Linden tea: useful properties and contraindications. Linden flowers: health benefits, decoction recipes for all occasions

People have known about the benefits of linden tea since the properties of this original, fragrant drink were discovered. This article will talk about the use of linden blossom tea and whether it is harmful.

Useful properties of linden tea

The peculiar rich and delicate aroma of tea from linden flowers cannot be confused with any other smell. It smells of summer and honey sweetness, it turns out a beautiful bright amber color. When warm, with the addition of a spoon and a slice of lemon, it warms in the cold, fights the onset of a cold, soothes stomach pains, nerve cells and overcomes fatigue.

Is such a popular one useful? natural drink like linden tea? The benefits of linden blossom were known many centuries ago, and its properties were successfully used in the treatment of a number of diseases.

It turns out that linden tea has an antiseptic and bactericidal effect, because its substances are able to destroy pathogenic microbes that enter from the outside. The beneficial properties of linden tea, in addition to being anti-cold, include its effect on blood vessels and increasing their elasticity.

Tea consists of: a large number vitamins, and carotene; several types essential oils; flavonoids; glycosides and other substances.

  • anti-inflammatory
  • expectorant
  • diuretic
  • diaphoretic
  • antipyretic property
  • eliminate all symptoms of beginning colds
  • remove harmful substances through the sweat glands and urinary tract

Linden drink in the form of tea has a sweetish taste, it is delicate, has a fragrant aroma and beneficial properties. Tea does not contain kilocalories, so people who watch their figure should not worry about the natural sweetness of the drink.

It is drunk with sore throats, tracheitis, bronchitis and pneumonia, especially in the first days of illness. It relieves cough, relieves fever, has an expectorant property, is used when rinsing the mouth during stomatitis, pharyngitis, and any inflammation of the throat.

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Tea also helps with various problems in digestive system and at inflammatory diseases stomach and intestines, as it enhances the production of bile and improves the action of digestive enzymes necessary for the normal functioning of these organs. Removes inflammation.

Strong flower tea perfectly copes with insomnia, relieves emotional stress, calms, relieves fatigue and improves metabolism. When the temperature rises, the use of linden eliminates heat and removes toxins through the pores of the skin, expanding the blood vessels and improving their functioning.

For organs genitourinary system linden tea is useful in that it affects the kidneys in the treatment of urolithiasis, cystitis and inflammation due to bactericidal and diuretic effects, and therefore relieves swelling.

Linden flowers can relieve headache and joint pain, as well as spasms throughout the body.

Linden tea is especially needed for the female body, especially during menopause and in case of menstrual irregularities. Linden flowers contain special female-type phytohormones that support health. Tension and constant hot flashes are relieved, blood circulation in the pelvic organs improves. Tea with linden flowers is recommended for tumors in women - fibroma and myoma.

Linden flowers in a double infusion are beneficial for beauty, as they have anti-aging properties and increase metabolism when taken before meals. Tea can affect cells that slow down the aging process.

With the remnants of an extra portion of tea, you can freeze it in molds, and then wipe your face skin with it, toning it. It is also useful to wash your face with tea in the morning, then the skin will delight with elasticity and velvety for many years.

How to brew linden tea

Tea from linden flowers is harvested during their flowering in the first half of summer. The raw materials are washed and then dried well in a dry, dark room, so that later they can be used for linden tea.

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Brew Linden blossom it should be like ordinary tea, with the only difference that the temperature of the poured water is 90-95 degrees. For one liter of water, use one fourth cup of dry color. After rinsing ordinary tea utensils, the flowers are poured, then tightly covered, covered with a warm towel and infused for 15-20 minutes. Linden is drunk as in pure form, and in combination with black, flower teas or sage herb. If desired, in the absence of allergies, linden is drunk in combination with honey and lemon.

Linden tea for children

Fragrant linden tea is loved by all kids and teenagers, because it is useful for children of all ages, especially for babies. Warm tea soothes pain in the tummy, eliminates spasms, relieves signs of temperature without taking antipyretics, relieves excessive excitement of the baby. The use of lime color is agreed with the district pediatrician.

Linden tea contraindications

Linden tea has no contraindications. But it is undesirable for people with serious cardiovascular disorders, because it affects the elasticity of blood vessels, accelerates and enhances the work of the body's defenses, increasing immunity, resulting in overexcitation of nerve cells and increased blood pressure on the heart.

Harm of linden tea

Excessive drinking of linden tea can be considered harmful to your body, which can provoke kidney problems, so you need breaks in taking it, with a recommended period of no more than three weeks of its use. Then they take a break for ten days. Linden teas are classified as medicinal products that have certain effects on the body, so you don’t need to drink a lot of it instead of water, you need to use it in moderation. They drink it in courses. A day is allowed to drink no more than three glasses of tea.

Linden tea during pregnancy. Precautionary measures

When carrying a fetus, the use of linden tea is a necessary remedy. Since expectant mothers cannot take cold medicines, this tasty remedy will help, as it will strengthen the immune system, relieve fever, and ease coughing. It is also recommended at night for insomnia and anxiety, which are often observed in pregnant women. Linden tea side effects does not, the baby only benefits and strengthens the immune system, and the mother removes the swelling that often occurs in the second half of pregnancy.

Linden blossom is an excellent diaphoretic, everyone has known about it since childhood, but few people know other properties of linden. In fact, in the flowers and leaves of this tree lies a huge value that people have used for the benefit of their health for centuries. What kind of treasure is hidden in linden, linden tea? This is what Popular Health readers are learning about right now. We will talk about the benefits of its flowers and the dangers, as well as the tree itself, we will tell you about the calorie content of tea.

What is the use of linden?

Why is the linden tree so remarkable? What is valuable and useful contained in its leaves and flowers? The benefits of parts of this tree are due to the special chemical composition. In addition to vitamins and mineral components, essential oils were found here, which contain substances - tiliacin, quercetin and campforol. Their names say little about anything, but they have an antibacterial, antipyretic and wound-healing effect. Among other things, antioxidants and various amino acids were found in the flowers and leaves of the tree, which a person needs for the normal functioning of the whole organism.

Such a set of chemical elements and compounds makes linden exceptionally useful in many respects. For example, decoctions and infusions from the green part of the tree and flowers help fight viral diseases and colds. The patient quickly decreases the temperature, and he recovers faster. Linden also has a diuretic and diaphoretic effect, which means it relieves puffiness, and also thins the blood, relieves spasms and prevents convulsions. Lime blossom is also effective for coughing, infusions from inflorescences are drunk with bronchitis to facilitate the discharge of viscous sputum.

The benefits of linden in its sedative action, thanks to which it will relieve you of insomnia and help relieve stress. Linden brings great benefits to women. It contains natural components that affect the hormonal background, due to which the symptoms of menopause are mitigated, the menstrual cycle is being established. And there is simply no better remedy for colic than a decoction of lime blossom and leaves. And what is known about the harmful effects of linden?

What is the harm from linden?

Linden damage is possible if you are allergic to herbs. It is strictly forbidden to use linden decoctions for a long time, especially for those who have heart problems or electrolyte metabolism is disturbed, since linden teas and decoctions contribute to increased urination, and potassium is washed out with urine. Contraindications to linden are also urolithiasis and adenoma.

What are the benefits of linden tea?

Tea made from lime flowers can work wonders - its delicate honey aroma and mild taste give pleasure, and with it benefits for the body. It is easy to prepare - place a tablespoon of lime blossoms in the teapot, pour boiling water over it. After a short infusion, drink tea in small sips without adding sugar. It is allowed to put in warm drink a little honey to feel even more benefits and get a portion of vitamins. What is the benefit of this drink?

1. A cup of this tea helps relieve fatigue, tension, calm down before going to bed.

2. Thanks to phytohormones, women will experience the benefits of linden flower tea in the form of a regular cycle and less painful menstruation.

3. Lime tea help you recover quickly if you have a sore throat or a fever.

4. The drink helps to relieve swelling, after drinking tea in the morning you will notice that the bags under the eyes have disappeared.

5. Tea will help improve digestion, normalize the functioning of the gallbladder, it removes toxins from the liver, relieves colic and spasms.

Pregnant women and children are also allowed to drink tea from linden blossoms instead of antipyretic drugs of chemical origin. However, in this case, it is worth brewing it in a reduced concentration, that is, instead of a tablespoon for 200 ml of boiling water, take a teaspoon of raw materials. For pregnant girls, this remedy is the best way to help get rid of edema, which often occurs during the bearing of a child.

By the way, linden tea is also used externally if you have inflamed or irritated skin on your face. Just freeze some of the drink in an ice cube tray and wipe your face every morning.

What is the calorie content of linden tea?

The harm of tea

No matter how pleasant and useful this natural drink is, you should not get carried away with it too much, otherwise the benefit will turn into harm. It is enough to drink a cup of tea once a day, more is useless. If this recommendation is neglected, the load on the kidneys and heart increases, electrolyte metabolism is disturbed. If you have been diagnosed with kidney or bladder stones, give up that drink altogether - there is a risk that the stones will start moving and clog the ducts.

Treat this drink as a medicine, not a way to quench your thirst, and be aware of its properties and effects on the body. Then there will be no problems.

Linden tea is not just a pleasant drink, but a natural remedy that allows you to improve your well-being in some cases. But if you abuse it, then there is a risk of acquiring problems in the form of kidney and heart diseases. Remember this and enjoy the taste fragrant tea no more than once a day.

Lime tea! Its sweetish taste with gentle honey aroma we remember from childhood! But we drink it from time to time, even if we live next door to a linden tree. At the end of June, or in July (in different latitudes in different ways) in every city of our country, walking through the streets, you can feel the incomparable aroma of linden. Linden pleases us with small creamy flowers with original lionfish. But not everyone knows that these flowers are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals necessary for our body. Linden blossom has long been famous for its healing properties, it is brewed and drunk instead of tea. Moreover, this tea can be drunk without sugar, it has a rather sweet natural taste.

Linden tea composition

As a rule, they are prepared from linden inflorescences (flowers, pedicels and lionfish). Add if necessary herbal preparations or honey.

Consider chemical composition lime color. It is quite rich, these are tannins, phytoncides, as well as carotene, vitamins of groups A and C. Linden owes its unusual aroma to essential oils.

Benefits of linden tea

Everyone knows that linden blossom tea is the first home remedy (if you have it on hand) with colds. Such a hot vitamin drink, and even with honey, perfectly warms, especially in the cold season. It will help strengthen the immune system at the first symptoms of SARS, relieve tension and calm down.

Vitamins and phytoncides contained in linden tea, help the body successfully fight respiratory viral diseases. In addition, lime blossom is a strong antiseptic, so it copes well with all signs of colds and flu, and lowers body temperature. As a diuretic, it helps to remove all toxins from the body, relieves swelling.

Linden tea is able to "disperse" the blood. It is recommended to strengthen blood vessels. Thanks to this tea, the vessels become more elastic, which is a good prevention against the formation of blood clots and plaques.

Linden tea properties

We first considered the issue of linden tea benefits in outline. Now we bring to your attention more specific healing properties of this drink. So, what is the benefit of linden tea? Who will help in the fight against diseases?

  • Due to its diuretic properties, linden flowers can be used in the treatment of kidney diseases, normalization of metabolism, and also for weight loss.
  • Due to the content of vitamin C and tannins, lime blossom is an excellent antipyretic.
  • Essential oils, which give the drink a wonderful smell, contribute to the treatment of neurosis, have a calming effect on the human nervous system.
  • Linden tea helps in the treatment of migraines, headaches, dizziness. He perfectly normalizes arterial pressure in hypertensive patients.
  • In menopause, women, as a rule, have a hard time enduring hormonal changes in their bodies. Linden tea can alleviate this condition.
  • Linden decoction is indispensable in the treatment of throat and cough. It is used as a mouthwash.
  • Lime tree flower tea benefits the entire gastrointestinal tract. It is used for constipation, diarrhea, gallbladder disease.
  • Apply linden decoction and externally. It helps to relieve inflammation on the skin or swelling, accelerates tissue regeneration.

Linden tea during pregnancy

Linden tea does not cause any harm to pregnant women, but it thoroughly enriches the body with vitamins, which is important in this period. This tea is recommended for expectant mothers to drink instead of the usual tea. It should be recalled that thanks to vitamins and other useful substances, linden tea will help increase the body's resistance to the expectant mother, and in case of SARS, weaken the disease and defeat the infection faster.

Keep in mind that compared to medicines this tea has no side effects that adversely affect the development of the fetus.

As a diuretic, tea helps pregnant women to relieve swelling. And this problem occurs frequently. And tea will solve it more gently and safely than pharmacy medicines.

Everyone knows about insomnia during pregnancy, about an unstable condition nervous system, a quick change in mood, tearfulness, etc. To calm the nervous system, a future mother will need linden tea.
Tea is very easy to make. Dry raw materials are poured with boiling water. Approximately one tablespoon of flowers is taken per glass of water. After that, the drink should be infused for 2-3 minutes. Then add honey (one teaspoon).

Such tea during illness should be taken 2-3 times a day, it stimulates well immune system. But at the same time, it loads the heart muscle. Therefore, you should not drink it every day.

It is clear that linden tea is not a panacea. And without the advice of a doctor, you can not take it. In any case, it is important to monitor the reaction of the body, since in the state of pregnancy there may be unexpected surprises.

Linden tea for weight loss

Linden flower tea is a great remedy for anyone who wants to lose weight. The water balance in our body is restored, toxins and other harmful substances are excreted in the urine, metabolic processes are activated. Fat deposits are gradually eliminated.

To get rid of excess weight make this drink. One tablespoon of dry color is poured with boiling water (one glass), insisted and taken half an hour before meals. No honey, no sugar.

Sometimes it is useful to combine herbs. That is, add mint, chamomile or elderberry to the lime blossom. Each of these herbs helps to lose weight, so there will be no harm.

Linden tea for women

Linden tea is extremely beneficial for fair half humanity. Due to phytohormones, which in their composition are very similar to female sex hormones. Thus, with a shortage of these hormones, they are restored in the female body.

  1. In case of menstrual irregularities and severe pain during menstruation, a “double infusion” drink is recommended. To prepare such tea, you need to put linden tea brewed and infused for 10-15 minutes on the stove again and hold on low heat for another half an hour. The result is a re-brewing, as a result of which all useful material lindens pass into the drink.
  2. Linden tea is perfect for compensating for hormone deficiency in women during menopause. At daily use With this tea, hormonal storms and the discomfort associated with them will pass more calmly.
  3. , according to ethnoscience, contributes to the treatment of tumors in women (fibromyomas, myomas). However, for such treatment, linden flowers are harvested on the first two days of the lunar month. The healing properties of tea at the same time significantly increase. In addition, it is desirable to add sage flowers to the drink.

No wonder the linden is considered " female tree". In ancient times, our ancestors claimed that the Most Holy Theotokos, when she descends from heaven to earth, rests precisely on a linden tree.

Linden tea is valued by women not only because of the healing properties, but also because of the anti-aging. Such a drink helps to burn calories at an accelerated pace, tones and regenerates the skin. For these purposes, the same “double infusion” drink is used. Daily dose- 4-5 tablespoons of dry linden inflorescences.

Linden tea for children

From the age of 6 months, a drink from linden flowers can be given to children. Naturally, it is necessary to start with small doses and after consulting with a pediatrician.

Linden tea helps babies with digestive problems. Especially in the first year of life. It soothes not only the tummy, but also the nervous system of the child. In addition, such antipyretic tea for children is a great alternative to pharmacy medicines.

How to brew linden tea?

Linden blossom tea. How to brew it correctly? Let's consider some of the nuances. First of all, it is advisable to choose a ceramic or faience container for brewing. Before brewing, pour boiling water over this container. Then pour dry linden inflorescences (no more than one tablespoon per 200 ml of water) and pour them hot water. Not boiling water, but water at a temperature of 90-95 degrees. After that, close the lid tightly, wrap it with a thick cloth and leave to infuse for 20-25 minutes. And only then the tea will be ready to drink.

The linden tea left after tea drinking can be poured into molds and frozen. The resulting ice cubes are very useful wipe face and neck.

The color of linden tea is either bright yellow or reddish. This is not so important, the color depends on the raw materials that are used (degree of flower ripening, lionfish, etc.). But the taste of such a drink is slightly astringent and always has a honey aroma.

Well, we found out how to brew linden tea. Now it should be clarified how and at what moment to collect lime raw materials?

How and when to harvest lime blossom?

For collecting inflorescences, the moment is best suited when the bulk of the flowers on the linden tree have already blossomed, but in some places there are still unblown buds. The tree should not be near a road or highway. It is desirable that it be in a forest or in a park area. Flowers with pedicels and lionfish are harvested; there is no need to break branches.

The collected raw materials are dried in a well-ventilated area. From flies, it is better to cover it with a thin cloth.
According to the new requirements, it is recommended to store dried lime blossom in glassware, but our grandmothers kept it in linen bags.

Linden tea - possible harm

A lot has already been said about the benefits of this aromatic drink. But is there any harm from its use? And what does it express?

Here it is very important not to forget that linden tea is not just fragrant dessert. First of all, this remedy with its specific effects on the human body. Therefore, you can not drink such tea all the time. After all, any healing, as a rule, is carried out in courses. After the course of treatment, a break is necessarily taken. And only after that start the next course. Same with linden tea.

For example, the antipyretic property of linden tea, if taken continuously, creates an undesirable burden on the heart and significantly enhances kidney function. The most serious effect is exerted by the “double infusion” tea. Tea brewed in regular prescription can be applied within 3 weeks. Then you definitely need a break of up to 7-10 days.

Abuse of tea from linden inflorescences can provoke a malfunction of the nervous system and impair vision, although contraindications, such as natural product, this tea does not have.

Linden blossom tea is a useful thing, but you can’t get carried away with it and take it regularly, without any breaks. Everything is good in moderation.

How to choose lime color and where to buy?

Most the best option- prepare lime blossom yourself. It's not difficult at all. But in life they meet different situations when a person is not up to collecting medicinal raw materials. In this case, it can be purchased at a pharmacy. It is in the pharmacy, and not in stores that sell packaged and bagged tea with the inscription on the labels “linden” or “with the addition of linden”. When buying, carefully read the composition of the product. Sometimes they refer to the use of flavors identical to natural. There is no point in talking about the benefits for the body of such a drink with flavors.

Anyone who has tried linden tea at least once in their life will never forget its fragrant aroma. It's sweet and very delicious drink which is made from linden blossom. Many people like its honey aftertaste, while others appreciate it for its extensive beneficial features.

Since ancient times, linden has been considered a holy tree among the Slavic peoples. They made amulets out of it. This plant can usually be seen near temples and churches. It was believed that it brings happiness, so it was often planted near the house. He is revered as the tree of the Virgin. There was a belief that lightning did not strike a linden, so in the old days, in a strong thunderstorm, people were not afraid to hide under it.

Lime blossom composition

The color of the linden is rich in essential oils, and due to the content of farnesol in it, the tree exudes such bright aroma during flowering. Linden flower tea contains antioxidants, phytoncides, flavonoids, vitamin C, carotene, amino acids, phytohormones, minerals and other useful ingredients:

  • saponins;
  • hesperidin glycoside;
  • glycoside tiliacin;
  • sugar;
  • tannins.

This composition determines the beneficial properties of tea:

  • thanks to flavonoids, the vessels become more elastic, this prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • tannins help with inflammatory processes;
  • glycosides provoke a diaphoretic effect, it can be used for colds;
  • lime color helps to remove excess fluid from the body, which has a beneficial effect on metabolic disorders, and also contributes to weight loss;
  • thanks to the aroma, linden tea has a calming effect on stress and neuroses;
  • phytohormones promote rejuvenation - you can slow down the aging process.

Indications for use

Thanks to healing composition linden tea has anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, diaphoretic effect. It has antiseptic and bactericidal properties.

  • Tea is useful in the fight against colds - it helps to reduce temperature, and also removes toxins. In addition, it enhances the protective properties of the body. You can give to drink to children as a prophylactic against colds.
  • good to drink with insomnia, it helps to calm down and fall asleep. It is used for migraine, headaches, neuralgia.
  • It is useful for women with menopause - it will help to cope with unpleasant symptoms during the period of hormonal changes in the body.
  • With tonsillitis, pharyngitis is used for gargling. In addition, it is useful to drink it for the treatment of cough in bronchitis, tracheitis as an expectorant.
  • Linden flower tea will also help normalize blood pressure and fight arrhythmia.
  • Drink linden tea for problems with the gallbladder, stomach, constipation or diarrhea. Linden color also regulates the secretion of gastric juice, bile formation.
  • Its effect on the skin is favorable: it relieves inflammation, fights boils, reduces swelling, and promotes skin regeneration. (To relieve swelling during pregnancy, you should consult your doctor about the presence of contraindications).
  • Linden tea can be used by women to normalize the menstrual cycle.
  • Linden tea will also help to get rid of excess weight, normalize metabolism and remove excess fluid from the body.

Application restrictions

Despite the fact that linden tea has unique healing properties, it also has contraindications, of which there are not many.

First of all, lime blossom tea is contraindicated for people with individual intolerance and allergic reactions to this plant.

There are contraindications for use. Linden tea is medicine, so they cannot be replaced habitual drink. If you drink it often and in large quantities, this can adversely affect the functioning of the heart, the nervous system, and also vision.

photo:, belchonock

Linden as medicinal plant known on all continents except Africa and Australia. The plant has a yellowish tint of inflorescences, which, like a bunch, are one with a flower that looks like wings. Hence the name of the tree: "linden" in Greek means "wing".

The unique properties of the plant are due to the composition. Phytoncides, flavonoids, essential oils, tannins, ascorbic acid - this is not a complete list of the vitamin and mineral wealth of a pleasantly smelling beauty.

In connection with this composition, the linden has a multifaceted effect: antiseptic, bactericidal, soothing, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic.

The entire linden tree (perhaps without roots) is used by man for practical purposes.

Thus, the stimulating properties of a decoction of the bark have been proven, as well as beneficial effect it for digestion, work thyroid gland and gallbladder. A decoction of linden buds is taken to improve the condition with menopause, hypo- and hyperthyroidism.

The pleasant taste of young leaves complements a variety of vitamin salads. They are low in calories and easily digestible. Mature leaves are harvested for anti-cellulite procedures, lotions are prepared on their basis.

Essential oil is widely used in aromatherapy (it has a relaxing effect on a person), as well as in the fight against cellulite.

But the real storehouse of useful properties contains the flowers of the plant.

Linden tea: benefits and harms

Healing flowers are used mainly as linden tea. The properties of linden are such that tea helps in many cases. As an anesthetic, it is used for colic and painful periods (and in this case it great helper women).

Infusion of linden flowers is able to "incapacitate" uric acid, for this you need to take three cups of linden tea every day and “sit” exclusively on plant foods. With anti-inflammatory properties, tea effectively helps with rheumatism, as well as for relieving muscle pain.

The sedative effect of tea is manifested when it is necessary to relieve stress, get rid of insomnia. In addition to therapy, you can take a bath with linden decoction, then the relaxing and sedative effect will increase significantly.

Tea connoisseurs advise strengthening the immune system by regularly taking linden tea with lemon.

Everyone knows the powerful effect of linden tea in any colds. Its task in this case is to strengthen the body's defenses, calm a strong cough, let the patient sweat, and relieve fever.

It is valued for its ability to thin the blood like aspirin, which means it can prevent the development of serious heart diseases. Having a diuretic property, it relieves swelling, cleanses the body, removes sand from the kidneys. It is used in connection with inflammation of the urinary tract, cystitis, pyelonephritis.

Linden tea has a variety of properties. For example, it helps to activate the outflow of bile, in connection with which digestion improves, metabolism accelerates, a person loses weight.

Tea protects blood vessels from sclerotic lesions, giving them elasticity.

Due to the active diuretic effect, this drink is recommended for use when urolithiasis We can not help but dwell on the topic of linden tea - benefits for women. The phytoestrogens that are part of the linden are close to female hormones, so the linden drink supports the health of women comprehensively. In addition to use during menstruation, and in the elderly - with menopause, linden decoction is used to preserve youthful skin. Daily fifteen-minute compresses with a cooled decoction, applied to the face, will prevent early wrinkles from appearing and reduce existing ones. And morning washing with lime infusion will preserve the elasticity of the skin and give it a velvety feel. You can freeze the linden decoction, and moisten the skin of the face and neck with ice linden cubes, which will help it stay young and elastic for a long time.

And, of course, linden tea is useful in the fight against extra pounds. Firstly, it calms the nerves, relieves insomnia, strengthens the body. Secondly, it removes liquid well (especially in the steam room), cleanses the body of toxins. A low-calorie diet will become even more effective if you supplement it with linden tea. It reduces appetite, speeds up metabolism, promotes fat burning. A true friend of women!

We continue to study linden tea, its beneficial properties and contraindications.
A little more about linden tea for diseases of the upper respiratory tract. They drink it with pneumonia, gargle with sore throat, bronchitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, as well as stomatitis and other diseases of the oral cavity. The decoction should be drunk warm. The patient will immediately feel the diaphoretic effect. It will intensify if you add viburnum berries to linden flowers when brewing. In this case, the decoction is drunk hot and before going to bed.

Linden tea is not contraindicated for children, only it is better to dilute it boiled water. And in the season of colds, give as a prophylactic.

The antipyretic properties of tea are due to the content of vitamin C in it. To reduce the high temperature, you should take it at night, and not one, but two cups, then wrap yourself in a blanket and sweat.

As a temperature fighter, linden tea is especially good for pregnant women, who are contraindicated in any chemical preparations. The “bonus” of linden tea is in strengthening immunity future mother and her child. By the way, the temperature in young children can also be dealt with with the help of linden decoction.

Why do people love linden tea so much? Its benefits and harms are incomparable. More precisely, it is certainly useful, but there is no harm from it.

What can be said about contraindications?

Having a lot of useful properties, linden tea, however, can also bring harm. human body being used incorrectly and in unreasonable amounts. This drink is more medicinal than nutritious, and therefore it must be taken with caution. Linden color activates the forces of the body, and this loads the heart and excites the nervous system. For older people, this effect can be negative, especially if there are disorders of the nervous system or heart disease. Among the few contraindications are possible allergic reactions to lime blossom. Excessive intake of tea will lead to an increase in diaphoretic action, and this can make it difficult for the heart to work.

How to prepare a healthy lime blossom

Linden blossom, of course, is not difficult to buy in pharmacies. But it is better to prepare it yourself in order to be one hundred percent sure of the quality of the collected raw materials. Linden blossoms in June - July, and you only have about two weeks to collect the healing gifts of nature.

Only healthy, undamaged inflorescences should be taken. Collection lead in dry weather, not after rain, closer to noon, when the flowers are open.

You can not collect raw materials near highways, railways, construction sites and factories, as well as near apiaries. Flowers can be plucked or cut. At home, they should be laid out on paper or cloth in a thin layer and left to dry, but not under the sun. After two to three days, during which the flowers must be periodically stirred, the lime blossom is ready for storage.

If the drying is done correctly, the medicinal properties are preserved in the inflorescences. essential oil, with very useful properties. Put dry raw materials in paper bags: there will be air access, but no dust. Canvas (linen) bags are also good, but glass and plastic bags are not. Proper storage will preserve the beneficial properties of lime flowers for two years.

Video about the correct collection and drying of linden: