Dough for sorrel pies. Sweet pies in the oven

Hurry up to treat yourself and your loved ones to delicious fried pies with sorrel. It will not be at all difficult to prepare such a delicacy according to the recipes proposed below, and even a beginner in the culinary business can cope with it. A primitive set of ingredients for the dough, a bunch of fresh sorrel and just a little free time - and a ruddy addition to tea is already on your table.

Sweet pies with sorrel in a frying pan - quick recipe


For the test:

  • sifted Wheat flour– 410 g;
  • peasant butter – 35 g;
  • baking powder – 5 g;
  • medium-sized chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • granulated sugar – 25 g;

For filling:

  • fresh sorrel leaves – 120 g;
  • granulated sugar – 120 g.


In kefir room temperature add granulated sugar, salt and baking powder, add melted butter and a slightly beaten egg and mix the ingredients thoroughly. Now add sifted flour little by little to the resulting mass and try to get a still soft, but no longer sticky dough.

Now let's prepare the sweet sorrel filling for the pies. To do this, rinse the fresh sorrel leaves, tear off the hard stems, and cut the wide leaves into small pieces and mix with granulated sugar, squeezing the mass a little until the juice begins to separate.

You can traditionally decorate the pies with your hands, forming round cakes, filling them with filling and closing and pinching the opposite edges. To make the products more airtight, you can slightly moisten the edges at the points of contact with water.

If you wish, you can go the other way. Roll out the dough into one thin layer, cut out round cakes from it and further form the products, placing the filling between two circles and pinching the edges. For frying, heat up a sufficient amount of sunflower oil without aroma, put the pies into it and brown the products on both sides.

Sweet fried pies with sorrel made from yeast dough - recipe


For the test:

  • sifted wheat flour – 370-410 g;
  • medium fat kefir – 260 ml;
  • Sunflower oil without aroma – 70 ml;
  • pressed fresh yeast– 25 g;
  • medium-sized chicken egg – 2 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar – 25 g;
  • iodized salt – 1 small pinch;
  • unflavored sunflower oil for frying;

For filling:

  • fresh sorrel leaves – 140 g;
  • granulated sugar - 120 g or to taste.


Despite the fact that the dough for making sweet fried pies with sorrel in in this case yeast, it cooks almost as quickly as the previous one. Let sugar, salt and yeast dissolve in warm kefir, stirring the mass thoroughly with your hands, then add a little whipped chicken eggs, pour in flavorless sunflower oil and stir in the sifted flour until a soft and non-sticky texture of a flour ball is achieved. This dough does not require proofing, so we immediately form it into round balls and let them lie on the table for ten minutes. During this time we will just have time prepare the filling for the pies. Wash the sorrel leaves, dry them and chop them into small pieces. After this, knead the chopped mass a little with your hands or simply pour boiling water over it and let it drain.

To decorate the pies, we form flat cakes from the suitable balls, fill each with sorrel, sprinkle with granulated sugar to taste and pinch the edges. Fry the products in hot oil, browning on both sides.

If desired, you can add steamed seedless, which will give the taste of fried pies a special sweetness.

The aroma of sorrel pies is reminiscent of summer, and their amazing taste both adults and children like it. For cooking, you can use both fresh and frozen leaves. Choose your favorite recipe for pies with sorrel in the oven or in a frying pan.

This dish will be a great addition to family breakfast or lunch. Pies can be served with broth, tea or cold drinks.

Helpful tip: to make the filling tastier, you can mix sorrel with brown sugar

Required Products:

  • 250 g wheat flour;
  • 250 ml of heated water;
  • 8 g yeast;
  • 60 g sugar;
  • 150 g sorrel;
  • 150 ml refined sunflower oil.

Baking method.

  1. Yeast is combined with sugar and poured with water. In this case, a foam “cap” should form.
  2. Add 50 ml of oil and gradually add flour.
  3. Knead the dough with your hands and leave it under a wet towel for 2 hours. During this period, the dough increases 2–3 times.
  4. The sorrel leaves are sorted and washed, and then simmered in a frying pan in a small amount of water.
  5. The greens are cooled and combined with sugar. The sand should dissolve completely.
  6. From ready dough Roll out small flat cakes, fill them with filling and seal them. Place in a frying pan with the seam up so that the juice does not leak out, and fry in oil on both sides until golden brown.

With green onions and egg

This recipe is relevant in the spring-summer season, since it is better to use fresh herbs for the filling.


  • 550 g wheat flour;
  • 250 ml yogurt (or stale kefir);
  • 10 g yeast;
  • 40 g granulated sugar;
  • 5 g salt;
  • 50 g sorrel;
  • 50 g green onions;
  • 30 g beet tops(or spinach, parsley);
  • 2 g ground black pepper;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 100 ml oil for frying.

Cooking method.

  1. Yeast is crumbled into a deep bowl. Add salt and sugar.
  2. Warmed to room temperature fermented milk drink yeast is poured in.
  3. Sift 200 g of flour and pour into the liquid mixture. Stir with a spoon until you get it homogeneous dough like on pancakes.
  4. The cup with the dough is covered and placed in a warm place.
  5. After 50–60 minutes, when the dough has risen, stir it with a spoon and add another 300 g of flour.
  6. The remaining flour is poured onto the table, where the dough is kneaded for 10 minutes. It should be elastic, but very soft.
  7. Form a large ball from the dough and place it in a cup coated with oil and cover with a clean cloth. The dough should rest for about an hour.
  8. All greens are washed, dried, and finely chopped.
  9. Boil the eggs for at least 12 minutes, cool and finely chop. Combine with greens.
  10. The filling is peppered and salted.
  11. Gently knead the risen dough with your hands. The part is rolled out into a flat cake, and circles are cut out of it using a bowl.
  12. Place the filling in the center of each circle. The edges are pinched, forming an even, tight seam.
  13. The molded pies are fried in a sufficient amount of oil in a frying pan on both sides until golden brown.

In a frying pan on yeast-free dough

Sweet fried pies with sorrel filling, this recipe can be mastered even by a novice cook or a housewife who does not want to bother with yeast dough.

For baking you will need:

  • 400 g of premium flour;
  • 250 ml kefir with a fat content of 2.5%;
  • 35 g butter;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 1 medium egg;
  • 120 g sorrel leaves;
  • 5 g baking powder;
  • 2 g salt;
  • 80 ml vegetable oil.


  1. Kefir is warmed to room temperature in advance. Combine with 20 g of sugar, baking powder, salt, melted butter and beaten egg.
  2. The flour is sifted and added in parts to the first mass. Stir first with a fork, then with your hands. The dough should be soft, but not sticky.
  3. Each sorrel leaf is washed and dried with a paper towel. Thickened stems are removed. Greens are cut into medium strips.
  4. The chopped sorrel is covered with the remaining granulated sugar, pressing down with a spoon until the greens begin to release juice.
  5. Not too thin cakes are formed from the dough. A sweet sorrel filling is placed in the middle, the opposite edges are closed and pinched.
  6. Heat some of the oil in a frying pan and fry the pies in it on each side until golden brown. During frying, add oil if necessary.

Recipe with yeast dough in the oven

Pies baked this way have the most delicate dough and a sweet filling with light caramel notes.

Required Products:

  • 250 g quality flour;
  • 1 large egg;
  • 1 raw yolk;
  • 100 g thicker sour cream;
  • 80 g sugar;
  • 6 g baker's yeast;
  • 100 g sorrel;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 50 ml vegetable oil.

Cooking steps.

  1. The dough is prepared manually or using a bread machine. If equipment is used, everything is done in accordance with the instructions for the specific model. To knead by hand, first combine the beaten egg and sour cream, then gradually add the mixture of yeast and flour.
  2. The dough is kneaded for a few minutes, then covered and left in a warm place for a couple of hours to rise.
  3. Wash the sorrel and place it on a sieve to drain the water from the leaves. Cut into thin strips and lightly fry in a frying pan in butter. Before forming the pies, cool the filling, otherwise the dough will settle.
  4. Flatbreads are made from the dough; sorrel filling and 5 g of sugar are placed in the center of each. Carefully pinch the edges.
  5. The pies are placed on a baking sheet at a distance from each other and left to rise. Then they are greased with yolk and browned in an oven preheated to 180° C for 30 minutes.

Filling for sorrel pies - the secrets of the juicy filling

To bake perfect pies the first time, you need to pay more attention to the sorrel filling. It is important to select large, uniform, bright, dense sorrel leaves with a perceptible aroma. The following tips will help you achieve a juicy filling.

  1. The washed leaves must be dried: if there is water left in the filling, the dough will come apart during frying and the juice will leak out.
  2. To prevent the filling from losing its juiciness, just add a teaspoon of corn starch to the sorrel.
  3. The juicy filling is also achieved thanks to sugar. Even if you are cooking savory pies, you can mix sorrel with a small amount granulated sugar.
  4. Don't be afraid to go overboard with the amount of sorrel. The filling must be placed in a thicker layer, since heat treatment greatly reduces the volume of greens.
  5. Delicate pies with aromatic sour filling will become a great addition for a main meal or a great snack!

Today I have a discovery recipe - sweet pies with sorrel on yeast dough in the oven. Golden crust, the most delicate aromatic crumb and amazing sweet and sour filling - this is what awaits you if you decide to repeat it. And you will definitely prepare these pies before the sorrel season is over!

These pies were a revelation for me because I really didn’t expect such a result from the filling. It seems like I saw sour sorrel exclusively in its sour-salty version in the form of first courses and salads. But certainly not in sweet baked goods.

However, the filling turned out awesome: sweet and sour, with a slight caramel taste. And all thanks to the fact that we added not only sugar to the sorrel, but butter, the combination of which gives a caramel shade.

I didn’t doubt the choice of dough for pies for a second: I use it to cook a wide variety of homemade cakes I've been doing this for quite some time now and I'm always happy with the results. When finished, the dough turns out very soft, tender and melts in your mouth. It tastes so good, and so soft...

You see, how good it is that we have an ORDER TABLE on our website - you wrote your wishes and I’m right there, with already ready-made dish And detailed recipe. Olesya, in this case I’m talking about you personally - I hope that you and your family will like the pies.


Yeast dough:

(500 grams) (3 pieces ) (200 grams) (100 milliliters) (3 tablespoons) (1 teaspoon) (1.5 teaspoon)


Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

The recipe for homemade yeast dough for pies includes the following products: premium wheat flour, sour cream, chicken eggs, refined vegetable oil(I have sunflower), salt, granulated sugar, vanillin and instant yeast. All ingredients should be at room temperature. For the filling, take fresh sorrel, granulated sugar and butter. We will use egg yolk to grease the pies.

You can knead the dough by hand or use kitchen assistants. I'm doing it yeast dough in a bread maker. Depending on the model, the ingredients can be of two types: first liquid, then bulk and vice versa. I have the first option. Pour vegetable oil (odorless), sour cream into the bread machine container and break the eggs. Let's all chat a little.

In my bread machine, the Dough mode provides for a kneading and proofing time of exactly 1 hour. But I don’t like it that way, because yeast dough needs at least 2 hours. That is why I recommend doing the following: set the Basic (3 hours) or French Bread (3 hours 50 minutes) program. The kneading begins: in the first program, the first knead lasts 10 minutes, and in the second - 15 minutes. This much time is enough to knead the dough well and get an elastic, but at the same time soft and tender bun. Literally 5 minutes from the start of kneading it should be formed. Moreover, this is a very important point, because the quality and moisture content of flour is different for everyone, so this product may require more or less than according to the recipe. If the bun still cannot form, feel free to add a tablespoon of flour and watch the kneading. When the dough has completely moved away from the walls and is elastic enough (that is, does not spread, but holds its shape well), stop adding flour. This is what my bun looked like after 8 minutes of kneading. Now leave the dough alone and let it rise. This will take approximately 1 hour 40 minutes (Basic) or 2 hours 25 minutes (French bread), during which the bread maker will knead twice (three times). I prefer to use the second program. If you knead the dough by hand, knead it for 10-15 minutes, then cover the bowl with film or cover with a towel. Fermentation of the dough lasts in the heat for 2 hours. After 1 hour, lightly knead the dough, round and ferment again for another 1 hour.

While the dough is fermenting, let's prepare the filling for future pies. Wash fresh sorrel very carefully in cold water to get rid of soil and other debris. After this, be sure to sort through the sorrel, throwing out the damaged leaves. We break off the legs - they are not needed, and cut the leaves into thin strips with a knife.

350 grams of fresh sorrel makes an impressive bowl of greens, but I think that using it in this form is not practical - the leaves will still fall off a lot during baking. That is why we will quickly heat-treat them first.

Turn off the heat and let the filling cool completely. This is an important point, since when working with yeast dough you cannot use hot filling so as not to destroy the yeast. I also used a spatula to divide the sorrel into portions, so that later it would be more convenient to take them right away. In the end, I got 15 pies.

Well, the dough has already come up. Turn off the program when the timer reads 1:10 (Basic and French bread). That is, we take out the dough 10 minutes before the assistant starts baking the bread.

Divide the dough into pieces of the same size - I have 15 pieces. It is very convenient to use a kitchen scale so that the workpieces are of the same weight. This is important not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also to ensure that the baked goods rise evenly and bake evenly. Roll each piece into a ball and place on a board lightly sprinkled with flour. If you haven’t gotten your hands on making pies yet, meaning the process takes a lot of time, cover all the pieces of dough with film or a towel so they don’t get airy.

Let's start forming the pies. Take one ball of dough and flatten it with your palm. If you want, you can roll it out with a rolling pin - it doesn’t matter, since the dough is very soft and pliable, and can be easily stretched by hand.

This pie is often a revelation for those who are not familiar with it from childhood. Everything about it is simple and at the same time unique.. Firstly, the dough, which has a shortbread structure, but is kneaded with yeast. Secondly, sweet and sour sorrel filling, which we are used to seeing only in green borscht and is in no way associated with sweet pie. This is already enough to immediately start baking and enjoy unusual taste . And sorrel pie is also a great opportunity for novice housewives to get acquainted with yeast, because it is these capricious fungi that often cause awe, and with it, a reluctance to tinker with the dough.

You will need:

For the test:

  • butter 200 gr
  • water 125 ml (3/4 cup)
  • dry yeast 1 tbsp.
  • sugar 1 tsp
  • salt a pinch
  • flour for adding when kneading dough

For filling:

  • sorrel 0.5 kg
  • starch 1 tsp.

The amount of dough is calculated for a baking tray measuring 27 x 37 cm. I do not recommend “stretching” the dough onto a larger baking sheet, because... The cake will be thin and dry in the oven.

Usually sorrel is sold in bunches. When purchasing, pay attention to the quality of the leaves. They should be juicy, elastic, but not old, without damage. Sorrel is best eaten during May And June, when it is still young and contains little oxalic acid, which large quantities interferes with the absorption of calcium in the body. 0.5 kg sorrel- This two like these beam.

Step-by-step photo recipe:

Reheat water(125 ml) so that it is pleasantly warm. Dissolve in it sugar(1 tsp) and add dry yeast. Stir and let the yeast come to life.

In this form, they will wait their turn, and you will prepare the dough.

Into the sifted flour put the pieces soft butter and a pinch salt.

Using your hands, rub the butter into the flour to form chit.

Meanwhile, the yeast came to life and foamed. This usually takes no more than 10-15 minutes.

Make a well in the butter-flour crumbs and pour the yeast into it.

Gently, adding flour and butter from the edges to the middle, knead the dough. If necessary, add more flour.

There is no need to knead for a long time, shortbread dough loves quick kneading. As soon as the mass becomes homogeneous, form it into a ball.

Place the dough in a bowl, cover cling film and leave it to rise 30-40 minutes. Don't forget to make holes in the film with a knife so that the dough can breathe. If there is no film, cover the bowl with a towel.

While the yeast is doing its invisible work - loosening the dough, take care of the sorrel. Sort through all the leaves, remove any debris, trim and discard the stems, wash the leaves and place in a colander. If you have a salad dryer, you can dry the sorrel in it. If there is no drying, wrap the leaves in a dry, clean towel. Once the sorrel is dry, cut it into strips and place in a bowl.

The dough has risen, doubled in volume and is ready for cutting.

Place the dough on a floured board, knead and divide into two parts: one part - it will go down the pie, make it a little larger, roll it out and use a rolling pin to transfer it to a baking sheet covered with baking paper.

Sprinkle the bottom of the pie starch over the entire surface. This is necessary so that the sorrel juice does not leak out during baking.

In a bowl with chopped sorrel add sugar(0.5 cups) and mix gently with your hands. If you want the cake to be sweeter, you can add 1 cup of sugar.

Shift with your hands sorrel with sugar onto the dough and spread evenly over the surface.

Roll out the remaining dough and use a rolling pin to cover the top of the pie.

Seal the edges pirogue.

Use scissors or a knife to make small cuts over the entire surface of the pie. Steam will escape through them.

Bake the pie in a preheated oven t 180°C 30 minutes. The pie will not be very brown, this is a feature of the dough with a low sugar content. And this is also why he is unusual.


The dough turned out very crumbly and at the same time tender.

Filling purchased homogeneous consistency and it is impossible to guess that it is sorrel.

Sweet pie with sorrel. Brief recipe.

You will need:

  • butter 200 gr
  • premium wheat flour 3 cups (cup volume 200 ml)
  • water 125 ml (3/4 cup)
  • dry yeast 1 tbsp.
  • sugar 1 tsp
  • salt a pinch
  • flour for sprinkling when kneading dough


  • sorrel 0.5 kg
  • sugar 0.5 cups (glass volume 200 ml)
  • starch 1 tsp.

Heat the water (125 ml) until it is pleasantly warm. Dissolve sugar in it (1 tsp) and add dry yeast. Place pieces of soft butter and a pinch of salt into the sifted flour. Rub with your hands to form crumbs. Make a well in the crumbs and pour the yeast into it. Knead the dough, form it into a ball, place it in a bowl, cover with cling film and leave for 30-40 minutes.
Wash the sorrel, drain and cut into strips, place in a bowl.
Punch down the risen dough and divide into two parts: one slightly larger. Roll out most of the dough and place on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Sprinkle the dough with starch.
Add sugar to the sorrel, mix with your hands and transfer to the dough. Roll out the second layer of dough and cover the pie. Seal the edges of the pie and make slits at the top. Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for 30 minutes. Sprinkle the cooled pie with powdered sugar.

In contact with

Unfortunately, many people believe that the use of sorrel is limited to various borscht and soups. However, this is not at all true, because this plant is easy to obtain. Baking with sorrel is always surprisingly juicy, with a pleasant sweet and sour taste.

The uniqueness of the sorrel filling is that it can be both sweet and salty. You can also use absolutely any dough. In addition, do not forget that sorrel leaves contain great amount vitamins, tannins, ascorbic acid and carotene, necessary for the normal functioning of every person.

A nice bonus for those losing weight is low calorie content sorrel. This way, you can bake baked goods that are quite low in calories. We offer you several recipes for sorrel filling for pies that you will definitely like. The following amount of filling is indicated for a dough of 500-600 g.

Sweet sorrel filling


  • sorrel – 3 bunches
  • sugar – 150 g
  • starch - 2 tbsp. spoons

The first step is to rinse the sorrel well on both sides, dry it on paper and chop finely. Next, sprinkle the sorrel with sugar, knead it with your hands and leave for 10 minutes. After this, mix with starch.

Green stuffing with eggs


  • sorrel – 150 g
  • eggs – 3 pcs.
  • butter – 3-4 tbsp. spoons
  • green onion – 50 g
  • black pepper - to taste
  • homemade mayonnaise – 1 tbsp. spoon

Chop boiled eggs into cubes, chop green onions and washed sorrel. Melt the butter in a frying pan and fry with the sorrel for a few minutes. The filling must be stirred regularly and simmered until the greens have reduced by half. Then mix the greens with the eggs and pepper to taste. To make the filling more homogeneous, add a spoonful of homemade mayonnaise.

Sorrel and cheese filling


  • sorrel – 150 g
  • soft cheese – 150 g
  • sugar and salt - a pinch

We sort through the sorrel, cut off the tails, dry it and chop it finely. We cut the cheese into small strips, but it is not recommended to use a grater in this case. For this the recipe will do feta cheese, Adyghe cheese and feta. Add a little sugar and salt to the cheese and sorrel.

Sorrel and rhubarb filling


  • sorrel – 150 g
  • rhubarb stems – 150 g
  • brown sugar – 2-3 tbsp. spoons
  • potato starch – 10 g

Wash the sorrel and rhubarb, chop them and put them on the fire in a frying pan. Sprinkle with sugar, simmer for a few minutes over low heat, stir. After 5 minutes, add starch, stir so that there are no lumps left.

Filling with rice and sorrel


Mix boiled rice, grated boiled eggs, chopped onions and sorrel. Mix everything well, not forgetting to sprinkle Provencal herbs or other favorite seasonings.

Curd filling with sorrel


  • cottage cheese – 100 g
  • sorrel – 150 g
  • potato starch - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • sugar or sweetener - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • vanilla sugar– 1 teaspoon
  • cinnamon – 0.5 teaspoon

Finely chop the sorrel, mix it with cottage cheese, grated with sugar. Next, add starch, vanilla sugar and a little cinnamon for flavor.