How to cook ready-made manti in a saucepan. Manti without pressure cooker.

Crispy onion, tender meat and fragrant juice- in properly prepared manti, each ingredient successfully complements each other, creating an amazingly tasty dish as a result.

There are many ways to prepare the “big brother” of dumplings, but the use of a pressure cooker is considered traditional - a pan in which manti can be steamed to readiness.

How long to cook manti?

Homemade or store-bought manti, with any cooking method, is boiled for no more than 40 minutes:

  • in a pressure cooker, the dish will be ready in 35-40 minutes;
  • in a double boiler - up to 45 minutes;
  • double boiler for the pan - 30-40 minutes;
  • in a saucepan after boiling water and laying out manti - about 15-17 minutes (the least preferred cooking method);
  • using a colander and a saucepan - 35-40 minutes.

It is preferable to cook manti using the steam method, since in water you get required amount delicious juice, flavor and tenderness of the meat is almost impossible.

How to cook manti

In a pressure cooker- a large saucepan, above the base of which metal tiers of "kaskana" are installed - the most delicious manti are obtained:

  • all tiers are removed from the pan, lubricated with vegetable oil;
  • manti are placed in them at a distance of 1-2 cm from each other;
  • make sure that there are free holes in the tiers for normal steam circulation;
  • bring the water in the pan to a strong boil, there should be a lot of it so that steam is produced abundantly;
  • set the tiers on top of each other;
  • after the specified time, remove all tiers and serve manti!

If you are preparing a dish for the first time, then you should check the upper manti already 30 minutes after installing the tiers. Time may vary depending on the shape and size of the manti.

In a colander and saucepan the dish is prepared in a similar way, only in one run you can make no more than 3-5 things, but this is enough for two people. But in a double boiler cooking time increases due to the fact that less water is collected there, and the containers are most often plastic, which does not provide such powerful heating.

For making manti in a saucepan with a special steamer(a metal fixture with legs, or a special container that clings to the sides of the pan) use the following steps:

  • you need to see how high the double boiler is at the bottom of the pan, they collect water so that when boiling it does not touch the bottom of the double boiler;
  • as soon as the liquid boils, the manti placed in the double boiler is placed over the steam;
  • they need to be laid out at a distance of up to 2 cm from each other. Frozen manti are cooked 10 minutes longer than fresh ones.

The fastest and easiest way to prepare in boiling water. However, it will not be possible to make a truly tasty dish with it, but in a hopeless situation, you can saturate the aroma using spices. Add to boiling water Bay leaf, peppercorns, onion. Throw in the manti and cook for 12 minutes, if the product is frozen, it will take about 15 minutes.

Recipe for making delicious manti at home

For cooking, you need to take 500 g of flour and 1000 g of water, as well as 1 egg. For getting tender dough, albeit more high-calorie, water can be replaced with milk. Ideally, you will need 1 kg of lamb, or mixed varieties of meat (beef, pork, chicken), as well as 150 g of fat - fat tail or interior. For 1 part of minced meat, you need to take the same amount of onion, or a little more, in traditional recipe it is taken 2 parts for 1 part of meat. The more it is, the juicier the product will turn out. Spices will help diversify the taste: the main one is cumin, additionally add red pepper, garlic, marjoram.

Cooking process:

  1. Water is mixed with flour, a little salt and eggs are added, they begin to knead.
  2. It is very difficult to knead the dough for manti manually for 20 minutes, so use a bread machine or a special nozzle in a blender and low speed.
  3. Then the test needs to "rest" for an hour.
  4. Start preparing the filling. Meat can not be twisted in a meat grinder or in a blender! He is cut with a knife.
  5. are crushed onion and add it to the mince. Then all the spices are laid, if garlic is used, then it is finely chopped.
  6. You can diversify minced meat with pumpkin, carrots, juicy potatoes.
  7. When the filling is ready, and the dough has stood for a sufficient amount of time, proceed to rolling out the dough. Its thickness should not exceed 1-2 mm. If you are cooking manti for the first time, then it is better to make the dough thicker to avoid tearing.
  8. Then the dough is cut into squares of about 15 by 15 cm.
  9. 1 st. l. the fillings are placed in the middle, the sharp corners from opposite sides are fastened from above, and the corners from the bottom on the sides are pinched with each other.
  10. Ready manty is covered with a towel and allowed to stand for about 10 minutes.
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Manty - the National dish many peoples. This is a variety of well-known dumplings, which differs from its "brothers" in the composition of minced meat and the method of preparation. The dish is prepared not by boiling products in water, but in a special pan. What to do if this same pan is not in the kitchen? How to cook manti if there is no pressure cooker?

A pressure cooker can be successfully replaced with a colander. In enough large saucepan, according to the size of a colander, pour water, cover with a lid and bring it to a boil. Lubricate the colander with vegetable oil, put in it finished goods. At the beginning of the boil, put the manti on the pan, cover with a lid or a bowl of a larger diameter. Cook the dish for 45 minutes at a rapid boil.

Another, even simpler, cooking method: cooking manti in a pan. Pour vegetable oil into the container, lay out the products and pour warm water, its level should be higher, cover the entire product. In such a simple way, you can cook both homemade manti and frozen ones bought in a store.

To prepare the dish, you need to knead the dough from 500 grams of wheat flour, 150 ml of water, salt to taste. The mass must stand for the swelling of gluten for an hour at room temperature. For minced meat, chop half a kilogram of lamb, it is easier to do if the meat is chilled. Add chopped onion, pepper and salt, mix stuffing. Roll out the dough into flat cakes, spread the filling along with fat tail fat. Leave the middle of the workpiece open.

The classic filling for manti is lamb, but the dish can be successfully prepared from poultry, beef, pork, you can add different vegetables, pumpkin, wild garlic, they will boil during cooking and make the mixture more tender and soft, almost dietary. Minced meat can be prepared from several types of meat.

Serve ready-made manti on a dish hot, poured over melted butter. You can sprinkle products with chopped herbs, pour sour cream or pour meat broth, sprinkle with herbs, ground black pepper. The dish goes well with any spicy sauces purchased at a store or home cooking, separately serve a salad of chopped tomatoes, sweet bell pepper, garlic seasoned with vegetable oil.

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Wrapped around an abundance of juicy meat filling, usually made on the basis of minced pork or lamb with onions. Due to its size and cunning modeling, cooking manti is a rather delicate matter, requiring certain experience and knowledge. If before that you had no idea how to do it right, then in the instructions below we will talk about this in detail.

How to cook manti for a couple?

The ideal device for cooking manti are special mantis or mantle cookers, in the homeland, dishes are called kaskans. Kaskan, in fact, is a double boiler. Like the steaming device familiar to us, the kaskan has a base - regular saucepan, in which water boils, and tiers, which are containers with holes for steam to escape. The more tiers, the more manti can be cooked at a time.

To cook manti in a pressure cooker, water is poured into the base pan and put on fire. As soon as the water boils, grease the bottom of the trellised tiers for steaming with oil, place manti in them at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other and place them over the steam. Upper tier closed with a lid so that the steam circulates, and does not go outside.

How much to cook manti depends on their size. As a rule, standard-sized manti are boiled for no more than 40-45 minutes, after which all tiers are removed from the pan, and manti are laid out on a plate.

If there is no kaskan at hand, then replace it with an ordinary double boiler, and if one is not found, then place a colander over the boiling pan and put manti on its bottom. Cover the colander with a suitable size lid and note the cooking time.

If you have a slow cooker, then the question of how to cook manti without a mantle can not arise at all. Lubricate the steam basket that comes with the device, set the appropriate mode and time - 50 minutes.

How to cook manti in water?

If steaming is not available for some reason, then there is only one, very risky, but the only possible way to cook manti is boiling in water. The safest, that is, without harming the shape of the manti and with a minimal risk of overcooking, is cooking in a frying pan. Pour a centimeter of water into the pan, add a tablespoon vegetable oil and put on the bottom of the manti. Boil as usual for 35-40 minutes, adding portions of water as needed. To prevent the dough from “welding” to the bottom of the pan, periodically lift the manti with a fork or wooden spatula, and put it in a colander before serving to allow excess liquid to drain.

How to cook manti in a pan?

It is not customary to cook manti in a saucepan with large number water, like khinkali or dumplings familiar to all of us, because tender dough can easily burst juicy minced meat dry up. Due to the immobility on the grate of the pressure cooker, under the streams of steam, the mantas have no risk of deforming, but in in large numbers liquids, being free-floating, the quality of the dish may suffer. To prevent this from happening, you can cook manti in a saucepan just like in a pan, that is, with a little water.

First, pour water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Set the boiled liquid aside and carefully, using a spatula or spoon, put it on the bottom of the manti. The liquid should not cover them completely, but only cover 2/3 of the size. At the same stage, you can throw a little allspice, laurel or onion into the water for flavor. Cover the manti with a lid and cook over low heat for 25-30 minutes. Serve hot, draining in a colander to drain off any remaining water.

Contrary to popular belief, how to cook manti does not depend on the type of filling and principle pre-treatment products. Frozen and fresh items filled with chopped or grated meat, fish and even vegetables are boiled the same way. You just need to choose the best option for the device for their preparation.

At home, this can be done not only with the help of a pressure cooker, slow cooker or double boiler. AT last resort it is allowed to use a pot, colander and even a frying pan. If you want to get a really tasty dish, then it’s better to do everything yourself from the very beginning, because a store-bought semi-finished product can never be compared with a home-made product.

The classic version of cooking and boiling dishes

To cook manti, you need to buy or cook them. If preference is given to the second scenario, then you need to do the following:

  1. Per 1 kg homemade minced meat(or minced lamb) take two onions, 2 cups flour, 1 egg, half a cup boiled water, half a teaspoon of salt and pepper.
  2. From flour, eggs, water and salt we prepare the dough, which should not stick to the hands. We roll it into a ball, wrap it in cling film and keep 30 minutes at room temperature.
  3. Then we roll out the workpiece so that the layer thickness does not exceed 2 mm. We cut the layer into squares 10 * 10 cm. We collect the rest, roll it out again and cut it.
  4. From finely chopped onion, minced meat, pepper and a small amount salt prepare the filling. We spread a tablespoon of the product on each square of dough and sculpt manti, twisting the edges.

Tip: If a hard or very dense product is used to prepare the filling for manti, then you need to add a little water to it (about a quarter cup per 1 kg of the composition). In this case, the meat will turn out softer and juicier.

The finished product can either be sent to the freezer for storage, or immediately cooked. It is best to use pressure cookers for boiling semi-finished products, because. in them ready meal turns out the most juicy and fragrant. The manipulation itself is very simple and looks like this:

  • We grease the cooking surfaces with butter, only after that we lay out the products. We fill the lower tier of the pressure cooker with water (usually 1 liter of liquid is enough).
  • Boil the product for half an hour under a closed lid. Serve immediately with sour cream and chopped herbs.
  • When it is not possible to immediately use all the heat-treated products, place them in a closed container and put in the refrigerator. They can stay there for up to 2 days.

It is worth considering that depending on how much to cook manti in boiling water, a double boiler, a slow cooker, a pressure cooker or other similar device, you can adjust the taste of the final product. If you add a few minutes to the recommended time, you will have the opportunity to try a dish that is not so juicy, but interesting in its own way.

How to cook manti in a slow cooker and double boiler?

If manti does not have to be cooked often, and there is no desire to learn all the tricks of the mantle cooker for this, more versatile devices can be used at home.

  • Multicooker. Before you cook manti in a slow cooker, you need to make sure that it is equipped with a special stand for steaming. Lubricate it with butter, lay semi-finished products on the surface. Pour water into the required compartment, place a stand with manti. Select the mode " For a couple "and set the timer for 50 minutes. If it turns out that this time was not enough, we start processing again by rearranging the timer.

  • Double boiler. Again, it is recommended to lubricate the working surfaces in the double boiler with butter. After that, we lay out the semi-finished products in close proximity to each other, and fill the lower bowl of the device with water. In a double boiler, processing manti takes from 40 to 45 minutes. Here you will have to navigate by the thickness of the dough and the volume of the filling.

It is worth considering that when processing manti in a double boiler or slow cooker final result comes out a bit fresh. To avoid this, the blanks can be lightly sprinkled with salt.

How else can you boil manti?

When there is no access to the listed household appliances, you have to use improvised means. To do everything right, you need to follow these recommendations:

  • In a saucepan. In this case, it is highly recommended not to boil manti like dumplings in boiling water. It is worth considering that there should not be a lot of liquid, otherwise thin dough it just won't hold up and crash. Bring the water to a boil, remove from heat, put the manti on the bottom of the container, holding them by weight in boiling water for several seconds so that they do not stick. Ideally, the liquid in the pot should only cover two-thirds of the items. Reduce the heat to a minimum, put a container on it, cover it with a lid and hold for 25-30 minutes. The result is approximately the same as from steam processing.

  • On a frying pan. Not the most time-saving and rather risky way. But, if you do everything right, the dish will turn out very tasty. Pour 1 cm of water into the bottom of a high frying pan, add a tablespoon of vegetable oil to it, bring to a boil and spread the manti. Cook over very low heat for about 40 minutes. adding hot liquid if necessary. Occasionally lift the products with a wooden spatula so that they do not stick.

There is another option for preparing semi-finished products almost like in a double boiler. Pour water into a saucepan, put it on the fire and bring the liquid to a boil. Lubricate the colander with butter, spread the manti and place on the pan. We cook the product for at least half an hour. By the way, in this way you can cook juicy dumplings, khinkali and even dumplings.

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For convenient and fast food manti long ago invented a multi-tiered pan - a pressure cooker. Thanks to this simple device, in just half an hour you can cook several dozen of these juicy and mouth-watering culinary products. However - what to do if there is no special pan at hand, and you want to cook manti according to all the rules - for a couple and in a relatively short time? Inventive housewives have long found ways to get out of the situation, and successfully prepare delicious manti using improvised means!

We use a colander
To quickly and successfully obtain fragrant “dumplings”, you will need a colander and a pan that is suitable in size for attaching a colander to its rim. Fill the pan with water 7-8 cm (at the same time, the water level should be at least 2-3 cm below the bottom of the suspended colander). Put a container of water on the fire. When the water boils, grease the inner surface of the bottom of the colander with vegetable oil and lay out the manti, leaving a distance of 2 cm between them. Fix the colander on the rim of the pan, cover with a lid and, after lowering the heat, let the product steam for 30 minutes. In this way, you can get 6-7 ready-to-eat manti in one "session".

Cooking on a plate
Prepare a wide, preferably flat, plate. Choose a saucepan that is the right size for your plate to fit into. At the bottom of the container, place a deep bowl upside down, then pour enough water into the pan so that it covers two-thirds of the inverted bowl. Put a container of water on the fire and, when the water boils, start putting manti on a plate, having previously greased the surface of the dish with vegetable oil. Leave small gaps between the mantas so that, while steaming and increasing in size, they do not stick together. Now carefully pick up the edges of the plate with forks on both sides and carefully place it on the bowl inside the pan. Cover the “mantovarka” with a lid and steam the manti for half an hour. Then turn off the fire and, after waiting for the hot steam to come out, use the same forks to remove the plate with manti, or take them out separately, laying them on the finished dish. If you have wide dishes for cooking in this way, you can get up to 1.5 dozen paired manti at a time.

We use a frying pan
At the bottom of a deep frying pan, pour 2 cm of water and 3-4 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil. When the water boils, put the manti into the pan and cover the container with a lid. Reduce the heat until the steam is strong enough. Leave the pan on the fire for half an hour, adjusting the water level every 10 minutes, adding water to the pan if necessary. Manti prepared in this way are no different from other paired products. It is only important to prevent the complete evaporation of water and the baking of the bottom of the manta.

There are other ways to cook these products without a pressure cooker - using a double boiler, air grill, juice cooker, etc. But even with the help of the three methods discussed above, you will perfectly cope with the task and get delicious dish in minutes!