Meat steak recipe. How to cook meat steak

Primitive people, roasting meat on fire, did not assume that they were at the origins of the steak culture, because in those days it was the only way to cook meat. Later, the priests of ancient Rome offered to the gods in the ritual of sacrifice thick pieces of meat, fried on both sides on a grill right in the temple. However, the first meat steak recipe officially published in cookbook, was born in Great Britain in the 15th century, and soon all of Europe was frying steaks in different options, depending on the culinary traditions different countries. After Columbus brought cattle with high quality meat to America, steaks began to be cooked on the American continent, and in a short time this dish became part of national cuisine New World. It was in America that steak cooking turned into a real art, and every American chef knows how to fry a steak deliciously. There are certain subtleties that relate to the choice of meat and various culinary techniques of roasting, the knowledge of which will help in mastering this virtuoso art. So, let's try to cook meat at home!

What are steaks

There are many types of steaks. For example, a thick piece of boneless beef, with a fatty layer, cut from the ribs, is a ribeye, and a thin layer of boneless meat from the back is a striploin, which has an almost triangular shape. A New York steak is similar to a striploin, but it has no fat. "Portehouse" is the largest steak from the loin, and filet mignon is the most expensive, juicy, tender and delicious steak from the only round muscle in the bull's body. T-bone steak is a T-shaped meat on the bone and combines two types of meat - fillet and thin edge. "Angleterre" is made from meat from the inside of the shoulder, and the "Cafe de Paris" steak is made from a piece of soft meat from the shoulder blade. The Quasimodo steak is cut from the lumbar region of the back, while the Montevideo is a rump steak. The roundpamb steak is made from the upper part of the hip area, the club steak is made from the back part of the thick edge, the sirloin is made from the thigh part of the carcass, and the rum steak is a very thin and well-beaten tenderloin. As they say, choose a steak for every taste!

Steak is made from beef only.

The most important cooking rule right choice meat. Initially, steaks were cooked from beef, so when they say “steak”, they mean exactly a beef dish. For other meats, clarification is required, so in this case they write: pork steak, chicken, salmon, and so on. But true steak connoisseurs say that steaks made from any meat other than beef are not steaks.

Naturally, selective beef is needed - it is believed that for perfect steak you should take the meat of young bulls aged 1–1.5 years of the Hereford, Shorthorn, Angus and Longhorn breeds, fed with grass, wheat and corn. Gobies that grew up on grain crops, and not just nibbled grass on the lawn, acquire an unusually delicate fat layer, evenly distributed in a piece. That's how you get elite marbled beef, from which the best steaks in the world are prepared. It is interesting that for classic steaks they take mostly bull meat, and the same dish made from cow meat is called a steak.

How to choose meat for a steak

The method of cutting the carcass is also important, since it is better to take meat fibers cut across, 2.5–4 cm thick, for steaks. Such cutting allows the oil to penetrate into the pores of the meat pulp, so the steaks cook quickly and turn out more juicy. By and large, only up to 10% of the carcass is suitable for steaks, so the meat intended for this dish is considered elite and expensive. The dorsal muscles are most suitable for steaks - the fact is that pieces from parts of the body where the muscles are at rest are better fried and are softer. It doesn’t matter if there is meat on the bone or without it, the main thing is that the piece is finished and you don’t have to cut off unnecessary pieces of fat or veins from it. And the meat should be fresh, dry, rich dark shade, with a smooth and silky surface. They say that the most delicious steaks come from slightly cured meat. The most important thing is that the meat should not be steamy, otherwise the steak will turn out tough, and its taste, which is just provided by fermentation, will not be so rich and rich.

Cooking meat for frying

Take the meat out of the refrigerator about an hour before cooking to bring it to room temperature. This is necessary for even roasting of the steak. If you will cook frozen steaks, then in the evening they should be put out of freezer in the refrigerator so that they thaw gradually. But connoisseurs say that steaks from previously frozen meat lose a lot in taste.

Some housewives marinate in lemon juice with salt and spices for softness and juiciness, although the choice of marinade is a matter of taste. Before frying, pieces of meat should be greased with olive oil and pepper, but when to salt the meat is a moot point. Some argue that it is necessary to salt before frying, while others are sure that it is more correct to salt after the appearance golden brown, and even better - already on a plate. How best to do it is up to you, in accordance with personal taste preferences.

What dish is used to cook a steak

You can quickly and tasty cook a steak in the oven, the Josper charcoal grill, on the open grill and in the grill pan, in which the meat does not burn and acquires an appetizing pattern. Fat, flowing into the hollows of the pan, is not absorbed into the meat, and the dish turns out to be dietary. But after the oven, the meat is always juicier and softer, because it is cooked not only due to the high temperature emanating from a metal dish or grill, but also due to the enveloping heat. If you are using a regular frying pan, it should be with a thick bottom, although it is believed that the steak is not cooked in ordinary pans and in a slow cooker - only a grill is suitable for this purpose.

The grill pan or oven should be as hot as possible before frying, and oil can be used both butter and vegetable. However, if you are using butter, do not overheat the pan. In this regard, frying with vegetable oil has its advantages, since it has a higher combustion temperature. Some cooks mix two types of oil for best results, however perfect option- cooking steaks in ghee, which does not burn and has a mild taste. By the way, ribeye steak, which is universal, is most suitable for frying in a pan. The fatty layer in the meat pulp melts quickly, soaking the steak and making it very juicy, tender and tasty.

How to cook a delicious steak: fry quickly

The main rule for cooking a steak is to first fry it very quickly in a hot frying pan to a crust, and then bring it to readiness over a slower fire. The fact is that protein coagulates under the influence of high temperature and does not allow the juice to flow out of the meat. Some cooks dry the steak for an hour in the oven at a temperature of 60 ° C before frying, as the dried meat instantly gives a dense golden brown when frying. If you neglect this rule, the steak will turn out dry and tough. At the same time, do not forget to also fry the side edges of the steak, holding it with meat tongs for convenience. The steak, closed on all sides with a dense crust, will be perfectly fried and remain juicy. This is one of the main tricks of cooking a steak. Don't overheat and let the pan get to the point where it starts to smoke, because if the steak burns, you won't be able to continue frying and it will come out raw.

How long to fry a steak, how to flip

A steak about 3 cm thick is fried on each side for 4-5 minutes, and if you have pieces of meat of a different size, then add or subtract one minute for each centimeter. How to cook a steak - turn it often or rarely? This is one of the most frequently asked questions by beginner cooks. There are two options here - either turn over every 30 seconds (of course, after the initial frying), or change the position of the steak no more than 4 times during the entire time. In the first case, you will get an evenly fried and not overdried steak, in the second case, the steak will turn out to be very beautiful, with a pattern from a grill pan or a grill.

It helps a lot in roasting and cutting pieces across the fibers. Heat flows through the meat, continuing to heat it even after the steak is removed from the heat. That is why there is no need to fry the steak for a long time - it will reach readiness in your plate. However, if you are afraid to serve raw meat on the table, cook the steak for about 15 minutes, but no more, so that the beef does not lose its tenderness and juiciness.

Determining the degree of steak cooking

There are six degrees of doneness, the choice of which depends solely on your personal tastes. When roasting blue, the steak is obtained with blood, rar is a very lightly fried steak, but already without blood. Medium rare steak - lightly fried meat: there is a crust on the outside, the meat is only heated inside. Steak medium - the average degree of roasting, when the meat is pink in the middle, but still damp. Medium well steak - perfectly done, with pinkish meat and well done - a very deep fried steak, perfectly cooked.

Experienced cooks can determine the degree of doneness visually, but this method requires a lot of experience and skill. You can do it easier - slightly cut the meat and look at its color inside, or press the piece with your finger - a raw steak is usually soft, and the finished piece becomes hard and dense. If you don't trust how you feel, you can cook by time - rare steak cooks for 2 minutes on each side, 2.5 minutes is enough for light-rare, 3 minutes for medium-rare, and 4.5 minutes for a well-done steak. each side.

If you have a food thermometer in the form of a needle, the task is made easier - it is enough to measure the temperature of the steak to understand at what stage of readiness the meat is. Blue steak is ready at 46-49 °C, rar - at 52-55 °C, medium rare - at 55-60 °C, medium - at 60-65 °C, medium well - at 65-69 °C, well done - at 71–100 °C. If the meat is heated above 100°C, the steak is overcooked.

"Relax" and steak tasting

An important secret to cooking a steak is to give it a "rest" and recover from intense frying. To do this, put a piece on the steak butter, cover it loosely with foil and leave for 10 minutes. The longer the steak “rests”, the tastier, more aromatic and tender it will turn out. Do not rush to taste, because when frying, the meat fibers tighten and slightly shrink, but gradually they relax, and the juice is evenly distributed inside the steak. In other words, “rested” meat after heat treatment is always softer than meat that has just been removed from the fire. The steak can be served whole or cut into slices, on a warm plate with any sauce, stir-fried vegetables cooked in the same pan, with fried potatoes, vegetable salad and greenery.

Steak marinated with tequila and lime

This Latin American steak will add variety to your daily diet and cheer you up. Make a marinade with 3 tbsp. l. tequila, 3 tbsp. l. olive oil, 2 tbsp. l. lime juice, 2 drops of tabasco sauce, 4 garlic cloves, finely chopped and 1 small onion. Marinate the beef steaks for 2 hours, after placing the dishes with the marinade in the refrigerator, and after 1 hour the meat should be turned over.

Half an hour before frying, turn on the grill, remove the steaks from the marinade, dry them well, rub with pepper and salt. Grill the steaks for 3-4 minutes on each side and let them rest for 10 minutes before cutting them across the grain into thin slices.

Spices from the branded online store "Eat at Home"

On the site "Eat at Home" published various recipes meat steaks with photos and step by step instructions. When you master the art of cooking meat steaks, you will learn how to choose beef in the market, and you will determine the degree of readiness of meat by eye. Of course, there is much to be learned up to this point, but the most simple recipes can be mastered right now, delighting loved ones with tender and juicy steaks, with which life seems more fun and tastier. Well, from the company store "Eat at Home" they will add a brightness of taste to your dishes!

Steak. Steak is a meat dish that is prepared from certain parts of the carcass of young bulls of certain breeds (Hereford, Angus, etc.).

Most people mistakenly believe that a steak is whole piece any fried meat. This is far from true. In fact, steaks are cooked from best parts animal. At the same time, no more than 10% of the entire carcass is suitable for cooking. Therefore, the first step for correct and delicious steak- choice suitable meat.

For cooking steaks, they take the subscapular part of the carcass (where there are a lot of fatty veins), the lumbar part of the back in the region of the thick edge, the head part of the tenderloin, the thick edge of the middle part of the tenderloin, and some others. Depending on the part used, the steaks receive additional names. For example, a roundrum steak is prepared from the top piece of the thigh, a filet mignon is made from a cut of the central part of the fillet, etc.

Steak meat should be red or dark red. It is worth checking the meat with your finger, pressing on a piece. If after pressing a hole is formed, which then returns to its original position, the meat can be taken. If you press hard enough, the steak will come out tough, if the hole does not straighten out, the meat is most likely stale and also does not fit.

Despite being considered a classic beef steak, the dish can also be prepared from other types of meat (for example, veal, pork, etc.), as well as fish.

Before you cook, you should decide on the degree of roasting - whether you like raw meat or steak with blood, meat of medium, strong friedness or whole and completely fried.

Meat for a steak is important to properly prepare: clean from films, tendons. Next, cut off a piece of medium thickness at least 7 centimeters in length. A piece is cut in the central part of the side where the longitudinal fibers are located (up to the middle of the thickness). Finally, the meat is opened with a “butterfly” - transverse notch fibers should appear at the top. This allows the meat to cook better.

The steak is marinated from 12 to 48 hours. Traditional marinade is considered a mixture of wine vinegar, vegetable oil, soy sauce, spices and salt. Grill steaks on pans and electric grills.

The meat is spread on a hot surface, fried on both sides for a minute, and then cooked to the desired degree of doneness.

It is strongly not recommended to determine the readiness with a fork - the juice will flow out and the meat will turn out dry. If such a check is necessary, it is better to cut a piece in the middle (quite a bit). Allowing the meat to stand under the lid, turning off the heat, you allow the juice to be distributed as evenly as possible over the piece.

Cook perfect at home juicy steak“Like in a restaurant” is the cherished dream of many hostesses.

However, after several unsuccessful experiments with the preparation of "rubber soles" instead of soft pink meat, it is so easy to despair and abandon this venture forever. But all you need to do is take the advice of professionals and take into account all the subtleties.

How to choose meat for a steak

And today we figure out together how to properly fry a delicious steak. From buying meat to choosing seasonings, we take into account all the nuances.

  • Choose aged meat. Many people mistakenly believe that steak meat must be fresh. However, this is not entirely true: in order for the steak to turn out soft and juicy, the meat must be aged. The fact is that the muscle in the piece taken straight after slaughter is not relaxed, and the steak will turn out to be tough.
  • Focus on the date of slaughter.When buying meat in a supermarket, be guided not by the date of packaging, but by the date of slaughter, which should also be indicated. The ideal steak will come from a piece aged for more than 20-25 days after slaughter. You can also check the maturity of the meat by simply pressing a piece with your finger: if at first an indentation formed, which then quickly returned to its place, then such a cut is suitable for cooking a steak.
  • Consider the type of future steak. The most popular types of cuts for steaks are filet mignon, tee-bone and ribeye. Choose vacuum-packed meat or visit the butcher - they will give you competent advice and help you make the right choice.

  • Pay attention to the thickness. A good steak is obtained from pieces no thinner than 2.5 centimeters. And for cooking perfect fillet minion from tenderloin, which is served in the form of "hemp", pieces should be chosen with a thickness of 5 centimeters or more.
  • Examine fibers and body fat. The thicker the muscle fibers on a piece of meat, the tougher the steak will end up. Our choice - thin, dense fibers.
    As for fat, what is the best way to buy meat with thin layers of white color, which will melt during cooking and give the steak juiciness and tenderness.

General recommendations for preparing a juicy steak

Mastering the art of cooking juicy and mouth-watering steaks is easy. The main thing is to clearly follow a number of rules and remember the difficulties that both beginners and regulars in the kitchen may encounter.

  • Steak should be cooked only from fresh, chilled meat. If the steak was frozen, then leave it in the refrigerator overnight.
  • The meat is usually brought to room temperature before frying. Before frying, the meat must be "warmed up" with room temperature within 1-2 hours. Thus, you will not only achieve uniform frying, but also be able to more easily control its degree.

  • Control the dryness of the meat. In order not to smoke the entire kitchen and evenly fry the steak, the surface of the meat must be perfectly dry. Wipe the meat dry before starting the cooking process.
  • Use kitchen paper towels for this and never wash the meat before cooking.
  • The width of the meat is also very important. Ideally, this is a piece from 2.5 to 4 centimeters.
  • If you cut the meat yourself and at home, then you should remember one simple rule: cut it strictly across the fibers.
  • Do not cook too many pieces at once. No more than 2 steaks should be laid out in 1 pan, otherwise the surface temperature will drop sharply, and the meat will begin to release juice instead of forming a golden crust.
    The result is a cooked rather than juicy steak.
  • Season the meat well. When it comes to spices, there is absolutely no need to be shy, because in many ways the very taste of a restaurant steak is due to a generous amount of salt and pepper.
    Just before putting the pieces of meat in a preheated pan, generously pepper them and salt them on 2 sides, and then proceed to frying.

You can make seasoning from salt, water, spices, lemon juice and rosemary. Pour the steaks right on the grill.

  • Best for steak use a heavy skillet or grill pan. With their help, it will be easier for you to control the temperature and the frying process as a whole.
    cook perfect steak“with stripes” can be done with a cast-iron ribbed grill pan. Dry it and heat it well until a light haze appears. It is better to fry the steak itself without oil, otherwise the whole kitchen will be covered with smoke.
  • If the pan is not cast iron, then it is important to properly heat the pan. She should be very hot, but not smoking. Otherwise, the meat will burn on the outside before it has time to cook inside. The steak should sizzle as it touches the surface of the pan.
  • It is better to start frying meat at high temperatures, and then move to lower ones. This will ensure uniform frying and will not allow the meat to lose taste and color.
    When frying, protein - primarily on the surface of a piece of meat - curls up and blocks the exit of liquid. Therefore, at first the meat is quickly fried at a high temperature, and then brought to a condition at a lower one.
  • Usually, medium-rare steak should be cooked on each side for 4 minutes.
    Meat with blood requires 1-3 minutes.
    A full-rare steak is fried for 3 minutes on each side over high heat, and then brought to full readiness for 6-8 minutes.
    However, you should still carefully monitor the meat, because the cooking time can vary depending on a number of factors. When the steak reaches a temperature of 40 ° C, the proteins begin to break down, then, after 50 ° C, the collagen shrinks, at 70 ° C the meat stops holding oxygen and turns gray. Slicing across the fibers ensures that high temperature currents pass through the piece of meat. After the steak is removed from the heat, it continues to heat up from the inside.

  • The steak can be turned frequently. This will ensure even roasting, and the edges of the steak do not dry out with this technique. If you decide to turn it rarely, only 2-4 times during the cooking process, then the final result will be a beautiful lattice pattern. However, only if you are cooking a steak on a grill pan.
  • And if you want to get beautiful mesh on the surface of the steak, fry the piece first for 1.5 minutes, then turn it 90 degrees and hold it in the pan for another 30-45 seconds. Then do the same procedure with the other side.
  • Forget about forks. To prevent the juice from flowing out of our ideal steak, it should be turned over exclusively with culinary tongs, and not with a fork.
  • You can check the readiness of the steak with your fingers. To do this, just press lightly on the steak with your fingertip. A steak with blood is soft and pliable to the touch; well-done - firm; the average degree of roasting is something in between the two previous options.
  • Bring the steak to readiness. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees and after you brown the steak on both sides, use tongs to place the meat in a baking dish. Cover with foil and bake for 10-12 minutes for filet mignon or 7-8 minutes for flat steaks.
  • Take the meat out of the oven and without removing the foil, hold 10-15 minutes at room temperature then serve.
    You should not neglect this rule, because this is the only way to get a really juicy, mouth-watering and tasty dinner.
  • Steak is best served on warm plates. Knives must be sharply sharpened.

  • For more details see

Types of steaks

Knowing the types of steaks, you can, firstly, choose meat to your taste, and secondly, be known as a connoisseur and gourmet.

  • rib steak- prepared from the subscapular part of the carcass
  • ribeye steak- Best suited for pan cooking. He is universal. The name comes from two English words rib-eye, i.e. "rib" and "eye". The rib is the place where the cut comes from, and the eye is the shape of its cross section, which is also inherited by rib-eye steaks. The abundance of fatty layers (the same marbling of meat) melts quickly when frying, making Ribeye the juiciest and most unpretentious in cooking of all steaks.
  • club steak- prepared from a section of the thick edge of the longest back muscle
  • Striploin- prepared from the top of the sirloin
  • teebone steak- prepared from a piece on the border between the dorsal and lumbar parts, partly consists of filet mignon and striploin

  • Porterhouse steak- prepared from the lumbar part of the back
  • Sirloin steak- prepared from the lumbar part of the back near the head part of the tenderloin
  • Roundrumb steak- prepared from the top of the hip part
  • Fillet steak- prepared from the head of the tenderloin
  • Tornedos- prepared from small pieces of the thin edge of the central part

The degree of doneness of steaks

  • from 38°C blue, steak with blood
  • from 48°C rare, very lightly fried
  • from 52°С medium rare, lightly fried
  • from 58°С medium, normally fried
  • from 63°С medium well, deep fried
  • from 74°С well done, very deep fried

The degree of doneness of a steak can be roughly determined by first poking a finger into the meat, and then with a finger into the palm of the other hand.

The hand is relaxed, the muscle at the base of the thumb too - it will feel like raw meat to the touch, in steaks it blue, with blood.

Touch the tip of the thumb to the tip of the index finger - the muscle is tensed, its hardness resembles a degree of roasting rare.

By connecting the thumb and middle fingers, we get a feeling similar to a steak medium rare.

When the thumb touches the ring finger, the same muscle will be like a degree steak in density and elasticity. medium or medium done.

Connected thumb and little finger will make the same muscle turn into a kind of steak well done.

Attention! Biting your hand when checking is strongly discouraged :o)

5 interesting steak recipes

Let's hone our skills together. I offer you 5 interesting recipes steaks that must be cooked.

1. Steak with teriyaki sauce

In Japan, teriyaki is not understood by oneself sweet sauce, and the method of frying dishes in it. The sugar contained in this sauce caramelizes and gives the dish a special taste and shine. V traditional recipe For sweet sauces, the ingredients are soy sauce, sugar, and mirin (sweet rice wine) or sake. This cooking method is great for fish and meat dishes, including for steaks.


  • Beef steak - 1 kg
  • Leek - 2-3 pcs.
  • Soy sauce- 1/2 cup
  • Water - 1/4 cup
  • Brown sugar - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • Mirin or sake - 2.5 tbsp. l.
  • Chopped garlic - 2 tsp
  • Chopped ginger - 1 tsp
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sesame oil - 1/2 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Mix all ingredients except meat. Marinate the steak overnight in the mixture.
  2. Heat up the pan. Remove the marinade from the steak and fry for 4 minutes on each side until medium rare.

2. Pork steak with lavender and rosemary

Though traditional option meat for steak is considered beef, sometimes you can go against the rules. Especially when it comes to pork steak with lavender and rosemary. This is a steak option for real aesthetes and connoisseurs of spices.

Lavender and rosemary will enhance the taste pork steak and give the dish a special piquancy. In addition, they are also very beneficial for health. So, lavender has an antiseptic, soothing and antispasmodic effect, and rosemary has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular, digestive and nervous systems.


  • Pork steak - -4 pcs.
  • Olive oil - 1/2 cup
  • Lavender - 4 sprigs
  • Rosemary - 3 sprigs
  • Ground black pepper - 1/2 tsp
  • Salt - 1/2 tsp
  • Lemon peel - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. Spices can be prepared in a day. Place sprigs of lavender and rosemary between two leaves parchment paper. Press down with a frying pan or roll out with a rolling pin. This will help activate essential oils. Pour the spices into a saucepan and pour over the olive oil. Cook over low heat for 5 minutes and then let cool completely.
  2. Mix the resulting mixture with the remaining spices and marinate the pork for 20 minutes.
  3. Grill the steak for 10-15 minutes on each side. You can also cook a steak in the oven: 30-40 minutes at 180 degrees, depending on the thickness of the piece.

3. Filet Mignon with Blue Cheese

Even the pickiest gourmet will love this dinner. If during the difficult times of sanctions you managed to get a package blue cheese in a foreign land, and at home there is a solemn occasion for which you need to gather guests, then this recipe is for you. You can collect all conceivable and unthinkable compliments and increase your culinary self-esteem by preparing filet mignon.


  • Tenderloin steak (filet mignon) - 4 pcs.
  • Olive oil - 1/4 cup
  • Balsamic vinegar - 1/4 cup
  • Mustard - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Dried thyme - 1.5 tsp
  • dried rosemary- 1.5 tsp
  • Thinly sliced ​​onion - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Blue cheese - 150 g
  • Salt - to taste
  • Pepper - to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Mix olive oil, rosemary, cumin, mustard and balsamic vinegar. Rub the steaks with salt and pepper on both sides and then pour over the mixture. Leave to marinate for at least 30 minutes.
  2. While the meat is marinating, prepare the onion. Heat a frying pan over medium heat, pre-greased with oil. Fry the onion until it becomes transparent and soft. Add sugar. Fry until the onion is golden brown and caramelized. Set aside.
  3. Fry the steaks for a few minutes over high heat. Then turn on medium power and fry for another 9 minutes, periodically turning over.
  4. After this time, cover the steaks with onion and finely chopped blue cheese, turn off the heat, cover and leave for 2-3 minutes.

4. Salmon steak with lime and mustard

Salmon has a very delicate, mild flavor and is delicious on its own. Therefore, salmon steak is a great dinner, and a quick one too.


  • Lemon juice - 3 pcs.
  • Lemon peel - 3 pcs.
  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Dijon mustard - 2.5 tsp
  • Chopped garlic - 1 clove
  • Red ground pepper- 1/4 tsp
  • Dried thyme - 1/4 tsp
  • Black pepper - a pinch
  • Salmon steak - 4 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Place all ingredients, except fish, in a bowl and mix well.
  2. Marinate the fish and leave in the refrigerator for an hour.
  3. Heat a skillet over medium heat and rub with olive oil for frying.
  4. Fry the steak for 5-10 minutes on each side, depending on the thickness of the piece. In the process of frying, you can pour the remaining marinade on top.

5. Cuban ribeye steak

In a material about steaks, one cannot do without the iconic ribeye. This is the most juicy and delicious meat that only exists in the world. Ribeye is prepared from the rib part of beef. It will be great to diversify the usual recipe with Latin American burning notes, which are designed to warm in the first spring cold.

By the way, a nice bonus: this steak is almost impossible to cook incorrectly, because there are options for varying degrees of roasting, but the meat remains just as juicy. However, this option should still be reserved for a special occasion, because ribeye is not a cheap pleasure.


  • Ground cumin - 1/2 tsp
  • Freshly squeezed orange juice - 1/2 cup
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Lemon juice - 1 pc.
  • Lemon peel - 1 pc.
  • Oregano - 1/2 tsp
  • Ribeye steak - 4 pcs.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Pepper - to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Mix all dry ingredients with orange juice as well as lemon juice and zest. Leave the steak to marinate in the refrigerator. Time can vary: from one hour to the whole night.
  2. Take out the pieces of meat and clean them from the marinade.
  3. Grill the steak for 7 minutes on each side. It should turn pink in the center and crispy, juicy on the sides.
  4. Don't cut the meat right away. After removing from the stove, leave it to lie down for 5-10 minutes.
    Sourced from

Bon Appetit!

PS. Professional chefs claim that steak meat can only be beef. Pork, turkey, fish are also grilled, but they are not called steak.
This expensive dish, because only 5-7% of meat from the whole carcass is suitable for them

For a steak, marbled Australian beef is best. You can either buy a whole cut and cut it yourself, or purchase already cut steaks.

Think frying a steak is an art? Not at all. You just need to know the basic subtleties of cooking a steak. What exactly - says Petya Pavlovich, the butcher of the Yunost restaurant and just a cool meat specialist.

Petya Pavlovich went from a Rambler programmer to a project manager at Rambler-Afisha. But then he decided to radically change his life. Now Petya is the butcher of the Moscow cafe Yunost, and he knows everything about meat: where it comes from, how to cook it and how to eat it. Petya shared with us the secrets of cooking the perfect steak.

Choice of meat for steak plays important role. Meat should be soft enough, therefore, most often the dorsal-lumbar part is chosen for cooking a steak. Steaks from it will be good even from beef of not the best quality.

For cooking good steak meat must be aged. With beef: the longer it is aged, the better. It will taste better.

Advice: if you want to age portioned steaks, sprinkle them with plain table salt(salt on all sides), then put on a wire rack in the refrigerator (without covering with anything) and hold them there for two to three days. Salt will draw moisture from the outer layer of meat, in the refrigerator this layer will dry out a little, which will play into your hands when you cook the steak - when frying, the crust will form faster. The salt will also inhibit the development of bacteria and mold on the surface of the meat. And finally, during these two or three days, fermentation will begin to do its job - the steaks will lose some of the moisture. Aged steaks do not look very appetizing on the outside - the outer layer wilts and darkens. But do not worry, inside they do not lose their juiciness. Please note that this express method only works with small portioned steaks. Well, when aging meat, you should not store odorous foods in the refrigerator - steaks do not need undesirable aroma.

Before roast steak must be dried napkin or cloth. Visible moisture should not remain on the surface.

You need to salt the steak immediately before putting it on the pan or grill, or already in the process of frying.

Fry the steak in a pan or on the grill. Main condition - fry briefly and over high heat. The frying pan with oil must be heated in advance, the coals on the grill should be heated, and only after that put the meat. The most common myth about steak is that the initial frying "seals" the juices inside the steak, and supposedly then you can fry it as much as you like - the juice will not leak out. In fact, frying does not prevent moisture from escaping from the meat. The hiss that accompanies the stay of the steak in the pan is nothing more than the sound of instantaneous evaporation of water coming out of the meat. The amount of moisture that escapes depends on the temperature to which the steak is brought inside, and on the time it spends in this state. Hence the advice - fry the steak quickly and to a medium degree of roasting.

Turn the steak frequently. After the initial frying - once a minute. So it will cook evenly and quickly. But if the task is to make a “lattice” from the traces of the grill, then you will have to turn it over only three times.

Objectively The only way to assess the readiness of a steak is with a kitchen thermometer. High accuracy in measurement is important, since the difference between the degrees of readiness is no more than 5 degrees. The ideal core temperature for a steak is around 55°C (regardless of whether you are grilling beef, pork or lamb). If you didn’t have a thermometer at hand, then “cutting to check readiness” is also possible. True, this method of determining readiness is unreliable - the color of raw and finished meat can vary greatly depending on what kind of meat you are frying. Moreover, different muscles, even within the same steak, may differ in color.

If the steak is so thick that it is still raw inside after crusting, it must be removed from high heat and bring to readiness in more gentle conditions. For example, wrap in foil and move away from the coals in the case of a grill, or put the pan in a preheated oven.

When a few degrees remain to the desired temperature inside the steak, it must be remove from fire and let it lie down for a few minutes on a plate or on a cutting board - the steak will reach readiness due to the heat already imparted to it. Also during this time, the fibers of the steak will relax and stop plentifully "squeezing" the juice (if you start cutting the steak immediately after removing it from the heat, too much moisture will flow out).

One of my favorite dishes that I like to cook for myself is grilled steak. Cooking the right steak is not an easy process. But I have improved my recipe over and over again. This step-by-step instruction explains in detail how to cook a beef steak at home in a pan.

This guide is intended for people with experience in cooking. For those who do not feel comfortable in the kitchen, it is better not to take on this dish. Cooking the perfect steak is a very precise and time sensitive process. But you can easily cope with this if you prepare everything correctly and follow my instructions.

Stage 1: Equipment and ingredients

Here is a list of what you will need to cook a steak


  • plate
  • one pan, according to the size of your steak
  • forceps
  • plate
  • timer clock


  • one steak
  • Olive oil
  • Butter
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Fresh garlic (or dried)

Stage 2: Buying a steak

The first thing to do is find the right steak to cook. To do this, it is better to go to a place with a large selection of quality meat. In such places, the meat is usually a bit more expensive, but in my opinion it's worth it.

I took a 250 gram selected steak. It is small enough for one person and relatively inexpensive. Choose meat that looks appetizing to you! If funds permit, you can choose an even better steak, but this miniature piece will do just fine for the lesson.

When you go to the store, make sure you have the rest of the ingredients, such as olive oil, butter, salt, pepper, and garlic. There is a great option to buy some fresh cloves of garlic if you don't want to use garlic powder.

Stage 3: Meat preparation

When you get home you should let the meat warm up. In the store it was in the refrigerator, it is very cold there. Cooking a cold steak is not a good idea.

First, unpack the meat and let it rest on a plate. While it sits, use salt and pepper to season the steak. Sprinkle on all sides, do not spare seasonings.

Usually it takes 20 minutes for the meat to warm up, it all depends on the size of the piece and how much it was frozen. It is important to warm the meat well so that during cooking in the pan there is no cold middle.

While the steak is warming up, take your time and make sure all the other utensils and ingredients are ready. Place the skillet over high heat. Before it gets hot, pour in just enough olive oil to cover the bottom of the pan. You will need a lot more oil in the later stages of the process.

Stage 4: Grilling the steak

The next step is very important and can be dangerous. At this point, the pan should be very hot. You will use tongs to place the steak in the hot oil. There will be a lot of splashing at these high temperatures so be careful when flipping the steak.

After you have placed the steak in the pan, start the countdown, it should lie there for 1 minute. After one minute has passed, turn it over to the other side and leave it like that for another 1 minute.

After a minute has passed, turn the steak on its side to brown the edge. Keep it like that until the edge is colored the same way as the rest of the meat. Do this on both sides. Tilt the pan so that the oil accumulates on one side of the pan, which will make it easier to brown the edges of the steak. As in the photo above.

You should constantly turn the steak at 1-minute intervals until you feel that it is already well-seasoned. The total length of this step depends on your preferences and the thickness of your steak.
Now you are ready for the next step.

Step 5: Cooking the steak

At this stage, the steak is already browned on all sides and the meat juice is sealed inside. Saddle the stove quieter, medium heat.

It's time to cook the meat to the degree of roasting that you like. There is no exact cooking time, it depends on the thickness of the steak, the heat of the stove and other factors. You just have to check the meat often enough to make sure it's done or you need to keep it on the stove. For this tutorial, I cooked my medium rare steak, leaving a small pink part in the middle.

Now that the pan is not as hot, you still continue to flip the steak at 1-minute intervals.

It's time to add the garlic and oil. cut off good piece butter and place it in a frying pan generously flavoring it all with garlic. I used garlic powder as I didn't have fresh on hand. As you continue to flip the steak, let the meat soak up all of that blissful flavor. Keep in mind that I am describing how to make a perfect steak, not a healthy one.

I cooked this steak for only 8 minutes, turning every minute to get a medium rare. Again, I remind you that everything depends on the thickness of the piece and the cooking temperature, so I can’t guarantee you exactly the same result in 8 minutes.

Use tongs to check the meat. When you feel that a piece of meat has begun to thicken, this is probably a medium roast.
After you've cooked the steak in the pan for a sufficient amount of time, it's time to take it out and place it on a clean plate.

Stage 6: Take your time

Have you finished cooking the steak and are you about to eat it? PATIENCE!

Let the meat rest before slicing.

In order for the steak to turn out to be truly juicy, after cooking, the meat must be given a “rest”. If you cook a medium-rare steak and cut it right away, the juice will flood the entire cutting board. As a result, the meat will turn out less juicy, less aromatic and with an insufficiently rich taste.

Let the meat rest for 5 minutes. If you're so impatient, enjoy a bottle of beer to your liking for now (age permitting!).

Stage 7: Eat and Enjoy

You have been patient enough. You have waited 5 minutes. Now you can enjoy amazing taste homemade steak.

This steak does not require any sauces. The sauce will only destroy its natural flavor that you have created on your stove.

Stewed vegetables and cold beer will perfectly complement your meat masterpiece. Enjoy!