Raspberry jam for the winter - the best recipes. Reviews: “My children are always delighted”

I think every home tries to stock up on raspberry jam for the winter. It helps with colds in winter and contains many useful substances.
Did you know that raspberries contain salicylic, citric, malic and tartaric acid. Therefore, it is used as an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent. As children, we often arrived damp and soaking wet from walks. Then my mother changed us into dry clothes and gave us tea with raspberry jam. And then she made me wrap myself in a blanket and sweat a lot. And it often happened that the disease went away without even starting.

Raspberries are a storehouse of vitamins. It contains vitamins B, A, C, E. It also contains a lot of microelements potassium, calcium, and iron. Therefore, you definitely need to stock up on raspberry jam. There is never too much of it. Plus, it's easier than ever to do it. And as you will learn from this article. There are many ways to prepare this wonderful preparation, let’s look at the most delicious of them:

Before preparing jam, the berries must be sorted from leaves and bugs. Raspberries are often inhabited by various bugs and spiders. There is a little secret on how to get rid of them. Mix 1 tablespoon of salt in 1 liter of water. Place the berries in a colander or sieve. Immerse the dishes in the salt solution for 5 minutes. And all our insects will end up on the surface. After this, the raspberries need to be washed thoroughly. Let it sit in a colander for 10 minutes to drain off excess water.

Five-minute raspberry jam (thick)

One of the most popular recipes. Due to fast cooking The berries retain many useful substances.

Ingredients and proportions:

  • Raspberries 1.5 kg
  • Sugar 1.5 kg

We take sugar and berries in equal proportions. Therefore, the number of kilograms may vary at your discretion.

Step-by-step recipe for making 5-minute raspberries:

1. The berries need to be sorted from leaves and bugs. After this, the raspberries need to be washed thoroughly in salted water, as described above. Then rinse plain water and drain in a colander. Let it sit in a colander for 10 minutes to drain off excess water.

2. Now we need to choose the container in which we will prepare our jam. The shape of the dishes should not be high and wide enough. The pelvis has this shape, so it is considered the best option, for making jam. The dish pan was chosen. Now let's decide on its material. Cookware made of copper, stainless steel and brass is best suited for making jam.

3. Pour all the raspberries into a bowl. It must be mashed with a masher and covered with granulated sugar. Mix our ingredients carefully. Leave our delicacy for a couple of hours so that the sugar dissolves.

4. And at this time we will start sterilizing the jars. There are many ways: over steam, in the oven, in microwave oven etc. I sterilize in the microwave. The jars must be clean. Pour about 1.5 cm of water and put it in the microwave for 3 minutes at power 800-900.

5. Place the container with the future jam on the lowest heat. Stir constantly and bring to a boil. When jam is cooked, foam forms on its surface. Carefully remove it with a spoon. If this is not done, the jam may soon spoil. Let our jam simmer for 5 minutes.

6. Carefully package the jam into our sterilized jars and close the lid tightly. I use small jars for any jam. So that you don’t store it for a long time once you open the jar. Now our jars need to be turned over and allowed to cool.

Five-minute jam from whole raspberries

Amazing jam can be made from whole raspberries. This berry does not have a thick skin. Therefore, in order for the berries to remain intact, they must be boiled in syrup, which is obtained from raspberry juice and sugar when it sits.

Ingredients and proportions:

  • Raspberries 1.5 kg
  • Sugar 1.5 kg

Step-by-step procedure for preparing raspberry jam with whole berries:

1. Clean the berries from debris (leaves, bugs, larvae). Rinse them with water and place in a colander.
2. Pour half of the granulated sugar into the bowl in which the jam will be cooked.
3. Next, all the raspberries go into the basin.
4. Cover our raspberries with the remaining sugar.
5. Leave everything in the container for 5-6 hours. Let the raspberries give juice. I usually do this at night. And in the morning I finish what I started.
6. In the morning I start sterilizing the jars, and then start making the jam itself.
7. Light the smallest fire and place the container on the stove. Mix very carefully so as not to disturb the integrity of the berries.
8. Wait for the sugar to dissolve and turn up the heat a little. When the jam boils, cook for another 5 minutes. Don’t forget to stir gently and remove the foam from the jam.
9. Pour the finished jam into jars. Cover them carefully with a lid.

By the way, you can use less sugar, for example, as in this video recipe:

Raspberry jam with whole berries (regular cooking)

Another very tasty recipe. The berries remain intact when cooked. This makes it more beneficial and tasteful.

When you make jam from whole berries, do not take a lot of kilograms at once. 1.5-2 kilograms will be enough, otherwise the berries may crush each other.

Ingredients and proportions:

  • Raspberries 1.5 kg
  • Sugar 1.5 kg

We take products in a 1:1 ratio

Step-by-step recipe for making raspberry jam:

1. In this recipe it is better to use the most the best raspberries. That is, it must be clean, large, bought at the market from some grandmother or your own. Because in this recipe we will not wash it.
2. We will layer sugar and berries into the jam container until the ingredients are gone.
3. We need everything to brew for 5-6 hours. We do everything again at night. We put the dishes with future jam in the refrigerator.
4. Raspberries will give juice overnight. We need to drain it and bring it to a boil. Leave it on low heat for 10 minutes.
5. In the meantime, we will sterilize our jars
6. Add raspberries and cook in juice for about 20 minutes. There is no need to stir the berries in this recipe. Therefore, we set the fire to the smallest.
7. Pour our jam into dry and hot jars. You can wrap it in something warm and let it cool completely. I use an old cotton blanket. This is necessary in order to reduce the cooling time of the jam. Then it will turn out very beautiful and natural in color.

Raspberry jam with gelatin

This is a very interesting interpretation of raspberry jam. This recipe will appeal to lovers of jelly or jam. Because it is thick, it can be used as a filling for pies.


  • Raspberries 1 kg
  • Sugar 1.5 kg
  • Water 300 ml
  • Citric acid about 10 grams
  • Gelatin 5 grams

Step-by-step recipe for making jam with gelatin:

1. For this recipe, we start with gelatin. He needs to be divorced warm water and let it swell. There are always instructions written on the bag.
2. We sterilize our jars in any way convenient for you.
3. Select large and not crushed berries. If the raspberries are clean, without dust, then you don’t have to wash them.
4. In a bowl, carefully mix the berries and granulated sugar. Next, fill our mass with water.
5. Place on the stove for half an hour. Cook over low heat, stirring so that the jam does not burn. To do this, use a plastic or wooden spoon. Metal can cause raspberries to oxidize.
6. Place gelatin into the container and citric acid. Cook for another 15 minutes.
7. Finished product put into jars. Store in a cool, dark place.

Raspberries with sugar without cooking

Cooking raspberries in this way allows you to preserve all the original vitamins and microelements that are in it. After all, in this recipe it is not subjected to heat treatment. But there is also a small disadvantage to this method - there is more sugar than usual.

Ingredients and proportions:

  • Raspberries 1.5 kg
  • Sugar 3 kg

The amount of sugar used is 2 times more than raspberries.

Step-by-step cooking recipe:

1. This is for this the recipe will do not only selected raspberries, but also crushed berries. And so we clean the raspberries and turn them into porridge using a wooden masher.
2. Now add granulated sugar to the container. Mix everything very carefully. We need all the sugar to dissolve. In time it is 20-24 hours. Mix everything periodically with a wooden spoon.
3. When the sugar is completely dispersed in the total mass of jam, you can start making jars.
4. Place the prepared raspberry mixture into dry, hot jars, but not to the very top. Leave 1-1.5 cm empty and add granulated sugar. Screw the lid on tightly. You can use thick paper and string the old fashioned way. Store in the refrigerator.

In this topic, I described the methods and subtleties of making raspberry jam. I shared some secrets with you. I hope you, too, will find the “ideal” raspberry jam recipe for yourself. And you will delight yourself and your loved ones with this healthy delicacy.

How often do we want to arrange for ourselves sweet life. Especially at a time when severe winter cold. During such a period, what could be better than delicious raspberry jam along with hot tea. It is hardly possible to come up with something better when a blizzard is raging outside the window. In addition to its sweetness, thick raspberry jam for the winter is spectacular and tasty. medicine against colds.

Let's go a little deeper into the past. The historical home of raspberries is Greece. According to ancient legend, a nymph named Ida collected it for the supreme god Zeus when he was still very young. And the raspberries turned red thanks to the blood of a nymph who was scratched on a thorny bush.

Let's now talk about the unconditional benefits of this sweet berry. It contains fiber and a lot of sucrose. And also pectin, minerals, carotene, and most importantly - a lot of vitamins.

That's why one of the best properties raspberries – anti-inflammatory effect. If you have a sore throat, eat raspberries and it will soon go away!

Raspberry jam- not only tasty, but also healthy product

Any good housewife is simply obliged to close at least a few jars of raspberries for the winter. And the more, the better. After all, winters are long, cold, and no one is immune from illness. But raspberries, as we all know, are the best natural medicine.

And sometimes you just want to treat yourself to something delicious, drinking hot tea and eating jam from these berries in the warm company of friends or family. That’s why everyone loves thick raspberry jam in winter.

We have chosen for you best recipes raspberry jam. You can have absolutely no doubt that it will retain all its beneficial anti-inflammatory properties, and the vitamins will undoubtedly remain in place.

The best thing about these recipes is that some of them can be prepared several ways! And you can choose the one that suits you best.

Well, let's get started with our preparations!

Raspberries with sugar for the winter with cooking

To make jam according to this recipe, you usually take a kilogram of sugar and a kilogram of berries. In general, this recipe for boiled raspberries with sugar for the winter can to some extent be considered a classic, since it is what housewives choose most often.

So, let's start cooking.

But try to leave as little water as possible after this. And it’s better to let the berries dry, otherwise the jam will not be thick, as we would like, but, on the contrary, liquid.

Next, you need to take a wide basin or any other large container in which we will cook our jam, and begin to lay out the raspberries and sugar in alternate layers. Sprinkle the berries with sugar, and so on until they are gone.

It is desirable that the last layer be sugar. This move will allow us to distribute the layers as evenly as possible, and there will be no need to mix them.

A very important point! During cooking, you should not use enamel containers - your jam may burn and everything will go down the drain.

The dishes should be covered with gauze and left overnight so that our raspberries release as much juice as possible. We check it in the morning - if, in your opinion, there is enough juice, you can begin the actual preparation. To make it more convenient, let's gradually figure out how to cook this healthy sweet.

Interestingly, there are two preparation options for this recipe:

First– prepare a syrup of suitable thickness, pour it over the berries and boil. After this, let the jam boil for another five minutes and then pour into jars.
Second– use repeated but short-term cooking.

You can try two options and choose the one that seems easier or more convenient. You can rest assured that one way or another, you will get a thick delicacy with whole berries, which will be preserved throughout the winter without any problems. But now we will take a closer look at the second cooking option.

What do we have to do:

Set the fire to medium power. Bring our contents to the boiling point when the sugar dissolves. Let it boil for another five minutes, and then remove from the stove and wait until our jam has cooled completely. You need to mix very carefully to leave the berries whole. Of course, if that's what you want.

When the jam has cooled, we repeat the process - put it on medium heat, bring it to the boiling point, and after five minutes remove it from the stove again and let it cool completely.

Do not forget that the foam that will form during cooking must be skimmed off. But in fact, raspberry foam is very tasty. No wonder children like her so much. And yet, we don’t need it in the jam itself.

This cooking process must be repeated three times. After the third cycle, you should bring the jam to readiness. You can tell by the dark burgundy color and thickness of the syrup.

If you want to make sure that the treat is ready, it is very easy to check. Pour a teaspoon of syrup into a plate and move the spoon as if stretching it. If a groove appears and begins to harden, then everything is ready.

A little trick: if you want your jam to become very thick, you should add a little pre-soaked gelatin to it.

Ready jam While still hot, pour it right up to the neck into prepared jars, sterilized in advance in any way convenient for you. After which they should be turned over and wrapped so that they cool more slowly. And as the jam hardens, it will thicken.

So, everything is ready. Congratulations, you did a great job!

Recipe for grated raspberries with sugar for the winter

As in the previous recipe, the ratio of ingredients is the same:

  • Raspberries – 1 kilogram;
  • Sugar – 1 kilogram.

How to cook:

Jam according to this recipe should be stored in the freezer, so the ingredients can be taken in equal quantities. Like last time, we take only ripe and preferably whole berries. We sort through, rinse thoroughly and remove excess water.

Then we sprinkle the berries with sugar and now there are a couple of points from which you can choose the most suitable one for you. Raspberries can be crushed using a wooden pestle, or you can simply beat them with a blender.

Another advantage of the recipe for grated raspberries with sugar for the winter is that you don’t need sterilized glass jars. Plastic containers are more suitable here.

Having filled them to the top, put the raspberries in the freezer or on the top shelf of the refrigerator. It is noteworthy that the jam will not freeze, even if you store it in the freezer. Sticky and thick syrup A raspberry delicacy prepared in this way will be no worse than one cooked on the stove.

Raspberry jam for the winter, a simple recipe - “five minutes”

Many housewives really like this recipe. After all, it cooks very quickly, that’s why it’s called five-minute. But there is one caveat - with all the speed of preparation, you should try not only to make it really thick, but also to preserve all the vitamins as much as possible.

So. The amount of ingredients can be as you wish, but the ratio is always 1 to 1. You should not use water. Thanks to this, the syrup will come out viscous and thick.

Drying berries in a colander

The raspberries should be sorted as usual, but they should not be washed. Only if you notice caterpillars in it. Then fill it with salted water for a while and then rinse. After everything, put the raspberries in a colander so that the remaining water drains and the berries dry.

When all the preparatory procedures have been completed, place the raspberries in the container in which we will cook them. The berries need to be mashed, mixed with sugar and placed in a cool place overnight.

You can start cooking in the morning. After mixing the mass again, you need to put it on low heat and stir frequently until the sugar is completely dissolved.

When this happens, you need to increase the heat, and then bring the mixture to a boil, then boil for another five minutes. Do not forget that the foam must be skimmed off during cooking.

Pour hot jam into jars to the very brim and screw on tight lids. You need to store the jam wrapped up in a dark and cool place.

As you can see, a simple recipe for raspberry jam for the winter is really very easy to prepare and really takes five minutes.

Jam made in its own juice

Many people love this recipe precisely because raspberries retain not only their beautiful color and delicious aroma, but also their natural taste.

As in all previous recipes, berries and sugar have a 1 to 1 ratio. Raspberries must be washed, dried and sprinkled with sugar. And leave for several hours until the berries release their juice.

After stirring the mixture, put the future jam on low heat. This is very important nuance, since you need to remove the jam from the stove as soon as it boils.

When the jam has cooled completely, the cycle will need to be repeated a couple more times - this will help you achieve the required thickness.

Pouring the jam into pre-prepared jars, place in a cool, dark place.

That's all. We have tried to prepare for you the simplest and most delicious recipes thick raspberry jam with the most detailed step by step description all actions. Bon appetit!

Raspberry jam- a traditional delicacy for our country. If we talk about benefits, then raspberry jam deservedly bears the status of the most useful. We all know about this from childhood. Any housewife strives to make as large a supply of this medicinal delicacy as possible for the winter. Everyone knows that raspberry jam not only helps with colds, but is also considered an excellent preventive measure.

Raspberry jam contains natural salicylic acid, which is the basis of most antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs. If you use raspberry jam instead of aspirin, you can avoid stomach ulcers and gastritis.

Vitamins PP, A, E, B2 stimulate vitality, increase skin elasticity and ensure a healthy complexion. Thus, jam helps a person prolong his youth.

Iron, which is also found in abundance in this jam, has a positive effect on the process of hematopoiesis.

Raspberry jam contains a large number of copper As you know, it is copper that is contained in most antidepressants. For this reason, those who suffer from depression and are in stressful situations are highly recommended to include in their diet. delicious medicine- raspberry jam. By the way, copper gives hair a rich color. And this is another great reason to increase your vitality.

To prepare this delicacy, you should choose berries that are ripe, but not overripe. The most suitable ones are medium-sized and dark-colored berries. These make very tasty and beautiful jam.

Raspberry jam - preparing dishes

Once upon a time, our grandmothers cooked jam in large copper basins. But today we know that copper utensils are not very suitable for this purpose. The point is not even that copper oxides can get into the jam. Raspberries - sweet berry, and oxides are formed when cooking sour ones. Just minimal amount copper ions ensure the breakdown of ascorbic acid. This means that there will be no vitamins in such jam.

If, in addition to the copper basin, another suitable cookware is not detected, you need to carefully check its surface for the presence of copper oxide. It should be etched out by rubbing the area with an abrasive. Sand, for example. Need soap and hot water Wash the basin thoroughly, then dry it thoroughly. Now you can make jam.

However, this is a compromise option that does not completely solve the problem. An aluminum basin is also not suitable for jam, since increased acidity jam has a destructive effect on the oxide film located on the surface of aluminum. Jam with aluminum is not healthy. You can solve the problem by using enamel dishes. However, when using it, care must be taken to avoid chipping the enamel.

It is better to stock up on a good stainless steel basin - this is the ideal vessel for cooking raspberry jam. While the jam is not yet cooked, it’s time to prepare the jars and lids. Thoroughly washed jars should be placed in the microwave for a few minutes. You can also use other sterilization methods. It is best to simply boil the lids.

So, now perfectly prepared jars, covered with sterilized lids, are waiting for the raspberry jam to reach the desired condition.

Raspberry jam - preparing berries

Fresh raspberries need to be sorted. Unripe and overripe berries, as well as sepals with stalks, should be removed. Place the sorted berries in a colander and slowly immerse them in water. Raspberries cannot be washed under running water, as they are a very delicate berry and may lose their shape. After removing the berries from the water, you need to wait until the water has completely drained. After this, carefully transfer the raspberries into the prepared bowl.

Please note that raspberries can be infected with small white worms. These are the larvae of the raspberry beetle. Such berries should be pre-treated saline solution. To do this, take 10 grams of salt per liter of water. Place the berries in this solution for about ten minutes. The larvae should float to the surface. They must be removed with a slotted spoon or spoon. Rinse the treated raspberries twice with clean water.

Raspberry jam - recipe 1

For raspberries, as for strawberries, there is also a recipe called “five-minute”. The beauty of this jam is that minor heat treatment of the berries allows you to better preserve salicylic and folic acid, potassium, copper, iron and vitamins B and C.
So, the proportion required by the recipe: for 1 kg of sugar there should be 1 kg of raspberries. The raspberries sprinkled with sugar are left for 4-5 hours. All juice formed during this time is drained and boiled for 10 minutes. The result is syrup. You should pour the berries into it, then bring the jam to a boil over low heat and simmer for exactly 5 minutes. This jam will retain its beneficial features year.

Raspberry jam - recipe 2

The cooking process itself does not take much time when preparing jam according to this recipe. You should use 1.5 sugar per kilogram of raspberries. Place the berries in the container in which they will be cooked, cover them with sugar and leave in the refrigerator for 10 hours. Then bring the jam to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes. The jam is ready.

Raspberry jam - recipe 3

When cooking this jam, the berries will not retain their shape, but it will be simple and tasty. A kilogram of raspberries should be filled with 200 ml of water. Then boil for 3 minutes. Rub the uncooled mass through a sieve, add 400 grams of sugar and boil again. Almost everything. Although, when the jam is already put into jars, it will need to be sterilized for 15 minutes. And only after that roll it up.

Raspberry jam - recipe 4

And in Bulgaria, raspberry jam is cooked a little differently. Two kilograms of sugar should be poured into the prepared basin. Then add a kilogram of raspberries and pour in 4 cups of water. Next, cook the jam until completely cooked in one go. Select low heat for cooking. But you still need to periodically remove the jam from the heat and carefully stir in a circular motion. When cooking comes to an end, you can add 2 teaspoons of citric acid. All.

The readiness of raspberry jam is checked by dropping a drop on a saucer: if the syrup has not spread, the jam is already ready.
The jam will be aromatic and will cook quickly if you do not cook more than 2 kilograms of raspberries at a time.

Redcurrant juice will add additional flavor to the jam if you replace the water with it. By the way, this version of jam will never be candied. This jam will become thicker, but will not be cloying.

The level of jam in jars should be 5 millimeters below the neck.

Hello ladies and gentlemen! Very soon the collection of such healthy berries like raspberries. Of course, everyone loves it very much, but the fruits do not last long and usually the next day the berry is no longer suitable for eating. Therefore, when the year pleases with the abundance of this sweet delicacy, you must know how to prepare it for future use.

Of course, there are a lot of cooking options, including compotes, freezing fresh berries and everyone’s favorite jam for colds. The last method of preserving fruits is good because raspberries undergo minimal heat treatment and retain all their vitamins. Well, the taste and aroma simply cannot be described in words!

Exist different recipes preparing raspberry delicacies. From classic without cooking to non-traditional ones with gelatin or lemon. Today I will share with you the most popular technologies. Although all recipes have one thing in common: they are easy and quick to make, and the jam usually takes only 5 minutes to cook.

And don’t forget to prepare winter treats like or. The season for collecting such fruits has long been open!

Let's proceed directly to cooking. Once again, I note that I am a little squeamish, so I prefer to wash the berries before cooking. The more I love homogeneous consistency. If you prefer not to wash the raspberries, then simply skip the first steps.

Remember that raspberries have a healing effect, both fresh and canned.


  • Raspberries - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking method:

1. Sort the berries from debris and leaves. Wash carefully, or better yet, soak in water to rid the fruit of insects. Then dry the fruits on a towel.

2. Now place the berries in layers in a bowl, sprinkle each layer with sugar.

If desired, you can add a couple of blackberries to the raspberries.

3. Cover the workpiece cling film and leave it alone for 6 hours. After a while, a lot of juice should appear.

4. Immediately before cooking, prepare the jars and lids, that is, sterilize them. And then put the preparation with berries on the fire. Stir the mixture with a wooden spoon from top to bottom. Bring the contents to a boil and simmer for no more than 5 minutes.

Using a wooden spoon, transfer the finished delicacy into hot jars and roll up. Turn the blanks upside down and wrap them in a blanket. Leave the jars until the morning, then remove the blanket and wait another couple of hours until they cool completely. And then put it in a cool place for storage.

How to cook raspberry jam in a frying pan

Here is another photo recipe, similar to the previous one. So to speak, an option when there are not so many berries. And in order not to dirty a large container, you can cook the delicacy directly in the frying pan.


  • Raspberries - 1.5 kg;
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg.

Cooking method:

1. First, sort the fruits, throw away bad and rotten berries. Next, you can carefully wash the raspberries or skip this step. But I try to rinse to get rid of insects.

2. Place the berries in a deep frying pan, add sugar and mix gently. Leave the container with the fruit for 6-10 hours so that the berries release juice.

3. After 6 hours, place the pan on the stove and stir the contents again. Turn on the heat and bring the contents to a boil. Boil the mixture for 5 minutes, remembering to remove the foam.

4. Sterilize jars and lids. Pour the hot treat into prepared containers. Roll up the lids.

5. Turn the blanks upside down and wrap them in a blanket. Leave until completely cool. Then put it in your usual storage place.

Thick raspberry jam for the winter with whole berries

Here is a cooking option with whole fruits. Here it is best not to wash the berries first (but I do). Also, in order for the dessert to turn out thick, you will need to increase the cooking time and instead of 5 minutes, cook a little longer. Still carefully and carefully mix the fruits, watch the fire so that nothing burns.


  • Raspberries - 1.2 kg;
  • Sugar - 700 gr.;
  • Citric acid - 1 teaspoon;
  • Water - 350 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Pick ripe raspberries. Remove leaves and excess debris.

2. Then carefully wash the berries in a colander under cold running water.

3. Place selected and prepared fruits into a saucepan. Add citric acid.

4. Now add sugar.

5. Pour cold water and place the pan over medium heat, stirring the contents carefully.

Added water will add lightness to the dessert and dilute the sweetness.

6. When the jam boils, reduce the heat to minimum. Boil the dessert for 20-25 minutes, and then immediately pour into sterilized jars and roll up. Turn the jars over onto their lids and cover with a blanket. After cooling, put it in the basement or cellar.

The shelf life of such treats is 1 year.

“Five-minute” raspberry at home

But most cooks, of course, choose a quick cooking recipe. My mother always makes jam this way. Look at the story too. And if you have any questions, be sure to write to me, I will try to answer everything).

Raspberry jam without cooking for the winter, so as not to go sour

It's cool when fresh berries We do not subject to any heat treatment. However, such a delicacy is stored only in a cold place, preferably in the refrigerator. A couple of jars can be frozen using this technology.


  • Raspberries - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking method:

1. Sort the berries, remove debris, leaves and bad fruits. Rinse thoroughly under cold water. Dry.

2. Place raspberries in a blender bowl and puree until smooth.

3. Pour the resulting puree into a deep bowl.

4. Sprinkle the berry mixture with sugar.

6. After an hour, stir the mixture again and check that all the sugar has dissolved.

7. Then pour the treat into sterilized jars and seal. Store in a cool place.

How to make jam like jelly with pectin

Raspberry jam is usually not very thick, so it is best to add gelatin or pectin to add thickness. Then you will get not just jam, but real jam.


  • Raspberries - 2 kg;
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • Pectin - 10 grams.

Cooking method:

1. Pick ripe berries. Get rid of debris and leaves. Place the fruits in a colander and wash under running water. Then dry the raspberries.

2. Now put the berries in a deep container and crush well until the juice appears. After this procedure, place the dessert on the stove and turn on high heat. Bring the puree to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 10-15 minutes. Skim off any foam during cooking.

3. Take a colander and place a piece of gauze in one layer. Wipe the slightly cooled puree with a tablespoon, and then roll the gauze into a knot and squeeze out all the remains. All raspberry grains and any random debris should remain in the gauze.

4. Pour sugar into the strained mixture and put it back on the stove. Bring to a boil and simmer for 8 minutes. At the 6th minute, do not forget to add pectin. And don't forget to remove the foam.

5. Pour the hot jelly into sterilized jars and roll up. Turn the pieces down onto the lids and cover with a blanket. Cool and store in a cool place.

Raspberry jam with lemon

Well, for variety, you can add fruits from the citrus family. Moreover, you can only use juice, or you can also use pulp. It's up to you to choose!


  • Raspberries - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 1 kg;
  • Lemon - 1 piece.

Cooking method:

1. Pick fresh, selected berries. There shouldn't be any spoiled ones.

2. Wash the fruits by placing them in a colander, and then wait until all excess moisture has drained.

3. Sprinkle required amount Sahara.

5. Squeeze the juice out of the lemon and add it to the jam. Place the workpiece on the stove, bring to a boil and then boil for 5 minutes.

6. Pour the dessert into sterile jars and seal. Turn the jars down onto their lids and cover them with a blanket. When the pieces have cooled completely, take them to a cool storage place.

The best recipe for making raspberry jam using a video from YouTube

Well, in conclusion, one more video. I liked it because with a minimum amount of time you can get two products at once. This is our healthy treat and syrup. Moreover, the syrup can be used both for soaking cakes and for preparing drinks.

Also when cooking aromatic and healthy dessert(for any recipe) pay attention to the following points:

  • The fruits are best picked in dry weather;
  • The berries must be whole and not limp;
  • The most important and controversial question: Do I need to wash raspberries or not?? If you are 100% sure that the berries are clean and free of insects, do not wash them; if you buy, it is better to carefully rinse the fruits in a colander, placing it in a bowl of cold water;
  • Raspberries are a very delicate berry, so you need to be careful when washing, otherwise you risk getting a mess of grains and water;
  • After soaking the berries in water, be sure to dry them;
  • Very often, such berries contain bugs, so you can first keep the raspberries in slightly salted water. Usually put 1-2 teaspoons per 1 liter of water. But then you need to rinse in plain water several times;
  • Washed fruits must be used immediately, otherwise your harvest will be lost;
  • When cooking a treat, skim off the foam, and if you are cooking a dessert with whole fruits, then instead of stirring, gently rock the container from side to side;
  • For a more saturated color, you can add citric acid or lemon juice.

I believe that every family should have raspberry jam. Let it be even a couple of small jars. Indeed, during the cold season, such preparations will be very relevant. And don’t be afraid that the treat contains a lot of sugar, there are still more benefits. Everyone Bon appetit and have a great mood!

Raspberry jam is one of my favorite jams. I have already published an article about and mentioned it there various jams, which I prepared before. Look, it's all very tasty.

Of course you know that raspberry jam is not only sweet, but also medicine. The best medicine is raspberries prepared fresh, without cooking. Or with minimal heat treatment. We mainly make raspberry preparations without cooking. Well, of course we cook 1-2 jars. Sometimes you want it with tea and it tastes so good.

How to make raspberry jam. Step-by-step recipes for raspberry jam

Here we will look mainly at jam, which is cooked for a short time and turns out to be very aromatic, tasty and healthy.


  1. Recipe for raspberry jam pureed with sugar

We will need:

For 1 kg of raspberries - 1.5 kg of sugar.

If you take 1.7 kg of sugar per 1 kg of berries, you can store at room temperature. But we always store raspberry jam in a cool place.


Today we will prepare raspberries without cooking or grated raspberries with sugar. This method makes it possible to preserve all vitamins. It is also very simple and quick way preparations. This jam is stored in the refrigerator.

1. The berries must be ripe and undamaged. The raspberries are red and purple. Wash the berries and let them dry. To do this, the berries can be carefully scattered in one layer on paper towels.

2. Pour sugar into the berries.

3. Mix everything well.

4. Pound the raspberries with a plastic masher, just like we crush potatoes. Mix sugar and raspberries well. Cover the bowl with the raspberries and leave the mixture of sugar and raspberries to stand for 4-5 hours until the sugar dissolves. You need to stir the raspberries periodically.

5. That's it, the jam is ready. Pour raspberry jam into sterilized jars.

6. Close with sterilized lids. We put it in the refrigerator for storage.

We got the most aromatic raspberry jam, even though we didn’t cook it, but prepared it in a different way. But everyone calls it jam.

I can’t believe you resisted and didn’t immediately put it in a vase to try.


Enjoy your tea!

  1. Instant raspberry jam for the winter


  • Raspberries - 5 kg.
  • Sugar - 5 kg.


1. We sort the raspberries to remove leaves and other debris.

2. Pour 1-1.5 kg of sugar into a large basin, with this quantity needed, pour 1-1.5 kg of sugar to cover the bottom. Place raspberries on sugar. Sugar for raspberries, etc.

3. In this way, add all the berries.

4. Leave the berry covered with sugar to settle until the berry releases juice.

5. When the berry has given juice, put the basin on high heat.

6. When the raspberries boil, you need to remove the foam. Remove the foam carefully and, of course, give it to your baby right away. I remember my grandmother always gave it to me, and I always waited, well, when they would call me for foam.

7. Bring the berries to a boil and cook the jam for 15-20 minutes.

8. After 20 minutes, pour a couple of spoons of jam onto a plate, run the spoon in the middle, if the two sides of the jam do not connect, the jam is ready.

9. Quick cooking raspberry jam is ready. We showed how you can make a large amount of jam. But in the same way, you can prepare 1-2 liter jars.

Pour it into jars and store it in the refrigerator.

Enjoy your tea!

  1. Frozen raspberry jelly

In this recipe we will prepare a very interesting jelly. It cooks quickly. There is no need to sterilize anything. Very convenient to use.

The jam turns out alive. You need much less sugar. This jam has one drawback: if you make a lot of it, you need to have a lot of space in the freezer. Yes, we will have ice cream jam.

So, let's begin.

We will need:

  • Raspberries - 1.2 kg.
  • Sugar - 600 g.


1. Pour the sorted and washed raspberries into a saucepan in which we will cook the jam and smash them with a blender. As you already know, you can crush it with a masher. But of course a blender is better.

2. Place the raspberries, smashed to an even mass, on the stove, on slow fire, sugarless. Bring the raspberries to a boil, stirring all the time and cook for another 10-12 minutes. We need the liquid to evaporate a little. As they say, for the jam to boil down.

If you don’t have a place where you can freeze and then store the jam, then you can cook the jam in the same way, just take 1 kg of sugar. raspberries - 1-1.2 kg. And pour the hot jam into sterilized jars. But such jam must be stored in a cool place.

Or cook it as in the recipes above.

3. While we were talking, our jam is boiling and becoming thicker.

4. Boil for 12 minutes and only now add sugar. You can add even less sugar if you want to make less sweet jam and if you will only be freezing the jam.

5. Bring the raspberries and sugar to a boil and let them boil for another 2-3 minutes. Make sure the sugar dissolves.

6. As usual, check the jam by pouring the jam onto a saucer and running a spoon through the middle. The two separated strips of jam should not join together.

7. The jam is cooked. Look, it turned out beautiful, homogeneous, very fragrant.

8. Let the jam cool completely and pour it into plastic jars, like ice cream cups.

9. Well, if there is very little space, you can pour the jam into a plastic bag, or better yet, into a double bag. You can take special bags for freezing.

10. Such jam in jars is not frozen to the glass state. It becomes very dense, but can be easily taken with a spoon.

We store this jam in the freezer. Goes very well with pancakes or just tea. It has the taste and aroma of fresh berries.

I think you'll like this raspberry jam. Give it a try. Very practical.

Enjoy your tea!