The most delicious and interesting orange jam recipes. Jam from oranges and lemons


This confiture was born quite by accident. The fact is that deposits of fruit have formed at home, a lot is bought, but little is eaten.
And among these deposits, 3 forgotten oranges were discovered. No one would eat them, there is no one to drink juice either. And then I remembered that once my friend asked me for the recipe " good jam"from oranges. There was no recipe then, but now I have invented a recipe. THIS IS VERY DELICIOUS. I am writing exactly as I did.

  • 3 large oranges
  • 350 g sugar
  • 50 - 70 ml juice of 1 lime (1/2 large lemon)
  • 50 - 70 ml orange liqueur(COINTREAU)
  • Wash oranges thoroughly (if processed, wash with baking soda and pour several times with boiling water, after each time lowering into cold water)
  • Using a needle, toothpicks, make very frequent small punctures over the entire surface of the oranges (not reaching the pulp of the orange)
  • Put the oranges in a deep bowl and pour over cold water.
  • Changing the water 3-4 times a day, soak the oranges for 3 days.
  • Highly sharp knife Remove the skin from the oranges, taking care to cut only the zest without the "white" layer.
  • Cut the skin into pieces of 5 - 7 cm and then cut with a sharp knife into very thin strips (julienne)
  • Take off the oranges" white layer skin and cut into circles about 1 cm thick
  • Cut each circle into 4-6 pieces
  • Put the zest in a bowl, add lime juice, oranges and cover everything with sugar, leave for 12 (or more) hours
  • Put the oranges on the fire and as soon as it boils, reduce the heat to the minimum (no foam should appear when boiling) and cook for 30-40 minutes
  • Remove from heat, cool without closing, and leave until the next day.
  • Repeat the whole process 2 more times
  • Add (optional) liquor to the confiture, mix gently and put in a clean jar.


Composite recipe. Therefore, the most important thing is to remember the proportions of sugar.
I have 3 peeled oranges (no white skin) weighed 487g.
Proportions, in almost all recipes orange jam that I met the same ones.
FOR 500 g of peeled oranges - 300 g of sugar
I added 50 g more because the lime was very large.
Confiture came out unusually fragrant.
In Valencia, oranges of a special variety are grown, slightly bitter, and they make a luxurious confiture from them.

Unfortunately, we only grow ordinary oranges, and therefore, in order to give a slight "bitterness" to the confiture, I put the zest.
True, the bitterness practically did not work out, and if it did, it was barely noticeable. But the zest in confiture turned out to be much tastier than the oranges themselves.

If anyone prefers traditional confiture, ordinary sweet, then you don’t need to put the zest at all and use only oranges in the same proportions with respect to sugar.
Although the amount of sugar still depends on the sweetness of the oranges.
And one more important point. ORANGE SHOULD BE JUICY.
It is better to take those that have fairly thin skin.
During the cooking process, a large number of juice. But you don't have to take it anywhere. When the confiture cools down, all the juice will thicken.

I am a big fan of adding alcohol to desserts, pastries, etc., of course, I also added liquor to confiture. Delicious, but I think that even without it, confiture would not have lost a bit in taste.

I really love orange jam - quite thick, amber in color, with a magical aroma and amazing taste, it is so good with morning toast and a cup of coffee! Usually I buy it or it is brought by friends who know me from Spain or Italy, knowing my passionate love for this jam.

But recently I thought that you can make orange jam at home, on your own: after all, oranges are on sale almost all year round and their prices are relatively low. After studying the many recipes that the Internet and print publications offer, I opted for a pretty simple version orange jam - with zest.


  • 1 kg of oranges;
  • 800 g of sugar;
  • 200 ml of water.

* The weight indicated is the weight of unpeeled oranges with skin

How to make orange jam:

We select fresh, juicy, dense oranges with unspoiled skin, rinse thoroughly and wipe dry. Using a fine grater, remove the zest.

Remove the white subcutaneous layer (otherwise the jam will be bitter). Cut the oranges into small pieces and remove the pits.

We scald all parts of the meat grinder to reliably degrease it. We pass oranges through a meat grinder. Orange jam is good to cook in a stainless steel saucepan with a thick bottom or in a special bowl for cooking jam. If you cook jam in an enamel pan, you will need to stir continuously so that it does not burn. Pour water into the pan, put the oranges, passed through a meat grinder.

Pour sugar and put the zest. Mix everything thoroughly and put the pan on the fire.

On a fire slightly above average, stirring, bring the mass to a boil and cook on the smallest fire for 50-60 minutes. Stir occasionally to avoid burning.

By the end of cooking, the jam will become noticeably thicker, acquire a beautiful amber color. We take the foam off it.

We turn off the fire and immediately lay out the jam in pre-prepared (sterilized) dry jars. We seal hermetically with boiled lids. Turn the jars of jam upside down and let it cool completely.

Fruits and berries


Orange confiture can be called an exotic delicacy. Of course, in fresh such a fruit is much tastier and healthier, but if your goal is to preserve it for the winter and cook delicious meals based on it, then cooking confiture is an excellent choice.

According to this method, citrus confiture is often prepared by adding lemons, tangerines and limes to oranges. In addition, apple and pumpkin, as well as cranberries, go well with this product. This recipe is very important role the zest or peel of an orange plays, as it contains a large number of aromatic elements. The pulp of the fruit itself contains many vitamins, especially a lot of vitamin C. Note: one hundred and fifty grams of an orange can cover daily allowance consumption of this vitamin.

Orange confiture will be easier to prepare if you have a slow cooker. Such a kitchen gadget will greatly simplify your task, however, you may need pectin to bring orange jam cooked in a slow cooker to the desired consistency.

It is known that most of the vitamins do not evaporate when heat treatment, so eating orange confiture is very useful in winter. But for this it is necessary to prepare it correctly, because if you forget to do this or that action, your delicacy can quickly deteriorate. Well, cooking it at home is very easy: stock up on the necessary amount of ingredients, and also open our step by step recipe with a photo in which you will find all the necessary recommendations for cooking delicious orange confiture at home for the winter.



    The first thing you need to do in order to prepare an unsurpassed fragrant confiture from oranges for the winter - collect required amount main ingredients. In our recipe, the number of oranges is indicated for one serving of confiture, so if you want to prepare more, increase the amount of products proportionally.

    To make your confiture stand out original taste and bizarre aroma, you need to go for a little trick: buy two different varieties of oranges in the store, one of which will have a thick peel, and the other will have a thin one. Thanks to this difference, your confiture will taste great, and it will have an excellent aroma. Wash the purchased oranges thoroughly and cut into small thin slices.

    Now prepare two different pots in which you will cook oranges of different varieties. This can be done in one pan, but then their tastes will mix and it makes no sense to buy different varieties there will be no oranges.

    Look carefully at your oranges: if they have a lot of juice, then you need to add water during cooking to small quantities, and if the citrus fruits are slightly dry, then add more water. Turn on the fire and cook the oranges until boiling.

    After the water boils, you will need to carry out a simple manipulation: weigh the pan with the contents, subtract the weight of the pan itself from the resulting number, and the resulting figure is the required amount of sugar that needs to be added to the confiture.

    Let the dish brew for several hours, and if the confiture is not well thickened, add pectin. After that, you can close the treat in jars and put it away for the winter in the basement, or you can enjoy it right now. Such delicious confiture from oranges with peel will appeal to both adults and children. Enjoy your meal!

Fruits and berries


Jam from oranges and lemons- apogee of brightness, summer mood expressive aroma and unique taste. If you have never tried to create preservation of their citrus fruits for the winter, then you simply have to start with this step-by-step photo recipe. What is jam in general and how does it differ from the same confiture or jam? Most often, only completely crushed berries and fruits are used for jam, so in concentration it is more like smooth honey. Of course, this is not a rule, but rather a recommendation.

Very often, for the preparation of any preparations from citrus fruits, not only their pulp is used, but also the zest. Do you know why this happens? The fact is that the zest of both oranges and lemons contains almost 90 percent of the famous vitamin C. Accordingly, the pulp contains only the remaining 10 percent beneficial substance. Of course, few people rely on usefulness when preparing any winter preparations.First of all, taste is important to everyone, and it will be simply amazing with such a jam. Even the process of making this jam at home is somewhat different from the traditional one: we will first boil oranges in sugar syrup whole and only then grind. The blank will be bright, decorating, it can be presented to loved ones. Let's start preparing delicious homemade jam from oranges and lemons for the winter.



    Choose Mayer lemons and sweet ripe oranges for cooking: it is from such citrus fruits that the most saturated and delicious jam . Place all purchased fruits in a deep saucepan, cover with cold water and rinse thoroughly with a new sponge, because we will also use the peel as an ingredient.

    Without drying, we transfer the citrus fruits to the selected for cooking enamel pan, there we fill in the entire volume of pure cold water. We put the pan on the fire and bring the liquid in it to a boil.

    After the water boils, reduce the heat to a minimum, put a sheet of foil on top of the pan, and cover the lid on top of it as shown in the photo. In this form, we cook citrus fruits for 150 minutes: so the peel of oranges and lemons will become very soft, which is important for our recipe. After the specified time, turn off the fire and leave the citrus fruits to cool for 8 hours in this form.

    After the specified period of time, we alternately remove the citrus fruits from the pan, remove the peel from each, which will be very easy to do thanks to the above manipulations.

    In a saucepan with infused citrus water we return the pulp, while carefully kneading it with our hands, which, well, it is very desirable to wash and rinse well before this stage. Stir the treated mass, return to the stove and bring to a boil, cook over low heat for the next 10 minutes.

    During this time, you can have time to very finely chop the peel removed from oranges and lemons. Of course, at this stage you can also use a blender, which will save you a lot of time.

    After the specified cooking time of the pulp, we filter the contents of the pan through a very fine sieve, return the liquid back to the pan, put the pulp in a bowl. Now pour the chopped zest into the pan, mix and bring the liquid to a boil again. Pour all the prepared granulated sugar into the pan, constantly stirring the ingredients with a wooden spoon, completely dissolve the crystals. Cook the jam for half an hour over low heat until the density we need.

    Pour the finished hot jam into sterilized small jars, tightly close them with lids and leave to cool under a blanket. Cooled blanks can be put away in a cupboard or pantry, jam can also be stored in the refrigerator if it is not too much. homemade jam from oranges and lemons ready for the winter.

    Enjoy your meal!

No matter how much you would like to break the magic of beautiful French sayings, but in fact, orange confiture is our usual jam, or rather a dense jam with whole pieces of citrus. The circle of use of this sweetness, respectively, is similar: pastries, desserts, addition to cereals and dairy products, or just a cup of tea or coffee.

orange confiture recipe


  • oranges - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 6 cups.


Grate the orange zest (orange part). We cut off the white pulp of citrus with a knife, trying to collect all the flowing down in the process. Now the orange pulp should be separated from the membranes with a sharp knife.

Place the zest, pulp, juice and sugar in a bowl. We put the bowl on the fire and bring everything to a boil. The membranes and seeds left over from pulping contain great amount pectin, which will thicken our confiture, so we tie the trimmings into a gauze bag and also send them to the pan. We cook confiture at 104 degrees for 5 minutes, and then place a drop on a chilled plate: the finished confiture will be held in a flat path on your finger.

Now confiture can be served at the table, or rolled into sterilized jars.

If you want to make bitter orange confiture, then use not ordinary, but red bitter oranges for the recipe.

Confiture from apples and oranges



We clean the oranges according to the scheme from the previous recipe, collect the trimmings in a gauze bag. Peel apples and cut into cubes. We put orange peel, bag, pulp and pieces of apples in a saucepan, pour water. As soon as the liquid boils, add sugar and spices to the pan. Cook for 1 minute, stirring constantly. As soon as the apples are soft enough, remove the jam from the heat and serve. All ours are ready!