Pumpkin cookies are my favorite! Recipes for sunny pumpkin cookies with raisins, cereal, nuts, cottage cheese.  Pumpkin Cookie Recipe: Recipes with Photo and Video

I never imagined that you can make cookies from pumpkin, but it turned out that it is so tasty and healthy that now the household themselves demand: cook us cookies from pumpkin and oatmeal, which I do with joy, because I myself fell in love with them very much . Delicious, crumbly, healthy, recipes are simple, everything turns out quickly and tasty - you can eat as much as you like, and feed the kids without problems with such healthy goodies, let them wrap themselves with tea or milk! Also look, I did - well, it seems that I have never eaten tastier in my life!

So, if you are interested in pumpkin cookies, and you are looking for recipes that are quick and tasty in the oven, you will definitely love our recipe!

  • 400g pumpkin
  • 120 g oatmeal
  • 250 g vegetable oil (so that there is no aroma)
  • flour 400 g
  • a spoonful of tea soda (be sure to extinguish with vinegar)
  • sugar 140 g

How to cook:

getting ready oatmeal cookies with a pumpkin is elementary. First, cut and boil the pumpkin until soft, then mash it with a fork.

Once cool, add all ingredients. Before this, grind the flakes in a coffee grinder or in any other way. If you have instant flakes, then you can not grind.

First, extinguish the soda, then pour in the oil, pour in the flakes, mix. Now you can add the sifted flour, and look (do not thump all at once!), What will be the consistency (the flour is different!).

As the dough becomes elastic, it stops sticking to your hands and you see that you can already sculpt balls from them - we proceed to the formation of cookies.

Grease the mold with oil or cover with parchment, and start sculpting. Pinch off a piece of dough, roll it into a ball with your hands (a little more walnut) and place on a baking sheet.

Important: the larger your balls are, and the closer you put them to each other, the more your cookies will resemble buns - that is, they will be fluffier and softer inside.

Now put in the oven. I usually at 180 gr. I bake them, I look - as soon as they turn red, I take them out. Ovens are different, focus on about 15 minutes (if you make larger ones, such as buns, you will need to keep 20-25 minutes).

While the cookies are baking, I grind powdered sugar in a coffee grinder and, after taking out the cookies, sprinkle them on top. Often I add ground nuts there - it turns out even tastier.

As soon as I take out the cookies, I immediately put the seagulls on until they cool down, the tea is brewed and you can start eating, bon appetit!

pumpkin biscuits differs from classical products not only in its sunny color, but also in its wonderful aroma. Baking is tender, soft, not like any other. At the same time, making pumpkin cookies is quite simple. Shall we try?

Pumpkin Cookies - General Cooking Principles

Pumpkin pastries are usually prepared on the basis of shortbread or curd dough prepared on the basis wheat flour. The vegetable can be added raw, but more often it is pre-boiled or baked, crushed into gruel, mixed with the rest of the ingredients: eggs, fats, sugar, cottage cheese.

What is added for taste:

Dried fruits;




From ready dough form cookies. If the mass is steep, then it is rolled out, various interesting products are cut out. Spread the soft dough on a baking sheet with a spoon or moistened with cold water hands, giving a rounded or elongated shape.

Fragrant pumpkin biscuits with spices

Recipe simple cookies from pumpkin, to which a whole bouquet of aromatic substances is added. If some spice is not to your taste, then it can be safely excluded.


250 g pumpkin;

A pinch of vanilla;

350 g flour;

Two pinches of cinnamon;

0.5 tsp ripper;

0.2 kg of sugar;

Two pinches of ground dry ginger;

A pinch of nutmeg;

150 g of oil;

Chicken egg.


1. The butter is cut into cubes, left warm until softened.

2. The pumpkin is also cut into cubes, but not finely. It is folded into a saucepan, filled with water and boiled until tender.

3. The broth is drained, the pumpkin is ground to a puree state. All spices are added and mixed. The mass cools down.

4. Add sugar to softened butter. Then beat it all with a mixer until fluffy, at least 10 minutes.

5. Add egg, beat.

6. Put the puree into the oil, stir.

7. Fill the orange mass with flour, do not forget the baking powder. If soda is used, then take a third of a teaspoon, be sure to pay it off.

8. Stir the dough, it will turn out a little liquid.

9. Spread parchment on a baking sheet, cover the sheets with a thin layer of oil. Have a glass of water nearby.

10. Moisten the spoon, collect the dough, put the ball on the baking sheet, helping with the second spoon. Soak cutlery in water. Repeat shaping the cookies until all the dough is gone.

11. Bake yellow balls at 200 ° C for about 20-25 minutes.

Pumpkin Cookies with Banana, Raisins and Nuts

Appetizing recipe homemade cookies. The cake is soft and airy. A beaker with a volume of 250 ml is used to measure products.


0.25 kg ripe, orange pumpkin;

0.5 banana;

¾ cup raisins;

A glass of sugar;

0.5 cups of nuts;

0.5 st. grows. oils;

2 tbsp. flour;

Soda 1 tsp;

1 tsp baking powder;

Cinnamon, ginger to taste.


1. For cookies, the pulp of the pumpkin is cut into arbitrary pieces, boiled, the liquid is removed.

2. Raisins must be washed, pour boiling water for five minutes. Then the water is removed, the grapes are dried.

3. Half a banana is added to the cooled pumpkin. The fruit will make the flavor finished baking unusual. Everything is mashed together.

4. Now sugar is poured out, vegetable oil is added.

5. In a separate bowl, combine flour with raisins, nuts, spices.

6. Pour the dry mixture to the pumpkin puree. Once added to them baking powder, slaked soda.

7. Stir the dough.

8. Put cookies on a silicone mat or baking sheet with baking paper. We collect a full spoonful of dough, spread it at a distance of at least four centimeters from each other.

9. We bake at 180, bring to readiness and a beautiful ruddy color.

Cookies from pumpkin and cottage cheese "Children's"

Gentle, soft and healthy cookies based on cottage cheese dough with pumpkin. simple and easy way enrich children's diet the right products. Cottage cheese is used soft.


200 g pumpkin;

100 g of cottage cheese;

400 g flour;

2 eggs (1 per dough);

2 tbsp. l. oils (grows);

0.5 tsp ripper;

130+50 g of sugar;

A little powder, vanilla.


1. Boil the pumpkin, cut into small pieces. Grind to a puree, but without water. The mass should not be liquid.

2. Mix cottage cheese with 130 grams of sugar and one egg. The second will remain for lubricating the cookies. Rub the mass well.

3. Add pumpkin puree and oil.

4. Enter the flour with a ripper, season the dough with vanilla to make the cookies more fragrant.

5. Put the kneaded dough on a table sprinkled with flour. Sprinkle a piece on top too so that the dough does not stick to the rolling pin. Roll out, thickness around one centimeter.

6. Cut cookies of any shape, usually these are geometric figures.

7. Spread on baking sheets, brush with egg. It needs to be beaten with a fork. Sprinkle the top with sugar.

8. Bake until done. Temperature 190. Cool, sprinkle with powder and delight the children!

Lean pumpkin and oatmeal cookies

A variant of lean pumpkin cookies, for which you need ordinary cereals. You can use oatmeal quick boil or not requiring heat treatment. In this case, the cookies will turn out more tender.


70 g oatmeal;

0.2 kg pumpkin;

120 ml of oil;

0.2 kg flour;

0.1 kg of sugar;

2 tsp ripper.


1. Pour 0.5 cups of water into a saucepan, add the pumpkin cut into pieces, boil under the lid. Let the vegetable cool down and puree. The liquid does not need to be drained.

2. While the pumpkin was boiling, fry the flakes a little in a pan.

3. Mix oatmeal and pumpkin puree, season with sugar, vegetable oil. You can add something for flavor: vanilla, zest, cinnamon. We stir.

4. Leave the future dough for 40-60 minutes so that the flakes soften.

5. Knead the mass with flour and add baking powder according to the recipe.

6. We form cookies from soft dough in the form of sticks, balls, rings. There is no particular difference in shape, it is advisable to make products of the same size and thickness so that they bake evenly.

7. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Put a baking sheet with pumpkin products, bake. The time depends on the size and thickness of the cookies, but will not exceed 20-25 minutes.

Pumpkin Cookies with Chocolate and Raisins

Another variation of pumpkin cookies with raisins and oatmeal. But chocolate is also added to these products. You can take the usual dark or with nuts, it will also be delicious.


2 cups of flour;

200 g butter;

160 g of sugar;

1.5 cups of oatmeal;

1 tsp soda;

150 g pumpkin puree;

1 yolk;

100 g of chocolate;

1 glass of raisins;



1. Prepare pumpkin puree in any way, add oatmeal and sugar to it, stir, set aside.

2. Mix flour with spices, it can be cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla. Add a small pinch of soda.

3. Soak raisins in hot water until soft. Chop the chocolate into pieces.

4. Butter must be melted, cooled.

5. Mix the oil with the pumpkin mass.

6. Add flour mixture with spices, stir, add slaked soda.

7. Put raisins with chocolate into the dough, stir again.

8. Prepare baking sheets, oil, but it is better to cover with baking mats.

9. Place a bowl next to cold water, wet your hands, pinch off the dough, form rounded cookies, spread on a prepared surface.

10. Bake at 180. Medium sized cookies will take 12-15 minutes.

Raw Pumpkin Cookies Quickie

The recipe is simple and quick cookie, which is prepared from raw pumpkin pulp. This greatly reduces the cooking time. Butter can be replaced with margarine in the same amount.


350 g flour;

1 cup grated pumpkin;

1 tsp ripper;

100 g of oil;

150 g of sugar;

0.5 tsp crushed zest.


1. Butter must be softened. Transfer it to a bowl, rub it with sugar.

2. Add finely grated pumpkin, zest (optional) and stir.

3. We introduce flour and baking powder, knead a fairly steep dough.

4. Roll up small balls with your hands, flatten to a thickness of half a centimeter.

5. Lay out on a baking sheet, bake until cooked. We set the average temperature to 180-190.

Pumpkin and Apple Cookies

For such cookies, not only pumpkin is used, but also an apple. You can take green or red, but it is better that it be with a slight sourness.


0.2 kg pumpkin;

0.1 kg of apples;

150 g flour (approximately a glass);

1 pinch of ginger;

2 tsp oils;

50 g of sugar;

0.5 tsp ripper;

1 pinch of cinnamon.


1. In a bowl for microwave oven chop the pumpkin, cut the peeled apple there.

2. Bake at maximum power until soft, adding a couple of tablespoons of water. Remember pestle. Make a coarse puree with pieces, cool.

3. Add spices, sugar, sprinkle flour and pour in two tablespoons of oil.

4. Knead with a spatula soft dough.

5. Spread in small piles on a baking sheet; you can form balls with wet hands.

6. Immediately send to the oven, bake until golden brown. Set the temperature in the oven to 180-190 °C.

To prevent cookies from sticking to a baking sheet or baking paper, it is better to use fat or good sunflower oil for lubrication, olive oil. Often butter and margarine contain water. The silicone mat does not need lubrication.

If you need to bake two baking sheets with cookies at the same time, then for even cooking they will need to be swapped. But they do it only in the second part of the preparation.

Cookies will be much more aromatic if you grind cinnamon and cloves yourself. Powdered spices lose their flavor during storage and are not always of the highest quality.

Pumpkin can be safely called the most unpretentious vegetable. Despite the fact that this plant has long been considered primordially Russian, the homeland of the red pumpkin is South America, or rather, Mexico, where it was grown long before the advent of modern man. Today the focus of our attention is the recipe for pumpkin cookies.

Orange miracle for people's pleasure

This bright orange miracle grows on almost any land, and with proper care, it impresses even the most experienced gardeners with its size. Often city dwellers pass by unique product and very much in vain.

Pumpkin dishes are delicious, moderately sweet and very healthy. In addition, this plant can really be called universal.

The pulp is suitable for culinary experiments, it is customary to squeeze oil from the seeds, and they themselves are edible, but the thick peel perfectly replaces the original dishes in which you can serve any dish.

Mashed potatoes and soups are prepared from pumpkin, porridge and jam are cooked, it is baked, stewed, boiled, it is even suitable for making desserts. For example, it can be made very delicious cookies, which even the most malicious haters of this vegetable will gobble up for both cheeks. True, it is better to keep the main ingredient a secret. This will add intrigue to baking and create a special spiritual atmosphere that is necessary for any tea party.

So, pumpkin biscuits can be prepared different ways, but baking will always be distinguished by a pleasant golden color and a light aroma. It is the pumpkin that gives the excessively dry shortbread a special softness, and the biscuit from it turns out to be especially loose and airy.

Easy Pumpkin Cookie Recipe


To prepare cookies for dessert, it will take no more than one hour (excluding pumpkin baking), as well as the following products:

  • 2.5 st. wheat flour;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 200 g of ready-made pumpkin puree;
  • 0.5 st. sugar sand;
  • 2 large eggs;
  • some salt;
  • on the tip of a soda knife.

Cooking method

  1. To make a puree, peel the vegetable from the hard skin and cut into large pieces. Put them not very tightly on a baking sheet covered with foil or parchment, and bake until soft in the oven.
  2. After the orange pieces are thoroughly baked, cool them a little and mash them in any usual way. For those who are especially lazy, you can take a few jars of mashed potatoes intended for baby food.
  3. Melt the butter in a metal bowl over a fire.
  4. Flour can be sifted, add a pinch of soda and salt to it.
  5. Break the chicken eggs into a bowl and, gradually adding sugar, beat with a mixer.
  6. Add the finished, well-cooled puree and melted butter to the egg-sugar mixture, mix thoroughly.
  7. Add all the flour according to the recipe, knead with a spoon to make a thick mixture.
  8. On a large flat sheet covered with parchment, put small cakes with a tablespoon. When baking, the cookies will not rise much, however, it is better to leave a small distance between individual cookies.
  9. Heat the oven to about 180°C and put the cookie sheet on. Dessert is baked for about 15 minutes.
  10. Cool the finished pastries a little, if desired, sprinkle liberally powdered sugar and serve to the delight of relatives at the table.

Pumpkin shortbread cookies

This recipe is based on the usual shortbread dough but it is the pumpkin that makes it unique. The cookies are soft and literally melt in your mouth.


You will need:

  • raw pumpkin - 200 g;
  • flour - 2 cups;
  • fresh egg - 1 pc.;
  • butter - about 150 g;
  • sugar - no more than 50 g;
  • sour cream with 30% fat content - 50 ml;
  • a teaspoon without a slide of baking powder.

Pumpkin cookies can be prepared in many ways, but baking will always have a pleasant golden color and a light aroma.

Cooking method

  1. Cut the peeled pulp into large cubes, transfer to a saucepan and add a little hot water to barely cover the pumpkin.
  2. Put on medium heat, wait until it boils, reduce it to a minimum, and simmer under the lid for about 20 minutes until completely soft.
  3. Mash the finished pumpkin right in the pan with a fork or crush in mashed potatoes. Add sugar and leave for a few minutes until completely dissolved.
  4. Rub well softened butter with a fork with an egg, add sour cream.
  5. Combine the resulting mixture with pumpkin puree. Add all flour and baking powder. Knead the dough of a soft consistency, do not knead for a long time. Wrap it in cling film or a simple bag and leave it in the refrigerator for an hour.
  6. Divide the dough into bundles, cut them into pieces and make round, well-flattened cookies.
  7. Line a large sheet with parchment, dust it with flour and lay out the pumpkin biscuits. bake in hot oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for about half an hour.
  8. While still hot, sprinkle with sugar or powdered sugar, cool and serve for dessert.

Dear readers, I want to offer you another recipe with pumpkin. This time it's pumpkin biscuits - delicious, soft, with a pleasant aroma of spices included in the recipe.

The taste of pumpkin in this cookie is almost not felt, but it certainly brings a certain flavor note.

Ingredients: (for 14-15 pieces, large enough)

  • 250 g peeled pumpkin
  • 2 cups flour with top (about 350 g)
  • 1 egg
  • 150 g softened butter
  • 200 g sugar
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder or 1/3 tsp. soda slaked with vinegar
  • 1 tsp liquid vanilla, or 1/4 tsp. vanillin, or vanilla sugar(15-20 g)
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp grated nutmeg
  • 1/2 tsp dry ground ginger
  • 1/3 tsp ground cloves (or pounded in a mortar)

Cloves can be replaced with cardamom.

Choose butter that softens quickly when room temperature. It is better to take the smallest sugar, it is easier to whip the butter with it, but if there is none, any will do. If you don’t like the taste of some spice, or you didn’t have it, you can do without it, but the highlight of this recipe is just the presence of a certain set of spices that give the liver a peculiar taste.


Cut the pumpkin peeled and seeds into small pieces and boil in salted water for 15 minutes until the pumpkin is soft.

While the pumpkin is cooking, beat the butter with sugar with a mixer, then add the egg and beat well again. Do not try to dissolve the sugar, just mix well.

Drain the water from the saucepan with the pumpkin, and chop the pumpkin with a blender.

Add pumpkin puree to the butter mixture, add liquid vanilla or vanilla sugar to the same place and mix. If instead of baking powder you use soda, then at this stage we also add soda quenched with vinegar. If you use baking powder, then it must be mixed with dry flour. The same applies to dry vanilla.

The photo does not turn out very well, but the mixture becomes noticeably more orange.

Sift flour and add spices.

Mix the spices with flour, then add everything to the pumpkin-oil mixture, mix.

We cover the baking sheet with baking paper and grease it with vegetable oil. Pouring into a glass plain water, put near the dishes with the dough. We spread the dough on a baking sheet with two spoons: take the dough with a tablespoon, dip a teaspoon into water and remove the dough with it on a baking sheet. Then once again dip a teaspoon into the water and give the liver an even round shape. Dough does not stick to a wet spoon at all.

We put the baking sheet in the oven preheated to 200 degrees and bake for 25-30 minutes. The cookies should not be very ruddy, otherwise they will become tough. It should be soft and tender, so as soon as the edges begin to blush, it's time to take it out.