Ukrainian borscht without meat is delicious. Delicious and nutritious borscht without meat for Lent

How many women, so many borscht recipes. Every housewife knows how to cook borscht with beets so that it is not just edible, but amazingly tasty.

In many families, the secret of cooking this amazing dish is passed down from generation to generation, from grandmothers and mothers. But even experienced housewives they will not mind learning something new, adding a twist so that the borscht will play with new flavors, be distinguished by piquancy and aroma.

It is difficult to say who invented borscht. Many countries attribute it to their national cuisine. Slavic peoples have traditionally eaten it since ancient times and consider it the main first course.

In the north of Russia, soup with the addition of cabbage was called shchi. The farther south, the more heat-loving vegetables grew, which can be added to first courses. It is possible that borscht was first cooked in Kievan Rus, since it was Ukrainian borscht that became most widespread and is famous all over the world.

In Russia, the first mention of borscht appeared in the 16-17th centuries, Catherine II loved it very much, but Potemkin preferred sour daily cabbage soup. In the rules and advice of Domostroy (a book of teachings and instructions from the 16th century), you can find recommendations for preparing summer soup from hogweed and beets - it became the prototype of modern food.

Each locality has its own rules and recipes for making borscht, but it can be divided into two main types: red (now popular among the Slavic peoples) and cold (reminiscent of summer okroshka).

Red borsch is a hot first course, without which we cannot even imagine traditional lunch. Every Slavic family in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus knows how to cook borscht with beets, and they love it very much.

And the cold one was cooked in spring and summer - this light soup from greens and boiled beets, with the addition of boiled chopped eggs and fermented milk products for refueling. It was eaten cold and often boiled potatoes were used instead of bread.

To properly cook borscht with beets, use the secrets of experienced chefs.

  1. Bouillon. The richness of borscht depends on the broth. It can be anything: meat, vegetable, fish. For classic borsch, it is best to take pork or beef on the bone. Borscht based on poultry will turn out delicious: chicken, duck or any other. For lean borscht boil pre-saturated vegetable broth.
  2. Beet. This is what gives it a bright red color. It can be cut into strips or grated, but never add raw to the liquid, otherwise it will boil out, and the borscht will become faded. Pour a little vegetable oil into the pan and sauté the beets until soft, after sprinkling with vinegar and adding a spoonful of sugar, so it does not brighten during cooking and keeps the color of the borscht bright. It is even better to bake beets in foil, then it will retain its natural properties.
  3. Frying. Borscht without frying is not borscht, but a soup made from boiled vegetables. Diced onion is sautéed in oil until transparent, grated carrots are added and after a couple of minutes - a little flour. It can be fried separately in butter or vegetable oil. Flour will provide additional density and velvety.
  4. Tomatoes. Never regret tomato paste or sauce, borscht will be sour and rich. You can use factory-made, home-made or chopped fresh tomatoes.
  5. Sour cream. Many experienced housewives add sour cream during the cooking process, mixing it with tomato dressing and thus acidifying the broth. Try it, perhaps this method will be a revelation for you. Or add it directly to your plate.
  6. Cabbage. Finely shredded, young or mature, white or Beijing, but it is added at the very end, almost before turning off the fire. Don't digest it! Bring to a boil and soak for 5-7 minutes.
  7. Additional ingredients. Mushrooms, beans, prunes give borscht piquancy and originality. By alternating additives, you can achieve new flavors each time.
  8. Intuition. Few strictly follow the prescription and measure right amount ingredients. Borscht is cooked "by eye", products are added in those quantities that your feelings tell you.
  9. Saturation. Borscht must be infused, soaked with aromas. Let it sit for a bit before serving. And the next day it tastes even better.
  10. Serving on the table. Borscht will look very colorful if served in thick-walled painted ceramic plates. Be sure to sprinkle with finely chopped herbs on top and add a spoonful of sour cream. Put chopped lard, garlic and black bread on the table. Don't forget the garlic donuts!

Each cook praises his borscht

There are a huge number of variations on how to cook borscht with beets, sauerkraut, beans, sorrel and other ingredients. Each recipe has its own cooking secrets. Delight your loved ones with borsch prepared according to one of the recipes below.

And let's cook a real Ukrainian borscht, in compliance with national flavor and taste preferences! Just do not wait for the calculation of the exact weight of the products - borscht should be prepared solely by intuition. So, let's begin!

The best borscht meat is beef on the bone, it takes a long time to cook, but the broth turns out delicious. Pour cold water and bring to a boil. Remove the foam, salt, put on a minimum heat and simmer for 2-3 hours until the meat is ready. Do not forget to put the whole onion and carrot for flavor, Bay leaf ik, a few black peppercorns.

A little secret: cook together with meat and a few peeled large potatoes.

While the meat is cooking, let's fry. We cut the fat into small pieces and fry it to the state of cracklings (translucent), add a finely chopped onion and fry until a transparent color. Cut the beets into strips, carrots can be finely chopped or grated on coarse grater, stew vegetables together with cracklings.

Add sugar to the frying and sprinkle with vinegar to give brightness. As soon as the beetroot has become soft, ten minutes of stewing is enough, crush it with flour and mix. Now add tomato sauce or grated fresh tomatoes, simmer for a few more minutes.

The broth is ready. We extract the contents from it. We select the bones, and disassemble the meat into fibers or cut into pieces. Onions and carrots have served their purpose - we throw them away. Whole boiled potatoes are mashed into puree - this gives the density of the broth and a velvety taste.

Add diced potatoes and cook for 20 minutes. Add roast. We taste, if necessary, salt, pepper.

Shred the cabbage, send it to the pan. Bring to a boil and leave on low heat for no more than 10 minutes. Let's insist. Ukrainian borsch ready with lard.

Serve with donuts and greens.

Soup with sauerkraut

A very fortified dish, because sauerkraut is a storehouse of useful elements. The taste is sweet and sour, original.

  • Make a meat broth with pork, beef or chicken. Use the meat for second courses or chop and send back to the borscht.
  • Put potatoes in cubes, cook until tender.
  • Fry vegetables for frying in the following sequence: onions, beets, carrots. Simmer until soft and season with tomato paste.
  • Add to borscht sauerkraut and frying, cook until tender.
  • Serve with sour cream and finely chopped green onions.

Borscht with sorrel

This borscht is also called "green", and it is perfectly refreshing in summer and no less tasty in winter. True, in winter you have to use canned sorrel, which experienced housewives have been preparing since the summer especially for these purposes.

There is nothing complicated in cooking, the green borscht is based on the classic borscht recipe, only sorrel is put instead of cabbage.

Boil the meat broth, and prepare the other ingredients. Potatoes and onions are cut into cubes, carrots are grated, beets are cut into strips, a bunch of sorrel is crumbled with a knife. Finely chop a few hard-boiled eggs, or you can cut them larger: into quarters or halves.

While the broth is cooking, prepare the stir fry. In any oil, bring the onion to a translucent state, put the beets and carrots, simmer until soft. Add tomatoes.

We cut the cooked meat into pieces. Throw potatoes and cook for 20-30 minutes. Now frying - add and boil for a few more minutes. Finally, the turn came to put sorrel and eggs, as soon as it boils, we immediately turn it off. We insist, serve to the table.

Vegetarian (lean) borscht with beans or mushrooms

Hearty borscht can be cooked not only on meat broth but also with beans. It is especially relevant for vegetarians or fasting.

  • Soak dry beans in cold water for a few hours, maybe overnight.
  • Cook it until soft in salted water.
  • Add potatoes and roasted vegetables: onions, beets, carrots, tomato.
  • IN last turn throw finely chopped cabbage, boil for no more than 10 minutes. Turn off the fire and let it brew.

Bean borscht is rich in satiety, especially if white sugar beans were used, because legumes are rich in proteins and in many cases can replace meat. canned beans does not give saturation to the broth, it is better to use it for making salads.

Instead of beans, you can take mushrooms, previously fried in oil. It's even better to combine.

Naval borscht

It takes a long time to cook, but it's worth it - lick your fingers! Its main difference from classic recipe- adding smoked brisket or any other smoked meats.

  1. We cook the broth from meat cut into small pieces with the addition of a whole onion. When it boils, remove the foam with a slotted spoon and reduce the heat to a minimum. After an hour, salt, and after another 30-40 minutes we check the readiness of the meat - it should be soft and pierced with a fork. Take out and discard the onion.
  2. Add the smoked brisket pieces and cook until the roast is cooked.
  3. Cut the beets into strips, sprinkle with vinegar and fry in sunflower oil until soft. Pour the broth into it and simmer for half an hour.
  4. Separately fry onion and grated carrots.
  5. Chop or grate the tomatoes on a coarse grater. Add to the beets, stew everything together for several minutes. Cut the potatoes into cubes or strips, as you like. Put in a saucepan, cook until done.
  6. We do not chop the cabbage, as we are used to, but cut it into squares and throw it into the borscht.
  7. Next comes the frying.
  8. After boiling, cook for 7 minutes.
  9. Borscht is ready, we serve it to the table.

Lunch is ready! It's time for the table!

Now you know how to cook borscht with beets on meat or vegetable broth with the addition of mushrooms, beans, smoked meats or sorrel. Every time borscht turns out new, original, and most importantly - delicious. Cook with pleasure!

Yesterday I made borscht without meat. One of my very good friends is in the hospital and asked me to bring her red borscht. My friend really wanted a tasty, rich homemade borscht. And since the doctor advised her to limit certain foods due to advanced level cholesterol (these are products containing animal fats, refined oils, meat broths, including meat, fried and smoked), then I had to cook borscht without meat and without frying.

Preparing such borscht is much easier and faster than meat broth. And the result is amazing: bright, fragrant, delicious borscht and even richer and thicker from the presence of lentils than classic borscht with meat. And here is the recipe.

Borscht without meat recipe

By the way, if you still prefer borscht with meat, then it will be cooked according to a similar technology, only, instead of lentils, you will need good piece meat or a good beef bone. And, if you want to have a richer borscht, then you should cook the bone for at least three hours.


  • 300gr.
  • beets 350 gr.
  • carrots 150 gr.
  • onion 2 pcs.
  • prunes 100 gr.
  • cabbage 200 gr.
  • fresh tomatoes 3pcs or 250g. tomato puree
  • garlic 4 cloves
  • salt to taste
  • seasoning to taste

Technology for preparing lean borscht

We will cook borscht according to this recipe without meat and without frying.

  1. Clean the beets and cut into strips. Put in a saucepan (you can take a deep cast iron skillet), add water so that the water slightly covers the beets. Close the lid and simmer over low heat until tender.
  2. Peel the carrots and cut into strips, cut the onion into half rings. Shred the cabbage finely. It is very convenient to use for thin shredding of cabbage.
  3. Rinse the lentils under cold running water. Pour water into the pot where the borscht will be cooked, put the lentils in it and put it to boil, when the water boils, reduce the heat and continue to cook the lentils over low heat.
  4. After 10 minutes of cooking lentils from the moment of boiling, add cabbage to the pan. When the cabbage softens slightly, add the prepared carrots, onions (without pre-frying) and prunes. We definitely add prunes, it will enrich the taste of borscht and add a smoked flavor to our dish.
  5. Remove the skin from the tomatoes, chop with a knife and add to the borscht. You can use tomato paste.
  6. We load the beets last, as the beets are already ready. To preserve the bright color of borscht, it is best to put beets after adding acid (in our case, these are tomatoes).
  7. Then cook on low heat for a few more minutes. At the end of cooking, you can straighten the borscht for salt, acidity and sweetness. If desired, crushed garlic can also be added to the borscht at the end of cooking.

So our delicious borscht without meat is ready! Let the finished borscht brew a little before serving. The next day it will be even tastier and richer.

In this recipe, I will tell you how to cook borscht without meat. In general, cooking borscht without meat is much easier and faster. And it turns out that it is at least lean and simple, but very tasty, red and not inferior to borscht with meat. It is also low in calories and rich in vegetable vitamins. Such a borscht is great for fasting, vegans and anyone who is on a low-calorie diet. By the way, instead of sour cream, you can add lemon juice to it.

Borscht without meat recipe with photo

Required Ingredients:

  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Medium-sized beets - 3 pcs.
  • Cabbage - half a cabbage
  • Onion - 3 pcs.
  • Potato - 3 pcs.
  • Fresh tomatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil (for frying) - 2 tbsp.
  • Sugar sand - 1-2 tbsp.
  • Parsley - 1 small bunch
  • Salt - to taste.

Step-by-step recipe for borscht without meat:

  1. Prepare everything first desired products. Wash and clean vegetables. After the beets with carrots, grate on a coarse grater. Shred the cabbage. Cut potatoes, onions and tomatoes into small cubes.
  2. Now take a frying pan, pour vegetable oil into it. Then put the onion in it and fry it until soft, then add the carrot to the onion. Fry them together until the onion is golden brown.
  3. Then put the beets and tomatoes to the onions with carrots. Simmer it all for 10 minutes, and then remove from heat. The roast is ready.
  4. Take a three-liter saucepan, fill it halfway with water and put on fire. When the water boils in it, throw potatoes into it and cook it for about 5 minutes.
  5. Next, add the cabbage to the potatoes and cook them together for 2 minutes.
  6. After that, put the vegetable frying prepared above into the borscht. Then add finely chopped herbs, sugar, salt there and mix everything well.
  7. Cover the pan with a lid and continue to cook the borscht over low heat for another hour, stirring occasionally.
  8. Serve this wonderful first course with sour cream or lemon juice. Read more:.



  • potatoes - 400-500 grams
  • beets - 400-500 grams
  • cabbage - 400 grams
  • carrots - 100 grams
  • garlic - 6-10 grams
  • tomato juice - 250 ml
  • onion - 120 grams
  • vinegar (9%) - 2 teaspoons
  • salt, granulated sugar, bay leaf, peppercorns
  • parsley, dill, cilantro, green onion- taste


  1. Finely chop the onion, grate the well-washed carrots.
  2. Put both ingredients in a multicooker container, pour in any vegetable oil, you can use corn oil. Fry, stirring constantly, until cooked in the “Fry” mode.
  3. Grate raw beets on a coarse grater, add half of the resulting volume to a mixture of carrots and onions, pour boiling water over the second part, pour in a teaspoon of vinegar (this will allow the beets to retain their original color), let the mass stand.
  4. Put out the roast along with the beets. Add a pinch of granulated sugar, the remaining vinegar, heat everything together for 5 minutes, stir constantly.
  5. Pour in the tomato juice, salt and pepper to taste. Warm up for another 5-7 minutes.
  6. Put the peeled potatoes cut into pieces and finely chopped white cabbage.
  7. Pour in three liters of hot water, add more salt to taste, add bay leaf, continue cooking the dish in the "Stew" mode for an hour.
  8. At the end of cooking, add finely chopped garlic to the soup, pour in two tablespoons beetroot juice with vinegar, taste, if necessary - add more salt.
  9. Cook in the “Heating” mode for another 15-20 minutes, serve borsch on the table with sour cream and parsley, dill, cilantro, green onions.

This dish can be prepared in several versions, each borscht is tasty in its own way, due to additional ingredients takes on new flavors.

Although you can eat such borscht just to cleanse the body during unloading days, or as an ordinary first course, because they are very tasty and healthy. In such a dish, there is less cholesterol harmful to the body, but more other substances that are useful for normal life, which are found in vegetables.

Potato tubers are rich in potassium, phosphorus and iron, carrots are rich in keratin, beets contain carbohydrates and organic acids. All vegetables are a storehouse of fiber, vitamins, and trace elements. All of these facts are more than enough to include lean borscht in your regular diet.



  • potatoes - 200-300 grams
  • cabbage - 400 grams
  • onion - 150 grams
  • celery stalk - 50 grams
  • celery or parsley root - 50 grams
  • beets - 400-500 grams
  • garlic - 20-30 grams
  • lemon - 20-30 grams
  • salt, ground and peas pepper, sugar, bay leaf, curry, suneli hops, Italian herbs


  1. Grate the carrot root, finely chop the onion, stalk and celery root.
  2. Put the chopped ingredients in a multicooker, pre-lubricated with oil, add seasonings there, fry the whole mass for 10-15 minutes in the “Baking” mode.
  3. Put shredded cabbage, potatoes, raw peeled whole beets, a whole onion-turnip, 2-3 lemon slices into the finished frying.
  4. Salt the vegetables, add granulated sugar, add water, set the “Stewing” program for 1 hour.
  5. Take out the beets, grate or chop with a blender, return to the slow cooker. The bulb can be thrown away.
  6. Bring the dish to a boil in the “Baking” mode.
  7. Crush the garlic under a press, add to the plates when serving along with the herbs. Read more:.



  • beets, carrots, onions - 100 grams each
  • potatoes - 200-300 grams
  • cabbage - 400 grams
  • tomato paste - 1-2 tablespoons
  • garlic - 18 grams
  • salt, peppercorns, bay leaf


  1. Peel and cut the onion.
  2. Pour into the bottom of the multicooker bowl sunflower oil, fry the onion.
  3. Peel and grate the beets and carrots, add to the onion mass.
  4. Simmer under the lid, after three minutes - mix.
  5. Add tomato paste and salt to taste. Simmer for a few more minutes.
  6. Peel and cut potatoes into pieces.
  7. Pour boiling water over the vegetable mass in the multicooker bowl, add potatoes. Boil.
  8. Cut the white cabbage, add to the soup.
  9. Add salt to taste, peppercorns, finely chopped garlic.
  10. Close the lid, bring to a boil, turn on the “Extinguishing” mode for half an hour or an hour.
  11. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, put chopped herbs and garlic, bay leaf into the soup.



  • beets, carrots, onions - 100 grams each
  • dried mushrooms - 50 grams
  • white cabbage - 500 grams
  • potatoes - 200-300 grams
  • granulated sugar, salt, Bell pepper, tomato paste, greens


  1. Set the multicooker to the "Baking" mode, pour vegetable oil into the container.
  2. Peel the beets, cut into thin strips, put in a bowl, add salt and granulated sugar, mix, fry.
  3. Chop the onion, grate the carrots, transfer to the beets. Add chopped peppers, tomato paste or pre-scalded, peeled and chopped tomatoes, sauté for 7 minutes.
  4. Chop the cabbage, cut the potatoes into small cubes, add to the vegetables.
  5. Rinse the mushrooms, add to the slow cooker. Fill the mass with water. Set the "Extinguishing" mode for an hour and a half.
  6. Half an hour before the end of cooking, season the soup with salt, chopped garlic and herbs.


  • in order to vegetarian soup without meat it turned out thicker and richer, you need to boil two peeled potato tubers in the broth. At the end of cooking, they must be mashed into a puree mass and added to the borscht.
  • vegetables for cooking this dish in a slow cooker can be laid raw, but it is better to fry, this will give the dish more flavor.
  • there are a great many recipes for lean borscht without meat: it can be cooked with sprat, beans, sorrel, mushrooms, bacon and sausages, donuts and garlic, horseradish and fish, beans and mushrooms, with apples and even without beets, served hot and cold.
  • traditionally borscht is served with sour cream and herbs. Garlic is not required if there is an intolerance to this product. The soup can also be served with croutons made from "black" bread, another option: freshly baked or warmed buns with garlic or soy sauce"Sen Soi".
  • the classic option is serving borscht with donuts. Buns from yeast dough cook from warm milk, salt, granulated sugar, vegetable oil and flour. The dough doesn't have to be tough. Leave the mass for an hour warm, it should increase in volume. Punch down the dough, divide into buns, brush with egg and bake in conventional oven at a temperature of 180 degrees.
  • you can serve the dish with Indian flatbread"Chapati". They are very easy to prepare, you need to mix a glass wheat flour, half a glass of water or whey, salt. Knead a thick dough, cut into small pieces, roll out thinly on a floured surface. Fry the cakes in a dry, without oil, frying pan, on both sides, ready-made pastries grease with butter.

  • borscht that has lost its color can be restored by adding an infusion of fresh beets to it. To do this, grate the peeled root crop, pour a small amount hot broth, pour in vinegar (3%), heat to a boil. Let the mixture stand for half an hour and strain. Pour into the main dish, warm up.
  • in almost ready borscht you can put washed and chopped prunes.
  • To ready meal serve warm curd cheesecakes.

In this recipe I will tell you how to cook borscht without meat. In general, cooking borscht without meat is much easier and faster. And it turns out that it is at least lean and simple, but very tasty, red and not inferior to borscht with meat. It is also low in calories and rich in vegetable vitamins. Such a borscht is great for fasting, vegans and anyone who is on a low-calorie diet. By the way, instead of sour cream, you can add lemon juice to it.

Required Ingredients:

  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Medium-sized beets - 3 pcs.
  • Cabbage - half a cabbage
  • Onion - 3 pcs.
  • Potato - 3 pcs.
  • Fresh tomatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil (for frying) - 2 tbsp.
  • Sugar sand - 1-2 tbsp.
  • Parsley - 1 small bunch
  • Salt - to taste.

Step-by-step recipe for borscht without meat:

  1. First of all, prepare all the necessary products. Wash and clean vegetables. After the beets with carrots, grate on a coarse grater. Shred the cabbage. Cut potatoes, onions and tomatoes into small cubes.
  2. Now take a frying pan, pour vegetable oil into it. Then put the onion in it and fry it until soft, then add the carrot to the onion. Fry them together until the onion is golden brown.
  3. Then put the beets and tomatoes to the onions with carrots. Simmer it all for 10 minutes, and then remove from heat. The roast is ready.
  4. Take a three-liter saucepan, fill it halfway with water and put on fire. When the water boils in it, throw potatoes into it and cook it for about 5 minutes.
  5. Next, add the cabbage to the potatoes and cook them together for 2 minutes.
  6. After that, put the vegetable frying prepared above into the borscht. Then add finely chopped herbs, sugar, salt there and mix everything well.
  7. Cover the pan with a lid and continue to cook the borscht over low heat for another hour, stirring occasionally.
  8. Serve this wonderful first course with sour cream or lemon juice.

There is an opinion that the word "borscht" comes from the old Russian "barshch" (beets). But there is also another opinion that the word comes from the words "brown" and "shchi".

Although it is also known that the word and the dish itself appeared before they began to add beets to it. And instead of beets, hogweed was added, but not the poisonous one that causes severe burns, and which is strictly forbidden to eat. And this is another plant with the same name, with edible leaves, from which they prepared a stew with a similar name.

True, the story says that the dish turned out to be almost black (maybe hence the “brown”). Which apparently did not suit those who ate this stew at all. And then a replacement was found for this plant in the form of beets, and borsch already appeared in Russian and Ukrainian national cuisine in the form in which we use it now.

In one of the recipes I already gave detailed description, how to cook . But the fact is that now there are more and more people who do not eat meat, these are vegetarians. And my beloved youngest son is also one.

Moreover, it goes Great Lent! And this is just the same dish that can be cooked so tasty that no meat is needed.

So, my mother taught him how to cook, and her mother taught her how to cook ... My mother had to go through hard times. She tells that the best delicacy as a child, they had a sandwich with ... hot mashed potatoes! And she herself made such sandwiches for her brothers.

And when such a borscht was prepared, everyone was full, and of course, satisfied. So my mother's knowledge was very useful to me. Now I'm cooking it tasty dish without meat for his son. And now I am always satisfied, because I know for sure that with such a dinner, my son will not remain hungry.

Delicious borscht without meat (lean)

We need for 3-4 servings:

  • cabbage - 200 gr
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • beets - 1 medium
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • tomato - 1 pc. or tomato paste
  • lemon - 1/3 part
  • flour - 2/3 teaspoon
  • sugar - 0.5 teaspoon
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste
  • spices - to taste
  • dried herbs - to taste
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil - 3-4 tbsp. spoons
  • butter- 1-2 tbsp. spoons
  • fresh dill, parsley, green onion, garlic - for sprinkling
  • sour cream - for serving


1. We will prepare all the vegetables in advance so that later we will not be distracted, and focus only on the cooking process. Cut the onion into thin half rings or small cubes.

2. Cut the cabbage, preferably thinner.

3. Grate carrots for Korean carrots.

4. Chop the garlic.

5. Peel potatoes and cut into cubes.

6. Peel and grate the beets for Korean carrots. Sprinkle it with lemon juice, squeezing it directly from the lemon. Stir, leave to marinate a little.

7. If using a fresh tomato, scald it with boiling water and remove the skin. Cut into cubes. Or make some tomato paste. I'm cooking with today. Now it is early spring and fresh tomatoes are sold mostly not quite ripe, they will not give the desired color to borscht.

8. Prepare spices, dried herbs, sugar, flour. Boil water in a kettle in advance, we need boiling water.

9. In a frying pan or thick-walled saucepan, heat the oil and fry the onion until golden brown.

10. Pour half a glass of hot water, and stirring occasionally, wait until the water evaporates and the onion becomes transparent. Subsequently, when the onion is cooked with cabbage, it will not be visible at all.

11. Add carrots, fry together with onions for 3-4 minutes. Carrots should soften a little.

12. Pour sugar, spices and flour. Fry for 1-2 minutes, stirring constantly.

13. Add chopped tomatoes or tomato paste. I have homemade pasta, I add 2 tablespoons. Store Paste more concentrated, it must be added an incomplete tablespoon. Fry for 2-3 minutes. Fry the tomatoes a little longer. Until they become soft.

14. Add boiling water so that it covers the whole mass, then simmer over low heat for 5-7 minutes.

15. Pour hot water. Add chopped cabbage. I always add water by eye. If you like thick borscht, then you need to add less water. And of course, if you like it thinner, then pour more water. Keep in mind that you will add more potatoes and beets. We will not add more water. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate its quantity at this stage.

16. Cook for 10-15 minutes, provided that the cabbage is autumn. If you cook borscht from young cabbage, then immediately lay the potatoes along with the cabbage.

17. My cabbage is old today, the new one has not grown yet. Therefore, cook it for 10-15 minutes, and only then add the potatoes. Salt. Cook for another 10 minutes. Make sure the water doesn't boil. Borscht should not boil too much, because of this it will become cloudy.

18. Add dried herbs - parsley, dill. Cook for 5 more minutes.

19. Put the grated beets and garlic into the borscht. Then pepper and add bay leaf. Let it boil and cook over low heat for another 7-10 minutes.

20. Add butter, let it boil and turn off.

21. Cover with a lid and let the borscht brew for 10-15 minutes. During this time, we set the table. We take out sour cream, chop fresh dill, parsley, green onions, garlic as desired.

22. Pour into plates, sprinkle with herbs and garlic, add sour cream to taste.

The nuances of cooking borscht without meat

  • During cooking, make sure that the water does not boil too much. Borscht should languish more than boil. In this case, the broth will turn out clear and not cloudy.
  • in season, be sure to add sweet bell pepper. Today I cooked without pepper, so I added the necessary sweetness in the form of sugar. It turns out so tasty because all known tastes are present in it - sweet, sour, salty, bitter, tart. But Bulgarian pepper gives not only sweetness, but also an incredible aroma.
  • often beets are fried together with carrots. I do not fry, I put 10 minutes before readiness in fresh, so it seems to me tastier. If you want, you can also fry it. You need to fry it immediately after carrots, before tomatoes or tomatoes. And then everything is according to the recipe.
  • Try not to add any water while cooking. The amount should be calculated in advance, the borsch should not turn out to be too thick, and too liquid.
  • do not be afraid to add spices, they give the necessary aroma, and I believe that they give a certain taste.
  • the amount of vegetable oil is given as an approximation. If you like food fatter, richer, then you can add more oil. The same goes for butter.

Here's a recipe! Mom and grandmother always said that in order to cook delicious borscht, you need to walk around it. So it is, while we cook, there will be no time to sit down. First, you need to lay vegetables on time. Secondly, you need to make sure that after each new bookmark, the water boils quickly, for this you need to add fire. And then, as soon as it boils, the fire must be reduced, and make sure that the water does not boil.

In general, after walking around the borscht for 30-40 minutes, it turned out delicious - delicious! And no meat is needed!

Bon appetit!