Chicken broth for weight loss. How to Make Low Calorie Chicken Broth

Chicken bouillon is rightfully considered a perfectly balanced dietary dish. In the old days, it was often used for the recovery and rehabilitation of seriously ill people. Today this product has “migrated” to the menu of diets aimed at getting rid of excess weight. We invite you to find out what the chicken broth diet is and what effect it provides.

Briefly about the benefits of chicken broth

Chicken broth is rich in essential amino acids. It contains mineral salts of iron, magnesium, calcium, copper and selenium (in easily digestible form). This product is also rich in B vitamins - they help normalize metabolic processes in the body (in particular, they take part in the regulation of fat metabolism). Chicken broth is perfectly filling, but provides a minimum of calories (the calorie content of 100 ml of low-fat broth is 30 kcal).

Options for preparing chicken broth

Option #1

To prepare the broth you will need a small chicken, 5 liters of cold water and celery root.

Option No. 2

IN in this case The broth needs to be cooked from a couple of chicken breasts and 3 liters of water.

In both versions, after boiling, you need to remove the resulting foam and cook over very low heat for an hour and a half. It is recommended to strain the finished broth. Ideally, it should be consumed unsalted.

Duration and effectiveness of the diet

A chicken broth diet can take a day, or it can last a week (it all depends on the goals set and the willpower of the person losing weight). Every day it carries away 0.7-1 kg. The diet includes 5 tbsp. broth. You cannot eat anything, but you are allowed to drink (if desired) water or unsweetened herbal (green) tea.

Disadvantages of the Chicken Broth Diet

This diet provokes quick loss weight, but, unfortunately, it is extremely ineffective in terms of maintaining the result. To prevent the previous parameters from returning, you will have to devote another week to a strict diet menu.

The right way out of the diet

If you lost weight on broth for 3-7 days, you should eat according to the plan below for another week:
1st day after the diet: chicken broth (4-5 tbsp.), egg white and braised cabbage(200 g)
Day 2: chicken broth (3-4 tbsp.), egg white, stewed cabbage (200 g) and 2-3 tbsp. lean buckwheat or rice porridge
Day 3: chicken broth (2-3 tbsp.), egg white, stewed cabbage (200 g), 2-3 tbsp. lean buckwheat or rice porridge and orange
Day 4: chicken broth (250 ml), egg white, stewed vegetables (300 g), 3-5 tbsp. lean buckwheat or rice porridge and orange
Day 5: chicken broth (250 ml), egg white, stewed cabbage and fresh vegetables(200 g each), 3-5 tbsp. lean buckwheat or rice porridge, orange and 200 ml yogurt
Day 6: chicken broth (250 ml), egg white, stewed cabbage and fresh vegetables (200 g each), 3-5 tbsp. lean buckwheat or rice porridge, orange and boiled chicken (200 g)
Day 7: chicken broth (250 ml), egg white, stewed cabbage and fresh vegetables (200 g each), 3-5 tbsp. lean buckwheat or rice porridge, orange, boiled chicken (200 g) and a portion of dried fruits (50-70 g)

It is quite difficult to maintain a long-term diet on chicken broth - ideally, you should devote 1-2 days to it and no more. Lose weight wisely and don't forget the importance the right balance elements.


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What kind of weight loss techniques is a desperate woman who has been unsuccessfully fighting for several years not ready to try on herself? overweight. One such weight loss goal is the chicken broth diet. As practice shows, it is really effective. But not everyone can withstand it. Let's look at the options for "chicken" diets and evaluate their effectiveness.

Chicken broth diet No. 1

This diet is actively used in fitness. More precisely, this is not a diet, but fasting days that help shake up the body and bring it out of “stagnation.” Fasting days are carried out as follows. Take one small chicken and cook until tender in 5 liters of water.

Afterwards, the chicken carcass is taken out and given to the household for consumption, and 5 cups of broth is drunk during the day. You need to forget about other products for the whole day. Only drinking plenty of water is allowed.

You need to stick to this diet for 1-2 days, no more. After which you need to gradually return to your usual diet.

Chicken broth diet No. 2

Chicken broth on a diet can only be drunk in limited quantities. Whatever one may say, chicken is meat that contains animal fats. But they are the ones that are poorly digested and stored in the body as fat cells.

However, if you prepare the broth from something other than whole chicken, and from the breast, the broth turns out to be less calorie. It contains about 50 kcal per 100 g. You need to take two chicken breasts and boil them in 3 liters of water. You cannot add salt or add any spices during cooking. The only thing you can do is add some to the broth.

The broth should be divided into equal parts and eaten in 3 to 5 meals. With this type of weight loss, you can lose up to 10 kg in one week! However, they return very quickly after finishing the diet. Therefore, a special way out of the diet is required.

And the way out of such a diet is as follows:

  • on the first day it is allowed to add a small portion of stewed chicken to the chicken broth own juice cabbage and one boiled egg white;
  • on the second day you can add a few spoons to the diet boiled rice or buckwheat4
  • on the third day, you can add an apple or orange to all the listed products;
  • on the fourth day you should give up chicken broth and replace it with 100 g stewed vegetables;
  • on the fifth day, natural yogurt should appear in the diet;
  • on the sixth day, boiled chicken or fish, but not more than 200 g.

Chicken broth diet No. 3

This diet option is the mildest, but the results are not as good as the previous options. The diet is designed for one week. Every day you need to drink up to 3 liters of broth and eat 200 g boiled chicken without skin. Neither meat nor broth should be salted.

At the same time, you can eat vegetable salads without salt, seasoned with flaxseed oil, and drink unsweetened green tea in unlimited quantities. By following this diet, you can lose up to 3 kg in 7 days.

Important rule– the use of salt and any seasonings is strictly prohibited! This will prevent the accumulation of salt and excess fluid in the body.

If you add physical activity to your diet, you can ultimately lose 5-6 kg in weight. And at the end of the diet, you should gradually return to your usual menu, trying to use a minimum of salt and fat.

To maintain normal weight, once a week you can have fasting days on chicken broth, as described in diet No. 1.

Chicken broth recipe video

Chicken broth for weight loss is used not only by amateurs fasting days. This product can greatly facilitate compliance with a reduced-calorie diet. It helps fill the stomach and improves the condition of patients with gastritis with low acidity of gastric juice. 100 ml of broth contains only 15 kilocalories and 0.5 grams of fat, as well as natural anti-inflammatory substances. The broth is recommended not only for colds, but also for those who are recovering for a long time after strength training and is prone to inflammatory processes in muscle tissue.

How to make chicken broth for weight loss

Before you run for chicken, realize that the broth does not have fat-burning properties, it’s just that the low calorie content and impressive volume of the dish help create the energy deficit necessary while following a diet. That's why popular recipe“start your day with broth” will only work if you can continue this day with physical exercise and a rational, balanced diet.

Most the right broth for weight loss is made from chicken breasts. Take 2 chicken breasts in 5 liters of water, place the washed meat in a pan and cook until the chicken is cooked. Grated celery root is usually added to the broth; it goes well with it and fresh dill, as well as some cumin and coriander. To reduce your appetite, start your lunch with 250 ml of broth, especially if you skipped breakfast today. Slowly drink the broth, or even eat it with a teaspoon, and start the main dish 15-20 minutes later. British nutritionist Judith Wills claims that in this way you can get rid of cravings for afternoon desserts and reduce your lunch portion by about 15%.

What you should not do is replace natural broth with concentrate from a cube. Our favorite Knorrs and Maggis are almost 80 percent chicken fat. In addition, if you read the information on the packaging, you will find that they contain monosodium glutamate, preservatives, flavor enhancers and salt. So consuming concentrates leads to fluid retention, slower metabolism and weight gain.

The right diet with chicken broth for weight loss

Most diets “suffer” from one drawback - they are unbalanced, and, after discontinuation, they contribute to weight gain. British doctor D. Wills has developed a whole diet with chicken broth so you can enjoy your favorite product and lose weight. The plan is designed for 1200-1400 kcal per day, and involves taking a vitamin-mineral complex and performing simple cardio and strength exercises for 30 minutes 5 times a week.


Breakfast: 200 g of oatmeal in water with hazelnuts and honey = 300 kcal.

Lunch: chicken broth, 200 ml, stewed vegetables, baked potato = 350 kcal.

Snack: 100 ml of natural yogurt, fruit = 200 kcal.

Dinner: 100 g brown rice, 50 g beans, green vegetables = 200 kcal.


Breakfast: 200 g homemade cheese(cottage cheese), 1 fruit = 300 kcal.

Second breakfast: 200 ml chicken broth, 100 g chicken breast = 150 kcal.

Lunch: 200 ml chicken broth, 30 g whole grain bread, a slice of cheese, vegetable salad= 350 kcal.

Snack: 20 g dark chocolate = 120 kcal.

Dinner: cream soup from 200 ml of chicken broth, 100 g of chicken breast, 200 g of broccoli, 1 boiled potato with 1 tablespoon of 10% sour cream = 300 kcal.


Breakfast: 2 bran toasts with natural peanut butter, apple = 300 kcal.

Second breakfast: 200 ml chicken broth, 100 g chicken breast = 150 kcal.

Lunch: brown rice risotto with seafood, vegetable salad = 300 kcal.

Snack: 50 g pumpkin seeds= 250 kcal.

Dinner: fruit salad from kiwi, orange, apple. 200g steamed fish or chicken breast, some brown rice or quinoa = 400 kcal.

From Thursday you can repeat the diet from the first day, but try to choose different fruits and vegetables throughout the week.

Especially for – fitness trainer Elena Selivanova

Diet type- mono-diet

Weight loss- 7-9 kg per week of diet and 2-3 kg during recovery nutrition.

Application period- 7 days.

The chicken broth diet is very effective and can be successfully used for fast weight loss. In addition, chicken broth is very healthy.

Since ancient times, chicken broth has been credited with outstanding healing properties. For his ability to help care for the most seriously ill patients, he was popularly nicknamed the Jewish antibiotic.

Chicken broth contains anti-inflammatory substances and is great for colds. Sometimes, it is only possible to reduce a high fever with the flu with its help.

It helps with stomach diseases, reduces blood viscosity, prevents the formation of blood clots, improves activity of cardio-vascular system.

Chicken broth strengthens teeth and bones, promotes wound healing, fights fatigue, strengthens the immune system and has many other beneficial properties.

In addition, it contains only 15 calories per 100 grams and is ideally suited for diets.

But the healing properties of chicken broth directly depend on the correct preparation.

It is very important what kind of chicken you use to make chicken broth.

Broth with medicinal properties will never come from broiler chickens. Laying hens can make good broth. But the best healthy and healing one can only be cooked from domestic chicken.

COCHIN CHINA (French: Cochinchine) is the name of South Vietnam in European literature during the period of French domination.

Thanks to the thick plumage and delicious meat they are very popular with breeders. It is believed that the meat of this breed of chickens especially black chickens, contains a unique protein, which allows you to rapidly lose weight. In addition, such meat improves metabolism, increases immunity and has a beneficial effect on health.

Broth for chicken diet.

To prepare the healing broth you will need:

1.5-2.0 liters of water and half a domestic chicken or Cochin chicken /about 700-800 grams/.

Place the chicken in cold water and put on high heat. Bring to a boil, remove the foam, and transfer to medium heat for 5 minutes, then simmer over the lowest heat until the broth barely stirs /lid slightly open/. So cook until the chicken is done / country chicken cook for 2-3 hours/. In 30 min. Before finishing, add a little carrot, celery, a small bunch of parsley, a medium carrot /do not cut/ and a medium onion /whole/, salt and, at the very end of cooking, add a bay leaf.

We take out the chicken and give it to loved ones. After this, you should have a clear healing broth in an amount of about 1-1.5 liters.

However, if you are unable to get a chicken of this breed, you can completely get by homemade chicken. This will not slow down the weight loss process significantly.

Be sure to salt the broth. Unsalted broth loses some of its healing properties.

Chicken broth diet menu.

You will need about 1-1.5 liters of chicken broth per day.

Throughout the day we eat only chicken broth, one glass 5-7 times a day. The broth should be clear and hot.

During the diet you are allowed to drink water. However, you can drink it 30 minutes before meals and no earlier than 1.5-2 hours after.

Other foods and especially alcohol are prohibited. However, if you feel very hungry, you can add a few croutons or diet bread to your lunch menu.

You can stay on this diet for no more than 7 days.

The chicken broth diet is somewhat similar to a liquid diet and you also need to exit it gradually. After all, during the diet, the stomach becomes weaned from hard foods, so you need to get used to the previous diet gradually. In addition, during the exit, another 2-3 kg of excess weight is lost.

Quitting the Chicken Broth Diet

Monday add egg white and 250 grams of stewed cabbage to the diet.
Tuesday add 2 tablespoons of boiled rice or buckwheat to these products.
Wednesday add apple and orange
Thursday we remove Cochin chicken broth from the diet, leaving only the lunch portion; add 100 grams of stewed vegetables and another 2 tablespoons of porridge.
Friday We replace stewed vegetables with fresh ones, add 200 grams of low-fat yogurt.
Saturday add 200 grams of boiled Cochin chicken meat.
Sunday add 1-2 servings of dried fruits or nuts.

Slimness is one of the cherished goals of overweight people. In order to lose weight, many people periodically go on diets. One of these effective methods for losing excess weight is the chicken broth diet. The taste of chicken broth is familiar to many from childhood, and its smell involuntarily evokes a feeling of warmth and comfort. The advantages of this particular diet include rapid results; in just a week you can get rid of 5-10 extra pounds, as well as the relative unnecessaryness of cooking.

The benefits of chicken broth on a diet

Chicken broth - tasty and filling dietary dish. It is used for colds, during the rehabilitation period after operations, and in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The calorie content of chicken broth is only 50 Kcal per 100 grams of product.

But is it possible to drink chicken broth while dieting? Definitely yes. The fact is that this light first course contains extractive substances that stimulate the secretion of digestive juice and bile, promote pancreatic secretion, which has a beneficial effect on weight loss.

How is chicken broth good for your diet? Chicken broth contains minimal fat, but high protein content is enough to preserve muscle mass when losing weight. When dieting, chicken broth quickly suppresses appetite and maintains a feeling of fullness for a long time, and therefore this method of losing weight eliminates starvation.

Types of chicken broth diets

There are many varieties of diets based on chicken broth, or, as it is also called, decoction. The most common method of losing weight is this first course in fitness, when you urgently need to lose a couple of extra pounds in the shortest possible time. This is a kind of mono-diet or fasting days, the menu of which includes only chicken broth. To prepare it, take chicken, add five liters of water and cook until fully cooked. Then the resulting decoction is filtered and drunk throughout the day in unlimited quantities.

More strict option This mono-diet consists of preparing a decoction not from a whole chicken, but from two chicken breasts, which are poured with three liters of water, boiled until tender, then the resulting decoction is used exclusively. In 1-2 such fasting days you can lose 2-3 kilograms.

Chicken broth and chicken diet is an easier method of losing weight. It is recommended to choose chicken breast, boil it until tender without salt and spices. Consume one chicken breast (200 grams) and the resulting broth, no more than 3 liters, during the day. You can follow this weight loss method for no more than a week. During this time, you can get rid of 5-10 extra pounds.

Chicken broth for a protein diet– the main permitted first course. High content Easily digestible protein in chicken broth promotes rapid saturation. On the Dukan Attack diet, chicken broth is consumed one glass for lunch, which allows you to suppress your appetite and speed up the digestive processes.

Gentle diet with chicken broth suggests a more varied menu. With this method of losing weight, you should drink 1 liter of chicken broth every day, prepared without salt, herbs and spices. In addition, you can eat non-starchy vegetables, unsweetened fruits, bran, strictly following the menu shown. Buckwheat in chicken broth is also recommended for dieting, helping to gently cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and enrich the body with vitamins and minerals. You need to follow this diet for 7 days, during which you can get rid of 5-7 extra pounds.

Before you start losing weight using any of the above methods, you should consult your doctor to ensure there are no contraindications. This method of losing weight is prohibited for people suffering from diseases of the liver, kidneys, and cardiovascular system. During the diet, it is recommended to reduce your physical activity, but not eliminate it completely.

Permitted and prohibited products

Gentle diet with chicken broth - allowed foods:

  • Skinless chicken (preferably breast);
  • Cereals (buckwheat, rice, oats);
  • Non-starchy vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, beets, spinach, celery, broccoli, cabbage);
  • Greens (dill, parsley, basil, cilantro);
  • Unsweetened fruits (apples, pears, plums, citrus fruits);
  • Bran;
  • Linseed oil.

Prohibited products:

  • Fatty meat, poultry and fish;
  • Fried, salted, pickled, smoked dishes;
  • Bread and bakery products;
  • Pasta;
  • Sausages;
  • Fresh pastries, sweets, desserts;
  • Semi-finished products, fast food;
  • Sweet fruits (mango, grapes, bananas);
  • Potato;
  • Fatty sauces;
  • Salt, sugar;
  • Spices and seasonings;
  • Carbonated drinks;
  • Alcoholic drinks.


Gentle diet with chicken broth - menu for the week:



  • Decoction 1 liter. Boiled chicken breast 100 gr. Bran 1 tbsp. Unsweetened fruits to taste 1 kg.



  • Decoction 1 liter. Bran 1 tbsp. Vegetables 500 gr. Fruits 500 gr.



  • Decoction 1 liter. Bran 1 tbsp. Vegetables 700 gr. Cucumber salad, bell pepper and tomatoes, seasoned with 1 tbsp. linseed oil 300 gr.


  • Chicken broth 2 liters.

Featured daily norm products are distributed over 4-5 meals during the day. In between meals, you can drink purified water without gas, tea (green, herbal), decoctions of herbs and berries, but without added sugar.


Chicken broth for diet

Chicken broth for diet


  • Chicken breast 200 gr;
  • Water 3 liters.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the brisket, place it in a saucepan and add water.
  2. Bring to a boil, reduce gas and simmer for 40 minutes until tender.
  3. Transfer the boiled brisket. Strain the resulting broth.

Chicken broth soup on a diet


  • Chicken breast 200 gr;
  • Water 2 liters;
  • Celery stalk;
  • Greens to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the brisket, cut into small pieces, and place in a saucepan.
  2. Wash the celery stalk, chop it, add it to the chicken, add water.
  3. Bring to a boil, reduce the gas and simmer the soup for 30 minutes over low heat, covered.
  4. Before serving, garnish with chopped herbs to taste.

Buckwheat in chicken broth on a diet

Buckwheat in chicken broth on a diet