What does a water bath mean? How to make a water bath? All home cooking methods

What does it mean to heat in a water bath, because many recipes require this, but do not explain how to do it? It's easy and you don't need to buy anything special; below we'll tell you how to do it.

What is it and how does it work?

This technology is used in many areas where something needs to be prepared. This could be cooking, making healing decoctions, cosmetics.

The principle of the method is simple: take water into a larger container and bring it to a boil on the stove; when it boils, place a smaller container in it and cook in it. required product. It turns out that it is heated evenly at a constant temperature of 100 degrees.

This is the maximum useful processing method, products do not burn, do not stick to the walls, retain maximum useful properties.

This is how it is usually prepared:

  • Creams for cakes;
  • Sauces;
  • Melt chocolate, honey, wax;
  • Medicinal herbal teas.

If you often have to resort to this cooking method, buy yourself a special unit, and these are now on sale. However, it will take up extra space in the kitchen and is not cheap, but the result is the same as from regular pans. So think before you spend money on it.

How to make a water bath at home?

As you already understand, there is nothing complicated here, the main thing is not to get burned and observe some subtleties:

  1. Take dishes with thick walls; they will heat up more evenly;
  2. If the recipe says that you just need to heat the substance, do not bring it to a boil, it is enough for its surface to steam a little;
  3. Sometimes you need to build a structure in the oven. The principle is the same, there are only some differences - in this case, the inner container should be closed or wrapped in two layers of foil and do not take a very high container, as you risk undercooking the contents;
  4. Place the inner pan so that its bottom barely touches the outer one.

You can lower the dishes intended directly for the decoction only when the water has boiled. And be careful, if there is too much liquid - it may spill out when another vessel is immersed in it, it would be better if there is a little less of it - estimate how much volume you will lower the cup with the substance and how much water it will displace, leave required amount free space for her.

Melt honey and wax in a water bath

Many cosmetic masks require liquid honey or wax in the composition. This is understandable, honey is good for the skin, as nothing else smoothes it, cleanses and nourishes it, in addition, it acts as a moisturizer due to the fact that it tightly clogs the pores and moisture evaporates more slowly.

And if your skin is prone to inflammation, honey will calm it down, because it has long been used as an anti-inflammatory agent. To prepare a mask based on honey, you need to melt it, and it is important to try to preserve the maximum benefits, here’s how to do it:

  • Place the required amount of product in a small mug or bowl (preferably metal);
  • We heat (precisely heat) water in a larger saucepan and put honey in it;
  • We heat it in this way until ready.

Do not boil in in this case, just heat the honey a little and it will melt, and the beneficial ingredients will retain their properties.

Wax is often added to therapeutic masks, for example, for arthritis or for foot care - hair removal. You need to heat it as described above - the main thing is to heat it slightly, and it will retain maximum nutrients.

Chamomile decoction: how to prepare it?

No one can do without chamomile herbal tea, it disinfects and soothes, and also eliminates spasms, allergies, and seizures. All its advantages cannot be listed. But in order not to lose all the beneficial properties, it is better to prepare tea from it using the named technology. For this:

  • Pour 2 tablespoons of dry matter into a mug and pour water into it;
  • Cover with a lid;
  • We bet on water bath, as usual, for about 20 minutes;
  • Then remove and let it brew under the lid;
  • We strain and that’s it.

If, after cooking, the container with chamomile is very empty due to evaporation of the liquid, you can dilute the medicine by adding a little boiled water to it.

Use the finished product for its intended purpose - it is good for rinsing your mouth, throat, wiping your face before going to bed, or treating wounds. If you suffer from stomach problems, drink 2 times a day.

Brew other teas based on medicinal herbs in this way.

How to heat oil in a water bath?

And if you need to heat the oil, is it possible to do it this way, because it simply won’t work any other way? Warm is often required sunflower oil or any other, for example, burdock for cosmetic purposes. You can put the bottle in a mug with hot water, but in this way you will only make it slightly warm, and to warm it up means to bring it to a temperature of at least 40 degrees:

  • Pour some liquid into a mug;
  • Place in boiling water, here it is better to use boiling water, since the oil is very thick and requires a higher temperature to heat it up;
  • Make sure that water does not get into the inner container;
  • We are waiting for it to begin to become covered with small bubbles;
  • Then turn it off.

All is ready. Why is this necessary, why won’t cold work? If you want to use burdock oil as a hair mask, it works best when warm. Applying it regularly to your hair will make it strong and thick.

So, you can heat almost anything in a water bath, the process will not take much time and effort. Therefore, if the recipe requires it, do not hesitate and do not look for other methods. Some advise using a microwave in this case, it will be difficult to prove whether it will be beneficial or harmful, but the option we described will definitely save everything useful material intact, which the microwave cannot guarantee.

Video: how to melt honey and preserve nutrients?

In this video, Polina Makarova will show you how a water bath works and how to melt honey with it:

Sometimes after reading a recipe in cookbook I get the impression that I have read some strange code for special agents. Blanch, simmer with a little butter, cook until it tastes like a “soft ball” - and these are not all the terms used by chefs. But perhaps the most popular among them is the “water bath”. Many people don’t know how to make it, and therefore refuse such recipes. And completely in vain. It’s easy to make, and dishes cooked over water or steam bath, tasty and healthy.

It is used in cases where delicate cooking and heating of the dish to no more than 100 degrees is required. The easiest way to make a water bath is to pour water into one pan and place a second, smaller one in it. This is exactly where the products that need to be cooked are placed. Typically this method is used for melting butters and chocolate, as well as cooking custards And biscuit dough heated. Homemade cottage cheese also done in a similar steam bath.

Another option for making a water bath is an improvised double boiler. To do this, you need to stretch gauze over a pan of water at a height of 3-4 centimeters from the last one. This way you can cook steamed dishes - vegetables, fish and even meat. In fact, electric steamers operate on this principle, which today can be bought at any hardware store. Before their appearance, special pans with a double bottom were used. This method of cooking is considered the most dietary and healthy.

Many, however, believe that the steam menu is only suitable for children or those who adhere to strict diet. In fact, you can steam a lot of original and delicious dishes. These may be the most different soufflés, omelettes and even cupcakes. Cooking in a water bath saturates them with additional moisture and makes them juicy, preserving all the benefits of the products. So the steam menu can be quite varied and not only dietary.

But this does not exhaust all the cases when you need to know how to make a water bath. To make cheesecake, cake or soufflé in the oven, this cooking method is often used. This is because for delicate baked goods, you need to moderate the high oven temperature and prevent the top from cracking. To do this, you need to pour water into a deep baking tray so that it reaches the middle of the baking pan. If used springform, it needs to be wrapped in foil to prevent moisture from getting in. It is advisable to wrap in several layers and overlap and, of course, do not rush.

Knowing how to make a water bath at home, you can diversify your menu not only dietary dishes. Thanks to it, preparing many cakes, soufflés and cheesecakes will become a very common task. This means that you can organize small holidays for your family every day. And steamed cutlets, fish and vegetables often look much more attractive than fried or stewed ones. And most importantly, they combine delicate taste and benefits, as they are prepared without adding oil.

Very often, when reading a cream recipe, tender dough or a cosmetic mask, we come across the expression “water bath”. It would seem that everyone knows from childhood what it is, but, nevertheless, the question of how to make a water bath correctly does not lose its relevance, especially for young housewives who are just beginning to comprehend the basics of culinary art.

So, let's try to understand the intricacies of this process. The first question is when and why a water bath is needed. It is worth paying attention to this method of heating and cooking in cases where:

  • It is necessary to melt foods that are sensitive to high temperatures in such a way as to prevent them from burning and sticking to the walls of the cookware. Melt chocolate using a water bath butter or soap base for home soap making.
  • It is necessary to heat any ingredients to a relatively low temperature (50-60°). This is often necessary when making masks for hair or face, which contain natural oils– when heated, they are better absorbed and have a much more noticeable effect.
  • You need to prepare decoctions or infusions of herbs without losing a large amount healthy ingredients, which are destroyed when boiled.
  • There is a need to heat products that are prone to changing structure under the influence of temperature - yolk, gelatin, etc.

In all of the above cases, as well as in a number of others, it is very important to know how to make a water bath. It also has its own subtleties and rules, knowledge of which will allow you to avoid common mistakes.

First of all, a water bath will turn out great if the dishes are chosen correctly, but these are not all the details that are worth paying attention to.

  • The lower pan or bowl should have a thick bottom and, if possible, thick walls. In this case, the boiling will not be so violent and drops of water will not fall into the mass you are preparing.
  • Be sure to cover the bottom of the lower dish with a clean linen or cotton towel - this will make the boiling even smoother, and this is the key to how to make a water bath.
  • The upper dish should be of such a diameter that its bottom touches the water column, but its walls remain in the air. In this position, the effect will be maximum - the upper bowl will be treated with hot steam, and the water will practically not touch it. Select dishes in advance that match each other in diameter, and remember this “pair” - next time you will save time searching for suitable vessels.
  • A water bath at home involves constantly stirring the mixture in the upper bowl. This helps to control all changes in consistency and not miss the moment when the bowl needs to be removed from the heat.
  • Lower the bowl into large saucepan should only be done after the water has boiled in it, otherwise the heating process of the prepared mixture will be disrupted, and the result may not turn out at all as desired.
  • When preparing decoctions medicinal plants You don’t need to stir the mixture continuously, as burning will not happen. It is better to cover it with a lid to prevent it from evaporating. essential oils, which are often the main active ingredients of traditional medicine.
  • If the diameter of the upper pan practically coincides with the lower pan, you should worry in advance about how it can be removed after heating. It might be worth hanging it above the water using a thick thread or making improvised handles if there are none.

These are the basic rules on how to make a water bath without making mistakes. But even if you don’t succeed the first time, don’t worry. Two or three times - and you will develop the necessary skill that allows you to do everything easily and quickly.

How to make a water bath? All home cooking methods

Sometimes after reading a recipe in a cookbook, you get the impression that you have read some kind of strange code for special agents. Blanch, simmer with a little butter, cook until it tastes like a “soft ball” - and these are not all the terms used by chefs. But perhaps the most popular among them is the “water bath”. Many people don’t know how to make it, and therefore refuse such recipes. And completely in vain. It’s easy to make, and dishes cooked in a water or steam bath are tasty and healthy.

It is used in cases where delicate cooking and heating of the dish to no more than 100 degrees is required. The easiest way to make a water bath is to pour water into one pan and place a second, smaller one in it. This is exactly where the products that need to be cooked are placed. Typically this method is used for melting butters and chocolate, as well as for making warm custards and sponge dough. Homemade cottage cheese is also made in a similar steam bath.

Another option for making a water bath is an improvised double boiler. To do this, you need to stretch gauze over a pan of water at a height of 3-4 centimeters from the last one. This way you can cook steamed dishes - vegetables, fish and even meat. In fact, electric steamers operate on this principle, which today can be bought at any hardware store. Before their appearance, special pans with a double bottom were used. This method of cooking is considered the most dietary and healthy.

Many, however, believe that the steam menu is only suitable for children or those on a strict diet. In fact, you can cook many original and delicious dishes with steam. These can be a variety of soufflés, omelettes and even cupcakes. Cooking in a water bath saturates them with additional moisture and makes them juicy, preserving all the benefits of the products. So the steam menu can be quite varied and not only dietary.

But this does not exhaust all the cases when you need to know how to make a water bath. To make cheesecake, cake or soufflé in the oven, this cooking method is often used. This is because for delicate baked goods, you need to moderate the high oven temperature and prevent the top from cracking. To do this, you need to pour water into a deep baking tray so that it reaches the middle of the baking pan. If using a springform pan, it should be wrapped in foil to prevent moisture from entering. It is advisable to wrap in several layers and overlap and, of course, do not rush.

Knowing how to make a water bath at home, you can diversify your menu not only with dietary dishes. Thanks to it, preparing many cakes, soufflés and cheesecakes will become a very common task. This means that you can organize small holidays for your family every day. And steamed cutlets, fish and vegetables often look much more attractive than fried or stewed ones. And most importantly, they combine delicate taste and benefits, as they are prepared without adding oil.

What kind of steam bath can be made at home - implementation options

Usually the word “bathhouse” evokes in people a visual image of a room where visitors first warm up under the influence of water steam, cool down by washing in pools or showers, and then spend leisure hours in cozy relaxation rooms. The article will discuss such a procedure as a steam bath for the face, and the features of its use.

Applicability of steam baths in various fields

It is worth considering a procedure such as a steam bath, comparing it with a regular sauna, which is popular among a large number of people. A steam (water) bath is distinguished by the fact that the mixture poured into a certain container is evenly heated over the fire, but does not burn and does not lose its beneficial qualities.

At the same time, the sauna operates on a similar principle: with each new stage of the procedures, the visitor warms up at a higher steam temperature, which has a beneficial effect on the general condition of his body.

Some people associate the concept of “steam bath” with the method of steaming food, but in fact, the same procedure for heating various elements is also used in the industrial sphere.

The “steam bath” method is used in the following industries:

  • food;
  • petrochemical;
  • gas;
  • pharmaceutical;
  • veterinary

In each individual case, the procedure differs only in that containers of different volumes are used. Industrial areas most often require the use of specialized laboratory devices that are manufactured in factories.

A high-quality laboratory device is the key to a successful experiment

Support a certain temperature regime liquids are possible only with the help of a special water bath, manufactured with precise adherence to technology. According to the rules, such containers must comply with GOST standards, as well as the liquid examined with their help.

At industrial enterprises, samples of a certain mixture are taken, which can only be tested using a laboratory water bath. The device allows you to determine a number of mixture parameters and compare them with generally accepted standards.

Quite often, to conduct a certain study (when testing a substance for compliance with GOSTs), it is impossible to replace a laboratory water bath.

This installation copes with the following tasks:

  • thermostatic heating;
  • distillation;
  • evaporation;
  • drying;
  • enrichment of substances.

With its help, more specific problems are also solved, such as, for example, the extraction of fat from dairy products. According to the standard, the temperature in the water bath tank is maintained between 65 and 75 degrees Celsius. Usually it is with such temperature conditions products Food Industry checked for compliance with GOST standards.

Essentially, a steam bath is like a kettle in which the water temperature does not exceed 100 degrees Celsius, but if necessary (for research purposes), it is increased by adding ordinary kitchen salt. Carrying out huge amount Laboratory experiments without this equipment are simply impossible. As mentioned above, an industrial steam bath will help in solving a variety of problems.

This equipment may differ in capacity or operating principle. There can be installations controlled by one operator or several. The functionality of these steam baths also varies greatly. For example, a laboratory installation for studying the composition of polyethylene is controlled by six operators.

Some containers operate on the principle of a chemical centrifuge, when you can place a large number of flasks and other utensils.

Effective and cheap cosmetic procedure

Definitely, a steam bath for the face at home is the simplest cosmetic product that allows you to tone and improve the skin of your face so that you look beautiful not only in photos, but also when meeting in person with friends, relatives and acquaintances.

The essence of its work is quite simple:

  • when steaming, the pores of the skin open, which allows the fat cells accumulated in them to be destroyed;
  • water vapor saturates the epithelial tissue with moisture, giving it tone;
  • The elasticity of the skin increases, but at the same time it becomes softer;
  • Warm water vapor also causes a rush of blood into the epidermis, which is expressed by blush.

It is important not only to understand how to do steam bath independently, but also take into account a number of nuances when carrying out the procedure.

We are talking about the following features of taking a steam bath:

  • when steaming, facial skin can be treated with various cleansing solutions, creams and gels;
  • steaming is an excellent preventive measure in the treatment of acne;
  • practically no restrictions on use, with the exception of increased sensitivity of the skin and some diseases;
  • Maximum effectiveness when treating oily, dry or combination skin types.

Experts always remind that dry or combination skin should be treated fatty creams before taking bath procedures, so as not to cause the effect of early aging of the skin. Also, the effectiveness of the procedures increases when various herbs that have a beneficial effect on the skin are added to the water.

If we are talking about how to make a steam bath at home, then you should first become familiar with the effects that certain herbs and substances used have.

The modern market of cosmetic products offers customers a wide selection of steam baths manufactured in industrial conditions. For example, inhalers used either to treat respiratory diseases or to cleanse the skin of the face.

The frequency of procedures depends on individual characteristics patient's skin. The period between two procedures can range from 3-4 to 7 days.

Creating a steam bath at home

Every woman knows that a water bath for the face is very useful, but she does not always have the opportunity to use this procedure for a fee. In this regard, there is a need to carry out the procedure at home using improvised means.

The main container for the procedure can be a small enamel saucepan (from 2 liters). You need to pour a liter of water into it and add a little baking soda. Then the water is brought to a boil, and the pan is placed on a convenient surface, where it will be easy for a person to expose his face to the water vapor.

The resulting solution must be allowed to cool slightly so that the temperature of the steam is high, but does not burn the face. Then you should sit by the pan so that the steam envelops your face. For maximum effectiveness of the procedure, a piece of cloth is placed over the head, which will prevent the liquid from cooling quickly.

The entire procedure should take approximately 10 minutes. If you feel any negative manifestations, you should immediately stop taking the procedures. If the beneficial effect on the body needs to be enhanced or a specific effect needs to be created, then various plants can be added to the water: chamomile, linden, parsley, etc.

Herbs are selected taking into account the characteristics of the skin:

  • oily skin loves rosemary, oak bark, sage, birch and willow leaves;
  • on dry soil the most beneficial effect will be provided by: mint, birch buds, yarrow, linden flowers;
  • You can moisturize the skin with dried wormwood and horsetail;
  • work nervous system can be normalized with lemon oil or hop cones.

A steam bath is not suitable for use by people who have:

  • high blood pressure;
  • metabolic dysfunction;
  • high sensitivity of the skin;
  • individual intolerance (allergy) to any of the listed herbs.

Bottom line

The article describes in detail the procedure for taking a steam bath, its features, as well as the main advantages and disadvantages. If you follow the instructions, the procedure will be effective, and the result will be healthy facial skin that looks beautiful not only in edited photos, but also in real life. Of course, you can entrust your face to the workers of a beauty salon, but at home you won’t have to pay practically anything.

When and where to use a water bath

Device for the procedure

At first glance, it seems that there is nothing in common between a bathhouse in the generally accepted meaning of the word and the concept of “steam bath”. But it’s worth thinking about what happens to a person in a sauna and what effect is achieved. In a water bath, any mixture is slowly heated, while the gentle action of the flame does not allow the product to burn. Likewise, a person in a sauna takes on more and more air temperature with each new entry into the steam room. However, its condition is such that it does not harm the body.

Common people most often associate the concept of “steam bath” with cooking. But this is not entirely true, because this heating principle is also used in production. Moreover, the scope of application of a steam bath is quite wide. These are the following industries:

  • Food
  • Petrochemical
  • Gas
  • Medical
  • Veterinary

It is clear that devices of different sizes are used to achieve different goals. It's one thing to prepare cream in the kitchen. culinary masterpieces, another is to isolate the substance under industrial conditions. In the latter case, special laboratory devices are required; they must be made in factories.

Laboratory devices - the basis of experiments

After inhalation, the cold will go away

To maintain a certain liquid temperature according to GOST, you need a laboratory water bath. Thanks to it, it is possible to carry out thermostatic heating, distillation, evaporation, drying or enrichment of substances. Almost any product with a liquid composition must comply with GOST. This can be achieved by sampling. These samples are then subjected to special laboratory manipulations, the results of which show how well the tested substance complies with the approved standard.

When carrying out this kind of procedure, nothing can replace a steam bath. To isolate fat from milk and its products, the laboratory must have a kit necessary devices. The water bath maintains a temperature of 65-75 degrees, creating conditions for testing. In this way, the conformity of products with state standards for the food industry is confirmed.

The water temperature in the steam bath should not exceed 100 degrees. If, for research purposes, it needs to be raised a little higher, ordinary water is added to the water. salt. Without such laboratory equipment, it is impossible to conduct many experiments, especially if you subsequently have to undergo a test for compliance with GOST.

Advice from the master!

Water baths, constructed in special factories, serve various production purposes.

Such equipment can be very different both in volume and in operating principle. Laboratory-type water baths can be very different. One specialist or several can work with them. At the same time, the equipment of such equipment is different. For example, a laboratory bath in which the extractive substance contained in polyethylene is determined has six workstations. Some containers provide space for multiple flasks and other laboratory glassware. This makes the verification process much faster.

In descriptions of preparing recipes or cosmetic masks, the definition of water bath is found. We will try to reveal the secrets for you, How to make a water bath? How to use it? What opportunities does a water bath provide compared to heating over a fire? For example, its use is associated with the property of some products to stick to the walls of a vessel under the influence of temperature, or in order to simmer over a fire without allowing the contents to boil.

What is a water bath and how to make it at home?

    It is possible to create a perfect water bath by observing the following conditions:
  • Thick-walled dishes are selected, and the bottom of the outer pan is covered with linen or cotton cloth for a smoother boil of water.
  • The upper vessel is selected in such a size that when lowered, its walls and bottom do not come into contact with the outer pan.
  • The mixture, which is prepared in a bathhouse, must be constantly stirred to control the change in consistency, and when the required value is reached, immediately remove it from the heat.
  • The inner vessel is placed in the outer one only when water boils in it, otherwise the process will be disrupted, and the result will differ from the expected.
  • Preparation of decoctions medicinal plants It is done with the lid closed and without stirring, so that the essential oils present do not evaporate.
  • Before lowering the inner vessel, you need to take care of how it will be removed after heating. To do this, hang the pan over the water or attach improvised handles if they are missing.
  • What material should the dishes for the water bath be made from?

    The question “how to make a water bath with a guaranteed desired result” is easily solved by using metal two-level pans specially designed for this. If they are not available, ordinary pots or containers of various sizes and diameters are suitable, preferably with thick walls to reduce the intensity of boiling and a smoother effect of temperature on the products.

    How to heat in a water bath?

    In addition to the special requirements for the dishes, the heating temperature is selected in such a way that the boiling is not strong, and water from the lower dishes does not penetrate into the upper. The contents of the inner vessel should be heated by hot water, but not by fire. As a rule, the heating temperature reaches 40-70°C, depending on the boiling intensity. The technology for preparing individual products in a water bath at home is slightly different:

  • Heating honey. For melting candied honey while preserving all its beneficial properties after application required quantity product into a vessel, heating is carried out to a temperature not higher than 40°C.
  • Melting wax. The material is used for manufacturing cosmetic masks, hair removal, treating arthritis and making candles and figurines. The product should be heated gradually, bringing the temperature to 70°C with constant stirring.
  • Kindling propolis. The substance contains phytoncides that are released when heated. His liquid consistency necessary for the treatment of the respiratory system by inhalation, as well as the production of ointments. Propolis is grated or crushed after freezing, then placed in a ceramic cup and an oil base is added, depending on the recipe. The vessel is placed in the bath and stirred until homogeneous mass, after which the hot product is filtered through a fine strainer.
  • Melting gelatin. The gelatin is allowed to brew for 15-20 minutes. If it has not dissolved, then you can resort to a water bath to remove the lumps. Place in a bath and leave for 20 minutes. with the lid on;
  • Preparation of burdock oil. The product is used in cosmetic medicine for rubbing into the scalp when complications arise with the hair. To prepare the product, use a 0.5 liter jar. filled with fresh or dry burdock roots, removed for 2 days in a dark place, after which the oil from the jar is drained into ceramic dishes and heated in a steam-water steam room with a lid on for 1 hour over low heat. After cooking, the product is filtered.

Sometimes after reading a recipe in a cookbook, you get the impression that you have read some kind of strange code for special agents. Blanch, simmer with a little butter, cook until it tastes like a “soft ball” - and these are not all the terms used by chefs. But perhaps the most popular among them is the “water bath”. Many people don’t know how to make it, and therefore refuse such recipes. And completely in vain. It’s easy to make, and dishes cooked in a water or steam bath are tasty and healthy.

It is used in cases where delicate cooking and heating of the dish to no more than 100 degrees is required. The easiest way to make a water bath is to pour water into one pan and place a second, smaller one in it. This is exactly where the products that need to be cooked are placed. Typically this method is used for melting butters and chocolate, as well as for making warm custards and sponge dough. Homemade cottage cheese is also made on a similar

Another option for making a water bath is an improvised double boiler. To do this, you need to stretch gauze over a pan of water at a height of 3-4 centimeters from the last one. This way you can cook steamed dishes - vegetables, fish and even meat. In fact, electric steamers operate on this principle, which today can be bought at any hardware store. Before their appearance, special pans with a double bottom were used. This method of cooking is considered the most dietary and healthy.

Many, however, believe that the steam menu is only suitable for children or those on a strict diet. In fact, you can cook many original and delicious dishes with steam. These can be a variety of soufflés, omelettes and even cupcakes. Cooking in a water bath saturates them with additional moisture and makes them juicy, preserving all the benefits of the products. So the steam menu can be quite varied and not only dietary.

But this does not exhaust all the cases when you need to know how to make a water bath. To make cheesecake, cake or soufflé in the oven, this cooking method is often used. This is because for delicate baked goods, you need to moderate the high oven temperature and prevent the top from cracking. To do this, you need to pour water into a deep baking tray so that it reaches the middle of the baking pan. If using a springform pan, it should be wrapped in foil to prevent moisture from entering. It is advisable to wrap in several layers and overlap and, of course, do not rush.

Knowing how to make a water bath at home, you can diversify your menu not only with dietary dishes. Thanks to it, preparing many cakes, soufflés and cheesecakes will become a very common task. This means that you can organize small holidays for your family every day. And steamed cutlets, fish and vegetables often look much more attractive than fried or stewed ones. And most importantly, they combine delicate taste and benefits, as they are prepared without adding oil.