Raspberry jam. Raspberry jam with whole berries: a recipe for the winter

Raspberry jam is not only a wonderful delicacy, it is also a cure for many ailments, and in particular for the common cold. There are many ways to make raspberry jam, and each of them finds its fans. Raspberries are very fragrant, appetizing, and all these properties are more than conveyed by jam. Try these recipes and choose the best ones.

Raspberry jam for the winter

In order to make jam from raspberries for the winter, the berries must first be prepared, sorted out, and looked at so that there are no worms. By the way, to prepare such a jam, you do not have to take exactly whole berries, you can also take those from which you removed several spoiled links.

Ingredients you will need to make raspberry jam:

Raspberry sorted - 5 kilograms;

A glass of boiled water;

Sugar - 3 kilograms.

It is necessary to mix the already prepared raspberries with water and all the sugar in a large basin and put on fire to boil. The fire must initially be made small, and after boiling, it should be completely reduced to a minimum. Cook, stirring constantly, until everything is cooked through. You will know when the jam is ready, by the color - it will become dark. If you do not want the jam to become dark, but to remain a pleasant color, you need to rub the raspberries through a sieve before cooking to remove the seeds.

Raspberry marmalade for the winter

In order to prepare raspberry marmalade for the winter, you will need the following:

2 cups of granulated sugar;

A kilogram of sorted raspberries.

Raspberries must be transferred to the basin, put on fire. The flame must be minimal. Wait until the raspberries are warm enough to release their juices. While the raspberries are hot, you need to rub it through a sieve, and then mix with the right amount Sahara. Put everything on fire again, this time make the flame big enough. Constantly stirring the contents of the basin, you need to cook the raspberries so that they thicken. The jars in which you will lay out the raspberries must be sterilized. Such marmalade is laid out and rolled up only when hot.

Raspberry jam for the winter

To prepare this jam for the winter, you will need the following ingredients:

Sugar - 1 kilogram;

Raspberry sorted - 1 kilogram.

You need to take raspberries and cover them with half of all the sugar. Leave the raspberries to infuse for 6 hours. After that, you must collect the juice that you get during the infusion process, pour it into a separate pan. After that, sprinkle the berries with the sugar that you have left, and cook it all for about five minutes. Next, you need to boil a separate syrup and move all the berries into it. Do not turn off until the jam is completely reduced. After that, you need to decompose everything into sterilized jars while it is hot. Next, you need to cover each jar with a lid and put it on sterilization. Sterilize jars for half a liter for 10 minutes, and jars for 15 minutes for a liter.

Delicious raspberry jam for the winter

For it you will need the following ingredients:

Water - 400 ml;

Sugar - 1 kilogram;

Raspberries - 1 kilogram.

You need to take water and sugar, make it so thick syrup so that the droplets do not spread if they are dropped onto a plate. After that, you need to dip the prepared raspberries into syrup and cook until everything is completely boiled down. Take jars already sterilized in advance, put jam there, roll up and turn over, cool overnight.

Raspberry jam for the winter, cooked in the microwave

You can even make raspberry jam using the microwave. In order to try making such a jam, you will need to take:

Raspberries - 1 kilogram;

Sugar - 1 kilogram;

Citric acid - 4 grams;

Glass of water.

You need to cook jam so mix water and sugar, place in a microwave oven, in which the regulator is set to full power. Let your syrup boil down for 5 or 15 minutes. The time depends on the capabilities of the microwave oven.

In general, every three minutes the syrup must be stirred. After that, in sugar syrup, while it is hot, you need to put berries and citric acid and mix everything well. After you need to put it all at full power in the microwave and cook, stirring the contents of the container several times in the process. After the jam is laid out in jars, rolled up.

Raspberry jam for the winter

To prepare this raspberry jam, you will need the following:

Raspberries - 12 glasses;

Sugar - 13 glasses;

A glass of plain water.

We prepare like this. First, we take all the berries, sort them out, wash them very carefully, putting them in portions on a sieve or colander so that the water is completely glass. Then take sugar - 6.5 cups and water. Make a fairly thick syrup out of this. After you need to take raspberries and put in syrup, bring it all to a boil, stirring all the time with a wooden spoon. Boil for at least 15 minutes after boiling. Then you need to add the sugar that you have left, mix everything with a wooden spoon until it dissolves completely. Immediately, as this happens, you need to pour everything into sterilized jars, warmed up very much. This jam is very similar to jelly.

Raspberry jam for the winter

In order to make this jam, you will need to buy the following:

Sugar - 1 kilogram;

Raspberries - 1 kilogram;

Water - 15 ml.

It is necessary to very carefully sort and rinse the berries, let the water drain from them, then you need to fill everything with half of all the sugar and leave to infuse for about 5 hours. Next, the juice that you have formed must be drained, but add water and sugar that remains to the berries. Boil the syrup, and fill it with the berries that you have left. Then cook until everything is fully cooked. This jam is poured into jars until it has cooled, and immediately corked.

Raspberry jam for the winter

Prepare the following ingredients for raspberry jam:

1.5 kilograms of granulated sugar;

A kilogram of raspberries;

Water - 500 ml.

You need to take the syrup that you have already cooked from water and sugar in advance, and fill it with clean and sorted raspberries. After putting the container on the fire, wait until everything boils, and cook for about 5 minutes. Next, you must give this mass time to cool down to air temperature. After that, cook again for about 10 minutes after boiling, cool, no more than 20 minutes. Put it back on the fire and cook the raspberry jam until you think it's done. Place in jars, roll up, cool, take out in the cold.

Raspberry jam

For this raspberry jam, you will need to prepare the following products:

Water - 800 ml;

Raspberries - kilogram;

Sugar - 1.5 kilograms.

First you need to sort out the berries and rinse them in very cold stagnant water several times. After you need to dry them. Next, you must prepare a syrup from sugar and water, dip the berries into it and “forget” for 4 hours. After that, you need to pour the syrup into another bowl and boil for about 7 minutes. Pour in the raspberries again. The basin in which you are preparing the jam must be placed on a very small flame, cook everything until tender. After that, everything must be poured into jars, rolled up and cooled.

Fragrant raspberry jam for the winter

To make this jam, you need to take the following ingredients:

Raspberries - 1 kilogram;

Sugar sand - 1, 45.

You need to take the berries and fill them up for the winter, leave them overnight. After in the morning you need to put a container with berries on a very small fire, wait until the sugar is completely dissolved. Once this has happened, you can increase the heat and cook very quickly. The faster the jam is cooked, the more beautiful its color.

Raspberry jam for the winter

Products you need for cooking:

Water - 4 glasses;

Raspberries - 1 kilogram;

Sugar - 2 kilograms;

Citric acid - 2 teaspoons.

You need to take a basin and pour water into it, then you need to add sugar and immediately carefully place the berries. After that, the contents of the pelvis must be put on a very weak fire. Jam must be cooked at a time. Before laying out the jam in jars, you need to add to it required amount citric acid.

Raspberry jam for the winter in 15 minutes

To make this jam, you will need:

Sugar - 1.5 kilograms;

Raspberries - kilogram.

You need to take raspberries and sprinkle them with sugar, and then put everything in the refrigerator for the night. After that, you need to get the basin and immediately put on the largest fire. Wait for the jam to boil, and after that you need to reduce the flame and cook everything in 15 minutes.

Arrange everything in pre-sterilized jars.

Raspberry jam for the winter

So, the products for making raspberry jam:

Sugar - half a kilogram;

Raspberries - 1 kilogram.

It is necessary to wash and sort the raspberries and cover them with sugar. After that, you need to wait for the juice - it will take you at least 3 hours, more often even 4. Then you need to move the container in which you will cook on the stove - on a very small fire. After boiling, as it boils, no longer than seven minutes. Remember that the jam must be stirred all the time.

The jars into which you will pour the jam must be not only sterilized, but also hot.

After that, roll everything up, turn it over, and wrap it up for two days - let it cool.

Raspberry jam in five minutes for the winter

In order to cook this very tasty jam, you will not need much time - it will take you much longer to sort out the berries themselves. So, you need to take the following products:

Fresh raspberries - 2 kilograms;

Sugar - 2 kilograms.

It is necessary to wash and sort the raspberries, discard the spoiled ones. After that, you should sprinkle it with sugar and leave it for about 4, maximum 5 hours, let the juice flow. Next, you must collect the juice that you have obtained and put it on fire in an enamel bowl. It should boil for at least 10 minutes. You will get such a fragrant syrup in which you must dip the berries. Let everything boil, and after that you should reduce the fire and cook everything for about 5 minutes. Jam is poured into dry jars and rolled up immediately hot.

"Live" raspberries for the winter

For vitamin raspberries that keep the largest number of its wonderful properties, you will need to take:

Sugar - to taste - from 1 to 2 kilograms;

Raspberries - kilogram.

You need to take raspberries, sort out all the berries properly, and then move them to the container in which you are going to cook.

The most important thing is that raspberries cannot be washed, otherwise the jam will definitely not stand without cooking.

Take sugar, following such simple arithmetic - if your jam should stand all winter, then you need to take the maximum amount of sugar, if only a month and a half, then you can put less sugar.

After you need to stir everything so that the sugar melts. Arrange in jars that you previously sterilized, but not to the very end, leave about a centimeter to topple. And pour sugar to the height of this remaining centimeter. After a while, this sugar forms a crust, which will prevent the jam from spoiling.

Raspberries in sugar syrup

To cook raspberries sugar syrup, you will need:

300 ml of water;

A kilogram of raspberries;

Sugar - 1.25 kilograms

You need to take the raspberries that you have already dried after washing and rub them through a sieve or colander with a spoon. After you need to make a syrup of sugar and water, let it boil, then filter the syrup and boil again. Stir in raspberries.

After that, the raspberries need to be laid out in jars, which must be pre-heated, and closed with lids, be sure to boil for several minutes.

Such jam is not chilled upside down.

How much different jams every hostess cooks, just do not count. But there is one thing about which a special conversation. Miracle drug, summer in a jar fragrant dessert for tea, jam-healer - that's how this special jam is affectionately called. And it's made from raspberries. Raspberry jam is a real tradition for everyone in the summer season. If we mention the benefits of dessert, then raspberry jam for the winter, a simple recipe for which everyone should know, deservedly has the status of one of the most useful. Yes, raspberry jam is also very tasty, but when preparing it for the future, every housewife, first of all, perceives it as beautiful folk remedy from a cold, which will remove the heat, and nourish with vitamins, and give strength. That's why you want to be fully armed when the army of viruses attacks all household members. And still, beneficial features- this is, of course, wonderful. But I also want to remember amazing taste. This wonderful treat is indispensable for a long time. winter evenings as an addition to fluffy pancakes or fritters. Raspberry jam is so bright that it simply bewitches even those who are in principle indifferent to this kind of dessert. It is simply impossible to resist even a small portion!


  • 1 kg of raspberries;
  • 1 kg of sugar.

A simple recipe for raspberry jam for the winter

1. First of all, we will choose the dishes for making jam. From time immemorial, any jam has always been prepared in copper basins, since they heat up evenly and keep the temperature well. I decided not to deviate from traditions and make jam in a family copper basin. If there is no copper basin, the task of making delicious jam will do well enamelware or stainless steel cookware. Well, if you use a copper basin, it must be checked for the presence of copper oxide. And if such places are found, it should be etched with any abrasive. We will use sand. Carefully remove the oxide, and then wash the basin with soap and hot water. We dry the vessel (it is possible under the hot rays of the sun). Now the copper basin is ready for operation. Yes, we will still need a divider on the stove so that the basin warms up evenly.

2. Now let's deal with the berry. We sort out raspberries. We remove overripe and unripe specimens, sepals and other debris. Sorted berries carefully put in a colander and immersed in water. Raspberry is a very delicate berry, so you can wash it only by immersion. Immerse the colander several times, changing the water until it is completely clean. Next, leave the raspberries so that the excess liquid is glass. We do this whole procedure if the berry is bought on the market. If raspberries are collected on your site, then there is no urgent need to wash them.

3. Gently transfer clean and dry raspberries to a basin.

4. We fill the raspberries with granulated sugar according to the recipe and leave for 5-7 hours so that the juice stands out. In the allotted time, the berry will be all in liquid, you can start making jam.

5. To cook raspberry jam for the winter on your own simple recipe, it won't take much time. It will take us literally 30 minutes. So, let's get started. We send the basin to a moderate fire. After boiling, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook practically, stirring all the time, 30 minutes. Stir the jam with a wooden spoon, gently lifting the berry from the bottom. I use a long spoon made of food grade plastic (or some similar material). But in no case should you use an iron spoon when stirring the jam, because as a result of their interaction, oxidation occurs and the jam can slightly change the taste.

6. As soon as the raspberry jam begins to boil, foam forms on its surface. This is nothing but the first proteins, the remains of motes from berries, sugar. I mean, it's not jam at all.

7. Be sure to remove the resulting foam. Otherwise, she, remaining in the finished jam, will simply accelerate the souring of the product, which we certainly do not need.

8. At the end of cooking, the jam becomes transparent, with a beautiful red tint and amazing aroma.

9. While the jam is being cooked, you can simultaneously prepare the dishes. Responsibly approach the choice of cans. They should be without chips, any obvious damage. We take covers without defects, rust. After selecting the containers, they must be thoroughly washed with baking soda and rinse well under running water. Well, then be sure to sterilize, and boil the lids. There are several ways to sterilize containers: over steam, in a microwave or oven. You choose the most suitable method for yourself, see for more details. The jars are ready, the jam is cooked. From the declared ingredients at the output, we get 800-900 g of finished jam. Pour the fragrant dessert into containers, cork immediately with metal lids and turn upside down. We wrap the jam and leave it to cool completely on its own (at least a day). Then you can transfer the jam to a cool place for storage.

Raspberry jam "Five minutes".

Today, the recipe for making raspberry jam, which is called "five minutes", is widely used. What is the essence and all the charm this method? The heat treatment period is reduced, while the berries retain vitamins and minerals better, which is more beneficial for the body. So, we fill the berry with sugar and leave it for 5 hours. Then, pour all the juice that has formed during this time into a separate container and boil. As soon as it boils, pour it back into the berries, place the basin on slow fire and boil for exactly 5 minutes. Remove the bowl from the stove and leave to cool completely. Next, we send the cold jam back to the stove and after boiling, cook for 5 minutes. We leave to cool. Boil the third time for 5 minutes. Pour the finished jam into sterile jars, roll up. Raspberry jam "five minutes" is ready!

Raspberry jam for the winter is thick.

There is another option for making raspberry jam, which deserves attention. This dessert has a very expressive raspberry flavor, as well as an amazing texture. It is quite thick, iridescent shades of red. This jam has a little secret - during the cooking process, pectin is added, a special mixture for jam or ordinary corn starch. This delicacy has a nice thick texture. The jam is not digested. Raspberries retain all their useful properties, as well as color and aroma. thick jam from raspberries for the winter can be safely used not only as a dessert for tea, but also as a filling for pies or pies.

No matter how you choose to cook raspberry jam, an excellent result awaits you at the exit! Enjoy your meal!

Raspberry jam recipes for the winter

To weld delicious jam from raspberries with whole berries, you should study the recipe below and strictly adhere to it. Let's prepare...

1 h 15 min

270 kcal

5/5 (2)

Raspberry jam is an amazingly fragrant, impeccably tasty, sweet treat. In addition to high taste characteristics, this sweetness benefits the whole body, and it is especially highly valued as medicinal product with colds, flu and other diseases. It is not at all difficult to prepare raspberry jam, and it takes the very minimum of time, but it is not always possible to make the berries retain their shape in the preparation. To cook raspberry jam with whole berries, it is worth study the recipe below and strictly adhere to it.

The most important, he is also the main one, the ingredient is raspberry, must be chosen with particular care:

  • berries should be fresh, not stale - during storage they crumple, lose their shape and juiciness;
  • on raspberries there should be no signs of spoilage, rot, be sure to check each berry for the presence of worms and throw out all spoiled fruits;
  • it is desirable that the raspberry was garden, not forest - it is larger, fragrant and juicy.

Before cooking ingredients should be prepared:

  1. Raspberries are sorted out, only berries suitable for conservation are left.
  2. Raspberries should be washed in fairly cool water collected in a container. As a rule, it is enough to wash the berries in two waters to remove adhering earth and foliage.
  3. Wash the berries only before use, otherwise it will not work to make jam with whole berries.

Banks also need to be prepared in advance - they are washed with soda, rinsed, steam sterilized. Seaming lids are also sterilized in without fail- they are boiled in boiling water for at least 5 minutes.

Step by step recipe with proportions

Jam with whole raspberries is prepared according to the classic Five Minute recipe, it contains a minimum of ingredients:


  1. Cooking technology simple - water, sugar and citric acid are boiled for 5 minutes, then berries are poured into the syrup.
  2. Stir the jam carefully so as not to crush the raspberries. The mixture is boiled for 5-8 minutes, during this time the emerging foam is removed.
  3. As soon as the jam is ready, it is poured into prepared jars and rolled up.
  4. Containers should not be turned over after seaming, but it will not be superfluous to wrap them with a blanket or towel
  5. . After cooling, the jars are transferred to a cool place, so the workpiece will stand all winter and not deteriorate.

To make your jam as tasty as possible, and the berries do not fall apart - listen to the following recommendations:

  • It is absolutely not worth washing the berries under running water - they will wrinkle and may “leak”. In general, it is better not to wash raspberries at all, and if necessary, use water poured into a container.
  • To make more liquid jam- reduce the amount of sugar, to prepare a thicker mass - increase the mass of the sweet bulk ingredient.
  • The readiness of the sweets will be checked in the usual way - they drip a little jam on a saucer and see if it has spread. Ideally, the drop should remain the same shape.
  • If you want to get a thick, jam-like jam with whole berries, add pre-soaked gelatin to it.
  • Do not forget about cleanliness - jars and lids for them must necessarily undergo a sterilization procedure, otherwise the jam will deteriorate rather quickly.

How to store this jam

Raspberry blanks kept long enough- summer-made jam can be eaten even next spring. But, as a rule, they are eaten much faster. So that the jam does not lose its qualities, it should be stored under special conditions:

  • where the banks are sweet preservation, should be cool - room temperature already detrimental to jam;
  • the rays of the sun should not penetrate into the place with the blanks;
  • permanent lighting is also not welcome;
  • if the jar is open, then you can store the jam only in the refrigerator.

Ideal Locations for long term storage raspberry blanks- basement, cellar, refrigerator.

Raspberry jam is perhaps one of my favorites along with. It’s very, you know, delicious to spread a piece white bread oil, and on top of the oil, apply a layer of raspberry jam. And for the sake of this delicacy, I am ready to spend 30 minutes of time, during which I manage to prepare a couple of jars of wonderful raspberry jam.

If you are new to making jams for the winter, then I want to assure you that it is very simple and even exciting. Preparing jam is much easier than, for example, borscht or meatballs. You just take berries or fruits, wash them and, if necessary, sort them out. Add sugar and cook until done. Then you spill ready jam into a sterile container and seal. That's all.

As for the recipe for raspberry jam for the winter, it's just an extravaganza of taste and aroma. During the preparation of raspberry jam, a delicate aroma of this wonderful berry spreads throughout the house. The color of the jam itself resembles a ruby, and the inclusions of raspberry seeds in the jam mass make it even more interesting. And imagine how much benefit and pleasure a jar of raspberry jam will bring you, opened at the very height of winter, when the soul and body so desire tastes, colors and aromas. In general, I advise everyone to repeat my experience and prepare at least a couple of jars of raspberry jam for the winter, especially since the raspberry season is still in full swing.

And a few more words about proportions and output. I usually cook jam (including raspberry jam) using two parts of berries or fruits and one part of sugar, that is, for 1 kg of raspberries I take 500 g of sugar. Or I adjust the amount of sugar to taste in the case of sour berries and fruits. So, from 1.2 kg of raspberries and 600 g of sugar, 2 jars of jam were obtained, each 450 ml, that is, an incomplete liter of raspberry jam. Based on these figures, you can estimate how much jam you get and what volume of dishes to cook and sterilize.


  • 1.2 kg raspberries
  • 600 g granulated sugar

Preparing raspberry jam for the winter

So, we are transgressing to the preparation of raspberry jam for the winter. We sort out the raspberries, if there are spoiled ones, we remove them. Transfer the raspberries to a colander or large sieve and wash thoroughly.

It is better to know at least the approximate weight of raspberries, then it is easier to determine optimal amount Sahara. In most jam recipes, it is recommended to add 1 kg of sugar per 1 kg of fruit. The fact is that if such proportions are observed, sugar covers the taste of berries and the jam turns out to be too sweet. In order for the jam to be canned and stored long time you don't need that much sugar. You can listen to my recommendations, or you can cook the old fashioned way, you decide. In any case, the amount of sugar in jam is a matter of taste.

Since my kitchen scale showed the weight of raspberries 1.2 kg, so I measure out 600 g of sugar and add it to the pan, where the washed raspberries are already waiting.

Usually at this step it is recommended to wait a few hours or overnight. I do not wait, but immediately put the pan with raspberries and sugar on the stove and start cooking raspberry jam over low heat, stirring it with a wooden spoon.

After 10 minutes, all the sugar will dissolve in the juice that the raspberries managed to put out. This is just the beginning. Now from this semi-liquid mass we have to cook raspberry jam.

Cook raspberry jam for about 25-30 minutes from the moment it starts to boil. We do not remove the foam from the jam, it will disappear by itself. Stir occasionally with a spoon.

Jars for jam are thoroughly washed (preferably with soda) and sterilized. You can sterilize jars in the microwave by filling them halfway with water and placing them in the microwave for 5 minutes. You can steam sterilize jars in a slow cooker or in the old fashioned way on the stove over a pot of water and a special lid with a jar attachment. I described one of the ways to sterilize jars, this is sterilization in the oven. Boil the lids for corking for about 3-5 minutes.

We fill the jars with raspberry jam that boiled a second ago, without adding literally a centimeter to the edge of the jar, after which we immediately cork the jars with lids and turn them upside down. In this position, jars of raspberry jam should remain until completely cooled.

I'm showing you the consistency of raspberry jam. A little jam did not fit into the jar, so you can enjoy the wonderful taste of this product without waiting for winter. home preservation. Bon appetit to everyone and see you again, and I will continue to conquer the harvest and close more and more bright jars, filling them with wonderful tastes of summer.

Traditional for Russians winter preparation considered one of the healthiest delicacies. Raspberry jam contains natural salicylic acid, which is the basis of many anti-inflammatory and antipyretic medicines. If you replace the product with aspirin in the treatment of colds, gastritis and gastric ulcers can be avoided.

How to cook raspberry jam for the winter

The most useful is raspberry jam, which has not been subjected to heat treatment. His healing properties are not inferior to fresh berries, however, raspberries, canned without sugar, have sour taste which not everyone likes. raw billet so that it does not disappear, it is worth storing in the refrigerator, closing the container nylon cover. Five-minute jam and long-term cooking have several less good, but still retain great amount vitamins and other valuable substances. In addition, such recipes are designed for more long-term storage in closed banks.

Making jam at home

During the preparation of raspberry jam for the winter, much attention is paid to the color of the product: it can be used to judge the readiness of the treat. Overcooked jam has a brown tint and leaves in the composition minimal amount vitamins, so it is important to finish cooking jam on time. To prevent premature spoilage of the product, a couple of grams of citric acid are added to the main ingredients at the end of cooking. The maximum cooking time for raspberry jam is 40 minutes and it is absolutely impossible to exceed this threshold.

How to choose berries

Before you cook raspberry jam for the winter, you need to choose the right berries. To make the delicacy tasty, the raw materials must be moderately mature (medium value, maroon color). Sometimes white small worms live in raspberries, so it is better to treat the berry with saline before cooking. It is prepared by diluting 10 g of salt with a liter of water. Within ten minutes of the raspberries being in the liquid, the worms float to the surface and become easy to remove with a spoon or slotted spoon. After that, the berries are washed twice with clean standing water.

Preparing jars for canning

For sterilization, you need a voluminous pan. A second smaller container is needed for the heat treatment of the lids. It is necessary to fill the pots with filtered water and put on the included stove. Place an oven rack on top of a large container. Place a container on top to seal the raspberry jam with the neck down. It is necessary to sterilize the jars for 20 minutes, while the countdown begins when the water boils. The lids should be boiled for 10-15 minutes over low heat. The processed container must be turned upside down on a clean cloth, allowing it to drain and cool.

Recipe for raspberry jam for the winter

To check the readiness of raspberry jam, you should drop a treat on a saucer: if it spreads, then the product can already be rolled into jars. The product will be tasty and cook quickly if you do not cook more than two kilograms of berries at a time. How to cook raspberry jam for the winter so that it does not become candied? This can be prevented by adding redcurrant juice to the berries (instead of water), it should be warmed up beforehand. This cooking option will make the jam even more fragrant, thick, tasty and remove cloying.

Raspberry Five Minute

Five-minute raspberry jam recipes suggest a minimum heat treatment. The beauty of such a product lies in the preservation of almost all minerals, vitamins and other valuable substances found in fresh berries. Five-minute raspberry jam includes iron, folic acid, vitamins B and C, copper, potassium, etc. How to cook raspberry jam for the winter? To do this, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • fresh ripe raspberries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar / powder - 1 kg.

Quick preparation of raspberry jam for the winter:

  1. The first step is to sort out the raspberries: spoiled and green ones are thrown away.
  2. Sprinkle selected fresh berries with granulated sugar, leave the ingredients to wander for half a day.
  3. Drain the juice that flows out of the berries into a separate clean container and bring to a boil.
  4. Ten minutes after the start of the boil, you will have syrup ready. Add the berries to the hot liquid and put on low heat.
  5. Raspberry jam should boil for 5 minutes, no longer. After cooling it, pour over glass container and refrigerate or roll up in jars. Make sure that there is 0.5-1 centimeter of space between the lid and the jam - this will prevent the product from premature spoilage. You need to eat a treat throughout the year.

How to cook jam without sugar for the winter

Diabetics and some other people cannot eat sweets for health reasons, so they prefer to cook the delicacy without sugar. On the taste qualities given ingredient does not affect much. Useful and fragrant preparation for the winter is an ideal filling with which you can cook pies, pancakes and cakes. How to cook jam without sugar? To do this, you will need the following components:

  • water - ½ st.;
  • ripe raspberries - 5 kg.

How to cook delicious raspberry jam for the winter:

  1. Put dry berries on the bottom of an enameled container (you can wipe the ingredient beforehand), leave it on low heat, having previously installed a divider under the pan.
  2. When the raspberry mass has been reduced by about half or three times, you can remove it from the heat. Then fill the workpiece with water (half a glass) and mix with a spoon.
  3. Remove the container of jam hot oven(Acceptable temperature is 180 degrees). At the same time, it is not worth pouring the workpiece into another dish.
  4. When the amount of raspberries is reduced by 7-8 times, the jam should be laid out in processed jars (prepare them with lids in advance). The finished raspberry delicacy, in addition, can be stored in the refrigerator by closing the jars with nylon lids.

How many kcal in raspberry jam

Human body perfectly absorbs this product, which, in addition, has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes and improves intestinal motility. Raspberry phytoncides strengthen and activate immune system, have an antiseptic effect, protect against pernicious influence environment. The calorie content of the treat depends on how you cook raspberry jam for the winter. One hundred grams of a workpiece with sugar contains 260-270 kcal, unsweetened jam has a lower calorie content - only about 50 kcal.

Video: recipe for grated raspberries with sugar