Homemade tomato paste. Tomato paste for the winter is a universal preservation. How to cook delicious tomato pasta for the winter: thick and spicy.

tomato paste used for cooking by millions of people of all nationalities. This is a product known to every housewife in our country, and not only in ours.

Ketchups and sauces are prepared on the basis of tomato paste. By itself, tomato paste is not a final product, but a semi-finished product for future dishes. Nobody eats tomato paste without pre-treatment.

Tomato paste is added to the first and second courses to give a characteristic tomato flavor and bright color. And normal, healthy digestion, as we all know, starts with how food looks and smells. Food that smells and looks appetizing promotes the production of digestive juices, which means that the food is fully absorbed and benefits. Tomato paste in this sense is an excellent stimulant for the production of digestive juices and improves digestion.

Tomato paste, as noted above, contains vitamins that are found in tomatoes, and in fact has the same beneficial properties as tomatoes.

Another thing is winter. Tomatoes are not so tasty, not so sweet. What is their taste and color? Yes, they are expensive in the winter. I do not want to buy tomato paste in the store. I bought a small jar, I thought I would add a teaspoon for color. So she stood open in my refrigerator for three months, and at least she didn’t get moldy or disappear. What is there mixed with pasta? I began to read the composition, it even became bad, solid E-shki. And since I already know everything about these E-shki and even wrote it, I threw it out of harm's way. And I don’t buy anymore, my own tomato paste, although not so beautiful, but certainly useful.

According to GOST, the paste should contain only tomatoes and salt. This is the kind of pasta we will make with you. Of course paste- may be loud. I get something between a paste and juice, and not liquid, and not thick. I do not grind tomatoes through a sieve, and I have pasta along with seeds. And why good disappear, but waste time. Moreover, during cooking, nothing remains of the seeds.

Tomato paste. Cooking.

Well, let's get started. What we need to make tomato paste:

  • tomatoes
  • sunflower oil

I specifically do not specify the quantity. Whoever deems it necessary to prepare as much as he will do. I always buy one or two boxes of tomatoes. That is, I get industrial scale. But I have my own tomato paste in autumn, winter and spring. It tastes like real tomatoes. And if they don’t eat store-bought tomato paste, then just give this one!

Somehow my husband and I left for a week on business, and my daughter and son-in-law lived at home. Upon arrival, I see that the tomato paste on my shelves has pretty much diminished. And the daughter says: “So your beloved son-in-law took a fancy to it, she couldn’t tear it off!” Of course, why not eat when you eat, and as if the tomatoes are fresh.

I buy tomatoes at the end of August, when they are the most ripe, the reddest. Gained strength from the Sun! Full of juice, taste, vitamins. Here are the ones I make.

Do all very simple!

Tomato paste is a product that should be present in every kitchen. After all, tomato paste, made from fresh, selected products, when added to various dishes, sauces, makes them even more fragrant and tastier.

Pasta from tomatoes for the winter - general principles of preparation

Tomato paste for the winter not only gives the dishes a beautiful color and enriches their taste, but also contains a lot of useful trace elements.

In general, tomatoes retain all their properties surprisingly well after heat treatment. This means that tomato paste is rich in iron, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, nickel and other substances. It also contains vitamins B, A, C and E.

And although, today on the shelves, the choice of tomato pastes is huge, having familiarized yourself with the composition, you realize that it is unlikely that it carries as much benefit as we would like. Therefore, it is better to cook tomato pasta for the winter at home, especially since it is not so difficult and long.

The composition of homemade tomato paste in addition to tomatoes necessarily includes salt. The rest of the ingredients can be taken depending on what kind of paste you want to get: sweet, spicy, with spices or herbs. As always happens in cooking, the scope for imagination is unlimited. We offer you best recipes, time-tested, and whether to supplement them with ingredients or strictly follow the recipe is up to you.

Recipe 1. Pasta from tomatoes for the winter "Homemade"


Three kilograms of ripe red tomatoes;

Two large bulbs;

100 g of sugar;

Half a glass of vinegar;

Half a glass of water;

Cooking method:

1. We wash the tomatoes, cut off the stalks, remove, if necessary, rotten places. We cut into several slices.

2. We spread the prepared tomatoes in a deep enamelware, here we put the peeled and chopped onion.

3. Pour water into the vegetables, cover the pan with a lid, set to boil.

4. As soon as the contents boil, reduce the gas to a minimum, simmer for about 15 minutes. This time should be enough for the tomatoes to soften and release the juice.

5. Turn off the gas, cool the mass itself.

6. Put the tomatoes on a sieve and grind thoroughly.

7. We send the mashed potatoes to languish over moderate heat. Periodically, stirring the mass, cook until the puree is reduced in volume by five times.

8. At the end of cooking, add sugar, vinegar and salt to the paste.

9. Mix well, simmer for another five minutes, pour into pre-prepared jars.

10. Roll up jars of tomato paste for the winter, cool under a blanket, put away for storage.

Recipe 2. Tomato pasta for the winter, cooked in the oven


Four kg of tomatoes;

120 g of salt;

Ground pepper;

10 g ground coriander;

10 g cinnamon;

10-12 cloves;

Two or three umbrellas of dill;

Two stalks of celery;

A few sprigs of fresh basil and parsley.

Cooking method:

1. Prepare the tomatoes: wash, cut, cut.

2. We put it in a saucepan, simmer until the tomatoes become limp and let the juice go.

3. Put the tomatoes on a strainer and grind well, we only need mashed potatoes, but the skins and seeds can be thrown away.

4. Mix tomato puree With salt. Pour into a deep baking dish. Exhibit in heated up to 200 gr. oven for two to two and a half hours. Don't forget to stir the pasta from time to time.

5. As soon as the mass thickens, add the washed greens, celery, dill umbrellas, and spices. Stir, simmer for about half an hour.

6. We take out greens and celery from the finished tomato paste for the winter, mix again, pour into a sterile container.

7. Cool the mass under the cover, send it to storage.

Recipe 3. Pasta from tomatoes for the winter, cooked in a slow cooker


Half a kilo of tomatoes;

Two small bows;

Four cloves of garlic;

50 ml vegetable oil;

15 g salt.

Cooking method:

1. Thoroughly washed tomatoes cut into small pieces. Put in a deep bowl.

2. We also send peeled and cut into several pieces onion and garlic there.

3. Grind all the vegetables with an immersion blender until pureed.

4. Mix tomato puree with vegetable oil and salt.

5. Pour the mass into the multicooker bowl.

6. We set the "Extinguishing" mode for one hour, bring the mass to a boil with the lid open, then close the lid and simmer the remaining time.

7. We mix the finished tomato paste for the winter, pour it into jars, roll it up.

Recipe 4. Pasta from tomatoes for the winter with apples


Three kilograms of tomatoes;

Two large sweet-sour apples;


35 ml of vinegar.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the tomatoes and onions, cut into slices, chop in a blender.

2. We do the same with apples: mine, remove the seeds, cut and chop with a blender.

3. Mix tomatoes with apples.

4. We spread the mass in an impromptu bag made of cotton fabric. We hang the bag of puree over the container for about 6-8 hours in order to drain excess liquid from the glass.

5. After the time has elapsed, transfer the mashed potatoes to a saucepan, salt, cook over medium heat for 30 minutes.

6. Pour in the vinegar, simmer for another five minutes.

7. Pour the paste into jars, cover them with lids and send for sterilization in a preheated oven for 10 minutes.

8. Roll up, cool, put away for storage.

Recipe 5. Pasta from tomatoes for the winter with herbs


3 kg of tomatoes;

20 g of sugar;

40 g of salt;

50 ml of apple cider vinegar;

A bunch of basil;

A bunch of parsley;

Vegetable oil;

Laurel leaves;


Coriander to taste.

Cooking method:

1. We select ripe fleshy tomatoes, wash them, if there are defects, cut them off.

2. Cut the prepared fruits into small slices, cook over low heat for about 15 minutes.

3. Cool the mass a little, grind with a blender.

4. Reduce the fire, simmer the tomato puree for about an hour and a half. The consistency of the finished paste should resemble thick sour cream, if the mass is not boiled down as it should be and it turns out to be watery, we increase the languishing time.

5. 12-15 minutes before the pasta is ready, add salt, chopped herbs, sugar, coriander, peppercorns, a few bay leaves, and also pour vinegar.

6. When the paste is ready, put it in a sterile container while hot.

7. Pour a spoonful of vegetable oil into each jar over the pasta, roll up the jars themselves, cool the mass, put it away for storage.

Recipe 6. Tomato paste for the winter with mustard and juniper berries


3.5 kg of tomatoes;

600 g of onion;

450 ml of vinegar;

Half a kilo of sugar;

10 juniper berries;

A spoonful of crushed bay leaf;

60 g of spicy mustard;

120 ml of water;

Cooking method:

1. We spread thoroughly washed and cut into slices tomatoes, as well as chopped onions, into a deep enameled bowl.

2. Pour the ingredients with water, mix, bring the mass to a boil.

3. Remove the pan from the stove, add the washed juniper berries, mustard, sugar, salt and spices, pour in the vinegar. Grind all ingredients in a blender.

4. Preheat the oven, reduce the heat to a minimum.

5. Pour the tomato puree with spices into a deep form, send the mass to the oven for five hours to completely evaporate the liquid. Don't forget to stir the pasta from time to time.

6. Ready pasta should acquire a rich burgundy color and the density of sour cream.

7. Cool the tomato paste for the winter, transfer it to special sealed containers for storage, send it to the refrigerator.

Recipe 7. Tomato paste for the winter with sweet pepper


Seven kilograms of tomatoes;

A kilogram of sweet pepper (red);

60 g salt.

Cooking method:

1. Clean up Bell pepper from the seeds, cut the stalk, rinse thoroughly and cut into large pieces.

2. Cut the washed tomatoes into two parts, remove the core with seeds.

3. We put the prepared vegetables in the pan, turn on the minimum heat, simmer for about an hour, during which time the tomatoes will release juice, the vegetables will soften, the fruit skin will boil, and the mass will boil two to three times.

4. The resulting vegetable puree cool slightly, add salt, grind the ingredients with a blender.

5. Put the puree back into the pan, turn on the gas slowly and boil the mass to the consistency we need.

6. Put the tomato paste in sterile jars, roll up the lids, turn them upside down, wrap the jars with a blanket, keep them there until they cool completely.

7. Remove the paste for storage in a cool room or refrigerator.

Recipe 8. Zucchini adjika with tomato paste for the winter


2.5 kilograms of young zucchini;

Half a cup of peeled garlic;


300 ml vegetable oil;

130 g of sugar;

80 g of salt;

280 g of tomato paste (any prepared in the above ways will do);

60 ml of vinegar.

Cooking method:

1. We wash the zucchini and chili. Remove the skin from the zucchini, remove the tips. We clean the pepper from seeds.

2. Pass both ingredients through a meat grinder.

3. We spread the resulting puree in a large enamel pan, pour in the oil, add salt, tomato paste, granulated sugar.

4. Thoroughly mix the mass, bring to a boil, simmer over low heat for about an hour-hour 15 minutes.

5. At the end of cooking, pour in the vinegar.

6. Pour the finished adjika with tomato paste for the winter into jars, roll it up.

7. Cool the workpiece by turning it upside down for a day, then put it away for storage.

Tomato paste for the winter can be added to vegetable stews, in hot first courses. It is also good as a dressing for meat sauces. Use it in canning, adding to vegetable caviar, lecho, tomatoes in own juice. If you dilute tomato paste with water, you get wonderful tomato juice.

If you have a watery variety of tomatoes, then better water do not add when cooking - the paste will turn out to be watery.

If you are not too lazy and remove the seeds from the tomatoes, then the paste will turn out to be a rich burgundy color, because it is the tomato seeds that give finished products pale shade.

Spread the spices only after the main mass boils, so their bouquet of aroma will open up better and not interrupt the taste of the tomatoes.

Don't forget to stir the pasta while cooking so it doesn't burn.

If you put the greens in the paste just to add flavor, tie it in a bundle - it will be much easier to remove the greens from the finished mass.

To open jar with tomato paste for the winter is not moldy, lightly salt the top and apply a thin layer of sunflower oil.

For storage, it is best to use small jars: 200, 300, maximum 500 grams.

Every housewife wants to cook dishes for her family from natural, high-quality products. Whether we create a first or main course, an appetizer or a side dish, we try to use quality products, carefully select them and get rid of vegetables and fruits with a questionable look, smell or taste.

When opening a colorful package with tomato paste, carefully read the composition. Unfortunately, manufacturers are trying and adding thickeners and stabilizers, preservatives and dyes, starch and other, much more aggressive chemicals. Most additives are unfamiliar to us, and their effect on human body not even fully understood by scientists. In addition, there is absolutely no certainty that good and not spoiled tomatoes went into processing ...

I advise you to cook tomato paste from fresh tomatoes at home, it will turn out very tasty, and most importantly - healthy! I share the recipe.


To get one half-liter jar of tomato paste, we need:

  • 3 kg tomatoes
  • 1 large onion;
  • 3 teaspoons of sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar;
  • 2 teaspoons of salt;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • black, allspice, other spices to taste.


For homemade tomato paste, I do not advise taking unripe vegetables; from overripe tomatoes, it will turn out much tastier. Try to choose not stale, but elastic and fleshy tomatoes. They must first be washed, it is also desirable to cut out the place where the stem is attached.

First you need to prepare water - boiling water, with which we will pour tomatoes: we will blanch them. For this we need large saucepan. Pour tomatoes into it, pour boiling water over them and leave it for 5 minutes, no need to cook. Then we drain the hot liquid and pour over the fruits very cold water. After such actions, our tomatoes will easily part with the skin. We try not to lose sight of and cut off any shortcomings and defects of vegetables.

This is also interesting:

We cut the peeled tomatoes into slices and remove the grains, as we want to get a homogeneous mass, while excess liquid should also drain from the tomato.

Now you can cook them. We send the tomatoes to a pan of a suitable size (it is desirable that there is still 1/3 of the place left in it). Bring to a boil over medium heat and drain off the juice.

Then add finely chopped onion to the boiling tomatoes. We continue to cook on low heat for another 15-20 minutes, periodically (about 3-4 times) draining excess liquid.

Now it's time to grind it all down. I usually use a blender for this purpose. We should be able to homogeneous mass like a soft puree.

We again put the pan with the tomato mass on the stove, and from now on our main task is to boil it so that it thickens. It will take approximately 2-2.5 hours (the consistency of the pasta directly depends on how much we cook it, longer - thicker). During the cooking process, do not forget to add Bay leaf. Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally so that the pasta does not burn (it's good if you have a wide wooden spatula or spoon).

5-7 minutes before turning off the fire, add vinegar. Fragrant, healthy, homemade tomato paste is ready, and you can immediately use it to prepare the first or second course. In my opinion, it is simply universal: it will help out when you cook, for example, borscht or kharcho soup, pilaf, spaghetti sauce, gravy for meatballs or roast, and so on.

Of course, you always want to prepare seasonal vegetables in the winter, and homemade tomato paste - great option for conservation. If you decide to close it in jars, prepare everything you need in advance - sterilized jars, lids, a key for preservation - in order to immediately begin such an important and responsible business. After that, as usual, we turn the jars over, check if everything is in order with the lids, and wrap them up “warmer”. They did a great job, and the shelves with preservation were replenished with a new blank - home-made tomato paste.

Tomato paste can be prepared from the second grade with cracks and dented barrels. The main thing is that they are saturated ripeness, and preferably not juicy varieties with dense fleshy pulp. Such tomatoes can be purchased at a bargain price, which will make finished product the most budgetary and even more attractive for cooking at home.

How to make tomato paste at home - a recipe for the winter


  • ripe tomatoes - 3.5 kg;
  • onions - 190-240 g;
  • granulated sugar - 120 g;
  • vinegar 6% - 100 ml;
  • non-iodized rock salt - to taste.


Rinse the tomatoes with cool water, cut in half and place in an enamel bowl. We also send onion bulbs there, having previously cleaned them and cut them arbitrarily. Now pour in about a hundred milliliters of water, cover the vessel with a lid and leave it on a medium-intensity fire to boil. We give the tomato-onion mass to boil for fifteen minutes, after which we leave it to cool completely.

After that, we grind the tomato mass through a sieve, separating the skins, seeds and stalks and getting rid of them. We put the resulting puree on the stove to boil until the volume is reduced by about five times, stirring from time to time. The thicker the puree, the more often you will need to stir it so that it does not burn. The whole process will take a lot of time, but the result is worth it. When ready, add salt to taste to the tomato paste, add granulated sugar and pour in vinegar. Let it boil a little and dissolve all the crystals, after which we lay out the paste in sterile and dry glass containers, cork and leave to cool under the covers in the form turned upside down.

Homemade tomato paste in a slow cooker - recipe


  • ripe tomatoes - 2.5 kg;
  • dry mix Italian herbs- 2.5 teaspoons;
  • non-iodized rock salt - 25 g or to taste.


This variation of the preparation of homemade tomato paste involves the use of a multicooker for this purpose. We prepare the tomatoes, as in the previous case, by rinsing the fruits and cutting them in half or into several parts (if large). We put the tomato mass in a multi-pan and turn on the “Extinguishing” mode for thirty minutes. We simmer the mass with the lid closed, stirring occasionally, after which we let it cool slightly, and rub it through a sieve. We return to the multi-pot already tomato puree in pure form, add dry herbs and cook the pasta in the “Baking” mode for forty to sixty minutes, stirring from time to time. The lid of the device must be open. Now we add some salt to the paste, put it in jars and sterilize it in a saucepan with boiling water for twenty minutes, covering the containers with lids, which we cork after sterilization.

Quick cooking tomato paste at home - recipe


  • ripe tomatoes - 3.5 kg;
  • apples sweet and sour or sour - 260 g;
  • onions - 190 g;
  • granulated sugar - to taste;
  • vinegar 6% - 30 ml;
  • non-iodized rock salt - to taste.


We prepare properly ripe tomatoes and apples, peel the bulbs. Now we pass all the components through a juicer. Received thick juice pour into a linen bag or just a piece of fabric, folding it in the form of a bag and tying it up up. We hang the tomato mass over a basin or other vessel and leave it for several hours or overnight.

As time passes, only a thick puree will remain inside the bag, and excess moisture will drain into the basin. Now we shift the puree into an enameled container, boil it for thirty minutes, after which we add salt and sugar to taste, pour in the vinegar, let it boil, stirring for another five minutes and lay it out for storage in which it is necessary to let it cool completely under the covers with the covers down.

May 17, 2015 1741

Any homemade tomato paste will be much better than store-bought for several reasons:

  • naturalness of the products used;
  • confidence in palatability, their correction according to their own preferences;
  • high end quality.

If you follow some recipes, pasta can also be used as a sauce.

Classic tomato paste

You will need the following ingredients:

  • onions - medium size 2 things;
  • tomatoes - about 3 kg;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • table vinegar - half a glass;
  • salt.

Tomatoes should be firm, fleshy and resilient.

The ideal variety is "Cream".

After that, they turn upside down, and hide under a warm blanket until they cool completely, and then go to the cellar or pantry.

Pasta prepared according to this recipe can be opened at any time as needed.

Video on cooking a traditional tomato for the winter:

Method of cooking in a multicooker

With the advent of multicookers, any dish can be prepared with a minimum of time and effort, since this device is a hybrid of a double boiler, bread machine, pressure cooker and a regular pan.

No exception is tomato paste, which housewives prepare at home according to a recipe for long-term storage.

You will need the following ingredients to make it:

  • tomatoes - 1.5-2 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt - 1 tablespoon;
  • 70% vinegar - 2 teaspoons;
  • sugar - a tablespoon.

Tomatoes are washed and peeled.

All flaws are removed.

Then they should be grated using an ordinary grater, or scroll in a blender.

Bones can not be removed - this is a matter of taste.

By using watery tomatoes, the addition of water can be avoided.

Sugar is poured into the prepared mass, and then salt, after which it must be mixed well.

After you need to pour vinegar and oil into the workpiece.

If you wish, you can add some spices, for example, ground pepper.

The future paste is again thoroughly mixed.

The mixture is placed in a multicooker, which is turned on for 1 hour in the “quenching” mode.

It is interesting that the mixture does not burn in the slow cooker, as it is stewed gradually, however, it is necessary to stir periodically.

After 1 hour, the workpiece can be rolled into jars.

This is done in exactly the same way as when cooking according to the classic recipe.

Spicy tomato paste in the oven

Not every housewife has a multicooker.

However, in the oven you can cook at least delicious option Yes, even with the use of spices.

For this you need:

Tomatoes are washed, and spoiled places are removed.

They must be placed in a large sieve set over a suitably sized pot of boiling water.

The mixture is boiled for 10 minutes.

It is advisable to divide the tomatoes into several batches so that they are better boiled over steam.

Softened tomatoes are rubbed through a sieve, and the mass mixed with salt is poured into a saucepan with high sides, and sent to an oven preheated to 200 degrees.

While the tomato is simmering on the fire, you can prepare for tea pear pie, which, due to its constituent ingredients, has a delicate texture.

Returning to the preparations for the winter, I would like to offer you more cabbage salads. Enrich your winter diet with vitamins!

The pasta will cook for about 2 hours, and all this time it needs to be stirred periodically, paying attention to the density.

Spices are added after the desired consistency is reached.

Herbs, pre-tied into a bouquet, are sent to the mass at the same time.

The mixture is being prepared for another 30 minutes, after which the greens, which have given their beneficial features and taste is removed.

The blank is poured into sterilized jars, which are rolled up.

They are covered with blankets and turned upside down.

Store this way until completely cooled (preferably within a day).

So you got acquainted with popular cooking methods, and now take a little time and look universal recipe"5 in one":

Secrets of cooking and storing homemade tomato paste

If you follow the following cooking rules, the pasta will turn out much tastier than the purchased version:

  • if you use watery tomatoes, you can not add water;
  • all spices are sent to the mass only after it boils;
  • all greens must be tied into a bundle before adding (this will make it easier to remove it from an almost finished workpiece);
  • so that the mixture does not burn during cooking, it is important to stir it;
  • salt is always added depending on personal taste preferences.

You can store the paste at room temperature.

The main condition is absolute tightness.

Otherwise, air trapped inside will cause the cover to bulge, and winter preparation becomes unusable.

Some more tips in the video below: