Simple pasties are a very tasty recipe. Delicate and soft kefir dough

What could be tastier than juicy crispy chebureki on bubbly dough from the popular cheburek? Only homemade snack, prepared by loving, caring hands. To make the treat truly tasty, you need to properly prepare the pasty dough with bubbles.

By classic recipe The dough is prepared in water. Therefore, it turns out to be budgetary and accessible to everyone. In addition to water (1 tbsp.), you need to take: 280 g of flour, 20 ml of any vegetable oil, a teaspoon of salt. The following describes how to prepare dough for pasties using water.

  1. A lukewarm liquid is poured into a deep container. Wheat flour is poured into it in small portions. It is better to sift the latter a couple of times in advance.
  2. Add salt and oil to the bowl.
  3. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed with a spoon or spatula until a viscous homogeneous mass is obtained.
  4. Next, the mixture is laid out on the surface with a thin layer of flour.
  5. The dough must be kneaded well with your hands so that it practically stops sticking to your fingers.
  6. When the mass becomes elastic enough, it can be transferred to a bag and refrigerated for half an hour.

All that remains is to wait for the time and start frying the delicious pasties.

Kefir recipe

If you have kefir in the house, then you can make pasties using it. This recipe is also simple and understandable even for novice cooks. It includes following products: 1 tbsp. low-fat kefir and water, 60 ml odorless sunflower oil, egg, 4 tbsp. premium flour, a pinch of salt and sugar.

  1. Water is poured into the pan, salt, sugar and butter are added there.
  2. The container is placed on the fire and its contents are brought to a boil.
  3. Pour a little less than half a glass of flour into the liquid in minimal portions. The mass is thoroughly stirred and cooled.
  4. When the mixture reaches room temperature, you can beat an egg into it and pour in kefir.
  5. After thoroughly mixing, the remaining flour is added to the dough. It should be very elastic.

The choux pastry for pasties made with kefir is covered with a clean towel and left while the filling is prepared.

Choux pastry for chebureks

Crispy choux pastry for pasties does not include eggs.

It goes with not only meat, but also, for example, potato filling. In addition to 350 ml of water, use: 2 tbsp. odorless oil (vegetable), 650 g high-quality flour, a pinch of salt.

  1. Salted water is brought to a boil. Immediately after the first bubbles appear, oil is poured into it.
  2. A heaping glass of flour is poured into the boiling liquid, the mass is quickly mixed, and the fire is turned off. The future dough should cool to the point where you can touch it with your hand without pain.
  3. Next, you can add the remaining flour and knead into a stiff mass that will not stick to your fingers.
  4. The dough is rolled into a ball, wrapped in film and put in the refrigerator. You can leave it there all night.

If you don’t have that much time, you can start forming the pasties within an hour. In any case, the dish will turn out crispy.

Cooking in mineral water with bubbles

For this test you can use any mineral water. The main thing is that it is highly carbonated. A salty drink will also work. Except mineral water(350 ml), will be used: 4 tbsp. wheat flour, a pinch of salt and sugar, 3 tbsp. olive oil.

  1. In a large bowl, salt and sugar are poured with mineral water with bubbles. There is no need to pre-release gases from the drink. Crystals of salt and sugar should completely dissolve in water.
  2. The flour is carefully sifted into the same container in small portions. This will make the dough more airy.
  3. When the mass becomes similar in consistency to homemade sour cream, you can pour oil into it.
  4. Next, the remaining flour is added, and the dough is kneaded by hand until maximum elasticity.

After 45 minutes, you can prepare delicious pasties from the resulting mass.

Puff pastry

Chebureks made from puff pastry are especially good with minced chicken. For juiciness, a small amount of fatty kefir is added to the filling. And for the dough we use: 3-4 cups of good wheat flour, 1 tbsp. boiling water and a pinch of salt.

  1. Salt dissolves completely in boiling water.
  2. Next, pour ¼ of the total flour into the mixture.
  3. All that remains is to gradually add the remaining flour to the warm dough, sifting each individual portion.
  4. A very thick dense mass is kneaded, which needs to be left for a while. room temperature. During this time, the dough will rest and cool completely.

The finished mass rolls out perfectly to a minimum thickness and does not tear. The result is the most delicate crispy pasties. The dough will taste similar to the usual puff pastry.

Egg dough recipe

For this recipe, ingredients are measured using eggshells. To do this, a hole is made at the top of the egg (for example, with a knife), and liquid is released through it into the bowl. The resulting empty container is convenient for measuring the amount of food. For egg dough will be used: 7-8 shells of clean drinking water and 1 any vegetable oil (it is better to take olive oil), 4 eggs, flour, how much dough will take, 120 ml of vodka, a pinch of salt.

  1. Water is mixed with vegetable oil and salted to taste. The spice grains should be completely dissolved in the liquid.
  2. Break all the eggs into the water and lightly beat the mixture with a fork until smooth.
  3. Next, vegetable oil and vodka are added to the liquid.
  4. All that's left is to work with the flour. It is poured into the future dough in small portions after sifting. There should be enough flour so that the dough is not too sticky, but not too tight.
  5. When the mass thickens enough, it is better to transfer it to the table and continue kneading with your hands.
  6. The result cheburek dough goes into the cold for 2.5 hours. It is first wrapped in cling film or a clean towel.

When making chebureks, it is convenient to moisten your fingers with vegetable oil so as not to use additional flour.

Dough with vodka - like in cheburechnaya

Dough for chebureks with vodka comes in various variations. The recipe described below is most often used in large cheburechkas. But every housewife, if desired, can slightly change it, remaking it for herself. For this recipe you need the following products: egg, glass of boiled water, 1 tbsp. alcoholic drink, 2 tbsp. oil (vegetable), 430 g flour, pinch of salt.

  1. Lightly beat the egg with a fork and add salt to taste. A mixer should not be used.
  2. Add to the salted egg mass boiled water, vegetable oil and vodka.
  3. After thorough mixing, you can begin to gradually add flour into the liquid. It is best to do this in minimal portions.
  4. Knead a plastic, smooth dough with your hands, cover it with a clean towel and leave to rest for 12-15 minutes.
Original message Recipes_dishes

Thank you for the wonderful pasties!

Chebureks recipe with photos

Secrets of delicious pasties

5 secrets famous dish reveals the most expensive chef in the capital This is special, delicious pie from the Crimean Tatars. But for some reason, some people turn out pasties that are tasty, juicy, tender and crispy, while others turn out stale, dry pies of a special shape with crispy onions. There are as many recipes as there are chefs. We will share with you a recipe we spied on from a Crimean Tatar woman - a hereditary cook. Anyone who sees chebureki being prepared for the first time has many questions:

1) Why do you need to pour broth into the minced meat?

2) Why is there sugar in the dough?

3) Why does the dough need to be kept in the refrigerator before rolling out?

4) Why can’t the minced meat be crushed too much?

5) Why roll onions with a rolling pin?

Of course, you will get answers to them. We will share all these secrets with you. So, first we prepare the dough, since after kneading it should lie in the refrigerator for a while in order to become elastic and pliable when rolled out.

For the test:

Flour - 500 g

Water - 150-180,

Salts - 2 g

Granulated sugar - 2 g

For minced meat:

Meat - 500 g

Onions - 1 pc.

Dill - 1 bunch

Meat broth - 200-250 ml

Black pepper

Zira - to taste

Cooking method:

1. Sift the flour through a fine sieve on the table, form a slide, add salt and sugar to the flour (so that the dough is crispy), make a depression in the flour and pour water into it.

2. Knead a fairly stiff dough.

3. Wrap it in film and put it in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes. This is so that it becomes elastic and rolls out better and thinner.

4. Divide the present dough into two parts and make even ropes with a diameter of 3 cm. Cut them into circles 2 cm thick (40 g each).

5. Then press the resulting circle with your palm, form a flat cake and sprinkle them with flour so that they do not stick together. Place them in a plastic bag and put them in the refrigerator.

6. During this time, prepare the minced meat. Pass the meat through a meat grinder. Chop the onion small cubes and crush it with a rolling pin until the crunch disappears.

7. Combine meat with onions, add herbs, salt, pepper, cumin and mix everything. Here you will need special tenderness, because... When the meat is strongly squeezed, it releases a protein that makes the minced meat stick together.

8. When mixing the minced meat, gradually pour in the broth in small portions as it is completely absorbed. This will give the minced meat juiciness and tenderness. The amount of broth depends on the density of the meat.

9. Then put the minced meat in the refrigerator for 30 minutes to “set” it, and take out the semi-finished dough products and roll out each cake to almost “zero”.

10. Place a tablespoon of minced meat on one side of the flatbread, distribute it evenly, cover with the other half of the flatbread and form a cheburek along the edge, cutting it with a special zigzag cutter.

11. Cheburek must be fried at a temperature of 220-240 degrees. large quantities vegetable oil for 2-3 minutes. And it’s better to do this in a wok - it’s more convenient and practical (you don’t have to turn it over for even cooking). And if you don’t have a wok, you can do it in a frying pan. I assure you, it will turn out no less tasty!

Chebureks "Under the Degree" - excellent, crispy, tender, juicy!

The dough for chebureks according to this recipe turns out to be incredibly tasty and tender, and the filling is aromatic and juicy. Such pasties are eaten in an instant!


For the test:

Water - 300 ml

Egg - 1 pc.

Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.

Flour - 4 cups

Vodka - 1 tbsp. l.

For filling:

Minced meat - 500 g

Onions - 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

1. Prepare all ingredients.

2. The minced meat should be coarsely ground and there should be a lot of onions.

3. For juiciness, you can add 100 g of ice water.

4. Vodka is needed to make the dough bubbly - you can’t feel it in the pasties.

5. In order for the dough to turn out a beautiful color when frying, you need sugar.

6. Heat the water until hot. Place 1 cup flour in a bowl. Stirring thoroughly with a whisk, pour in 1 cup hot water. You will get a boiled dough.

7. Pour the remaining flour into another larger bowl, beat in the egg, add salt and sugar, pour in the vodka, vegetable oil, remaining water and the brewed dough. Stir thoroughly and knead the dough until smooth. Wrap it in cling film and leave to rest for half an hour.

8. To prepare the minced meat, add ice cubes or ice water. But first, peel the onion and chop it with a knife (but not finely), or in a meat grinder (on a large wire rack). Salt and pepper.

9. Release the dough from the film and cut into portions (3 parts). Take one part and roll out the sausage on a floured board. Cut into pieces of 1.5-2 centimeters. Dip each side of the pieces into flour and roll out into flatbreads. Place the minced meat with a spoon in the middle or nearby. Connect the edges and blind them so that there is no hole left.

10. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan about one finger high. Heat a frying pan with oil and reduce heat. Place the pasties on one side and fry until golden brown, then turn over and finish frying. They fry faster on the second side.

11. Take out the finished chebureks and place them in a bowl on a paper towel to absorb excess oil. All. The pasties turned out beautiful, the dough was pimply and thin, the filling was juicy and there was enough juice.

Correct pasties. The most successful recipe

The secret of this recipe, in my opinion, lies in the dough - it turns out soft and tasty:


For the test:

Flour - 3.5 cups

Water - 350 ml

Egg - 1 pc.

Vegetable or ghee oil - 1 tbsp. l.

Salt - 0.5 tsp.

Cooking method:

1. Boil water with salt and oil (oil gives the finished chebureks their characteristic “bubbly” quality).

2. Immediately boil 1/2 cup of flour in it, trying to stir the lumps, and let it cool (brewing some of the flour makes the dough soft and pliable). If a few lumps remain, it’s okay, they will disperse later.

3. Add the egg and mix. Gradually adding the rest of the flour, knead the dough. The dough should not stick to your hands; if it does, add a little more flour. Let it brew for at least 1 hour (at least 2-3).

4. While the dough is infusing, prepare the minced meat:

700 g minced meat ( better than lamb, of course, but you can use any meat or mixture);

350 g onions;

0.5 cups of water or kefir;

Salt, pepper, spices to taste.

5. Add onion, water or kefir to the minced meat, which, in addition to flavoring, has the wonderful property of binding raw minced meat (the minced meat does not spread) and releasing the liquid into finished product. Mix everything well.

Frying pasties:

6. Cutting the dough into balls the size of a table tennis ball, roll out into a flat cake 1 mm thick. Spread the minced meat (a little more than the dough) over one half of the flatbread, cover with the other half and press down the edges. Roll the pasties along the edge with a special machine or the edge of a saucer, or a fork.

7. Pour 2-3 cm of vegetable oil into the pan, and after waiting until the oil heats up, fry on 2 sides over medium heat, without covering, until golden brown.

Chebureks with meat

Gorgeous, gentle and juicy pasties stuffed with lamb.


For the test:

Flour - 4 cups

Egg - 1 pc.

Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.

Milk - 2 tbsp. l.

For filling:

Lamb fillet - 700 g

Onions -5 pcs.

Freshly ground black pepper

Cooking method:

1. For the dough: boil 1+1/3 cups of water with salt and oil. Very quickly boil ½ cup of flour in it, stirring the lumps, and let cool. Add egg and milk, stir. Gradually add the remaining flour and knead the dough. It should not stick to your hands, if it does, add a little more flour. Wrap in film. Let sit for at least 1 hour. During this time, knead the dough again.

2. For the filling, mince the lamb. Finely chop the onion, mash in a mortar with salt and pepper. Mix meat and onion. Add to 1/2-3/4 cup of water. Mix everything well.

3. For each cheburek, cut a ball the size of a ping pong ball from the dough, roll it into a flat cake 2 mm thick. Take the minced meat (approximately 1 tbsp), level it over one half of the flatbread, cover with the other half and press down the edges. Roll along the edge with a special machine or the edge of a saucer and make sure that there are no tears or cracks in the seam.

4. In a deep frying pan, heat 2-3 cm of vegetable oil and fry the pasties in portions, turning once, over medium heat until golden brown, 4 minutes on each side. After frying, the pasties will be the size of an average palm. Place the finished chebureki on a paper towel to drain. excess fat. Serve hot.

5. If you want the dough to be crispier when kneading, add 2-3 tablespoons of vodka to it. And as a filling liquid you can use low-fat kefir, yogurt or yogurt. Of course, there is no need to boil them. Or you can freeze the prepared broth and add it to the minced meat, having previously crumbled it; small pieces of ice will make the cheburek much juicier.

Bon appetit!


Ingredients used in the recipe:

For minced meat:

Flour - 4 cups

Water - 1.3 cups

Egg - 1 pc.

Vegetable oil (or any fat) - 1 tbsp. l.

Salt - 0.5 tsp.

For minced meat:

700 gr. meat

350 gr. Luke

About 5 glasses of water

Salt, pepper, spices

Cooking Instructions:

1. Boil water with salt and oil (oil gives the pasties a bubbly appearance).

2. Immediately boil 1/2 cup of flour in it, trying to stir the lumps and let it cool (brewing flour particles makes the dough soft and elastic).

3. Add the egg and mix (the egg increases the “bubbling” and strength of the dough, increasing its plasticity and softness). Gradually adding the rest of the flour, knead the dough.

The dough should not stick to your hands. If the pastry dough is sticky, add a little more flour. Let it brew for at least one hour. During the infusion process, knead the dough once.

4. Pass the meat through a meat grinder, or grind it in a blender.

5. Finely chop the onion, mix with salt and pepper. Place in minced meat. The onion can be chopped at the same time as the meat in a meat grinder or blender.

6. Add 0.5 - 1 glass of water or 1 glass of kefir. Mix everything well.

7. Cutting the dough into balls the size of a table tennis ball, roll it into a flat cake 1 mm thick, level the minced meat on one half of the flat cake, cover with the other half and seal the edges. Excess dough can be trimmed using a plate or saucer.

8. Pour 2-3 cm of vegetable oil into a saucepan or frying pan; begin frying the chebureki in hot oil on both sides over medium heat, without covering with a lid, until golden brown.

9. Place the finished pasties on a plate and immediately cover with a lid (the pasties will become softer).

Note: You can add chopped dill to the minced meat.

The best gratitude is adding an entry to the quote book :)

Chebureks are an incomparable dish that, being hot, can take you to the heights of bliss from the first bite. But on the streets they prepare it from whatever they can find, and without following sanitary standards. Therefore, now we will share with you the recipe for this delicious dish, because when cooking at home, you choose the ingredients yourself.

How to cook homemade chebureks

The two components of making chebureks are dough and minced meat. As with dumplings, the dough for pasties is rolled out in different ways. Some housewives divide it into parts and roll it out that way, others prefer to roll out the dough entirely and cut out circles using a plate. The main thing is that the resulting cheburek is no larger than the palm of the person who cooks.

The rolled out dough is folded in half, covering the minced meat. Serrated edges can be created using a fork. Having molded a few pieces, you can start frying.

Cheburek dough recipe

  • 600 grams (4 cups) flour,
  • glass of water,
  • one teaspoon of sugar,
  • the same amount of salt without a slide,
  • 4 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 80 grams of cooking fat.


  1. You need to take a little more flour than indicated in the recipe. Due to different grinding of flour, the amount that you may ultimately need varies.
  2. First, dissolve salt and sugar in warm water. If it is mineral, that’s very good. The dough will be more tender. Start pouring flour into this water in portions, stir until the lumps dissolve. When the mass reaches the consistency of sour cream, add vegetable oil. You can cheat: in order for delicious bubbles to form on the dough later, you can add heated oil or other cooking fat to the dough.
  3. If you don’t want to heat the oil, you can pour in vodka (1 tsp). It will also give bubbles on the surface and give them a crispy crust.
  4. Continue adding flour until the dough becomes elastic and comes away easily from your hands.
  5. Cover the dough for a while and let it sit while you prepare the minced meat.

Minced meat recipe

  • 300g pork,
  • 300 grams of beef,
  • 3 pieces of onions,
  • greenery,
  • water,
  • spices.


  1. Traditional minced meat was made from lamb, but onions were always added to it.
  2. Scroll the meat through a meat grinder. Don't make the mince too fine. Chop the greens, add salt and spices and, if desired, a clove of garlic.
  3. Add water while mixing the minced meat; it should be semi-liquid. This is necessary so that the minced meat releases that tasty, slightly spicy broth for which pasties are so famous.
  4. The minced meat can be diluted with anything. The main thing is not to overdo it with water. And at the end, put a piece into the minced meat butter, this will give it a fatty feel.

Video lessons

Pasties with meat are a tasty and satisfying alternative to regular pies. This a traditional dish Turkic and Mongolian peoples. They are also loved in the Caucasus. Well, nowadays in cities they are sold on every corner, in my opinion, although it’s hard to call it chebureks. Therefore, we will cook them at home.

It won't take much time to prepare them. Plus, there are lightweight recipes, thanks to which even a schoolchild can prepare them.

The main ingredients are dough and meat. In most cases it is used unleavened dough, but many prefer the custard analogue. To add porosity, you can add baking powder, vodka or oil.

Real chebureks are prepared with meat; today, pork and beef are most often used, and in some cases, chicken. It all depends on your capabilities and preferences. Although they also make it with potatoes, mushrooms, cabbage, cheese and other fillings.

In the traditional recipe, the meat is finely chopped, but we, as you know, mainly use minced meat. We fry in vegetable oil, but traditionally it is used lamb fat(or other animal fat).

Recipe for pasties with meat at home (step-by-step recipe with photos)

Chebureks are quite a fatty food, so they are not recommended for dinner. Over time, many options for their preparation have appeared, so there is plenty to choose from. In this article we will look at the most common and simple recipes.

Since the taste and juiciness of these pies depends on the dough, at the beginning we will give several recipes for preparing the dough.


The taste of the pasties depends on the method of preparing the dough. Let's consider classic version on the water. This recipe is one of the simplest, but the aroma of pasties will not be worse.


  • 1 kg of wheat flour.
  • A pinch of table salt.
  • 350 ml water.

Cooking method

According to this recipe, the dough is dense and elastic. To achieve the required consistency, you must use hot water, but not with boiling water. Thanks to this, the “pie” will turn out crispy and tender.

The dough must be kneaded thoroughly for a long time. Don't forget to spray it with water periodically. After a few minutes of kneading, form the dough into a ball and roll it up with plastic or cling film, then place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. After this, you can start preparing the filling.

2. Dough for chebureks with bubbles, like in cheburek

If you want to prepare light and airy chebureks, the same as those sold in chebureks, it is recommended to use in the following way preparing bubble dough.


  • 7 cups white flour.
  • 500 ml boiled water.
  • 6 tbsp melted butter.
  • 1 tsp each of sugar and salt.

Step-by-step preparation

1. Stir in a small bowl table salt with granulated sugar, then place them in a container with warm water.

2. Then send the butter there, which must first be melted. Mix well with a spoon.

3. Sift into a deep bowl wheat flour. Make a small hole in the middle and pour a small volume of the prepared liquid into it.

4. Start kneading the dough, gradually adding water.

5. To make kneading more convenient, place the dough on the table and continue kneading by hand. It is necessary to achieve a dense texture so that during frying the chebureki do not burst and do not release juice. Thanks to the butter content, they will turn out very tender and bubbly.

6. When the dough is dense and homogeneous, you need to form a ball out of it, wrap it in film, and then put it in the refrigerator for about one hour. In the meantime, you can start preparing the minced meat.

3. Choux pastry for pasties

Some people believe that cooking chebureks is complex process. However, there is a fairly simple kneading recipe choux pastry, from which it turns out tasty dish. At the same time, you do not need to allocate a lot of time for cooking.


  • 300 ml mineral water.
  • 600 g flour.
  • 4 tbsp vegetable oil.
  • 5 g granulated sugar.
  • 5 g table salt.


1. Add salt and sugar to a container with warm water. Mix everything thoroughly so that all the crystals dissolve in the liquid. After this, water must be gradually added to the sifted flour. Knead the dough until it reaches a semi-liquid state. This is checked very simply, stick a regular spoon into the dough, it should slowly fall.

2. Now add boiling vegetable oil to the mixture and mix thoroughly.

3. Continue kneading until the dough becomes elastic. After this, put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

4. How to cook chebureki with minced chicken

Crispy and delicious chebureks are a favorite dish of many Russians, so every housewife should know at least one recipe for preparing this dish. The taste of cheburek largely depends on the dough kneading and the frying process.


  • 600 g white flour.
  • 1 chicken egg.
  • 1 tsp table salt.
  • 1 tsp granulated sugar.
  • 1.5 glasses of water.
  • 8 tbsp sunflower oil.
  • 1 tsp vodka.
  • 1 kg minced chicken.
  • Black pepper to taste.
  • 2 onions.

Step-by-step preparation

1. Prepare a deep bowl, break an egg into it, add vegetable oil, salt and granulated sugar, mix everything thoroughly. Then add required amount water, as well as vodka, thanks to which the pasties will turn out crispy.

2. Then you need to add flour to the mixture in small portions. Knead until the mixture becomes thick enough.

3. Continue kneading on the board. The dough should have a homogeneous and dense consistency. Then wrap it in film and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

4. In the meantime, we will prepare the filling for the pasties. First, peel the onion, wash it and cut it into small pieces.

5. In a separate plate, mix the chopped onion, minced chicken. Add salt and stir the ingredients.

6. Roll out the dough using a rolling pin. The sheet thickness should not exceed 3 mm.

7. If you want to make small chebureks, then circles can be cut out using a glass, and if you want them to be larger, then use a saucer.

8. Place the prepared meat filling on the workpieces.

9. Carefully seal the edges and give future pasties a beautiful shape.

10. Fill a thick-walled frying pan to 4 cm sunflower oil. Warm it up well and lay out the pasties. Fry on each side for two minutes.

5. Recipe for chebureks with beef


  • 300 g minced beef.
  • 1 chicken egg.
  • 3 cups white flour.
  • 250 ml water.
  • 0.5 tsp salt.
  • 1 onion.
  • Pepper according to preference.

Step-by-step preparation

1. First, let's prepare the filling. The meat must be twisted in a meat grinder, the onion must be chopped using a blender. Salt the ingredients, mix and knead by hand.

2. Break an egg into a separate plate, add table salt and warm water. Stir the ingredients well until the salt and egg are completely dissolved in the liquid.

3. Add 2.5 cups of sifted wheat flour to the mixture.

4. Knead the dough for several minutes, it should be elastic. If necessary, you can add a little more flour.

5. The kneaded dough should be divided into 6 portions. Each part needs to be rolled out and roughly divided into two halves. Place the minced meat on one, at a distance of 2 cm from the edge, as shown in the image.

6. Cover the filling with the second half of the rolled out layer, and press the edges with a fork.

7. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the pasties for two minutes on each side.

Chebureks are ready to eat. Serve them while they are hot.

6. Pasties with meat, very good crispy dough

If you want to make crispy chebureki, then use the following recipe. You can use absolutely any minced meat, but experts recommend beef.


  • 750 g wheat flour.
  • 400 g minced meat.
  • 200 ml broth.
  • 250 ml cold water.
  • 1 tsp salt.
  • 500 ml vegetable oil.


If you add a little sugar to the dough, the pasties will turn out more rosy. But you need to know when to stop, since a large amount sugar sugar may cause the dough to burn and the mince to remain raw.

1. A small amount of flour must be sifted into a deep bowl and filled with water. After this, add salt, stir and gradually add the rest of the flour. After kneading, the mass should be thick, set it aside for half an hour.

2. To prepare the filling, mix the minced meat, spices and salt. In this recipe, the filling should be liquid, so you need to add broth to it.

3. The rested dough needs to be rolled out and divided into equal parts. Fold in the filling, press the edges with a fork, and trim off excess dough if necessary.

4. Place the frying pan on the stove and pour vegetable oil into it. If you want to get crispy chebureks, then the oil must be well heated. Fry on each side until golden brown. Turn the chebureks over carefully, otherwise you may damage the dough.

7. Video recipe for chebureks with kefir

You can use another one in an interesting way cooking chebureks. In this case, we will add kefir to the dough. Watch a video clip of the cooking process.

Thanks to the above recipes you can quickly prepare delicious recipe You shouldn’t be afraid of the process itself, as it is absolutely uncomplicated.

Bon appetit!

Caucasian cuisine can boast of dozens of delicious dishes, one of which we will prepare today. Homemade chebureks are flat thin pies, which are remembered by everyone who tried them for their crispy crust, juicy minced meat, dressed in the most delicate dough. Delicious crispy dough for chebureks is kneaded without yeast and prepared using the custard method.

In the homeland, minced meat for chebureks is prepared from fatty lamb with big amount onions, which is why the filling turns out so juicy. However, pork, beef or poultry can be used as the meat base. Chebureks are no less tasty with cheese filling. Fry the pasties in a frying pan in a large amount of vegetable oil.

Chebureks are especially tasty when hot, but even after cooling they remain a very attractive delicacy. Learning how to make these pies with your own hands based on Caucasian cuisine is not at all difficult. I suggest using my reliable and time-tested recipe. Try it and see for yourself.

Recipe information

Cuisine: Caucasian.

Cooking method: frying.

Total cooking time: 1.5 h

Number of servings: 10 .


For the test:

  • flour – 800 g
  • water – 400 ml
  • salt – 1 tsp.
  • sugar – 1 tbsp.
  • vegetable oil – 120 ml

For minced meat:

  • beef – 700 g
  • onions – 5 pieces
  • parsley – 1 bunch
  • water – 100 ml
  • salt – 1 tsp.
  • black pepper, ground – 1 tsp.


  1. Pour half the flour into a bowl, add sugar and salt, stir.

  2. Pour in water and stir well. At first the dough will be liquid.

  3. The dough is also very fluffy due to brewing it with hot oil.
    Heat the oil until very hot, pour into the dough, stirring the mixture quickly.
  4. Add the rest of the flour and knead the dough. It turns out elastic and smooth. Properly prepared dough should not stick to your hands. If necessary, add a little flour.

  5. Roll the dough into a ball, wrap in film and set aside to rest for 30 minutes. If you did everything correctly, the final result will please you, as the dough will turn out smooth and crispy.

  6. Now let's start preparing the minced meat. First you need to grind the greens with onions. Add more onions and don’t skimp. Thanks to the onion, which soaks the meat fibers, the minced meat turns out so juicy.

  7. Add 1/2 cup water.

  8. Combine onion pulp with minced meat, salt and pepper.

  9. Knead the dough again and divide into pieces the size of a chicken egg.

  10. Roll out a portion of dough thinly.

  11. Place minced meat on one half of the dough.

  12. Cover the pie with the other half of the dough. Connect the edges, form a cheburek either using a plate or using a knife to cut the dough.

  13. Fry in well-heated vegetable oil until golden crust, 1.5 minutes on each side. The fire should be medium.
  14. Place the finished pasties on a dish and serve. The seductive aroma wafting from the kitchen, the tempting color of the golden crust has long attracted household members and they are probably waiting for dinner. You can safely treat your guests to this meaty treat in dough!

  15. There are chebureks, it is recommended to eat them hot, biting on one side so that the juice of the minced meat does not leak out.

Recommendations for getting delicious dough and beautiful cheburek:

  • Once you have molded the edges of the patty, make scallops on the edge by pressing lightly with a fork. Thanks to this simple manipulation, the pasties will have a more aesthetic appearance.
  • The dough for chebureks turns out to be very fluffy and tender if, instead of water, you pour beer or a little kefir diluted with water into it.
  • The dough for chebureks can be prepared with the addition of 1 egg. IN in this case the amount of flour will need to be increased slightly.
  • The effect of crispy bubbles on the surface of the pasties is achieved by adding 2 tablespoons of ordinary vodka to the dough.
  • Fry the pasties in a frying pan without a lid, then they will turn out crispier.
  • Dough for pasties can be prepared for future use and stored in freezer a month or more. Thaw the dough before cooking.