and gradually add to the egg mixture, continuing to knead the mass.
  5. We achieve a viscous, glossy dough without flour lumps.
  6. We spread the dough in a rectangular heat-resistant form covered with parchment (in our example, a baking sheet measuring 35x25 cm was used). We try to distribute the layer evenly so that the entire biscuit layer is of the same thickness. We bake the cake at 180 degrees for 10-20 minutes (until a dry match). It is important not to overexpose the biscuit in the oven, otherwise it will turn out tough and will break when rolled up!

    How to form a biscuit roll with jam

  7. Lay the freshly baked crust on kitchen towel and carefully remove the parchment. While the biscuit has not yet had time to cool, quickly roll it up into a tight roll with a towel and leave to cool.
  8. Then we unfold the layer and apply a layer of jam (or any jam / jam, etc.). If desired, you can also add crushed walnuts or any fresh berries.
  9. Again we twist the layer into a tight roll, hiding the sweet additive inside. With the finishing touch, sprinkle the biscuit roll with jam with powdered sugar through a fine sieve or arrange it in any other way. Before tasting, we send the dessert to the shelf of the refrigerator for impregnation for about 1-2 hours.
  10. We cut the biscuit roll with jam in portions and serve with tea / coffee.

Bon appetit!