The benefits and harms of the melon "Kolkhoz Woman", features of the variety and how to choose. How to choose the right sweet and ripe melon

Roza Nurlyeva, a resident of the regional center of Saba, has been growing melons for ten years now. Favorite variety - "Kolkhoz Woman". Last year I collected 27 heads from four bushes. The fruits are small - about 1.5-2 kilograms. And the taste is amazing.

“As the melon begins to ripen, its delicate aroma appears right there in the greenhouse. And when the garden is already filled with fragrance, it means it's time to pick a melon for testing. A ripe melon is all yellow, ready to fall off the stem. But this should not be allowed - let it ripen to the end. Therefore, I “dress” them in nylon stockings and hang them up - when the melon does not lie on the ground, it ripens evenly, ”the interlocutor shares her secrets.

Rosa grows her melons on natural groundbait - no chemical fertilizers, only chicken manure infusion - she usually injects it twice a season. He does not make seedlings, he plants seeds directly into the soil. But not every year it is possible to get a good harvest.

“Melon is still a southern fruit, it does not grow without heat. Last year, the seeds hatched evenly, but did not continue to grow. I watered it with everything possible - chicken manure, mullein, even a biostimulant. Did not help. Everything turned yellow, I had to tear it out and throw it away. It seems that this has not happened in ten years - at the end of July they usually already ate their own melon, ”says Roza Nurlyeva.

According to her, hybrid varieties of melon grow better in our conditions. But they have one feature - seeds prepared at home do not give a harvest the next year. Therefore, Rosa buys them every year.

A few tips from an experienced gardener: “The most delicious melon for us is the Collective Farm Woman. We usually buy it. We choose by smell: a ripe melon has a strong, rich, bright aroma. It can be determined by the stalk - if it is completely dry, then the melon is ripe. Pay attention to the stripes on the peel - they should be gray - the color of dust.

"Kolhoznitsa" matures quickly

"Kolhoznitsa" - small, round. This is the earliest of all varieties, as well as the most juicy and fragrant. The sweetest and juiciest melon can be recognized by the pattern on the peel - the grooves on it should clearly stand out.

"Torpedo" - an oblong shape, grows in Uzbekistan. At home, it is called "Mirzachul" melon. The correct "Torpedo" is not greenish or white, but yellow.

Under the name "Honey" there are several varieties of melon. They differ in shape and color. But a common feature is a completely smooth peel. The taste is very sweet, with hints of vanilla. A ripe melon weighs more than meets the eye.

"Cantaloupe" - usually dark brown or slightly lighter. The surface is rough, covered with a light lacy mesh. There are also green stripes. The pulp is orange. Cantaloupe melon is fragrant, but its taste is rather modest. It is not very sweet and not very juicy. You can check for ripeness by making a shallow scratch on the peel - if a green layer appears, then the melon is ripe.

How to choose a ripe melon?

The ripe fruit has a thick stem. If the melon is hard as a stone, then it was picked ahead of time. Such a melon rings when tapped. A ripe one will make a muffled, monotonous sound.

Now you have to smell the melon. It smells like grass - it means immature. Take a closer look at the stem - in a ripe melon it should be dry. A good melon has a thick skin. If soft, loose - the fruit is already overripe and began to deteriorate. Do not buy melons along the road - exhaust gases make them taste worse and less juicy.

Tail - dry, "nose" - soft

It is necessary to smell the melon at the stalk - this is its most fragrant part. It doesn't smell of anything - it means that the melon is unripe. Gives off a rotten smell - it has already deteriorated. It is allowed when the "nose" of the melon is softer than the rest of it.

A ball is good, a torpedo is even better

The favorite varieties of Russians are "Kolkhoz Woman" and "Torpedo". The first is good when it is small in size - no more than 10-15 cm in diameter. But with the "Torpedo" on the contrary: the larger - the tastier.

Seeds - large

They brought a fragrant, moderately soft melon home, cut it - you can see how ripe it is by the seeds. In ripe melons, they are large and easily separated from the pulp.

Are there nitrates?

The melon peel has a real accumulation of nitrates, their concentration reaches 129 mg / kg. And in the core of the fetus they are only 40 mg / kg.

Where to store melon?

The ideal storage temperature is 0...+2 degrees. At temperatures below zero, proteins are destroyed, viscosity is lost, frozen melon becomes unsuitable for food.

Benefits of melon

At different varieties melons have a different chemical composition. The melon contains sugar, carotene, vitamins B9, C, P, provitamin A, folic acid and iron, pectin, oils and salts. Melon helps the digestion process, folic acid is essential for blood clotting. This product is useful during atherosclerosis, anemia, diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Vitamin C protects the body from colds and infections, early wrinkles, heart disease, improves tone.

Vitamin B calms the nerves, makes hair thick and long, fights against dandruff and acne.

Silicon improves the skin of the body, fights against wrinkles. It also affects the activity of the brain. Needed by nerves, intestinal walls.

Lycopene resists the aging process, the emergence of cancer cells.

Fiber helps the intestinal microflora. Removes cholesterol from the body, improves the digestion process.

Melon also quenches thirst, calms the nervous system. Nutritionists offer it during anemia, atherosclerosis, diseases of the liver and kidneys, and the cardiovascular system.

Do not use melon in large numbers in diabetes and ulcers. Breastfeeding mothers and babies should also avoid it. You can not drink after melon cold water or milk, kefir, this leads to pain in the stomach. Melon also does not combine with alcoholic beverages. Do not eat melon if it has scratches and cracks. It can be a source of dangerous infections, such as salmonellosis, botulism.

“The stalk is dry - I pick a melon”

Almira Minnullina, a resident of the Singel village of the Laishevsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan, grows both watermelon and melon in her garden.

“Last year and this year I sowed the Honey Tale variety. I plant directly into the soil. Right now my melon is sitting in bloom. This variety matures in three months. Melons are small - 2-3 kilograms, but very tasty. When I buy in a store, I also pay attention to the melon stalk. If it is dry, then I take it, ”said Almira Minnullina.

Summer is the time for holidays. Everyone strives to gain strength for the whole year and consume as many vitamin products as possible. Among the leaders, of course, are fruits and vegetables. Many people are very fond of tasty, juicy and fragrant melon. Therefore, they are interested in how not to make a mistake with the choice of a quality fruit. Today we will tell you where it is best to buy it and how to choose the right melon.

In fact, the yellow-sided beauty is not a fruit, but a vegetable of the pumpkin family. It has many advantages, for which it is also loved by the gardeners of our country. Apart from beneficial influence on the work of the intestines, it improves the structure of the blood, calms the nerves, and establishes a normal ratio of salts in the body. Melon quenches thirst well.

Doctors advise using dinyu as a prophylactic agent that has a diuretic, mild laxative, tonic and atherosclerotic effect. Doctors are convinced that melon contains many vitamins that help slow down the aging process, strengthen hair, invigorate the brain, and fill muscles. big amount energy. It is important to follow the right diet. This sweet vegetable indispensable in the spring, when weakened by a severe winter, the immunity of each person is in dire need of support.

To choose the right quality product, you should know about the place of purchase. You should not buy melon near the roadway. Since the presence of a large number of cars nearby causes the accumulation in the fetus in a few days of a significant amount of heavy metals that come from car exhaust.

How to choose the right melon? It is recommended to refuse to buy a fruit, on the peel of which there are obvious damages. Because they can contain pathogens of botulism, salmonellosis and other infections. It is best not to purchase already cut specimens. Because you cannot be sure of the cleanliness of the knife with which this was done. It is also not advised to buy such fruits that are located on the ground, and not on pallets specially designed for this purpose. Immediately before purchasing, you need to ask the seller if he has permission to trade in this product. Usually it is issued by the SES authorities. It will not be superfluous to get acquainted with the results of laboratory analyzes and a quality certificate.

Video “Varieties”

From the video you will learn about the best varieties melons.

How to choose sweet?

There are proven ways to choose a melon, in particular, how to get a sweet melon. Much in this matter depends, of course, on the variety.

For example, Kolkhoznitsa, Torpeda, Gulyabi are popular among hundreds of well-known varieties of melons.

The former is bright yellow in color, round in shape and quite fragrant. However, it does not boast a good degree of sweetness. Do not chase the size when buying. It is best to choose a copy whose diameter will not exceed 10 - 15 cm. The torpedo has an elongated shape and a large size. Moreover, the larger the fruit, the sweeter it is. It is colored pale yellow, less fragrant and sweeter than Kolkhoznitsa. According to scientists, the Gulyabi variety appeared before our era on the territory of Central and Asia Minor.

In the days of the former Soviet Union, the Gulyabi melon was the personification of the famous oriental product. Outside, it is protected by a dense peel with a mesh of small cracks. Inside the Gulyabi is juicy, tender and very sweet pulp. The product is naturally endowed with rich chemical compositions. In addition, Gulyabi melon is distinguished by a high degree of keeping quality and transportability.

In addition to varietal characteristics, there are ways to correctly identify a juicy melon. How to choose good melon? You should pay attention to the smell. delicious fruit necessarily has a delicate and pleasant aroma with pineapple, honey or pear notes. If not, it's best to keep looking. A fruit with high sweetness and quite ripe can be distinguished by tapping the surface with your fingers. In the presence of a dull sound, you have an excellent copy in your hands. It is necessary to examine the area of ​​the peduncle. If in this place, in the process of pressing, the peel bends a little, then you have a ripe and juicy oriental beauty in front of you. The condition of the tail is also important. It should be thick and dry. The fruit should have a fairly tender skin. Which then can be easily removed with a knife or other sharp object. Under it should be a green skin.

You can not purchase a fruit on the surface of which cracks or any other damage are found. In addition to the fact that in this case there is a risk of various viruses and bacteria getting inside, it is unlikely that such an instance will be able to please you with excellent taste. Girdle mesh on the surface of the fetus should be dry and have a sandy color. If the veins are colored green, this may indicate that this fruit is unsweetened.

How to choose ripe?

How to correctly identify a ripe beauty? The most excellent specimens appear on the market at the end of August. In the middle zone of our country, many excellent varieties are grown. We have already talked about the most popular ones above. We also sell nutmeg melons imported from other countries. But they do not go to any comparison with vegetables that are grown on local fields.

Choosing the right ripe and high-quality oriental guest that will bring maximum benefit to the body is not so difficult if you know some selection criteria. Experts do not recommend purchasing cracked and cut specimens. You need to study the condition of the tail. Dry indicates the normal ripeness of the vegetable. After the pop, you should hear a hollow sound. When pressed on the peel, a ripe specimen should spring a little.

Excessive firmness of the fruit will tell the consumer about its immaturity. You can not buy too soft, most likely, it will soon deteriorate and become unusable.

When fertilizing the land, chemicals such as saltpeter, urea, and sometimes even urine are often used. In order not to get poisoned, it is better to refuse to buy a copy that has signs of excess nitrates. This is the presence of longitudinal veins, grayish and empty seeds. In nitrate fruits, the place where the tail is attached to the fruit differs in color from the rest of the specimens. It is realistic to buy nitrate melon not only in June-July, but even in mid-August. Therefore, you should pay attention to the characteristic features.

In order for a wonderful summer fruit to please you with excellent taste and other characteristics, you should not cut and eat immediately after it gets into your house. It is better to lather the surface first and rinse it thoroughly. cold water. This simple procedure will make it possible to get rid of existing toxins and harmful human body substances that tend to accumulate in the peel. The cut copy should only be stored in the refrigerator. It is not advised to use melon together with dairy products, cold water, alcoholic beverages. If you neglect these recommendations, an upset stomach is not ruled out.

Video “How to choose”

From the video you will learn how to choose without nitrates sweet melon.


diets and healthy eating 14.09.2018

At the end of summer, when we are all almost fed up with the huge variety of fruits and berries given to us by nature, it's time for watermelons and melons. We have already discussed the criteria for you, now it's time to talk about how to choose the perfect, ripe, sweet melon.

Ripe sweet melon is definitely the queen summer table. Fragrant honey fruit - one of the best summer desserts recognized by gourmets. However, the saying "all that glitters is not gold" is the best way to choose a melon. Sometimes a bought yellow-sided beauty is very disappointing with its taste. Let's talk about the rules for choosing a melon in more detail. What subtleties do you need to know?

Melon - fruit or vegetable?

There is no single answer to the question of which category this fruit belongs to. From a botanical point of view, melon is a vegetable (and some consider it a berry, however, a false one). Culinary experts strongly disagree with this. According to them, it is a fruit, and one of the most delicious. We will not puzzle over this. After all, our task is to learn how to choose the right melon in order to enjoy its taste and beneficial properties as much as possible.

The answer to the question "how to choose ripe melon? is not at all as complicated as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to follow some rules.

Purchase time

Melons, like most melons, ripen in August - early September. Of course, they sell them earlier, but if you buy too early, you will hardly be able to enjoy the juicy sweetness. In addition, it is likely to receive an increased portion of pesticides and fertilizers, which are used to ensure that the fruits ripen early. And it certainly won't bring any health benefits. Therefore, in order to enjoy the true taste and aroma of melon, you will have to wait until August and early September.

Place of purchase

There are a lot of options here. You can, of course, go to the melon itself and buy a melon there, but it is clear that this method is not the easiest to implement. A supermarket is a more convenient shopping option. And safer, as large stores are more careful about the hygienic standards of transportation and storage.

The market and specialized selling points are another good place to buy melons. There are plenty to choose from.

Be, however, attentive to the storage conditions of the fruits sold and do not hesitate to ask for a certificate of safety and product compliance with SES standards. At certified points of sale, they will be provided to you unconditionally, but if they don’t want to show you the documents, then you definitely shouldn’t make a purchase at this place.

Important point! Never, under any circumstances, be tempted to buy at points of sale located along roads and highways. Toxins and salts of heavy metals contained in the exhaust gases of cars easily penetrate through the slightest damage to the skin of the fruit.

Assessing the appearance

Over time and place of purchase, we decided, now comes the most important moment. How to choose sweet melon appearance? Is it possible to see through the hard rind of a fruit? And we don't have to. So what do you need to pay attention to.


The melon peel must be intact, without cracks and dents. Any external damage should alert you. Each dent or unevenness speaks of careless transportation and storage, which can lead to the fact that under the skin begins, invisible to the eye, but no less dangerous process of decay. But small, as if "healed" scratches are quite acceptable - they will not harm the "health" of the melon.

The peel of a good melon is quite soft, elastic, not too dense. When pressed on it, slightly springy and returns to its shape. But if the peel is too soft, easily pressed through with a finger, this already indicates that the fruit is overripe, or completely spoiled. By the way, experts advise probing the melon not in the center, but closer to the edges.

Color and shape

Pay attention to the fact that the color of the peel should be uniform, without spots. Greenish-yellow spots indicate that the melon is simply not yet ripe. But you should immediately refuse to buy a fruit with grayish or brown spots. This may indicate that the fetus is affected by the disease, and it should not be eaten.

The shape and color of the melon can be different, because there are many varieties of it. If there is a grid, then the thicker it is, the better for palatability melons. The weight of the melon should correspond to its size. If the fruit is large, but light, it will not be sweet.

Important point! The melon you choose must be absolutely whole. In no case do not be tempted by the seller's offer to cut the fruit to see what it is inside. And even more so, do not buy pre-cut melons. Firstly, it is unlikely that the knife with which they do this is washed after each cut, like the hands of the seller, and secondly, melon pulp is an ideal place for bacteria to breed, especially in hot summer weather.


The sense of smell in choosing the perfect melon is our faithful assistant Ripe sweet fruit smells rich, this smell is heard from afar. Depending on the variety, the aroma shades can be complemented by notes of pear, pineapple, and sometimes vanilla. But if the melon does not smell at all or you smell just freshly cut grass, this indicates its immaturity.

Feel free to smell the fruits you like and choose the most fragrant, this will help you make the right choice.

Important point! If at your chosen place of purchase you often come across fruits without aroma, then most likely the entire batch was removed from the melon too early and the likelihood of buying unripe and unsweetened melon very large in this area.


The maturity of a melon can most likely be determined by the sounds it makes when tapped. Set aside the fruit you like, or simply, holding it in one hand, lightly slap it and listen. Just remember that, unlike watermelons, the sound of a ripe ripe melon when patted is not sonorous, but, on the contrary, deaf. The ringing sound of the peel is a sign that its taste may disappoint you. And one more difference in the choice of melon from watermelon: the crunch when it is squeezed is not at all an indicator of its maturity.

Tail and nose

The stalk, or “tail”, with which the melon was attached to the melon, must be absolutely dry and rather thick. A green soft tail indicates that this fruit is not ripe. It happens that the tail of the melon you like is dry only at the base. This is evidence that the melon was removed too early, and it was already ripening “on the way”.

The place opposite the tail is the “nose”, a ripe melon is slightly softer than the rest of the peel. Gently feel this place - if it is too pressed - the fruit is already overripe, if it is completely hard - on the contrary, it is still “green”.


And so, the melon is bought and cut. What else is worth paying attention to? Seeds of ripe melon should be easily separated from the pulp. Soft, hollow, grayish seeds and a lack of aroma in a cut fruit may indicate an overabundance of fertilizers for its early ripening. Therefore, the benefits of eating such a dessert are very doubtful.

There are many varieties of melon, but we will focus on the most popular.

One of the most famous and purchased species is the Torpedo melon. She hails from the sunny regions of Malaya and Central Asia. This gourd culture is recognized as a leader in the content of vitamins and microelements, and among other things, many consider it the juiciest of all types of melons. They also learned how to grow it in the middle lane, however, only a fruit grown in sunny regions can truly reveal the whole taste of this variety. Fortunately, this species perfectly tolerates transportation.

Ripe fruits "Torpedo" have a characteristic oblong shape, which, in fact, gave the name to this variety of melons. The peel is yellow and seems to be covered with a fine mesh. The flesh is white, incredibly juicy, and the flavor is subtle and delicate. The weight of a melon of this variety, grown at home, can reach 15 kg, but our Torpedoes are much more modest - the average weight of melons grown in the suburbs of Moscow is about 5 kg.

How to choose the sweetest and ripest melon "Torpedo"? All of the above rules plus some features.

Purchase time

This variety is characterized by late ripening, so you should not buy a Torpedo before the end of August - the beginning of September - this will only spoil your impression of it.


Its color should be light yellow, without spots, dents and cracks. The crust of the "Torpedo" seems to be covered with a cobweb of small rough grooves. The more noticeable and thicker this cobweb, the riper and juicier the specimen. The mesh itself, like the peel, should be yellow - this is one of the signs of its ripeness. But the green veins are evidence of the immaturity of the melon of this variety.

The peel of the "Torpedo" is quite dense and hard. However, an excessively hard crust indicates the immaturity of the fetus, so you should not choose such an instance. As well as too soft, which, most likely, is already overripe.


Ripe "Torpedo" has a pronounced melon aroma with a pear tint. If the fruit slightly gives dampness - you should not buy it, it has not yet ripened.

If a melon bought and cut at home does not have a characteristic fragrant smell, this fruit is definitely immature.

When choosing a Torpedo melon, you should pay attention to the larger fruits, but not the largest ones. All other criteria right choice ripe melon varieties "Torpedo" are identical to the main ones: a dry tail, a soft nose, a dull sound when patting.

The most common variety of melons in Russia. This small, round melon has earned love for its honeyed sweetness, juiciness and dizzying aroma. In addition, it is unpretentious and quite capable of ripening "on the way", after ripening. It is grown mainly in the Volga region.

How to choose a ripe melon "collective farmer"? By adhering to the above rules, it will not be difficult at all to do.

Purchase time

“Kolhoznitsa” ripens before the heat-loving “Torpedo”, so in mid-August it is quite capable of delighting us with its taste and aroma.


The bark of this variety has a sunny yellow and even orange color, with a grayish cobweb. To determine maturity, run your finger along the peel - the grooves on it should be clearly rough. The peel of a ripe melon is dense, elastic, not too hard, but not soft either. Naturally, no dents or damage.


The little “collective farmer” is inferior in aroma to her melon sisters, but this in no way detracts from her other merits. However, it is worth remembering that the selected fruit should not even have a slight smell of fermentation - this is evidence of its overripeness.


Inside, a ripe "Kolkhoz Woman" can be milky, light yellow and even slightly greenish in color, has a rich honey taste and very juicy.

When choosing a melon "Kolkhoznitsy" pay attention to the color and shape of the fruit. Connoisseurs advise choosing a small melon, but of the correct shape and as bright as possible in color.

How to choose a Chardzhui melon or "Gulyabi"

This incredible sweet and juicy guest comes to us from sunny Central Asia. Her main charm is that she long-term storage it gets even sweeter. The shape of the Chardzhui melon resembles an elongated oval. The peel is orange or yellow-green in color, covered with a fine mesh of grooves. The flesh is white, very sweet, juicy and incredibly aromatic. The weight of the fetus is on average about 7 kg.

How to choose a goulyab melon?

The main criteria of this foreign guest practically do not differ from those listed above. The peel should be intact, without damage and dents. When choosing this variety of melons, you should trust your sense of smell more. The aroma of ripe Chardzhui melon can be heard even through its dense rind.

Despite its exotic appearance, this variety comes from Russia. The fruits are round in shape, as if pre-divided into slices. The skin of "Ethiopka" is thick, patterned, all covered with a dense grid of grooves. The fruit weighs from 3 to 5 kg. The pulp is fragrant, juicy, honey-sweet.

How to choose a melon "Ethiopka"?

The main thing, as when choosing other varieties of melons, is to make sure that the peel is intact and that there are no damages. It is also worth paying attention to the density of the pattern - the denser it is, the riper the fruit. Otherwise, when choosing an Ethiopian, all the same simple rules work.

And here in the video, the process of choosing a truly delicious melon is clearly and clearly shown.

Here, in fact, are all the criteria for choosing a delicious sweet, juicy melon. A little care - and your choice will always be successful. It would not be superfluous, however, to recall that melon must be thoroughly washed before use in order to avoid trouble in the form of an intestinal infection.

Dear readers, how do you choose a melon yourself? What are you paying attention to? I would be grateful if you supplement my article with your experience in the comments. Good luck and bon appetit!

But melon is not only very tasty, but also insanely healthy! About all its incredible properties and various ways its applications in cooking (and not only) can be read here:

. Here are my favorite smoothie recipes.
. Pamper yourself with fragrant and effective masks.

see also


    26 Sep 2018 at 23:32


    22 Sep 2018 at 1:30


    18 Sep 2018 at 20:12


    18 Sep 2018 at 15:18

    Which gardeners of Belarus have successfully begun to grow, the melon still remains exotic fruit. But during the ripening season of gourds, on the shelves of shops and in the markets, next to the striped berry, there is always a place for a sunny melon. She is loved for her unique aroma and amazing taste. However, this is not all the benefits that melon has. An expert tells about what is useful and how to choose a quality fruit information portalYuri Guzik.

    The benefits and harms of melon

    Melon and watermelon have in common not only a place on the shelves in the distribution network. In terms of composition and effects on the body, there are also plenty of coincidences. For example, water is also the main constituent of melon pulp. Not by 90%, but a little less, but this does not affect the ability of the fruit to quench thirst. At the same time, melon (especially sugary varieties) has a higher energy value: at least 34 kcal per 100 g, and also contains an increased concentration of vitamins A, C, group B.

    Yuri Guzik

    Head of the Department of Food Hygiene, Minsk Regional Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health

    Melon contains twice as much ascorbic acid (vitamin C) as watermelon: 100 g of pulp satisfies the daily requirement by 20–22%. Carotene (provitamin A) up to 8% daily allowance for every 100 g.

    The superiority of melon in terms of mineral content has been proven. Melon is among the record holders for the amount of silicon, cobalt and rubidium. without participation silicon almost no process in the body is done, it helps to preserve beauty and youth.

    Yuri Guzik

    Head of the Department of Food Hygiene, Minsk Regional Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health

    Silicon improves the elasticity of blood vessels, stimulates the body's defenses, speeds up metabolic processes, helps maintain hormonal balance. Silicon deficiency, on the contrary, deprives a person of one of the natural defenders that inhibit pathological processes and slow down aging.

    In addition, without silicon, the normal absorption of other useful minerals: calcium, phosphorus, cobalt, sulfur, manganese, fluorine.

    Another trace element that melon contains in abundance is cobalt, which is part of cobalamin. This biologically active compound has all the properties of vitamin B 12. Thus, cobalt helps to maintain health nervous system, actively participates in the processes of hematopoiesis, supports normal functioning pancreas. Sufficient consumption of foods containing cobalt is an excellent prevention of osteoporosis and atherosclerosis. But that's not all. Cobalt contributes to the accumulation of vitamins A and C in the body, which means that it directly affects the condition of the skin, hair, and nails.

    Compared to other minerals, rubidium not all is known. But even what is known speaks only in favor of this microelement.

    Yuri Guzik

    Head of the Department of Food Hygiene, Minsk Regional Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health

    It has been proven that in some reactions occurring in the body, rubidium can replace potassium. And as you know, potassium is an essential element for the health of the heart and blood vessels, not to mention the general well-being and good mood.

    Rubidium has the ability to minimize manifestations and increase the body's resistance to pathogenic microorganisms.

    In addition to its rich nutrient composition, melon is distinguished high content dietary fiber. It is not without reason that melon is popular among southerners during plentiful meals not only as a dessert, but also as a natural remedy that improves digestion. Also, in moderate amounts, it is able to have a mild urinary and choleretic effect.

    However, melon is not the same for everyone. Our expert recommends ditching melons in favor of other fruits for people with stomach ulcers. However, for any disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to refrain from eating melon so as not to aggravate the situation.

    Melon is incompatible with alcoholic beverages, honey, cold water. The use of these products in one sitting is fraught with bloating, colic,.

    4 signs of a ripe melon

    There are several universal criteria that will help you choose a high-quality and ripe fruit of any variety and size. Chief among them - the ripeness of a melon is determined not by an incision, but by external signs.

    1. Melon, ready to eat, like a ripened watermelon, makes a dull deep sound when patted. The melon, which "rings" and echoes, was removed from the melon ahead of time.
    2. At the ripe melon on the opposite side of the tail, a moderately soft crust. It is easy to feel it by pressing on it with your fingers. If the rind yields slightly under pressure, you are holding a ripe fruit. If the peel is pressed in almost effortlessly, “squishes” - the melon is hopelessly overripe. If, on the contrary, the peel, despite the pressure, does not react in any way, you have a “green” product.
    3. At the ripe melon the skin and stripes are yellow instead of green. The color of the peel is uniform, without contrasting spots. In addition, a ripe melon usually has a more expressive "grid": there are more cracks, the grooves are deeper.
    4. It is not out of place to smell the melon before you buy it. The ripe fruit has a delicious aroma, especially at the tail. Poor-quality fruit, from the purchase of which you should refrain, either does not smell at all, or gives off the smell of greenery.

    But how to choose not only high-quality, but also safe product from gourds, . The rules that must be observed when choosing a watermelon in order to protect yourself from intestinal disorders and poisoning are entirely fair in relation to the melon. And most importantly: never, under any pretext, buy a melon with a damaged peel, as well as cut into halves. Live great! Live with taste!

    At the end of summer, the fruits of gourds appear on the shelves of stores. Their bright representative is melon. It is associated with a sweet and juicy taste, tender flesh and an unforgettable aroma. In order not to buy an unripe copy, it is important to be able to choose a ripe melon. To do this correctly, you need to know not only the external signs of ripeness delicious vegetable, but also to understand what variety is in front of you. Moreover, he has many varieties, and each one is special.

    Fruit, vegetable or berry

    A melon can be safely called a fruit, a vegetable, and a berry. It is sweet - which defines it as a fruit. Grows on the ground like a berry. And the presence of a stem makes a vegetable out of it.

    Beneficial features

    Fans of a healthy lifestyle should not be afraid extra pounds and consume this product. Calorie content depends on the variety, but, according to averages, there are only 30 kcal per 100 g of fruit.

    This berry is saturated with useful vitamins:

    • thanks to ascorbic acid, immunity is strengthened;
    • calcium, potassium, magnesium are important for the proper functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
    • melon is shown to people with problems thyroid gland due to the presence of iodine in the composition;
    • the fruit is rich in fiber, which contributes to improved bowel function;
    • Its pulp contains pectins and alimentary fiber that remove toxins from the body;
    • it has a lot of iron, so it is recommended to use it for anemia.

    How to choose a sweet fruit

    Choosing a sweet melon is not easy. First of all, the taste is determined by the variety. And in the second - a number of external signs of a plucked fetus.

    There are several dozen types of seasonal melons. They can be divided into three types according to the ripening time:

    1. 1. Early ripe. They grow in two months and are the first to hit store shelves.
    2. 2. Mid-season. They ripen all summer long. Keeps for about 4 weeks.
    3. 3. Late-ripening melons need more than 90 days to ripen. You can keep them for several months.

    Early ripe varieties

    A delicious melon of an early ripe variety can be bought in the store at the end of July.


    This fruit is grown on the territory of Russia, Ukraine, Moldova. The melon is round or oval, yellow-green in color with longitudinal gray stripes. Differs in juiciness, sweetness and strong aroma.


    Round berry. The color is yellow, in a ripe state it is covered with a light pattern. If its skin is green, then it is not ripe. The pulp is juicy, but not the sweetest.


    You have to be careful with Cinderella. Her appearance is deceiving. It looks yellow, round, smooth and tasty. But it is stored and transported poorly. Not the sweetest vegetable, but smells very nice. It is better to grow it in your garden and eat it right away than to buy it in a store.


    The melon is suitable for transportation. Bright yellow color, oval shape. The pulp is tender, medium sweetness.

    Mid-season varieties

    This species appears in stores since August.


    Oval, golden-yellow melon, covered with a light mesh. It tolerates moving well and keeps for about three weeks. The taste is sweet, juicy.


    Round fruits of bright yellow color. Often found in stores due to good transportability. Delicious. This variety is used for the preparation of candied fruits, jams and other sweets. When buying, you need to pay attention to the shade of the peel - green indicates immaturity.


    Large round fruit with longitudinal stripes. It is stored for two weeks after harvesting, so you need to be careful in choosing and check for rotten areas. Fragrant and delicious.

    Collective farmer

    Handles transportation well. Keeps up to three weeks. Differs in juiciness and bright aroma.

    Late varieties

    They are often referred to as "winter". They go on sale in the fall. They keep up to two or three months.


    It is this species that retains its taste for more than 90 days after removal from the garden. The color is yellow-green, so when buying, do not pay attention to the swamp shade. The melon is juicy, soft, moderately sweet.


    Its name fully characterizes the color of the fruit. This is a medium-sized (about 1 kg), tasty and fragrant melon. The shape is both round and oval. It is well transported, it is stored three weeks.

    A pineapple

    Unlike the smooth Golden one, it is covered with a small convex mesh. Like all late varieties, it tolerates transportation perfectly. It tastes like pineapple, as its name suggests.


    How to identify a delicious melon by external signs

    Signs of a ripe melon

    In order not to miscalculate with the choice, it is important to distinguish an overripe berry from an unripe one. There are a number of external signs by which this can be determined:

    1. 1. You need to pay attention to the smell. A ripe melon smells strongly, while an unripe melon smells light and unobtrusive. Don't be confused bright aroma with maturity.
    2. 2. The fruit must be whole, without deep cuts. Not every variety is stored for a long time, and unprotected pulp quickly deteriorates.
    3. 3. The green color of the skin of most varieties indicates the immaturity of the fruit.