Lemon compote. How to cook lemon compote?

It seems that everyone has heard about such a healthy citrus fruit as lemon. It contains a lot essential vitamins, stabilizes the functioning of the body, and at the same time, decoctions from it are low-calorie, which is also important.

Lemon compote, the recipe for which involves the use of honey, will not only help raise the level of vitamins in your body, but also in the heat it can perfectly quench your thirst, and in the cold season it will be one of the most important and delicious medicines for a cold.

Lemon compote - recipe No. 1

Two ripe lemons;

4 liters of water;

3 tbsp. Sahara;

3 tbsp. l. honey

Lemons need to be washed very well (the peel does not need to be removed). Cut into thin slices, and the seeds must be removed.

Place the lemon slices in a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar and mash a little with a fork. Besides lemons, you can also use other citrus fruits. For example, grapefruit, orange, maniola. They are also enriched big amount vitamins and will be able to give your compote its unique fresh taste.

When all the citrus fruits are cut, you need to pour 4 liters of water into the pan and put it on the fire.

As soon as the lemon decoction boils, it can be removed from the stove. Wait until it cools down a bit and add 3 tablespoons of honey. Be sure to remember that honey cannot be added to boiling water, as it will begin to lose all its beneficial features and only water, sugar and glucose will remain. Vitamins simply evaporate. Honey should be added to lemon compote, only when the temperature drops to 40 degrees.

As soon as you add honey, you can cool the compote. All you have to do is wait a little and you can treat yourself to such useful and delicious drink. Remember that once you try this delicacy, you will never be able to refuse it again.

It is also worth knowing that when you have a cold (or when preventing it), it is advisable to use warm compote of lemon and honey, then there will be no trace of your illness. Drink lemon compote for your health!

Lemon compote - recipe No. 2

Ingredients for lemon compote:

Sugar 0.33 tbsp,

Mint 5 pcs,

Lemons 1 piece,

How to make lemon compote?

Before cooking lemon compote, you need to wash them thoroughly, preferably with laundry soap. And in order for all the bitterness to leave the peel, you just need to pour boiling water over them and hold in it for a couple of minutes. Next, you need to cut the lemons along with the peel into fairly large pieces. Separately, boil water and put our prepared lemons there. Cook them for 5-7 minutes, then add sugar and mint leaves. Cook for another 7 minutes, remove from the stove and infuse the finished compote. Serve the lemon compote chilled, after removing the lemon pieces and mint leaves.

Lemon compote - recipe No. 3

Ingredients for lemon compote:

1 kilogram of pumpkin,

800 grams of sugar,

2 lemons.

How to make lemon compote?

The pumpkin should be thoroughly washed, dried, peeled and seeded and cut into small cubes.

Pour boiling water over the lemons and rinse them cold water, dry and cut into slices.

Place the pumpkin and lemon in a saucepan, sprinkle them with sugar, cover with a lid and let it brew.

The pan should sit overnight before you put it on the stove. Then the contents must be brought to a boil and simmered over low heat for half an hour.

The finished compote should be removed from the heat, left to cool, transferred to a jar and put in the refrigerator.

Instead of one ingredient, you can add others to this drink: lemon, orange, apple, dried fruit or rhubarb. And vanilla and cinnamon will help make the treat more fragrant.

Lemon compote - recipe No. 4

Ingredients for lemon compote:

Lemon - 1 piece,

Orange - 1 piece,

Water - 4 liters,

Sugar - 3 tablespoons,

Honey - 3 tablespoons.

How to make lemon compote?

Wash the orange and lemon thoroughly, remove all seeds and cut into thin slices.

Place all the ingredients in a saucepan, add 3 tablespoons of sugar and crush them a little with a fork until they begin to release juice.

Add 4 liters to the pan with citrus fruits cold water, put on fire and boil.

After the compote has cooled to approximately 40 degrees, add 3 tablespoons of honey (if you put it directly into boiling water, all the beneficial properties will disappear bee product).

Allow the compote to cool and you can consume it.

Lemon compote - recipe No. 5

Ingredients for lemon compote:

Apples - 3 kg,

Lemon - 1 pc.,

Water - 1.5 l,

Sugar - 350 g.

How to make lemon compote?

Small apples can be used whole; large ones can be cut into 4 pieces and cored. During processing, keep the sliced ​​apples in acidified water to prevent them from darkening. Cut the lemon into slices. Dissolve sugar in boiling water, boil the syrup for 2-3 minutes. Place the prepared apples and lemon slices in jars, pour hot syrup, cover with a lid, sterilize for 8 minutes, and roll up.

Compote is a drink that is considered dessert product. It is consumed both hot and cold. To prepare this infusion they use different berries and fruits in any combination. One option is lemon compote. There are real legends about its properties. That is why this product is of great interest to many housewives.

Fragrant coolness

In Russia, they have known about compotes for a long time. True, then this product was called differently - uzvar. It was prepared from dried fruits and served on Christmas Eve. festive table. Over time, people began to perceive it as a pleasant soft drink, and a little later they learned to see the benefits in it. With the appearance of exotic fruits on store shelves, lemon compote became very popular. This low-calorie, fortified product helped improve health for some, and was an ideal thirst quencher for others.

Making lemon compote is very simple. To do this you just need:

120 grams of sugar and 1 large lemon per 3 liters of water.

The process consists of the following steps:

  1. First, you need to wash the fruit, cut it in half, and then squeeze the juice out of it.
  2. Place the remaining peel into a saucepan, cover it with cold water, bring to a boil and cook for a couple of minutes.
  3. At this time, heat the sugar in a dry frying pan until it begins to change color and melt.
  4. After this, the resulting liquid must be poured into a saucepan and stirred well.
  5. Add juice and taste to see if the product is sweet enough. If necessary, sugar can be added without pre-processing.

After this, the prepared infusion must be cooled. Lemon compote will be a real salvation in any heat, and will also help restore strength after a hard day.

Vitamins for future use

In order to always have a unique remedy at hand, enterprising housewives try to prepare lemon compote for the winter. It can be done different ways, but recently for some reason the option where zucchini is used together with citrus has become very popular. Many claim that the resulting product smells like pineapple.

You only need 4 ingredients to work:

3 lemons, 2 liters of water, as well as half a kilogram of sugar and fresh zucchini.

To prepare the product you need to take several steps:

  1. First, the fruits must be prepared. You need to cut the zest from the lemon. True, if someone likes a more tart infusion, then this may not be necessary. Cut the remaining fruit into slices. The zucchini must be peeled and all the seeds and fibers removed from it. The remaining pulp should be cut into medium-sized cubes.
  2. Prepare syrup from water and sugar.
  3. Place the crushed products in jars.
  4. Pour hot sweet solution over them and roll up.

After this, the sealed jars need to be turned upside down, wait for them to cool completely, and then store them in a cool place.

Citrus delight

Lemons will be a real feast of taste. After all, the pulp of both fruits contains double the amount of vitamins, pectin substances, antioxidants and other components beneficial to the human body.

It is not difficult to prepare such a product. You only need: 3 oranges for 2 lemons, a couple of liters of water and 1.5-2.0 kilograms of sugar.

The method of preparing the drink is very similar to the previous options:

  1. First, the fruits must be peeled.
  2. After this, they must be doused with boiling water and then rinsed with cold water.
  3. Carefully cut the pulp into circles and remove all the seeds.
  4. Place them in a saucepan and cover with sugar.
  5. Stir the ingredients, being careful not to damage the citrus slices.
  6. Pour boiling water over the contents of the pan, put it on the stove and wait until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  7. Close the container with a lid, remove from heat and wait until the product cools completely.

During this time, the drink will have time to brew well. Before eating, it is advisable to strain it so that pieces of pulp do not interfere with your enjoyment.

With added berries

In order to prepare some original lemon compote, the recipe can be supplemented with any berries or fruits. The drink is good in any combination. For example, you can consider an option where the following set of products is used: per liter of water 100 grams of sugar, 25 grams of lemon pulp and 200 grams of strawberries.

This compote is prepared as follows:

  1. The berries must first be sorted and the stem and leaves removed from each of them.
  2. After this, the fruits should be washed, cut in half and placed in a pan of cold water.
  3. Add lemon rings about ½ centimeter thick.
  4. Place the pan on the stove and bring the contents to a boil. Cook over low heat for 15 minutes.
  5. When finished, cover the container with a lid and let the product brew.

The drink is best consumed chilled. If desired, in extreme heat you can even add a few ice cubes. The unique aroma of strawberries makes the taste especially pleasant, and the slight sourness of lemon gives finished product long-awaited freshness.

Our distant ancestors brewed compotes in Rus', and they were called “brews” from the verb “brew.”

Everyone knows that oranges and lemons are record holders for vitamin C content.

Therefore, citrus drinks have always been popular.

In addition to their benefits, oranges and lemons have a pleasant aroma and taste.

Orange and lemon compote - basic principles of preparation

Juices and lemonades are made from oranges and lemons, but not many people know what can be made from these citrus fruits delicious compote. Lemons and oranges available all year round, so compote can be cooked at any time.

Citrus fruits are washed, cut into slices or slices and seeds removed. Then they are placed in a saucepan, sugar is added and lightly kneaded so that they release the juice.

The contents are filled with clean water and put on fire. The compote is brought to a boil and removed from the heat. The mixture is cooled until warm and filtered. It is poured into a decanter and cooled completely.

Compotes of oranges and lemons are also cooked with the addition of herbs, fruits and berries.

Sugar in compote can be replaced with honey.

In winter, this compote can be drunk hot, and in summer as a soft drink.

Recipe 1. Lemon and orange compote with honey


    75 ml honey;

  • 75 g sugar;

    4 liters of clean water;


Cooking method

1. Rinse the lemon and orange under the tap. Cut it into thin circles and remove all the seeds.

2. Place the sliced ​​citrus fruits in a saucepan, add sugar and crush lightly with a fork to release some juice.

3. Fill the contents of the pan with clean water and place on fire. Boil it.

4. When the compote has cooled to a warm state, add honey to it and mix thoroughly until it is completely dissolved.

5. Cool the compote completely before using.

Recipe 2. Compote of oranges and apples


    two liters of filtered water;

    1 g dry ground ginger;

    330 g oranges;

    140 g sugar;

    300 g apples.

Cooking method

1. Wash the orange, wipe it and place it on the board. Cut it off sharp knife all the peel. Cut the pulp into thick circles.

2. Wash the apples, remove the core and seeds and cut into not too large slices.

3. Place a saucepan of water over medium heat and bring to a boil. Add sugar and stir until it is completely dissolved.

4. Place orange and apple slices in boiling water. Stir and wait until the contents boil again. Boil for a few minutes and remove the compote from the heat.

5. Cool the finished compote and pour into glasses.

Recipe 3. Lemon compote with dried apples and ginger in a slow cooker


    one and a half glasses of dried apples;

    a glass of sugar;

  • 15 g ginger root.

Cooking method

1. Dried apples sort through and wash thoroughly, especially if you purchased them at the market or store.

2. Rinse the lemon, wipe it and cut it into small pieces.

3. Take a piece of ginger root, peel it and chop it with a sharp knife or fine grater.

4. Place apples, ginger and lemon in a multicooker bowl. Sprinkle everything with sugar and pour warm water so that the compote boils faster.

5. Close the multicooker lid and the steam release valve. Activate the “Soup” or “Steam” mode. Cook the compote from the moment it boils for a quarter of an hour.

6. After completing the program, release the steam and leave in the “Warming” mode for half an hour. Take out a bowl of compote and strain it. Pour the compote into a jug and cool.

Recipe 4. Lemon and mint compote


    liter of filtered water;

  • a glass of sugar;

    a bunch of mint.

Cooking method

1. Wash the lemon thoroughly, put it in a deep cup and pour boiling water over it. Leave for a couple of minutes. We do this in order to get rid of bitterness.

2. Take out the lemon and cut it with a sharp knife in large pieces along with the peel.

3. Place a saucepan with purified water on the fire and bring to a boil. Place the lemon cut into pieces into boiling water. Cook the compote for five minutes and add sugar.

4. We tear off the leaves from the mint sprigs, wash them and add them to the compote. Continue cooking for another seven minutes and remove from heat. Cover the pan with a lid and leave to brew. Chilled compote and strain it. Pour into a jug and pour into glasses. Serve garnished with lemon slices.

Recipe 5. Orange-ginger compote


    7 cm piece of ginger root;

    three liters of purified water;

    four medium oranges;

    two cinnamon sticks;

    half a lemon;

    a cup of sugar;

    vanilla sugar - 20 g;

    star anise - two stars;

    allspice - seven peas.

Cooking method

1. Wash oranges and lemons. Peel the ginger root. Cut the citrus fruits together with the peel into discs, 6 mm thick, and then cut into quarters.

2. Cut the ginger into thin slices. Place quartered oranges, lemons and ginger slices into the pan. Add sugar to everything and mix thoroughly. Gently knead the mixture and leave for half an hour to release as much juice as possible.

3. Pour three liters of purified water into the pan and add spices, stir. Place the container on the stove and bring to a boil. Boil over low heat for about five minutes, remove the pan from the heat, cover with a lid and let the compote brew.

4. Strain and pour the compote into a jug. If you want to drink it hot, you can reheat it. Serve the compote by pouring it into glasses and garnishing with orange slices.

Recipe 6. Lemon compote with honey


  • clean water - four liters;

    sugar - 75 g;

    ripe lemons - two pcs.

Cooking method

1. Wash the lemons thoroughly. Cut them into thin circles, be sure to remove the seeds.

2. Place the lemon slices in a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar and lightly crush with a fork.

3. Fill the contents of the pan with four liters of purified water and put on fire.

4. When the lemon infusion boils, remove it from the heat. Cool until warm and add honey. Stir thoroughly until it is completely dissolved. Remember: never add honey to boiling water, otherwise it will lose its beneficial properties.

5. Cool the compote completely, strain and pour into glasses.

Recipe 7. Lemon and basil compote


    100 g sugar;

    two liters of water;

  • a bunch of purple basil.

Cooking method

1. Remove the leaves from the purple basil sprigs and wash them.

2. Rinse and wipe the lemon. Cut the basil and lemon into large pieces. Do not peel the lemon.

3. Place the lemon, cut into pieces and basil into the pan. The amount of sugar in the recipe allows you to get a drink with a slight sourness. If you want the compote to be sweet, add more sugar.

4. Fill the contents of the pan with purified water and put on fire. Bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes.

5. Strain the finished compote through a sieve and pour into a jug. The drink can be consumed both hot and chilled.

Recipe 8. Compote of oranges and gooseberries


    two and a half liters of clean water;

    gooseberries - two glasses;

    granulated sugar - two glasses;

    large orange.

Cooking method

1. Sort the gooseberries, wash them and tear off the stems. Transfer the prepared berries to a glass container.

2. Wash the orange with a brush and cut into slices without peeling. Add to gooseberries.

3. Boil water and pour it over the berries and citrus fruits. Cover with a lid and leave for about two hours.

4. Then pour the liquid into a saucepan, add sugar, stir and put on fire. Boil and pour the resulting syrup over the berries and oranges in the jar. Seal tightly with a tin lid.

5. Turn the jars over, cover with a blanket and leave until completely cool. Store in a cellar or pantry.

Recipe 9. Orange compote with pomegranate


    one and a half liters of purified water;

  • spices;

    150 g sugar;


Cooking method

1. Carefully cut the pomegranate peel and remove the seeds. Wash the orange, wipe it and cut off the peel with a sharp knife. Place the pomegranate seeds and sliced ​​orange into a saucepan.

2. Cover everything with sugar and add spices. Pour in water, stir and place on low heat. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 20 minutes.

3. Strain the finished compote, pour into a jug and cool. Pour into glasses and serve, garnished with orange slices.

Recipe 10. Lemon compote


  • clean water - three liters;

    three lemons.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the lemons thoroughly under the tap, cut, without peeling, into slices, one centimeter thick. Place on the bottom of the pan. Use a masher to help lemons release their juice faster.

2. Fill the lemons with clean water at the rate of one liter of liquid per lemon. Place the pan on the fire, bring to a boil and after a couple of minutes remove from the stove.

3. Add honey at the rate of a spoonful of honey per liter of clean water. Stir.

4. Cover the pan with a lid and leave for a couple of hours so that the lemon pulp settles to the bottom.

5. Now carefully strain and pour the compote into a jug. During the cooking process, you can add cloves, vanillin or fresh mint to the compote. This will make the compote taste more interesting.

Recipe 11. Compote of orange, lemon and apricots


    a glass of granulated sugar;

    20 ripe apricots;

    thin-skinned lemon;


Cooking method

1. Sort the apricots, rinse, break in half and remove the pits.

2. Wash the orange and lemon under running water with a brush. Cut them into small slices.

3. Wash the jars thoroughly, pour boiling water over them and wipe dry. Place lemon and orange slices on the bottom. Place apricots on top and sprinkle everything with sugar.

4. Fill the contents of the jars with boiling water to the very top. Seal them tightly tin lids and turn it over. Cover with a blanket and leave until completely cool. Then place the jars of compote in the cellar or pantry.

  • If you use peeled lemon in the compote, place it in boiling water for a couple of minutes to remove the bitterness.
  • Wash the orange and lemon thoroughly with a brush before cooking.
  • Be sure to remove pits from citrus fruits.
  • You can consume the compote either hot or after cooling it.

Refreshing - a storehouse of vitamin C, which perfectly strengthens immune system, increases appetite, lowers cholesterol, blood pressure, normalizes sleep and tones the entire body. This invigorating drink also quenches thirst, and on cold days it energizes and helps with colds!

Ingredients for making lemon compote:

  1. Purified water 3 liters
  2. Lemon 2 pieces (large)
  3. Sugar (sand) 1.5–2 cups

Products not suitable? Choose a similar recipe from others!


Glass (capacity 200 milliliters), kettle, stove, bowl, paper kitchen towels, kitchen knife, cutting board, saucepan with lid (capacity 4 liters), wooden kitchen spoon, fine mesh sieve, decanter.

Preparation of lemon compote:

Step 1: prepare the lemons.

First of all, warm up a full kettle of regular running water. In the meantime, thoroughly wash the lemons using a kitchen brush and place them in a deep plate or small bowl. After a few minutes, pour boiling water over the citruses and leave them like this for 2-3 minutes until the bitterness comes out. Then we dry it yellow fruits paper kitchen towels, place on a cutting board and remove the tops of each on both sides. We cut the main part of the lemons into rings, half rings or quarters up to 1 centimeter thick, place them in a deep pan and proceed to the next step.

Step 2: cook lemon compote.

Pour into a saucepan with chopped citrus fruits required quantity purified water and add granulated sugar there. We put everything on medium heat, after boiling, reduce its level to moderate and prepare the compote 15 minutes stirring occasionally with a wooden kitchen spoon.

Step 3: bring the compote to full readiness.

Once the drink has boiled allotted time using kitchen towel, remove it from the stove. Place the pan on the countertop, cover it with a lid so that a small gap remains, and let aromatic drink brew and cool until room temperature. Then we filter it through a fine mesh sieve into a deep, clean bowl or directly into a decanter, put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours and then serve it to the table.

Step 4: serve lemon compote.

Lemon compote is served chilled in a decanter or in portions in bowls, optionally adding rings, slices or slices of the same citrus and garnishing with mint sprigs.

This drink It is pleasant to savor at any time of the year, but it is especially tasty in the summer, when it is hot outside and you want something refreshing. Enjoy!
Bon appetit!

Very often the skins are removed from lemons; in this case, there is no need to steep them in boiling water;

It is better to regulate the amount of sugar according to taste; some people like sweeter drinks, while others like them less rich;

Sometimes during cooking, 3-4 stalks of mint are added to the pan with compote; this ingredient gives the drink a spicy and quite pleasant aroma.

Cooking compotes, like any dish, gives you the opportunity to show your creativity. Jam is made from zucchini and tomatoes, why not cook lemon compote, For example? This will be a great solution if you bought a lot of lemons, but they sit in the refrigerator for several days and are not in demand among family members. If you are constantly thirsty during the hot season, then lemon compote will come in handy. If you have already made compotes from everything you can, now it’s time to use lemon for this purpose.

Lemon compote recipe

  • lemons
  • sugar
  • cinnamon

Making lemon compote

Lemon can be peeled. But the peel adds additional flavor and some bitterness. I prefer using peeled lemons. You need to cut the lemons into at least two parts and throw them into boiling water. I stick to the 1:1 ratio.

IN three-liter saucepan I add three lemons of water. After boiling, you need to cook for about fifteen minutes. During this time, the lemon has time to completely boil down.

I add a glass of sugar to this amount of compote during the cooking process. Cinnamon lovers can complement the lemon flavor with cinnamon flavor, but I prefer to toss in mint leaves during the final stage of cooking. That's it, the lemon compote is ready!

To give an aesthetic appearance, it is advisable to remove the lemon and leaves from the compote before serving.