How to cook buckwheat soup without meat. Lenten buckwheat soup, recipe with photo.

A real, authentic, Russian recipe for buckwheat soup has been passed down from generation to generation. The generation of our great-grandmothers simmered it in a cast-iron pot in the stove, taking it out with a grabber. The aroma spread throughout the house. Of course, meat was added to it. In the diet of the last century, meat was an indispensable ingredient for energy. Today, physical labor fades into the background, so the recipe for buckwheat soup can be prepared without it.

Buckwheat itself is rich in many useful microelements and vitamins. In addition, it is an irreplaceable source of energy. We often use it as an addition to any dish, as a side dish. Don't forget that healthy cereal Can be a substitute for potatoes or noodles in soup.

Very tasty buckwheat soup without adding meat, suitable for vegetarians and as a lunch in Lent. It's quite simple to prepare. Let's get started.

For the soup you will need:

  1. ½ cup buckwheat;
  2. 2 potatoes;
  3. 1 carrot;
  4. Bay leaf and other spices for soup;
  5. 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  6. olive or vegetable oil;
  7. fresh herbs: dill, parsley, onion (optional);

For croutons you will need:

  1. black bread;
  2. 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  3. salt;
  4. Vegetable oil.

Recipe for buckwheat soup without meat, with photo

First, pour it into a saucepan cold water. Let's deal with ingredients that require a long cooking time. These are potatoes and carrots.

Wash the vegetables thoroughly under running water. We remove the peel from them.

Grate carrots onto coarse grater. Pour into the frying pan sunflower oil. When the surface is hot, add the carrots. Bring until golden brown.

Advice: Lightly poached carrots will give the broth a bright orange color.

Pour into a deep container buckwheat.

Advice: The cereal will double in size after boiling. Keep this in mind when using a small saucepan.

We rinse several times: pour water, shake, drain. We do this until the water becomes completely clear. Place in a saucepan and cook for 15 minutes until tender. For taste, add spices, bay leaf, ground pepper, salt.

Peel the garlic. Finely chop or pass through a garlic press. Add to soup.

We wash the greens. Use a towel to remove excess liquid. Finely chop. When the soup is ready, sprinkle fresh herbs on top.

So, buckwheat soup without meat is ready.

Cook with us:

Just as garlic donuts are an indispensable addition to borscht, our soup goes with black bread croutons with garlic. Let's cook them.

Brown bread toasts

Crackers from rye breadgreat snack to the soup. Of course, you can use store-bought ones, but having prepared them yourself, you will probably know what they are made of and they will turn out much tastier.

In preparation you can use both black and White bread. The taste will be special and unique in each case. Cut the bread into slices at least thick 1cm. Next, cut each into strips 1-2cm.

Advice: if you make them smaller, they may fall apart when frying.

Take out a small diameter pan with a thick bottom. Pour in sunflower oil to about 10 cm. put the pan on high heat. Let the oil warm up.

Advice: Check the readiness of the oil by throwing in a cracker. The liquid should sizzle and begin to bubble. The oil is ready.

We begin to place sliced ​​bread in portions into the boiling oil. It must be completely submerged in oil. As soon as they turn golden (about 1-1.5 minutes) take it out. We perform a similar operation with all the bread.

Place on paper napkins. Let the oil drain. Peel the garlic, finely chop it or pass it through a press. Place croutons and garlic in a container with a lid. Close and shake. The bread will absorb the aroma and taste of the seasoning.

Homemade garlic croutons ready.

Pour the soup into bowls. We eat it with garlic croutons.

The recipe for buckwheat soup is quite simple.

Bon appetit.

Buckwheat is simply an amazing product. One can sing her praises endlessly. And it’s no coincidence. After all, with the participation of this cereal you can prepare various healthy dishes. And not only what we are all used to, for example, delicious buckwheat porridge with or without meat. After all, there are many recipes for first courses in which buckwheat plays first fiddle.

For example, buckwheat soup with chicken or other meat. Don't want meat? Please. Eat . Lovers of tasty and healthy food will be especially pleased by the fact that using this product you can prepare an equally rich and tasty buckwheat soup without meat with vegetables.

How to cook it? First of all, quickly. Secondly, it's easy. Thirdly, it’s simple! Now you will see this. This is prepared for you detailed information on how to prepare delicious buckwheat soup step by step with photos!

BY THE WAY: This recipe for buckwheat soup with vegetables is relevant not only for those who keep their figure in order. It is ideal for those fasting for religious reasons, children, pregnant women and the elderly.

Making delicious buckwheat soup without meat - a recipe for a lean dish

You will see a lot of ingredients here. Should we take everything in this order and in exactly this set? No. If your vegetable set does not contain something from the recipe, you can put what suits or likes you. And in general, here you can experiment and experiment. So, let's begin!


  • Buckwheat – 1 glass (per 1.5-2 liters of water)
  • Onion – 70 g
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Broccoli – 70 g
  • Cauliflower – 70 g
  • Brussels sprouts – 70 g
  • Stem celery – 70 g
  • Eggplant – 70 g
  • Bell pepper – 70 g
  • Greens to taste
  • Salt and spices - optional
  • Vegetable oil - optional

Making buckwheat soup without meat

Buckwheat is the main ingredient. Therefore, it is advisable to choose its variety carefully. And it’s better to take one that doesn’t boil instantly. Before you wash the cereal from dust and debris, you need to sort it out.

Step 1. Sort out the buckwheat

Then you can choose one of two. Or put the buckwheat on the fire first and then gradually add the ingredients. Or put everything together. I preferred the second option - it all quickly sinks together, soaking in one another. So, pour water into the pan and let it boil. Let's start with the onion. Because it will give a stunning aroma. If you are cooking with oil, the chopped onion can be lightly fried in vegetable oil. Or put it just like that.

Step 2. Chop the onion

By the way, have you decided whether you are cooking with vegetable oil or without it? If so, and you don’t want to fry onions and carrots, you can pour 1 tbsp of oil directly into cold water. And chop up the carrots in some unusual way.

Step 3. Let's cut the carrots differently than always

The next hard product is celery stalk. It is very tasty and healthier. The soup will acquire an unusual aroma. Let's cut it crosswise.

Step 4: Celery Slices

If the water for buckwheat soup with vegetables has boiled, you can put cereals and onions with carrots and celery into it. Once brought to a boil, reduce heat. Let's continue by preparing those products that are harder. It will be Brussels sprouts. Remove the top sheets and trim off any excess. If you want to. Cut into quarters.

Step 5: Prepare the Brussels Sprouts

Broccoli is a source of more than just vitamins. Our delicious buckwheat soup will become even richer if we add this type of cabbage. Just before doing this, separate the heads of cabbage.

Step 6. Broccoli

And the last type of cabbage is cauliflower. Let's break it down into small parts too.

Step 7. Let's analyze it cauliflower for inflorescences

We are left with two delicate products. They can be put in last resort. The first product is bell pepper. Oh, and it will add flavor! Let's cut into rings.

Step 8. Cut the bell pepper into rings

By slicing the eggplant we will finish preparing the ingredients.

Step 9. Eggplant

So, if you put everything in line, then 10-15 minutes should pass. Under the lid, the soup, lightly salted and sprinkled with spices, is almost ready. If the water has boiled and you have crumbled all the ingredients, then it’s time to put them in boiling water. After 15 minutes, add salt and sprinkle with spices. And, adding chopped herbs, bringing the soup to a boil, turn off. Buckwheat vegetable soup - aromatic, rich, satisfying - ready!

Step 10. The soup is ready. Bon appetit!

Cooking spicy buckwheat soup with tomato juice - my favorite recipe

This version of lean buckwheat soup is distinguished by the presence of not only vegetables, but also tomato. This ingredient makes the soup more beautiful, tastier and even healthier.


  • Buckwheat - half a glass
  • Water – 1.5 l
  • Potatoes – 2-3 pcs.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Onions – 1-2 pcs.
  • Bell pepper – 0.5 pcs.
  • Tomato juice - half a glass
  • Bay leaf – 2 leaves
  • Salt and pepper - to taste
  • Greens - 20 g
  • Sunflower oil – 1-2 tbsp.


Pour the sorted and washed cereal into a saucepan and put it on the fire.

While the water is boiling, we need to have time to prepare the remaining ingredients. Traditionally, peel the potatoes and carrots. After washing them, cut them into strips.

Send the potatoes to the buckwheat and peel the onions. Cut into cubes and place together with the carrots in hot oil.

Chop the pepper into strips and add it to the onions and carrots. Let's boil tomato juice and put it in the frying pan.

Usually potatoes and cereals are cooked for 15-20 minutes. About 5 minutes before it’s ready, we’ll send the tomato juice here with everything we put in it. Season the soup with salt and pepper to taste and add chopped herbs and bay leaves. After the soup boils, you can turn it off.

How to deliciously cook buckwheat soup without meat with garlic

It's almost traditional soup, to which we are all accustomed. After all, even buckwheat soup with meat is usually prepared according to this algorithm. But there's no meat here. But there is garlic. And it adds a chic note to the taste of the soup.


  • Buckwheat – half a glass
  • Potatoes – 2-3 pcs.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Garlic – 2-3 cloves
  • Bay leaf – 1 leaf
  • Salt and pepper - to taste
  • Dill
  • Vegetable oil

Cooking step by step recipe for lean buckwheat soup without meat with garlic

There is no meat, but our long-lasting ingredients are potatoes, carrots and cereals. Therefore, put a bay leaf and, if available, dried dill in cold water.

Potatoes, peeled and washed, cut into your favorite format. And put it in a saucepan.

Fry the grated carrots in small quantity oils And as soon as she gets tired, we’ll send her to the potatoes.

We will also add the cereal, washed in several waters, to the soup. Let it all cook until done.

What's left? That's right, garlic. Grind it and put it in a saucepan 2 minutes before it’s ready, along with salt and ground pepper.

Before turning off, chopped dill also goes into the soup.

The soup, which sits under the lid for 15 minutes without heat, can be poured!

Both adults and children love this soup. Buckwheat soup is distinguished not only by the availability of ingredients. The recipe for buckwheat soup is very easy to prepare, even a novice housewife can handle it. And yet, I haven’t cooked it for a long time. And today I cooked a pot of soup and my family ate 2 bowls of this soup.

For some reason I was never interested in how to make soup with buckwheat; when I was little, I didn’t eat first courses at all. But then one day I went to visit a friend, and she was cooking lean buckwheat soup. It is without meat, poultry, even without mushrooms.

The best part is that you almost always have the ingredients for this dish at home. And during Lent you cook it in vegetable oil. And if the vegetables are only simmered a little in a frying pan, and not fried, you get dietary buckwheat soup. And on regular days, you can use butter. Then you will get more hearty first course dish. Now let's move on to how to cook buckwheat soup.


  • 2 tbsp. buckwheat
  • 2 liters of water
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 potatoes
  • 50 grams of vegetable or butter
  • black pepper
  • Bay leaf


To start cooking the buckwheat soup, put a saucepan with clean water on low heat. Let's wash the buckwheat cold water. To do this, either put the buckwheat in a sieve, or fill it with cold water 3-4 times. The buckwheat water should become clean.

Place the washed buckwheat in a saucepan with water. Bring the water to a boil and reduce the heat to low. People often ask how long it takes to cook buckwheat in soup. Everything is quite simple - after boiling for 5-7 minutes and with vegetables for about 5 minutes. Meanwhile, peel the vegetables. Finely chop the onion, the carrots can be chopped or grated. Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes. Immediately add the potatoes to the buckwheat soup.

Melt the butter in a frying pan and start frying the onions. When the onion begins to become transparent, add the carrots. During the frying process, it may turn out that there is not enough butter. Add another piece of butter. Or you can use vegetable oil instead of butter. Because If this buckwheat soup is meatless, you will get a lean soup with buckwheat. Fry the onions and carrots over low heat for 5 minutes. If you want dietary buckwheat soup, just simmer the vegetables a little under the lid; you can even use water if your diet does not even allow the use of vegetable oil.

Add carrots and onions to the soup with buckwheat and potatoes. Salt and pepper the soup. Bring to a boil. Put in a bay leaf. Cook for about 5 more minutes. Turn off the fire. Cover with a lid and let it brew. Serve with greens.
This soup can be cooked with chicken or meat broth. But I cook it exactly as described in the recipe. My family calls it “axe soup” because... I cook it when I have very little time or don’t have time to go to the market for meat. While I was writing a recipe for buckwheat soup, my daughter looked at the monitor and asked why I hadn’t made this delicious soup for a long time.

Bon appetit!

My family always loves Lenten buckwheat soup: they won’t refuse it on Lent or on an ordinary day. I prepare this soup along with rice soup to add variety to the Lenten menu.

I attribute this soup to simple soups, which can be quickly prepared and served as a first course. The amount of buckwheat I have indicated is average - we don’t like it thick soups. To give lean soup with buckwheat it's a little filling, I add mushrooms. You can use any, this time I used champignons. Also I use vegetable broth This is a cube, so I won’t add salt to the soup.

We will prepare all the products to your taste.

Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes. Place the potatoes in a saucepan. Add vegetable broth or just water. I have a vegetable bouillon cube.

Pour in 1.5 liters of boiling water. If you are not using a bouillon cube, salt the water to taste. Add also bay leaf to the broth and cook the potatoes for 10 minutes after the broth boils.

Now add buckwheat. It should be sorted out of debris and washed first. Cook the soup for another 20 minutes.

In the meantime, prepare the roast for the soup. Onion let's cut small cube. Grate the carrots on a medium grater. Wipe the mushrooms with a damp cloth and cut into slices.

Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and fry vegetables in it for 10 minutes over medium heat.

Add the roast to the soup and cook for another 10-12 minutes. Checking the readiness of buckwheat and potatoes.

IN ready soup add finely chopped parsley and remove the pan from the heat. Let the soup brew for 10-15 minutes.

Pour the prepared lean buckwheat soup into portioned bowls and serve with fresh bread.

Bon appetit!