How to drink a martini? With what do they drink martinis, with what juice? What do martinis eat? What do the main types of martini drink with: the correct serving of the drink.

Vermouth is a fortified flavored wine, the recipe of which was created back in the 5th century BC. e. According to historians, then Hippocrates himself participated in its preparation. Today, vermouth is produced by many countries of the world - the USA, France, Spain, Germany and others. In Russia, this drink is also produced, but vermouth from the Italian company Martini is popular among residents. Do not know how to drink a martini and what to eat it with? We will tell.

It is customary to use vermouth according to special rules, and every connoisseur of this drink knows how to drink a martini and what to eat it with.

How to drink martini: appetizer

Spices, flowers, fruits are involved in the creation of vermouth. The composition of each type of drink is unique and adapted to the taste preferences of people of different nationalities, professions, ages. In Russia, 5 types of martini are common (there are 9 of them).

  1. Rosso with a rich aroma of tea combines sweetness and bitter notes at the same time. Used with lemon, ice, juice.
  2. Bianco is endowed with a more delicate and mild taste, tinged with vanilla smell. Combines with sweet soda and lemon.
  3. Extra Dry stands out bright taste raspberry, iris, citrus. Different from other vermouths high content alcohol (18%). Drink it or pure or in cocktails.
  4. Gold is a young creation of the Martini company, which included herbs, fruits and spices from all over the world. Served with an olive or a piece of citrus.
  5. Rosato combines white and red wine. It has a persistent and delicate bouquet, bitter taste. It is used in pure form and with juice.

To feel the versatility of taste and delicate aroma of any vermouth, you need to not only eat it correctly, but also drink it.

How to drink a martini with and without juice?

Vermouth is considered a suitable drink for a romantic date and friendly gatherings. It is this relaxing and inspiring atmosphere that helps to fully enjoy its taste. But not only a suitable environment is important, but also the observance of the culture of consumption of this drink.

Martini is an alcoholic drink made by infusing herbs. strong wine. This popular alcohol is different types, depending on its strength, amount of sugar and flavors. Gourmets prefer to drink martinis with juice. You can cook it yourself, but for this it is enough to understand the competent recipe and serving.

How to apply

Vermouth is used not only as an aperitif. Sometimes this alcoholic drink is served during the meal. Pure Martini is served with dessert, Rosso with meat and fish, and Bianco and Rosato can be used with any dish.

There are many light vermouth based cocktails such as Bianco Sunrise or Americano. This alcoholic drink also used in the preparation of strong cocktails, mixing it with rum, gin, whiskey, vodka, etc.

Martini with juice must be served chilled (no more than 15 degrees). The drink should not be ice cold. It is the correct set temperature that will allow you to enjoy the beauty of taste and aroma.

For lovers of cold drinks, the addition of ice or frozen fruits (berries) is allowed.

Which juice to choose

What kind of juice do they drink martinis with? Vermouth goes well with fruit juices. The most popular option has always been the orange flavor. But after a while, vermouth lovers got fed up with it and there was a need to look for another interesting taste. For those with a sweet tooth, peach with pulp is ideal. This taste greatly reduces the strength of the drink.

Of the classic options for a martini with juice, they often choose pineapple flavor. It will add freshness.

A non-standard, but interesting solution would be to use cherry juice.

This is a wine-based drink, so it goes well with light grape flavors. An interesting combination with kiwi. Many gourmets prefer the taste of an apple: it adds sweetness to the drink.

Do not under any circumstances use vegetable juices. For example, a tomato. Most likely, the taste of the drink will disappoint you.

How to cook

The classic juice martini recipe calls for a 1:1 mixing ratio. In a 200 ml glass, the ingredients are mixed in 100 ml each. If necessary, you can reduce the amount of alcohol to reduce the strength.

Remember that the basis of the cocktail is vermouth. Filling the cocktail with fruits and berries should not exceed 1/3 of the content. To dilute the taste of alcohol, add some non-carbonated mineral water.

Diversify classic version cocktail can be done with Martini Rosso. This drink is notable for its scarlet hue and good combination with orange flavor. The seductive scent is great for a romantic night out.

For cooking you will need: Martini Rosso, Orange fresh, orange slices and ice. Vermouth with fresh should be mixed in classical proportion 1:1 or according to your taste. Ready drink Pour into a glass with ice cubes and orange slices.

Attention, only TODAY!

When it comes to drinking alcohol, there is always a question about the culture of drinking it. After all, not everyone knows how, when and how much you can drink this or that drink. This also applies to martini, which, unknowingly, some even separate into a separate group of alcoholic beverages. So, now we will tell you about how to drink a martini properly.

Rule one. Place and time. To appreciate all the nobility of a martini, you must create the appropriate atmosphere. The process should take place without haste and fuss. But that doesn't mean you have to be sad. On the contrary, this drink creates a holiday. For example, his presence will spice up and enliven a cocktail party with friends, or give a special charm to a romantic evening with a loved one.

Rule two. Tableware. You will not be able to fully enjoy the martini and enjoy it if you do not use special glasses to drink it. Their shape is easy to recognize - it is a cone on a long and thin stem. If trouble happened, and you didn’t have suitable glasses at hand, then the most correct decision would be to take wide and not tall glasses. But in no case do not use other glasses, or, even worse, glasses. This is considered a sign of bad taste.

Rule three. Drink preparation. For an event like drinking a martini, you need to prepare in advance. Apart from festive serving table alcohol should be cooled to 10-12 degrees and freeze the ice in advance.

Rule four. drinking process. So, a glass of martini in your hand, and the party is in full swing. Remember that the main thing in a martini is the pleasure, which, as they say, must be stretched. Therefore, drink the drink slowly, taking small leisurely sips, savor it. If you have chosen a martini-based cocktail, then it's time to use a straw. This way of drinking was especially fond of the ladies. So we gave you the answer to the question: how to drink a martini.

Rule five. Snacks. Most often, martinis are sipped "solo", that is, without eating anything. But if they drink it “clean”, and not in a cocktail version, then olives, lemon slices, fruits, berries, or onions will become a worthy frame for it. It all depends on personal preferences, and what kind of martini you choose. On this issue, perhaps, it is worth dwelling in more detail.

What to drink martini with

Knowing what to drink a martini with, you will not be considered a bearer of bad taste or a person who is not worthy of high society.

A key point to remember when putting the martini at the head of the table is that it doesn't tolerate the standard "vodka" snacks. It is not drunk with jelly and with smoked fish. Snacks should be light and unobtrusive.

From fruits, you can serve chilled pieces of peaches or citrus fruits, among which berries will casually recline.

But you can limit yourself to just a variety of juices. But there are rules here.

How to drink a martini with juice

Firstly, juices served with martinis should be freshly squeezed and chilled, and not poured into a decanter from a tetra bag.

Secondly, the best juices for this purpose will be orange, grapefruit, cherry and pomegranate juices, that is, with a minimum sugar content. But do not try to serve peach juice, apple juice or a “multivitamin” with a martini, they are simply contraindicated for such cocktails.

Thirdly, alcohol is not washed down with juice, but mixed with it. Add 1 part juice to 2 parts martini. If ice is involved in this process, then alcohol, juice and ice are taken in equal proportions.

Now you know how to drink a martini with juice. However, the varieties of this alcohol have their own taste, which means their own ways of drinking and their own snacks.

How to drink Martini Bianco

Martini Bianco is an alcohol loved by millions and highly valued by bartenders. It is from it that most of the finest cocktails are made. Its taste is combined with many drinks, sometimes even extremely unexpected ones. It can be lemonades and tonics, coffee and cream, various juices, vodka and even tequila. Chocolate, olives, lemon and onions are perfect with it. Ice and pieces of fruits such as pineapple, kiwi, strawberries are added to it.

If you decide to experiment with onions, then you should know that you should not “extract” juice from it. You just need to lower the slice into the glass and take it out after 2-3 minutes. If you like the taste, then you will never drink martinis differently.

How to drink martini rosso

Regarding this martini, the female and male genders have their own differences. Ladies prefer to use cherry or orange juice as an addition to it, while men mix it with vodka and snack on lemon. It was in this form that James Bond loved him.

It goes without saying that the above two types of martini are not all of its range. However, both Martini Rosato (pink) and Martini Extra Dry (dry) are drunk according to the same rules and with the same snacks and juices that we have already named for you.

However, cocktails with the addition of lemon are most often made from pink martini, then dry ones are mostly drunk separately from everything and without ice. If you decide to experiment, then remember that Martini Extra Dry will give a special shade pear juice or gin, which is taken 2/3 of the glass. For a snack in this case, an olive or lemon slice would be appropriate.

Martini, a member of the bitter vermouth family, is called a drink for aristocrats. Infrequently, on the label of a bottle of alcohol, you can see the image of the royal coat of arms, made not at the whim of the designer, but with the personal consent of the royal person. In the case of martini, permission to use his family symbol in the design of the bottle was given by the King of Italy, Umberto I, who highly appreciated this type of vermouth.

Today, the drink is available not only to aristocrats. To enjoy it to the fullest, it is useful to know which glasses to drink it from, what to mix it with, whether to have a snack, and if yes, then with what.


The drink got its name in honor of Alessandro Martini, who was not the creator of this alcoholic miracle, but succeeded in popularizing it. A sales manager (as we would call his profession today), together with his friend, who was an experienced distiller, at the end of the 19th century. founded Martini & Rossi in Italian Turin and opened the most “advanced” production at that time.

Martini is a variety of vermouth, which includes 35 different (including medicinal) herbs. The role of the "first violin" is given to bitter alpine wormwood, which grows only on the western slopes of the mountains. It is its aroma that makes martini easily recognizable among other alcoholic beverages.

The fortress is 16-18%, therefore, especially with immoderate consumption, it is quite dizzy. Moreover, as a rule, ladies - experts consider martini a female drink.

Peculiarity! For men, martini is weak, so they make it stronger by mixing it with, for example, gin (its volume in a cocktail is usually 4 times the amount of vermouth) or tequila (it should be twice as much).

Bartenders called the martini "the king of nightlife" - it fits perfectly into the format of cocktail parties, receptions, and is also suitable for romantic dinner. It gives a feeling of celebration, and in small doses it even benefits health (do not forget about its medicinal ingredients) - improves digestion, relieves stomach pain.

How and what to eat

Martini can be used as an aperitif as it stimulates the appetite. A good drink and as a digestif, completing the meal.

Important! In order for the drink to reveal its aroma brighter and taste qualities, it needs to be cooled to 10-15 degrees.

Italian vermouth does not like stress: putting a bottle in the refrigerator, and even more so in the freezer, means destroying an exquisite bouquet. The cooling process should take place slowly, over several hours. If it is problematic to implement such a technology, ice cubes or frozen fruits can be dipped into the drink.

Vermouth is correct to use both in its pure form and diluted. Here is a list of drinks that he is friends with:

A clean martini (for example, one of the strongest Extra Dry varieties) is served with olives. They can be at the bottom of the glass or strung on a skewer. Berries and fruit slices also serve as a decoration and at the same time an appetizer.

An open letter from a reader! Pulled the family out of the hole!
I was on the edge. My husband started drinking almost immediately after we got married. First, a little bit, go to the bar after work, go to the garage with a neighbor. I came to my senses when he began to come back every day very drunk, rude, drinking away his salary. It really got scary the first time I pushed. Me, then my daughter. The next morning he apologized. And so on in a circle: lack of money, debts, swearing, tears and ... beatings. And in the mornings, apologies. Whatever we tried, we even coded. Not to mention conspiracies (we have a grandmother who seemed to pull everyone out, but not my husband). After coding, I didn’t drink for six months, everything seemed to get better, they began to live like a normal family. And one day - again, he stayed at work (as he said) and dragged himself on his eyebrows in the evening. I still remember my tears that night. I realized that there is no hope. And about two or two and a half months later, I came across an alcotoxin on the Internet. At that time, I had already completely given up, my daughter left us altogether, began to live with a friend. I read about the drug, reviews and description. And, not particularly hoping, I bought it - there is nothing to lose at all. And what do you think?! I began to add drops to my husband in the morning in tea, he did not notice. Three days later he came home on time. Sober!!! A week later, he began to look more decent, his health improved. Well, then I confessed to him that I was slipping the drops. He reacted adequately to a sober head. As a result, I drank a course of alcohol poisoning, and for six months now I didn’t have to drink alcohol, I was promoted at work, my daughter returned home. I'm afraid to jinx it, but life has become new! Every evening I mentally thank the day when I found out about this miracle remedy! I recommend to everyone! Save families and even lives! Read about the remedy for alcoholism.

The Italians came up with for their national drink and such an unexpected addition as an onion. Dropped into the glass, it helps bring out the martini's botanical flavors.

Interesting! To taste the "coolest" cocktail "Martini on the Rock", you will have to pay 10 thousand dollars. The composition of this precious drink includes a natural diamond.

picking up the right snack for a martini, you need to give up sweet desserts and confectionery, giving preference to low-fat, light products.

For light varieties of martinis are best suited:

  • seafood (shrimp, oysters);
  • crackers;
  • deli meats (eg. italian ham prosciutto).

With pink and red varieties of vermouth are combined:

  • fruit cutting;
  • nuts;
  • cold boiled bird (preferably wild duck, partridge).

The form of serving snacks should correspond to the festiveness of the drink. Here is one of options. On the big dish lay out the slices canned pineapple(you can also take fresh fruit). Put a piece on each hard cheese, and on top - an olive. Then the structure is pierced with a skewer.

Martini is rightfully considered the king of nightlife among all available drinks. It is hard to imagine a party that will not be served with exquisite alcohol with a sweet aftertaste. The drink got its nickname from eminent bartenders who prepare masterpieces at social events and newfangled parties. Many people prefer to drink martinis in their pure form or in the form of cocktails, it is these methods that allow you to feel the full range of incoming components. In order for the first acquaintance with martini to be successful, it is important to learn how to use it correctly.

Types of martini

  1. Martini belongs to the varieties of vermouth, as a rule, the strength of the drink varies in proportions of 15-18%. The composition of the drink includes wormwood, it is the main component that determines the taste.
  2. The bittersweet taste is achieved by adding grapes and 30 other varieties of plants, which are mixed depending on the type of martini. Leading manufacturers do not disclose cooking recipes, only experienced sommeliers are able to name the ingredients.
  3. Martini "Bianko" rightfully occupies a leading position. White vermouth has an exquisite taste of spices; vanilla notes are clearly visible in the martini of this variety.
  4. Martini "Rosso" has a rich red color, which is achieved by adding caramel. By taste, one can distinguish mild bitterness mixed with a sweet aftertaste.
  5. Martini "Rosato" is a kind of mixture of red and white vermouth, as a result of which the drink acquires a pink color. Thanks to this combination, the caramel-vanilla taste is distinctly intertwined with a slight bitterness.
  6. Martini "Extra Dry" - the strongest vermouth and all listed varieties. Its indicator exceeds the mark of 17%, the amount of sugar is minimized, due to which the drink is considered dry. In the process of use, lemon and raspberry notes can be distinguished, which are revealed thanks to the incoming iris.
  7. Martini "Doro" can be distinguished from the rest by its characteristic citrus aftertaste and caramel notes. The vermouth variety is considered dry, resembling Bianko (white martini) in color.
  8. Martini "Bitter" is not popular enough, because it is made on the basis of alcohol. Vermouth has a high strength, ruby ​​hue is characterized by an equal bitter-sweet aftertaste.

Features of the use of martini

  1. Temperature regime. It's no secret that most alcoholic drinks are served chilled. For this reason, martinis must be refrigerated to achieve optimal temperature regime. The ideal indicator ranges from 10-15 degrees, it is this temperature that helps to reveal all the incoming components. If you neglect this recommendation, warm vermouth will be a real disappointment for you and your guests. He will look like herbal tincture with a distinct taste of alcohol. If you're pressed for time, chill your martini with frozen strawberries or ice cubes. Such a move will make the drink aesthetically beautiful and give a pleasant aroma.
  2. Glasses. Undoubtedly, main feature martini consumption is considered right choice glasses. For drinking, special martinkas with a long stem are used. Top part the glass has a cone-shaped flat shape in an inverted form, due to this, bartenders call monkeys "watering cans". It is not forbidden to pour a martini into champagne or wine glasses, but in this case you will not get aesthetic pleasure (psychological aspect). Martini symbolizes a beautiful life that flows slowly and luxuriously. You should not drink vermouth in one gulp, it must be slowly sipped, savoring the drink on the tongue.
  3. Delivery method. Martini is considered an aperitif, it perfectly awakens the appetite, so it is served immediately before the meal. For this reason, this variety of vermouth can be used both before dinner and in the midst of fun. People drink martinis to enjoy the exquisite taste of casual conversation. With the help of the drink, they do not “go into oblivion”, since the martini requires compliance with the culture of drinking. It can be consumed alone, sitting by the fireplace and reading a book.
  4. Snack. Many people ask the question: “Should I have a martini snack?”. As such, the answer to the question does not exist, it all depends on personal preferences. If for some reason you cannot consume vermouth without food, give preference to peanuts, pre-peeled pistachios, fruits, crackers. Cheeses are also great. hard varieties, kiwi, strawberries, cherries, olives and pitted olives.

  1. Martini can be used in a diluted and pure form. Depending on the added components, the strength of the drink increases or decreases, and the taste softens or is clearly visible.
  2. If you prefer to drink a pure martini, put 3 pitted olives in the bottom of the glass without cutting them. If desired, you can serve vermouth with olives strung on a sword for snacks. Many people prefer to put a slice of lime, lemon or orange, kiwi, deboned cherries, strawberries, pineapple cubes into a martini glass.
  3. If we talk about white varieties of vermouth, they are rarely used in their pure form. In this case, the drink can be diluted with water, as is customary in most European countries. In our country, white vermouth is diluted with orange or grapefruit juice without pulp, pomegranate or cherry juice. The ideal option is a martini mixed with freshly squeezed nectar. Martinis of red and pink varieties go well with any berry and citrus juices.
  4. As such, proportions do not exist, it all depends on personal preferences. If we are talking about common methods, dilute the martini with juice in a ratio of 1: 2. If desired, you can mix vermouth, ice and nectar in a ratio of 1:1:1. If you belong to the category of adherents strong drinks, add vodka or gin to the vermouth, send pitted olives to the bottom.
  5. At parties, you can often hear the phrase from the bartender: "How to dilute the martini?". The thing is that some young men and women prefer to drink vermouth with effervescent compounds, such as Coca-Cola, lemonade, soda, etc. In this case, the main thing is to keep the proportions, otherwise sweet carbonated drinks will absorb refined taste martini, which is achieved by adding spices and herbs.

The most common varieties for making martini cocktails are Bianko, Rosso, Extra Dry and Doro. Consider the popular cooking technologies in order.

  1. Sprite martini. As mentioned earlier, vermouth can be diluted with carbonated drinks. Ideal option martini "Rosato" is considered to be consumed. Take 65 ml. alcoholic drink, pour in 35 ml. "Sprite". Place a slice of lime or lemon on the bottom of the glass, insert a straw. Garnish the rim with a slice of fresh cucumber, if desired.
  2. Martini with vodka. To prepare a cocktail you will need 10 ml. lemon or lime juice, 15 ml. martini "Extra Dry", 40 ml. vodka, 3 pitted olives and 80 gr. ice. Take a shaker, pour in ice, pour in vodka and citrus juice. Shake for 15 seconds, then add the martini and repeat again. When the ice breaks into small granules, strain the cocktail through a kitchen sieve. Place olives at the bottom of the glass, pour the cocktail, insert a straw. Garnish the rim of the martinka with a slice of citrus or half a strawberry.
  3. Martini with absinthe. To make a cocktail, take 35 ml. vodka or tonic, 30 ml. absinthe, 35 l. martini "Extra Dry" or "Doro", 5 ml. mint liqueur. Cool the glass by placing it for 10 minutes in freezer. Pour in the listed components, insert a straw. If desired, place frozen strawberries or pitted cherries on the bottom.
  4. Martini with Campari. The cocktail is prepared from 45 ml. martini "Rosso", 40 ml. gin or tonic, 145 gr. ice, 15 ml. "Campari" (bitter, fortress 28 degrees). The mixing technology is quite transparent: place ice cubes on the bottom of the glass (you can pre-crush it in a shaker), pour in gin, Campari and martini, mix with a straw and leave the straw in the glass. Garnish the martinka with a lime or grapefruit wedge and start eating right away.
  5. Martini with gin. One of the most common cocktails, which is made from the Doro martini (45 ml), ice cubes (70 gr.) and gin (40 ml.). The technology of mixing the ingredients is not particularly difficult: put ice on the bottom, pour gin and vermouth. Serve without a straw with olives pricked on an appetizer sword.
  6. Martini with cranberry juice. To prepare a drink, you will need 160 gr. ice, 70 ml. freshly squeezed orange juice, 60 ml. martini "Bianko" and 80 ml. cranberry juice. Place ice in a shaker and shake well for 10 seconds. Strain, pour into a glass, add orange juice, cranberry juice, vermouth. Stir the drink with a straw, put 3 pitted olives in a glass.

Drinking a martini requires a culture of drinking, so you need to pay attention to all sorts of little things. To get started, prepare special watering glasses, consider cocktail recipes based on vodka, tonic, gin, cranberry juice, mint syrup. Decorate the glass with citrus slices, add olives to the bottom.

Video: how to drink a martini with juice