How many degrees how to drink absinthe? How many degrees is there in classic absinthe? What to put on the table with absinthe

Most connoisseurs of strong alcoholic drinks are well aware of such a variety as. Today, several countries are engaged in the production of absinthe, between which there is fierce competition on this basis, but absinthe lovers have already decided on the most pleasant varieties of the drink for themselves, therefore, despite the reviews, they give preference only to them.

One of the aspects that attracts gourmets is the high strength of the drink. How many degrees is there in absinthe? What determines the strength of different brands of drink?

How many degrees is there in absinthe?

– it’s mysterious and quite ancient drink, the history of the appearance and production of which goes back far into the past. There are many myths, legends and tales surrounding absinthe. But its strength is determined solely by its varieties, each of which has its own clear and established degree, and in general this indicator varies within the normal range from 55 to 86 degrees. This level of strength makes it the strongest known alcoholic drink, so the audience of its lovers includes mainly men who like to drink alcohol of this kind.

Although it is a leader in the niche of strong alcoholic drinks, it is almost impossible to accurately determine its strength. This is explained by the fact that different producing countries produce individual varieties of the drink. Also, the strength of absinthe is determined by its variety. In standard brands and varieties, the strength of the alcohol is 70 degrees, so users who drink this drink regularly know exactly what type or color of absinthe to choose so as not to make a mistake with its strength level.

Today, there are various types of absinthe on sale, the strength of which varies. For example, on the shelves of many shops and supermarkets, you can often find absinthe with a strength of up to 55 degrees, and more extreme drinks have the same indicator within 80-85 degrees. They are distinguished not only by colors, each of which has its own fans and admirers, but also by the level of strength. There are mainly two groups of alcoholic beverage strength:

  • Small degree. This includes most of the products produced by French manufacturers, as well as alcoholic drinks produced in Spain and the Czech Republic. The strength of such drinks ranges from 55 to 65 degrees.
  • High degree. This includes varieties called alcoholic absinthe. They are manufactured mainly in Germany, Spain, the Czech Republic, Italy and Switzerland. The strength of this absinthe ranges from 70-85 degrees.

The emerald variety of absinthe is in greatest demand among consumers and has a higher strength. Therefore, those who use it for the purpose of faster intoxication may consider that this is the most suitable option. But in connection with the use of this type of absinthe, it is worth considering that the combination high level alcohol and thujone, is a real bomb, the explosion of which can occur unexpectedly and have the most sad effect on the condition of the drinker.

What is the reason for the high strength of the drink?

The strength of absinthe depends on its variety, but in general, the entire drink, regardless of the variety, is the strongest among the products on the market. Any company that produces this drink focuses on the strength level within the limits established by technology.

Why does even the lower threshold of absinthe strength exceed many common strong alcoholic drinks? The whole question is what ingredients are used in the preparation of this drink. Great amount herbs, herbs, spices and seasonings - this is a great combination of many varieties of absinthe. If the strength of the drink is reduced, then most of the special, useful and specific substances released when the components are combined will simply be lost and will no longer saturate the drink. Because of this, the very essence of absinthe is lost, and all that remains of it will be only a colorful label on the bottle.

Also often found in retail outlets. A low strength level is an indicator that can tell a lot to a buyer who is not familiar with the assortment of absinthes. The strength level of 55 degrees indicates that this type of absinthe contains too much low content thujone and essential oils of bitter wormwood. By choosing a drink with this level of strength, the user does not have to worry about severe intoxication and the effects of thujone as a narcotic.

Due to the fact that it is strong alcoholic drink banned for sale in many countries of the world, people often do not have basic information about absinthe: how many degrees it contains, what harm it can cause to the body, how to use it correctly.

This type of alcohol was invented several centuries ago, initially it was widely used in medicinal purposes, and today it is served in some bars and restaurants as an independent alcohol or as part of cocktails.

How many degrees are there in absinthe?

Many experts believe that absinthe is the most strong alcohol, except for pure medical alcohol. Absinthe strength varies between 55-85%. This liquid most often has various shades of green, but some manufacturers produce drinks in black, brown, yellow, blue, and red.

There is also a transparent form of this alcohol. However, the color scheme in no way affects the alcohol strength. It depends on the brand, recipe, production technology, proportions of ingredients used.

Absinthe with a reduced alcohol content still remains an intoxicating liquid that surpasses even the most strong vodka with 60 degrees alcohol.

Composition of the drink

The main components present in this green alcoholic drink:

  • high-quality ethyl alcohol;
  • clean drinking water;
  • extract obtained from the leaves and flowers of wormwood;
  • various herbs and spices (anise, lemon balm, hyssop, coriander, fennel, mint, etc.).

Among the ingredients included in alcohol of other colors, the following stand out: wormwood root, black acacia, pomegranate extract, artificial food colorings.

In addition, many types of drink contain the narcotic substance thujone (monoterpene). It is chemically active and has a toxic effect on the human body: it causes hallucinations, convulsions, disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system. nervous system. Therefore, drinking undiluted alcohol often leads to poisoning of varying degrees of severity.

In many countries, absinthe producers are required by law to additionally purify the drink from harmful components. You can buy the original liquid in Duty Free stores.

Varieties of absinthe - 60 70 and 80 degrees

  1. With reduced strength. This category includes varieties in which the alcohol content does not exceed 65%. On the international market they are represented mainly by drinks from French, Spanish and Czech brands. They are distinguished by a low content of wormwood extract, essential oils of plants and thujone.
  2. Classic (strong). Traditional absinthe 70% strength contains exclusively natural ingredients. Produced in Germany and Switzerland classical technology, which includes the processes of infusion and distillation.
  3. Extremely strong. This group includes types of drinks in which the alcohol content reaches 80 degrees or more. Extremely strong absinthe is made in Italy, Spain and France.

Depending on the percentage of thujone in absinthe, it can be:

  1. Non-hallucinogenic. There is no monoterpene. Drinks of this type are classified as tinctures and are not considered true absinthe.
  2. Low hallucinogenic. The proportion of thujone is 1.5-10 mg/l. Drinks in this category are represented in the product lines of most manufacturers.
  3. Moderately hallucinogenic. The content of the substance is 10-30 mg/l.
  4. Highly hallucinogenic. Drinks of this type contain 30-100 mg of thujone per 1 liter.

There is also a classification of absinthe according to production technology:

  1. Distilled. This type of drink is of high quality and is obtained as a result of herbal distillation.
  2. Mixed. It is produced by diluting the distillate with herbal infusion without distillation.

In addition, alcohol is usually divided into types according to color and recipe composition.

How to use absinthe

Due to the fact that the drink is a product with an alcohol level above average, it is necessary to consume it undiluted in strictly limited quantities, not exceeding 100 g per day. 1 serving should be 25-30 g.

Pure absinthe is drunk well chilled, served in a special small narrow glass with a wide neck. The drink can also be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3, mixed with citrus fruit juices or various sweet syrups.

There are several ways to consume this intoxicating alcohol:

  1. Czech (fire) method. The most popular and spectacular way to serve a green alcoholic drink. A small portion of absinthe is poured into a glass, a spoon with a piece of refined sugar is placed on top, which... When the sugar burns out, the resulting caramel is poured into alcohol, stirred and drunk. Sometimes the liquid is slightly diluted with water.
  2. Russian (extravagant) method. In Russia it is customary to drink the drink with sugar syrup. To do this, add sugar to the water in a 2:1 ratio, and then the resulting liquid is mixed with absinthe. This gives the alcohol an original aftertaste. In this case, it is not recommended to drink alcohol so that it does not lose its unique taste qualities.
  3. French (traditional) method. This method of drinking the drink involves using a special spoon with holes into which a piece of sugar is placed. It is placed on a glass of intoxicating liquid and sugar is poured over it. cold water. When mixed with refined sugar, absinthe becomes cloudy and changes color, and the taste acquires soft notes. You need to drink alcohol slowly to feel the fullness of the aftertaste.

When choosing one of the methods that includes setting the drink on fire, you should use containers with thick walls. It is not customary to serve this alcohol with snacks, but it goes well with chocolate and citrus fruits.

Absinthe– an alcoholic drink based on bitter wormwood extract. It is also known as “green fairy” or “green snake”, which is due to the fact that the drink has an emerald color. green color due to the presence of chlorophyll.

It got its name thanks to high content alcohol, from Greek the word “absinthe” is translated as “undrinkable.”

Absinthe is the strongest drink, if you do not take into account pure alcohol.

The first mention of absinthe dates back to Ancient Egypt, around 1500 BC. At that time, it was a drink made from wormwood leaves and flowers infused with alcohol or wine. It was used exclusively for medicinal purposes. Absinthe has always been more than just an alcoholic drink or medicine. Thus, there was a tradition according to which the winner had to drink a glass of wormwood drink as a sign that even glory has a bitter taste.

The history of the origin of this drink in its modern form begins in Switzerland in 1792 in the city of Couva. The Ernier sisters, who did the cooking medicines, worked on creating a wormwood-anise liqueur, which they called “Bon Extrait d’Absinthe”. Then they began to sell it as a medicinal elixir. According to other information, the absinthe recipe was invented by the doctor Pierre Ordiner. He recommended that his patients take this elixir for almost all diseases.

Then the recipe for the drink was bought by Henri Dubier, who established the production process together with his friend. Since the elixir sold very well, it was decided to expand its production. Soon, Dubier's friend, Henri-Liu Pernod, opened the Pernod plant. The drink has gained popularity both in France and around the world. Even French soldiers used absinthe as a preventative against malaria and dysentery.

Absinthe became increasingly popular not only among soldiers, but also among civilians. At the beginning of his history he belonged to the class of expensive drinks and was considered elite alcohol. This was the so-called “golden era” of absinthe. Thanks to its special taste, the drink quickly captivated French women. Unfortunately, women drank it undiluted, which negatively affected their health. The taste of absinthe is quite pleasant; connoisseurs often compare it to the taste of menthol cigarettes.

Admirers of absinthe claim that even white wine seems “unclean” after it.

In the 60s of the 19th century, due to cheaper production and deteriorating quality, absinthe turned into a drink for the working class. Reducing the costs of its production was more a necessity than a whim of the manufacturers themselves. At this time, winemakers noted the infection of the famous French vineyards with diseases, which led to a rapid rise in the price of wine. Since absinthe was produced from wine alcohol, due to a poor grape harvest, it was decided to make it from industrial alcohol. This replacement made it possible to further reduce the cost of producing the drink by 7-10 times. So absinthe turned into “alcohol for the poor”; it was served in taverns, where workers, as a rule, ate.

Fortunately, the drink soon returned to its former glory. It began to be considered the most extravagant and dangerous alcohol. A whole culture of spectacular drinking has formed around absinthe. This drink quickly became a necessary component of youth parties. The hallucinogenic properties of absinthe began to bring great profits to its manufacturers.

At one time they tried to ban this drink because it had a very strong effect on human health. Absinthe addiction has been compared to drug use.

It has been proven that thujone, which is part of absinthe, is a highly hallucinogenic substance, and the drink itself has narcotic properties similar to the effects of marijuana.

In connection with this, health organizations in many countries became interested in absinthe. Thus, in the USA it was decided to sell exclusively purified drink. It has been proven that if absinthe is purified from thujone, it will lose its hallucinogenic properties.

Composition of the drink

Absinthe belongs to the group anise drinks. It contains wormwood, anise, fennel, mint, chamomile, hyssop and other herbs.

Thujone, considered the main component of absinthe, is a substance derived from wormwood. It has hallucinogenic properties.

Absinthe, which is also part of absinthe, gives the drink a noticeable bitterness.

Types of absinthe

Absinthe is usually classified by color. So, there is yellow, emerald, as well as brown or black absinthe.

There are also strong (70%-85% alcohol) and weak (about 55% alcohol) absinthe.

How to do it at home?

Absinthe can be made at home.

For this we need 1.75 liters of alcohol, 3 tsp each. wormwood and angelica root, as well as anise seeds, coriander, 16 cardamom pods. Wormwood is infused in alcohol for 48 hours. You can infuse it cold or hot. To speed up the infusion, the mixture can be heated in a water bath. Then the indicated spices and herbs are added to the wormwood tincture and infused for 7 days. Next, you need to distill the resulting tincture and filter. The result is approximately 1.25 liters of absinthe with a strength of 65%. Distilled absinthe has a transparent color, which is not entirely correct. It needs to be given an emerald color by adding a little crushed mint, wormwood, lemon balm, anise, and fennel to the drink.

Homemade absinthe is not specially purified, so it retains the thujone.

A drink prepared at home will be exactly as it was intended at the beginning of its history. But it is very important to carefully adhere to the recipe for making absinthe and in no case change the proportions. It is not recommended to replace alcohol with vodka or moonshine., as this will ruin the taste of the drink.

All ingredients are absolutely accessible, herbs can be bought at any pharmacy. Preparing absinthe does not require much time.

How to drink correctly?

Absinthe - very delicious drink, if you drink it correctly. All the rules for its use boil down to reducing bitterness, as well as providing the process itself with maximum entertainment. There are several ways of consumption that allow you to fully enjoy its taste.

Absinthe is often consumed undiluted, although this is not easy, since not everyone will like its specific taste. Before drinking, absinthe is cooled to 0 degrees Celsius and then drunk in one gulp. Absinthe, as a rule, is not eaten as a snack, but if desired, it can be combined with dark chocolate, citrus fruits and even seafood.

In what glasses is it customary to serve absinthe? The drink belongs to the aperitifs, it should be drunk from small narrow glasses.

French method involves using a spoon with holes. Place a piece of refined sugar in a spoon, and then place it on top of the glass, pour it over the sugar ice water. The taste of the drink becomes softer; it is also believed that water with sugar can enhance the effects of thujone, but scientists question this statement.

Czech method drinking absinthe is considered the most spectacular and exciting; it is also known as the “fire method”.

To begin with, a quarter glass is filled with absinthe, as in the French method, a spoon with sugar is placed on the glass, and then set on fire. How to properly set fire to absinthe? If a spoon is used, the sugar is set on fire with a match or lighter. In this case, it is necessary to use glasses with thick walls. Under the influence of fire, the sugar begins to melt, and its drops fall into the glass. After all the sugar has burned, the contents of the glass are thoroughly mixed with the same spoon, after which the absinthe is diluted with ice water to soften the taste.

The Czech method is considered both the most popular and the most dangerous. If you do not light the sugar correctly, the flame can easily spread to other objects.

In Russia people drink absinthe together with sugar syrup. Sugar is diluted with water 1:2 and then mixed with absinthe. This method allows you to soften the taste of the drink in a short time. Sometimes the Russian method also involves setting fires. Undiluted absinthe is set on fire and covered with a glass. After that, the absinthe is poured into another container, and the glass is turned over, pushing a straw under it. The whole point of the method is to first slowly inhale the absinthe vapor through a straw, and then drink it in one gulp.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of absinthe are due to the herbal extracts that make up its composition. The drink was originally conceived as medicine.

Even small doses of absinthe cause severe intoxication, so it is recommended to consume no more than 30 grams in one evening.

The drink stimulates digestion and also increases appetite. Sometimes a little absinthe was added to the wine to make it even more intoxicating.

In ancient times, absinthe was even considered a drink for all diseases.

Use in cooking

In cooking, absinthe is used to prepare alcoholic cocktails. « Green fairy» goes well with cola, juices, and tonic.

A popular cocktail is " Sweet contrast" To prepare it we need absinthe, berry syrup, Apple juice, ice The juice is mixed with syrup and absinthe, and ice is placed on top.

Absinthe goes great with cappuccino. To make a cocktail with this coffee drink, you need to pour absinthe into a glass, add sugar to it. After which the glass of absinthe is set on fire, the burning drink is poured into a glass of cappuccino. The cocktail should be drunk in one gulp.

Very interesting drink counts cocktail based on gin or vodka. It is prepared from gin, rum, absinthe, cola, lemon juice. To begin with, pour 20 ml of rum, gin, absinthe into a glass, then pour 30 ml of cola into one side of the glass, and 30 ml of juice into the other. The cocktail is set on fire and a little cinnamon is added.

Absinthe is also used to prepare some dishes. Its bitter taste goes well with meat dishes. It is also used for cooking savory sauces. It goes well with poultry and game.

Absinthe benefits and treatment

The benefits of absinthe are rather dubious.

Today in pure form The drink is not sold due to its hallucinogenic properties.

Hippocrates used it as a medicine. He recommended using absinthe to treat rheumatism, as well as jaundice and anemia. also in Ancient Greece Absinthe was used for menstrual pain and to stimulate labor.

Modern medicine does not recognize these properties of the drink and does not use it for medicinal purposes.

Harm of absinthe and contraindications

The drink can cause harm to the body due to individual intolerance or excessive consumption. Absinthe is not recommended for use by children, pregnant or lactating women.

Absinthe is a rather specific strong alcoholic drink, which in its classic version has a beautiful emerald color. It is one of the first on the list of alcohol that has a high degree of strength, which ranges from 57 to 86 degrees.

There are many chilling legends associated with it - you've probably heard the story about Van Gogh's cut off ear. This is alcohol with a very long history, which has experienced ups and downs, but has found its admirers in every corner of the world.

However, the golden era of real absinthe is already in the past, but it is quite famous and in demand to this day. Let's find out what types of absinthe there are and what are the names of the best brands.

Did you know? Absinthe got its name from the French word “absinthe”, which translated into Russian means “bitter wormwood”, but translated from Greek the name of the alcohol sounds somehow mystical - “undrinkable” or “without pleasure”, which already evokes desire taste this drink.

As mentioned earlier, the main component of absinthe is a concentrated extract of bitter wormwood, the essential oils of which contain a large number of thujone. This toxic natural substance can hardly be called harmless, but its effect on the human body is the main attraction of absinthe.

Important! Thujone causes a fairly strong hallucinogenic effect, which can develop into addiction with prolonged alcohol abuse. At one time, doctors classified this addiction as “absintheism syndrome.” Its external manifestations are expressed by impaired coordination of movement, nausea, chills and a general depressive state.

In addition to thujone, the composition of the legendary alcohol includes:

  • mint;
  • chamomile;
  • coriander;
  • fennel;
  • angelica;
  • veronica;
  • Melissa;
  • parsley;
  • anise;
  • liquorice;
  • fraxinella;

Real alcohol colors

The color of an alcoholic drink directly depends on the recipe, as well as the additives and dyes used, while the taste of the alcohol may change or remain original.

  • Green is the natural color of this distillate. It has several shades: from bright emerald to light green. Since the green color of chlorophyll is unstable, manufacturers often add artificial green food colors.
  • Yellow or bright amber. In other words, it is a faded green, because after a few months of making the alcohol, the chlorophyll from the green leaves begins to change its hue towards yellow. Often this color is achieved using food coloring.
  • Red. It is obtained by using pomegranate extract, which gives the drink a piquant ruby ​​hue and an unusual long aftertaste. In most cases, food coloring is used.
  • Blue. It is achieved by adding special food colorings to the composition. Most often, this drink is used to make cocktails; it has no other advantages.
  • Brown or black. The difference with other types of alcohol is that to obtain this color, not inflorescences or leaves are used, but the roots of wormwood. The dark shade of alcohol is given by black acacia tincture, which additionally enriches absinthe with sweet berry notes.

Popular brands of real absinthe

Despite all the shortcomings of the hot drink, it was recognized by the community as a sought-after and worthy representative of alcohol culture. The production of fiery “wormwood” alcohol is widespread in every corner of the world, but today the main leaders are only five producing countries. I will give you just a few examples of the most significant and noteworthy brands of absinthe.

Brands of French absinthe

Ricard. It is considered the best traditional alcohol, which is produced in the vastness of France and is a descendant of a real classic infusion. At the core legendary drink bitter wormwood lies, and to enrich the flavor notes they are used Provencal herbs and anise. The infusion is strengthened with alcohol of exclusively the highest quality.

Pastis. This brand of wormwood mixture represents the oldest and most popular French alcohol, the recipe of which was invented back in 1951 in the city of Marseille. To commemorate this event, the number 51 is emblazoned on the Pastis bottle.

Hypno La Fee. The history of the drink begins in 1994. is a natural distillate, which is created on the basis of aromatic herbs, wormwood and purified alcohol. Alcohol has a high degree of strength - 70 rpm - and a low content of the unfortunate thujone, about 10 mg/l.

Fruko Schulz. The Fruko Schulz company confidently occupies a leading position among the largest producers of elite alcohol in the Czech Republic. belongs to the category of very famous variations of the classic wormwood elixir.

It is prepared on the basis of extracts of wormwood, mint, anise and various fragrant herbs. The richness of taste and beautiful emerald color make it possible to widely use it in the preparation of cocktails.

Brands of Spanish Absinthe

Jacques Senaux is an elite strong alcoholic drink and is produced at the Teichenne distillery according to a specially developed recipe, which is kept under seven seals to this day.

What is known is that synthetic preservatives and dyes are used for its preparation, and wormwood and other aromatic components are used as raw materials. Seventy-degree is famous for its complete absence of alcohol odors.

Tunel. The birth of wormwood nectar dates back to 1898 on the island of Mallorca. The author of this alcohol is Don Antonio Nadal Mutaner, who personally developed the recipe and assigned it trademark“Tunel”, whose logo is a train leaving a tunnel.

This alcohol earned its popularity only in 1986, when Nadal’s descendants sold the company to the Morey Garo family, which subsequently developed about a hundred varieties of alcoholic beverages.

Brands of Italian absinthe

Xenta. Alcoholic nectar is one of the most famous elite spirits in the world. This alcohol has a rich history and centuries-old traditions, the exclusive recipe of which has been preserved for more than 200 years.

Upscale Reviver It is prepared on the basis of wormwood, which grows at an altitude of two thousand meters in the Alps of Northern Italy. The grass is collected exclusively from final stage flowering, and only the upper parts of the plant are used in the recipe.

Anise and coriander are used to enrich the taste of alcohol.

German absinthe brands

Mr. Jekyll. The era of German absinthe begins at the end of the 19th century, when the company of one entrepreneur glorified wormwood tincture throughout Germany.

—Mr. Jekyll has a charming light green color, has a strength of 55 revolutions and is famous for its pronounced wormwood taste with notes of anise.

In order to give the color of the drink more saturated shades, the company uses harmless food dyes approved for use in the European Union.

How to choose the right absinthe

  • First of all, pay attention pay attention to the title. The French version is written as "Absinthe", the Italian and Spanish - "Absenta", and the Czech alcohol - "Absinth". Also on the label you may find the words “thujone-free” or “absinthe refined” - this means that these varieties do not contain a drop of thujone and are purified absinthe.
  • Fortress real green liquor varies from 70 rpm and above. If the alcohol content does not correspond to the specified value, then this means that you have wormwood liqueur. Imported manufacturers indicate the strength with the word “proof”, one unit of which is equal to 0.5 degrees of alcohol.
  • Real absinthe is exclusively distillate, not a tincture, and on the label this information is indicated by the word "distilled". This alcohol has excellent taste and the highest quality.
  • The last thing to note is thujone content, which is denoted either in ppm, or mg/kg. Although recently this component is no longer considered an essential component of absinthe, as evidenced by branded brands marked “refined” or “thujone-free”. It is worth noting that some manufacturers do not indicate the content of thujone present - this indicates that the alcohol contains an acceptable amount of a natural substance that complies with European Union standards.

Now you know exactly how to distinguish a fake from the original, and also have a general understanding of famous brands real absinthe.

Having tasted elite alcohol, be sure to leave tasting notes in the comments and share your opinion. If you have already discovered your favorite brand of green nectar, briefly tell us why exactly the alcohol won your heart. Thank you everyone for your time and good luck in your search for elite alcohol!

About which there are many legends. In some of them it is considered a poison, and the ability to cause hallucinations is attributed to it. In other legends, the drink appears as something unusual, with a unique taste.

Invention of absinthe

Wormwood tinctures were used back in Ancient Egypt. At that time they were used as a medicine. Moreover, they were not available to every person.

In Ancient Greece, wormwood tinctures were also used. Hippocrates recommended their use for jaundice, anemia and rheumatism.

But the ancient wormwood tinctures were still far from the drink that is now called absinthe. There are several versions about his invention. According to one of them, the drink was invented by the Enrio sisters at the end of the 18th century. They gave the tincture the name “Bon Extrait d’Absinthe”. Its use helped cure many diseases.

But there is another version of the invention of this drink. According to it, at the end of the 18th century it was developed by the French physician Pierre Ordiner. At that time he lived and worked in Switzerland, in a small village called Cove. The doctor used the tincture he invented to treat his patients. But there is an opinion that Ordiner did not come up with anything new, but used the recipe of the Enrio sisters. He managed to popularize the drink, so the invention of absinthe became associated with his name.

The tincture has become widespread. It was sold in small bottles. The label depicted a girl with seductive curves standing in a frivolous pose. The drink was called "La Fee Verte", which translates as "The Green Fairy".

Start of absinthe production

A few years later, entrepreneur Henri Dubier bought a recipe for absinthe. He and his friend Henri-Louis Pernot established the world's first industrial production of the drink. Their small factory was opened in Switzerland.

The drink was popular and was sold in large quantities. Therefore, seven years later, friends opened a second plant in Pontarlier, France. Over time, this enterprise became the main center for the production of absinthe. The plant was named Pernod. The drink began to be produced in large quantities. Its sales went all over the world. By the way, this alcoholic drink is still produced under the Pernod brand.

The rise of absinthe

But the real popularity of the drink came during military operations in northern Africa. A huge number of soldiers were drawn into the colonial wars launched by France. Military personnel were exposed to African diseases. It turned out that green absinthe coped well with them. It helped overcome illnesses and was used for prevention.

In addition, it turned out that absinthe is an excellent means of getting rid of amoebas and microbes contained in dirty water. Thanks to this, French soldiers avoided intestinal disorders. We can say that absinthe helped them capture African territories. After this he became very popular in France. The soldiers, having returned to their homeland, began to order their favorite drink from the cafe.

In the middle of the 19th century in Paris the question no longer arose: “What is absinthe?” After all, he became usual drink. It was completely normal to drink absinthe at home before dinner as an aperitif or in the evening to shake off the burden of the day. The period from 17 to 19 hours even began to be called the “green hour”. At this time, it was supposed to drink a portion of the emerald drink and relax.

At the end of the 19th century, the popularity of absinthe reached its apogee. It began to be consumed as often as wine. And already at the beginning of the 20th century in France, absinthe surpassed it in popularity. They drank 6 times more green drink than wine.

Then absinthe got a bad reputation. They began to call it a drink that drives you crazy and plunges you into alcoholism. This is quite natural. After all, any substance can harm the body if consumed in excessive quantities. Therefore, cases of schizophrenia began to occur in those who drank absinthe uncontrollably.

The effects of absinthe on the body

Really, green drink produces a strange effect that was so valued by writers and artists of the past. The explanation for this effect on the body is that absinthe is a tincture of wormwood. And this plant contains thujone. This substance in small quantities has medicinal properties, and in large ones it becomes poison. Absinthe preparation technology reduces the harmful effects of thujone. It is worth noting that this substance is found not only in wormwood. It is also present in sage, tansy, and thuja.

Absinthe is an alcoholic drink, but the state that its consumption causes is slightly different from ordinary intoxication. It gives great lightness, cheerfulness, euphoria.

Absinthe is banned

Over time, this drink gained a foothold. The reason for this was the manufacturers who added nickel and antimony to it. These substances gave the drink a shimmering color and opalescent hue, which were considered fashionable at the time.

Alcoholics drinking absinthe in unbridled quantities also contributed to the deterioration of its reputation. Inappropriate behavior caused by drinking the tincture was attributed to the effects of wormwood, forgetting that the composition also included 70% alcohol. They began to blame absinthe for all the madness, not taking into account that any alcohol causes such an effect.

The first country to ban the use of the “cursed potion” was Belgium. This happened at the beginning of the 20th century. It was then banned in a number of other countries, including France.

For a long time, the production, sale and consumption of absinthe was not allowed. It wasn't until 2004 that the laws prohibiting the drink were repealed. But modern manufacturers obliged to comply with standards for the content of thujone in absinthe. The amount of this substance should not exceed 10 mg/kg. This is ten times lower than in the “cursed potion” of the 19th century.

Drinking culture

Absinthe is a drink that has a strong bitterness and high strength. It contains approximately 70-80% alcohol. Some individuals believe that absinthe is a liqueur. They are wrong. There is only one answer to the question “is absinthe a liqueur or a liqueur?” It's completely obvious. Absinthe - wormwood tincture.

It is not customary to use it in its pure form. There are several options

According to one of them, to prepare a portion of the drink you will need a narrow and tall glass. It needs to be filled with wormwood tincture by 1/5. A special spoon for absinthe is placed on top of the edges of the glass. It looks like a miniature spatula with shaped holes. Lump sugar is placed on top of it. A thin stream pours through it cold water. Can be used regular mineral water. Water should be poured to the edge of the glass. Ideally, the sugar should have time to dissolve during this process. A glass of prepared absinthe is drunk in one gulp.

The Czech method involves the reverse sequence in preparing the drink. So, first, cold water is poured into a glass. Then an absinthe spoon with a piece of sugar on top is placed on its edges. Through it, wormwood tincture is poured drop by drop.

There is a third way to prepare the drink. Absinthe is poured into a glass. A piece of sugar is moistened in it. It is placed on a spoon and set on fire. Melting, the sugar flows into the glass. Finally, cold water is added. If desired, it can be replaced with citrus juice.

Absinthe from the store

Today, quite a few brands of absinthe are produced. It's not easy to understand them. It is recommended to avoid absinthe with an alcohol content of less than 70%. After all, it is precisely this percentage that prevents essential oils from disintegrating. Dyes are usually added to wormwood tincture with an alcohol content of 45%. Thus, good absinthe- one that contains at least 70% alcohol.

There are emerald drinks in bottles whose labels say “thujone-free”. This indicates that there is no thujone in the composition. Therefore, this is not a tincture of wormwood, but an imitation. Such drinks consist of dyes, sweeteners, and flavorings that create the illusion of absinthe.

When purchasing, you should pay attention to the thujone content. Its recommended amount is 10 mg/kg. However, in some stores you can find absinthe that exceeds this standard. Such drinks should be consumed with caution, no more than two glasses per evening.

Classification of absinthe by color

The classic color of the drink is green. Such absinthe is present in the product line of every manufacturer. Its shades can vary from light green to emerald.

Amber-colored absinthe has a mild taste. He is considered elite drink, since during the production process it is subjected to double purification.

Ruby-colored absinthe - wormwood tincture with pomegranate extract. It has an original aftertaste.

Absinthe also comes in a dark brown color. In the process of preparing this drink, wormwood roots are used, not leaves. Black acacia infusion is also added to it. The taste of this drink contains sweet tones.

Classification of absinthe by strength

Absinthe is very This is explained by the fact that the high concentration of alcohol retains essential oils in dissolved form.

Absinthe is produced with a strength of 55 - 65%. This drink contains very low thujone content. It happens that he is not included in the composition at all. The indicated strength refers to French, Czech, and Spanish varieties of absinthe. When preparing the drink, wormwood extract is usually used.

Preparing absinthe

You can not only buy the drink in the supermarket, but also prepare it yourself. It's pretty simple.

To make absinthe you need a distiller, alcohol and fresh wormwood. These are the main components. The process has several options.

According to Odinier-Pernod's recipe, in addition to wormwood, fennel and anise are also used. The herbs are soaked in alcohol and left for 7-10 days. Then everything is boiled in a distiller. The resulting alcohol with herbal infusion can be flavored. This is achieved by adding mint essence or other herbs. Finally, the drink is filtered and bottled.

According to a recipe from 1855, to obtain 1 liter of absinthe you will need:

  • wormwood leaves - 25 g;
  • anise seeds - 50 g;
  • fennel seeds - 50 g;
  • alcohol 85% - 950 ml.

Leaves and seeds are soaked in alcohol and left for at least 7 days. Then 450 ml of water is added to them. The resulting mixture is distilled through a distiller. This must be done until there is nothing left in the flask except herbs and seeds. The amount of distillate at the outlet is 950 ml. It needs to be filtered through a napkin. The drink is ready.

Benefits of absinthe

Use of tincture in small quantities has a beneficial effect on the functioning of our body. After all, what is absinthe? This is a drink made with medicinal herbs.

Its use helps to relax, relieves heat and inflammation, dilates blood vessels, improves appetite. Absinthe can be used as a disinfectant, antispasmodic, and anticonvulsant. Its use helps in the prevention of viral diseases.

Absinthe harm

Drinking this drink in moderation is not harmful to health. However, excessive passion for it can have dire consequences. Absinthe contains thujone, a toxic substance. When it hits human body in quantities exceeding the norm, general excitement occurs and consciousness changes. It is even possible to experience hallucinations. But in tinctures produced by well-known manufacturers, the amount of thujone is strictly controlled.

In addition, do not forget that absinthe is an alcoholic drink. Excessive use of it can result in a banal hangover.

Myths about absinthe

There are many myths about the mysterious drink. Here are some of them.

  • Absinthe is produced only in green color. This statement is misleading. Emerald green absinthe is classic version drink But yellow, red, and brown varieties are also produced.
  • Drinking absinthe destroys brain cells. The effect of wormwood tincture on the brain is equivalent to the effect of any other strong alcohol.
  • Drinking absinthe causes hallucinations. This statement is associated with thujone, which is part of the drink. Indeed, in large quantities this substance causes hallucinations. But in modern absinthe its content is controlled by European standards. If they are followed, the appearance of a hallucinogenic effect is impossible. However, moderation should be observed in the use of absinthe, like any other alcoholic drink.