How much to cook corn at home. How many minutes to cook corn

Corn has mass useful properties, contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals and acids important for health. Many of us remember the taste of boiled yellowish grains from childhood. And, as soon as it appears on the shelves, we are happy to buy fresh cobs.

But in order for our summer dish it turned out delicious, and the grains are soft, you need to know some cooking secrets, in particular, how and how much to cook corn?

We will talk about this today on the site "Popular about health". We will also learn how to cook "milk" and very ripe cobs.

How long to cook corn in a pot

Cooking time depends on the degree of maturity of the cereal. The older it is, the more time it takes to cook, for example:

Young cobs, with soft, light grains, cook for about 20-30 minutes.

Well ripened, with yellow grains - 30-40 min.

If corn has been stored for a long time, its grains are rich yellow in color and very hard. Therefore, you need to cook it for a long time, up to 2-3 hours.

However, it is equally important not to digest it. If the cooking time is exceeded, the grains will begin to harden.

A few cooking tips

The degree of maturity of the cobs affects not only the duration of cooking, but also taste qualities final product. If they are stored for a long time, the grains dry out, and the sugar that is part of them is converted into starch. Therefore, the older the corn, the less sweetness and characteristic aroma remains in it.

However, a lot depends on the method of preparation, in this case, brewing:

To get tasty, fragrant boiled corn, it is recommended to boil young cobs in slightly salted water (1 tsp per 1 liter of water). Although many people prefer not to add salt, but to sugar water. Salt is rubbed on ready-made cobs. Here, it's up to you.

The old must be cooked in fresh water, then the grains will not be too hard.

It is better to cook corn in a saucepan with thick walls, with a tightly closed lid. So it will steam better and fully retain its aroma.

Cooking young corn on the cob

You can cook it in a double boiler, slow cooker or microwave. We'll talk about how to cook corn in a saucepan:

Remove leaves and whiskers from corn, wash under cold running water. Wash the leaves too, put a layer on the bottom of the pan. Mark the ears on top. Break the ones that are too big in half.

Add water to cover them completely and still remain on top, about 3-4 cm. Cover with a lid, turn on the fire. When it boils, lower the temperature, cook the corn for 20-30 minutes. When the grains become soft, everything is ready.

Take it out with a slotted spoon or fork. If you haven't salted the water, salt the cobs. For juiciness, you can slightly grease butter.

Cooking milk corn

The very first, so-called milk corn, should be cooked for a very short time. Her grains are already very soft, delicate, milky in color, with a slight yellowish tint. When pressed, juice is released.

Prepare it like this:

Clean from leaves and whiskers, wash. Boil water in a saucepan, lower the cobs. When it boils again, reduce the heat to medium, continue to cook for no more than 10 minutes.

Remove the cooked corn with a slotted spoon, salt, brush with butter and serve immediately.

Try not to overcook milk cobs. Otherwise, the grains will become tough and not so tasty.

Cooking mature cobs

It is believed that young corn is much tastier and healthier than mature corn, in which the grains are very dense and yellow. However, this is an amateur. Fully ripened corn is no less healthy, and many consider its taste and aroma to be more intense.

Prepare like this:

Peel the cobs (do not discard the leaves), pour cold water, for 1 hour. Now wash. Spread a layer of leaves on the bottom of the pot, on top of the cobs. Break large ones in half. Boil water separately, pour over corn so that a few centimeters remain above the surface. At this stage, you can add more leaves on top, if any.

Close the lid, bring to a boil, turn down the heat so that it just simmers. Leave in the pan for a while, about 40-60 minutes. Check readiness with a fork - pierce the grains. If soft, you're done. Remove the cobs with a slotted spoon, rub with salt, serve immediately.

Healing properties of corn decoction

It is known that this cereal is rich in nutrients and has healing properties. However, not everyone knows that the decoction that remains after cooking corn has pronounced medicinal properties. Especially if the cobs were cooked with leaves and mustaches (stigmas).

In particular, it is used to treat diseases of the pancreas, and is taken to normalize metabolic processes. Good to drink it nervous disorders. It is recommended for older people as a means of stopping the aging process.

If we talk about corn stigmas, then a decoction of them has a wide range medicinal properties. It is recommended to be taken as a diuretic, cholagogue. included in treatment inflammatory diseases liver, gallbladder, bile ducts. It helps to cope with kidney stone disease, relieves swelling.

So boil the corn, eat the fragrant grains and drink it healing decoction. The season of these cereals is not so long, so be sure to take advantage of this opportunity. Be healthy!

We literally sell corn both raw and boiled on every corner, and when buying again, I heard a girl ask the seller: how to cook corn on the cob in a saucepan and how much time. At first I was surprised at this question, because it's so simple, but then I thought, it seems like a simple matter - to cook corn on the cob, but there are subtleties here too. Let's talk about them.

How to cook corn on the cob in a pot

As soon as they start selling corn, I immediately remember the summer in the village, when the boys on bicycles brought cobs of young corn from the fields, my grandmother cooked them, and we, the kids, ate juicy corn with pleasure, sprinkling it with salt. My love for corn has not gone away for me, and all my family members eat it with pleasure, but so that corn does not disappoint, you must initially choose it correctly.

How to cook corn on the cob - recipe

Boiling corn in a pot is the easiest and traditional recipe. Remembering my grandmother, she always cooked whole cobs in a wide saucepan, so do I, but if there is no such saucepan, then you can break the cobs in half.

  • To begin with, the corn must be washed along with the leaves, then cleaned of leaves and hairs.
  • Cover the bottom of the pan with the inner leaves that were closer to the cob, put corn on them, cover them with leaves. If you have several layers of corn, lay each layer with leaves, they will give the corn additional flavor and juiciness when cooked.
  • Pour into a saucepan cold water and put on a large fire so that it boils faster. But as soon as it boils, reduce the fire. I heard that corn is poured with boiling water right away, I think this option is also possible.
  • An important point - do not put salt right away if you want to get a tasty and juicy product after cooking. If you do not like salting it during meals, then you can add salt directly to the pan, but about 5 minutes before the end of cooking. But in my opinion, it tastes better when we salt it already in the process of eating, or maybe it's just childhood memories. But that's how we eat corn.

How long to cook corn in a pan

Cooking time depends on the variety and on the age of the corn. Very young, milk cobs will be ready in 10 minutes. But we don’t really like such corn, we like it to be a little older, it has a richer corn taste and juiciness is also enough. Such corn is cooked for 20 - 30 minutes. You can check the readiness with a toothpick, if the grain is easily pierced, then the corn is ready or taste it, if the softness suits you, then the cooking process can be completed.

Do not be discouraged if you still come across fodder corn, it is edible and healthy in any case, just not so juicy. Of course, you will have to boil it more - an hour, or maybe longer.

Do not immediately remove the cooked corn from the pan, turn off the heat and let it stand in the water in which it was cooked for 30 minutes, this will also give it additional juiciness and taste. During this time, it will just cool down a little.

How to store corn

  • Having brought corn cobs home, you should not store them for a long time, it is better to boil them immediately. If you can't cook right away, put them in the fridge. Leaves should be removed immediately before cooking.
  • If you bought or treated you with a surplus of corn, then you can freeze it, having previously cleaned it of leaves and hairs and put it in a plastic bag. After defrosting, corn does not lose its useful and taste qualities. You can defrost it naturally or by putting it in cold water.
  • Boiled corn is also not recommended to be stored for a long time, a maximum of 1 - 2 days, and then in the refrigerator, putting the cobs in a plastic bag. More long-term storage will affect the taste, the grains will lose their juiciness.
  • Repeated heat treatment boiled cobs should not be done, the grains can become hard. They say you can heat it in the microwave, I don’t know, I haven’t tried it, for me it’s good even when cold.

They say in Mexico corn is boiled not with water, but with milk, adding butter at the end of cooking. Mexicans love to serve corn with both sweet sauces and pretty pepper.

You can grease boiled corn with butter, and Americans like to grease boiled corn on the cob with mayonnaise.

How you will eat corn is up to you, but I really hope that the tips on how to cook corn on the cob in a saucepan will come in handy and, while the season is in season, you will enjoy a delicious and healthy summer dessert.

Bon appetit!

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

An article on how to choose and boil corn, as well as cook special sauce for her.

First you need to find out what quality corn you bought. It is best to purchase corn in supermarkets or stores. Because in the market you will most likely be sold a fodder variety instead of a food variety. Feed is originally intended for animal feed. A person, of course, will not be poisoned by her, but she will not get much pleasure either.

If this is early ripening corn intended for human nutrition, then it is cooked from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours maximum. And if you buy fodder or late varieties, then you will have to cook it from 2 to 5-6 hours.

In the following, we will talk about the preparation of food corn.

Corn can be boiled like in a pot, microwave oven, or steamer. We strongly recommend that you cook the corn in a double boiler whenever possible. There it acquires the most intense taste and at the same time does not lose its beneficial substances.

How to cook corn in a pot: young food (it is white or pale yellow in color) put corn in a saucepan with cold water, bring to a boil and cook for 30-25 minutes. Cook old (bright yellow) corn cobs for 50-60 minutes.

How to cook corn in a double boiler: peeled cobs, it is possible in 2 layers, they are placed in a steamer on a grate, an allowable maximum of water is set in the steam generation tank, the steamer is closed with a lid and cooked until it is turned off. If the corn is mature, topping up may be necessary; for young corn, an incomplete capacity of water may be required. Boil for 30-40 minutes depending on the maturity of the cob.

How to cook corn in the microwave: wrap the corn in cling film and put it in the microwave. It takes 3 minutes to cook corn in the microwave.

boiled corn grease with butter, grate with salt and spices to taste and can be served.

Some important tips, which it is desirable to observe when cooking corn:

1. corn on the cob before cooking, it is necessary to wash and clean from dirty sheets, do not remove clean sheets.
2. Cook corn without salt so that it does not become tough.
3. Corn stalk is not eaten.
4. It is better to cook corn in a deep thick-walled pan under a closed lid.
5. Boiled corn is served immediately after cooking on a hot plate.

We also bring to your attention a special sauce for boiled corn. Ingredients: sour cream, a spoonful of sugar, salt, pepper (preferably mill), garlic and plus herbs (parsley, basil). Recipe: Whisk all ingredients together and pour sauce over hot cobs before serving.

Bon appetit!

Before you weld delicious corn, you should also pay attention to the variety and degree of maturity of the cobs when buying. Very often, inexperienced hostesses buy fodder varieties instead of food varieties. Sweet sweet corn it turns out tender and juicy, and fodder varieties are more suitable for making soups and second courses - their grains are denser and almost not sweet. Dried feed corn kernels can be used to make popcorn, but for salads and appetizers, as well as for serving on the cob, sugary edible varieties are better suited.

Choose unshelled corn - you can tell by the leaves when the cobs have been plucked. Young corn has bright green leaves, and the stigmas are fine hairs, and should be light and slightly moist. Checking the degree of ripeness is very simple. Open the leaves in such a way that the cob is exposed approximately to the base - the grains should be smooth, not wrinkled, and have a delicate lemon tint. With your fingernail, press on one of the grains - if the skin bursts easily and protrudes milk juice, means young corn, milky ripeness. It is these cobs that have a pleasant sweetish aftertaste and will be tender and juicy after cooking. If starch has already appeared in the grains, then such corn will be tougher and less sweet.

Depending on the degree of ripeness, the time for its preparation will vary. How long to boil fresh corn will also depend on where and how you intend to cook it.

Soft and juicy corn is great for serving on its own or adding to salads. Before you cook soft corn, you should carry out a certain preparation procedure.

Only the upper hard leaves should be removed from the cob, leaving a few thin leaves.

The stigmas also should not be cleaned - it is they who give unique taste and flavor of this product. It is enough to tear off the upper blackened part of the hairs.

The cobs prepared in this way should be washed in running water and carefully laid out on the bottom of a convenient roomy dish - it is best to take a pan with not very thin walls.

Corn prepared in this way is suitable for salads and snacks. To serve, it is better to clean the leaves completely and put them together with the stigmas on the bottom of the pan and only corn is laid out on top - this is done because the ears are served hot and it will be problematic to clean them from the cooked leaves.

There is a lot in this cereal beneficial vitamins and amino acids that need to be preserved during cooking. That is why it is very important to follow temperature regime. According to experts, how to cook fresh corn correctly, most of the beneficial properties will be preserved if it is cooked at a constant high temperature. Therefore, bring water to a boil, pour it over prepared cobs and bring to a boil over high heat. After that, you will need to cover the pan with a lid and cook over medium heat so that the temperature inside the dish remains constant. Milk corn will be ready in 20 minutes, more mature cobs will be cooked in 40-45 minutes.

Make sure the corn is completely submerged in water - the top ears will float, so they will need to be turned over periodically.

How much to cook fresh corn, decide for yourself - check the grains for readiness. Depending on the variety, the time can take up to several hours - the finished grains should not taste like starch. If you bought a fodder variety, then it would be best to cook corn in a pressure cooker or slow cooker at a temperature of 200-250 degrees. Then leave it for a few minutes in water - so even not very young corn will turn out juicy and soft.

Now you know how to quickly cook milky corn. But one more important point should be remembered, on which the taste of the finished grains will largely depend.

Salt - without this food additive no dish can show its unique taste. To emphasize the sweetness of milk corn, the finished cobs are sprinkled with a thin layer of salt just before serving. However, never add salt to the water in which the corn will be boiled. Salt speeds up the process of boiling water and helps maintain heat, but it is salt that speeds up the process of water release from cereal. Therefore, if you add even a little salt to the water, the grains will no longer be so tender and juicy.

How long you cook your corn will affect the taste of the finished treat, so try to buy only freshly picked cobs. If you buy shelled cobs, inspect the kernels carefully. But even if you bought a fodder variety of corn by mistake, do not rush to throw it away. Wash the peeled cobs, wipe them dry and put them in freezer. It takes a little longer to boil such corn than milk corn, but if you add a pinch of sugar to the water, the grains will be soft and sweet. You do not need to defrost the cobs - immediately place them in boiling water.

Sweet corn is not only a very tasty plant, but also very healthy. Despite the fact that the grains have a fairly high content of starch, this product can be called medicinal and even dietary. Even in ancient times, these golden grains were called the elixir of youth. Amino acids, which in large numbers found in the grains of this plant, will help restore shine to your hair, improve memory, restore freshness to the skin and help get rid of a couple of extra pounds. Delicate fragrant grains will give you the warm energy of the sun on a cold cloudy day, cheer you up and improve your well-being. Do not deny yourself pleasure. Bon appetit!

Already in the middle of summer in the central regions of Russia, enterprising grandmothers enter the local markets with the first harvest of corn. The lid opens - and a breathtaking aroma spreads over the entire area, which is simply impossible to resist. Not every housewife can cook soft and juicy corn.

In this article, we will look at best recipes cooking, as well as recommendations for choosing cobs.

The cooking process is only half the battle, it is equally important to choose the right corn. A full-fledged riot of taste opens in young cobs of table varieties of light golden color. It is not difficult to determine the "youth" of corn, its grains have not yet grown and there is a small space between them.

Before buying, pick a grain, try it for a taste. IN young cob quite a lot of moisture is retained, if you bite the grain, it will turn out to be juicy and soft. If it is hard and dry, then you either slipped old corn or a fodder variety.

- Preparation for cooking. The first step is to clean the cobs from leaves and hairs. Some people prefer to boil the corn in a "fur coat", but then it may be difficult to clean. The best option is to put the cobs and leaves with antennae separately in the pan.

- Pick a pot. The container should be large enough so as not to break the corn into pieces. A cast-iron cauldron with a tight-fitting lid is perfect.

- At the next stage, we put the leaves on the bottom of the pan (cauldron), on them the cobs. The aroma of the dish will be given by hairs and leaves laid at the very top.

- Pour in water so that it completely covers the contents of the pan. How long to cook corn? Young ears will be ready in 15-20 minutes, for some varieties it can take up to 3-4 hours. Please note important nuance, even on low heat, water should.

- Never salt the corn during cooking. Salt "absorbs" moisture from young cobs, which makes them not so soft.

- Periodically pick out a grain, tasting it. If it is soft and the characteristic taste of starch is not felt, you can remove the dish from the heat.

— Fresh, freshly cooked corn is the most delicious. It is served at the table on a warmed plate with salt. Some people prefer to add spices to the dish.

Preparing cobs for cooking is similar to classic pot cooking. First, they should be cleaned of all excess and rinsed in running water. We put the cobs in a slow cooker, add about a liter of unsalted water.

We turn on the “Steaming” mode and leave the young corn for half an hour. Not the youngest cobs are recommended to cook in a slow cooker for about an hour.

The uniqueness of the product lies in its environmental friendliness. Unlike other plants, which in the process of growth receive everything, even not the most useful material, corn does not absorb chemical elements and remains safe and healthy.

The cobs retain a lot of useful vitamins and minerals (calcium, phosphorus and even gold) due to the integrity of the grains during cooking.

High calorie product - here main secret satiety and pleasant taste sensations. 100 g of corn contains about 190-210 kcal.

Boiled cobs are good for everyone to eat, especially recommended for:

- liver diseases;

- cholelithiasis;

- problems of the gastrointestinal tract.

Still, be careful. Excessive consumption of corn is dangerous for people with increased blood clotting.