How to freeze raspberries at home. What is the best way to freeze raspberries?

Fragrant raspberries Children and adults love it for its unique taste. While enjoying this berry, the body is simultaneously saturated with vitamins and microelements. Salicylic acid in raspberries has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects; it is a natural aspirin.

To have them on the table not only in summer, raspberries are frozen for the winter different ways. Heat treatment destroys most of the beneficial properties. When frozen, almost all the benefits are preserved if you know a few secrets.

Methods for freezing raspberries

  1. Whole raspberries are frozen to preserve the greatest amount of vitamins.
  2. Sweet-lovers prepare the berries whole with added sugar. This aromatic delicacy especially delicious with tea.
  3. Freeze as puree soft varieties raspberries, mashed fruits. Puree can be with or without sugar.
  4. Raspberries frozen in honey are doubly useful. Honey does not lose its properties when frozen. It turns out to be a tasty preventative against colds.
  5. Raspberries with currants have pleasant sourness. Contains a lot of vitamin C.

Raspberries can be frozen with any berry that matches its ripening period. The results are tasty and healthy vitamin mixtures that will support the body’s strength during the long winter.

Frozen sugar-free raspberries are perfect for people who lead a healthy lifestyle and watch their figure.

Recipes for freezing raspberries

Whole berries

  1. Select beautiful raspberries, without deformation, preferably varieties with dense pulp.
  2. Remove twigs, leaves, debris.
  3. Carefully rinse the berries, being careful not to damage them. Dry on a paper towel. If the raspberries are soft, then there is no need to wash them; they will flow and freeze into a lump.
  4. Place on a tray so that the berries do not touch.
  5. Remove to freezer.
  6. After a few hours, pack the frozen raspberries into bags and place them back in the freezer for storage.

Whole raspberries with sugar

  1. Prepare the berries as in the previous recipe.
  2. Place in small plastic containers, alternating layers of raspberries and sugar.
  3. Seal tightly and freeze.

Raspberry puree

  1. Grind the prepared berries with a blender, rub through a sieve or mash with a wooden spatula.
  2. Raspberry puree is frozen in different ways:
    • pour into molds for ice or candy, then take out and put into bags;
    • in containers;
    • V plastic bottles small volume.

Raspberry puree with sugar

  1. Grind the peeled, washed and dried berries.
  2. Add sugar to taste and stir well.
  3. Freeze in the same way as sugar-free puree.

Raspberries frozen with honey

  1. Place clean, undamaged berries in plastic containers or cups in several layers.
  2. Pour honey and seal tightly.
  3. Place in the freezer.

Raspberries with currants

The berry mixture is frozen whole fruits or in the form of puree. Sugar is added if desired.

How to select and prepare fruits for freezing

  1. The berries need to be ripe, without signs of rot or mold.
  2. Wash the raspberries carefully with low pressure of water.
  3. If there are insects or worms in the berries, then soak them in salted water for about 20 minutes. When the pests float to the surface, drain the water and rinse the raspberries.
  4. Dry on a cloth folded in several layers or a paper towel.

Tricks for freezing raspberries

  • You need to freeze the berries immediately after picking; during storage, some of the vitamins are destroyed.
  • To prevent the berries from becoming sour and to freeze faster, set the freezer to the lowest possible temperature.
  • The beneficial properties are lost upon contact with metal, so it is better to chop the berries with a wooden spoon (spatula, masher).
  • Choose a small container for storing raspberries so that the thawed berries can be used immediately and they will not have time to spoil.
  • In order not to take up a lot of space in the freezer, the following technique is used: put bags in containers, place raspberries in them, and freeze them. They take out the bags of berries and put them in this form in the freezer for storage.
  • Thaw the fruits gradually, in the refrigerator or at room temperature.
  • Do not refreeze.

How to store frozen raspberries

Frozen berries are stored in the freezer:

  • at a temperature not higher than -18 degrees for no more than a year;
  • at a temperature of -15 degrees no more than 6 months;
  • at a temperature of -12 degrees for no longer than 3 months.

Whole berries stay fresh longer and beneficial features than crushed.

How to use frozen raspberries

There are many ways:

  • Add to natural yogurt, ice cream, milkshake, cottage cheese;
  • pour raspberry puree over pancakes and pancakes;
  • put in porridge;
  • prepare vitamin juice;
  • cook compote, jelly;
  • make a flavorful smoothie;
  • bake buns, pies with raspberry filling;
  • Use whole berries to decorate cakes, cupcakes, and jellies.

If you follow simple freezing rules, raspberries will retain the taste and aroma of fresh berries, vitamins and microelements. It's nice to enjoy your favorite berries when it's already winter outside!

In this recipe I will tell you how to freeze raspberries for the winter in different ways: with and without sugar, whole in a bag, in a container. Each of them can be used for different recipes and cases. When to decorate ready-made desserts or baking, raspberries frozen without sugar in a container will help. For berry puree, smoothies, jelly and other drinks, berries frozen whole in a bag are suitable. Well, raspberries with sugar are a universal preparation; you can eat them just like that, make ice cream, add to desserts, make jelly or sweet sauce for pancakes.

To freeze raspberries for the winter in the refrigerator you will need:

  • Ripe dense raspberries - as many as you can eat;
  • sugar - at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. for 150 g of berries;
  • small containers for freezing;
  • tight bags.

Preparing raspberries for the winter in the freezer

How to freeze raspberries whole in a bag

Select dense berries without damage. Place a bag on a flat dish or board so that the dishes are inside between layers of polyethylene. If you want to freeze whole raspberries for the winter, then place the berries at a distance from one another, preferably with their caps up, so that nothing gets inside. Careful placement will take some time, but you will be sure that after freezing you will have a portion of delicious berries that will not stick together into an icy lump during further storage. Place in the freezer for several hours. Once you are sure the raspberries are frozen, fold the bottom of the bag over the berries and remove from the dish. They will end up inside the bag in bulk, separating from one another. Tie, label and store in the freezer.

Freezing raspberries in a container

The principle and technology are not very different from the method described above. The difference is in the convenience of storage and the safety of the berries themselves - in a container the raspberries will not break, will not crumble, and will look like they were just picked from the bush. Wrap a cutting board or plate in cellophane or foil, arrange the berries so that they do not touch each other. Cover up cling film and put it in the freezer. After 10-12 hours, when the raspberries are well frozen, separate from the cellophane and place in a container with a tight-fitting lid. Then place it in a tight plastic bag and label it.

How to freeze raspberries for the winter with sugar

To freeze with sugar, the berries do not have to be selected. Small, slightly overripe (but undamaged), unripe, not particularly presentable - these are the ones we need. If after freezing you plan to store raspberries in briquettes without packaging, then cover the container with cling film. If it is packaged, then you can do without film.

Place the berries in layers in a container or other container, sprinkling with sugar. Be sure to sprinkle a 1-1.5 cm layer of sugar on the bottom so that if juice comes out of the raspberries, the sugar will absorb it. Seal or wrap tightly and freeze. You need to store this preparation in the freezer, taking out a portion at a time as needed.

How to properly freeze raspberries for the winter - useful tips

Only freshly picked raspberries are suitable for freezing. If it has been in the refrigerator for at least a day, it will lose some of its vitamins, become wilted, and begin to darken or become soggy.

Before freezing, inspect the batch of raspberries and remove all wrinkled and leaking berries. You can make compote from them or add them to baked goods, but they are not suitable for storing in the freezer. Not even a large number of juice will lead to the fact that it will not be possible to freeze the berries in bulk; they will freeze into a monolith, and when you try to divide this lump, they will break into pieces.

You should not wash raspberries before dry freezing. The delicate skin is easily damaged, quickly softens under the influence of water, and the berries become watery. Drying will not work; the raspberries will remain wet and soggy.

Don't freeze raspberries in large portions. Pack as much as you need at a time - 150-200 grams or less/more. Repeated freezing is unacceptable, so after defrosting, you will have to use everything.

Frozen raspberries can be stored until the next harvest, but we usually run out of them already in the middle of winter. We hope that our simple tips from my own experience will be useful to you and will help you freeze raspberries for the winter in different ways. Have a delicious winter!

How to freeze raspberries for the winter - three freezing methods

In this recipe, I will tell you how to freeze raspberries for the winter in different ways: whole, in a container, in a bag, with sugar, how to properly prepare and store them.

How to freeze raspberries for the winter

In this article we will tell and show how to freeze raspberries and in what way, about simple freezing and freezing with sugar.


  • Raspberries – 500g.

How to prepare berries for freezing: how to properly freeze raspberries for the winter

Raspberries for dry freezing are not washed, but simply sorted, removing specimens that are not suitable for storage. It is not washed for baking a pie, for making jam - for preparing those dishes where heat treatment is present.

Important: even after very careful rinsing under running water, the raspberries will release juice. In addition, it absorbs moisture like a sponge due to its extremely delicate consistency and shape resembling a thimble. This moisture in the freezer will turn into ice, binding the raspberries into a solid conglomerate.

The size of the container should correspond to the serving size: so, if you know that you will need 200-250 g of raspberries for a pie or jelly, use small containers. If you plan to use a larger volume, then a larger container will do.

Why such difficulties? The less often you take the berries out of the chamber, the less they will be covered with frost, the longer the frozen raspberries will retain their shape and color.

Freezing raspberries with sugar

If you have good, but slightly overripe raspberries, you can compromise: sprinkle them with sugar. Its crystals will take on the liquid that will certainly be present when overripe fruits thaw.

When placing in a container, it is convenient to sprinkle each layer with sugar directly into the container; it is easier to place the berries already sprinkled with granulated sugar in a plastic bag.

The layers should not be mixed - the integrity of the soft fruits will be compromised. The amount of sugar is determined by eye. So, for 250-300 g of berries you will need 3-4 tablespoons.

Simple and simple nuances will help you freeze raspberries for the winter and store them for 12 months or more. Frozen raspberries with sugar are not stored for too long - up to 3-4 months.

How to freeze raspberries for the winter: rules for freezing berries

In this article we will tell and show how to freeze raspberries and in what way, about simple freezing and freezing with sugar.

How to freeze raspberries: methods with and without sugar

Raspberries are a very delicate berry, and if you don’t know certain subtleties, you won’t be able to preserve them for the winter. Find out how to properly freeze raspberries in different ways in this article.

Only fresh berries are allowed to be used for freezing. Overripe and bruised raspberries should not be taken.

  • Choosing the right container. The basic rule for dry freezing: no condensation should form in the container with stored berries. Otherwise, instead of crumbly berries, you are guaranteed to get a crumpled ice mass and a layer of frost. It is best to use plastic containers with tight-fitting lids. Ordinary bags made of dense polyethylene have also proven themselves to be effective.
  • Ideally, the container volume should correspond to one serving. Remember: the less often the berries leave the freezer and come into contact with warm air, the less frost will form on them. This will help more long time preserve the color and shape of frozen raspberries.
  • There is no need to completely fill the containers. The raspberries will wrinkle and release juice, which will not be good for them. If the freezer is small, then pre-frozen berries can be packed in plastic bags.

Each box of raspberries must be additionally packed in plastic. This will prevent the berries from forming frost if the lid is not airtight enough.

You can freeze slightly overripe raspberries with sugar. Sweet crystals will absorb all excess liquid. When placing the berries in containers, each layer must be sprinkled with sugar. For 250 grams of raspberries, take about three to four tablespoons of granulated sugar. No need to stir.

When storing raspberries in sugar in the freezer, it is advisable to maintain a temperature of –18 to –22. The dry freezing technique helps preserve raspberries from one harvest to another, that is, at least 8-12 months. Frozen in sugar, it can be stored for no longer than four months.

When frozen quickly and correctly, raspberries retain their taste and benefits. You can use it to prepare a warming drink that will speed up recovery from a cold, and create bright, delicious baked goods.

How to freeze raspberries for the winter correctly - Woman s Day

How to properly freeze raspberries? At home, berries can be frozen dry and in sugar.

How to properly freeze raspberries for the winter.

Raspberries are delicious and healthy berry, but in our latitudes it grows only in summer. And housewives really want to keep it fresh and full of vitamins for the winter. Eat great solution- freezing.

Preparing raspberries for freezing.

Raspberries collected on your own plot or purchased at the market should be frozen as quickly as possible, before they lose their beneficial properties. Moreover, it deteriorates quite quickly. But first you need to carefully wash the berries. To do this, place the raspberries in small portions in a colander and place them under a gentle stream of water. Or dip the colander several times into a large container of clean water. Then the berries should be dried on a cotton cloth, spread out in one layer. After an hour, the raspberries will dry out and you need to sort them out, removing damaged and overripe berries. There are several ways to freeze raspberries: whole, puree, whole berries in puree, seedless puree.

Freezing whole raspberries for the winter.

Place the prepared raspberries on a cutting board or tray in one layer. It is important that the berries do not touch each other, otherwise they will stick together when frozen.

Place the tray in the freezer for several hours to freeze the berries. Remove from the freezer and place in a bag or plastic container and place in the freezer for permanent storage. These raspberries can be used to decorate a cake, morning oatmeal, or pour over jelly.

Planet “FOOD” will tell you how to freeze raspberries for the winter using whole berries?

Freezing raspberry puree.

You can also use overripe berries for puree. Puree the prepared raspberries using a wooden pestle or blender. You can add sugar if desired, then the consistency of the puree will be softer. It is convenient to freeze the mass in plastic cups or special rectangular containers. You can also use silicone molds for this.

If you don’t have enough containers, but you will be freezing a lot, you can do it as follows. Cover the container with a plastic bag, pour in the puree, and freeze. Remove it from the freezer, remove the freezer bag from the container and put the finished puree back into the freezer for storage. During the freezing process, the puree in the bag will take the shape of the container it was poured into. Thus, it will be convenient to store it in the freezer, and the container will only be used to give a convenient shape for the finished puree.

Freezing whole raspberries into puree.

Add whole berries to the raspberry puree, mix carefully so as not to damage the raspberries, freeze in a convenient container.

Freezing seedless raspberry puree.

If you like to eat raspberries, but the small seeds bother you, you can freeze seedless raspberry puree. To do this, rub the prepared raspberry puree through a sieve and freeze. Raspberries frozen in this way are ideal for sweet sauces for desserts and added to drinks.

Defrosting raspberries.

It is better to defrost berries in the refrigerator, if time allows. Or at room temperature if you need raspberries urgently. It is better to freeze the puree in a small container so that you can use the entire portion at once. When re-frozen, raspberries lose their beneficial properties. If you plan to prepare a dish with raspberries that is susceptible to... heat treatment(for example, compote), then it can not be defrosted, but used immediately for cooking.

As you can see, you can easily and quickly freeze raspberries for the winter if you know some subtleties. And then in winter you will have a supply of healthy and beautiful berries.

How to properly freeze raspberries for the winter

How to properly freeze raspberries for the winter. Raspberries are a tasty and healthy berry, but in our latitudes they grow only in the summer. And housewives really want to keep it fresh and full of vitamins for the winter.

Well, of course! Freezing- one of the most effective ways preserve all the benefits of nature's gifts. Moreover can be frozen Not only berries, but also vegetables, herbs, mushrooms.

Which way is better? freeze raspberries — we will share our own experience with you in this article.

How to freeze raspberries for the winter in the refrigerator?

I think that Internet users, when entering their question into Yandex search, did not mean the refrigerator, but the freezer in it. Freeze raspberries for the winter in the refrigerator it's best to immediately How We just picked and sorted the berries.

We use plastic containers of different sizes and yogurt cups as containers for freezing. And this year we bought disposable plastic cups. They are small - just enough for a child to enjoy once. Last year we had a bad experience: we froze raspberries in larger containers, defrosted them, but we couldn’t eat so many. A couple of times I even had to throw out the leftovers.

The first step is to sort the raspberries, but not wash them. Granulated sugar is also not required. You can sweeten it later, just before use. Raspberries - enough sweet berry, so most likely no additional sweetness will be needed. Containers for freezing must be prepared in advance: clean and dry.

We haven’t frozen whole raspberries yet, but we have stored blueberries and strawberries whole in the freezer. The fact is that raspberries are a berry with a cavity inside. Before freezing, it is better to mash it with a masher to save space in the refrigerator. So, we kneaded it. Now you can put it in containers and cups.

If you decide to use piles, like we did, then you first need to freeze them, and then put them all together in one plastic bag.

We simply fold the containers compactly:

As you can see, freezing is the easiest way to prepare berries for the winter. All you need to do is have enough space in the refrigerator. But this can be solved: buy a separate freezer. Two years ago we did just that and now we freeze everything: zucchini and diced pumpkin, broccoli, green beans, stuffed peppers, and, of course, mushrooms and berries!

Raspberries have a wonderful aroma and amazing taste, and big amount useful and medicinal properties. It is a natural antioxidant, effectively strengthens the immune system and is traditionally used in the treatment of colds. Consuming 1 glass of this berry satisfies a person’s daily need for vitamin C.

To save healing properties Its winter storage without heat treatment becomes especially relevant. The recipes are easy to prepare at home and are very popular among housewives.

Preparing berries - where to start?

Harvesting is best done on a dry, sunny day. Shallow boxes or trays are suitable for these purposes. Ripe berries are quite tender, easily wrinkle under their own weight and cannot be long-term storage. Harvesting begins with the process of cleaning the collected mass from bugs, twigs, leaves and diseased fruits. It is more efficient to sort fruits by transferring them in small portions from one container to another.

It is not advisable to wash raspberries, but if necessary, it is better to use a very cold shallow shower. Summer ripening berries may contain white insect larvae. The crop should be filled with cool salted water (based on 1 liter - 1 tablespoon of salt) and left for 10 minutes, then carefully collect the emerging pests and rinse clean.

Recently, late-ripening varieties can be increasingly found in summer cottages. Harvesting begins at the end of August and lasts until the first frost. Insect larvae (worms) are practically not found in autumn fruits. After water procedures, the fruits must be dried, scattered in a thin layer on a towel. It is better to use paper folded several times. Dried berries are ready for processing. Next we will tell you how to candy raspberries.

Raspberries with sugar - popular recipes

Preparing raspberries and sugar for the winter without cooking is quite simple; it can be done by a housewife with any experience. An important point when preparing raw jam is the expected shelf life of the workpiece: the longer it is, the more sweetness must be used per 1 kg of berries:

  • more than 6 months – 2 kg;
  • from 3 to 6 months – 1.5 kg;
  • up to 3 months – 1 kg.

To prepare jam, you must use dishes made of non-oxidizing materials:

  • enameled or stainless steel pots, bowls, basins;
  • glass jars;
  • wooden masher and spoon.

Raw jam

Place the prepared berries in a saucepan and cover with sugar. The volume is determined based on the expected shelf life. The mixture is mixed and kneaded with a masher until homogeneous mass. The process is not very labor intensive. To obtain a finer puree, you can use a blender. The higher the homogeneity of the jam, the less it will separate in the future.

In order for everything to dissolve well, it should stand for 3-6 hours in a cool place, but not in the refrigerator. Usually it is prepared in the evening and left, without pouring, overnight. In the morning, place the finished mixture into sterilized jars without filling the necks. It is better to use small jars of 0.3–0.5 liters.

Sprinkle a layer of granulated sugar on top of the raspberries, about 1 tablespoon. When storing the workpiece, the candied cork will turn into a crust, which will protect it from contact with air. The jars are closed with plastic or screw caps and placed in the refrigerator.

This recipe can be used to make raw raspberry jam with the addition of strawberries, blackberries or blackcurrants. The proportions of berry volumes vary, but the most common option is 0.5 by 0.5.

Jam recipe

Raspberry jam is exquisite delicacy for those gourmets who don't like bones. The berries for preparation must be thoroughly crushed using a blender or food processor, the resulting mass must be rubbed through a sieve or squeezed in small portions through cheesecloth to separate the seeds.

To facilitate this process, you can add water to a pan with whole fruits at the rate of 0.5 cups per 1 kg, put on fire, bring to a boil and remove. After this treatment, it will be much easier to remove seeds from the puree.

Add sugar to the squeezed juice and pulp and stir thoroughly until completely dissolved, pour into small jars, cover with lids, and store only in the refrigerator.


  • raspberries – 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1.3 kg.

Freezing berries for future use - how to preserve the benefits?

A widespread method of preparing berries and vegetables for the winter is by freezing. In special freezers, in which cooling goes below -18°C, they can be stored for up to a year, that is, almost until the new harvest. In an ordinary refrigerator, where the temperature does not drop -12°C, useful and taste qualities products are stored for no more than three months.

  • whole ripe, but not overripe berries with or without sugar;
  • in the form of soft berries puree with sugar. with or without sand.

Containers and freezing techniques

An important point when freezing is the choice of container. It is best to use plastic containers with lids or cups, as well as plastic bags designed for storing food; to ensure against breaks, you need to use two pieces for one serving.

High-quality preparations are obtained by pre-freezing whole berries. To do this, they are poured in one layer onto a tray, without allowing them to touch each other, and placed in the freezer for three hours. After freezing, raspberries can be transferred to any container for further storage at sub-zero temperatures.

Primary cooling is required to prevent sticking into a solid lump and loss of external qualities during defrosting.

The berries are not subject to secondary freezing, so the volumes of preparations must be calculated for one-time consumption.

Methods for freezing raspberries with sugar

Raspberries with sugar can be frozen either whole or in the form of puree. First method, step by step recipe:

  • add a layer of sugar into a small plastic container;
  • place raspberries on top;
  • Alternating layers, completely fill the container - the top should be sand;
  • Close the container with a lid and place in the freezer.

Second way:

  • Make a puree from overripe, soft berries using a blender;
  • add sugar, the volume of which is not clearly regulated and varies between 0.5-1.5 kg per 1 kg of raspberries. In this case, it is best to be guided by your own taste.
  • Pour the mixture into containers, leaving them one quarter full, since when freezing the liquid has the ability to expand;
  • Place the containers in the freezer.

If there are few containers, raspberry puree can be packaged in bags previously placed in them. After freezing, the containers are emptied, and the resulting briquettes are placed in the freezer. This method allows you to increase the efficiency of using the refrigerator.

When preparing products by freezing, you must follow the main rule: freeze quickly and defrost slowly. Before consumption, the berries are placed in a common refrigerator compartment to thaw naturally.

Raspberries with sugar without cooking are served with tea or used as a cure for colds. It is used to prepare sauces for pancakes and casseroles, to make jelly and jelly, it is useful for filling pies, and it is used to pour it over ice cream and fruit salads.

The summer season allows you to saturate your body useful microelements and vitamins. At this time there is a lot fresh berries that are beneficial. Unfortunately, in winter time or difficult to find berries in fresh, or they are not affordable. You can solve the problem by preparing them in the form of compotes and jam, however, this option is not very attractive. Raspberry jam, when heat treated, loses two-thirds of its benefits. Experts recommend freezing the product fresh. The main thing is to know how to freeze raspberries correctly.

When preparing raspberries for freezing, be sure to consider the storage location of the product. If you have a large refrigerator or separate freezer, this is not a problem. It is enough to put the berries in a separate container and place it away from meat and fish products having a strong odor. If the refrigerator is small, you need to choose the container more carefully. It should have a tight-fitting lid. Such containers can be found in any hardware store.

It is also better to defrost and wash the freezer first to remove foreign odors.

You can also use plastic bags that have a special fastener for storage. This will allow you to package the berries in small portions, which can be used immediately after picking. This will make it possible to eliminate secondary freezing, after which a significant part of the vitamins is lost. In addition, large quantities of raspberries may lose their shape under their own weight before they freeze.

Product selection and preparation

In order to get dry raspberries after defrosting, and not a sticky mass covered with a layer of ice, you need to know the rules of this process:

  1. You need to choose only freshly picked, whole berries for freezing, without defects or damage. This is an important circumstance that must be observed.
  2. The collected raw materials should be carefully sorted, putting aside the crushed and rotten berries, as well as removing any leaves and other debris that have fallen there. If the raspberries are not very clean, it is better to wash them carefully.
  3. To remove insects, raspberries need to be soaked for 15 minutes in salted water. room temperature. After time, remove the debris with a slotted spoon, and rinse the raspberries several times to remove the salt.
  4. Treated raspberries should be dried on a cotton towel, which will absorb excess moisture. For freezing, only dry berries are used. The container must also be clean and dry.

It is best to initially freeze the raspberries in one layer, carefully laying them out on a special board so that the berries do not touch each other. Cover the top with cling film and place in the freezer for several hours. When they freeze, they are transferred to prepared containers.

Many people advise not to use bags, although this is convenient, but to use small containers, since raspberries are quite fragile. If the choice is made in favor of this storage method, then they need to be placed in a separate place in the top layer.

It is important that freezing occurs at a temperature no higher than minus 18 °C. This so-called deep freezing allows you to preserve all the beneficial properties of the product throughout the year.

How to freeze raspberries at home

The main thing when freezing is to avoid mistakes. To do this, you need to carefully study the entire procurement process:

  1. It is not recommended to use overripe raspberries for freezing. It will release juice and spread out.
  2. Berries prepared for freezing must first be cooled for a few minutes in the refrigerator or in a draft. Otherwise, condensation will form, and in the freezer they will be covered with a layer of ice.
  3. When dry freezing, do not wash raspberries. It is better to use it for purees or desserts.
  4. At temperatures below 18 °C, all harmful bacilli and bacteria die, so there is no need to worry that unwashed berries will be dangerous after defrosting.
  5. For convenience, it is better to use small flat containers with a lid. They will hold a little product. It is worth remembering that you cannot fill the container all the way to the lid. It is better to leave a small gap between the lid and the product.

The ideal option would be to choose plastic containers. Glassware may burst, and iron cookware may oxidize. The minimum freezing temperature is -18-22 °C, the maximum is up to -40 °C.
Let's take a closer look Various types frosts.

Whole berry

To freeze raspberries without cooking, the berries are sorted and prepared as described above. If necessary, wash and dry. Lay out fresh raspberries on a board or flat surface and put them in the freezer. After a few hours, they are placed in prepared containers and sent for storage.

Whole raspberries with sugar

Typically this method is used if the berry is very ripe and juicy. The basic steps are the same as for regular freezing. The difference is that each layer is sprinkled with sugar.

Raspberry puree

To obtain a puree, grind the raspberries using a blender or mortar.
Usually the bones are not removed, since they are small and practically not felt. The ratio of berries and sugar is 1:3. The composition is poured into containers and sent to the freezer. If stored in the refrigerator, the shelf life is six months.

Raspberry puree without seeds

To get seedless puree, it is prepared in the same way as in the previous recipe, but additionally rubbed through a colander. Finished product stored in the freezer.


Raspberries, frozen without sugar - excellent nutrient for people who care about their health. Pre-prepared in the classic way the berries are packaged in bags or containers and sent for storage. It’s even better to freeze raspberries with other berries; the result is healthy vitamin mixes that are pleasant to eat in winter.

In a container

Preparation in containers – perfect option, which allows you to preserve all the vitamins and beneficial properties in the berries. The main thing is to prepare the berries correctly. You can put whole raspberries and puree in containers.

With sugar

The collected berries must be prepared properly, add sugar in the proportion: a glass per kilogram of raspberries and mix carefully without disturbing their integrity. Pack the resulting product into containers or bags and place it in the refrigerator or freezer.

To get the maximum benefit from a prepared product, you need to know how long it can be stored in the freezer without losing its qualities:

  1. If the storage temperature is within -18 °C, the shelf life is one year.
  2. Higher temperatures, up to -15 °C, reduce the shelf life to six months.
  3. A storage temperature of -12 °C means that the product should be consumed within three months.

It should also be taken into account that whole berries are stored slightly longer than pureed ones.

Rules for defrosting berries

  1. It is better to freeze freshly picked berries, they contain much more useful substances.
  2. To maintain their shape, you need to refrigerate the raspberries. It will not become limp after defrosting.
  3. Use a wooden spoon or spatula to make the puree. This will avoid oxidation from the metal.
  4. The container must be small in order to use its volume immediately after defrosting.
  5. The product must be defrosted in the refrigerator. This will preserve the integrity and flavor of the fruit.
  6. Repeated freezing is excluded. With it, the berries lose two-thirds of their beneficial qualities.

To enjoy raspberries in winter, you just need to learn some rules for freezing this berry and strictly follow them.