How to make a drink from oranges. Orange drink at home - general principles of preparation

Is it possible to get a bucket of juice from four large oranges? Of course not, you say. You can't squeeze that much juice out of four oranges. And it is true.

But preparing 9 liters of an orange drink that tastes just as good as juice is very possible. This recipe will come in handy if you are expecting guests, especially children. They will definitely like the orange drink. And it will be more useful than various Fants and Cols.

Ingredients for making the drink:

- 4 large oranges or 5 medium ones;

- 1 kg of sugar;

- juice of one lemon.

Making an orange drink

Take four large (or five medium) oranges. Wash them thoroughly under running water, then scald them with boiling water. You can keep them in boiling water for a little while, half a minute or a minute. Then wipe it dry and put it in the freezer overnight.

The next morning (or when you prepare an orange drink), remove the frozen oranges from the freezer, where they spent the whole night, and cut them into several parts (as convenient for you). I cut the oranges into 8 pieces, so they fit better in the meat grinder.

Safety precautions! Frozen oranges are difficult to cut immediately. So be very careful when trying to make the first cut. For this purpose, it is better to use a short knife with a thick, rigid blade. After the first cut is made, further oranges are easier to cut.

Pass the frozen oranges through a meat grinder. You will immediately have a question: this is how the juice will flow from the oranges. No, it will not. After all, our oranges were frozen precisely so that there would be no juice when chopping. This is such an interesting trick.

When all the oranges are twisted, pour the resulting mass with three liters of boiled water. cold water, mix and let it brew for 10 minutes.

Next, strain the mixture through a colander or cheesecloth to remove large particles. Add another 6 liters of boiled chilled water to the strained orange drink. Add 1 kg of sugar to this and mix well. You can adjust the sweetness yourself (as you like). If you like a less sweet drink, add as much sugar as you need. We also add the juice of one small lemon.

Mix everything well. Let's check the taste of the orange drink again. If you are satisfied with the taste, then pour it into three liter jars or simply leave to infuse in a clean container for 1 hour.

As a result, you get 9 liters of orange drink. In one evening of any holiday, guests will drink the entire drink prepared by you! Even at the end they will ask for the recipe. Because an orange drink prepared at home is much tastier and healthier than a store-bought one.

Bon appetit!

If you like soft drinks, but store bought Orange juice If you don't like it, we offer an alternative. An amazing drink with a pleasant cooling taste. In hot weather it quenches thirst perfectly.

The orange drink is perfect for your children. The only chemical it contains is citric acid. Natural oranges will provide your children with vitamins. The drink is prepared easily and quickly. Plus, you can make bonus jam from squeezed oranges.

Orange Drink Recipe Ingredients

Preparing orange drink

Rinse the oranges well - because we will cook them with the peel. After you have washed the oranges, pour boiling water over them.

We warn you right away that we do not peel oranges. We just take them and cut them into small pieces.

Chopped oranges can be ground in a meat grinder or turned into pulp in a blender.

Add 3 liters of cool boiled water. Leave the orange puree in the water for 10 minutes.

Strain the orange drink through a sieve. And then fold the gauze into 5-6 layers and strain the drink through the gauze. Don't throw away the remaining orange pulp - you can make excellent orange jam from it.

Add more citric acid and sugar. Mix everything thoroughly. And then add another 6 liters of water to the drink.

Bottle orange drink

Congratulations, from 4 oranges you have made 9 liters of drink! Now you can pour it into plastic bottles and put it in the refrigerator. Since our drink is cold, leave it in the refrigerator for a while.

There are several similar drinks on the site, one is even in my diary. But I am sure that this option will take root with you. Because it is the most budget-friendly, the fastest, the most ergonomic... The energy and monetary costs of preparation are minimal, since in 5 minutes you can easily prepare 3 liters of a delicious drink from 1 orange, which the whole family will definitely enjoy. Plus a bonus - the option with cloves.

Ingredients for “The Best Orange Drink”:

Recipe for “The Best Orange Drink”:

First we will prepare the concentrate for our drink. We will need all the ingredients except water. The orange must be washed thoroughly. Important: it must be thin-skinned. Thin-peel oranges are juicier, more flavorful, and have less of the loose white layer underneath the rind (albedo).

Pour sugar into a convenient jug and citric acid. Cut off the top and bottom of the orange and cut it into pieces. The beauty of the pieces is not important, the presence of seeds, in principle, too.

The longest step in preparing the drink: all this must be crushed with an immersion blender. And not just chop it, but as finely as possible, into a single thick mass. To make it easier for the blender to cope with the task, add a little water.

While you are grinding all this, the sugar and citric acid will have time to dissolve. The result is a delicious and aromatic concentrate. Then we proceed as we please. Can be left as a concentrate, or poured into 3 liter jar and top up cold water. Personally, I divide the portion in half and pour it through a funnel into 2 plastic bottles, which I then top up with water and put in the refrigerator. By the way, it’s delicious to soak cakes with the concentrate. You can edit the acid and sugar to suit your needs.

That, in fact, is all the wisdom. By the way, 3 liters of drink is not a dogma. You can dilute it less, it's a matter of taste. Here is a drink diluted 3 times.

By the way, the color of the drink depends on the color of the crust itself. In any case, the drink will be tasty and aromatic, and also with pulp). Here he is. diluted to 3 liters. We like this particular option: it’s not cloying and tastes no worse than store-bought orange juice. Calculate the price yourself)

And - an option for brave lovers of experiments. I'm sharing. In the evening, you can stud the orange with cloves. Like that. By the way, an orange studded in this way is an excellent air odorant if it is located close to a heat source. Orange, if not used, dries to complete hardness and becomes an excellent interior decoration.

Sorry, I got distracted... I return to the drink. Leave the orange studded with cloves overnight and remove the cloves in the morning. And then follow the recipe. As a result, the drink will taste more exotic.

In a word - cook and drink to your health!

Bon appetit and orange mood to you and your family!

This recipe is part of the "Cooking Together - Culinary Week" campaign. Discussion of cooking on the forum -

One of the most affordable fruits in winter time are citrus fruits: oranges, tangerines, lemons. And, in addition to using them in fresh, from these fruits you can make wonderful refreshing fruit drinks, compotes, juices and cocktails. Today we bring to your attention recipes for aromatic orange drinks.

Orange drink recipes

Orange peel infusion:
- 4 l. boiled water (+ a little more boiling water separately - for the first pouring of the zest);
- 3 oranges;
- zest of 6 oranges;
- 500 g granulated sugar;
- 1/2 tsp. citric acid;
- ice in cubes.
Cut the zest from 6 oranges and pour boiling water over it and leave for a couple of hours. After the specified time, drain the water and grind the zest using a blender. Pour the resulting mass with 1 liter of water (fresh) and leave for 3 hours. Then strain the infusion, add sugar and citric acid, pour in another 3 liters of water - mix everything. Peel 3 oranges and divide into slices. Ready drink Pour into glasses with ice and place a few orange slices in each.

Simple orange drink:
- 2 liters of water;
- 1 orange;
- 200 g granulated sugar;
- 3 tbsp. lemon juice.
Wash the orange and place in boiling water for a few seconds to remove the bitterness. Then grind the orange in a blender along with the peel. Pour the resulting orange puree with 1 liter of cold water and leave to steep for 10 minutes. Then strain the mixture through a sieve. Add sugar to the resulting liquid, lemon juice and pour in another 1 liter of water. Mix everything thoroughly until the sugar dissolves, pour into bottles and refrigerate. Once the drink has cooled, serve immediately.
orange drink with ginger:
- 1 liter of boiled water;
- 1 large orange;
- 1 large lemon;
- 3 tbsp. grated ginger rhizome;
- 3 tbsp. honey;
- a few sprigs of mint;
- black ground pepper taste.
Boil water and pour in grated ginger and pepper. Finely chop the mint and add to the ginger. Cover the infusion with a lid. Then squeeze the juice from the orange and lemon. Next, strain the warm ginger infusion, pour the juices into it and add honey - mix everything thoroughly and serve! The finished drink can be decorated with a slice of orange or mint leaves.

Orange coffee drink:
- 1 orange;
- 1/2 tbsp. strong coffee;
- sugar to taste.
Brew strong coffee, squeeze orange juice into it and add sugar.
Orange-carrot drink with chamomile:
- 250 ml water;
- 3 carrots;
- 2 oranges;
- 2 tbsp. chamomile or 2 bags of chamomile tea.
Boil water and prepare a chamomile infusion by pouring boiling water over the chamomile raw materials. Infuse the chamomile, covered, for about 15 minutes, then cool the infusion. Wash the oranges and carrots, peel and squeeze the juice out of them. Then mix the resulting juice with chamomile infusion.

Orange cocktails

Orange-apple cocktail:
- 100 ml apple juice;
- 1 orange;
- 1 egg yolk;
- 1 tbsp. any crushed nuts;
- 1 tsp. honey
Squeeze the juice out of the orange, combine it with apple juice, add honey and yolk and beat everything using a blender or mixer. Pour the finished cocktail into glasses and sprinkle with nuts.

Orange cocktail:
- 60 ml orange juice;
- 10 ml;
- 1 egg white;
- cubed ice (for a shaker).
Shake all ingredients well in a shaker and strain into a glass. Garnish with an orange slice.

Carrot-orange cocktail:
- 200 g carrot juice;
- 100 g kefir;
- juice of 1/2 orange;
- juice of 1/4 lemon;
- 1 tsp honey.
Mix all ingredients thoroughly using a mixer or blender.
Orange milk drink with yolks:
- 500 g of chilled milk;
- 500 g kefir;
- 100 g honey;
- 3 oranges;
- 2 egg yolks.
Squeeze the juice from the peeled oranges. Beat the yolks with honey until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Then, stirring constantly, pour kefir and juice into the egg-honey cream. Mix everything thoroughly and add milk. Stir again, cool and serve.

On a hot summer day, nothing relieves thirst as well as a drink made from oranges. In addition, such a drink can perfectly replace store-bought juices and, of course, carbonated sweet water. The orange drink contains no emulsifiers, dyes, or preservatives. It consists entirely of natural ingredients. To prepare a drink from oranges, you will need a little time and ingredients that can be purchased at any grocery store.

Orange nectar

Oranges are those fruits that can be purchased in the store at any time.

A drink made from them perfectly quenches thirst on a hot day and gives strength. During the cold period, it allows you to replenish the body essential vitamins and boost immunity. To prepare the drink you will need:

  1. Boiled but chilled water - 9 liters.
  2. Medium-sized oranges - 4 pieces.
  3. Granulated sugar - 1 kilogram.
  4. Citric acid - 30 grams.

Fruit preparation

To prepare a drink from 4 oranges per 9 liters of water, you should prepare all the ingredients. The fruits must first be washed and then doused with boiling water. After this, the oranges should be thoroughly wiped and put in the refrigerator for two hours. If possible, the fruit should be kept in the cold overnight. This procedure removes bitterness and also removes wax from orange peels. Prepared fruits should be cut and then passed through a meat grinder.

Squeezing the juice

So how to make a drink from oranges? The finished mixture should be filled with chilled water. This will require three liters. After this, the drink should stand for 10 minutes.

All large particles should be removed from such a composition. To do this, pass it through a colander and then through a piece of gauze folded in several layers. But it is best to use a sieve. After all, the pulp will easily clog the holes in the fabric, then straining the juice will be very difficult. In addition, there may be small pieces of thread in the drink.

Final stage

A drink made from 4 oranges per 9 liters is almost ready. The resulting juice should be diluted with water. The volume must be increased to 9 liters. After this, you can add sugar and citric acid to the drink. The composition must be mixed and left for about an hour. The finished drink can be poured into cans or bottles and placed in the refrigerator.

Orange Cinnamon Drink

Find in store natural juice almost impossible. However, it can be prepared at home. Orange drink homemade differs in composition and, of course, in quality and taste. For it you will need:

  1. Several large oranges.
  2. Sugar - 100 grams.
  3. Cinnamon - ½ teaspoon.
  4. Warm, boiled water - 2 cups.

How to make a drink from oranges

This recipe is somewhat similar to the previous one. But thanks to cinnamon, the drink becomes more aromatic. First you need to prepare the fruit. Oranges should be washed, chopped and juiced. After this, pour water into a deep container, add cinnamon and sugar. The orange skin also needs to be cut into pieces and added to the rest of the ingredients. The resulting mixture should be cooked over low heat, stirring regularly. The orange drink, the recipe for which is very simple, needs to be brought to a boil and simmered for another 15 minutes.

The finished broth must be filtered through a sieve or cheesecloth. After this you need to add to the mixture Fresh Juice fruit. This drink is served chilled or hot.

"Orange Blues"

This drink is prepared from frozen oranges. The taste is simply amazing.

  1. Oranges - 2 pieces.
  2. Cold, but boiled water- 4.5 liters.
  3. Granulated sugar - ½ kilogram.
  4. Citric acid - 8 grams.

Cooking steps

To make a drink from frozen oranges, you should boil water in advance and cool it. If there are no frozen fruits, then you need to wash fresh ones and rinse with boiling water. After this, the oranges should be placed in freezer. To ensure they freeze well and quickly, you can cut them into several parts.

Prepared fruits should be passed through a meat grinder. The resulting slurry must be transferred to a saucepan and filled with water.

This one will take 1.5 liters of liquid. The drink should be stirred and left for a while.

Now you can prepare the syrup. To do this, add sugar to 3 liters of water and stir thoroughly. You need to pour the fruit pulp drink into the syrup and then strain. Add citric acid to the orange drink and stir.

"Orange Explosion"

This orange drink, the recipe for which is given below, has simply amazing taste. Nutmeg, cloves and cinnamon give it a unique flavor. For preparation you will need:

  1. Oranges - 4 pieces.
  2. Warm boiled water - 250 milliliters.
  3. Sugar - a tablespoon.
  4. Cloves - 3 buds.
  5. Cinnamon - 1 stick.
  6. Nutmeg - to taste.

How to make Orange Burst

This 4 orange drink is perfect for... festive table. Fruits should be divided into parts and juice should be squeezed out of them. The resulting drink should be diluted with chilled boiled water and granulated sugar, cloves and cinnamon should be added to it. The container with the mixture must be put on fire and cooked until the first signs of boiling appear. It is important not to miss this moment. After this, reduce the heat to low and cook for a few more minutes. This preparation process is similar to brewing coffee. At the end of preparation, remove the cinnamon stick and cloves from the drink.

In conclusion

The finished mixture must be mixed well. When the orange drink has cooled a little, you should strain it. To do this, you can use a sieve or gauze folded in several layers. The finished drink can be poured into glasses and served, after adding a little nutmeg. It is worth noting that “Orange Explosion” tastes like mulled wine.

Alcoholic drink with oranges

For preparation you will need:

  1. Juice from fresh oranges - 400 milliliters.
  2. Citric acid - 1 pinch.
  3. Orange liqueur - 4 large spoons.
  4. Powdered sugar - 10 grams.
  5. Orange - ½ piece.
  6. Cinnamon and sugar - to taste.
  7. Fresh mint.


To prepare homemade drink made from oranges, you don’t need to have any special culinary skills. It is enough to follow the recipe. Squeeze 400 milliliters of juice from oranges and pour water and liqueur into it. After this, you need to add sugar and citric acid to the mixture. The resulting composition must be thoroughly mixed several times. You need to add more liquor to the drink and place it in a cool place. It needs to brew.

Place several pieces in the glasses edible ice, and then pour in the prepared orange drink. That's all, all that remains is to decorate. To do this, you need to cut the orange into slices and secure it to the edge of the wine glass. After this, the drink should be sprinkled with cinnamon and powdered sugar. Finally, you can decorate it with mint leaves.

Cocktail for children

For preparation you will need:

  1. Pasteurized milk - ½ cup.
  2. Orange juice - 30 milligrams.
  3. Dark or milk chocolate.

How to make a cocktail

You need to squeeze the juice out of the oranges and pour it into the blender bowl. Here you need to add milk and beat everything. The finished drink can be poured into a glass and sprinkled with chocolate, previously crushed using a fine grater. You can use nuts or mint leaves for decoration.

Drink "Freshness"

For preparation you will need:

  1. Sugar syrup - 20 milliliters.
  2. Orange juice - 80 milliliters.

From fresh fruit squeeze out the juice and combine with sugar syrup. The composition must be mixed. The finished drink can be poured into glasses and decorated with slices of fresh fruit.


You can make not only juice from oranges, but also other more delicious drinks that will quench thirst, strengthen the immune system and surprise guests with originality. This does not require much product or time. In addition, the drink recipes are so simple that even an inexperienced housewife can handle them.