How to freeze pancakes with filling. How to keep pancakes hot?

Pancakes are considered an old Russian dish symbolizing the sun. Anyone who has tried them will never forget the taste. The history of pancakes goes back thousands of years. They were prepared as a gift to the gods, for the holidays, they simply delighted the family with this delicacy. Today pancakes are one of the popular dishes every family.

The housewives prepare them different ways, experiment, exchange recipes and their impressions. But given today's rhythm of life, not everyone has the opportunity to cook pancakes for breakfast or after returning from work. Because of this, many people try to start the dough in such quantity that some of it remains the next day, having quietly spent the night in the refrigerator. You need to figure out if it is appropriate to put the dough for pancakes in the refrigerator? Or do you still need to use it right away? Connoisseurs assure that such a possibility of storage exists, but its period does not exceed a day. After all, the dough includes milk, eggs, a liquid-like mass, it must be stirred periodically, not allowing it to stagnate. Yes, and recipes for the test planned for storage must be from certain products.

"Pancakes in a bottle"

Great cooking option. At first glance, the method seems unusual, but it works!

Product set:

  • eggs - 2 pcs;
  • wheat flour - 150 g;
  • granulated sugar and salt - 2 and 1 small spoons, respectively;
  • baking soda - a pinch;
  • milk - 0.6 l;
  • vegetable oil - 20 ml.

Delicious pie filling - the basis of the dish

Let's start cooking:

  1. Pick up a one and a half liter container made of plastic material. It is recommended to use the container after mineral water - it will not give any odors.
  2. Through the watering can inserted into the bottle neck, we serve eggs, sugar, soda and salt. Next, you need to screw the cork and loosen the contents well.
  3. Carefully add flour, add oil, mix again, vigorously shaking the bottle.
  4. Milk is poured. Now you need to shake the bottle very carefully so that no lumps appear.

The recipe is convenient in that you do not need to use a whisk or mixer. There are no traces of cooking left on the table and stove - from the neck of the bottle, the dough is served directly on a hot frying pan! You can store the day directly in plastic container by placing it in the refrigerator. For a couple of days you will enjoy fresh pancakes. By the way, such a recipe is possible on water, which many people replace milk with. But pancakes in this case will not be so tender.

Dough in a blender


  • wheat flour - 1 cup and 1 heaping spoon;
  • milk - 0.5 l (2 cups);
  • salt - a pinch;
  • sugar - 1 - 2 tablespoons;
  • butter - 3 large spoons;
  • eggs - 4 pcs;
  • vanillin or cinnamon.

Cooking fast:

  1. We put the indicated ingredients in a blender, set the switch to maximum speed, start whipping.
  2. The finished dough, if you do not intend to use everything at once, can be stored in the refrigerator directly in the blender, no longer than one day.

Best to use baked milk The pancakes are amazingly delicious.

"Perfect Dough"

It's believed that lucky dough obtained in the event that adhere to the proportional ratio of products. Consider this option, taking the planned volume of the test for one hundred percent.

Grape Pie: TOP 7 Best Recipes

We will need:

  • flour - 260 g - (26%);
  • milk (fat content must be chosen not lower than 3.2%) - 0.65 l - (64%);
  • eggs - 65 g - (7%);
  • granulated sugar - 20 g - (2.4%);
  • salt - from 3 to 5 g - (0.6%).

Getting Started:

  1. We drive the eggs into a deep container, add sugar, salt. Everything should be whipped up homogeneous mass. For convenience and speed, it is allowed to use the mixer at high speeds. The splendor of beaten eggs and the percentage of air content in them will depend on your diligence.
  2. Now add milk and keep stirring.
  3. Start by adding half required amount flour, turn the mixer to low speed. We work carefully so that drops of dough do not fly in all directions.
  4. Continuing to stir, gradually add the remaining share of flour in small portions, stir well, at the end increasing the speed for a few minutes.
  5. It is advised to pass the prepared dough for pancakes through a fine sieve, thus removing undissolved lumps from it.

It is necessary to keep the pancake mass at rest for about half an hour so that the gluten of the flour is completely swollen, forming the texture of the dough. Should work uniform appearance mass, with excellent fluidity.

Recipe with a "secret" and no sugar

Its unusualness is that all components are taken not by weight, but by volume. And there is nothing funny. The eggs used in the recipe may vary in size and an insufficient amount will lead to failure. For a measuring container, take an ordinary glass or other cup with a capacity of 250 grams.

The Dukan Diet - delicious pastries

You will need the following products:

  • eggs, milk, wheat flour and water - all 1 glass each;
  • salt - half a teaspoon;
  • vegetable oil - from 2 to 4 tablespoons.

Let's move on to cooking:

  1. Crack the eggs into the glass all the way to the top. Typically, if they good shape, you will need no more than five pieces. After salting, beat a little with a whisk, add milk with water, stir.
  2. We take a separate container, sift the flour into it, add about 200 ml of a mixture of eggs and milk, mix so that the lumps disappear.
  3. After that, add the oil in the amount of three tablespoons, continue stirring.
  4. Only now it is allowed to pour in the rest of our liquid and mix again. You can bake pancakes in about thirty minutes, as soon as the dough “rests”.

If you pay attention - sugar is not used. Its absence allows you to make pancakes universal, for any filling.

Without milk and eggs

We take wheat flour, necessary for kneading dough, in more, and add a little (two to three spoons) of any one that is in the house. As a rule, it is corn or soy flour. You will need salt, soda, two to three tablespoons of sugar and, most importantly, a teaspoon of powder that replaces eggs.

All components of the dry group are combined and mixed with a whisk. Now the mass is poured with heated water with mineral water. Mix quickly to bring the dough to a consistency. After waiting a while, refill mineral water and a few tablespoons of vegetable oil.

There are no proportions in such a recipe - experience is important. Having stuffed your hand, you can cook "by eye" delicious pancakes. It should be added that such a dough is stored without problems for up to two days in the refrigerator.

There are many recipes. Pancake lovers can only choose the best option to treat themselves to their favorite delicacy. But if you decide to cook the dough "with a margin" - you can store it for a day, in a rare case - no more than two days.

1) The liquid in the pancake dough should be added hot to increase the stickiness of the flour.
2) To make the pancakes tasty and beautiful, let the sifted flour stand a little, do not use it immediately.
3) Salt and sugar should be put exactly according to the recipe. Salted dough does not ferment well, and the pancake turns out pale. Too much sugar makes the dough hard.
4) If flour for pancakes is diluted in salt water, there will be no lumps in the dough.
5) The frying pan for frying pancakes should first be sprinkled with salt, then wiped with a napkin, only after that pour oil and dough.
6) It is convenient to fry pancakes in 2 pans when the third one is on low heat. You need to put pancakes in it and grease it with warm butter. It is advisable to turn the stack from time to time, then by the time the last pancake is ready, the first one will not have time to cool down.
7) If when turning over pancake is torn, you need to add flour and an egg to the dough.
8) Pancakes freeze perfectly when stacked and then placed in freezer bags and plastic wrap.

9) To warm up the pancakes, cover the stack with foil and put in a preheated oven to 140g. to the upper level for 10-15 minutes.
Very often it is not possible to immediately eat all the baked pancakes. And the next day they are not so tasty and fresh. In order to give freshness to yesterday's pancakes, you need to sprinkle each pancake on one side (inner) with a little sugar, roll into four, put on a baking sheet (form) lightly greased or covered with baking paper and put for 4-5 minutes. into the oven preheated to maximum. Be careful not to burn. As a result, delicious, crispy, caramel pancakes are on your table! Even tastier than freshly baked. Try it!

Pancakes are an old dish of Russian cuisine, usually made from wheat flour. There are options for making pancakes from buckwheat flour, flour from grains of various cereals. But the most delicious of wheat flour of the highest grade.

But not only the rules for making pancakes are important, but also the rules for storing them. Consider options proper storage pancakes in the refrigerator, freezer and room temperature.

📋 Pancake storage rules

It is better to store pancakes with filling in the refrigerator in special plastic containers with a lid so that they do not absorb foreign odors from other products.

How to store pancakes so that they do not lose freshness

Storing pancakes in the refrigerator

Along the way, pancakes are smeared with oil, stacked on a plate, and after cooling to room temperature they are covered with cling film and sent to the refrigerator.

Pancakes should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature not higher than +8 C and no more than two days.

Freezer [with video]

Ready pancakes are placed in a clean container for food products, or stacked on a plate and wrapped with cling film. Now they can be sent to the freezer.

Store pancakes in freezer up to one month at -18 C. This is very convenient, especially for people with long working hours.

Pancakes without filling after defrosting are much tastier than pancakes with filling. After the pancakes are taken out of the freezer, they are thawed in microwave oven or after natural defrosting, they are fried in a pan. For better heating, the pan should be covered with a lid.

📹 How to freeze pancakes and other baked goods - video

Pancakes are a symbol of the Sun. The first mention of pancakes (mlyns) has been known since the 10th century. The first pancakes consisted of flour and water, and only then they began to add milk, sugar and other additives to them.

At room temperature

After cooking, pancakes are best consumed immediately and not left for later. Ready-made pancakes, simple and stuffed for storage require low temperatures, and if it is not possible to put them in the refrigerator, then the maximum shelf life of the product is one day.

✅ How to fix dry pancakes

Pancakes that are not covered with cling film in time quickly dry out and become not tasty. Dry edges of pancakes can be brought to life in two ways.

☝ The first way. Send pancakes for a couple of minutes in the microwave along with a container of water.

✌ The second way. Pour boiling water into the pan, place a plate with pancakes on top and cover with a lid. Hold on such a couple until the edges of the pancakes again become elastic and tender.

You can reanimate pancakes that have lain in the refrigerator for a long time either in the microwave or in the oven, after greasing them with butter and sprinkling with sugar. If there is no microwave, stuffed pancakes can be heated in a frying pan under the lid.

Pancakes are one of the most vintage dishes traditional Russian cuisine. Delicious, ruddy and so appetizing - they are always welcome on any table and at any time. Pancakes acquire special significance when the Orthodox have a special week - Maslenitsa. This dish is a symbol of the spring sun, it is with pancakes that the Orthodox people see off the winter and meet the spring. The word "pancake" itself comes from the Old Slavonic "mlyn", which was interpreted as ground grain. And the quality of the grain in particular determines how long, where, in what, how to properly and how best to store pancakes so that they do not dry out and remain fresh and soft for as long as possible.

How to store store-bought pancakes

Unfortunately, and fortunately for some, pancake lovers do not have to be able to cook them, because almost any store can buy ready-made pancakes. If such a product was brought from the store in a frozen state, then you should immediately send it to the freezer.

The shelf life of semi-finished pancakes, according to SanPiN, at a temperature of -18 ° is 4 months. But, as a rule, depending on the composition of the product, the shelf life indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging may differ, but only slightly.

If a ready-made pancakes from the store will not be immediately frozen, then they can be stored refrigerated for up to 72 hours. They are placed in the refrigerator in the packaging in which they were purchased. Before buying ready-made pancakes, it is important to make sure that the packaging is intact and that there are no signs of improper or repeated freezing. If this is a weight product, then you will need dishes with low sides, into which pancakes need to be transferred and tightened cling film.

How to store pancakes at room temperature

Pancake storage conditions require a low temperature, but sometimes it is impossible to do this. In order not to be poisoned by such a product, you need to know how and how much you can store it without a refrigerator.

At room temperature, ready-made pancakes will be usable within 24 hours.

They are stacked on a dish, wrapped in cling film so that the edges do not dry out. However, if these are pancakes with filling - especially with cottage cheese, with mushrooms, with meat or mushrooms, then it is better not to risk your health and not store them until tomorrow without a refrigerator. Or at least leave them outside (on the balcony) if the temperature is cool enough there.

How to store pancakes in the refrigerator

No longer than 2 days at a temperature of 0-8 ° C - that's how long pancakes can be stored in the refrigerator.

Baked hot pancakes are stacked on a dish, smearing each pancake with butter. They are not sent warm to the refrigerator, and when the cooked pancakes have cooled, they are wrapped with cling film or covered with a lid or a dish so that the edges are closed.

How to store pancakes in the freezer

Storing pancakes in the freezer at -18°C is very convenient and does not affect their freshness for 1 month.

For yeast stuffed pancakes it is necessary to prepare a plastic container, and pancakes without filling can be wrapped with cling film and laid on a plastic or wooden cutting board. Frozen pancakes can be thawed in the microwave or in the oven by greasing the dishes with oil and covering with foil.

How to refresh slightly dried pancakes

The edges of pancakes dry out very quickly, which makes them less appetizing. If you store them properly in the refrigerator or at room temperature, then this will not happen. But if suddenly this happened, then pancakes can be “reanimated”. To do this, just pour boiling water into a metal bowl, put a dish with pancakes on top and cover them with a lid. You can also put pancakes together with a glass of water in the microwave for a couple of minutes, this will also give them a fresh and appetizing look.

Thin pancakes dry out even faster. If, before storing pancakes until the morning, they were tightly wrapped with cling film, then nothing should happen to them. Whether pancakes need to be refreshed also depends on how many days they lie in the refrigerator. And this method will help them return their former freshness: on one side, each pancake should be sprinkled with sugar and wrapped four times, then put on a baking sheet (oiled or lined with paper) and sent to a preheated oven for 5 minutes. It will be easier for those who have crepe maker or microwave - it is much more convenient to heat pancakes there.

Features of storing pancakes with meat

How long pancakes are stored in the refrigerator with milk or water also depends on what filling is in them.

The shelf life of pancakes with meat is 12 hours at a temperature of 4-8°C. Therefore, if they were not immediately frozen, they will not be able to be stored for several days. It is advisable to eat pancakes with meat prepared in the evening the next day.

You can freeze empanadas and store them at -18°C for up to 4 weeks. This is much longer than the shelf life of pancakes in the refrigerator. Before freezing, pancakes are placed in an airtight food bag, and you can defrost them in the microwave or in the oven, heated to a minimum.

Features of storing pancakes with cottage cheese

Pancakes with cottage cheese are kept in the refrigerator for as long as pancakes with meat are stored. This filling is also perishable, so the shelf life of pancakes in the refrigerator will be shorter than without cottage cheese.

Not more than after 12 hours at a temperature of 4-8 ° C, pancakes with cottage cheese can be eaten. If the temperature is 0-4 ° C, then they will not lose their freshness up to 24 hours.

The question often arises as to whether it is possible to freeze pancakes with cottage cheese. In fact, cottage cheese pancakes are just as easy to freeze as any other pancakes. AT plastic bag With a fastener, they can be stored in the freezer for up to 1 month.

Pancakes are one of the oldest dishes of traditional Russian cuisine. Delicious, ruddy and so appetizing - they are always welcome on any table and at any time. Pancakes acquire special significance when the Orthodox have a special week - Maslenitsa. This dish is a symbol of the spring sun, it is with pancakes that the Orthodox people see off the winter and meet the spring. The word pancake itself comes from the Old Slavonic mlin, which was interpreted as ground grain. And the quality of the grain in particular determines how long, where, in what, how to properly and how best to store pancakes so that they do not dry out and remain fresh and soft for as long as possible.

Unfortunately, and fortunately for some, pancake lovers do not have to be able to cook them, because almost any store can buy ready-made pancakes. If such a product was brought from the store in a frozen state, then you should immediately send it to the freezer.

The shelf life of semi-finished pancakes, according to SanPiN, at a temperature of -18 ° is 4 months. But, as a rule, depending on the composition of the product, the shelf life indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging may differ, but only slightly.

If ready-made pancakes from the store are not immediately frozen, then they can be stored refrigerated for up to 72 hours. They are placed in the refrigerator in the packaging in which they were purchased. Before buying ready-made pancakes, it is important to make sure that the packaging is intact and that there are no signs of improper or repeated freezing. If this is a weight product, then you will need dishes with low sides, into which pancakes need to be transferred and tightened with cling film.

Pancake storage conditions require a low temperature, but sometimes it is impossible to do this. In order not to be poisoned by such a product, you need to know how and how much you can store it without a refrigerator.

At room temperature, ready-made pancakes will be usable within 24 hours.

They are stacked on a dish, wrapped in cling film so that the edges do not dry out. However, if these are pancakes with filling - especially with cottage cheese, with mushrooms, with meat or mushrooms, then it is better not to risk your health and not store them until tomorrow without a refrigerator. Or at least leave them outside (on the balcony) if the temperature is cool enough there.

No longer than 2 days at a temperature of 0-8 ° C - that's how long pancakes can be stored in the refrigerator.

Baked hot pancakes are stacked on a dish, smearing each pancake with butter. They are not sent warm to the refrigerator, and when the cooked pancakes have cooled, they are wrapped with cling film or covered with a lid or a dish so that the edges are closed.

Storing pancakes in the freezer at -18°C is very convenient and does not affect their freshness for 1 month.

For yeast stuffed pancakes, you need to prepare a plastic container, and pancakes without filling can be wrapped with cling film and laid on a plastic or wooden cutting board. Frozen pancakes can be thawed in the microwave or in the oven by greasing the dishes with oil and covering with foil.

The edges of pancakes dry out very quickly, which makes them less appetizing. If you store them properly in the refrigerator or at room temperature, then this will not happen. But if suddenly this happened, then pancakes can be reanimated. To do this, just pour boiling water into a metal bowl, put a dish with pancakes on top and cover them with a lid. You can also put pancakes together with a glass of water in the microwave for a couple of minutes, this will also give them a fresh and appetizing look.

Thin pancakes dry out even faster. If, before storing pancakes until the morning, they were tightly wrapped with cling film, then nothing should happen to them. Whether pancakes need to be refreshed also depends on how many days they lie in the refrigerator. And this method will help them return their former freshness: on one side, each pancake should be sprinkled with sugar and wrapped four times, then put on a baking sheet (oiled or lined with paper) and sent to a preheated oven for 5 minutes. It will be easier for those who have crepe maker or microwave - it is much more convenient to heat pancakes there.

How long pancakes are stored in the refrigerator with milk or water also depends on what filling is in them.

The shelf life of pancakes with meat is 12 hours at a temperature of 4-8°C. Therefore, if they were not immediately frozen, they will not be able to be stored for several days. It is advisable to eat pancakes with meat prepared in the evening the next day.

You can freeze empanadas and store them at -18°C for up to 4 weeks. This is much longer than the shelf life of pancakes in the refrigerator. Before freezing, pancakes are placed in an airtight food bag, and you can defrost them in the microwave or in the oven, heated to a minimum.

Pancakes with cottage cheese are kept in the refrigerator for as long as pancakes with meat are stored. This filling is also perishable, so the shelf life of pancakes in the refrigerator will be shorter than without cottage cheese.

Not more than after 12 hours at a temperature of 4-8 ° C, pancakes with cottage cheese can be eaten. If the temperature is 0-4 ° C, then they will not lose their freshness up to 24 hours.

The question often arises as to whether it is possible to freeze pancakes with cottage cheese. In fact, cottage cheese pancakes are just as easy to freeze as any other pancakes. They can be stored in the freezer in a resealable plastic bag for up to 1 month.

Some types of cakes are successfully stored in the freezer. And we reveal all these secrets for you in a new article!