How to cook tuna in a pan. fried tuna

The first recipe for cooking tuna, which I decided on, was the simplest - fried tuna in a pan. It turned out that cooking tuna is very simple! The fish turned out so delicious that we were ready to eat tuna for breakfast, lunch and dinner with anything and without anything! Personally, my opinion is that the less you conjure over this fish, the tastier it will turn out. Salt, fragrant black pepper, frying oil - and the culinary masterpiece is ready!

There are different opinions about fresh tuna. Someone thinks that this fish is a bit dry and needs to be cooked with sauce, for some, tuna is the most delicious, barely fried, and someone can eat raw tuna meat in general. We did not decide on a raw food diet, although the fish was the freshest, just a couple of hours from the ocean. I don’t like weakly fried fish, so it was decided to simply fry the first tuna in oil with pepper and salt. And so that the fried tuna does not turn out to be dry, the tuna steaks were first marinated in soy marinade. For the first time, we decided to play it safe - all of a sudden, the tuna is really not very juicy and it needs a sauce or marinade. I also added a little paprika, but this is not necessary, you can do with ground black pepper.

Fried tuna in a pan - recipe with photo

  • Tuna steaks - 2 pcs;
  • ground paprika - 2-3 pinches per steak;
  • freshly ground black pepper - 0.5 tsp each. for a steak;
  • sea ​​salt - to taste (I have 2 pinches per steak);
  • soy sauce (slightly salted) - 2 tbsp. l. for a steak;
  • refined vegetable oil - 4-5 tbsp. l. (for frying fish).

Season the tuna steaks with salt and freshly ground black pepper. First sprinkle on one side and rub into the meat, then turn over and prepare the second side of the steak in the same way. Sprinkle lightly with ground paprika (optional, if desired).

Drizzle the steaks with soy sauce, leave under the film or cover with a lid. Marinate tuna for 10-15 minutes, but you can keep it longer, about half an hour. Just during this time, you can cut a vegetable salad or prepare a side dish for tuna - boil rice or potatoes (for our taste it is better to fry).

Before frying, I fasten the cut of the fish carcass with toothpicks, this can be seen in the photo. You just need to fix the edges of the fish steak so that you get a rounded piece. If this is not done, the taste of tuna will not become worse, but the fish will open, turn around and turn out to be not very neat. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Place tuna steaks in hot oil. Fry on one side for about 3-4 minutes, it all depends on the desired degree of roasting of the fish. Pry with a spatula or two forks, turn over and fry on the other side until cooked through. You can fry for a minute or two, then turn off the heat and cover the pan with a lid. The tuna will come to readiness.

Serve fried tuna in a pan as soon as you fry the fish (or hold it under the lid for several minutes). You can choose any side dish for fish - rice, vegetables, potatoes, lentils, vegetable stew and much more.

We have fried tuna in a pan served without a side dish, with fresh tomatoes, herbs and a slice of lime.

The nutritional value of tuna has been known for a very long time. This fish from the mackerel family contains a complete set of vitamins, minerals and fatty acids necessary for the proper functioning of the brain and the prevention of tumors. The protein content in tuna is higher than in other fish.

In appearance and taste, the fish resembles meat, and due to the large amount of muscle tissue, a very tasty steak is obtained from the photo and step-by-step cooking proposed in our article. Here we will present original versions from Jamie Oliver and Yulia Vysotskaya.

Tuna steak secrets

The following secrets will help you prepare a delicious tuna steak:

  1. The quality of the cooked dish largely depends on the freshness of the fish. The steak should have a bright pink uniform color. Brown spots on the fish may indicate that it is not fresh enough.
  2. To make the tuna juicier, it is recommended to marinate the steak before cooking. For the marinade, you can use soy sauce, olive or sesame oil, orange juice, honey, ginger, lemon juice and any spices.
  3. It takes 30 minutes to 2 hours to marinate tuna. The longer the fish marinates, the juicier it turns out.
  4. The optimal thickness of the steak is 2.5-3 cm. This way the fish will retain its juiciness and will not turn out dry. Light pink on the inside of the steak and light brown around the edges is what a perfectly cooked tuna steak should look like. Recipes for cooking fish are aimed at preserving its juiciness and emphasizing the taste. The best options are listed below.

Baked tuna (steaks): cooking recipes with photos

Oven-baked fish retains the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals. That is why it is recommended to cook tuna in this way. Recipes in the oven (thanks to them, any novice housewife can please the family with steaks) describe in detail the whole process from the moment of pickling to direct cooking. Below are three such recipes.

  1. To prepare the next dish, you will need 4 fresh steaks of optimal thickness. To begin with, a marinade is prepared in a deep plate from honey and lemon juice, soy sauce (3 tablespoons each) and pepper. Thanks to soy sauce, salt is not added to the marinade. The steaks are laid out in a single layer in a mold, poured with marinade and covered with a lid for 20 minutes. Then the fish is laid out on foil, poured with marinade and sealed. The cooking time in the oven, heated to 180 degrees, is 15 minutes in closed foil and another 10 minutes after opening the sheet.
  2. Always juicy and tender is tuna cooked in the oven in foil. According to the recipe, the steaks are dried with a paper towel, rubbed with a mixture of salt and pepper and spread on a sheet of foil greased with vegetable oil. The steaks are sprinkled with lemon juice before baking. After that, each sheet of foil should be tightly sealed and put on a baking sheet, after pouring a little water on it first. Tuna in foil will cook in the oven for approximately 30 minutes at 180 degrees.
  3. Tuna steaks (800 g) are rubbed with a mixture of salt, pepper and (1/2 teaspoon each) and laid out in a baking dish. Top the steaks with chopped garlic (3 cloves) and vegetable oil (120 ml). Then the form is covered with a lid (or foil) and sent to an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 10 minutes. Then the steaks are turned over to the other side and continue to bake for another 10 minutes.

Grilled steak

For grilling, 4 dried steaks, each weighing 180 g and 2 cm thick, are rubbed with a clove of crushed garlic and salt. In a separate bowl, mix fresh basil, leek (1/4 cup each), black and hot peppers. Then the grill grate is lubricated with vegetable oil and each tuna steak is laid out on it in turn. Grilled recipes require quick cooking of fish, as in a pan, no more than 2.5 minutes on one side and the other. Otherwise, if the tuna is overcooked, the steak may become too dry.

Transfer the finished fish to a plate. Whip heavy cream (1/4 cup), combine with mayonnaise and greens with pepper. Drizzle steaks with sauce and serve.

Tuna steak in a pan: recipe with sesame seeds

Tuna in a pan can be no less juicy if cooked in a dense breading of sesame seeds. Tuna steak, recipes for which include frying fish in a pan, must be marinated before cooking for at least 30 minutes.

For pickling, dried steaks (500 g) are poured with a mixture of rice vinegar, soy sauce (3 tablespoons each) and sesame oil (1 tablespoon). After half an hour, they must be removed from the marinade, dried, breaded in sesame seeds on both sides and fried in a mixture of olive and sesame oils (2 tablespoons each) for a couple of minutes on one and the other side. The cooked tuna should be bright pink on the inside and light on the outside.

Tuna Steak by Jamie Oliver

Famous English chef Jamie Oliver suggests cooking tuna steak in a frying pan (regular or grilled). Before frying, the author of the recipe rubs the fish 2 cm thick with a spicy mixture consisting of a pinch of salt and pepper, coriander (1 teaspoon), fennel (1/2 teaspoon). All spices are carefully ground in a mortar and rubbed into a tuna steak.

Recipes for cooking fish in a grill pan do not involve frying the steak in oil. Tuna is simply sprinkled with olive oil on both sides, and the surface of the pan itself should be well hot and dry. The steak is fried in a pan for 1.5 minutes on both sides, transferred to a plate, sprinkled with oil and lemon juice again. After that, the tuna can be served at the table.

Steak from Yulia Vysotskaya

Julia Vysotskaya cooks a tuna steak on a pillow of beans and In the process of cooking, first of all, she boils the beans (200 g), adding tomato, onion and celery stalk to the water. The water is then drained off and the vegetables are discarded. Next, a pesto sauce is prepared from roasted pine nuts (a handful), lemon juice (1/2 pc.), Finely grated parmesan (50 g), chopped garlic clove, a bunch of parsley and basil. All ingredients are crushed with olive oil (2 tablespoons) until smooth.

Also for the dish, you need to grill strips of bacon (100 g), then chop them and mix with beans and pesto sauce. Lastly, the tuna is grilled and laid out on top of a bed of beans with sauce.

Grilled tuna... MMM - I've never tried it, I've only come across canned tuna, it looks like a felt insole with a fishy smell, it doesn't taste like anything. Although the reviews of this noble big fish are very good. I saw frozen on the market for the first time, and the price was acceptable at about $ 3.5 per kilogram. I decided to buy to figure out what real tuna tastes like. It was a bluefin tuna, I chose a 3.5-4 kilogram copy.

The tuna fillet turned out to be dense and not greasy and at the same time tender, odorless. There are few bones and those are large. The scales of small tuna are removed quickly, the carcass is cut easily, it is perfect for serving in portions, the pieces can be cut into large ones. Minced tuna will surely make excellent ones. I think I'm starting to regret buying one fish.

It turns out that there are a huge number of recipes for cooking tuna, you can’t immediately figure out where to start, here you can find fried tuna, and baked in the oven or on the grill in various exotic sauces, salads with raw or heat-treated tuna.

For starters, I decided it would be just fried tuna. For the following reasons: a mixture of salt and pepper is used in almost all recipes, large portions can always be reduced, and fish cooked in a large piece fully reveals its taste. Well, then, based on the results obtained, let's see what dishes can be prepared from it.

Weight of the finished dish: 2,800-3 kg.

Total cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes.

Preparation time: 30 minutes.

Cooking time: 1 hour.

Fried tuna, for cooking we need:

  • tuna weighing 3-4 kg. 1 PC.,
  • ground black pepper 1 pinch
  • salt 1 pinch,
  • vegetable or olive oil for frying 70-80 gr.

Cutting large pieces of tuna fillet:

  • We defrost tuna fish in a natural way, in no case do not use the microwave.
  • We clean the defrosted tutushka from scales, rinse it in running water, dry it with a kitchen or paper towel.

  • We cut off the head and remove the insides, scrape off the film from the inside of the abdomen and scrape off the scales, it is so small, it is removed well.
  • We wash the gutted carcass well in running water, dry it again with a kitchen or paper towel.

  • We cut off the fins and tail from the tuna carcass with scissors or a knife.

  • We make a cut along the ridge of the tuna.

  • Remove the spine and bones from the carcass.

  • We got two beautiful halves of a boneless tuna carcass.

  • In the same proportion, prepare a mixture of salt and black pepper for rubbing the fillet.

Fried tuna how to cook:
  • We cut each semi-carcass of tuna into 4-5 portions.

  • We rub, not thickly, with a mixture of pepper and salt portioned pieces of tuna on the outside.

  • With a mixture of salt and pepper, we rub, not thickly, portioned pieces of tuna from the inside.

  • Let the pieces of fish grated with salt and pepper rest for 20-30 minutes,
  • Heat vegetable or olive oil in a frying pan.
  • We spread the fillet in a pan with hot oil, skin down and fry for no more than 3 minutes.

  • Then turn the tuna fillet over and fry on the other side, too, until golden brown, but no more than 3 minutes.

  • Lay the fried tuna on a plate. Looks appetizing. Let cool 5-7 minutes.

For a portioned piece of fried tuna for a side dish, I tried circles of onion sprinkled with soy sauce, a couple of slices of grapefruit without a shell, and a circle of lemon. The result exceeded all my expectations. It was a miracle, no fishy smell, the fried tuna meat was juicy and just melted in your mouth, nothing needed to be added, the harmony of taste was perfect. Stunned. Now I really regret not buying more.

The first four pieces of fried tuna ended in 10 minutes. The whole family sat at the table and waited for the fate of the second half of the tuna carcass to be decided, looking at the cutting table where it lay ...

Tomorrow we will cook with any sauce. I think you can experiment with sauces at your own discretion and choose the seasonings that you like, typical of your region. Onion, soy sauce and lemon were purely my improvisation, which came to hand and, apparently, was a success. The combination of flavors is excellent.

Tuna is one of the largest representatives of the mackerel family, whose meat is called sea veal. It can be baked in the oven, fried, pickled or canned. Today's article will present several recipes for tuna steaks in a pan.

Classic variant

Fish fried according to the technology described below is incredibly tasty and satisfying. It pairs well with a variety of seasonal vegetable salads, green peas, and fluffy rice. Therefore, it can be safely prepared for a family dinner. To reproduce this recipe for tuna steak, the photo of which can be found while reading today's article, you will need:

  • 2 pieces of fish;
  • ¼ tsp powdered cayenne pepper;
  • 1 tsp table salt;
  • ½ st. l. melted butter;
  • 1 tsp peas of black pepper;
  • 2 tbsp. l. quality olive oil.

Pieces of fish are washed, blotted dry with disposable towels, rubbed with cayenne pepper and salt. While the tuna is marinating, butter and olive oil are put into the pan, and then black peppercorns are poured. After a few minutes, the steaks are sent there and fried until cooked.

Variant with sesame

This recipe for tuna steaks allows you to cook an extremely tasty dish. Under the crispy sesame breading, juicy pulp is hidden, well soaked in a spicy marinade. To fry such a fish at home, you will need:

  • 500 grams of tuna;
  • 1 st. l. sesame oil;
  • 3 tbsp. l. soy sauce and rice vinegar;
  • sesame seeds (for breading);
  • olive oil (for frying)

Washed steaks are wiped dry with paper towels and dipped in a marinade made from soy sauce, rice vinegar and sesame oil. After half an hour, the fish is removed from the liquid mixture, slightly dried, sprinkled with breading and sent to a heated frying pan. Fry them in a small amount of olive oil for a couple of minutes on both sides.

Variant with garlic powder

According to the recipe for cooking tuna steaks described below, the photos of which can be found a little lower, it turns out a very juicy, moderately spicy fish. It is extremely well combined with light vegetable side dishes and is ideal for special occasions. To make this dinner, you will need:

  • 4 fish steaks (100 grams each);
  • 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce and olive oil;
  • ¼ tsp powdered garlic;
  • 1 st. l. brown sugar;
  • vegetable fat (for frying).

Washed and wiped dry, the fish is dipped in a marinade made from brown sugar, garlic powder, soy sauce and olive oil. All this is left in a tied plastic bag for at least a quarter of an hour. Then the marinated pieces are laid out on a frying pan, prudently greased with refined vegetable fat, and fried for a couple of minutes on both sides.

If desired, you can reproduce the same recipe for tuna steaks in the oven. In this case, the marinated fish is laid out on a baking sheet and baked at 230 degrees until cooked.

Variant with ginger

Fish cooked according to the method described below is distinguished not only by its amazing taste, but also by its presentable appearance. Therefore, it can be safely served not only for a family meal, but also for a romantic dinner. To reproduce this tuna steak recipe, you must have on hand:

  • 4 pieces of fish;
  • 30 milliliters of olive oil;
  • lime;
  • 50 milliliters of sherry;
  • 3 grams of dry chili pepper;
  • 50 ml soy sauce;
  • 30 grams of chopped ginger;
  • lettuce leaves.

Washed fish steaks are patted dry with disposable towels and dipped in a marinade consisting of sherry, minced ginger, soy sauce and chili peppers. All this is removed for two hours in the refrigerator, and then fried in a hot frying pan, greased with olive oil in advance. The finished fish is laid out on a plate lined with lettuce leaves and decorated with thin slices of lime.

If desired, you can reproduce the same grilled tuna steak recipe. To do this, the marinated fish is laid out on an oiled grate and cooked at an average temperature for about five minutes.

Variant with lemon

This fragrant and tasty fish can be a good decoration for any holiday. It turns out very juicy and tender. And under a thin ruddy crust hides pink meat, which goes well with salads from seasonal vegetables. To reproduce the recipe for cooking tuna steaks, the photos of which can be found in this publication, you will need:

  • 2 pieces of fish;
  • whole lemon;
  • 1 st. l. good olive oil;
  • a couple of pinches of salt.

Tuna is washed and blotted dry with disposable towels. Then the fish is rubbed with salt, sprinkled with citrus juice, poured with olive oil and left for at least half an hour. After the indicated time has elapsed, the marinated pieces are laid out on a heated frying pan and fried until tender.

Variant with garlic and rosemary

Fried fish lovers will surely appreciate the following tuna steak recipe. The dish made according to it is great for a family dinner and is suitable even for a children's menu. To make this treat, you will need:

  • 4 pieces of fish;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tsp. rosemary, lemon juice and olive oil;
  • 1/3 tsp. ground pepper and kitchen salt.

Washed fish is smeared with olive oil and citrus juice. Then it is peppered, salted, seasoned with a mixture of crushed garlic and chopped rosemary. Steaks prepared in this way are laid out on a preheated frying pan and fried for a couple of minutes on each side. It is important not to overexpose the fish on fire, otherwise it will become dry and tough.

Variant with coriander and paprika

This tuna steak recipe is borrowed from Moroccan cuisine. It allows you to cook delicious, moderately spicy fish relatively quickly. To make this dinner, you will need:

  • 800 grams of tuna;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 st. l. natural lemon juice;
  • 150 milliliters of olive oil;
  • ½ tsp powdered paprika;
  • coriander.

Washed pieces of fish are wiped dry with paper towels and laid out in a suitable container. Two-thirds of the sauce is poured there, made from chopped coriander, ground paprika, chopped garlic, olive oil and citrus juice. All this is left for half an hour in any cool place, and then fried in a hot pan. Finished steaks are poured with the rest of the sauce and served with a vegetable side dish.

Fennel seed option

Even those who watch their figure and try to eat only diet food cannot refuse this tasty and fairly low-calorie dish. To prepare it you will need:

  • 500 grams of fish;
  • 3 art. l. high quality olive oil;
  • 1 tsp fine-crystalline kitchen salt;
  • 1 tsp cilantro;
  • ½ tsp fennel seeds;
  • 5 peas of black pepper.

Washed and dried fish is cut into steaks, the thickness of which is no more than two centimeters, and rubbed well with spices. Then they are poured with olive oil and sent to a preheated frying pan. Fry the fish for a couple of minutes on both sides, making sure that it does not burn.

Tuna steak in a pan- an exquisite, almost restaurant dish, which can be prepared at home. Tuna, just like or salmon, belongs to the varieties of expensive red fish and is therefore considered a delicacy product.

Tuna steaks can now be purchased in supermarkets, and steaks mean both sirloin tuna and pieces of tuna with a ridge and ribs.

I also want to say about the quality of the tuna itself. The meat of real tuna has a bright pink color, while some other subspecies of tuna do not have such a pronounced meat color. Such tuna, as a rule, are sold in our supermarkets. The meat of such tuna is less red and has a slightly different taste, closer to the taste of mackerel. In principle, any tuna smells like, as it belongs to the mackerel family.

To date, there are several dozen options for cooking tuna in a pan. Just like any other red fish, tuna is not fried in flour. To cook fried steaks in a pan, it is marinated or at least sprinkled with lemon juice, rubbed with salt and pepper.

Marinades for cooking tuna are prepared on the basis of soy sauce or vegetable oils, while adding spices, lemon juice, fruit vinegars, ginger, pepper, fresh herbs, and garlic to them.

The tuna marinade that I want to suggest in this recipe is very simple, but just perfect for pan frying tuna. However, any other marine fish can be marinated in this marinade.

Now let's see how to cook tuna steak in a pan.


  • Tuna steaks - 500 gr.,
  • Olive oil - 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • Spices: black pepper, Provence herbs, paprika,
  • Salt - to taste
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. a spoon,
  • Sunflower oil

Tuna steak in a pan - recipe

Cooking tuna steaks in a pan will take place in two stages. At the first stage, you need to marinate the fish in the marinade, and at the second stage, fry it in a grill pan. Frozen tuna must be thawed before marinating.

For the marinade, we need olive oil (if not, you can take ordinary sunflower oil), spices, salt and lemon juice.

Pour olive oil into a small bowl. Pour spices and salt into it. The set of spices for fish can be completely different, based on your tastes and preferences. I used Provence herbs, ground black pepper and paprika. Fans of spicy food can add finely chopped chili peppers or dry red pepper powder to the marinade.

It remains to add lemon juice to the marinade, it can be either freshly squeezed lemon juice or lemon concentrate. It evens out the spicy-salty taste of the marinade.

Mix the marinade. The photo shows how it turns out.

Apply the marinade to both sides of the tuna steaks with your hands or a pastry brush. Personally, I pour the marinade on the steaks and already coat them with the marinade with my hands on one and the other side. Cover the bowl of tuna with cling film.

Put in the refrigerator for 1 hour. If there is time and opportunity, the time for pickling fish can be increased to 5 hours. After marinating, tuna meat will become fragrant due to spices and soft thanks to lemon juice.

You can fry tuna steaks both in a regular pan and in a grill pan. In the second option, beautiful fried stripes will turn out on the fish. To prevent sticking to the pan, pour a small amount of vegetable oil into it - olive or sunflower.

Lay out the tuna steaks. Fry them for about 3-5 minutes, then turn them over to the other side. I write approximate frying time, because each stove is different. In any case, fry the tuna in a skillet over low heat, at the lowest burner temperature if you have an electric stove.

If you are frying tuna steaks on a grill pan, then press the fish with a spatula while frying, then the stripes on the fish will turn out to be more expressive.

Transfer the cooked tuna steaks to a serving dish. Tuna steaks on lettuce leaves or any other salad greens will look spectacular. As a side dish, you can serve them with french fries or baked potatoes in the oven, rice, all kinds of pasta (macaroni), funchose, bulgur, lentils. You can also serve caramelized carrots, baked pumpkin, boiled asparagus, artichokes, broccoli, and green beans as a side dish for fish. Good appetite. I would be glad if this pan tuna steak recipe you like it and use it.

Tuna steak in a pan. Photo