The expert told us whether we should be afraid of green spots on potatoes. Can you eat green potatoes?

The other day I watched a video on TV that described the horrors awaiting those who were careless to eat green potatoes . As an example, they cited people who got sick from overeating such potatoes. pigs who howled, kicked, and generally behaved absolutely inappropriately. From here, the authors of the video conclude that you and I also eat green potatoes harmful , dangerous and even fatal . Is it so?

Yadovita , in fact, the entire above-ground part of the plant (greens and fruits) potatoes or, otherwise, nightshade(lat. Solanum tuberosum), it contains a steroidal alkaloid (glycoalkaloid) - solanine , a poisonous substance that causes all these unpleasant reactions. Tubers hidden underground or stored in the dark contain up to 0.05% solanine, and in sprouted, green root vegetables the level of solanine increases significantly.

Solanin causes excitement and then depression of the nervous system, decomposition of red blood cells. Solanine for humans and animals toxic even in small doses. Solanine poisoning is manifested by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, headache, diarrhea, confusion, dilated pupils and fever; in severe cases, delirium, coma and convulsions are observed.

Why then? green potatoes Is it poisonous, there are practically no cases of people being poisoned by it? After all, you must admit, each of us once left tubers in the light, and then, partially cutting off the peel, ate them. Here is the answer to my question: We eat potatoes boiled, fried, baked, that is, heat-treated. Few people think of eating it raw.

The solution is simple: when heat treatment solanine breaks down and does not cause poisoning! Of course, it is better to cut off the green skin of potatoes that have been exposed to the light, but even if it remains, we will not cause ourselves any harm. There is practically no solanine in boiled potatoes! It is better not to eat raw root vegetables at all, just like potatoes. The pigs, apparently, were fed raw potatoes, which had previously stood in the light, this is the result.

Solanin and others like him steroid alkaloids contain all nightshade plants, berries are richest in it black nightshade (Solanum nigrum), as well as the entire nightshade plant bittersweet (Solanum dulcamara). This is a kind of protective complex of nightshades: it has fungicidal (antifungal) and insecticidal properties, playing the role of natural plant protection. For example, the alkaloid tomatine (demissidine aglycone) tomatoes acts as a repellent on some insects, in particular the Colorado potato beetle (this striped pest feasts on potato tops and avoids tomato seedlings!).

Solanine is also found in unripe tomatoes , but when the tomato fruit grows to the size characteristic of its variety and begins to lighten, becoming whitish or slightly pinkish, the solanine content decreases, such unripe fruits become edible after cooking (pickling or salting). Fully ripened tomatoes can be eaten without fear - they no longer contain the toxic glycoside.

Steroid alkaloids for all their toxicity, in pure form used in medicine to produce steroid hormones, they, like cardiac glycosides, stimulate the heart in case of insufficient blood circulation, are used in the treatment of hypertension and eclampsia - severe toxicosis of pregnant women. Naturally, about nothing folk medicine V in this case there is no talk. As a raw material for the medical industry, nightshade (Solanum laciniatum) is used, from which solasodine is extracted, used for the synthesis of progesterone, important product in the synthesis of cortisone.

Of course, all these details were not known at the time Potato riots , in which over 500 thousand Russian peasants (North, Urals, Volga region) participated in 1834 and 1840-1844. The riots were caused by the forced introduction of potato planting. Then they were forced to plant potatoes and eat them, without explaining what they actually ate; people ate the tops, with disastrous consequences for themselves... Europe knowing that potato fruits provoke brain destruction, accompanied by terrible hallucinations, and, as a result, sudden death, they did not eat it, but used it for bouquets and decorations. At the same time, we didn’t eat tomatoes, just in case. Tomatoes were used to decorate greenhouses and flower beds, kept them in pots, and planted them around park ensembles, but they were not eaten.

Another interesting fact. In ancient times, tin utensils were widely used in European countries. In everyday life, dishes were not harmful, but tomatoes left on a tin plate became poisonous. Accordingly, all other tomatoes were attributed poisonous properties and were avoided for consumption.

Eating potatoes became possible thanks to a French pharmacist Antoine Parmentier , author of “A Treatise on the Cultivation and Use of Potatoes.” Today, bushes of the pharmacist’s favorite vegetable grow on his grave. The Germans believe that the first to bring tubers to Europe was a pirate. Francis Drake . In the city of Offenburg (Bavaria) they erected a monument to him: he is depicted with a potato flower in his hands. For the sake of potatoes, he was forgiven for his piracy. The inscription on the monument reads: “Millions of people cultivating the land bless his immortal memory.”

The debate about whether tea is beneficial or harmful has not stopped for many decades in a row. Some say that tea is a real find, it contains a lot of vitamins. Others argue that tea can cause harm to the body. Who to believe? Moreover, on the shelves of modern stores there is now a large selection of all kinds of tea, and it is very easy to get confused which one is healthier or more harmful.

Harm of black tea

In our country we have always drunk black tea; Indian tea was the most popular. Just recently appeared Chinese varieties tea, pu-erh, oolong, you can even buy hibiscus, rooibos or. But black tea still occupies a leading position in popularity among Russians. In what cases does the harm from tea outweigh its benefits?

  • Increased sensitivity to caffeine. The effect of caffeine contained in tea in coffee. But some people may experience headaches and rapid heartbeat even after a couple of cups of black tea. In this case, you should drink tea in minimal doses, brew it weakly, or avoid black tea altogether.
  • Large tea consumption. If you consume more than 5 cups a day, you may experience poor sleep, muscle tension, spasms, and increased agitation. This is due to the fact that a large number of black tea will flush magnesium from the body, which is necessary for the nervous system. Will help replenish magnesium following products: fish, grains, nuts, vegetables.
  • Increases intraocular pressure. People with eye diseases should be careful and not use.
  • For those who suffer from tachycardia, it is better to avoid drinking black tea.
  • It is not recommended to drink strong black tea on an empty stomach; it can cause stomach cramps.
  • No need to drink strong tea pregnant women. This also applies to children.
  • It is not recommended to drink tea medications, take medications that contain caffeine at the same time as tea.
  • Scientists have confirmed that yesterday's tea can be harmful, because it is an ideal environment for the growth of bacteria.

Harm of green tea

Green tea is considered much healthier than black tea. Only the lazy do not talk about its benefits. It is drunk to treat diseases and prevent various ailments. Green tea contains many useful substances: minerals, antioxidants, vitamins. It promotes weight loss. But is it only beneficial effect Does it affect the human body or is tea contraindicated in some cases?

  • Excessive consumption of green tea can be harmful. Contains caffeine as an stimulant nervous system, causes headaches. You can drink no more than 3-4 cups of tea a day, provided that the tea is of high quality.
  • Strong drinks should be consumed with caution if you have chronic illnesses. It is better to avoid this tea for pregnant women and people with nervous disorders.
  • To avoid developing an ulcer, you should not consume it on an empty stomach, otherwise there will be irritation of the gastric mucosa.
  • The toxins produced by drinking alcohol and green tea at the same time can have a negative impact on the kidneys.

How to choose quality tea

In order for tea to bring more benefits, it is necessary to choose wisely and prepare tea correctly. You should avoid bagged tea. Studies conducted by American scientists have shown that regular consumption of tea bags for several years has a negative effect on the condition of teeth due to the high fluoride content. In the production of bagged tea, not only low-grade raw materials are used, but also tea dust and production residues. This tea obviously won’t improve your health.

It is better to choose large leaf green tea. When choosing, you should pay attention to. Green tea can be stored for no more than two years. It is possible by appearance determine whether the tea is old or not. Fresh tea leaves have a natural green color and are soft. Old tea is hard and dull. It is necessary to pay attention to the tea producing country. Best tea grown and produced in China, Ceylon, Japan and India. Cellophane packaging is not suitable for storing tea. You need to choose packaging made of parchment or foil.

When choosing black tea, you should also give preference to large-leaf varieties. Evenly twisted tea leaves indicate high-quality processing. IN good tea There should be no crumbs or cuttings. Premium black tea has a bright, but not pungent aroma. The best tea grows high in the mountains of India, China, Japan, and Sri Lanka.

How to brew tea

To preserve the maximum amount of vitamins in tea, you need to take 0.5 teaspoon of leaves per cup of water. To brew green tea, you need to take water at a temperature no higher than 85°C. You can use the three-stage pouring method. Water is first poured to a third of the volume, after three minutes add water to half the volume, after three minutes add another third. There are other ways to prepare green tea, but be sure to maintain the temperature of the water. Tea cannot be diluted with water. Quality tea can be brewed up to four times. Some varieties can withstand up to eight brews.

The brewing process for black tea is slightly different. The water must be at least 95°C. The amount of dry tea can be any, depending on what consistency you want the drink to be. In England they recommend taking 1 tsp. per glass of water. You need to steep the tea for at least four minutes. It is not recommended to re-brew black tea.

Improper use of tea: possible harm

Brewed tea left for a long time accumulates harmful substances that are dangerous for cardiovascular diseases. It is not recommended to drink tea that has been left for more than an hour. A large amount of strong tea can cause nausea, headache, tea intoxication, and dizziness.

Experts do not recommend drinking too much, it can burn internal organs. With constant consumption of such tea, organs become deformed and cracks form on them. You should not brew tea with boiling water, it will not be beneficial, and more purine compounds will be formed in it.

Roskoshestvo, leading researcher at the Laboratory of Nutritional Epidemiology and Gene Diagnostics of Nutrition-Dependent Diseases of the Federal Research Center for Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety, Doctor of Medical Sciences Arseniy Martinchik, solanine’s chemical structure is a glycoalkaloid - in nature, plants need these compounds to protect themselves from pests and diseases . For example, solanine and its analogs are found in potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplants.

“The most solanine is in potatoes, but not in the tuber itself, but in the peel, sprouts and especially in the tops and stems. There are known cases of poisoning from potato leaves - people ate them as green vegetables. The tops are not even used in feeding farm animals. If you do not take into account the stems and foliage, then the most solanine is on damaged potatoes (around the site of damage), as well as in green areas. Green color appears on potato tubers under the influence of sunlight. In these places, the concentration of chlorophyll, which is responsible for photosynthesis, increases (sprouts often appear from them). During these processes, the production of solanine is also activated. Therefore, such areas need to be peeled off along with the peel,” said Arseniy Martinchik.

In addition, according to the expert, the concentration of the harmful substance also increases in overwintered potatoes. Therefore, it is recommended to thoroughly cut off the peel of old vegetables, along with the top layer of the tuber.

"It is believed that cooking - The best way destroy all unwanted connections. However, this is not always the case. For example, when potatoes are fried, they dehydrate and the concentration of solanine may increase slightly, but it does not become hazardous to health. But when boiling, on the contrary, the compound comes out into the broth,” explains the expert.

Eggplants and tomatoes contain less glycoalkaloids than peeled, undamaged potatoes. Therefore, according to the expert, to be afraid fresh tomatoes not worth it. But you should not overuse green tomatoes - the concentration of harmful substances in them is slightly increased.

According to Arseniy Martinchik, there have been cases of solanine poisoning in history - they happened during famine years, when people with weakened immune systems ate potatoes with numerous sprouts (in the area of ​​​​which the level of solanine is increased), as well as potatoes that had lain in storage for a long time and accumulated this glycoalkaloid. Solanine poisoning is accompanied by typical symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders - vomiting, diarrhea, and, as a rule, without fever. Blood may also be present because the substance damages the upper layer of the intestinal epithelium. The first signs develop within 4-14 hours.

“If you suspect such poisoning, it is better to immediately consult a doctor,” the specialist advises. - In severe cases, there may be clouding of consciousness and convulsions. But in order to be so seriously poisoned, you need to eat a really lot of solanine - from the stems and leaves, from potatoes with green skins. Pan fried potatoes cannot lead to such a state.”

Doctor Peter

Green tea is associated with healthy eating, diets and body cleansing. Quite a lot has been said about the benefits of the drink. Today we will look harmful properties green tea, we’ll tell you about why it’s dangerous and [...]

Green tea is associated with healthy eating, dieting and cleansing the body. Quite a lot has been said about the benefits of the drink. Today we will analyze the harmful properties of green tea, tell you why it is dangerous and how to minimize the destructive effect on the body.

Harm of green tea

Usually everyone calls green tea a medicinal and preventive drink. But this does not cancel the precautions. The drink should be taken in reasonable doses. It is also important to brew the leaves correctly. As a rule, the harm of green tea to the human body occurs when the product is used incorrectly. This drink should not be taken in large quantities due to the high doses of caffeine in its composition. Some people experience dizziness and headaches from this substance. There is a real risk of critical excitation of the nervous system.

Very strong tea is especially harmful. Of course, you can drink it sometimes, but use moderation. Strong green tea is most harmful to people who have serious illnesses. When in doubt about the health safety of a product or drink, you should ask your doctor. It is not recommended to drink highly concentrated tea if you have disorders of the nervous system. The drink can also be dangerous during pregnancy.

It is considered dangerous to drink the drink on an empty stomach. The fact is that drinking the drink contributes to irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa, which eventually leads to the development of peptic ulcers. It is unacceptable to combine green tea and any alcoholic drinks, since this mix produces harmful substances that negatively affect internal organs, for example, the kidneys.

Questions and answers about the harmful effects of green tea

What is dangerous about long-brewed green tea?

— Old tea leaves are harmful because the concentration of purines in its composition is off the charts. The shelf life of brewed green tea is up to 30 minutes, after which it becomes increasingly harmful.

Why is green tea dangerous for people with heart disease and nervous system pathology?

— The substance contains theine and theobromine, they have a negative effect on the functioning of the nervous system, and sometimes also harm the cardiovascular system.

Is it healthy to brew tea with boiling water?

— Almost all experts believe that you should not pour boiling water over tea leaves, since high temperatures destroy the bulk of the beneficial substances in the composition. The volume of purines also increases.

How does green tea affect iron absorption?

“The drink is known to interfere with the proper absorption of iron in the body.

How does green tea affect tooth enamel?

— Some experts believe that green tea is good for teeth, others believe that it is harmful.

Is it possible to drink green tea for arthritis and rheumatism?

— You should not drink the drink if you have rheumatism and arthritis, since it contains a lot of purines, and when they enter the body, they produce urea. This toxic substance is difficult to remove from the body. Urea salts produce crystals that predispose to the development of gout. This is why drinking green tea has a detrimental effect on people with rheumatism and arthritis.

Is green tea harmful or beneficial for elevated body temperature?

— The drink contains the substance theophylline, it causes a rise in temperature. From this it follows that at high temperatures you should not drink green tea, so as not to make it worse.

Why is green tea harmful to people with liver problems?

— It is noteworthy that green tea is particularly harmful for people with liver diseases, because it contains substances that cause liver overload. This harmful effect increases if the drink is abused. Interestingly, black tea contains a minimum of such substances.

How does green tea harm people with stomach ulcers?

- Green tea is contraindicated for people with peptic ulcers. The fact is that a highly concentrated drink causes an increase in the acidity of the gastrointestinal tract, that is, gastric juice becomes highly acidic. This effect is undesirable for ulcers, as it interferes with tissue restoration at the wound site. At the same time, gastrointestinal diseases worsen.

Is green tea harmful to the skeletal system?

— The human skeleton may be damaged by drinking green tea. Scientists conducted experiments with animals and found that bone tissue can lose its natural strength. True, there have been no similar studies with people.

Are they washed out? useful material from the body from green tea?

— Some sources say that there is a possibility of leaching of metals due to the fact that theine is included in the drink.

Harm of green tea for women

Some pregnant women benefit from this natural drink, but in some cases there is obvious harm to health. Supposedly, green tea interferes with the proper absorption of an important substance, folic acid, which is required for the proper development of children's brains. The main reason for this factor is the presence of a substance called gallatepigallocatechin in the drink.

Caffeine is also harmful for pregnant women; its share in green tea is significant. If a pregnant woman drinks several cups of the drink every day, she increases the risk of having a low-birth-weight baby, and there is a possibility of premature birth and newborn death.

Harm of green tea for men

Most men benefit from natural green tea - it improves potency and improves the quality of sexual life, relieves stress, and protects against prostate cancer. True, sometimes the drink is harmful. The drink contains theobromine, theophylline and large amounts of caffeine - substances that can excessively tone the body. In terms of caffeine content, green tea is the leader over coffee. If a man is sick with a stomach ulcer, has kidney stones, gout, or duodenal disease, then green tea can harm his body.

It is reliably known that strong green tea puts the heart muscle at risk. For many men, this drink provokes sleep disturbances - they cannot fall asleep for a long time. Many modern men experience nervous exhaustion, and in this state it is dangerous to drink green tea. Some also complain of frequent urination, heartburn, a feeling of nausea and increased appetite from green tea.

Who is green tea contraindicated for?

There are a number of contraindications, mainly related to the abuse of the drink. So, you should not drink green tea in large doses if you are concerned about these health problems:

  • hypotension (the drink is considered potentially dangerous in terms of lowering blood pressure);
  • insomnia (you should not drink the drink if you have sleep disturbances due to the presence of caffeine, this substance overstimulates the heart and blood vessels and tones the nervous system too much);
  • stomach ulcer (it is forbidden to take the drink itself and any preparations based on green tea);
  • state alcohol intoxication(this is a state of poisoning of the body; if you drink green tea while drunk, the body can be affected by aldehyde poisons, and this is extremely harmful to the functioning of the kidneys);
  • empty stomach (it is harmful to drink tea in the morning or at any time of the day when you are hungry).

How to protect yourself from the harmful effects of green tea?

As you can see, green tea is not so harmless. To minimize the bad effects of green tea, you must follow the safety rules:

  • buying green tea produced by reputable brands, usually these products are of high quality;
  • drinking a maximum of 3-4 cups of drink per day;
  • preparing green tea of ​​moderate strength;
  • if you are at risk for consuming green tea, that is, you have one of the conditions listed in the contraindications, then it is better to replace the tea with clean water;
  • combining green tea with lemon neutralizes the risk of blood overflow with urea (green tea is not recommended for arthritis, gout, as the drink causes the accumulation of urea salt deposits in the joints).

The article discussed the negative aspects of green tea. At the same time, we must not forget that in addition to the listed dangerous qualities, the drink also has a lot of useful properties. For most healthy people green tea is beneficial if consumed correctly.

Have you already heard about the miracle green coffee? Today you can see and hear a huge amount of advertising. People are promoting " green coffee"as an excellent remedy for cleansing the body and improving metabolism. Green coffee differs from black coffee not only in color, but also in taste. The green drink has beneficial substances that are not found in regular traditional black coffee.

Although the drink also contains phytosterols, which have a beneficial effect on the body, green coffee is still harmful to the body. The drink captured the hearts of many people, but very soon opinions were divided into enthusiastic and hostile. Green coffee brings not only benefits to humans, but also great harm. Let's try to find out why the drink is so dangerous.

Why is green coffee dangerous?

Basically, green coffee is a regular coffee drink that we love to drink in the morning. But the grains here are not roasted, but raw. And that's the whole point. This way, all useful substances are preserved intact and safe. They say that this type Coffee helps lower sugar levels.

As experts have found, the green drink contains a large amount fatty acids. This leads to increased stomach acidity. Therefore, if a person has problems with acidity, then it is not recommended to drink the drink. This will lead to ulcers and intestinal problems in the future. And if you still have such problems, then drinking green coffee is prohibited. Before you start drinking coffee, you should consult a gastroenterologist.

People who are susceptible to depression and other mental illnesses should not drink green coffee. Green coffee contains caffeine. Of course, there is a rather small dose of it compared to fried, but even such a dosage can harm the body. Don't forget that caffeine affects the nervous system. You should not give the drink to children under 12 years of age; their bodies cannot cope with such a load. Be careful.

It is strictly prohibited to drink the drink if you have vascular or heart disease. People with cardiovascular problems may be harmed by green coffee. We also caution pregnant women. Green grain drink is not recommended during pregnancy. This can lead to the occurrence of arterial hypertension. Coffee drinks are known to affect the kidneys.

Negative effects of green grains

As for caffeine, we already mentioned it earlier. It negatively affects the body, especially the nervous system. It has a stimulating effect and leads to insomnia, dizziness, and sometimes causes anxiety and nervous agitation. It also negatively affects digestive system, so drinking coffee on an empty stomach is prohibited. Otherwise it will cause diarrhea or heartburn.

In addition, caffeine also helps flush calcium out of your body. So if you are already deficient in this microelement, then green drink will only make your situation worse.

From huge amount drink will suffer cardiovascular system. Your blood pressure will rise and your heart rate will increase. Be careful!

Research has shown that green grains can affect vision and damage the eyes. From heavy use coffee drink Intraocular pressure may increase. And this will lead to glaucoma.

If, in addition, you also buy an instant green drink, then you are harming the body even more, since instant coffee There are preservatives, dyes and flavors. And this “bouquet” will not bring you anything useful. You will only poison your body.

The drink is also contraindicated for hypertension and diabetes. Therefore, if you feel that after drinking the drink you are not feeling well, you should immediately stop drinking it for the benefit of your health.

Side effects

Green coffee, like other drinks, should be drunk in moderation. You should not consume whole liters of it. We can observe side effects. You should drink it according to the instructions, but if you deviate from it, this will lead to health problems. It still depends on the human body.

Green coffee will be bad for you if it is not brewed correctly. You must strictly observe all proportions. There are some unique people who instant cooking add 4-5 tablespoons of coffee to a glass of boiling water. This cannot be done. And you can’t drink 10 cups a day, because... it contains caffeine.

If you have an intolerance or allergy to the drink, then you should exclude it from your diet. Before use, you should consult your doctor. Many people are skeptical about information that green coffee is harmful. But you should know that this drink contains a large dosage of caffeine and chlorogenic acid.

Coffee makes you feel high arterial pressure and you may experience headaches and dizziness. Doctors believe that the drink provokes the development of cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, people with arterial hypertension, coronary disease and atherosclerosis are prohibited from drinking it. The drink increases cholesterol levels in human blood. And it is worth concluding that it contributes to the development and progression of atherosclerosis.

At regular use drink, there is no increase in pressure, since the body is already accustomed to the stress. If you previously drank traditional black coffee, then green coffee will not have much effect on your body. We ask that you drink this drink in moderation and with caution.

Ginger and coffee?

Nowadays you can hear advertisements for green coffee with ginger. That's great effective remedy for weight loss. These products are very strong and it will be a shock to the body. Some studies have shown that there are contraindications for this coffee.

  • Cirrhosis;
  • Hepatitis;
  • Gastrointestinal disease;
  • , intestines, gastritis;
  • Cholelithiasis;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Skin diseases.

If you have these diseases, then you should not drink the drink. Don't risk your health to lose weight. Otherwise, you can destroy your body.

Now you have familiarized yourself with all negative aspects green coffee Are you still thirsty? this drink? If you do purchase it, try not to abuse it and consult your doctor.