How to cook feather pasta. How long will it take

All culinary recipes pasta recipes are doomed to fail if you don’t know how to cook pasta correctly.

Cooking pasta is very easy, it is much more difficult to cook it well!

8 secrets perfect preparation pasta:

  1. The pan should be large. Even for a small portion of pasta, you need to take a capacious, tall pan, preferably with thick walls.
  2. There should be a lot of water. For every 100 gr. For pasta, you need to take at least 1 liter of water, but more is better. During the cooking process, pasta absorbs a significant part of the water and increases in volume, at the same time starch is released from the pasta and if there is not enough water in the pan, they will stick together (remember what we use to make paste).
  3. First the salt, then the pasta. Salt boiling water before adding pasta and never during the cooking process. Take about 10-12 grams of salt. for every liter of water.
  4. Pour pasta into boiling water, stirring. Wait for the water to boil vigorously again after salting and start pouring in the pasta, while stirring it with a spoon. After adding the pasta, the water will naturally stop boiling, immediately cover the pan with a lid and wait a few seconds until the water boils again. Now you can remove the lid, reduce the heat and stir them again.
  5. You need to cook pasta al dente. Any Italian will tell you that pasta needs to be cooked “al dente”, i.e. "by the tooth." What does this mean? During cooking, the pasta should be stirred periodically and tasted. Perfectly cooked pasta should be almost cooked but firm to the bite, and may have a thin, chalky layer in the center. This is where you need to turn off the heat, cover with a lid and let them sit until cooked, about 1-2 minutes. (Just in time to prepare the colander).
  6. Drain but do not rinse. Before draining them in a colander, pour 100g into a glass. broth, Place the pasta in a colander, shake it and let the water drain. It is not recommended to rinse pasta (unless you were preparing it for cold salads). Place the pasta back into the pan or into the warmed dish. If sauce is not served with them, pour 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil or broth that you poured into a glass and stir. After all, the pasta is still hot and continues to “cook”, which means it absorbs water, but if there is none, it can dry out and stick together!
  7. Don't leave the kitchen until you've cooked the pasta. Even Fast Food takes longer to cook than pasta. By " probability theory“Nothing can happen in 5-7 minutes that could force you to leave the kitchen. But if this happens then it takes effect "Sod's Law"and you will definitely overcook the pasta!
  8. Serve the pasta hot! Therefore, any meat, cutlets, salads and sauces should be ready even before you start cooking the pasta. The only thing you can do while cooking pasta is place the plates on the table (if it is in the kitchen!). As soon as you have drained the water, everyone at home is already sitting at the table and can’t wait for your MASTERPIECE!

Now you know how to cook pasta perfectly! Bon appetit!

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How to properly cook pasta in a saucepan, slow cooker, double boiler, microwave and how long it takes.

You need to cook pasta correctly

Also, it is impossible to find a person who has never tried it. Whatever you say, it’s simply impossible to imagine any kitchen without pasta. All that remains is to learn how to cook them correctly. After all, pasta, like any dish, has its own secrets that you need to know.

To cook pasta correctly, you need to remember a few rules

To cook pasta, you should use an ordinary saucepan of a suitable size. Some, for some reason, advise choosing a pan with thick walls. Although I have a hard time imagining which walls of a pan are thick and which are not. I’ll add on my own behalf: use any utensils in which you feel comfortable cooking, and it will be correct.

During cooking, pasta absorbs water, so there should be enough water. It is easy to calculate its quantity. To do this, you need to remember that at 100 gm. Pasta should be filled with about 1 liter of water. Drain the remaining water after cooking through a colander.

The remarkable quality of pasta is that it cooks quickly and can be prepared for future use. The next day, just heat the pasta in a frying pan or in the microwave, or pour over hot sauce or gravy. Or you can put them in boiling water for 15-20 seconds and they will again look like they were just cooked.

Now let's find out how to cook them correctly.

  1. Place a pan of water on the stove, close the lid, turn up the heat and wait for it to boil. We pour water, as I already said, at the rate of 1 liter of water per 100 gm. pasta
  2. Place the pasta in boiling water and stir immediately to prevent it from sticking. There is no need to cover the pan with a lid, this will make it easier to monitor the cooking.
  3. We wait for the water to boil again, reduce the heat by half and continue cooking until tender. Approximately a couple of minutes before turning off the pasta should be salted.
  4. Pasta is cooked for 9-12 minutes. The time depends on the type of pasta and to find out, just look at the packaging. The cooking time should be written there. But it’s better to taste the pasta and thus determine its readiness.
  5. After the pasta is cooked, place it in a colander and quickly rinse under running tap water to prevent it from sticking together. There is no need to rinse for a long time, otherwise they will cool down.

Transfer the cooked pasta to the prepared bowl and put a piece of butter in it. It will melt, soak the pasta and they will not stick together. If you have prepared sauce or gravy, pour it over the pasta and cover with a lid. It is better if the gravy or sauce is hot, then the pasta will not cool down.

The traditional and most convenient vessel for cooking pasta is a saucepan. It is what is most often used for preparing pasta dishes. But, in addition to the pan, multicookers, steamers, and also microwave cookers are used to prepare pasta. I witnessed when in one of the hostels pasta was boiled in an electric kettle.

How to cook pasta in the microwave

To cook pasta in microwave oven, you need to place them in a special deep bowl. Fill hot water so that the water level is a finger higher than the level of the pasta. You can immediately add spices and salt to taste. Place the pasta in the microwave, turn it on at full power and set the time to 10 minutes. After the pasta is cooked, drain it in a colander, transfer it to the prepared dish, add oil, sauce or gravy.

Video: How to cook pasta in the microwave

How to cook pasta in a steamer

It will take 15 minutes to cook the pasta in a double boiler. Pour water into the steamer, fill the bowl with pasta and fill it with water. Add spices, salt and pepper. To ensure that the pasta does not stick together, add a tablespoon of vegetable oil to it. Close the lid and cook until done. Drain in a colander and transfer to the prepared bowl.

Video: How to cook pasta in a steamer

How to cook pasta in a slow cooker

Place the pasta in the multicooker bowl and fill it with water. Throw in a small piece of butter; it will speed up the cooking and prevent the pasta from sticking. Salt, pepper, add spices if desired. Turn on the “Multi-cook”, “Pasta” or “Pilaf” mode. Cooking time depends on the type of product and ranges from 9 to 12 minutes. In any case, before rinsing the pasta, you should always taste it to determine readiness.

Video: How to cook pasta in a slow cooker

What is the difference between pasta

All pasta differ from each other. They are prepared from different varieties flour, production technologies are also not the same, and appearance they are significantly different. Pasta can be long and straight, it can be hollow or in the form of ribbons, pasta can be wavy, curly, or shaped like rings or curls.

Certain types of pasta have some differences in preparation, which should not be forgotten. This is especially true for tagliatelle (translated as nests), as well as spaghetti, lasagna, long pasta, vermicelli and papperdelle (as egg noodles are called in Italy).

Italian pasta is called spaghetti. It is customary to cook them al dente. Translated from Italian, “Al dente” means “To the tooth.” In order for the spaghetti to be sufficiently elastic and keep its shape, it should be removed from the heat 1-2 minutes earlier than the time indicated on the package. Spaghetti should always be cooked whole, there is no need to break it, and to prevent it from sticking together, add 1 tablespoon of olive (vegetable) oil to the water.

Long pasta is dipped at one end into very boiling water. After the ends of the pasta dipped in water become soft, you should lightly press on the protruding dry ends and immerse the spaghetti completely in boiling water.

Pasta, like other pasta, should not be salted during cooking. The boiling water should already be quite salty with the addition of pepper and the right spices. This type Cooked pasta should not be rinsed cold water. They immediately add oil, sauce or ready-made gravy. The pasta is cooked for 10 minutes.

Tagliatelle pasta (in common parlance, nest) is prepared from egg dough and always served with bolognese sauce. If you haven't tried it, I highly recommend giving it a try. In our stores this sauce is sold under the name Bolognese.

Tagliatelle is usually prepared in cafes and restaurants using special forms. If you don’t have the necessary molds on hand, you can use an ordinary frying pan and use empty cans without lids as molds.

The inside of the jar is lubricated vegetable oil, put the nest in it and cook until done. In this case, the pasta will not boil and break. We carefully remove the cooked nests from the jar, place them on a dish and stuff them with the prepared filling.

The recipe for making long pasta and lasagna is almost no different from making spaghetti. The only difference is that they are often broken. This is unacceptable with pasta.

To prepare lasagna, you need to boil the pasta until half cooked and drain in a colander. Then, transfer the pasta to a suitable pan, pour in the prepared sauce and leave to simmer for 2-3 minutes. Now, place the pasta with sauce on a baking sheet, sprinkle with grated cheese and place in the oven to bake until an appetizing golden brown crust forms.

Video: Cooking pasta

How long should you cook pasta?

Product Cooking Frying Extinguishing
Small pasta 6-8 min - -
Penne 10-12 min - -
Shells 12-14 min - -
Large horns 10-13 min - -
The horns are thin 8-10 min - -
Spaghetti and long noodles 9-11 min - -
Spaghetti thin 3-5 min - -
Spirals 12-14 min - -
Farfalle (butterflies) 10-12 min - -
Fettuccine 11-13 min - -

Isn’t it true that the side dish looks attractive if the pasta turns out crumbly after cooking? Although some housewives sometimes have cases when the mass turns into a sticky lump. How to avoid this? You need to know how to cook pasta correctly. This article describes several rules and secrets that will help you prepare the side dish simply and quickly. Tips are also given on how to cook delicious pasta in a microwave or steamer.

Traditional recipe: cooking in a saucepan

  1. Use enough water for cooking. For every hundred grams of product, take about one liter. When cooking, pasta “absorbs” liquid, so you need to take it with some reserve.
  2. Make sure the pan is not filled to the very brim. When boiling, the water with pasta begins to boil, so some of it may “escape”, which will lead to the fire on the stove being extinguished. The most suitable would be to use, for example, a four-liter pan for three liters of water and three hundred grams of pasta.
  3. Immediately after the water boils, add salt. For one serving you need about a teaspoon.
  4. When pouring products into boiling water, you need to know how to cook pasta correctly. Any of them must be stirred immediately to avoid sticking. Spaghetti that does not fit in the pan does not need to be broken into pieces. Just wait a minute or two. And the softened long “twigs” themselves will gradually plunge into boiling water.
  5. Once the pasta liquid has returned to a boil, reduce the heat to below medium to ensure moderate and even cooking.
  6. Knowing how to cook pasta correctly, you will stir it periodically and it will not stick to the bottom.
  7. The lid can be omitted at all or left only slightly covered.
  8. Usually the packages indicate how many minutes to cook the pasta. If the recipe does not contain such information, aim for about eight to ten minutes.
  9. Place the finished pasta in a colander and let the water drain.
  10. Can be washed finished goods, but only using hot, but in no case cold water.
  11. After the water has completely drained, place the pasta in the pan and add butter or any sauce.

How to cook pasta in a microwave or double boiler?

This option is most convenient for working women and bachelors. You can also cook this way quick lunch, while in the office and having a microwave oven at hand. Pour pasta into a plate, which is then filled with double the volume of water. You need to salt it right away. Set the timer on the timer (ten minutes) and start cooking. After half the time, turn off the oven, remove the dish and stir, adding butter. The pasta turns out crumbly and appetizing. It’s even easier to use a double boiler, the program of which usually includes different variants cooking. Follow the instructions and you will not only get delicious food, but also useful. Bon appetit!

For pasta to be tasty, you need to know how to cook it correctly and follow the rules. And we will show you which ones in our video.

  1. Take a pan and fill it with water: for 100 g of pasta – 1 liter of water. If you add less water, the pasta will turn out sticky.

For one serving, as a rule, you need 100 g of pasta.

Those. for a family of three you need to cook 300 g of pasta in a 3 liter pan.

2. Dip pasta only into rapidly boiling salted water. The fire under the pan should be maximum.

Immediately after this, cover the pan with a lid for 30 seconds so that the water begins to boil again.

As soon as the water begins to boil, remove the lid and reduce the heat (this must be done quickly, otherwise you may flood the stove).

3. Immediately after adding the pasta to the water, mix it.

Otherwise they may clump together and stick to the bottom of the pan.

The pasta is cooked for 10-12 minutes. Readiness is determined by the tooth.

Undercooked pasta has a powdery layer at the bite site. Overcooked - sticky and falling apart.

4. The first sample must be taken 1 minute before the minimum cooking time indicated on the manufacturer’s packaging.

That is, if the products are cooked for 10-12 minutes, then you should try it already at the 9th minute.

5. Do not drain all the water from the finished pasta, otherwise it will dry out.

It is best to pour out 2-3 tablespoons of the water in which they were boiled before doing this.

Then drain the pasta in a colander, transfer it to the pan and add the reserved broth.

It is also advisable to heat the colander before use so that it does not absorb excess heat.

6. Pasta is served hot, preferably on heated plates. Therefore, before cooking the pasta, you need to prepare the sauce so that it does not have time to cool.

How wrong

  • Save on quality. Alas, in this case, quality does not come cheap. It's better to buy pasta from durum varieties wheat.
  • You cannot add salt to the dish during the cooking process. The water is salted before the pasta is put into it.
  • Do not put pasta in a pan in which the water reaches the edge - you can flood the stove.
  • No need to rinse ready-made pasta cold water. Chilled pasta is not tasty.

Dear readers, today we’ll talk about how to properly cook pasta so that it’s delicious, and how to get the maximum benefit from such a dish. Deliciously cooked pasta will be an excellent side dish for meat, fish, salad and sauce. This dish also belongs to fast food, the preparation process of which is very simple.

So let's take a closer look at step by step recipe how to cook pasta in a saucepan.

How to deliciously cook pasta as a side dish in a saucepan

Kitchen appliances and utensils: saucepan, colander, hob.


Step by step recipe

Video recipe: how to cook pasta in a saucepan

Dear chefs, I invite you to watch a short video that contains all the details of the recipe on how to cook pasta deliciously. You will learn how long to cook pasta in a saucepan and what it will look like when fully cooked.

How to deliciously cook pasta with sausages

If you are wondering what delicious and quick pasta to cook with, then this recipe is especially for you. Let's cook sausages in cream, which will be an excellent addition to our side dish. Instead of sausages, you can use any boiled sausage. Choose quality products so that your dish will please you and everyone present.

Cooking time: 10 minutes.
Number of servings: for 4 people.
Calories: 237 kcal per 100 g of product.
Kitchen appliances and utensils: frying pan, stove, cutting board, knife.


Step by step recipe

Video recipe for making pasta with sausages

Now let's watch this video, which describes the entire cooking process in great detail. delicious sausages with cream. You will see to what degree of readiness they need to be brought and what the resulting food will be like.

Serving options

  • Place food in portioned plates and garnish with a sprig of dill or parsley.
  • Apply any product to vegetable salad or pickled vegetables.

Cooking options

  • I recommend always serving. It is very simple to prepare, but will make any pasta incredibly tasty and satisfying.
  • They will be an excellent dinner. You can make minced meat for them yourself or purchase ready-made ones from any type of meat. This dish is prepared quite quickly and simply; even the most inexperienced housewife can prepare it for herself and her family.
  • If possible, prepare. With the help of technology, cooking has become much easier and takes up a minimum of our time. Also, thanks to this miracle machine, we get a completely different taste of dishes that are already familiar to us.
  • And I will leave you here a simple recipe. You can offer them to your guests by adding delicious sauce And light salad. Take this recipe to your treasure chest and cook with pleasure.

Dear cooks, I hope that today I was useful to you and that pasta with a delicious sauce is already ready in your kitchen. If you have any questions or suggestions, write in the comments, I will not ignore them. And now I wish you success and bon appetit!