How to salt milk mushrooms at home. Spicy white mushrooms

Bitter pungent taste and firmness mushrooms create a lot of trouble for housewives in the kitchen, especially when harvesting for the winter. I would like to get rid of the bitterness caused by milky milk, and at the same time preserve their original hardness. Despite these controversial properties of mushrooms, they still found their place in many dishes. In addition, lovers of "silent hunting" appreciate them for their saturation with vitamins and proteins, as well as for their calorie content, which is equivalent to meat. We managed to collect advice experienced chefs and learn in detail how to prepare delicious milk mushrooms for the winter.

Drying milk mushrooms

Like any mushrooms, these representatives of the russula genus are very demanding on the drying process, which can be carried out not only under the influence of sunlight, but also in the oven, at the stake.

Important! Due to the taste characteristics, milk mushrooms were included in the list of conditionally edible mushrooms. They are not toxic and not hallucinogenic, but are suitable for eating only after special processing.

If you chose this one out of the many ways of harvesting milk mushrooms for the winter, before starting work you should have young and not flabby mushrooms collected in sunny weather. Select undamaged specimens, carefully inspect them, clean them of the remnants of leaves and earth. After that, wipe with a damp cloth, but do not wash. Water is very quickly absorbed into the structure of forest trophies, as a result of which they lose their taste properties, and over time they can become moldy and crumble. Large mushrooms need to be divided in half and cut off the legs of all.

Now it's time to decide where you will harvest milk mushrooms for the winter.

How to dry mushrooms naturally

Mushrooms strung on pre-prepared rods of stainless materials or harsh threads are hung in the air on a sunny day or in a well-ventilated dry room. It is desirable that drying takes place away from the road, in a place protected from wind and dust. Perfect option- attic or roof

To cook milk mushrooms in the air and the sun, you can use a wooden sieve, a sheet of plywood, and even regular table. In these cases, the workpieces are spread in a thin layer and they are monitored to turn them over in time. Mushrooms need sunbathing until they lose their juiciness, until they become dry and brittle. For this, in good weather, sometimes a day is enough.

How to dry milk mushrooms using the oven

When the dampness in the street does not allow cooking naturally, dry mushrooms in the oven. First, they are kept at temperatures up to 50 degrees and
placed at the top oven. And when the moisture evaporates, after about 4 hours, the temperature can be gradually adjusted to the level of 75 degrees and rearranged lower. Do not forget to turn the milk mushrooms and make sure that they do not get tired. It is recommended to dry them at the initial temperature. If you want to dry several baskets of forest gifts, you can, without waiting for the completion of the process of the first baking sheet, put the second one in the top row. But remember that for each batch, the inventory must be washed and wiped dry.

Did you know? Gourmets refuse dried mushrooms believing that in the process of processing they lose their taste and acquire an unpleasant dark color.

Ready mushrooms are placed in plastic bags and sent to storage away from strong-smelling products. Before eating, be sure to scrupulously wash and soak for several hours in water in order to remove their inherent bitterness.

How to pickle milk mushrooms for the winter

Salted milk mushrooms are loved by many with a variety of recipes for cooking for the winter. It is these blanks that are very popular with culinary specialists of different levels. Depending on taste preferences, there are several salting techniques. And almost always there is no risk that the mushrooms will turn out tasteless.

How to prepare milk mushrooms for salting for the winter

Gentle spicy taste forest trophies will be acquired only after doing some cooking tricks. In the process of preparation, as usual, they must be sorted out, sorted, cleaned of soil residues and weighed. Immediately throw away stained mushrooms with insects or worms living in them. Then thoroughly rinse everything selected, preferably in running water using a washcloth or toothbrush. Pure mushrooms are left to soak for three days in an enamel pan.

Moreover, the water must be renewed daily every 4 hours. If the kitchen where the container is located is hot, two days will be enough. Readiness is checked by chewing a small piece of mushroom. If they are not bitter, they are thoroughly washed and large specimens are cut coarsely.

How to salt milk mushrooms for the winter in a cold way

Before preparing milk mushrooms for the winter using this technology, it is important to take their soaking seriously - this will be reflected in their taste. traditional recipes simple salting do not require excess ingredients.

For cooking you need:

  • 2 cups of table salt;
  • old dill stems without caps;
  • a few leaves of cherries (can be replaced with currants);
  • horseradish leaves;
  • a few cloves of garlic;
  • 5 kg mushrooms.

Salt the mushrooms and transfer to a prepared container. fit wooden tub, enamel pan. It is important that there are no splits and rust spots on the dishes. Dip small mushrooms in salt each separately. Then we generously shift them with garlic, chopped horseradish. So that your pickle does not darken, experienced chefs it is recommended not to tightly tie it with gauze, on which put all the remaining leaves on top, including horseradish.

Then we cover it with a plate (if we are talking about a saucepan) or a circle, we pump it with something heavy, but small, so that the mushrooms will soon drown in the brine that will be released. We send the barrel to the cellar and make sure that mold does not form on top.

If you are salting milk mushrooms in a cold way for the first time, remember: to avoid this, the top layer should always be in brine. In a month, you can diversify your table with pickles. Ready mushrooms amaze with the whiteness of the fleshy pulp and taste, they are transferred to glass jars or left in a tub.

Important! In no case do not clog salted milk mushrooms with a tight lid. This contributes to the development of microbes that cause botulism and poisoning.

Salted milk mushrooms are used for cooking simple salads, festive dishes, different snacks and spicy diet cutlets. And also served as a separate dish with sunflower oil and onions.

How to salt milk mushrooms in a hot way (in jars)

This method was created for impatient lovers of mushroom dishes. Delicious milk mushrooms can be savored in a few weeks. Also, the technique is considered safer, because mushrooms undergo heat treatment during harvesting. Salting mushrooms in a hot way is also not troublesome. The composition of the marinade can only be from vinegar and salt, and can be supplemented with leaves of laurel, currant, cherry, horseradish; garlic cloves, dill, allspice or black pepper. You can expand the ingredients to your liking.

For marinating mushrooms classic recipe needed:

  • currant leaves;
  • 2 tablespoons of salt;
  • 1 kg of mushrooms;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 6 tablespoons of vinegar;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar.

We cut the prepared mushrooms and transfer them to a saucepan with water. After boiling, cook for another 10 minutes, removing the foam. Mix salt and sugar with water, add vinegar and put on fire. When it boils, add the mushrooms and boil for about 20 minutes. After that, transfer to jars and roll up the lids.

When choosing a cooking method, many are interested in how to store salted milk mushrooms. Loses when compared cold way. Such mushrooms can stand in the cellar for no more than six months, and pickled ones will not spoil for a year. True, in both methods their hardness is lost, the pickle is suitable for filling in pies and soup.

Methods for freezing milk mushrooms

Freezing is often pierced by inexperienced mushroom pickers. Subsequently, milk mushrooms, after defrosting, look like something slippery, gray and unpleasant.

Obviously, this method is not easy and requires certain knowledge:

  1. Milk mushrooms are wet mushrooms. If without pre-treatment send them to the freezer, they will retain their natural bitterness and will not be suitable.
  2. The lower the porosity, the more the mushroom is suitable for freezing.
  3. Before freezing milk mushrooms should be sorted by size. The big ones are cut into pieces.
  4. Frozen mushrooms can be stored for no more than four months at a temperature of -14 degrees.
  5. Mushrooms can only be defrosted once.
  6. When defrosting, milk mushrooms do not thaw in the microwave or oven.
  7. Before freezing, milk mushrooms are boiled, fried or simply scalded.

What could be more fragrant, appetizing and tastier than all other pickles on winter table than eye-catching crispy salted milk mushrooms! These magnificent mushrooms serve as a real decoration of the Russian feast and are consumed with pleasure by the hosts and guests as an addition to the main dishes and great snack. Modern housewives have learned not only to salt milk mushrooms, but also to pickle, boil and stew them. However, the primacy among the preferences of eaters is still given to salted milk mushrooms, which are prepared in two ways of salting: cold and hot. So, if you turned out to be a lucky mushroom picker and brought these gifts of the forest from a “quiet hunt”, and now you don’t know what to do next, we bring to your attention hot way salting.

What is required for salting?
First of all, of course, the mushrooms themselves. It doesn't matter if it's white or black, dry or wet milk mushrooms. Water in large quantities, but in quality additional ingredients - following products(data are given for 1 liter of water):
  • salt of medium grinding without iodine content - 20 g (both for brine and for cooking);
  • dill seeds, preferably fresh; several heads of garlic; horseradish root and leaves - all according to individual taste;
  • allspice and black peppercorns - 10 pieces each;
  • clove grains, as well as cherry or currant leaves, for an amateur;
  • cabbage leaves.
How to salt milk mushrooms?
  1. First of all, clean the mushrooms from foliage and forest debris. Then rinse well with a hard abrasive sponge or brush.
  2. Cook a big enamel pan with undamaged inner surface.
  3. Dip the mushrooms in boiling salted water and boil for 20-25 minutes.
  4. While the milk mushrooms are cooking, prepare the brine for now without adding horseradish and garlic. All other spices are added to the water the right amount and then bring the solution to a boil.
  5. Drain the water from the boiled mushrooms and put the mushrooms in a sieve or colander to drain the water.
  6. Transfer the milk mushrooms to a saucepan with ready-made brine and cook for another half an hour.
  7. When the mushrooms are boiled in brine with spices, add horseradish, garlic and berry leaves, distributing them evenly in the mushroom mass.
  8. Mushrooms in a saucepan with brine, cover with clean cabbage leaves and scalded with boiling water. Lay the base for the oppression on top, and on top of it - the oppression itself (moderately heavy).
  9. When all the main salting steps are completed, put the pan with milk mushrooms in a cool place for 4-5 days. In this case, the mushrooms must be completely covered with brine. Otherwise, they can stick together tightly and lose their appetizing appearance.
  10. After a certain time, sterilize the jars and carefully place the mushrooms in glass containers, filling them to the top with brine and tightly closing the lids, after pouring 1-2 tbsp into the jars over the brine vegetable oil, to prevent contact with oxygen and possible souring.
  11. Upon completion of work, remove the jars to a cold place (refrigerator or cellar) for 30-40 days. Whether they will stand there for so long depends on the patience of your household. Many start tasting without waiting. due date. However, it is believed that it is necessary to wait in order to avoid possible eating disorders or even poisoning.
Mushrooms are served to the table as a whole and sliced, with onions or garlic, in vegetable oil or with sour cream - there is already a place for your taste preferences! Enjoy your meal you - and mushroom abundance to your table!

At the end of summer and autumn in the forests appear different kinds mushrooms, and all mushroom pickers rush to their favorite “quiet hunt”. Such representatives of the mushroom kingdom as boletus, whites, mushrooms and others are placed in the basket. It is considered special chic to find a clearing of strong white milk mushrooms. It is these mushrooms that are considered one of the best for preparing blanks in the form of pickles for the winter. Learn how to salt white milk mushrooms at home in two main ways: hot and cold.

Before you start salting milk mushrooms, you must collect them and properly prepare them. At the same time, they should be collected only in those forest belts that are at some distance from industrial sites and highways. The fact is that any fruiting bodies of mushrooms are a kind of sponge for toxins, absorbing various toxic substances.

You can salt mushrooms of any kind - excellent preparations are obtained from black, dry, oak, aspen, real white mushrooms. The main thing is to choose among them not rotten and not wormy. It is best to use small mushrooms, but large ones will do if they are not old.

Preparing mushrooms for pickling

No matter how clean and beautiful the mushrooms collected in the forest would be, it will be possible to pickle mushrooms only after their thorough preparation. It is best to carry out all procedures immediately after collection. All leaves and needles are removed from the mushrooms, earthen debris is removed, after which they are thoroughly washed with clean water. You can use a soft brush or sponge, a knife - this will speed up the cleansing process. Rotting or wormy areas are cut off. The lamellar part is washed under the pressure of running water.

Please note that it is not always necessary to soak milk mushrooms before salting (especially white ones), but only if this process occurs without first boiling the fruiting bodies. But you can also soak the mushrooms in order to rid them of dried motes.

How much to soak depends directly on the purpose for which this procedure is carried out. For example, to remove garbage, just a few hours are enough, but preparing for salting white mushrooms at home without cooking involves a long process of keeping them in water, which must constantly be replaced with fresh water in the process. After that, they must be rinsed.

Also, before salting, white milk mushrooms are sorted: small ones are salted whole, large ones are cut into several parts. The legs of the fruiting bodies are usually cut off, leaving only a centimeter.

Preparing dishes

It is possible to salt milk mushrooms for the winter only in certain dishes. It should be either a glass container or enameled, but it must be without enamel chips. Also, in the old fashioned way, some continue to use wooden tubs. Most often, mushrooms are harvested for the winter in jars.

Do not use earthenware - it deteriorates under the influence saline solution. The composition of the coating of such dishes may contain lead, which, as a result of the action of an aggressive environment, dissolves in brine and penetrates into mushrooms. Do not use tin galvanized utensils either.

Any dishes should be carefully prepared: it is customary to soak a wooden container so that it swells and stops leaking. New tubs made of oak are kept in water for at least 10-12 days with periodic replacement of the liquid - this is necessary so that tannins are removed from the tree. Otherwise, the mushrooms, and the brine in which they swim, will turn black.

After that, each tub is rinsed with water and brushed, and then steamed with a boiling solution of caustic soda (the solution is prepared at the rate of 50 g per 10 liters of water). It is customary to fumigate a container treated in this way with a sulfuric smoke bomb - this will ensure that there are no pathogens and substances left in the tree that can ruin all the workpieces.

Glass containers or enameled containers are washed well with soap and then dried in the oven - sterilization is carried out. Clean dishes should not have any odors.

Cold pickling method

Most often, mushroom pickers use this particular method of preparing the workpiece. Salting milk mushrooms in a cold way is done without the cooking process and provides the resulting product with a unique taste. However, the duration of cooking mushrooms according to this recipe is long, about 30-40 days.

To begin with, the fruiting bodies must be soaked. To do this, white milk mushrooms prepared and cleaned of litter are poured into a large enameled basin or bucket, after which they are filled with water. A large glass dish is placed on top, on top of which a small weight is placed. It is necessary that all fruiting bodies are immersed in water, but it is not worth pressing them down hard at this stage.

In this state, the mushrooms are kept for about 3-5 days, while at least 2 times a day a complete water change is necessary.

Please note that sour mushrooms cannot be used for salting - they become hazardous to health.

Spices, currant and horseradish leaves are placed in the prepared container at the bottom, sprinkled with salt on top, then the soaked mushrooms are laid in layers with their hats down (some are laid with plates down). Each layer of milk mushrooms is sprinkled with salt, peppercorns, chopped garlic, dill umbrellas, currant leaves. At the same time, the consumption of salt is as follows: for 1 kg of mushrooms - 35-40 g. The very last layer of white mushrooms is also covered with currant and horseradish leaves.

On top of all the mushrooms, a plate is placed a little smaller than the diameter of the selected container (if a wooden circle is used, then it is wrapped in clean gauze), oppression is placed on top of it - something heavy, usually a stone (bricks, dolomite, lime stones, metal are not used). products) or you can put a glass jar of water. In this state, the mushrooms remain for 30-40 days in a well-ventilated room, where the air temperature is not higher than 6 ° C, but not lower than 0 ° C. From above, it is advisable to cover the entire structure with a cloth to protect the mushrooms from dust.

Freshly picked white milk mushrooms can also be added to the container as the old ones settle.

You can salt milk mushrooms in a cold way in a slightly different way. That is, they are soaked in the same way, kept under pressure, but this time not for long. Literally after 3 days, white milk mushrooms begin to be laid out very tightly in sterilized jars and poured with the resulting brine. A sheet of currant or horseradish is placed on the surface, and a little vegetable oil is poured on top, after which the jar is buried with a plastic lid.

The taste of salted mushrooms can also be seriously affected by the set of seasonings used to prepare the workpiece. In general, black peppercorns, dill, horseradish (leaves and roots), cloves, blackcurrant or cherry leaves, garlic, cumin are used. But remember that too a large number of spices can drown out the true taste and aroma of white mushrooms. The most natural taste is obtained if only salt is used.

Hot pickling method

There is a recipe for pickling mushrooms and with pre-cooking mushrooms. Many people prefer to use it, as it is faster (mushrooms will be ready to eat in 15 days), and it is more likely that all the toxins accumulated from the air during growth will come out of the fruiting bodies.

Salting mushrooms in a hot way is as follows: mushrooms prepared and soaked for 6-12 hours are placed in a saucepan (enamelled), poured with water, into which 3 leaves of laurel are added and brought to a boil, then boiled for 15-20 minutes over low heat. The foam is removed with a slotted spoon.

Boiled mushrooms after cooling in their own broth are transferred to a colander. Then white milk mushrooms are placed in prepared containers in layers, which are sprinkled with salt. Salt consumption - 30-40 g / kg. A layer of spices, blanched currant and horseradish leaves, dill inflorescences are placed on the bottom of the container and on top of the mushrooms. After that, oppression is placed on top (a plate of a smaller container diameter and a glass jar with liquid).

The amount of salt often depends on the plans - how long white milk mushrooms will be stored. For example, if you plan to eat them in the near future, then you can add less of it. For longer periods, white milk mushrooms are aged in a more concentrated environment. The brine will appear in a couple of hours, and after 3-6 days the workpiece can be laid out in jars and closed nylon lids.

At the same time, putting mushrooms in jars is also important correctly. The container must be sterilized. Mushrooms are placed in a jar with caps down and poured with brine so that it completely covers them. Currant or horseradish leaves are laid on top and only after that they are closed with boiled nylon lids.

Salting milk mushrooms in a hot way is quite simple and even more familiar to many than cold. In addition, this option for preparing blanks allows you to get fragrant and delicious treat as quickly as possible and very soon will save your home from the presence of large containers with salted white milk mushrooms.

It is noteworthy that white milk mushrooms are recommended to be washed before use. cold water to wash off the salt. This is especially true for fruit bodies harvested in brine with a high salt concentration. In general, white milk mushrooms prepared in this way are stored for about 6 months at a temperature of 5-6 degrees. It is best to put the jars in the refrigerator or cellar. By the way, white milk mushrooms should always be in brine - if it evaporates, then boiled water is poured into the container.

According to what recipe to pickle white milk mushrooms, it's up to you. Try both methods and choose the most optimal and suitable option for you.

Milk mushrooms are most often used for these purposes. In its own way nutritional value they practically do not differ from milk, meat and mushrooms. As for the specific hot and peppery taste of these mushrooms, our housewives have long learned to get rid of it by pre-soaking. After reading today's publication, you will learn about the existing methods of pickling and salting this product.

The most important nuances

It should be noted that harvesting milk mushrooms is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. You just need to familiarize yourself with some of the subtleties of this process. Almost any mushroom is suitable for pickling and salting. The only thing to do on initial stage, is to get rid of old instances. It is also important to ensure that there are no stains or other damage on them. Do not use mushrooms with wormholes and insects.

Before salting mushroom caps it is recommended to wash with a stiff brush. A steel sponge is best suited for these purposes. To make the prepared product more tender, it is pre-soaked in water, which must be changed every four hours. This simple procedure will get rid of the characteristic bitter taste.

Keep finished product preferably in a glass container. You can also use enameled containers for this. But they must be inspected in advance for cracks, chips and rust. Spoiled pans are not suitable for storing mushrooms. It is important to remember that cooked more than six months ago are no longer suitable for consumption. Pickled, they can be stored for no longer than twelve months.

Existing methods

To date, known different ways breast blanks. The most popular are salting and pickling. Dried or frozen mushrooms are of little use for further use.

Most people prefer salting, believing that such milk mushrooms are much tastier than those that were filled with marinade. Mushrooms prepared in this way are very tasty and pleasantly crispy. However, the second method is also popular with modern housewives, since it is recognized as safer.

The technology of harvesting milk mushrooms in a hot way

This is one of the most simple ways. Its main advantage is that there is no need to pre-soak the mushrooms. AT this case can be limited to simple cleaning of the product. As for the brine, for each liter of liquid you will have to use two tablespoons of salt, Bay leaf, black peppercorns, dill seeds, horseradish and garlic.

In order for the harvesting of milk mushrooms for the winter to pass without complications, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommended technology. At the initial stage, mushrooms are boiled in lightly salted water. They are simmered under the lid for about a quarter of an hour. It is important not to overdo it with salt. It is enough to put no more than three tablespoons of this component on a ten-liter container.

Next, mushrooms are sent to a brine prepared in advance according to the above recipe and boiled for ten minutes. Then the mushrooms are sent under oppression and wait until they are completely cool. After that, the container is kept for a week in a cool place. After seven days, milk mushrooms are laid out in pre-sterilized jars, poured with brine, added a tablespoon of vegetable oil and covered with plastic lids. After another three or four weeks, the product is completely ready for use.

Features of the cold method

It should be noted that harvesting milk mushrooms in this way takes at least forty days. To do this, you can use not only barrels, but also ordinary glass jars. In the first case, the mushrooms will turn out to be more tasty and fragrant.

But modern realities are such that not every housewife has the opportunity to use a natural wood barrel. In addition, not all families consume a large amount of mushrooms. Therefore, you can salt them in a standard glass container.

Harvesting milk mushrooms for the winter in jars using the cold method

For these purposes, liter containers are usually used. First, in each jar is placed:

  • Two or three laurels.
  • A couple of cloves of garlic.
  • Ten cherry and currant leaves.
  • Three stalks of Umbrella dill.
  • Two tablespoons of table salt.

After that, pre-soaked mushrooms are put in containers with spices, they are carefully tamped and filled with water. Filled jars are covered with clean gauze and then sent to the refrigerator. After about a month, the product is completely ready for use. Having figured out how to salt milk mushrooms for the winter in a cold way, one cannot fail to mention one thing. important nuance. Before serving, such mushrooms must be thoroughly washed.

Barrel salting technology

It should be noted that mushrooms prepared with this the old fashioned way, are impregnated with the aroma of natural wood, so they turn out to be unusually tasty. In order for the harvesting of milk mushrooms to pass without any difficulties, it is necessary to strictly observe the indicated proportions.

Ten kilograms of pre-washed and soaked mushrooms are placed in a barrel. 400 grams of salt, dill stalks, five heads of garlic, horseradish, currant and cherry leaves are also sent there. Everything is layered. It is very important that horseradish leaves are on top. The barrel is covered with sterile gauze, on which a wooden circle and oppression are placed.

The contents of the container are regularly checked for mold. In the event of its appearance, they immediately get rid of it, change the gauze and process the circle and oppression. In about a month, the mushrooms will be completely ready for use. They are taken out of the barrel, after putting on sterile gloves.

How to pickle white milk mushrooms with cabbage leaves?

The presence of greens makes mushrooms more tasty and fragrant. Therefore, many housewives often use this particular recipe. In order for the workpiece to go quickly and without hassle, you should stock up on all the necessary components in advance. To do this, your kitchen should have the following components:

  • Eight cabbage leaves.
  • Five kilograms of white mushrooms.
  • Ten sprigs of dill with umbrellas.
  • 200 grams of salt.
  • Head of garlic.
  • Fuck root.
  • Twenty currant and cherry leaves.

Pre-prepared mushrooms are blanched. Greens are washed in cool running water. As for cabbage leaves, each of them is divided into small fragments.

Milk mushrooms are placed in a three-liter clean jar, sprinkled with salt, part of the greens and garlic passed through the press. The layers are alternated until the container is filled. Then the dishes are covered with a lid, a load is placed on top and sent to a cool place until fully cooked.

Option without the use of spices: a list of products

It should be noted that the preparation according to this recipe is so simple that even an inexperienced cook can cope with it without any problems. Despite the use of a minimum set of ingredients, the mushrooms are quite tasty. Before starting the process, you need to make sure that you have at your disposal:

  • Five kilos of fresh black mushrooms.
  • 250 grams of coarse table salt.

Cooking technology

Adhering dirt is removed from fresh raw materials, all suspicious areas are cut off and washed thoroughly. Milk mushrooms processed in this way are sent to a capacious enamelware, pour cold water and press down with a press so that the main ingredient is completely immersed in the liquid. After five days, all bitterness will disappear from the mushroom pulp. Immediately after that, you can proceed to the next, most important step.

In order for the harvesting of milk mushrooms for the winter to take place at an accelerated pace, it is advisable to cut large specimens into several smaller pieces. Soaked and prepared mushrooms are placed in a deep wide dish, pouring layers of coarse table salt. Some flat object (a plate, a lid or a board) is placed on top, pressed down with a load and left for three days. The contents of the container are stirred daily, trying not to damage the caps. After this time, the pickle is transferred to pre-prepared jars and covered with non-metallic lids. Densely stuffed dishes are sent for further storage in the refrigerator or cellar. After two months, the mushrooms will be completely ready for use.

onion recipe

Before salting milk mushrooms for the winter, you should stock up on all necessary ingredients. In this case, your kitchen should have:

  • A ten-liter bucket of fresh mushrooms.
  • 330 grams of salt.
  • At least five large onions.

Before you start salting, milk mushrooms must be prepared. To do this, they are cleaned, thoroughly washed and soaked for three to five days, periodically changing the water. After this time, they are placed in large saucepan, alternating with salt and onion rings. Something flat is placed on the last layer and a load is placed.

After a month and a half, the milk mushrooms, the harvesting of which is discussed in today's article, are laid out in clean glass jars and sent to the refrigerator.

Another Recipe: List of Ingredients

As mentioned earlier, black mushrooms are considered conditionally edible mushrooms. Therefore, they are most often harvested by the hot method. So that you get delicious and fragrant snack need to stock up in advance necessary products. Your kitchen should have:

  • One and a half kilograms of fresh black mushrooms.
  • Four liters of water.
  • Six tablespoons of table salt.
  • Fifteen black peppercorns.
  • Carnation.
  • Bay leaf.
  • Five peas of allspice.
  • Seven umbrellas of dill.

So that the harvesting of milk mushrooms is not interrupted in search of the required components, the above list must be replenished with clean water for brine and vegetable oil.

Process description

First of all, you should deal with mushrooms. They are washed by removing all the dirt with a small brush. After that, milk mushrooms are poured with clean cold water and left for three hours. It is worth noting that in this case it is not necessary to soak at all. But if you still decide to do this, then after three hours a capacious saucepan is filled with four liters of water and, after waiting for it to boil, coarse salt and mushrooms are sent into it. During the cooking process, which will last about twenty minutes, foam may form on the surface, which must be removed.

Meanwhile, prepare the brine in a separate bowl. To do this, add bay leaf, cloves, salt and two types of peppers to a container of boiling water. At the very end, dill umbrellas are sent to the brine and the stove is immediately turned off.

The boiled milk mushrooms are thrown into a colander so that excess liquid is drained from them, laid out in a clean bowl and poured with hot brine. To prevent mushrooms from floating up, they are pressed with a flat plate on which a press is installed. After that, the container is cleaned in a cool place. After three days, the mushrooms are laid out in pre-prepared jars, poured with brine, added a small amount of high-quality vegetable oil, covered with non-metallic lids and hidden in the cellar or pantry. A month later, salted milk mushrooms can be served at the table.

Greetings, my dears!

Today we will learn how to salt milk mushrooms for the winter. After all, how nice it is to crunch mushrooms at the festive table, especially on New Year, which is already just around the corner (some four months left!).

By the way, in ancient times in Russia, the mushroom was called the "king of mushrooms", since it was the only one of all that was salted. In European countries, on the contrary, to this day the breast is considered inedible, so it is not eaten even in salty form.

For salting, mainly the white representative of this fungus is used. While in the forest, you will recognize real white milk mushrooms by their milky or slightly yellowish hat. However, in our article you will find very delicious recipe pickling black mushrooms. So get creative and enjoy the fruits of your labor! Happy preparations to you!

Mushrooms cooked according to this recipe are incredibly crispy and mouth-watering. It is especially pleasant to serve them to the table along with onions and vegetable oil.


  • Milk mushrooms
  • Garlic
  • Dill or fennel seeds

We clean and soak the mushrooms in a bowl of water. We insist for a day. We drain the water several times to get rid of bitterness.

We put oppression in the form of a plate so that the milk mushrooms are completely immersed in water.

After a day, we remove the remaining dirt from the mushrooms with a brush and transfer them to a clean container.

Fill with water so that the milk mushrooms are completely immersed in water. We put on fire.

Immediately after boiling, we note the time and boil the mushrooms for no more than five minutes! Otherwise, they will not turn out crispy.

With the help of a slotted spoon, we take milk mushrooms out of the pan and transfer them to another container.

Sprinkle the first layer of mushrooms with salt.

We put under pressure and leave for two days at room temperature not forgetting to periodically check the mushrooms.

Let's take the pressure off.

We begin to put the milk mushrooms in a jar, not forgetting to flavor each layer with garlic and dill. The procedure is repeated until the jar is full.

We pierce the mushrooms near the walls of the jar several times with a knife so that excess air does not form, and the brine penetrates down.

Sprinkle the rest of the garlic and fennel seeds on top.

Fill the jar to the brim with boiled salted and cold water. We close with a capron lid. We send milk mushrooms for storage for a month in the refrigerator. After that, you can eat, bon appetit!

How to salt raw mushrooms (mushrooms) in a hot way - a simple winter recipe in jars

Well, just very delicious mushrooms are obtained by preparing them using this technology. Most importantly, do not spare salt and water for them!

Prepare for 2 buckets of milk mushrooms:

  • 6 liters of water
  • 18 tablespoons salt (heaping)
  • Bay leaf
  • black peppercorns

Step by step cooking method:

Rinse mushrooms well.

Divide them into clean containers.

Fill with water and put on fire to boil.

Bring to a boil and immediately remove the foam.

Lower the heat and cook for 5 more minutes.

Drain the water through a colander. While the milk mushrooms cool down a bit, prepare the brine: pour water into the pan, add salt at the rate of 3 tablespoons per 1 liter of liquid. Bring to a boil and turn off.

At the bottom of each pre-washed jar, place one bay leaf and a third of a teaspoon of black pepper.

Arrange the mushrooms loosely in the jars.

Fill with hot brine and close the jars with nylon lids. Put our blanks in a cool place and after 40 days enjoy their incomparable taste.

Tip: be sure to check that the jars are filled with brine to the brim, otherwise the mushrooms will darken!

Proper salting of dry milk mushrooms for the winter in a hot way

This recipe will give you delicious mushroom appetizer to festive table. Your guests will love it, you'll see!

We will need:

  • dry milk mushrooms
  • horseradish leaf
  • raspberry leaf
  • cherry leaf
  • oak leaf
  • 2 dill umbrellas
  • Bay leaf
  • carnation
  • allspice

Step by step cooking method:

Soak for 6-7 days, changing the water three times a day.

We put on fire, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes.

Drain the water through a colander and leave the mushrooms to cool for 30 minutes.

At the bottom of the salting container we spread the bay leaf, allspice, cloves, garlic and a couple of pinches of salt.

We also add a couple of cherry leaves and one leaf of raspberry, horseradish, oak, as well as a dill umbrella.

We spread the first layer of mushrooms, sprinkle them with a pinch of salt and again spread the same spices and seasonings as for the first layer.

After laying the last layer, cover the mushrooms with leaves.

We cover the container with mushrooms with gauze and put the press. We remove the container in the cellar or refrigerator for 3-4 weeks. Be sure to make sure that there is brine in the mushrooms, otherwise they will deteriorate!

If you do not want to store milk mushrooms in such a container for a whole month, you can arrange them in jars and add salt water to each of them.

How to salt milk mushrooms quickly and simply not for the winter?

I really like this recipe, because you can eat such mushrooms after 5 days. I do not like the cold way of pickling mushrooms for several reasons. Firstly, you have to wait a long time, and secondly, the risk of poisoning by them increases.

Take the following ingredients:

  • Milk mushrooms
  • Garlic
  • Black peppercorns
  • Bay leaf

Step by step cooking method:

Rinse and soak the mushrooms overnight, changing the water two to three times during this time.

Transfer the mushrooms to a saucepan with slightly salted water, put on the stove, wait for it to boil and then cook on the fire for 20-30 minutes.

Cool the mushrooms until warm.

Prepare garlic, black peppercorns, bay leaf and salt.

Salt each mushroom and place in a bowl with a hat down.

Place garlic, bay leaf and pepper on each layer of mushrooms.

Set the oppression and put the mushrooms in the refrigerator. After 5 days, you can enjoy ready-made salted milk mushrooms, bon appetit!

Recipe on how to salt black milk mushrooms in a hot way (in brine)

Most often, porcini mushrooms are used for salting. However, black is no worse. Especially if you know how to cook them properly. So try it, good luck!


  • Black milk mushrooms
  • dill umbrellas
  • Bay leaf
  • Garlic
  • peppercorns

Step by step cooking method:

Clean the mushrooms and scrape their legs. Fill with water.

Soak for a day, not forgetting to change the water for black milk mushrooms a couple of times.

The next day, drain the water and rinse the mushrooms.

Fill the pot with water and put on fire.

After boiling, remove the foam, add bay leaf, peppercorns, 2 tablespoons of salt for each kilogram of mushrooms and boil them over medium heat for 40-45 minutes.

Drain the water through a colander and leave the mushrooms to cool.

Put the dill and garlic in the bottom of the jar.

Spread a layer of mushrooms and add salt at the rate of 1 tablespoon for every kilogram of mushrooms.

Top each layer of mushrooms with dill and garlic.

Cover with gauze on top, put a press and leave in a cool place for 2 weeks.

How to salt white milk mushrooms for the winter in jars in a cold way - the right recipe at home

My grandmother knows this way. Moreover, milk mushrooms always turned out to be very tasty and fragrant. If you want to try, welcome to the table!


  • White milk mushrooms
  • Garlic
  • Allspice
  • Black peppercorns

Step by step cooking method:

Soak mushrooms for 2-3 days cold water changing fluid 3-4 times a day.

Thoroughly wash each breast with a dishwashing sponge.

At the bottom of the pan we put chopped cloves of garlic, peas of allspice and black pepper, as well as salt at the rate of 1 tablespoon with a slide per 1 kg of mushrooms.

Lay the mushrooms upside down.

Sprinkle each layer with garlic and pepper.

When the container is 2/3 full, be sure to set the oppression so that the mushrooms release the juice. Cover it all with a clean towel and refrigerate. After 1 - 1.5 months, salted white milk mushrooms are ready! Enjoy your meal!

Cooking salted mushrooms with cold brine

This recipe was taught to me by a familiar mushroom picker, who actually does not crawl out of the forest in the fall. After all, the end of August - the beginning of September is the hottest time for collecting milk mushrooms.

Take for 1 kg of mushrooms:

  • 40 g salt
  • bunch of dill
  • 1 PC. bay leaf
  • horseradish root
  • 5-6 garlic cloves
  • pepper - to taste

Step by step cooking method:

Clean and cut the mushrooms.

Put them in the pan with the pores up.

For three days, soak the milk mushrooms in a saucepan with oppression, changing the water 2-3 times a day.

Crush a dry bay leaf into a cup, chop the garlic cloves and horseradish root.

Add salt and dill.

Add ground pepper mixture.

Mix well.

Pour a mixture of spices to the bottom of the jar and lay out the mushrooms. Do everything in layers.

Press down on the mushrooms to make them tighter.

In this form, the jar must be put in the refrigerator. In 30-40 days they will be ready!

Attention: if you tightly close the jar of mushrooms, then botulism may begin to develop in it. Such milk mushrooms will be dangerous to eat, so do not close the container!

Video with a recipe for salting milk mushrooms at home for the winter (very tasty!)

In order for the mushrooms to be crispy and tasty, they need to be salted in a cold way. However, many are afraid to do this because of the risk of catching botulism, because milk mushrooms are considered conditionally edible mushrooms.

Therefore, if you are so afraid for your health, but at the same time do not want to give up pickled mushrooms, cook them according to this recipe. For it, in addition to mushrooms, you will need salt, sugar, spices and vinegar, which is known for its disinfecting and neutralizing properties. Enjoy your meal!

Do you have a favorite recipe for salted mushrooms? If yes, I will be glad if you share your experience in the comments. See you on the blog!