Dishes for a water bath. What is a water bath at home and how to make it better

We are often faced with the fact that various recipes about how to cook herbal tea or herbal infusion, we meet the phrase " prepare an infusion in a water bath". In this article, we will talk about how to brew herbs in a water bath at home.

What does it mean to "brew grass in a water bath"

We often hear that you need to brew herbs in a water bath, but not everyone understands what this means. And if they do, they don't always know how to do it right.

So, if the bath is water, then the key word in this phrase is “water”, that is, on the water. So you need to heat or cook not on fire, but on water. We all know that the boiling point of water is less than +100°C.

It is this temperature that is most suitable so that the herbs that we need to brew do not boil, but rather brew, that is, warm up. Warmed up slowly and moderately, and at the same time all useful material, which they have, passed into the infusion, prepared in this way.

Water bath for herbs. How to do

If you need to make a water bath at home, take two containers, moreover, so that one of the containers can freely fit (enter) inside the other. It can be, for example, a saucepan and a Turk, a basin and a bowl, a ladle and a jar, etc.

Containers need to be selected, for example, saucepans, large and smaller so that the smaller one enters the larger one, but at the same time, so that it does not touch the bottom. Pour water, it's not worth much either. You don't want the smaller saucepan to float in the larger one.

If you use a jar, then on the bottom of the pan or some other container, you need to put some kind of cloth, and put the jar with the prepared infusion on it. And in the gap that has formed between your jar and a larger container, you need to pour water.

All! The water bath is ready.

How to brew herbs in a water bath

Next, you need to put the prepared herbs in a smaller saucepan or jar, pour a glass of boiling water and put it in a large container. Herbs must be mixed according to the proportions that were indicated on the package.

Then pour water into the lower pot and put it on fire. In the lower container, the water will boil, but in the upper one, the herbal infusion will just be brewed in a water bath.

It is necessary to boil the herbal infusion for about 20 minutes, and after the infusion has cooled down a little, it is filtered, boiled water is added to it, as much as it has boiled away, i.e. to the lost volume, and then take according to the scheme.

If bark is used in the infusion, then you need to boil longer, about 30 minutes.

Is it possible to brew herbs in a thermos?

The answer is unequivocally - it is possible. Brewing herbs in a thermos can perfectly replace brewing herbs in a water bath. Because the whole point of a water bath is precisely that the brewing temperature is close to the boiling point and does not decrease.

In the description of the preparation of recipes or a cosmetic mask, there is a definition water bath. We will try to reveal the secrets for you, How to make a water bath? How to apply it? What opportunities does a water bath provide compared to heating on fire, for example, its use is associated with the property of some products to stick to the walls of the vessel under the influence of temperature, or in order to simmer on fire, preventing the contents from boiling.

What is a water bath and how to do it at home?

    It is possible to perfectly make a water bath, observing the following conditions:
  • Thick-walled dishes are selected, and the bottom of the outer pan is covered with linen or cotton cloth for smoother boiling of water.
  • The upper vessel is selected in such a size that, when lowered, its walls and bottom do not come into contact with the outer pan.
  • The mixture, which is prepared in the bath, must be constantly stirred to control the change in consistency, and when the required value is reached, immediately remove it from the fire.
  • The inner vessel is placed in the outer one only when water boils in it, otherwise the process will go wrong, and the result will differ from the expected one.
  • Preparation of decoctions medicinal plants produced with the lid closed and without stirring, so that the essential oils present there do not evaporate.
  • Before lowering the inner vessel, one must take care of how it will be removed after heating. To do this, the pan is suspended above the water or improvised handles are attached in their absence.
  • What material should the utensils for a water bath be made of?

    The question "how to make a water bath with a guaranteed desired result" is easily solved by using metal two-level pans specially designed for this. In their absence, ordinary pots or containers of various sizes and diameters are suitable, preferably with thick walls to reduce the intensity of boiling and a smoother effect of temperature on the products.

    How to heat in a water bath?

    In addition to special requirements for dishes, the heating temperature is selected so that boiling is not strong, and water from the lower dish does not penetrate into the upper one. The contents of the inner vessel must be heated hot water but not fire. As a rule, the heating temperature reaches 40-70°C, depending on the intensity of boiling. The technology for preparing individual products in a water bath at home differs slightly from each other:

  • Heating honey. To kindle candied honey with the preservation of all its useful properties after applying the required amount of the product into the vessel, heating is carried out to a temperature not exceeding 40 ° C.
  • kindling wax. The material is used for the manufacture of cosmetic masks, hair removal, the treatment of arthritis and the manufacture of candles and figurines. The product should be heated gradually, bringing the temperature up to 70°C with constant stirring.
  • Kindling propolis. The substance contains phytoncides released when heated. His liquid consistency necessary for the treatment of respiratory organs by inhalation, as well as the manufacture of ointments. Propolis is grated or crushed after freezing, then placed in a ceramic cup and an oil base is added depending on the recipe. The vessel is placed on the bath and stirred until a homogeneous mass is formed, after which the hot product is filtered through a fine sieve.
  • Kindling gelatin. Gelatin is allowed to brew for 15-20 minutes. If it has not dissolved, then you can resort to a water bath to make the lumps disappear. It is placed in the bath and aged for 20 minutes. with covered lid.;
  • Preparation of burdock oil. The tool is used in cosmetic medicine for rubbing into the scalp at the onset of complications with the hair. For preparation of means of bank with a volume of 0,5 l. filled with fresh or dry burdock roots, removed for 2 days in a dark place, after which the oil from the jar is drained into ceramic dishes and heated in a steam-water steam room with a covered lid for 1 hour over low heat. After cooking, the product is filtered.

Very often, when reading a cream recipe, tender dough or cosmetic mask, we meet the expression "water bath". It would seem that everyone knows from childhood what it is, but, nevertheless, the question of how to make a water bath correctly does not lose its relevance, especially for young housewives who are just starting to learn the basics culinary arts.

So, let's try to understand the intricacies of this process. The first question is when and why a water bath is needed. It is worth paying attention to this method of heating and cooking in cases where:

  • it is required to melt food sensitive to high temperatures in such a way as to prevent them from burning and sticking to the walls of the dish. Melting chocolate using a water bath butter or for home soap making.
  • It is necessary to heat any ingredients to a relatively low temperature (50-60 °). This is often necessary in the manufacture of masks for hair or face, which include natural oils- when heated, they are better absorbed and have a much more noticeable effect.
  • It is necessary to prepare decoctions or infusions of herbs without losing a large number healthy ingredients which are destroyed by boiling.
  • There is a need to heat products that are prone to change in structure under the influence of temperature - the yolk, gelatin, etc.

In all the cases listed above, as in a number of others, it is very important to know how to make a water bath. It also has its own subtleties and rules, the knowledge of which will allow you to avoid common mistakes.

First of all, a water bath will turn out well if the dishes are chosen correctly, but these are not all the details that you should pay attention to.

  • The lower pan or bowl should be with a thick bottom and, if possible, thick walls. In this case, the boiling will not be so violent and drops of water will not fall into the mass you are preparing.
  • Be sure to cover the bottom of the lower dish with a clean linen or cotton towel - this will make the boil even smoother, and it is this that is the key to how to make a water bath.
  • The upper dish should be of such a diameter that its bottom touches the water column, but the walls remain in the air. In this position, the effect will be maximum - the upper bowl will be processed with hot steam, and the water will practically not touch it. In advance, select dishes that fit each other in diameter, and remember this “pair” - next time you will save time searching for suitable vessels.
  • A water bath at home involves constant stirring of the mixture in the upper bowl. This helps to control all changes in consistency and not miss the moment when the bowl needs to be removed from the heat.
  • Drop the bowl into large saucepan should only be after boiling water in it, otherwise the process of heating the prepared mixture will be disrupted, and the result may turn out to be completely different from what we would like.
  • When preparing decoctions medicinal plants you can not stir the mixture continuously, since burning will not happen here. It is better to cover it with a lid to prevent it from escaping. essential oils, which are often the main active ingredients of funds traditional medicine.
  • If the diameter of the upper pan almost coincides with the lower pan, you should worry in advance about how it can be pulled out after heating. Perhaps you should hang it above the water with a thick thread or make impromptu handles, if there are none.

These are the basic rules for not making mistakes. But even if you don't succeed the first time, don't worry. Two - three times - and you will develop the necessary skill that allows you to do everything easily and quickly.

Sometimes after reading the recipe in cookbook one gets the impression that he read some strange encryption for special agents. Blanch, stew a little with butter, cook until “soft ball” - and these are not all the terms used by chefs. But perhaps the most popular among them is the "water bath". How to do it, many do not know, and therefore refuse such recipes. And absolutely in vain. It is easy to make, and dishes cooked in water or steam bath, tasty and healthy.

It is used in cases where you need delicate cooking and heating the dish to no more than 100 degrees. The easiest way to make a water bath is to pour water into one pan and put a second, smaller one in it. This is where the food that needs to be cooked is placed. Usually this method is used for melting butter and chocolate, as well as cooking custards and biscuit dough on heating. Homemade cottage cheese also do on a similar steam bath.

Another option on how to make a water bath is an impromptu steamer. To do this, you need to stretch cheesecloth on a pot of water at a height of 3-4 centimeters from the latter. In this way, you can cook steamed dishes - vegetables, fish and even meat. In fact, electric steamers work on this principle, which today can be bought at any home appliance store. Before their appearance, they used special pans with a double bottom. This method of cooking is considered the most dietary and healthy.

Many, however, believe that the steam menu is suitable only for children or for adherents. strict diet. In fact, you can steam a lot of original and delicious meals. These may be the most different soufflés, omelettes and even muffins. Cooking in a water bath saturates them with extra moisture and makes them juicy, while retaining all the benefits of the products. So the steam menu can be very diverse and not only dietary.

But this does not exhaust all the cases when you need to know how to make a water bath. To make a cheesecake, cake or soufflé in the oven, this cooking method is often used. This is due to the fact that for delicate baking you need to soften the heat of the oven and prevent cracking of the top. To do this, pour water into a deep baking sheet so that it reaches the middle of the baking dish. If used detachable form, it must be wrapped in foil so that moisture does not get in. It is advisable to wrap in several layers and overlap, and, of course, do not rush.

Knowing how to make a water bath at home, you can diversify your menu not only diet meals. The preparation of many cakes, soufflés and cheesecakes will become a very common thing thanks to her. So, it will be possible to arrange small holidays for your family every day. And steamed cutlets, fish and vegetables often look much more attractive than fried or stewed ones. And most importantly, they combine a delicate taste and health benefits, as they are prepared without adding oil.

Often in traditional medicine recipes, skin care tips, it is recommended to heat the components in a water bath. In a water bath - how is it? Such a question, at times, makes the reader look for other more understandable recommendations. But everything is simple...

A water bath is a necessary, very useful device for heating, melting, cooking various products. They do not burn, do not stick to the walls of the dishes, and most importantly, they retain their beneficial features. Usually, this device, consisting of two pans of different sizes, is used to melt or make ingredients for homemade cosmetics, medical preparations. With the help of a water bath it is convenient to melt some food products eg chocolate.

How is a water bath used, how to do it at home, how to heat it, how to melt honey, wax, propolis, chamomile decoction, burdock oil in a water bath, how to take such procedures? I will tell you about all this on today:

How to make a water bath at home?

This process is very simple: put a larger pan on the stove. Line the bottom with a tissue paper. Pour in water (about a quarter). Bring to a boil. Now place a saucepan or any other smaller metal utensil on top (with gradual heating, you can use ceramic).

With a properly made design, water will touch the outer surface of the bottom of the smaller dish. In this container we will melt, cook desired ingredient. Just remember to cover it with a lid.

Instead of a large saucepan, you can also use a deep frying pan with water. Smaller dishes are placed directly on its bottom, covered with a napkin.

It is important that the lower container has a thick bottom and walls. The boil should not be too strong, and water drops should not penetrate the top. With a properly prepared water bath, the upper dish will be heated only by hot water, but not by the fire that goes to heat the lower tank. Usually the heating temperature is low: 40-70 degrees, depending on the intensity of the fire. And even in the case of boiling water in the upper tank, it is easier to control. Therefore, a water bath for decoctions is an excellent remedy.

How to heat honey in a water bath?

Honey is known to be very useful product. It contains substances that have a beneficial effect on overall health. It is also used to make cosmetic masks. For many recipes, it is better to use the liquid consistency of the product. To melt candied honey, while retaining its beneficial properties, use a water bath.

For this right amount honey is laid out in a bowl, placed in a saucepan filled with water, after which it is heated to 40 degrees (not higher).

How to melt wax in a water bath?

Liquid wax is needed to prepare a cosmetic mask, to do hair removal. Wraps are made from melted wax in the treatment of hand arthritis. It is needed for the manufacture of various wax figures, crafts, candles.

To melt the wax, place the desired piece in a smaller bowl. Install it in a large one filled with water. Heat gradually until the product reaches the desired consistency. While it melts, do not forget to stir. If the wax melt in the usual way, on the stove, it can burn and lose its medicinal properties.

How to melt propolis in a water bath?

This beekeeping product is not in vain called a natural, natural antibiotic. Our ancestors have used it for centuries to prepare all kinds of home remedies. Currently, treatment with propolis has also not lost its relevance.

Propolis contains phytoncides, which have a pronounced bactericidal effect. These substances are released and begin to act when heated. The heated product is used in the treatment of bronchitis, rhinitis, tracheitis (inhalation is done). For the treatment of skin diseases, a liquid consistency of this product is also often needed. For example, for the preparation of ointments.

It is better to melt wax in a water bath. So it better retains its medicinal properties. Grind it (freeze, and then grate), put in a ceramic cup. Usually some kind of oil base is added to propolis from creamy or vegetable oil. It depends on the recipe. Place the cup in a saucepan filled with water. Heat, stirring, until homogeneous mass. The hot agent should be filtered through a fine strainer.

How to heat a decoction of chamomile in a water bath?

A very popular plant with many healing properties. Its inflorescences are used to prepare traditional medicines, decoctions, infusions are prepared. folk recipes used in cosmetology. Rinse your hair with infusion of chamomile, wipe your face. Frozen ice cubes made from it are considered a very good cosmetic product for skin care.

So that during cooking the flowers do not lose their useful qualities, the infusion is best prepared in a water bath. To do this, pour 2 tbsp into a small container. l. dry flowers. Top up with 400 ml warm water. Place in a boiling water bath, heat under the lid for 20 minutes. Then turn off the stove, let the infusion cool down on its own. Then strain. Instead of boiled over, top up boiled water to the initial volume.

Use the finished product for gargling, mouth, apply externally. In the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, it can be used orally or microclystered. Rinse your hair with it, or freeze and wipe your face to improve skin condition.

How to cook burdock oil in a water bath?

Burdock oil is made from fresh or dried burdock roots (the popular name is burdock). This product is very beneficial for hair. It is rubbed into the scalp an hour before washing. With regular use, hair stops falling out, grows better. changing them appearance: they become soft, elastic, shiny. The oil is also used to strengthen and grow eyelashes.

This tool is also better to cook in a water bath. To do this, fill half liter jar chopped roots (dry or fresh). Remove to a dark place. After a couple of days, drain the oil into a ceramic bowl. Set in a boiling water bath, cover with a lid. Reduce heat, heat for 1 hour. Then strain.

Today we have learned what a water bath is for, how to make it right at home, what to use it for. I hope this information will help you when applying various recipes treatment, preparation of home cosmetics. Be healthy!