Thin pancakes with yogurt. Bright and juicy pancakes with fruit drinking yogurt - a step-by-step recipe for Maslenitsa

Hello dear readers! If you want to surprise your guests on Maslenitsa, then cook pancakes with yogurt! You can choose yogurt to suit your taste - sour, sweet, fruity, the main thing is that it is drinkable. Easy recipe, cook for your health!

Pancakes with drinking yoghurt: photo recipe at home

If you haven't baked pancakes yet fruit yogurt, then I advise you to fill this gap. Store sweet yogurt Ideal for kneading dough. Their highlight is that ready-made pancakes They have a certain fruity taste and aroma, so before use they no longer need to be supplemented with a variety of jams. Another advantage of this recipe is that you can use yoghurts with different fillings, thereby giving the pancakes a different taste each time.

Since drinking yoghurts come in different thicknesses, the dough is also different. Ideally, the consistency of the dough should resemble very liquid sour cream. If your mixture is very thick, you can dilute it with a small amount of water.


What is necessary:

  • 250 milliliters of fruit drinking yoghurt;
  • 160 grams of flour;
  • 80-100 milliliters of boiling water;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 tablespoons sugar;
  • 1.5 tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • 0.25 teaspoon of soda;
  • a pinch of salt.

How to cook with drinking yogurt

Step-by-step recipe for pancakes with fruit yogurt:

Combine the egg in a large container with sugar and salt.

Using a whisk, turn the ingredients into a single mixture, where the sugar and salt dissolve as much as possible. Heat the yogurt in microwave oven until warm, then add to the egg mixture.

Also stir with a whisk to obtain a thick mixture.

Pour into a separate container (glass, jar) required quantity soda

At the same time, heat the water, pour boiling water over the soda, stir, thereby extinguishing it.

Immediately pour the liquid into the dough, stirring quickly with a spoon.

Finally, remove any lumps from the dough by running an immersion blender through it. Before baking, pour in the vegetable oil, distributing it evenly. Place the oil pan on the stove, after heating, pour out a small amount of dough using a ladle.

Fry the pancakes over medium heat until golden brown on both sides.

Bon appetit!

How to cook pancakes with yogurt, thin recipe with holes - Full description preparation so that the dish turns out very tasty and original.

How to make pancakes with yogurt

Have you ever tried cooking pancakes with kefir? If yes, then you probably know how tender these pancakes turn out. It seems that it couldn’t get any more tender. But pancakes cooked with yogurt are direct proof that it can.

Yogurt generally works wonders in sweet pastries. He makes any dough soft, tender, airy. And pancakes are no exception.

From yogurt dough you can bake both thick pancakes, 3-4 mm thick, and thin ones. The thick ones will look like a thin layer of cream, enclosed in a barely noticeable shell - the yogurt dough is so soft that your pancakes will never turn out rubbery and hard. Thin pancakes look like paper.

You can safely experiment with yogurt for making pancakes: take regular or drinking yogurt, with or without additives, with different percentages of fat content. Thus, every time you will receive different dish, and such pancakes will not get boring for you.

Ingredients for making 10-12 pancakes

  • 1 cup yogurt 2-3% fat
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar
  • 130 grams of flour
  • 0.5 tsp baking powder for dough
  • 4 tbsp. tablespoons refined vegetable oil (unscented, so as not to overpower the delicate yoghurt aroma)
  • a pinch of salt to contrast and enhance flavor

Yogurt pancake recipe

The process of making pancakes with yogurt is very simple and no different from general recipe. Pour the yogurt into a small bowl and add sugar and a pinch of salt.

Stir the liquid a little and then add 2 eggs and baking powder.

Add flour to the dough, after sifting it.

Then add vegetable oil.

Using a mixer or blender, mix the dough. Hand kneading will require more effort on your part because you need to make the dough as smooth as possible, without lumps.

Heat the frying pan thoroughly and pour a small ladle of batter onto it, distributing it over the entire bottom of the frying pan.

Bake the pancakes until golden brown on both sides.

Yogurt pancakes turn out delicious on their own, even just sprinkled powdered sugar. But you can serve them with sour cream, jam or honey, and your favorite fruit.

Pancakes with drinking yoghurt

If you have never cooked pancakes on drinking yoghurt . I highly advise you to fill this gap. Baking such pancakes is a real pleasure, as they turn out plump, turn over perfectly and are very beautiful in appearance, with holes. Another advantage of these pancakes is that you can use yoghurts with various fillings, thereby giving the pancakes a certain taste. This time I took blueberry yogurt. The pancakes turned out simply amazing!

To prepare pancakes with drinking yogurt you will need:

wheat flour – 160 g;
drinking yoghurt – 250 ml;
sugar – 2 tbsp. l.;
egg – 1 pc.;
salt - a pinch;
sunflower oil – 1.5 tbsp. l.;
soda – 0.25 tsp;
boiling water – 80-100 ml.

Pour the yogurt into a bowl, add the egg, sugar and salt, stir well.

Add sifted flour. Stir the dough with a spoon until the lumps disappear. Pour soda into a glass, pour boiling water over it, stir quickly and immediately pour into the dough. Stir the dough and leave it for 5 minutes, then pour in the sunflower oil. The dough will be as thick as yogurt itself. After this, you can start frying pancakes. Heat the frying pan well and grease it with oil before the first pancake, pour a ladle of dough into the center and spread, tilting the pan slightly. Literally immediately holes will begin to appear on the surface. Once the dough has set, you can turn the pancake over and fry on the other side. Place pancakes in a stack on a plate. Serve delicious pancakes mixed with drinking yoghurt, with whatever you want: I used raspberry jam, grated with sugar.

Yogurt pancakes – holey and lacy

Today I bought myself a new frying pan specifically for pancakes, since it’s becoming more and more difficult to fry them with the old ones, the pancakes stick and I have to make the batter thicker so that they don’t tear during frying.

And today I decided to update the frying pan, I was wondering whether to bake pancakes with milk or yogurt. I decided that the milk should still live, but the remains of my homemade yogurt (the glass was left in the bottle) urgently needed to be placed somewhere to free up space in the refrigerator. It’s decided, today we’ll have pancakes with yogurt and some of them with cottage cheese, which is left over from my cheesecakes from yesterday.

The recipe for making yogurt pancakes is simple (a glass of flour, a glass of yogurt - easy to remember), if you want more pancakes, then double the portion, since I only got 10 pancakes from the specified amount of products.

1 cup thick yogurt
1 egg
3 tbsp. Sahara
salt to taste
3/4 tsp soda
1 cup flour
about 3-4 tablespoons sunflower oil

How to cook delicious hole-in-one pancakes with yogurt, recipe with photos

I poured yogurt into the bowl, added soda, sugar, salt, and broke an egg.

Sifted a glass of flour

Beat the dough with a mixer. Mine turned out a little thick, so I added just a little bit of boiling water (4 tablespoons).

Look at the consistency; depending on the thickness of the yogurt or the size of the egg, the dough may turn out either liquid or thick. I always dilute thick dough with boiling water.

I fried the pancakes on both sides. I decided to take a photo to show what holes appeared.

I greased every pancake with all my heart butter homemade(here I boasted that we now have butter without any harmful additives)

Well what can I say? I have no words for how delicious these pancakes turned out (and I’ve made a lot of them... different recipes. but these are just some kind of miracle).

Tender, melting in your mouth, into the hole! In general, I decided that tomorrow I will make it again, this time a double portion.

Be sure to try it, it turns out pancakes with yogurt are so delicious.

One BUT, there must be good frying pan so that the pancakes do not stick, since the dough is very tender and tends to tear when turning the pancake, but not a single pancake was damaged :)

Very interesting recipe. I often bake pancakes myself, but have never heard of such a recipe. What percentage of fat should yogurt have? Can you take flavored yogurt or is regular yogurt better?

In general, I make yogurt myself, so somehow I don’t even know what fat content it has - it just needs to be thick and not drinkable. Try to do it yourself - buy a bottle of milk, pour a small jar of yogurt with bifidobacteria into it (any bio yogurt without additives), shake it and leave it on the table overnight. In the morning, instead of milk, you should get thick yogurt.

I have last time such pancakes in the hole turned out to be mineral water. Once again I tried adding soda to the dough, but the pancakes had a slightly specific taste. I also tried to make them with condensed milk, they turned out very sweet, but they stuck terribly to the pan. But this option is new to me, so I’ll definitely try to bake these pancakes.

And I know that it is with sour dairy product that the pancakes are very tender. But they are also fragile and break easily. Therefore, a new frying pan comes in handy. Our whole family loves these pancakes.

I love pancakes, but it’s been a while since I’ve made them. I usually make pancakes with milk, but I liked this recipe with yogurt - they are very beautiful and delicious pancakes turned out in the photos. I hope my pancakes will be the same.

Thanks for the recipe, it’s very tasty!

How to bake delicious pancakes with yogurt, the best recipes with photos

Making pancakes with yogurt is no more difficult than all the others. Moreover, it is not necessary to look exclusively for homemade ones, natural product. Neutral, sweet and even with aromatic fruit additives bought in the supermarket will also work, as long as it is fresh and of high quality.

Quick pancakes with drinking yogurt, recipe with photo

Pancakes mixed with store-bought drinking yoghurt turn out quite thin, moderately soft, elastic and very airy. They can be served on their own along with liquid sauces and syrups, or used for stuffing with sweet, savory, fruit or vegetable fillings.

Pancakes with drinking yogurt

Required ingredients:

  • eggs – 2 pcs
  • granulated sugar – 3 tbsp
  • yogurt – 625 ml
  • premium wheat flour – 500 g
  • soda – ¾ tsp
  • salt – 1/3 tsp
  • odorless vegetable oil – 3 tbsp

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Sift the flour through a kitchen sieve and combine with eggs, sugar and salt, whipped into a light foam.
  • Pour in the yogurt room temperature, add vegetable oil and mix until smooth.
  • Heat a frying pan and grease a piece of lard. Pour a portion of the dough into the center and let it spread evenly over the surface. When the center is dry and the edges are browned, carefully turn the pancake over and cook until done.
  • Serve sprinkled with powdered sugar and fresh fruit.
  • Pancakes with natural yoghurt without eggs

    Pancakes prepared in this way are tender, thin and melting. If you want the dough to be more delicate and slightly crunchy at the edges, you need to add 2-3 tablespoons when kneading boiled water. A rich and bright aroma They will give the dish vanillin, cinnamon, cardamom or any other fragrant spices that are recommended to complement the recipe.

    Required ingredients:

    • low-fat drinking yogurt – 1 l
    • premium wheat flour – 625 g
    • butter – 65 g
    • granulated sugar – 3 tbsp
    • salt – ½ tsp
    • soda – ½ tsp
    • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp

    Step-by-step instruction

    1. Sift the flour through a kitchen sieve and combine with salt, sugar and soda. Then pour in half the milk at room temperature and mix well.
    2. Bring the remaining milk to a boil over low heat and add in a thin stream to all other ingredients. Knead an airy, loose dough without lumps or clots. At the end, add butter, previously melted in a water bath.
    3. Grease a frying pan with vegetable oil and heat over high heat. Pour the batter onto the bottom in a thin layer and fry the pancake evenly on both sides until uniformly golden brown.
    4. Serve hot with sour cream, whipped cream or berry syrup.

    Pancakes with sweet yogurt and milk

    To make the dough soft and fluffy, you must strictly follow the sequence of all actions. After the baking powder is added to the pancake base, under no circumstances should the components be mixed. First you need to brew the dough with a glass of boiling water, and only then give it a uniform and smooth structure. If you do not follow this simple rule, you will not be able to achieve good fluffiness and rich consistency.

    Yogurt pancakes - recipe

    Required ingredients:

    • premium flour - 9 tbsp. l
    • milk 3.2% – 250 ml
    • sweet yogurt – 250 ml
    • baking powder – 1 tsp
    • eggs – 2 pcs
    • brown sugar – 1 tbsp
    • salt – ¼ tsp
    • boiled water – 250 ml
    • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp

    Step-by-step instruction

    1. Using a mixer, thoroughly beat salt, sugar and eggs. Add milk and yogurt at room temperature and mix with a whisk.
    2. Sift the flour through a kitchen sieve, add small portions to the liquid base and stir until completely homogeneous.
    3. Add baking powder and immediately brew the dough with a glass of boiling water. Mix thoroughly and let stand for 10-15 minutes.
    4. Heat the frying pan and grease it with vegetable oil. Bake the pancakes on each side for about a minute and a half and serve immediately with honey, jam or candied fruits.

    Pancakes with holes on fruit yogurt

    With low-fat yogurt you can make truly delicate, lace pancakes with a soft center and edges dotted with small neat holes. If using a purchased one milk product with a fruity taste, then you don’t need to add sugar, otherwise the dough may turn out too sugary.

    Required ingredients:

    • yogurt 0% – 750 ml
    • wheat flour – 3 tbsp
    • baking soda – 1 tsp
    • egg – 2 pcs
    • refined oil – 4 tbsp
    • salt – 1/2 tsp
    • boiling water – 200 ml

    Step-by-step instruction

    1. In a deep container, combine room temperature kefir, sifted flour, salt, granulated sugar and eggs. Beat with a mixer until smooth.
    2. Suppress the soda in boiling water, quickly pour into the dough and mix thoroughly.
    3. Leave on the kitchen counter for 15-20 minutes to allow the baking soda to absorb. Add vegetable oil and mix again.
    4. Heat the pan as hot as possible and grease it with lard for the first time. Fry the pancakes for 40-50 minutes on each side and serve hot along with your favorite drinks.

    Miracle pancakes with “Miracle” yogurt, video instructions

    In this video, the author tells how to prepare delicious and sweet pancakes using “Miracle” yogurt, which is regularly advertised on many popular TV channels. For a rather impressive stack of golden suns, only one bottle is required milk drink, a couple of eggs, a little flour, salt, vegetable oil and brown sugar. The dough can be kneaded in just a few minutes and within a quarter of an hour you can enjoy fresh and aromatic homemade cakes.

    More tender than clouds: the most delicious pancakes with yogurt

    Yogurt pancakes without eggs

    Yogurt pancakes, unlike milk pancakes, have a characteristic light sourness that goes well with both sweet and salty fillings. Most often, such pancakes are prepared with sour drinking yoghurt of medium fat content. But cook delicious pancakes You can also use sweet yoghurt - the kids will definitely love them! In this article we have collected for you the most best recipes pancakes with yogurt, which you should definitely cook at home. It could be like yeast pancakes, and dietary.

    Chocolate pancakes with yogurt and milk - step-by-step recipe with photos

    Let's start with a recipe that will definitely win the hearts of those with a sweet tooth who love yogurt. In this version we will not just bake sweets chocolate pancakes on yogurt, but also fill them with sweet yogurt and strawberries. You can use any yogurt (Agusha, Activia, etc.). You can cook pancakes not only in a pancake maker, but also in a slow cooker.

    Required ingredients:

    • milk – 100 ml
    • drinking yogurt -250 ml
    • eggs – 2 pcs.
    • flour – 200 gr.
    • cocoa powder – 2 tbsp. l.
    • sugar – 3 tbsp. l.
    • vanillin – 1 sachet
    • strawberry yogurt – 150 ml

    Step-by-step instruction

    1. It is better to take low-fat yogurt for the dough and without additives. Mix yogurt and milk. Beat eggs with sugar and cocoa, then pour into yogurt. Add vanillin or vanilla sugar and start adding flour. We use wheat flour, but oatmeal will work great paired with yogurt. Mix with a mixer. On a note! If you use oatmeal for this recipe, be sure to let it sit ready-made dough about half an hour before starting to bake the pancakes. This is necessary so that the coarser oatmeal swells and becomes softer.
    2. We bake pancakes in a frying pan, preferably without oil. To prevent the first pancake from burning and coming out lumpy, pour the dough into a hot frying pan greased with butter.
    3. Let's make pancakes strawberry yogurt and decorate fresh berries strawberries and powdered sugar. Therefore, we eat strawberries, but do not peel them, but dry them on a paper towel.
    4. Place yogurt on the cooled pancake and fold the pancake into a triangle. Place strawberries on top and sprinkle with powder.
      On a note! For the filling, use full-fat yogurt, as a product with a low fat content will leak out of the pancake.

    Thin yoghurt pancakes with holes - step by step recipe

    You can also cook thin pancakes with holes (from soda and milk) with yogurt, which are almost the main feature the right pancakes. This recipe is extremely simple, and the main condition for successful pancakes is the use of full-fat, non-drinkable yogurt.

    Thin yoghurt pancakes

    Required ingredients:

    • thick, high-fat yogurt – 2 cups
    • egg – 2 pcs.
    • flour – 2 cups
    • vegetable oil – 3 tbsp. l.
    • sugar – 2-3 tbsp. l.
    • soda -3/4 tsp.

    Step-by-step instruction

    1. Preparing yoghurt pancake batter for this recipe is very simple: mix all the ingredients in one deep bowl, and then add the sifted flour. Mix with a whisk.
      On a note! If your dough turns out to be very thick, then simply add a couple of tablespoons of boiling water to it and mix again with a mixer.
    2. Bake pancakes on hot frying pan until golden. You should carefully turn the pancake over to the other side, as the dough is very tender and can easily tear.
    3. As a filling for ready-made thin pancakes with yogurt, you can use cottage cheese, jam, or condensed milk. If you plan to use a salty filling, then instead of three spoons of sugar, you only need to add one to the dough.

    Custard pancakes with drinking yoghurt - step-by-step recipe

    Many housewives believe that choux pastry for pancakes it is too labor-intensive and they prefer not to use it. But pancakes according to this recipe are incredibly easy to prepare, see for yourself! By the way, the dish will turn out even tastier with homemade drinking yogurt.

    Yogurt custard pancakes

    Required ingredients:

    • drinking yoghurt – 300 ml.
    • egg – 1 pc.
    • sugar – 2 tbsp. l.
    • water – 125 ml.
    • soda – 1/4 tsp.
    • flour – 200 gr.
    • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.

    Step-by-step instruction

    1. Mix the egg and yogurt, add sugar, salt and sifted flour. Beat with a mixer.
    2. IN hot water add baking soda and stir quickly. Pour soda water into the dough, mix thoroughly. Let the dough stand for 5-7 minutes.
    3. Fry pancakes in a hot frying pan without oil.
    4. Serve with your favorite toppings and sour cream.

    Very tasty and quick pancakes with yogurt - step-by-step video recipe

    The pancake dough from this video recipe can be prepared not only with drinking yogurt, but also with yogurt or kefir. The ideal filling for such yogurt pancakes would be cottage cheese or sour soft cheese.

    Quick pancakes with yogurt. Ideas from the Internet

    You may also be interested in the following articles:

    Yogurt pancakes “Temptation”

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    Yogurt pancakes: lacy pleasure

    Pancakes with yogurt are special. There are many types of pancakes: stuffed, with kefir, with soda, with milk and water, etc. Yogurt pancakes are special. They are very soft, delicate, airy, and you can use sweet and unsweetened yogurt and vary the taste of the finished dish yourself. This recipe is an excellent alternative to already proven pancake recipes.

    The secret of this recipe is that almost all housewives can make such pancakes. Yogurt differs in composition from kefir; it makes the dough more elastic, soft, and this affects the taste of the dish.

    • 500 milliliters of yogurt;
    • 2 eggs;
    • 15 grams of soda;
    • 100 grams of granulated sugar;
    • A pinch of salt;
    • 8 tablespoons wheat flour.
    Almost all housewives make such pancakes
    1. In a deep container, mix yogurt with salt, sugar, soda. A foam should appear on the surface, which indicates the beginning of a chemical reaction between the yogurt and soda.
    2. Add the eggs and beat the mixture well with a whisk.
    3. At this stage you need to sift the flour - this can be done directly into the bowl of dough. Place a fine sieve on a container and sift the entire portion of flour. In many recipes, the phrase “sifted flour” or “you need to sift the flour” is often used. These are not just words. Flour sifted through a sieve is not only cleared of unnecessary impurities, but also saturated with oxygen. This has a positive effect on the future dough.
    4. Stir the mixture thoroughly with a wooden spatula – the dough should be quite thick. Let him “rest” for 15-20 minutes. Few housewives know that the main reason for pancakes sticking to the pan is not the wrong amount of ingredients, but wrong consistency test. The fact is that the gluten of the flour does not have time to swell due to the fact that the pancakes begin to bake immediately. It is imperative to let the dough “rest”, and this applies to almost all types of dough.
    5. Grease the pan with vegetable oil using a silicone brush and pour in half a scoop of dough. Distribute everything in the pan and bake the pancake for 1-2 minutes until cooked (time may vary).

    Great recipe thin pancakes.

    This article has helped many gardeners stop working hard on their plots and still get a bountiful harvest.

    I would never have thought that in order to get the best harvest on my plot in my entire “dacha career”, I just need to stop working on the beds and trust nature.
    For as long as I can remember, I spent every summer at the dacha. First at my parents' house, and then my husband and I bought our own. From early spring to late autumn, all free time was spent on planting, weeding, tying, pruning, watering, harvesting and, finally, preserving and trying to preserve the harvest until next year. And so on in a circle.

    It is best served with sweet toppings, jam and preserves, as drinking yoghurts are usually sweet. Another feature is that sugar may not be added to the dough.

    • 400 milliliters of drinking sweet yoghurt;
    • A pinch of salt;
    • 2 eggs;
    • 30 milliliters of vegetable oil;
    • 250 grams of flour;
    • 50 grams of sugar (optional);
    • Fruits or berries for serving;
    • Powdered sugar or coconut flakes for sprinkling.
    Great recipe for thin pancakes
    1. Break the eggs into a bowl and mix with sugar using a whisk (if you decide not to add sugar, just beat the eggs very well).
    2. Add pre-sifted flour and salt.
    3. Stirring constantly, pour in the yogurt.
    4. Mix everything thoroughly. If the dough is too thick, you can add a little more yogurt or water.
    5. Pour a little vegetable oil so that the pancakes do not stick to the pan.

    Fry the pancakes 10 minutes after kneading the dough, it should sit a little.

    Thin on yoghurt without eggs

    These pancakes turn out thin, airy and simply melt in your mouth.

    If you are going to prepare pancakes for stuffing with meat, cheese, and other savory ingredients, then it is better to use yogurt with a neutral taste or homemade. The absence of eggs will not affect the taste in any way.

    • 1 liter of low-fat yogurt;
    • 650 grams of flour;
    • 50 grams of butter;
    • 100 grams of sugar (to taste);
    • A pinch of salt;
    • 15 grams of soda;
    • 50 milliliters of vegetable oil.
    Pancakes melt in your mouth
    1. First, combine the dry ingredients. To do this, sift the flour into a deep bowl, add sugar (to taste), salt, soda and stir well with a tablespoon. Yogurt should be warmed to room temperature before kneading the dough.
    2. Pour half the yogurt into the bowl with the flour and stir.
    3. Melt the butter in a water bath or in a microwave and cool.
    4. Add the remaining yogurt to the dough and stir. Add butter.
    5. Bake pancakes in a hot frying pan until golden brown.

    You don't need to use oil when frying.

    Openwork pancakes with holes on fruit yogurt

    If you use drinking yogurt when preparing the dough, you can get beautiful, openwork pancakes with holes. Since the pancakes will turn out quite sweet, it is better to stuff them with appropriate fillings.

    • 750 milliliters of drinking fruit yoghurt;
    • 3 cups wheat flour;
    • 15 grams of soda;
    • 2 eggs;
    • 100 milliliters of vegetable oil;
    • A pinch of salt;
    • 1 cup boiling water.
    If you use drinking yogurt when preparing the dough, you can get beautiful, openwork pancakes with holes
    1. Pour yogurt into a deep bowl, add flour, a pinch of salt and eggs. Beat everything thoroughly with a mixer or whisk.
    2. Pour boiling water into a bowl and extinguish the soda in it.
    3. Quickly pour this mixture into the dough and immediately begin stirring vigorously to prevent the eggs from curdling. This method is called steeping the dough.
    4. Let the dough sit for 15-20 minutes to allow the gluten to swell.
    5. Bake a pancake traditional way: in a well-heated frying pan, greased with oil.

    With apples and cinnamon

    The pancakes turn out to be quite dense, so this dough can also be used to make pancakes. The finished pancakes have an amazing cinnamon and apple flavor.

    • 1 glass of yogurt;
    • 2 eggs;
    • 500 grams of wheat flour;
    • 15 grams of soda;
    • 1 tablespoon vinegar;
    • 3 tablespoons sugar;
    • 1 large apple;
    • 2 pinches of ground cinnamon;
    • Vegetable oil for frying.
    The pancakes are quite dense
    1. In a large container, combine the sifted flour and cinnamon, stir.
    2. In another bowl, mix the yogurt with the eggs, adding sugar if the yogurt is not sweet enough. Beat the mixture well with a whisk.
    3. Combine flour and yogurt, stir with a wooden spatula until smooth.
    4. Peel the apple and grate it on a large-mesh grater. Place in bowl with dough.
    5. In a small cup, quench the soda with vinegar and add to the dough, stir.
    6. Please note that the consistency of the dough is quite thick - as it should be. If you scoop it into a spoon and tilt it, it will slowly drip out.
    7. Let the dough rest for 15 minutes and bake the pancakes in the usual way. When bubbles appear on the surface of the pancake, you can turn it over to the other side and fry until cooked.

    If the pancakes spread over the pan, then you should add more flour to the dough. Ready dish Serve with any jam, preserves or ice cream.

    Tips for those who make pancake dough with yogurt

    To prepare pancakes with yogurt, you need to know some features:

    1. The pancake dough must rise and rise;
    2. Wheat flour must be sifted through a fine sieve;
    3. To make the dough homogeneous, it is advisable to mix the ingredients in separate containers: liquid in one, dry in another.
    4. To make sweet pancakes, you need to use yogurt with fruit filling, and for fresh or salty pancakes, use regular yogurt with a neutral taste.
    5. You can add almost any ingredients to the pancake dough: grated apple, berry puree, spices, seeds, etc. Experiment!

    Cooking pancakes with yogurt (video)

    Delicious yoghurt pancakes in 30 minutes (video)

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    Fluffy milk pancakes without yeast recipe

    On Maslenitsa and not only many chefs want to amaze their family and guests delicious pancakes. Various dairy products are used as a base - kefir, fermented baked milk, milk, but the most delicious and tender pancakes are made with yogurt. In this case, there is practically no need to add granulated sugar to the dough, because store-bought yogurt is sweet in itself. In addition, you can choose flavor shades: peach, raspberry, strawberry, etc. We will prepare pancakes with strawberry yogurt.


    • 100 ml strawberry yogurt
    • 50 ml water
    • 2 chicken eggs
    • 4.5 tbsp. l. premium wheat flour
    • 1.5 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, preferably refined, odorless - olive or sunflower
    • 1 tbsp. l. granulated sugar
    • 2 pinches of salt


    1. Break the eggs into a suitable container, add sugar and salt (but before adding sugar, try the yogurt so as not to overdo it). Beat the eggs with a fork or whisk for 2-3 minutes until the yolks are combined with the whites. There is no need to use a mixer or food processor.

    2. Pour yogurt into the egg mixture (strawberry, as in our case, any other or classic yogurt without any additives). Pour in water and mix everything. It is necessary to add water, since yogurt is thick and you need to make the mass more liquid, otherwise you will not end up with thin pancakes, but fluffy pancakes or pancakes.

    3. Pour in the oil and stir.

    4. Add the sifted flour and mix it thoroughly into the dough, trying not to form lumps. Leave the pancake dough for 15–20 minutes so that the gluten in the flour is activated, otherwise the pancakes will tear in your pan when baking.

    If you have never made thin pancakes with yogurt before, you cannot consider yourself an expert in the art of pancakes! But seriously, using our recipe you can prepare delicious thin pancakes, tender and soft. Who would have thought that drinking store-bought yogurt would be ideal as a base for pancake batter? They are not as popular as, but you will like them no less.

    To prepare pancakes with yogurt according to our recipe, take:

    yogurt (drinking, strawberry) - 400 ml,

    water (hot) - 100 ml,

    sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons,

    flour - 4.5 tbsp. spoons,

    baking soda - a pinch,

    chicken eggs - 3 pcs.,

    salt - a pinch,

    vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons.

    Thin pancakes with drinking yogurt: recipe with photos

    Pour yogurt into a bowl.

    We beat the eggs in there.

    Add sugar.

    Pour in hot water.

    Then add vegetable oil.

    Add flour and soda. Mix the dough well with a whisk or mixer to remove any lumps. The dough will not be liquid.

    Grease the pan with oil and pour the dough in a thin layer. Fry the pancakes on both sides. If the pancakes start to burn, then you need to add more eggs or flour.

    Place the finished pancakes on a plate as they fry. Thin pancakes on yogurt they turn out tender and soft: they do not need to be greased with butter, since the edges will still not become dry even the next day.

    Do you know what else you can make from pancakes?

    Evgenia Khonovets (infigirl) especially for the site

    2016, . All materials posted on this site belong to its owners and are protected by copyright and related rights. Copying, in whole or in part, is prohibited.

    Pancakes made with yogurt traditionally turn out very tender and airy. These pancakes are served with berries, fruits or filled with cottage cheese. And to prepare them, they use both homemade yogurt and store-bought ones.

    Yogurt pancakes are a great dessert


    Boiled water 250 milliliters Drinking yoghurt 500 milliliters Refined vegetable oil 4 tbsp. Wheat flour 2 stacks Granulated sugar 3 tbsp. Soda 0 tsp Chicken eggs 2 pieces) Salt 2 pinches

    • Number of servings: 2
    • Cooking time: 20 minutes

    Recipe for pancakes with yogurt, how to cook pancakes with yogurt

    Yogurt should be fresh, without pieces of fruit or seeds. However, to prepare pancakes with yogurt, as in the photo, you can use a product with any flavor, without impurities.


    1. Break the eggs into a deep bowl, add the appropriate amount of salt and sugar. Beat them well and pour in the yogurt. Stir.
    2. Gradually add flour, stirring constantly. The composition should be homogeneous, without lumps.
    3. Pour baking soda into a separate bowl and dilute it with boiling water. Stir the mixture and gradually pour it into the pancake base, stirring regularly.
    4. After 5 minutes, add oil.
    5. Leave the dough for 15 minutes.
    6. Heat the pan thoroughly and grease the surface with oil. Fry the pancake on one side until the surface turns white completely. Then turn it over.

    Place the finished pancakes in a stack on a plate, brushing each with butter. If desired, you can cook custard and coat the surface of the pancakes with it. Then you will get a delicious pancake cake.

    Pancake recipe with yogurt and milk


    • premium flour - 9 tbsp. l;
    • milk – 250 ml;
    • yogurt – 250 ml;
    • baking powder – 1 tsp;
    • eggs – 2 pieces;
    • granulated sugar – 1 tbsp;
    • salt – ¼ tsp;
    • boiling water – 250 ml;
    • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp.


    1. Break the eggs into a deep container, add the entire volume of salt and sugar. Beat with a whisk/mixer
    2. Pour milk and yogurt into the eggs. Mix again.
    3. Gradually add the sifted flour to the pancake mixture, stirring constantly to prevent lumps from forming.
    4. Add a dose of baking powder and immediately pour in boiling water. Stir the mixture thoroughly and leave to sit for 10 – 15 minutes.
    5. Bake pancakes in a hot frying pan, pre-greased with vegetable oil.

    An important point: after introducing the baking powder into the pancake base, it is first brewed with boiling water and only then mixed. By following the exact sequence, you will get beautiful and satisfying pancakes.