How to cook lasagna without an oven. Delicious lasagna in a frying pan Lasagna without oven

Huge scope for culinary experiments is provided by housewives with such a dish as lasagna. The recipe for preparing it at home is published below. These are selected options with various components - meat, poultry, vegetables, which will allow you to diversify the menu.

According to this recipe, the basis of the filling for the treat under discussion will be Ground beef. Take half a kilo of it. Other ingredients: 14 sheets of dough, 420 ml tomato sauce, onion, 70 g Parmesan, half a stick of butter, 2 large spoons of flour, 4 tbsp. full fat milk, salt.

  1. To prepare the sauce for butter flour is fried. Milk is slowly poured into the resulting mass. After boiling, the liquid is cooked for 12-14 minutes until thickened. You can add salt and white pepper to taste.
  2. The minced meat is finely kneaded with a fork and fried with onion cubes. Next, it is poured with tomato sauce and simmered for about 20 minutes.
  3. Layered sheets of dough - sauce - meat filling - grated parmesan are laid out in a greased form. They repeat until the food runs out. The last layer will turn out cheesy.

Lasagna with minced meat is baked in the oven for 25 minutes.

Chicken recipe

This delicate and simple dish is prepared very quickly, and its taste will definitely delight both guests and family. Ingredients: 12 sheets of dough, 1 tbsp. heavy cream, chicken breast, half a stick of butter, 900 ml of milk, 3 large spoons of flour, 300 g of any hard cheese and 130 g of Parmesan, a pinch of nutmeg, salt.

  1. Poultry fillet is boiled in salted water and finely chopped.
  2. Both types of cheese are grated on a coarse grater.
  3. The chicken is poured with cream and simmered in a frying pan until the liquid thickens. You can immediately add salt to taste.
  4. To make the sauce, flour is fried in melted butter (until golden), then hot milk is poured into the ingredients. The ingredients are mixed well so that no lumps appear.
  5. The sauce is seasoned with salt and nutmeg, then cook until it thickens.
  6. The mold is greased with the resulting mixture. Next, the first sheet of dough is laid out on it. The layers will be as follows: dough - chicken - two types of cheese - sauce. They repeat until the food runs out.
  7. Bake for 55 minutes in a very hot oven.

The finished dish is served with chopped herbs.

With added mushrooms

You can diversify the traditional Italian recipe adding champignons. You need to take half a kilo of mushrooms. Contents: pack of lasagna sheets (250 g), 600 g minced chicken, onion, 380 g hard cheese, 1 tbsp. sour cream, salt, 900 ml of milk, 4 large spoons of light flour, half a stick of high-quality butter.

  1. The chicken is boiled until cooked and cut into small pieces.
  2. Finely chopped onion is sautéed until appetizingly golden. Next, the vegetable is fried with thin slices of mushrooms until the latter are ready.
  3. In a separate frying pan, fillet pieces are poured with sour cream. The mass is salted and simmered for 7-8 minutes.
  4. To make the sauce, flour is fried in butter, then milk is poured in, and the mixture is simmered until thickened.
  5. The products are placed in the mold in the following order: sauce - sheet of dough - chicken with sour cream - sauce - grated cheese - sheet of dough - mushrooms with onions - sauce - grated cheese.
  6. The last leaf is generously poured with sauce and sprinkled with cheese.
  7. Cook for 45 minutes in a hot oven.

Lasagna can be served hot or cold.

Vegetarian lasagne with vegetables

For vegetarians there is a separate easy recipe the dish under discussion. Ingredients: 6 sheets of dough, half a jar of pitted olives, carrots, large bell pepper, 2 tomatoes, 160 ml water, 2 large spoons tomato paste, salt, 2 small. spoons of granulated sugar, a mixture of Italian herbs, ready-made bechamel sauce, 180 g Adyghe cheese and 320 g of any solid.

  1. Grated carrots, sweet pepper slices and tomato cubes are fried in heated oil.
  2. When the vegetables have softened enough, you can salt them, sweeten them, add water, add tomato paste and italian herbs. The mass will simmer for 7-8 minutes.
  3. Each layer of dough is brushed with sauce, then poured over vegetable filling, sprinkled with a mixture of two types grated cheese.
  4. The last of them is decorated with halves of olives.
  5. Bake for 45 minutes.

If you wish, you can not fry the tomatoes, but simply cut them into thin slices and place them on top of the vegetable filling.

How to cook from pita bread?

This version of lasagna can be called lazy. For the filling, take half a kilo mixed minced meat from pork and chicken. The remaining ingredients: 3 sheets of pita bread, onion, garlic to taste, a glass of heavy cream, 2 juicy tomatoes, 230 g of grated cheese, half a stick of butter, 3 large spoons of light flour, a pinch of Italian herbs and nutmeg, salt.

  1. Minced meat with onion cubes are fried to an appetizing crust.
  2. Skinless tomatoes are cut into cubes and poured into the meat. A glass of water is poured there. The mass is simmered until the liquid has completely evaporated.
  3. Flour with chopped garlic is fried in butter. This is where the cream is poured. The sauce is cooked until thickened, stirring constantly. Next it is salted to taste and seasoned with spices.
  4. The cheese is grated on a fine grater.
  5. The first sheet of pita bread is placed in a mold greased with sauce. The filling, grated cheese and more sauce are distributed over it. Layers are repeated.
  6. Lavash lasagna is baked in the oven until golden brown.

It is enough to cook for about half an hour.

With minced meat, tomatoes and cheese

Tomatoes add juiciness to the filling. The main thing is to choose ripe, meaty vegetables. Ingredients: 380 ml cream, a pack of lasagna sheets (250 g), 90 g parmesan, 60 g butter, 40 g light flour, a pinch of nutmeg, salt, onion, 3 tomatoes, carrots, 1.5 tbsp. water, 370 g minced meat.

  1. First, all the chopped vegetables are well fried in hot oil. Then they simmer with the minced meat mashed with a fork. The mass is filled with water and simmered on low heat for 20 minutes.
  2. Bechamel sauce is prepared from butter, flour and cream. It is salted to taste and sprinkled with nutmeg.
  3. The cheese is grated using a coarse grater.
  4. The mold must be greased with sauce so that the bottom of the treat does not dry out. Next, the layers alternate in the following order: sheet of lasagne dough - minced meat with vegetables - cheese - sauce. The last row will turn out cheesy.
  5. Cook for 35-45 minutes at medium oven temperature.

You can use any minced meat, but it is better to choose a mixture of two types of meat.

Pasta recipe with bolognese sauce

You can even use regular pasta cones to make lasagna. They need to take 270 grams. Other ingredients: 2 onions, carrots, 680 g minced meat, 2 large spoons of tomato paste, salt, 3 tomatoes, 1 tbsp. cream, a pinch of a mixture of peppers and nutmeg, 60 g butter, 160 g hard cheese.

  1. For the red sauce, very finely chopped onion and grated carrot are fried until soft. Add minced meat mashed with a fork and a little boiling water to the listed ingredients. The ingredients are simmered together for a couple of minutes.
  2. Next, put tomato cubes without skins and paste into the frying pan. The contents are salted, peppered and simmered until it becomes a sauce for 25 minutes.
  3. For white sauce, flour is fried in butter and poured with hot cream. Nutmeg is added to the mixture. The mixture is simmered until thick.
  4. The pasta is boiled until half cooked. Their first layer is laid out in a mold greased with white sauce. Minced meat with vegetables is sent on top, again white sauce and grated cheese. The layers are repeated until the products run out.
  5. Bake for 35 minutes.

The last layer must be cheesy, which will eventually turn into a golden brown crust.

Lasagne sheets for home - step by step recipe

To avoid buying ready-made base for the dish under discussion, you can make it yourself. Ingredients: 220 g light flour, small. spoon of salt, 2 chicken eggs, a large spoon of olive oil.

  1. It is convenient to use a food processor in the process. With its help, all ingredients are combined and kneaded well for 15-17 minutes.
  2. The mass will turn out quite stiff and non-sticky. It will infuse in a warm towel for half an hour.
  3. The dough is divided into 6 parts, which are rolled out into lasagne sheets.

The blanks should be very thin.

In a slow cooker

Even a “smart pan” can be used in preparing such a treat. Ingredients: 380 g minced pork and beef, 2 large spoons of tomato paste and the same amount of flour, salt, 310 ml of full-fat milk, onion, 80 g of butter, a package of lasagna sheets, 170 g of hard cheese, a pinch of a mixture of peppers and nutmeg.

  1. In the baking program, the onions are fried. After 5-6 minutes the minced meat is added to it. The mass is peppered and salted.
  2. Small cubes of tomatoes without skin are laid out with the listed products. The mixture is cooked until it becomes a sauce. Next, it is transferred to another container, and the bowl of the device is washed.
  3. In the same mode, the flour is fried in butter. There should be no lumps in the mass. When the mixture boils, milk is poured into it. The sauce is flavored with nutmeg. The thickened product can be poured into another container. There is no need to wash the bowl.
  4. The layers of the dish are laid out in the multicooker in the following order: lasagne sheet - white sauce - mixture of vegetables and meat - grated cheese.

Depending on your taste, you can increase the amount of meat used, making the treat even more satisfying.

Present to your attention lazy recipe preparing delicious lasagna.

This amazing dish is very easy to make, so even a novice housewife can handle the preparation. Moreover, you won't need much time. The lasagna turns out to be satisfying, interesting and very tasty. You will definitely please your loved ones with it, for example, for dinner.

Ingredients needed

  • 5-6 sheets of lasagna
  • 300 g minced meat
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 stalks of celery
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 300 ml tomato sauce
  • 100 g suluguni
  • 30 ml vegetable oil
  • 1 teaspoon paprika
  • salt and black ground pepper taste

Let's start the process

  1. First of all, we clean all the vegetables, wash them and dry them.
  2. Then cut everything into small cubes.
  3. Then break the lasagne sheets into small pieces.
  4. Heat a frying pan with a small amount oil and place the vegetables in it to fry until soft. The fire should be medium.
  5. After the required time has passed, we send the minced meat here.
  6. Salt and pepper to taste. We also add paprika and garlic. Mix everything well and continue the frying process for another 5-7 minutes. In this case, you need to constantly stir and break up the minced meat with a spatula.
  7. Then we place lasagne sheets on top and pour tomato sauce over everything.
  8. Salt and pepper again. Then cover with a lid and continue the process for another half hour.
  9. After the required time, using a grater, grate the cheese into a fine fraction. Sprinkle it over the prepared dish and cover it again. Fry for another 5-7 minutes.

You may also like, the recipe for which you will find on our Recipe Ideas website.

And now we will find out how to easily and simply prepare authentic Italian dish- lasagna, feeding the whole family or arriving guests! For lasagna in a frying pan, you can use sausage, frankfurters, and ham as ingredients. However the best option will be the use of minced meat, which is almost always on hand for a zealous housewife.

Cooking motives and nuances

Lasagna is great to cook in a frying pan if you need to quickly and satisfyingly serve several people. We will need a large and deep frying pan with a lid. By the way, in winter time instead of fresh tomatoes you can take ready-made canned ones - in own juice. And besides the minced meat, we’ll put a lot of it in the frying pan. onions so that our lasagna in a frying pan becomes juicy. Cut the remaining ingredients finely. Add liquid at your discretion so that the base sheets are well covered with it. Here we go?


We will need: chopped meat in the amount of 300-400 grams, a couple of onions, a few cloves of garlic, a few slices of ham. And also fresh or canned tomatoes in juice - 400 grams. Hard cheese (any) and mozzarella cheese in the amount of 150-200 grams. And, in fact, a pack of sheets of pasta.

Lasagna recipe in a frying pan (with photo)

  1. Fry the onion and garlic in olive oil until golden brown. Add minced meat.
  2. Bring the minced meat almost until cooked, and then fry for another 5 minutes, stirring constantly so as not to burn.
  3. Add ham cut into small strips and broken lasagna sheets. And on top are fresh tomatoes (cut into cubes or slices) or canned tomatoes in their own juice. Salt and add spices. Then pour in a little water, mix and simmer over low heat.
  4. After 15 minutes, our dish (lasagna in a frying pan) is almost ready, stir it and turn off the heat. Add grated cheese. As soon as it comes apart under the lid, add pieces of mozzarella. Cover with a lid and wait a couple of minutes. Our lazy lasagna is ready and ready to serve.

Lasagna in a frying pan: recipe No. 2

We will need: a spoonful of olive oil, an onion, half a kilo of tomatoes, garlic and pepper flakes, lasagna sheets, minced meat (up to half a kilo), a little tomato paste. For spices, we recommend using fresh basil or dried Italian herbs. From cheese - parmesan and ricotta.

Let's cook simply!

  1. Chop the onion. Finely chop the garlic and basil.
  2. Sheets pasta break it in half.
  3. Slice the tomatoes small cubes and place in a separate bowl.
  4. Place a large frying pan over low heat. As soon as vegetable oil When it warms up well, fry the onion (until golden brown).
  5. Then add the garlic and chili flakes.
  6. Place the minced meat in a frying pan and stir it with a wooden spatula.
  7. When the minced meat is almost ready, place the halves of the lasagna sheets on top of everything (above the minced meat), but do not mix.
  8. Add the chopped tomatoes and paste to the leaves on top (without stirring!).
  9. Cover the frying pan with a lid. We reduce the heat to a minimum so that our lasagna simmers in the frying pan, check it periodically - it should be cooked (15-20 minutes).
  10. Turn off the stove and add grated Parmesan cheese to the top of the pan. And spread the ricotta on top, but do not mix. Close the lid again, leaving for a few minutes with the heat off to melt the cheese.
  11. Remove the lid, sprinkle with chopped basil and serve. Bon appetit everyone!
  • 6–8 lasagna sheets;
  • 500 g of tomatoes in their own juice;
  • 2 tablespoons of tomato paste;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • ½ teaspoon dried basil;
  • 1 onion;
  • 400 g minced beef;
  • 250 g cream cheese;
  • 250 g ricotta;
  • 150 g grated hard cheese.


Choose a pan that is deep enough, has a thick bottom and has a non-stick coating.

Preheat vegetable oil and saute one finely chopped onion until transparent, add chopped garlic to it and keep on the fire for another half a minute.

Add the basil, add the minced meat and season it. As soon as the minced meat sets, add crushed tomatoes and tomato paste to it.

Leave to simmer over medium heat for 10 minutes, then season with salt and pepper.

The usual bechamel sauce will not be in this recipe; it will be replaced by a cheese mixture. Combine cream cheese (can be used with any additives, we used paprika), ricotta and 100 g of grated hard cheese together. Add some salt.

As for lasagne sheets, you can safely use ready-made dried sheets or make them yourself, using them as a basis.

Boil the sheets quickly if directed to do so.

Place about ⅔ of the bolognese in a separate bowl, and spread the rest over the bottom and cover with sheets. Spread ¼ of the cheese mixture all over and place the sheets back on. Repeat the layers one by one, sprinkle the top with the remaining cheese, lightly press the dish with your palms and cover with a lid.

Simmer the lasagna over medium heat for about 20 minutes or until the sheets are cooked through and the cheese is melted. Sprinkle with any herbs and serve hot.