Braga from sugar does not ferment well. How to improve the fermentation of mash for moonshine

Alcohol preparation with my own hands has always been an exciting experience, especially since the result is a proven and excellent product.

When fermenting raw materials from sugar and yeast, for tasty and high-quality moonshine, it is not enough just to strictly observe the proportions in the composition of a good “mash recipe”. Here one of the most important points will be careful exposure optimum temperature fermentation.

In order not to be mistaken with the temperature for comfortable fermentation of sugar and yeast mash, it is necessary to understand all the intricacies of its maturation.
The most important fermentation catalyst is, of course, yeast.

After all, it is thanks to their vital activity that carbon dioxide is formed in the process of absorbing sugar, the wort is heated and alcohol is necessarily produced.

But the mash contains a lot of other microorganisms that can begin to actively multiply as soon as the vital activity of the yeast weakens as a result of sharp jumps in temperature conditions. It is generally accepted that it must be maintained in the range from 24 to 30 ° C.

  • downgrade temperature regime entails braking and a complete stop of the process. It is also fraught with an increase in the level of “the acidity of the mash,” which adversely affects its taste and strength. It usually takes no more than a week for the normal maturation of the wort from sugar and yeast, while hypothermia extends this period to several months. But if such passive fermentation is welcome in winemaking, then it is unacceptable in the manufacture of distillate. Therefore, if after a drop in temperature - the mash does not roam -, the situation will have to be urgently saved by moving to a more comfortable and warm place.
  • But if the hypothermia of the wort from sugar and yeast can really be corrected, then after overheating the yeast fungi can no longer be revived. Therefore, it is so important to prevent the temperature regime from reaching a dangerous temperature mark of more than 40 ° C. At the same time, it must be remembered that the process of converting sugar into alcohol with the help of yeast is accompanied by an active release of heat and threatens with a sharp heating of the yeast raw materials. And in order not to disrupt the distillation process as a whole, it will be necessary to correct the mistake made only by preparing a new mixture for fermentation. Therefore, compliance with temperature conditions in the range from 24 to 30 degrees is considered the most optimal.

    It is desirable to maintain a temperature that is even and without sudden jumps, as this will adversely affect the quality of raw materials and ready drink. To reduce the level of fusel oils in the composition of a high-quality distillate, fermentation is allowed up to a maximum of 32 degrees, but no more.

Do I need to stir the mash during fermentation

Considering that the wort heats up more during fermentation in the upper part, it is logical to assume that it is possible to ensure uniform heating by periodically stirring it. Especially inexperienced moonshiners suffer from this, who at first are very concerned only with the speed of its maturation.

But they also often ask a counter question - is it necessary to mix the mash during fermentation. And since this is the result of a self-sufficient vital activity of yeast and sugar, it is worth listening to weighty arguments in favor of calmer fermentation conditions. The yeast fungus dies in a saturated alcohol environment, therefore, after working, it gradually sinks down and precipitates, giving way to the released less dense ethanol.

By moving live yeast to a more aggressive alcoholic environment, you only slow down the fermentation, and not vice versa. There is another important reason not to disturb the natural course of fermentation. After all, such an intervention primarily involves a violation of the tightness of the fermentation tank, and this is fraught with excessive souring of the raw materials.

That is, by accelerating fermentation in this way, you can turn a good wort into a mixture of acetic acid and ethanol. Therefore, do not disturb natural fermentation by mixing in order to avoid negative consequences for the quality of the drink.

At what temperature is it right to drive moonshine

For cooking homemade moonshine it is necessary to bring ready mix to the boiling point of alcoholic vapors, in order to then condense them into a liquid.
But the evaporation itself is divided into several stages with different temperature conditions for the water, alcohol and fusel oils included in it. And in order to timely separate a quality product from harmful impurities, it is important to know at what temperature moonshine is driven at each stage. Basically, the physical processes during distillation are very similar and under the force of any model of the standard moonshine still.

The distillation of mash into moonshine with or without a steamer is guided by strict adherence to the temperature indicated for a certain period.

  • First, the wort is heated to a maximum of 60-63 ° C and a sharp decrease in heating is maintained with a smooth transition to the selection of the head fraction at 64-68 degrees. It is under these conditions that alcohol begins to evaporate from fusel oils. If this is not done, then part of the boiled liquid will enter the system, and the moonshine will be cloudy and with a sharp fusel smell. Because of high content It’s definitely not worth drinking harmful impurities in Pervak, since after a quick intoxication, severe intoxication of the body occurs. Experienced moonshiners recommend cutting off the initial 8-10% of the distillate from the total volume and using it only for household needs.
  • Next, they proceed to the selection of the main, so-called body of the product after heating it to 78 ° C. To do this, continue to maintain the degree at the same level, trying not to exceed it above 83-85 ° C. The timely transition to the isolation of the qualitative component of the distillate is accompanied by a characteristic alcohol smell without unpleasant shades.
  • Toward the end of distillation, the temperature at which moonshine is driven rises to 85 degrees, and the remnants of the alcohol base are expelled along with the fusel. This negatively affects the quality of the product, therefore, at this key point, the collection of the body is urgently stopped and the selection of the tail part of the alcoholic beverage is started. As soon as its strength during distillation decreases to 20 ° C, this fraction is also stopped and moonshining is considered complete.

Boiling point table of alcohol in Braga

Only after understanding the nuances of preparing wort from yeast and sugar, it becomes clear how important it is to maintain a comfortable fermentation temperature. Therefore, in order to end up with high-quality and soft alcohol, when preparing raw materials, it is necessary to be able to constantly monitor and regulate the temperature regime.

Even distillers with sufficient experience in making strong alcohol cannot always tell how much ferments and what influences it. It is still impossible to determine this with an accuracy of a day, since fermentation process depends on many factors:

  • raw materials that are used for the wort;
  • compliance with the proportions when laying the ingredients;
  • room temperature and humidity;
  • compliance with the technology of setting the mash;
  • Not the last place among the reasons is played by water. Eg, boiled, deprived of oxygen, slows down this process.

In order to most likely determine the fermentation time (with the correct observance of all the above influence factors), first of all need to rely on the raw materials used.

  1. The most popular - subject to the technology of making the wort, it becomes ready for distillation in time from 5 to 14 days. It is after five days that you need to look at it and check for readiness. Although, as a rule, the most optimal period is 7 - 10 days.
  2. Brazhka, the basis for which is starch (its sources are grain, potatoes, ready-made starch), ferments much less - already from 3 – 5 days she's ready to run.
  3. For fruit and grape brews using yeast, it is required about two or three weeks for maturation.
  4. If the yeast is not introduced on purpose, but only wild yeast present on the fruits (berries) is used, then fermentation can take a long time up to 45 days. It's very it is important to use a water seal otherwise, the products may turn sour and you will get vinegar, which is also not bad, but our goal is completely different!

Peculiarities. The indicated time is relative, since much also depends on the temperature regime.

The process works best if the temperature in the room is between 20 and 22°C. It is permissible from 18 to 28 ° C, but it is undesirable to go beyond these limits.

How much can you insist on mash?

It is possible that the fermentation is already over, and you do not have the opportunity in the coming days.

First of all, make sure you have a really finished product.

Fully ripe mash has strong alcohol odor, there is no release of carbon dioxide (no bubbles and hiss).

This can be checked with a lighted match: if you bring it to the surface of the brew and it continues to burn, it means that carbon dioxide is not released, there is no fermentation.

And most importantly - mash is bitter in taste, without the slightest sweetness.

In order not to lose valuable product, and fermented and sour mash will give moonshine with bad smell and taste, you need to take the container to the basement or just a cold room with a temperature of 10 to 0 ° C. This prevent souring of the mash and besides it for 5 - 7 days. It remains to drain from the sediment and overtake. Most species ready brew you can insist in the "basement" conditions for up to a month or even more without loss of quality.

Attention! Can't insist for long grain mash, even in the cold.

Acid inevitably accumulates in it (acetic acid fermentation begins) and as a result you will get sour liquor instead of moonshine with a pleasant grain flavor.

How to stop the fermentation of mash?

It is possible that someday you will need to stop fermentation, because moonshine is urgently needed, and you see that the process is still ongoing. Can to artificially stimulate its cessation.

Please note: if the fermentation is not finished, you will get less during distillation strong moonshine than expected, because the yeast did not have time to convert sugar into alcohol.

The most suitable additive to stop fermentation is leftover from past distillations "tails" with a strength of about 25 °. They will add alcohol content to the wort and the yeast will die. In addition, this is how you use the “junk” product to good use and will not lose the amount of alcohol received.

How to speed up fermentation?

But knowing in advance that you need fast-ripening sugar mash, resort to one of the suggested tricks (or even several at once).

To possibly accelerate maturation, use the following methods:

  • using only the freshest yeast. They, under suitable conditions, will act more actively and more quickly complete their task of converting sugar into alcohol;
  • adding bread crusts to the wort speeds up maturation. You have probably observed this yourself while cooking;
  • pre-diluted and added tomato paste: up to 100 g per 10 liters of must;
  • peas or corn in the amount of 300 - 400 g per 10 l;

Please note. Peas added after the fermentation process has begun can produce a lot of foam, which is quite easily extinguished by crushed biscuits.

  • an increase in the amount of water or a decrease in the amount of sugar compared to that indicated in the recipe (by no more than 20%) also accelerates ripening. But be prepared for the fact that you will get less strong alcohol during distillation;
  • adding unwashed raisins will speed up the process due to wild yeast on its surface;
  • daily mixing of the wort (you can - several times). When stirring, gas bubbles are intensively released, which also accelerates maturation.

A few questions about mash fermentation

Many (especially beginners) moonshiners have questions that we will try to answer below.

Braga is not fermented, is it possible to drive her?

Of course, it is undesirable to do this, but in case of emergency it is possible. Take advantage tips to stop fermentation. But almost certainly a shortage of alcohol is guaranteed. The incompleteness of fermentation provides for the moment that the sugar did not have time to be converted into alcohol.

Carefully. During distillation, foam may be released, which will affect the quality of the product. In this case, secondary distillation helps.

Why does mash wander for a long time?

As already noted, there are many factors that affect the duration of maturation. In addition to the quality of the ingredients, be sure pay attention to the room temperature. If it is below 18 ° C, then the vital activity of the yeast is very weak, so the process is sluggish. Above 30°C - their vital energy also drops, and in the region of 40°C they die altogether.

In addition, the fermentation tank should not stand on a cold floor (tile, porcelain stoneware, stone). Under it should be a warm substrate. Otherwise, even if the room is 22 ° C, then in the braga it can be 16 degrees, which is unacceptable.

What to do if the braga runs away?

The most common causes of increased foaming:

  • using baker's yeast instead of spirit yeast or accidentally exceeding its amount;
  • adding honey to the wort instead of sugar;
  • malt and grain raw materials in the first stage of fermentation can also produce too much foam;
  • exceeding the allowable volume for wort.

note: should be filled with mash to a maximum of 2/3 of the volume. And when using products that can potentially produce a lot of foam - only half.

Excess is fraught with the fact that you have to collect the wort on the floor, wash the containers, while also losing some of the alcohol.

But it happens to many that the wort foams, and something urgently needs to be done about it. Therefore, we offer several options:

  • The best way, if the foam suddenly "climbed" - move the container to a colder room for a couple of days, and then return to comfortable conditions for mash. But do not overdo it, it is desirable that the temperature is not lower than 15 ° C.
  • There is no such possibility then divide the wort into two containers. After a couple of days, when the rapid foaming stops, pour it back together.
  • Crumble on top of the wort 1-2 cookies.
  • Pour into container vegetable oil , which also extinguishes foam well. A couple of tablespoons is enough.
  • Add some ice. This will help reduce the amount of foam, but will slow down the fermentation.

Braga stopped fermenting, but still sweet

Here are the main reasons:

  • Not enough yeast. This is easy to fix: add and the process will resume.
  • Too much sugar (the proportion is broken: 1 kg - 4 liters of water). Solved by adding water and yeast.
  • The room is cold (hot). Bring the temperature to the optimal indicators for the life of the yeast (22 - 28 ° C).

Also consider the possible causes already listed above in this article.

Is it possible to put mash in an aluminum flask?

Many generations of moonshiners used aluminum milk flasks for mash. However, studies in this area do not confirm the safety of the material. According to the recommendations of scientists and doctors, even aluminum pans are not recommended for storing acidic products in them: cabbage soup, borscht, saltwort.

Brazhka, on the other hand, matures from several days to several weeks and also contains a certain amount of acid. This means that the products of aluminum oxidation easily pass into mash.

Conclusion. The best tableware for mash - glass, which does not interact with an acidic environment, and also - stainless steel. The main thing is that it should be food grade stainless steel.

Useful videos

fermentation process sugar mash for home alcoholic drinks:

What can be done to speed up the fermentation of the mash, look:

See what to do in a situation where the mash does not roam - the main reasons and solutions:

The main mistakes and answers to frequently asked questions about the formulation and fermentation of mash, see the video below:

Have you received exhaustive answers to your questions regarding the maturation of mash? Note it in the comments. Share the article with your friends on social networks.

Cooking mash is a simple process and accessible to everyone. If you have the necessary tools and ingredients, it will not take much time.

Almost all vegetables, fruits, grains containing sugar and / or starch are suitable as the basis of the wort for mash. Old jam, honey will fit perfectly for grouting. Starch-containing products are first saccharified, then the mash is kneaded. Sugar is the main component in beer wort, since alcohol is formed precisely from the combination of yeast with sugar.

Preparation of mash from sugar and dry yeast

When mixing wort from fruits and vegetables, it is difficult for a beginner to determine the consumption of sugar, yeast and the volume of moonshine at the exit. But there is a simple, proven recipe with a guaranteed result. To implement it, you need to prepare the following products:

  • water;
  • sugar;
  • yeast.

The number of ingredients is determined based on purely personal needs for moonshine.

The proportions of the classic recipe for obtaining 10 liters. moonshine:

  • water - 30 l
  • granulated sugar - 8 kg
  • dry yeast - 150-200 gr.

It is believed that from 1 kg of granulated sugar 1.2 liters will be obtained. moonshine.

Some winemakers insist on the “rule of 10” (10 liters of 40-45 ° moonshine comes out of 10 kg of sugar):

  • water - 40 l
  • granulated sugar - 10 kg
  • dry yeast -300 gr.

The amount of yeast is always approximate, since their activity depends on the expiration date, on the manufacturer.

Sugar is added to the mash without further processing. There is no need to turn it into syrup. It dissolves well in warm water.

Water can be taken from the water supply, only it needs to be allowed to settle for half a day. Boiled water is unsuitable for fermentation. Yeast in such water will not work to its full potential.

By classic recipe Braga is prepared by simply mixing all the ingredients. Sugar is poured into the water, stirred, and diluted yeast is added.

Which yeast to use

Yeast is one of the main components in the preparation of the beer substrate. They are represented by different types:

  • pressed;
  • bakery;
  • alcohol;
  • beer;
  • wine.

Wine yeast is very expensive and is used to ferment wine. Beer houses are more used in cosmetology and medicine. Pressed or live product is perishable, you can find them at bakeries, in specialized stores. For ordinary grocery stores, this is a rare product.

The most commonly used dry alcohol or baker's yeast, but marked "for pastries and drinks". Such yeasts are more viable. But how they will behave is difficult to predict. It can be a rapid fermentation in 15-20 minutes, or their activity will manifest itself in a few hours.

How to cook mash for moonshine

Braga is prepared in food-grade plastic containers, aluminum flasks, and barrels. The main condition is that the material does not succumb to oxidation. Therefore, galvanized and copper dishes are not suitable. It is desirable that the canisters be with a wide mouth - they are easier to clean after distillation. The volume of the container depends on the desired amount of moonshine.

During violent fermentation, the foam rises with a cap, so the vessel must be filled so that a quarter of it remains free. When the foam breaks out of the container, the mash can be poured into another dish, and then drained back. After 2 3 days, active fermentation will end and pass into a passive stage, which will last another 8 10 days.

At this stage, a water seal is installed on the tank. The following facts speak in his favor:

  • it is convenient to monitor the maturation of the mash by the emerging gas bubbles;
  • the smell in the room becomes less;
  • a water seal prevents souring.

Optimal temperature for fermentation

Compliance with the temperature regime important condition fermentation. The temperature range should stay in the region of 20 28 °. Lowering the temperature will slow down the work of the yeast - high temperature is completely destructive for them.

It should be taken into account the fact that in the early days, during rapid fermentation, the temperature of the liquid rises, so there is no need to additionally warm the mash.

In the following days at low room temperature, a container with mash can be wrapped to keep warm. Old blankets, outerwear are suitable for this.

In the heating season, the vessel is placed on batteries or resorted to using a special device - a thermostat. This device is used to heat water in aquariums. The alternating operation of the thermostat avoids the effect of boiling. Just keep in mind that if the mash is very steep, the must particles can stick to the walls of the device.

Is it worth stirring the mash during fermentation

At the first stage of fermentation, when the foam breaks out, it is not necessary to knock it down and mix the mash. This will only make the situation worse. It will be enough to pour out some of the liquid.

During "quiet" maturation, heating is sometimes required. When using a thermostat, the mash must be stirred for uniform heating, since the device heats up and shows the temperature of the upper layer.

In general, there is no need to mix the mash. This will not speed up the maturation process and will not affect the strength. natural process fermentation will do everything by itself. The spent yeast will settle to the bottom, and stirring will only excite them and interfere with determining the readiness of the drink.

How to determine the readiness of mash

It is important to determine the right moment for distillation. Premature forcing will reduce the yield of moonshine and lower its degree. Braga overexposed for more than two weeks can turn sour.

The readiness of the product for distillation is determined in several ways:

It is better if there are results on several indicators at once.

Do you need to remove sediment?

The opinions of winemakers are divided on the issue of whether to remove the mash from the sediment or not. In many respects it depends on the device of the distillation cube of the moonshine still. In simple distillation devices, the container with mash is used as a cube. In this case, it is not necessary to remove it from the sediment. It is believed that from this the fortress of moonshine is lost.

For the preparation of alcohol in devices of a more complex design or industrial production, it would be better to get rid of the yeast sediment, since it can burn to the walls during the heating process. distillation cube, especially if the wort was prepared from fruit raw materials.

You can remove the mash from the sediment using a flexible hose with a diameter of about 1 cm. It is not advisable to use a pipeline with a smaller diameter, because it will clog. The end of the hose is lowered into the wash and fixed 2-3 cm from the sediment. The mouth draws air from the hose to start the movement of the liquid.

Lightening is also optional. This procedure is carried out to free the mash from the remaining suspension. It is believed that this will improve the taste of moonshine and in the future it will take less time to clean it.

The most common method is clarification with white clay. Clay (1 tablespoon) is diluted in 500 gr. warm water and poured into the vessel. A day later, the mash is again removed from the resulting sediment.

Braga, mashed on fruit, is clarified with gelatin. A package of gelatin is poured overnight with water, then added to the drink. Flakes precipitate after 2-3 days. Braga is ready to move.

Attention, only TODAY!


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The maturation of the mash is a relatively lengthy process, usually taking a week or even two. But sometimes there is no time to wait, because there is a celebration on the nose, or for some other reason there is no desire to wait for the period set for home moonshine.

In such situations, it is possible to speed up the fermentation of the mash, although it should be noted right away that this can be fraught with a deterioration in the quality of the final alcoholic product.

The very process of making moonshine remains the same, regardless of whether the mash will stand for five or ten days. The following indicators influence the maturation of the mash: the quality and freshness of the yeast, the composition of the mash, temperature conditions and the location in which the raw materials will roam - you need this to happen in the dark. Based on these four points, you can imagine how you can speed up the fermentation process.

In specialized stores today they sell ready-made dressings - the so-called activators, which increase the speed of the microorganisms in the mash. But the quality original product this does not decrease.

However, since moonshine is natural drink, then top dressing for him can also be prepared at home. As stimulants for accelerating the fermentation process of mash, you can easily use:

  1. Crusts of black bread. It is known that they are added during the preparation of kvass, in which they just help to improve its fermentation. The same function will be carried out when adding a small amount crusts in mash.
  2. Raisin. The surface of the dried berries contains wild yeast, which will speed up the fermentation of the mash without changing its taste. Raisins do not need to be washed.
  3. Tomato paste. It is considered an unusual option, but still accelerates the fermentation of mash. To do this, for 15-20 liters it is supposed to add 100-200 gr. pastes.
  4. Corn or peas. They are fraught with the formation of an excessive amount of foam that will need to be collected, but at the same time they really greatly accelerate the fermentation of the product. For 10-15 liters of mash, several glasses of these legumes are added.
  5. oranges. The juice of one fruit is enough to speed up the fermentation process of 10 liters of mash. But you still need to mix it intensively and often for the first two days.

In general, the use natural dressings can shorten the maturation process of the mash for several days, but the main thing in this matter is not to overdo it with their addition, otherwise not only the speed of production of home-brewed moonshine will change, but also its taste.

Saturation of mash with oxygen

To provide microorganisms with conditions for normal life, it is important to arrange for them access to oxygen. This can be achieved by periodically shaking the container with mash or mixing it several times a day. The second option will be more effective, especially when it comes to speeding up the process.

To achieve this, you can use a mixer or a drill with a special nozzle.. But it is necessary to saturate the mash with oxygen together with the use of additional dressings, because in the absence of increased nutrition, there will be no rapid reproduction of microorganisms.

Temperature control

Every degree in the room, which contains a container with it, is capable of slowing down the fermentation process of the mash. In order for fermentation to take place around the clock, you need to arrange constant heat, while trying not to overheat the mash, as this can also be harmful.

For example, you can wrap a container with future moonshine with a blanket, exclude all drafts and place heat-insulating material under the bottom. This will not have a significant effect on the speed of the process, but the risk of stopping the work of microorganisms will decrease and only due to this the distillation solution will mature a few days earlier.

But no matter what tricks are used to speed up the fermentation process of the mash, nothing will work if high-quality yeast was not used initially. It is on them that the whole course of the process depends, it is they who determine its duration, and it is from them that the solution acquires a special smell.

Wine yeast is considered the highest quality and most suitable for success in the fermentation of mash, but you can use both regular and beer yeast.

To produce high-quality, strong and delicious moonshine you need to choose the right mash recipe, focusing on the dates originally indicated in it. Yes, they can be accelerated, but you should not be too zealous with this, as this is fraught with a low concentration of alcohol and low nutritional value of the solution, which will necessarily affect the output of moonshine.

The maturation of the mash is a relatively lengthy process, usually taking a week or even two. But sometimes there is no time to wait, because there is a celebration on the nose, or for some other reason there is no desire to wait for the period set for home moonshine.

In such situations, it is possible to speed up the fermentation of the mash, although it should be noted right away that this can be fraught with a deterioration in the quality of the final alcoholic product.

The very process of making moonshine remains the same, regardless of whether the mash will stand for five or ten days. The following indicators influence the maturation of the mash: the quality and freshness of the yeast, the composition of the mash, the temperature conditions and the location in which the raw material will ferment - it needs to happen in the dark. Based on these four points, you can imagine how you can speed up the fermentation process.

In specialized stores today they sell ready-made dressings - the so-called activators, which increase the speed of the microorganisms in the mash. But the quality of the original product does not decrease from this.

However, since moonshine is a natural drink, then top dressing for it can also be prepared at home. As stimulants for accelerating the fermentation process of mash, you can easily use:

  1. Crusts of black bread. It is known that they are added during the preparation of kvass, in which they just help to improve its fermentation. The same function will be carried out by adding a small amount of crusts to the mash.
  2. Raisin. The surface of the dried berries contains wild yeast, which will speed up the fermentation of the mash without changing its taste. Raisins do not need to be washed.
  3. Tomato paste. It is considered an unusual option, but still accelerates the fermentation of mash. To do this, for 15-20 liters it is supposed to add 100-200 gr. pastes.
  4. Corn or peas. They are fraught with the formation of an excessive amount of foam that will need to be collected, but at the same time they really greatly accelerate the fermentation of the product. For 10-15 liters of mash, several glasses of these legumes are added.
  5. oranges. The juice of one fruit is enough to speed up the fermentation process of 10 liters of mash. But you still need to mix it intensively and often for the first two days.

In general, the use of natural dressings can shorten the maturation process of the mash by several days, but the main thing in this matter is not to overdo it with their addition, otherwise not only the speed of home-brewed moonshine production will change, but also its taste.

Saturation of mash with oxygen

To provide microorganisms with conditions for normal life, it is important to arrange for them access to oxygen. This can be achieved by periodically shaking the container with mash or mixing it several times a day. The second option will be more effective, especially when it comes to speeding up the process.

To achieve this, you can use a mixer or a drill with a special nozzle.. But it is necessary to saturate the mash with oxygen together with the use of additional dressings, because in the absence of increased nutrition, there will be no rapid reproduction of microorganisms.

Temperature control

Every degree in the room, which contains a container with it, is capable of slowing down the fermentation process of the mash. In order for fermentation to take place around the clock, you need to arrange constant heat, while trying not to overheat the mash, as this can also be harmful.

For example, you can wrap a container with future moonshine with a blanket, exclude all drafts and place heat-insulating material under the bottom. This will not have a significant effect on the speed of the process, but the risk of stopping the work of microorganisms will decrease and only due to this the distillation solution will mature a few days earlier.

But no matter what tricks are used to speed up the fermentation process of the mash, nothing will work if high-quality yeast was not used initially. It is on them that the whole course of the process depends, it is they who determine its duration, and it is from them that the solution acquires a special smell.

Wine yeast is considered the highest quality and most suitable for success in the fermentation of mash, but you can use both regular and beer yeast.

To make high-quality, strong and tasty moonshine, you need to choose the right mash recipe, focusing on the dates originally indicated in it. Yes, they can be accelerated, but you should not be too zealous with this, as this is fraught with a low concentration of alcohol and low nutritional value of the solution, which will necessarily affect the output of moonshine.

The process of maturation of mash for moonshine lasts on average 5-14 days. The time depends on the yeast used and what is present in the wort. If there is no time to wait, the process can be accelerated through a process such as feeding mash. Implement this process most different ways, the main thing is that the overall quality is not damaged. It should be noted right away that it will not be possible to significantly reduce the time, it is important to know the measure and set the most realistic deadlines.

What determines the fermentation time

The procedure for making moonshine is characterized by a clear technology. When using one recipe, the mash will win back in 5 days, and the use of other methods implies an exposure of 10 days. There are priority indicators that affect the maturation time of the mash. Among them stand out:

  1. Yeasts are characterized by different indicators of the activity of the constituent microorganisms. These parameters depend not only on the basic conditions for their development, but also on freshness and origin. For a perfect fermentation, wine yeast should be preferred, fresh and properly stored. If storage conditions have been violated, the vital activity of bacteria will be reduced, which will negatively affect their activity.
  2. The mash recipe used and the correct proportions of the main ingredients are important. The composition of the wort determines not only the fermentation process itself, but also the main flavors and quality of the future drink. The total aging time of the mash is influenced by the amount of sugar and top dressing.
  3. The aging temperature of the drink - affects the ripening time and the intensity of fermentation. For normal fermentation, you need to maintain a temperature of 18 to 30 degrees. A decrease will cause the yeast to "fall asleep" and an increase will cause it to die. The most dangerous is an elevated temperature, since in the first case the yeast can be “wakened up”, and if it is overheated, it will be impossible to return it to life.
  4. Fermentation containers must be for food materials and not react with alcohol or acidic environments. Ideal containers made of stainless steel, glass or food-grade plastic.
  5. It is necessary to exclude the ingress of sunlight or bright light on the mash. The place where the braga stands should be darkened or the container should not let light through.

These are the main points that must be taken into account in order to get a good home brew, and subsequently moonshine.

Important! If you have questions related to why it does not ferment or wanders poorly, first of all it is worth analyzing all the points listed above.

Popular dressing options

If fermentation is very slow, you need to know how to speed up the fermentation. The main thing is to first determine the cause. Sometimes it is quite enough to simply review and arrange more comfortable conditions for fermentation. It could be an increase in temperature. In special cases, it may be necessary to combine different methods, so you can significantly speed up the fermentation process, make it as fast as possible without causing damage to the overall quality of the future drink.

High-quality top dressing for sugar mash and any other can be made by hand or bought in a store. Consider simple, understandable and time-tested methods.

  1. Black bread crusts. Recipes based on it have been known since ancient times, when black bread was used to make alcoholic beverages. Bread nourishes the mash useful substances which will speed up the activity of the yeast.
  2. tomato paste. This is enough unusual option top dressing, but very effective. 150 grams of pasta is added to 20 liters of mash, thanks to which the drink quickly “enlivens”.
  3. Dried fruits. Add a handful of raisins and dried apricots, dried fruits are not washed, as on their surface there are substances and bacteria that feed the yeast. On the basis of raisins, you can make a starter that is not inferior in quality to cultural yeast.
  4. Peas or corn. If you add two or three glasses to 15 liters of mash, you can seriously speed up the fermentation reactions. The only drawback here is the excessive formation of foam. But this is not a problem, it is enough to put a small piece of biscuits or black bread on the surface of the mash, and fast fermentation will be ensured.
  5. Ready top dressing. These are well-designed mixtures, which contain various vitamins, minerals and numerous enzymes. They saturate the mash with nutrients and accelerate fermentation.

Advice! When making mash for moonshine from sugar, be sure to feed it, without it it will be difficult for the yeast to quickly process sugar.

Proper feeding of yeast reduces the ripening time by a couple of days. The main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of additives, as there is a risk of spoiling the taste of the final drink. If the fermentation is too active, unwanted by-products of the vital activity of the yeast are released.

Summing up

Different methods of baiting will be effective only if only high-quality raw materials were used. Yeast is important for playing back the mash, since the course of the process depends on them, with the help of yeast it is possible to increase and decrease the total number of days of mash maturation and even give the drink an unpleasant smell. It is equally important to pay attention to the right brew recipe.

Trying to speed up fermentation, it is worth observing the measure. Excessive zeal will significantly degrade the overall quality of moonshine.

The process of making moonshine has a clear technology, but in one situation the mash costs 5 days, and in another more than 10, but the yield of the alcohol itself is the same. This is quite realistic if the main factors affecting the rate of maturation of the future distillation solution are known. If we consider the priority indicators that affect how many days the mash will be infused, then the following points can be distinguished:

  • Yeast. The activity of peculiar microorganisms can be different, it depends not only on the conditions of their development, but also on the origin, freshness. Better choose fresh yeast, preferably wine, which was stored appropriately. Weak vital activity of bacteria will affect the formation of alcohol compounds, speed;
  • , the proportions of the main ingredients. The composition of the wort determines not only the taste, the quality of the future moonshine, but also what the fermentation will be like. By choosing starch raw materials, fermentation can be greatly accelerated than using, for example, berries, fruits, jam. The content of sugar or “food” for yeast can also affect the aging time, which must be taken into account when determining a particular recipe, proportions, composition;
  • temperature conditions. Temperature indicators affect how much it costs, the mash ripens, with what intensity the distillation of moonshine will take place, and the total yield of the product. If we consider the fermentation itself, then it is necessary to maintain an interval of 25-35 degrees, a decrease will lead to yeast “falling asleep”, and an increase will lead to death. If in the first case, the fungi can be reanimated, then when overheated, the microorganisms cannot be returned;
  • Location, container. More often, the mash is placed in a dark place, the dishes are chosen mainly glass, it is better to use a water seal, devices for regulating the ripening process.

These four points are fundamental, which must be considered at first initial stage in order to get a good solution in a short time, with the necessary strength for future moonshine.

If questions arise why the mixture does not “play”, does not ferment well, then first of all you need to analyze the above points.

Just following the technology is not enough to get the mash at the scheduled interval, and for such cases, all experienced winemakers have their own secrets.

Fermentation Acceleration Options

If it seems that the solution is not preparing fast enough, then you do not need to immediately try to use all kinds of methods, you first need to determine why this process occurs. Perhaps it will be enough to organize more comfortable conditions for the mash, for example, take care of the temperature, but this is the easiest way, more often fermentation is stimulated by one of the options:

  1. top dressing;
  2. Aeration or oxygen saturation;
  3. Maintaining the temperature necessary for high-quality fermentation.

In especially neglected cases, when the mixture slowly ferments, several methods can be combined at once, which will only increase the efficiency of the entire process. At the same time, one should not forget about the measure, since excessive stimulation of the yeast will cause a deterioration in the quality of moonshine.

Fertilizing mash, some features

How many days fermentation will take place can be adjusted independently, even if the wort is already harvested. To do this, you can use top dressing, they can be natural, made from improvised products or purchased ready-made. Some do not trust the last option or activator, thinking that then the mash will contain harmful substances, but this is not so. An additive that activates the work of microorganisms can be a mixture of enzymes, vitamins, minerals and some other elements that increase the nutritional value of the solution, and hence the rate of yeast reproduction. An increase in the number of fungi, sufficient nutrition for it due to the must and the activator makes it possible for the mash to ferment faster. You can buy activators in specialized stores, including online resources. If, after feeding them, no significant changes have occurred and the reactions proceed in the same mode, then you still need to find the reason why this happens. It may be necessary to re-brew the wort or add better quality yeast.

Top dressing can also be prepared at home, since quite affordable products can act as a kind of stimulants, the necessary food for yeast:

  • Black bread, crusts are better. The recipe has been known since ancient times, when black bread was used to make alcoholic beverages, kvass. The composition allows you to enhance the action of fungi and create a favorable nutrient medium;
  • Tomato paste. Quite an unusual option, but effective. It is enough to add 100-200 grams per 15-20 liters of home brew, it can "perk up". There are even wort recipes with tomato paste, where the final output does not differ from analogues with cereals;
  • Dried fruits. Usually a handful of raisins is added, less often dried apricots. It is believed that grapes of certain varieties are indispensable not only for cooking low alcohol drinks but also for moonshine. You can even make your own sourdough starter from raisins, which will not yield to conventional yeast. An important feature the use of such an additive - there is no need to wash dried fruits, since their surface contains natural and necessary bacteria for brewing;
  • Corn, peas. By adding a few cups of legumes to 10-15 liters of solution, the reactions can be greatly accelerated, but excessive foaming is possible. This does not need to be frightened, remove the foam, you should throw a little black bread into the container, a piece of biscuit.

The use of bait reduces the ripening period by several days, sometimes it even turns out to cook a mature mash in just 2-3 days.

The main thing is not to overdo it with additives, otherwise the taste will deteriorate along with the quick readiness. This is especially true for unusual ingredients, in particular ammonia, which is also sometimes added to speed up fermentation.

Aeration or oxygenation

For the normal functioning of fungi, oxygen access is necessary, the more yeast, the higher the need for this gas. You can ensure such conditions by periodically shaking the container, but thorough mixing several times a day will be more effective. Some use a mixer, others use a drill with a special nozzle, but all these actions are aimed at high-quality aeration of the solution. It is on the principle that the more oxygen, the less days required for fermentation, a recipe for mash for moonshine in a washing machine was invented. Exquisite alcohol cannot be obtained by this method, but after a few hours it will be obtained. Even an automatic machine is suitable for this, just you can not set the temperature above 40 degrees. Guarantees that the experiment will end successfully are not very high, but the reviews of strong alcohol manufacturers say that this method is the place to be.

Systematic mixing should take place in conjunction with additional feeding, since in the absence of nutrition, the reproduction of fungi will not take place. Sometimes it might be simple groats, ready-made activators, legumes and so on.

Maintaining the temperature, as an option to reduce the days of cooking mash

If the solution ferments at different rates, which may be due to temperature changes, then maintaining a constant parameter will help reduce the overall cooking time. For example, Braga stands in a dark place. The average room temperature is 25 ° C, this indicator may not be enough for the full activation of fungi, since every degree is important for this process. For various reasons, the temperature may change, for example, ventilation, draft, and so on. A decrease in indicators even by a few points “slows down” the reactions and the question arises why the product is not ready for so long. In order for fermentation to take place around the clock, it is necessary to organize constant heat, but at the same time, do not overheat the mash, since the yeast itself also emits heat. For these purposes, you can wrap the container with a blanket, put heat-insulating material under the bottom, eliminate constant drafts, and lower temperatures. It will not be possible to significantly change the readiness period, but for several days the distillation solution will mature faster, and the risk of “falling asleep” of microorganisms will decrease.

All these tricks will be effective if they were originally applied. good yeast, quality raw materials. If you want to cook a decent strong drink at home, then excessive savings will only spoil all the labor costs. Yeast is very important for the future moonshine, it is they who can change the course of the process, increase or decrease the number of days of ripening, and give the solution a peculiar smell. For example, if raw or beer components are used, there will be a typical aroma that will be difficult to remove even with repeated distillation. To be sure of the effectiveness of fermentation, it is recommended to use special ones, they are quite affordable, they allow you to prepare a solution with a high alcohol concentration in a few days. If desired, you can prepare a starter, for example, using raisins, but technology and raw materials are also important in this matter.

For tasty, strong moonshine, at the initial stage, you need to choose the right brew recipe and focus on the specified dates. There is no need to hurry too much in this matter, since the low concentration of alcohol, associated with the weak work of yeast, the low nutritional value of the solution, will affect the output of moonshine.

This question is often generated by novice moonshiners who rely primarily on speed. Moonshine is a craft in which haste is simply inappropriate. I immediately want to ask a counter question - is it necessary to interfere with the mash during fermentation !? This is a process in which living microorganisms, yeast, work without human intervention, and I personal experience I will say more - the more calm the mash will stand, the better and more completely it will ferment without mixing! And now, in order and with detailed explanations.

Why is it not necessary to stir the mash during fermentation?

Braga is recommended to interfere with many resources on the Internet, and the authors give strict instructions to use alcohol yeast, and only “turbo”, and only sold in a particular store “with delivery to best price". Let's turn to physics - my favorite science, which is capable of plain language explain complex phenomena. So, what is the fermentation process - what happens in the mash?

  • Yeast - live fungi, begin to actively divide in favorable conditions, and in the absence of oxygen, they process sugar, releasing by-products - alcohol and carbon dioxide
  • Yeast is evenly distributed throughout the mash due to boiling - carbon dioxide rises in small bubbles from the bottom and walls, like in a bottle of champagne or other carbonated drink, so the mixing process happens by itself. These bubbles carry the yeast particles from the lower layers to the upper layers.
  • Gradually, the yeast begins to sink into the lower part, and the upper part of the mash becomes lighter - this is not just normal, but extremely necessary, and mixing the mash at this moment means slowing down the fermentation process

On the final point, for sure, additional clarification is needed. So, the density of alcohol is lower than the density of water, which means that in the total container in the mash it rises to the top, while the sugary liquid falls down. And we, experienced moonshiners, already know that yeast dies in an environment with high content alcohol. Gradually, yeast also sinks to the bottom - that is why they eventually precipitate, as their activity in the mash already saturated with alcohol decreases, and they die. That is, by lifting the sugary liquid from the bottom of the fermentation tank and mixing it with the upper layers saturated with alcohol, you do not speed up, but rather slow down the process.

And why else shouldn't you interfere with the mash

Braga should not be interfered with for one more reason - for this you will at least have to periodically open the container. And it is impossible to let air into the fermentation tank, since the concentration of oxides, and, in other words, vinegar, increases in the mash. That is, believing that you are accelerating the fermentation process, you are simply killing it. Yes, it will end faster, because part of the mash due to such “aeration” will turn into acetic acid, and some into alcohol. But this acceleration will not give you more output. Therefore, the fact that stirring accelerates fermentation is a delusion. The duration of fermentation is reduced due to losses resulting from the processing of raw materials into vinegar. Some craftsmen put some kind of special devices to keep air out. True, I have never seen in practice that this gives a greater yield or really reduces the fermentation period.

If you want to ensure a full yield and save time at the fermentation stage, then take better care of the optimal conditions for this process to take place, namely:

  • Make sure that the container under the water seal is completely sealed.
  • Try to keep the mash in a room with a temperature of +25 C o, in which there will be a minimum of vibrations
  • Use proven yeast, do not violate the proportions at the preparation stage
  • Do not drain the mash ahead of time - let it stand longer than less. Optimal - at least 7-8 days

And most importantly - do not interfere with Braga to “play” calmly - without your participation, it will ripen much better, and you can get a good yield of a quality product, in which the soul of a patient artisan will be invested, and not a hasty alcoholic. IN last resort, if the issue of time is very acute, just remove the braga earlier - I sometimes had to do this when I needed to send a package to friends or relatives in other regions. The output will be a little lower, but the quality is up to the mark.

Braga preparation? The process is simple and accessible to everyone. If you have the necessary tools and ingredients, it will not take much time.

Almost all vegetables, fruits, grains containing sugar and / or starch are suitable as the basis of the wort for mash. Old jam, honey will fit perfectly for grouting. Starch-containing products are first saccharified, then the mash is kneaded. Sugar? the main component in the must, since alcohol is formed precisely from the combination of yeast with sugar.

Preparation of mash from sugar and dry yeast

When mixing wort from fruits and vegetables, it is difficult for a beginner to determine the consumption of sugar, yeast and the volume of moonshine at the exit. But there is a simple, proven recipe with a guaranteed result. To implement it, you need to prepare the following products:

  • water;
  • sugar;
  • yeast.

The number of ingredients is determined based on purely personal needs for moonshine.

The proportions of the classic recipe for obtaining 10 liters. moonshine:

  • water? 30 l
  • granulated sugar? 8 kg
  • dry yeast? 150-200 gr.

It is believed that from 1 kg of granulated sugar 1.2 liters will be obtained. moonshine.

Some winemakers insist on the ?rule 10? (10 liters of 40-45 ° moonshine comes out of 10 kg of sugar):

  • water? 40 l
  • granulated sugar? 10 kg
  • dry yeast? 300 gr.

The amount of yeast is always approximate, since their activity depends on the expiration date, on the manufacturer.

Sugar is added to the mash without further processing. There is no need to turn it into syrup. It dissolves well in warm water.

Water can be taken from the water supply, only it needs to be allowed to settle for half a day. Boiled water is unsuitable for fermentation. Yeast in such water will not work to its full potential.

According to the classic recipe, mash is prepared by simply mixing all the ingredients. Sugar is poured into the water, stirred, and diluted yeast is added.

Which yeast to use

Yeast is one of the main components in the preparation of the beer substrate. They are represented by different

  • pressed;
  • bakery;
  • alcohol;
  • beer;
  • wine.

Wine yeast is very expensive and is used to ferment wine. Beer houses are more used in cosmetology and medicine. Pressed or live? the product is perishable, you can find them at bakeries, in specialized stores. For regular grocery stores? this is a rare product.

The most commonly used dry alcohol or baker's yeast, but marked "for baking and drinks". Such yeasts are more viable. But how they will behave is difficult to predict. It can be a rapid fermentation in 15-20 minutes, or their activity will manifest itself in a few hours.

How to cook mash for moonshine

Braga is prepared in food-grade plastic containers, aluminum flasks, and barrels. The main condition is that the material does not succumb to oxidation. Therefore, galvanized and copper dishes are not suitable. Is it desirable that the canisters be with a wide neck? they are easier to wash after distillation. The volume of the container depends on the desired amount of moonshine.

During violent fermentation, the foam rises with a cap, so the vessel must be filled so that a quarter of it remains free. When the foam breaks out of the container, the mash can be poured into another dish, and then drained back. After 2–3 days, active fermentation will end and pass into a passive stage, which will last another 8–10 days.

At this stage, a water seal is installed on the tank. The following facts speak in his favor:

  • it is convenient to monitor the maturation of the mash by the emerging gas bubbles;
  • the smell in the room becomes less;
  • a water seal prevents souring.

Optimal temperature for fermentation

Temperature control? important condition for fermentation. The temperature range should
stay in the region of 20-28°. Will lowering the temperature slow down the yeast? high temperature is completely destructive for them.

It should be taken into account the fact that in the early days, during rapid fermentation, the temperature of the liquid rises, so there is no need to additionally warm the mash.

In the following days, at low room temperature, the container with mash can be wrapped up to keep warm. Old blankets, outerwear are suitable for this.

In the heating season, the vessel is placed on batteries or is it resorted to using a special device? thermostat. This device is used to heat water in aquariums. The alternating operation of the thermostat avoids the effect of boiling. Just keep in mind that if the mash is very steep, the must particles can stick to the walls of the device.

Is it worth stirring the mash during fermentation

At the first stage of fermentation, when the foam breaks out, it is not necessary to knock it down and mix the mash. This will only make the situation worse. It will be enough to pour out some of the liquid.

During the ?quiet? ripening sometimes requires heating. When using a thermostat, the mash must be stirred for uniform heating, since the device heats up and shows the temperature of the upper layer.

In general, there is no need to mix the mash. This will not speed up the maturation process and will not affect the strength. The natural fermentation process will do it all by itself. The spent yeast will settle to the bottom, and stirring will only excite them and interfere with determining the readiness of the drink.

How to determine the readiness of mash

It is important to determine the right moment for distillation. Premature forcing will reduce the yield of moonshine and lower its degree. Braga overexposed for more than two weeks can turn sour.

The readiness of the product for distillation is determined in several ways:

It is better if there are results on several indicators at once.

Do you need to remove sediment?

The opinions of winemakers are divided on the issue of whether to remove the mash from the sediment or not. In many ways, this depends on the device of the distillation cube of the moonshine still. In simple distillation devices, the container with mash is used as a cube. In this case, it is not necessary to remove it from the sediment. It is believed that from this the fortress of moonshine is lost.

For the preparation of alcohol in devices of a more complex design or industrial production, it would be better to get rid of the yeast sediment, since it can burn to the walls during the heating process.
distillation cube, especially if the wort was prepared from fruit raw materials.

You can remove the mash from the sediment using a flexible hose with a diameter of about 1 cm. It is not advisable to use a pipeline with a smaller diameter, because it will clog. The end of the hose is lowered into the wash and fixed 2–3 cm from the sediment. The mouth draws air from the hose to start the movement of the liquid.

Lightening is also optional. This procedure is carried out to free the mash from the remaining suspension. It is believed that this will improve the taste of moonshine and in the future it will take less time to clean it.

The most common method? clarification with white clay. Clay (1 tablespoon) is diluted in 500 gr. warm water and poured into the vessel. A day later, the mash is again removed from the resulting sediment.

Braga, mashed on fruit, is clarified with gelatin. A package of gelatin is poured overnight with water, then added to the drink. The flakes precipitate after 2-3 days. Braga is ready to move.