Fried tuna cooking recipes. How long to fry tuna

Perfect Steak from tuna - it's very simple. After all, what could be simpler than a quickly fried piece of fish with an appetizing, slightly brittle crust, under which lies the inside, barely touched by heat, already easily disintegrating into fibers, but still pinkish and juicy? This degree of doneness is easiest to achieve if, the direct heat of which quickly seals the steak on the outside, but penetrates much more slowly inside. On regular frying pan Cooking a tuna steak is more difficult, but it is also possible if you properly prepare for the surprises that tuna can throw up during frying.

If you managed to catch that perfect tuna steak, congratulations: you have just prepared perhaps one of the most delicious dishes of your life. To surprise you once again (but on the good side), tuna hardly needs anything other than salt and pepper (although a slice of lemon and a glass of white will also not be superfluous at this celebration of life). And if you want to be surprised a third time, prepare a simple five-minute sauce from lemon, capers and cilantro, the spicy aroma of which is so suitable for tuna steak.

Tuna steak


5 minutes


2 servings

2 tuna steaks


for the sauce:

2 tbsp. olive oil

2 tbsp. lemon juice

1 tsp capers

several sprigs of cilantro

1 green onion

if desired - 1 tsp. sesame paste

The ideal tuna steak is a quickly fried piece of fish with an appetizing crust, under which lies the inside, barely touched by heat, pinkish and juicy.
Alexey Onegin

Most likely, you received the tuna steak frozen. In this case, transfer the steaks from the freezer to the top shelf of the refrigerator a day before cooking so that the fish has time to delicately defrost, losing a minimum of juices. After this, generously salt the tuna steaks on both sides and leave for 30-40 minutes: during this time, the salt will have time to mix with the moisture appearing on the surface of the fish, turn into a solution and, under the influence of osmosis, be absorbed into the steaks, evenly salting them throughout the entire thickness. Rinse the fish quickly under running water and dry with paper towels.

Why is it sometimes difficult to achieve golden brown crust when frying fish or meat? The fact is that the Maillard reaction responsible for it starts at temperatures above 140 degrees, but until the moisture present on the surface of the products evaporates, its temperature cannot rise above 100 degrees. This means that the fish must be as dry as possible in order to quickly go through this stage and have time to fry before it becomes irrevocably dry inside. So don't be stingy with paper towels—the tuna steak must be completely dry before going into the frying pan.

Place a non-stick frying pan over high heat and pour in a little vegetable oil, and when it warms up, add a spoonful of butter - it will help the fish quickly acquire golden crust, because literally seconds count when frying tuna steaks. Butter first it will bubble, then melt and mix with the vegetable matter - and at this moment you need to put it on frying pan steak and from tuna. Fry them for 40 seconds on one side, flip and cook for another 40 seconds on the other, then drain on paper towels to absorb excess oil.

Serve the steaks with a wedge of lemon or a sauce that you can prepare before you start frying the tuna steak. To do this, mix olive oil, lemon juice, chopped cilantro leaves and, as well as thinly sliced green onions. if you have secret ingredient, sesame - tahini, urbech or just sesame seeds crushed in a mortar - you can also mix it into the sauce for a thicker consistency and an interesting “Asian” aroma, the source of which is unlikely to be guessed by the uninitiated. However, the tuna sauce will be very good without this secret.

Once you're done, place the tuna steaks on plates, if desired, slicing them first for a nicer presentation. Season the tuna with freshly ground black pepper, pour over the sauce or simply sprinkle with lemon juice - and bon appetit!

Tuna fillet fried in a frying pan, photo recipe

Fried tuna in a frying pan - a recipe that will be useful for festive dinner for a variety of reasons. Pieces tender fillet, pink in the center and covered with an appetizing crust around the edges, are not only very tasty, but also beautiful. And fresh lettuce leaves, onions, olives, juicy tomatoes cherry tomatoes, fried croutons and aromatic spices– you can’t think of a better accompaniment for pan-fried tuna! And for scarlet fish there is also a recipe for grilled tuna.


  • 700 g tuna fillet;
  • half a loaf;
  • 0.5 tbsp. flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 3-4 tsp. Provençal herbs;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • 300 g cherry tomatoes;
  • 100 g Crimean onion;
  • 1 lemon;
  • half - 1 bunch of iceberg lettuce;
  • some other greens (red or green salad, arugula, etc.);
  • 300 g cherry tomatoes;
  • extra virgin olive oil.

Yield: 3 servings.

Tuna recipe in a frying pan

1. We will need a loaf not only for croutons (by the way, you can also use a classic baguette for them). But we will also cook breadcrumbs, which cannot be compared with store-bought ones. Cut off the crust of the loaf, crumble the crumb and place it on a baking sheet. It is convenient to use a special bread knife - it has large teeth that help maintain its shape bakery product and make the cut extremely neat. Choose white bread without additives such as seeds, dried fruits and cumin. When slicing, leave 2 small slices for croutons, or croutons in our opinion. But you must admit, “croutons” sound more tempting.

2. Dry the bread crumbs in the oven at 120-140 degrees for 20-30 minutes. If there is no fan, you can open the door slightly. In general, the maximum drying temperature white bread for a dessert snack it is 150 degrees, but we will set it less so that all pieces of bread dry evenly and do not burn. Remove when a light golden hue appears.

3. Let the crackers cool and crumble again. You can do it with your hands, or you can do it with a mortar. The crumb does not have to be very small; small pieces will crunch pleasantly on your teeth. But, of course, we try not to leave large pieces.

4. Let's move on to the remaining components of the batter. Mix flour, salt, pepper and half the spices in a bowl.

5. The liquid part of the batter will be the simplest. Combine eggs with 1 tsp. ice water and stir well. Ice water The batter is needed to be softer, more homogeneous, and to set better. That's what we need. In tandem with breadcrumbs and flour, the egg mixture forms a tender crust and keeps the fillet soft.

6. Let's move on to preparing the fish for frying. We take breadcrumbs, flour with spices, eggs and pieces of tuna. The fillet must be defrosted. It is better to use large and long pieces of fish. I had 3 fillets, about 250 g each, but you can take larger ones.

7. First we roll it fish fillet in flour on both sides.

8. Now immerse the fish in the egg mixture.

9. And the last stage - thoroughly roll in breadcrumbs. The batter is ready.

10. We roll all the fillets in this way. We try to give beautiful shape. Before frying, the pieces can be frozen for 5-10 minutes. Temperature contrast is important - cold fish and hot frying. The batter will set better and the crackers will not crumble too much when frying.

11. Meanwhile, cut the salad onion into half rings. Why exactly Crimean onions? It has a sweet taste and is not bitter at all, and it looks much more interesting than white. We will add onions to the dish raw.

12. Let's also add some spices to the vegetables. But there is a little secret: if you lightly fry Provencal herbs in a dry frying pan, their aroma will be better revealed. You can fry it with salt so that it is soaked.

13. Tear the lettuce leaves with your hands. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a bowl with salad (cut the other half for serving), add the spices there and mix.

Why do chefs never cut salad with a knife? This tradition appeared for several reasons. Firstly, a metal knife causes the green juice to oxidize and change its taste, and the leaves darken unsightly. Secondly, when slicing, the tissue is more damaged and more juice leaks out, and vitamin C, which is notoriously unstable, quickly breaks down. Thirdly, asymmetrical pieces look more aesthetically pleasing.

14. Place whole cherry tomatoes and crouton loaf on a greased frying pan.

15. Fry the cherry tomatoes and croutons over high heat, add a little salt. The bread should have a crispy crust. The tomatoes will remain intact, but will be slightly browned.

16. Place the greens on a serving dish.

17. Heat olive oil in a deep frying pan. Pour it into large quantities and make sure it doesn’t splash, otherwise it might catch fire. In Italy, everything is fried in virgin oil, although there is a common myth that such oil is not suitable for frying. But this product is much healthier than sunflower, and the taste is more subtle. The main thing is that the oil does not smoke. We will fry the pieces quickly, so the oil will not give off a burnt smell.

18. We compact the fillet from the refrigerator again, trying to give it a rectangular shape. Fry the tuna fillet quickly and carefully in boiling oil over high heat.

19. Turn over when the bottom crust has set. It’s convenient to do this with tongs like this. Fry the fish on all sides. In this case, the edges should set, but the center should remain half-raw. Experience is needed here.

20. How to cook fillet pieces with a pink center for those who have not dealt with tuna before? I’m sharing a life hack: cut off part of the breaded cutlet so that the flesh is visible, and fry it. On view ready-made dish this will not have any effect, but you will not overcook the tuna on the fire.

21. Cut the fillet into beautiful pieces and place on top of the lettuce leaves. We beautifully place cherry tomatoes, olives, croutons, onions and lemon slices nearby. The tuna only benefits from this presentation. Croutons increase the overall calorie content of the dish, so you can safely call it satisfying and serve it for dinner.

Fried tuna is ready. Bon appetit!

Tuna meat - amazing in its own way unique taste And useful qualities product. The tuna diet is loved by many who like to keep their figure in shape and their body in good shape. An abundance of omega-3 fats, easily digestible proteins, and various vitamins provides the body daily norm after eating fish. It is possible to cook tuna steak using different methods, the most popular of which is tuna steak in a frying pan.

They are varied; the use of sauces and spicy ingredients makes the dish even more refined. The fish tastes very much like veal, which is sometimes very unexpected for a seafood product, however, fried tuna loved by millions and deservedly so. It is not difficult to cook seafood using a frying pan; the meat has a dense structure and does not fall apart, so no additional breading is required.

Meet fresh seafood It is very rare on store shelves; steaks are usually sold frozen. However, we recommend looking for a fresh product that retains all its taste and beneficial qualities.

Let's consider popular culinary recipes for fried fish with the taste of meat. Let's figure out how and how much to fry gourmet meat at home so that it turns out restaurant dish.

Recipe No. 1

Traditional method, different simple composition, cooking speed.


  • steaks;
  • seasonings;
  • olive oil;
  • lemon juice;
  • dry herbs.

Defrost the pieces and prepare them for frying. Marinate the tuna in a mixture of olive oil, seasonings, herbs, lemon juice. For those who love spicy food, you can use chili and paprika. Mix the mixture thoroughly, take a pastry brush or put on gloves, apply the marinade to the pieces of seafood, coat each side, making sure that the entire surface is covered with the mixture.

Place the slices in a container and cover tightly with a lid and film. It is necessary to leave the fish to soak for at least an hour; if possible, extend the marinating time. Thus, we get pieces soaked in gravy - spicy, soft, tender. It’s up to you to decide which pan to fry the steaks in: the grill will “draw” appetizing stripes on the surface of the fish, classic frying pan will evenly cover with a golden crust.

Heat the oil over high heat, throw in the pieces, fry for 5 minutes, turn over with tongs, fry for 5 minutes. You need to fry while maintaining low heat. Using a grill pan, press the pieces with a spatula, so the stripes will be more expressive. Place the steaks on a lettuce leaf and we recommend serving with French fries, mashed potatoes, fresh vegetables, rice.

Recipe No. 2

Here we focus on pesto sauce. Amazing tasting gravy and Fried fish- the perfect combination.

  • fillet;
  • garlic;
  • olive oil;
  • fresh basil;
  • lemon juice;
  • pine nuts;
  • Parmesan cheese;
  • spices.

Prepare pesto sauce. Take basil, salt, pine nuts, pepper, put it in a blender, beat. Gradually pour in half a glass of olive oil, bring to homogeneous mass. Place the thick mixture in a bowl, add grated Parmesan and mix well. Prepare the steaks for frying, rinse and dry.

Then you need to fry the slices, maintaining high heat for several minutes, it is better to use. Those who like well-done slices need to keep the fish on the fire for a few minutes longer.

Place steaks on prepared plates covered with lettuce leaf, squeeze lemon on top. Pesto sauce can be served separately in a gravy boat, placed next to it on a plate, and placed on top of the finished pieces.

Recipe No. 3

Exotic appearance- this is emphasized in the following culinary recipe. The sesame sprinkle adds a sweetish flavor.


  • tuna;
  • sesame seeds;
  • soy sauce;
  • rice vinegar;
  • Sesame oil.

We take a fish carcass, gut it, then clean it and cut it into steaks. We thoroughly wash each piece, dry it with napkins, and completely remove moisture. The marinade is prepared in the best Japanese traditions: rice vinegar mixed with sesame oil, soy sauce. Dip the seafood into this spicy mixture and leave for about half an hour. After thirty minutes we take it out, blot it with a towel, then roll it in sesame seeds, you can take multi-colored ones, it will be even prettier. Fry the fish well on the grill and serve with boiled rice.

Recipe No. 4

Fast, simple full meal with a side dish, good in case of time pressure.

  • carcass;
  • garlic;
  • eggplant;
  • olive oil;
  • zucchini;
  • hummus;
  • olives;
  • sun-dried tomatoes;
  • spices;
  • Cherry tomatoes.

Cut the vegetables into cubes, throw them into the prepared frying pan, fry the eggplant, add the zucchini, and achieve a brownish crust. Squeeze the garlic into the vegetables, add salt and pepper. We prepare the fish and carry out the necessary manipulations. Heat the frying pan, throw the pieces into hot oil, fry for a few minutes, wait for the crust. First, place the vegetables on the plate and the steaks on top of the pillow. Decorate with olives, add hummus, sun-dried tomatoes, cherry tomatoes. The most beautiful and delicious dish Prepares quickly, guests will be happy.

Recipe No. 5

The next option also uses breading, however, here it is spicy and consists of spices. The fish takes on an incomparable aroma and an appetizing appearance.


  • fillet;
  • egg;
  • thyme;
  • garlic;
  • parsley;
  • coriander;
  • mustard grains;
  • sesame;
  • Chile;
  • broccoli;
  • flour;
  • crackers;
  • white wine vinegar;
  • spices.

We separate the broccoli into small heads, finely chop the parsley, crush the garlic, and chop the chili. Cook broccoli for two minutes, rinse cold water. We make a mixture of seasonings: parsley, crackers, mustard, ground coriander, salt, chili, pepper, a little sunflower oil. Mix well.

Fry the broccoli for 30 seconds over high heat, add vinegar, cook for 2 minutes, stirring constantly. Beat the eggs, roll the steaks in flour, then in the egg, then in the spice coating. Fry for two minutes, cut into slices, sprinkle with sesame seeds, serve with broccoli.

Tuna is a noble fish, very often used in dietary recipes combined with fresh vegetables. Cooking seafood is not difficult, it takes a little time, and it will be a pleasure. The result is undoubtedly capable of delighting loved ones, provided that the cooking technology, cooking stages, and the correct selection of spices are followed.

Rosemary and basil go well with “sea veal” - this is what Italian chefs call tuna. Serve gourmet dish on the table, surprise your friends and family, it’s hard to remain indifferent when you see a delicacy.

We offer five absolutely different recipes steaks that can be cooked from frozen tuna. Freshly frozen fillets are thawed and cut into equal portions 2.5 cm thick. The weight of one fillet can be from 200 to 350 g.


The fillets are washed, dried, and brushed with olive oil. Season each serving with salt and pepper. The grill must be heated in advance, about 15 minutes before frying.

Spicy tuna with olives and garlic

To prepare the stewed steaks, we will use a large frying pan. Heat the olive oil along with thin slices of garlic. Cook the garlic until pale golden brown, 15-20 minutes. Temporarily transfer to a plate. Heat a frying pan over high heat, add thin red onion rings and fry for 2 minutes. Add prepared fillet measuring 2-2.5 cm.

Turn up the heat, quickly fry the fish, adding pre-chopped basil, mint, and oregano. Season the dish with salt and pepper. Fry the tuna for 2-3 minutes, transfer. Return the garlic to the pan, add chopped peeled tomatoes, olives, and dry red pepper. Simmer the mixture for just one minute, pour in the tuna and serve.

Like these ones interesting recipes tuna Share with your loved ones, delight your guests and write your impressions in the comments!

Tuna steak in a frying pan- an exquisite, almost restaurant dish that can be prepared at home. Tuna, just like salmon, is an expensive red fish and is therefore considered a gourmet product.

Tuna steaks can now be purchased in supermarkets, and by steaks we mean both tuna loin and pieces of tuna with backbone and ribs.

I would also like to say about the quality of the tuna itself. The meat of real tuna has a bright pink color, while some other subspecies of tuna do not have such a pronounced color of the meat. Such tuna, as a rule, are sold in our supermarkets. The meat of this tuna is less red and has a slightly different taste, closer in taste to mackerel. In principle, any tuna smells like, since it belongs to the mackerel family.

Today, there are several dozen options for cooking tuna in a frying pan. Just like any other red fish, tuna is not fried in flour. To prepare pan-fried steaks, marinate it or at least sprinkle it with lemon juice and rub it with salt and pepper.

Marinades for cooking tuna are prepared on the basis soy sauce or vegetable oils, adding spices, lemon juice, fruit vinegars, ginger, pepper, fresh spices, garlic.

The tuna marinade that I want to offer in this recipe is very simple, but just perfect for frying tuna in a pan. However, any other sea fish can be marinated in this marinade.

Now let's see how to cook tuna steak in a frying pan.


  • Tuna steaks – 500 gr.,
  • Olive oil – 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • Spices: black pepper, herbs de Provence, paprika,
  • Salt - to taste
  • Lemon juice – 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • Sunflower oil

Tuna steak in a frying pan - recipe

Cooking tuna steaks in a frying pan will take place in two stages. At the first stage, you need to marinate the fish in a marinade, and at the second, fry it in a grill pan. Frozen tuna must be thawed before marinating.

For the marinade we need olive oil (if not, you can use regular sunflower oil), spices, salt and lemon juice.

Pour olive oil into a small bowl. Add spices and salt to it. The set of spices for fish can be completely different, based on your tastes and preferences. I took herbs de Provence, black ground pepper and paprika. Spicy food lovers can add finely chopped chili pepper or dry red pepper powder to the marinade.

All that remains is to add lemon juice to the marinade; it can be either freshly squeezed lemon juice or lemon concentrate. It will even out the spicy-salty taste of the marinade.

Mix the marinade. The photo shows how it turns out.

Using your hands or a pastry brush, apply the prepared marinade to both sides of the tuna steaks. Personally, I pour the marinade over the steaks and coat them with the marinade on one and the other side with my hands. Cover the bowl with tuna with cling film.

Place in the refrigerator for 1 hour. If you have time and opportunity, the marinating time for fish can be increased to 5 hours. After marinating, the tuna meat will become aromatic due to the spices and soft due to the lemon juice.

You can fry tuna steaks either in a regular frying pan or on a grill pan. In the second option, you will get beautiful fried stripes on the fish. To prevent it from sticking to the pan, pour into it a small amount of vegetable oil - olive or sunflower.

Add tuna steaks. Fry them for about 3-5 minutes, then turn them over to the other side. I’m writing approximate frying times, because everyone’s stove is different. In any case, fry the tuna in a frying pan over low heat, at the lowest burner temperature if you have an electric stove.

If you fry tuna steaks in a grill pan, then press the fish with a spatula while frying, then the stripes on the fish will be more expressive.

Transfer the finished tuna steaks to a plate. Tuna steaks on lettuce or any other salad greens will look impressive. As a side dish you can serve them with French fries or baked potatoes in the oven, rice, all kinds of pasta (pasta), funchose, bulgur, and lentils. As a side dish for fish, you can also serve caramelized carrots, baked pumpkin, boiled asparagus, artichokes, broccoli, green beans. Enjoy your meal. I will be glad if this tuna steak recipe in a frying pan you liked it and will find it useful.

Tuna steak in a frying pan. Photo